Mirjana Stakic - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Zbornici FFuP by Mirjana Stakic
Barbara Lomagistro, Facoltà di lingue e litterature straniere, Bari, Italia/И[алија; qроф. Qр Вал... more Barbara Lomagistro, Facoltà di lingue e litterature straniere, Bari, Italia/И[алија; qроф. Qр Валерий АнQреевич Мансуров, Инс[и[у[ за социолоnију РАН, qреQсеQник Руске асоцијације социолоnа, Москва, Россия/Русија; Qр МиоQраn Милин, саве[ник Румунске акаQемије наука -Темишварски оnранак, Темишвар, România/Румунија; qроф. Qр Энnелина Серnеевна Смирнова, инос[рани члан САНУ, Ка[еQра за ис[орију руске уме[нос[и МГУ им. Ломоносов, Россия/Русија; dr Wojciech Szczepański, Комисија за Балканис[ику Пољске акаQемије наука, Poznań, Polska/Пољска; prof. dr Gabriella Schubert, инос[рани члан САНУ, Инс[и[у[ за славис[ику, Филозофски факул[е[ Универзи[е[а "ФриQрих Шилер" у Јени, Deutschland/Немачка; Qоц. Qр АнQрей Ар[емович Тащиан, Ку‚анский nосуQарс[венный универси[е[, КрасноQар, Русија; qроф. Qр Све[лана Михайловна Толс[ая, инос[рани члан САНУ, Инс[и[у[ за славис[ику РАН, Москва, Россия/Русија; qроф. Qр Иван Чаро[а, инос[рани члан САНУ, Белоруски Qржавни универзи-[е[ у Минску, Беларусь/Белорусија.
Papers by Mirjana Stakic
Inovacije u nastavi
We point out the importance of working on the correct articulation of sounds and analyze the repr... more We point out the importance of working on the correct articulation of sounds and analyze the representation of orthoepy in the curricular contents for the subject Serbian Language in the lower grades of primary school. The results of the content analysis show that the importance of a continuous work on the correct articulation of sounds has not been recognized in the new curricula. The work on the pronunciation of sounds is included only in the curriculum for the first grade. A comparative analysis of the old (2004, 2005, 2006) and new curricula (2017, 2018, 2019) has shown that the reform rejected all the contents that continuously extended the work on the pronunciation of sounds until the fourth grade. The state of the pronunciation norm in practice, confirmed by the research results, indicates numerous problems of atypical articulation that is not organic in nature. Therefore, the pedagogical implications are that the changes of and/or additions to the content of orthoepy related...
Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta u Pristini
Various advantages and disadvantages of homework are discussed in the literature. The aim of this... more Various advantages and disadvantages of homework are discussed in the literature. The aim of this paper is to determine the advantages and disadvantages of homework practices in Serbian Language taught in junior grades of primary education. Implementation practices were examined from the standpoint of teachers with the aim of determining: the dynamics in assigning and reviewing homework; assessment methods and ways of communicating feedback; representation of different types of homework; and the evaluation of their contribution. The study was conducted in 2020 and 2021 on a sample of 123 teachers. The obtained results indicate that the homework practices in Serbian Language classes are characterized by the frequency and diversity of homework assignments, individualized approach, reviewing regularity, and positive perception of their contribution. However, the results also raise several important questions-excessive student workload, functionality of assessing homework as a learning ...
Megatrend revija
The aim of this paper is to determine the effects of the implementation of the program "Scho... more The aim of this paper is to determine the effects of the implementation of the program "School and the public" on the organization of the school system in the period of program implementation from 2009-2014. and the level of communication between the education system and the public. Methods: 694 respondents fulfilled the questionnaire for the training participants used in actual research, and prepared by the Institute for the Advancement of Education and Upbringing, intended exclusively for the Center for Professional Development of Employees. The collected data were processed by descriptive statistics in Microsoft Excel and the results obtained are presented in tables and graphs. Results: The fact that the large percentage of participants (more than 90%) spoke positively about the program speaks in favor of the claim that employees in education are aware of the need for personal training and engagement in communication processes between the educational institution and the...
Nastava i vaspitanje, 2021
This paper is based on a content analysis of the curriculum for the subject Serbian Language for ... more This paper is based on a content analysis of the curriculum for the subject Serbian Language for grades 1-4 of primary school, the purpose of which was to determine to what extent the elements of the curriculum regulating the teaching and learning of figures of speech in the first four grades of primary school are in accordance with contemporary insights into the learning abilities of children of this age, and into the importance of figures of speech for learning. An analysis of the content of the reformed curriculum has shown that the enabling of students to understand the role that figures of speech play in a literary work begins in the third grade of primary school, and that instruction only focuses on two figures, namely, simile and personification. The levels of knowledge specified in the syllabus outcomes include knowledge of the instruction content pertaining to these figures, understanding of this content and its application in the course of analyzing a literary work. Learni...
One of the novelties in the reformed Curriculum for the Fourth Grade of Primary School (2019) the... more One of the novelties in the reformed Curriculum for the Fourth Grade of Primary School (2019) the application of which will begin from 2021/2022 is the introduction of common linguistic expressions into the curriculum content and phraseological units into outcomes of the Serbian Language course. Although we are talking about the content of a single course, it marks a major step forward and lays the groundwork for methodological acquisition of phraseology in junior grades of primary school. Therefore, our paper provides specific methodological recommendations and know-how for introducing students to phraseologisms in junior grades of primary school, and points to the terminological inconsistency between concepts in the curriculum content, learning and instructions for didactic-methodological implementation of the curriculum outcomes that may bear upon the selection of language teaching material, thus putting fourth-graders in an unfavourable position when it comes to enriching their ...
Zbornik radova Uciteljskog fakulteta Prizren-Leposavic, 2015
When the government of the Republic of Serbia decided to introduce religious education into state... more When the government of the Republic of Serbia decided to introduce religious education into state schools in 2001, Serbia came into line with the neighbouring countries, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, where at the request of the dominant religious communities confessional religious education had been part of state school curricula ever since the disintegration of the former Yugoslavia in 1991. 2 In Serbia, religious education was introduced under chaotic circumstances, shortly after the democratic changes following 5 October 2000, to which it was directly linked. The previous regime of Slobodan Milošević had rejected all initiatives seeking the introduction of religious education into state schools, in spite of the numerous concessions and policy changes toward the church made since the disintegration of Yugoslavia. Confronted as it was by the numerous challenges of transition, the newly created ideological vacuum and the need to mitigate the radical nationalism that had marked Serbia in the 1990s, the new democratic government led by Zoran Ðindić decided to introduce religious education in a calculated scheming attempt to ensure the sympathy of the Serbian Orthodox Church (SOC). This decision provoked vehement reactions from the government's opponents, but its effects and consequences have not so far been the subject of any serious analysis. This paper is a pioneer venture in that direction. In the introductory part of my paper I survey the public debate that accompanied the introduction of religious education in Serbia. I then analyse the underpinning legislation and the relevant regulations. In the empirical part of my study I look into numerous components of religious education: the curricula and syllabi, the textbooks, the teachers' professional competence, practical problems related to the implementation of the programme in the schools, the (lack of) interest on the part of the students and the indirect discrimination provoked by the introduction of religious education. I pay particular attention to the rivalry between religious education and the other optional subject, civic education, this posing the most serious structural problem ensuing from the introduction of these two subjects. The educational reform that took place in Serbia in 2003 has left the model and the status of religious education in Serbia unchanged, and in deep discrepancy with the changes that religious education is undergoing in other European countries. Finally, I make recommendations as to how to improve religious education in Serbia within the existing legal framework, on the basis of the experience of other countries and the advances that have been made in religious pedagogy and didactics as well as in the understanding of the importance and the role of religious education in schools.
Zbornik radova Uciteljskog fakulteta Prizren-Leposavic, 2014
Апстракт: У раду истражујемо стилске карактеристике поетског језика књижевне прозе и настојимо да... more Апстракт: У раду истражујемо стилске карактеристике поетског језика књижевне прозе и настојимо да утврдимо специфичности које га разликују од стандардизоване употребе језика. На примерима из српске књижевности испитујемо особености поетског језика које се огледају на подручју лексике, у употреби стилских фигура и у специфичном односу према синтакси. Поетски језик одликује лексичко богатство и употреба, у естетске сврхе, локализама и дијалекатских речи, архаизама, историзама, неологизама, социолеката и позајмљеница, као и честа одступања од усвојеног модела књижевног језика кроз грађење слободне комбинаторике и уношење елемената говора ван усвојене језичке норме. Употреба и комбиновање великог броја стилских израза поетском језику даје фигуративност и изражајност, али стилске фигуре немају само улогу стилских украса, већ су и у функцији саопштавањa ауторове истине о човеку и свету који га окружује. У области синтаксе, препознатљивост и стилска маркираност поетског језика огледа се у облику, дужини и склопу реченице, као и у специфичним њеним интонацијским особеностима и ритмичности.
Godisnjak Pedagoskog fakulteta u Vranju, 2017
Мирјана СТАКИЋ Мирјана ЧУТОВИЋ Учитељски факултет у Ужицу Универзитет у Крагујевцу РОДИТЕЉИ КАО П... more Мирјана СТАКИЋ Мирјана ЧУТОВИЋ Учитељски факултет у Ужицу Универзитет у Крагујевцу РОДИТЕЉИ КАО ПАРТНЕРИ У БЛАГОВРЕМЕНОМ ПРЕПОЗНАВАЊУ ГОВОРНИХ ПОРЕМЕЋАЈА КОД ДЕЦЕ ПРЕДШКОЛСКОГ УЗРАСТА Сажетак: У раду се говори о начинима едуковања родитеља за благовремено препознавање говорних поремећаја код деце предшколског узраста. Многи родитељи добију прве информације о различитости свога детета од друге деце у групи тек од васпитача у предшколској установи, доводећи тако себе у незавидну ситуацију. Правовременим реаговањем и раним препознавањем говорних поремећаја повећaва се могућност њиховог ублажавања или чак потпуног уклањања, што омогућава детету да се несметано укључи у редовне образовне токове. Родитељи представљају партнере васпитачима и стручњацима који се баве превенцијом и лечењем говорних поремећаја деце у процесу пружања ране помоћи деци. Међутим, већина родитеља није довољно едукована да препозна проблем, а често и они сами прикривају уочени проблем у говору детета у нади да ће се он решити сам од себе, јер не желе да га признају ни себи ни околини. Аутори ће предочити родитељима алармантне сигнале које шаље дете са проблемима у говорном развоју и предложити могуће поступке у циљу њиховог ублажавања и делимичног или потпуног отклањања. Кључне речи: дете предшколског узраста, говорни развој, говорни поремећаји, едуковање родитеља, рано препознавање говорних поремећаја децe. Summary: This paper talks about how parents should be educated for early detection of speech disorders in preschool children. Many parents are first informed that their child differs from other children in the group by preschool teachers, thus putting themselves in the unenviable position. Timely intervention and early detection increases the possibility of mitigating or even completely curing speech disorders, which enables the child to participate in regular education without problems. Parents and professionals are partners in the process of providing help for the child. However, the situation when parents are trying to hide the perceived problem, hoping it will go away by itself, not wanting to admit it to themselves or their environment, is a serious problem. Authors will present alarming signals sent by children who have language development problems to conscientious parents and suggest possible procedures for mitigating or completely curing them.
Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta u Pristini, 2016
The paper investigates the stylistic features of narrative procedure in a psychological short sto... more The paper investigates the stylistic features of narrative procedure in a psychological short story in the context of its interpretation in the teaching of the Serbian language and literature. The narrative procedure in a psychological short story is characterized by the use of the first person in narrating, that is I form, an interior monologue and direct interior monologue, dreams, oversights and introspective. It is also characterized by a particular sentence structure, of often incomplete and elliptical form, used to express the conflicts going on in characters' inner sphere and verbal interaction between the characters. The narrative procedure applied in a psychological short story indicates that its plot is subdued to the internal psychological experiences. During the interpretation of a psychological short story students, through the interpretation of stylistic and narrative procedures, are directed and encouraged to discover complex and often hidden psychological mechani...
Vzgoja in izobraževanje predšolskih otrok prvega starostnega obdobja, 2022
The initial attitude in this paper argues that learning at preschool age should be characterised ... more The initial attitude in this paper argues that learning at preschool age should be characterised by a holistic approach which integrates different areas of knowledge. In this context, authors draw special attention to the importance of integrating language development and preschool mathematics education by means of literature for children. In the theoretical section, the authors define their goals-to determine the extent to which preschool teachers integrate language development and development of mathematical concepts, to learn which literary form is used most frequently as an integrative element and to determine the presence of integration in each content area of preschool mathematics education. Results show that preschool teachers most commonly integrate activities related to language development and mathematics, that the most frequently used integrative element is the prose and poetic text, and that literary content for children is commonly used as scaffolding to help children develop the concept of number and set.
Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta u Pristini, 2015
The interpretation of a literary work and the analysis of literary characters in the teaching of ... more The interpretation of a literary work and the analysis of literary characters in the teaching of literature at all levels of education is based on the interpretation of characters' relation to the rest of the depicted artistic theme of a literary text and the examination of artistic means which an author used to create and characterize them. To become able to interpret a literary work, a teacher practitioner has to possess theoretical knowledge of classification and numerous ways of characterization of literary characters. Theoretical and methodical literature describes plenty of methods of artistic characterization. Considering the importance to a practitioner of not only their theoretical knowledge, but also the ability of the practical application of this knowledge, we investigated what role and significance various methods of characterization have during the analysis of a literary text. The interpretation of a literary work requires a systematic and comprehensive approach in...
The paper deals with the role and significance of the sociological approach in modern interpretat... more The paper deals with the role and significance of the sociological approach in modern interpretation of literature in teaching practice. The approach is externally oriented since it interprets the complex structure of a literary text by the facts that come from the outside of its sign structure and can be applied when investigating the ideological orientation of the author and the influence of literature on the society, social content of a literary text and the language used. Analyzing the approach in a diachronic perspective we show that the cited characteristics have offered the possibilities of misuse, which resulted in the negligence of the aesthetic value of a literary work. In the teaching practice, many valuable authors were neglected, and those whose creations were ideologically acceptable were favoured. The evaluation criteria were ideological acceptability and subordination to practical needs of life. The cited drawbacks are not the failures of the approach, they only indi...
Зборник радова Филозофског факултета у Приштини
The paper examines the language of Andrić's prose on the example of his short stories "Deca" (Chi... more The paper examines the language of Andrić's prose on the example of his short stories "Deca" (Children), "Kula" (Tower), and "Prozor" (Window) written for children and young adults, interpreting social relations which represent their thematic, sociological, cultural, and historical context. We studied causes of social prejudices which represent the main cause of interpersonal and internal conflicts of the main protagonists in the context of learning sociological theories (sociocognitive theory, theory of social identity, and theory of social learning) and from the standpoint of the psycholinguistic approach. We also observed language as a medium in discovering the internal and external characterization of protagonists achieved by means of verbalization of internal and external conflicts. We interpreted social relations and conflicts reflected in the language as an aesthetic, cultural, and social phenomenon as the conceptual framework of Andrić's prose. Literary language thus becomes a medium that achieves a cognitive role, in addition to its aesthetic role, discovering and illuminating social relations and conflicts which represent a reflexive core woven into the conceptual framework of the three short stories for children and young adults: "Deca" (Children), "Kula" (Tower), and "Prozor" (Window).
EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education
In this paper, authors point out the need and possibilities of integrating content from literatur... more In this paper, authors point out the need and possibilities of integrating content from literature for children into the process of preschool mathematics education. On concrete examples of various forms of literature for children (picture book, poetic text, story, fairy tale, numerator) point out the role of these contents in the process of learning and building mathematical concepts in preschool mathematical education. The contents from literary for children are viewed as a starting point in the work on mathematical education activities whose role is to create a real-life context, which is close to the child, in which the child is accustomed, in which the child is motivated to participate, as content that excites curiosity and interest in learning of abstract mathematical concepts, and which visualizes mathematical concepts and helps crossing from concrete performances to abstract mathematical performances.
Zbornik radova Uciteljskog fakulteta Prizren-Leposavic
Zbornik radova Uciteljskog fakulteta Prizren-Leposavic
Једна од важних карактеристика нашег модерног друштва је интензиван развој науке и технике. Инфор... more Једна од важних карактеристика нашег модерног друштва је интензиван развој науке и технике. Информациона технологија је ушла у све области људског деловања. И у школама, конкретно, у настави, која, по много чему, још увек има ознаке традиционалног, неопходно је интензивирати њену примену. Из наведених разлога, у раду приказујемо један од модела школске интерпретације басне "Лав и миш" уз примену информационе технологије. Идеја да учење треба да буде забавно веома је стара, тако да су аутори овог рада покушали да садржај басне и начин њеног уметничког обликовања искажу ученицима на другачији, забавнији начин. Циљ је био да се омогући ученицима већ на почетном нивоу школовања, од првог разреда основне школе, квалитетна и занимљива анализа књижевног дела, која поштује њихове узрасне могућности и развија потенцијале.
Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta u Pristini
This paper will discuss genre-specific features of the short story in Serbian Realism. To establi... more This paper will discuss genre-specific features of the short story in Serbian Realism. To establish genre-specific, primarily linguistic and stylistic features of the short story in Serbian Realism and prose in general, we will describe stylistic attributes that connect literary works written in the period of Realism as a movement and determine common stylistic features that link them. In addition, we will also examine the status of the prose text, the creative method of which was defined as realist in contemporary Serbian literature. Conclusions indicate that the structure of the auctorial short story is not subject to strict theoretical rules and that the term realist short story does not restrict the story to the period of the epoch of Realism, but allows it to apply to every literary period in which authors used the objective method to depict events and protagonists.
Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta u Pristini
Након значајних декларација: Сорбонске (1988), Лисабонске (1997) и Болоњске (1999), наметнула се ... more Након значајних декларација: Сорбонске (1988), Лисабонске (1997) и Болоњске (1999), наметнула се потреба за темељним променама у образовним системима многих европских земаља. Те промене нису заобишле ни Републику Србију. Глобализација је у процес образовања и васпитања унела радикалније промене, од оних које су предвиђене европским декларацијама. У раду биће изложено теоријско разматрање садржаја наставног програма матерњег језика у Републици Србији и разматране последице прилагођавања нашег образовног европском образовном простору. Анализирају се интеркултуралне и мултикултуралне особености наставних садржаја српског језика и њихова усклађеност са савременим процесима евроинтеграције.
Barbara Lomagistro, Facoltà di lingue e litterature straniere, Bari, Italia/И[алија; qроф. Qр Вал... more Barbara Lomagistro, Facoltà di lingue e litterature straniere, Bari, Italia/И[алија; qроф. Qр Валерий АнQреевич Мансуров, Инс[и[у[ за социолоnију РАН, qреQсеQник Руске асоцијације социолоnа, Москва, Россия/Русија; Qр МиоQраn Милин, саве[ник Румунске акаQемије наука -Темишварски оnранак, Темишвар, România/Румунија; qроф. Qр Энnелина Серnеевна Смирнова, инос[рани члан САНУ, Ка[еQра за ис[орију руске уме[нос[и МГУ им. Ломоносов, Россия/Русија; dr Wojciech Szczepański, Комисија за Балканис[ику Пољске акаQемије наука, Poznań, Polska/Пољска; prof. dr Gabriella Schubert, инос[рани члан САНУ, Инс[и[у[ за славис[ику, Филозофски факул[е[ Универзи[е[а "ФриQрих Шилер" у Јени, Deutschland/Немачка; Qоц. Qр АнQрей Ар[емович Тащиан, Ку‚анский nосуQарс[венный универси[е[, КрасноQар, Русија; qроф. Qр Све[лана Михайловна Толс[ая, инос[рани члан САНУ, Инс[и[у[ за славис[ику РАН, Москва, Россия/Русија; qроф. Qр Иван Чаро[а, инос[рани члан САНУ, Белоруски Qржавни универзи-[е[ у Минску, Беларусь/Белорусија.
Inovacije u nastavi
We point out the importance of working on the correct articulation of sounds and analyze the repr... more We point out the importance of working on the correct articulation of sounds and analyze the representation of orthoepy in the curricular contents for the subject Serbian Language in the lower grades of primary school. The results of the content analysis show that the importance of a continuous work on the correct articulation of sounds has not been recognized in the new curricula. The work on the pronunciation of sounds is included only in the curriculum for the first grade. A comparative analysis of the old (2004, 2005, 2006) and new curricula (2017, 2018, 2019) has shown that the reform rejected all the contents that continuously extended the work on the pronunciation of sounds until the fourth grade. The state of the pronunciation norm in practice, confirmed by the research results, indicates numerous problems of atypical articulation that is not organic in nature. Therefore, the pedagogical implications are that the changes of and/or additions to the content of orthoepy related...
Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta u Pristini
Various advantages and disadvantages of homework are discussed in the literature. The aim of this... more Various advantages and disadvantages of homework are discussed in the literature. The aim of this paper is to determine the advantages and disadvantages of homework practices in Serbian Language taught in junior grades of primary education. Implementation practices were examined from the standpoint of teachers with the aim of determining: the dynamics in assigning and reviewing homework; assessment methods and ways of communicating feedback; representation of different types of homework; and the evaluation of their contribution. The study was conducted in 2020 and 2021 on a sample of 123 teachers. The obtained results indicate that the homework practices in Serbian Language classes are characterized by the frequency and diversity of homework assignments, individualized approach, reviewing regularity, and positive perception of their contribution. However, the results also raise several important questions-excessive student workload, functionality of assessing homework as a learning ...
Megatrend revija
The aim of this paper is to determine the effects of the implementation of the program "Scho... more The aim of this paper is to determine the effects of the implementation of the program "School and the public" on the organization of the school system in the period of program implementation from 2009-2014. and the level of communication between the education system and the public. Methods: 694 respondents fulfilled the questionnaire for the training participants used in actual research, and prepared by the Institute for the Advancement of Education and Upbringing, intended exclusively for the Center for Professional Development of Employees. The collected data were processed by descriptive statistics in Microsoft Excel and the results obtained are presented in tables and graphs. Results: The fact that the large percentage of participants (more than 90%) spoke positively about the program speaks in favor of the claim that employees in education are aware of the need for personal training and engagement in communication processes between the educational institution and the...
Nastava i vaspitanje, 2021
This paper is based on a content analysis of the curriculum for the subject Serbian Language for ... more This paper is based on a content analysis of the curriculum for the subject Serbian Language for grades 1-4 of primary school, the purpose of which was to determine to what extent the elements of the curriculum regulating the teaching and learning of figures of speech in the first four grades of primary school are in accordance with contemporary insights into the learning abilities of children of this age, and into the importance of figures of speech for learning. An analysis of the content of the reformed curriculum has shown that the enabling of students to understand the role that figures of speech play in a literary work begins in the third grade of primary school, and that instruction only focuses on two figures, namely, simile and personification. The levels of knowledge specified in the syllabus outcomes include knowledge of the instruction content pertaining to these figures, understanding of this content and its application in the course of analyzing a literary work. Learni...
One of the novelties in the reformed Curriculum for the Fourth Grade of Primary School (2019) the... more One of the novelties in the reformed Curriculum for the Fourth Grade of Primary School (2019) the application of which will begin from 2021/2022 is the introduction of common linguistic expressions into the curriculum content and phraseological units into outcomes of the Serbian Language course. Although we are talking about the content of a single course, it marks a major step forward and lays the groundwork for methodological acquisition of phraseology in junior grades of primary school. Therefore, our paper provides specific methodological recommendations and know-how for introducing students to phraseologisms in junior grades of primary school, and points to the terminological inconsistency between concepts in the curriculum content, learning and instructions for didactic-methodological implementation of the curriculum outcomes that may bear upon the selection of language teaching material, thus putting fourth-graders in an unfavourable position when it comes to enriching their ...
Zbornik radova Uciteljskog fakulteta Prizren-Leposavic, 2015
When the government of the Republic of Serbia decided to introduce religious education into state... more When the government of the Republic of Serbia decided to introduce religious education into state schools in 2001, Serbia came into line with the neighbouring countries, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, where at the request of the dominant religious communities confessional religious education had been part of state school curricula ever since the disintegration of the former Yugoslavia in 1991. 2 In Serbia, religious education was introduced under chaotic circumstances, shortly after the democratic changes following 5 October 2000, to which it was directly linked. The previous regime of Slobodan Milošević had rejected all initiatives seeking the introduction of religious education into state schools, in spite of the numerous concessions and policy changes toward the church made since the disintegration of Yugoslavia. Confronted as it was by the numerous challenges of transition, the newly created ideological vacuum and the need to mitigate the radical nationalism that had marked Serbia in the 1990s, the new democratic government led by Zoran Ðindić decided to introduce religious education in a calculated scheming attempt to ensure the sympathy of the Serbian Orthodox Church (SOC). This decision provoked vehement reactions from the government's opponents, but its effects and consequences have not so far been the subject of any serious analysis. This paper is a pioneer venture in that direction. In the introductory part of my paper I survey the public debate that accompanied the introduction of religious education in Serbia. I then analyse the underpinning legislation and the relevant regulations. In the empirical part of my study I look into numerous components of religious education: the curricula and syllabi, the textbooks, the teachers' professional competence, practical problems related to the implementation of the programme in the schools, the (lack of) interest on the part of the students and the indirect discrimination provoked by the introduction of religious education. I pay particular attention to the rivalry between religious education and the other optional subject, civic education, this posing the most serious structural problem ensuing from the introduction of these two subjects. The educational reform that took place in Serbia in 2003 has left the model and the status of religious education in Serbia unchanged, and in deep discrepancy with the changes that religious education is undergoing in other European countries. Finally, I make recommendations as to how to improve religious education in Serbia within the existing legal framework, on the basis of the experience of other countries and the advances that have been made in religious pedagogy and didactics as well as in the understanding of the importance and the role of religious education in schools.
Zbornik radova Uciteljskog fakulteta Prizren-Leposavic, 2014
Апстракт: У раду истражујемо стилске карактеристике поетског језика књижевне прозе и настојимо да... more Апстракт: У раду истражујемо стилске карактеристике поетског језика књижевне прозе и настојимо да утврдимо специфичности које га разликују од стандардизоване употребе језика. На примерима из српске књижевности испитујемо особености поетског језика које се огледају на подручју лексике, у употреби стилских фигура и у специфичном односу према синтакси. Поетски језик одликује лексичко богатство и употреба, у естетске сврхе, локализама и дијалекатских речи, архаизама, историзама, неологизама, социолеката и позајмљеница, као и честа одступања од усвојеног модела књижевног језика кроз грађење слободне комбинаторике и уношење елемената говора ван усвојене језичке норме. Употреба и комбиновање великог броја стилских израза поетском језику даје фигуративност и изражајност, али стилске фигуре немају само улогу стилских украса, већ су и у функцији саопштавањa ауторове истине о човеку и свету који га окружује. У области синтаксе, препознатљивост и стилска маркираност поетског језика огледа се у облику, дужини и склопу реченице, као и у специфичним њеним интонацијским особеностима и ритмичности.
Godisnjak Pedagoskog fakulteta u Vranju, 2017
Мирјана СТАКИЋ Мирјана ЧУТОВИЋ Учитељски факултет у Ужицу Универзитет у Крагујевцу РОДИТЕЉИ КАО П... more Мирјана СТАКИЋ Мирјана ЧУТОВИЋ Учитељски факултет у Ужицу Универзитет у Крагујевцу РОДИТЕЉИ КАО ПАРТНЕРИ У БЛАГОВРЕМЕНОМ ПРЕПОЗНАВАЊУ ГОВОРНИХ ПОРЕМЕЋАЈА КОД ДЕЦЕ ПРЕДШКОЛСКОГ УЗРАСТА Сажетак: У раду се говори о начинима едуковања родитеља за благовремено препознавање говорних поремећаја код деце предшколског узраста. Многи родитељи добију прве информације о различитости свога детета од друге деце у групи тек од васпитача у предшколској установи, доводећи тако себе у незавидну ситуацију. Правовременим реаговањем и раним препознавањем говорних поремећаја повећaва се могућност њиховог ублажавања или чак потпуног уклањања, што омогућава детету да се несметано укључи у редовне образовне токове. Родитељи представљају партнере васпитачима и стручњацима који се баве превенцијом и лечењем говорних поремећаја деце у процесу пружања ране помоћи деци. Међутим, већина родитеља није довољно едукована да препозна проблем, а често и они сами прикривају уочени проблем у говору детета у нади да ће се он решити сам од себе, јер не желе да га признају ни себи ни околини. Аутори ће предочити родитељима алармантне сигнале које шаље дете са проблемима у говорном развоју и предложити могуће поступке у циљу њиховог ублажавања и делимичног или потпуног отклањања. Кључне речи: дете предшколског узраста, говорни развој, говорни поремећаји, едуковање родитеља, рано препознавање говорних поремећаја децe. Summary: This paper talks about how parents should be educated for early detection of speech disorders in preschool children. Many parents are first informed that their child differs from other children in the group by preschool teachers, thus putting themselves in the unenviable position. Timely intervention and early detection increases the possibility of mitigating or even completely curing speech disorders, which enables the child to participate in regular education without problems. Parents and professionals are partners in the process of providing help for the child. However, the situation when parents are trying to hide the perceived problem, hoping it will go away by itself, not wanting to admit it to themselves or their environment, is a serious problem. Authors will present alarming signals sent by children who have language development problems to conscientious parents and suggest possible procedures for mitigating or completely curing them.
Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta u Pristini, 2016
The paper investigates the stylistic features of narrative procedure in a psychological short sto... more The paper investigates the stylistic features of narrative procedure in a psychological short story in the context of its interpretation in the teaching of the Serbian language and literature. The narrative procedure in a psychological short story is characterized by the use of the first person in narrating, that is I form, an interior monologue and direct interior monologue, dreams, oversights and introspective. It is also characterized by a particular sentence structure, of often incomplete and elliptical form, used to express the conflicts going on in characters' inner sphere and verbal interaction between the characters. The narrative procedure applied in a psychological short story indicates that its plot is subdued to the internal psychological experiences. During the interpretation of a psychological short story students, through the interpretation of stylistic and narrative procedures, are directed and encouraged to discover complex and often hidden psychological mechani...
Vzgoja in izobraževanje predšolskih otrok prvega starostnega obdobja, 2022
The initial attitude in this paper argues that learning at preschool age should be characterised ... more The initial attitude in this paper argues that learning at preschool age should be characterised by a holistic approach which integrates different areas of knowledge. In this context, authors draw special attention to the importance of integrating language development and preschool mathematics education by means of literature for children. In the theoretical section, the authors define their goals-to determine the extent to which preschool teachers integrate language development and development of mathematical concepts, to learn which literary form is used most frequently as an integrative element and to determine the presence of integration in each content area of preschool mathematics education. Results show that preschool teachers most commonly integrate activities related to language development and mathematics, that the most frequently used integrative element is the prose and poetic text, and that literary content for children is commonly used as scaffolding to help children develop the concept of number and set.
Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta u Pristini, 2015
The interpretation of a literary work and the analysis of literary characters in the teaching of ... more The interpretation of a literary work and the analysis of literary characters in the teaching of literature at all levels of education is based on the interpretation of characters' relation to the rest of the depicted artistic theme of a literary text and the examination of artistic means which an author used to create and characterize them. To become able to interpret a literary work, a teacher practitioner has to possess theoretical knowledge of classification and numerous ways of characterization of literary characters. Theoretical and methodical literature describes plenty of methods of artistic characterization. Considering the importance to a practitioner of not only their theoretical knowledge, but also the ability of the practical application of this knowledge, we investigated what role and significance various methods of characterization have during the analysis of a literary text. The interpretation of a literary work requires a systematic and comprehensive approach in...
The paper deals with the role and significance of the sociological approach in modern interpretat... more The paper deals with the role and significance of the sociological approach in modern interpretation of literature in teaching practice. The approach is externally oriented since it interprets the complex structure of a literary text by the facts that come from the outside of its sign structure and can be applied when investigating the ideological orientation of the author and the influence of literature on the society, social content of a literary text and the language used. Analyzing the approach in a diachronic perspective we show that the cited characteristics have offered the possibilities of misuse, which resulted in the negligence of the aesthetic value of a literary work. In the teaching practice, many valuable authors were neglected, and those whose creations were ideologically acceptable were favoured. The evaluation criteria were ideological acceptability and subordination to practical needs of life. The cited drawbacks are not the failures of the approach, they only indi...
Зборник радова Филозофског факултета у Приштини
The paper examines the language of Andrić's prose on the example of his short stories "Deca" (Chi... more The paper examines the language of Andrić's prose on the example of his short stories "Deca" (Children), "Kula" (Tower), and "Prozor" (Window) written for children and young adults, interpreting social relations which represent their thematic, sociological, cultural, and historical context. We studied causes of social prejudices which represent the main cause of interpersonal and internal conflicts of the main protagonists in the context of learning sociological theories (sociocognitive theory, theory of social identity, and theory of social learning) and from the standpoint of the psycholinguistic approach. We also observed language as a medium in discovering the internal and external characterization of protagonists achieved by means of verbalization of internal and external conflicts. We interpreted social relations and conflicts reflected in the language as an aesthetic, cultural, and social phenomenon as the conceptual framework of Andrić's prose. Literary language thus becomes a medium that achieves a cognitive role, in addition to its aesthetic role, discovering and illuminating social relations and conflicts which represent a reflexive core woven into the conceptual framework of the three short stories for children and young adults: "Deca" (Children), "Kula" (Tower), and "Prozor" (Window).
EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education
In this paper, authors point out the need and possibilities of integrating content from literatur... more In this paper, authors point out the need and possibilities of integrating content from literature for children into the process of preschool mathematics education. On concrete examples of various forms of literature for children (picture book, poetic text, story, fairy tale, numerator) point out the role of these contents in the process of learning and building mathematical concepts in preschool mathematical education. The contents from literary for children are viewed as a starting point in the work on mathematical education activities whose role is to create a real-life context, which is close to the child, in which the child is accustomed, in which the child is motivated to participate, as content that excites curiosity and interest in learning of abstract mathematical concepts, and which visualizes mathematical concepts and helps crossing from concrete performances to abstract mathematical performances.
Zbornik radova Uciteljskog fakulteta Prizren-Leposavic
Zbornik radova Uciteljskog fakulteta Prizren-Leposavic
Једна од важних карактеристика нашег модерног друштва је интензиван развој науке и технике. Инфор... more Једна од важних карактеристика нашег модерног друштва је интензиван развој науке и технике. Информациона технологија је ушла у све области људског деловања. И у школама, конкретно, у настави, која, по много чему, још увек има ознаке традиционалног, неопходно је интензивирати њену примену. Из наведених разлога, у раду приказујемо један од модела школске интерпретације басне "Лав и миш" уз примену информационе технологије. Идеја да учење треба да буде забавно веома је стара, тако да су аутори овог рада покушали да садржај басне и начин њеног уметничког обликовања искажу ученицима на другачији, забавнији начин. Циљ је био да се омогући ученицима већ на почетном нивоу школовања, од првог разреда основне школе, квалитетна и занимљива анализа књижевног дела, која поштује њихове узрасне могућности и развија потенцијале.
Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta u Pristini
This paper will discuss genre-specific features of the short story in Serbian Realism. To establi... more This paper will discuss genre-specific features of the short story in Serbian Realism. To establish genre-specific, primarily linguistic and stylistic features of the short story in Serbian Realism and prose in general, we will describe stylistic attributes that connect literary works written in the period of Realism as a movement and determine common stylistic features that link them. In addition, we will also examine the status of the prose text, the creative method of which was defined as realist in contemporary Serbian literature. Conclusions indicate that the structure of the auctorial short story is not subject to strict theoretical rules and that the term realist short story does not restrict the story to the period of the epoch of Realism, but allows it to apply to every literary period in which authors used the objective method to depict events and protagonists.
Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta u Pristini
Након значајних декларација: Сорбонске (1988), Лисабонске (1997) и Болоњске (1999), наметнула се ... more Након значајних декларација: Сорбонске (1988), Лисабонске (1997) и Болоњске (1999), наметнула се потреба за темељним променама у образовним системима многих европских земаља. Те промене нису заобишле ни Републику Србију. Глобализација је у процес образовања и васпитања унела радикалније промене, од оних које су предвиђене европским декларацијама. У раду биће изложено теоријско разматрање садржаја наставног програма матерњег језика у Републици Србији и разматране последице прилагођавања нашег образовног европском образовном простору. Анализирају се интеркултуралне и мултикултуралне особености наставних садржаја српског језика и њихова усклађеност са савременим процесима евроинтеграције.
Zbornik radova Uciteljskog fakulteta Prizren-Leposavic, 2015
Доц. др Мирјана Стакић 32 Учитељски факултет у Ужицу ДИЈАХРОНА И СИНХРОНА ПЕРСПЕКТИВА У ИСТОРИЈИ ... more Доц. др Мирјана Стакић 32 Учитељски факултет у Ужицу ДИЈАХРОНА И СИНХРОНА ПЕРСПЕКТИВА У ИСТОРИЈИ СРПСКЕ КЊИЖЕВНОСТИ ЗА ДЕЦУ И МЛАДЕ Апстракт: У раду преиспитујемо дијахрону и синхрону перспективу српске књижевност за децу и младе која је изложена у књизи Миомира Милинковића Историја српске књижевности за децу и младе. Посматрана из перспективе савременог тренутка српска књижевност за децу врло је развијена. Сагледана и у историјској перспективи, она има богато наслеђе. У научној и теоријскокритичкој мисли, такође, досегла је завидан ниво развоја, те књига професора Милинковића представља значајно дело које нуди и дијахрони и синхрони пресек младе уметности о којој књижевна наука још увек није дала заокружене судове и оцене. Кључне речи: Историја српске књижевности за децу и младе, Миомир Милинковић, дијахрона перспектива, синхрона перспектива, књижевност за децу и младе. УВОДНA РАЗМАТРАЊA У издању издавачке куће Bookland из Београда изашла је из штампе 2014. године Историја српске књижевности за децу и младе професора Миомира Милинковића. Књига је произашла из става аутора да када је реч о књижевности за децу још увек у науци није дефинисано питање њене историјске периодизације, које је нужно у сагледавању било ког вида уметности (Милинковић, 2014). И историчар и теоретичар књижевности за младе Петровић указује да је развој књижевности блиске младима био препуштен удесу времена, сви учињени покушаји да се тачно сазна оно што се догодило су "изгледали у знатној мери упрошћено" јер су доминирали хронологија, позитивистички тон и слободнији приступ, без осећања за ритмове детињства" (Петровић, 2011: 346-347). Посматрана из савремене перспективе српска књижевност за децу је врло развијена. Савремена фаза њеног развоја одликује се жанровском разноврсношћу, богатством тема и мотива, чак и књижевним експериментима, нарочито када је реч о савременом роману, који се огледају у утицајима западноевропске књижевности на нов модел дечјег трилера или