Mirjana Vasić - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Mirjana Vasić
The experiment with effects of different pre-irrigation soil moisture on onion bulb yield and eva... more The experiment with effects of different pre-irrigation soil moisture on onion bulb yield and evapotranspiration (ET), produced by seeding, was established at field conditions at the Rimski Šančevi Experiment Field of Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad. The experiment was conducted in 2005/2007 under sprinkler irrigation conditions on a calcareous chernozem on loess terrace. The experiment included irrigation variants with pre-irrigation soil moisture of 60%, 70% and 80% of FWC (Field Water Capacity), and non-irrigated check control. Two varieties of onion, Alek and Kupusinski jabučar were tested. Onion bulb yield of irrigated variants, on average, (35.498 t ha-1) was statistically higher than those in the non-irrigated control (15.551 t ha-1). The highest bulb yield was obtained in the variant with pre-irrigation soil moisture of 60% of FWC (36.651 t ha-1), statistically different compared with yield obtained with pre-irrigation soil moisture of 70% of FWC (34.274 t...
The onion in Vojvodina occupies on average 6,669 ha, which is 0.43% of plough land of Province. W... more The onion in Vojvodina occupies on average 6,669 ha, which is 0.43% of plough land of Province. With average yield of 8.0 t/ha about 54,000 tons of onion has been produced in Vojvodina in last ten years (1996-2005). The total production has been decreased. That is a consequence of areas decreasing (growth rate-2.29%), since yields are characterized by modest positive trend (growth rate 0.94%). The share of small agricultural households’ production in total production is 92%. Thus, characteristics of these households have to be taken into account in order to improve this production.Proizvodnja crnog luka se u Vojvodini organizuje u proseku na 6.669 ha, što zauzima 0,43% oranica. U poslednjih deset godina (1996-2005) uz prosečan prinos od 8,0 t/ha u Vojvodini se proizvede nešto manje od 54.000 tona crnog luka. Ukupna proizvodnja se smanjuje kao rezultat opadanja površina (stopa-2,29%) jer prinose karakteriše blagi trend porasta (stopa 0,94%). Dominantno učešće u ukupnoj proizvodnji im...
In the context of agricultural production, soil is a nonrenewable, limited resource that has to b... more In the context of agricultural production, soil is a nonrenewable, limited resource that has to be managed economically and in accordance with good farming practice. One of the ways to ensure intensive soil use is to carry out crop production throughout the year, which in this climatic region involves the sowing of multiple crops in a single growing season. Irrigation capability is one prerequisite for such production. The other one, growing period length, should enable determinate bean varieties to be planted as the second crop in double-cropping systems. Because some bean varieties are day length sensitive and because not all cultivars of this crop interact in the same way with environmental conditions, we first tested a wider range of bean cultivars and then chose four (Dvadesetica, Maksa, Belko and Sremac) for further study. When choosing the varieties, we took into account their market characteristics as well. The cultivars responded differently both yield- and grain size-wise....
… radova Instituta za …, 2008
Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad Izvod: Oplemenjivanje povr}a u Institutu za ratarst... more Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad Izvod: Oplemenjivanje povr}a u Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo ima za cilj stvaranje sorti koje po svojim osobinama zadovoljavaju zahteve tr`i{ta, industrijske prerade, zelene pijace, zahteve intenzivne proizvodnje i ishrane ljudske populacije, a prilago|ene su na{em agroklimatskom podru~ju. Zahva-ljuju}i dugogodi{njem oplemenjiva~kom radu i bogatom genetskom materijalu povr}a u Institutu stvorene su sorte koje u potpunosti zadovoljavaju sve ove zahteve. U ovom radu su izne{ene glavne karakteristike sorata povrtarskog bilja priznatih od strane Ministarstva za poljoprivredu, {umarstvo i vodoprivredu republike Srbije u 2007. godini, i to kupusa Orion; lubenica Danka i boranija Resava. Orion, u tipu letnjeg kupusa i boranija Resava, nastali su izborom iz odoma}enih populacija i u sebi spajaju najbolje tr`i{ne kvalitete, nutritivne vrednosti i stabilne i visoke prinose. Lubenica Danka je nastala iz hibridne kombinacije, a ima kra}u vegetaciju od standarda kao i ve}i sadr`aj {e}era.
Ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, 2012
Glogovac S et al. of high-yielding varieties and hybrids. Pursuit of achieving the highest possib... more Glogovac S et al. of high-yielding varieties and hybrids. Pursuit of achieving the highest possible yields with higher fruit firmness led to a deterioration of fruit quality. Breeding strategies are not only focused on the yield enhancement and disease resistance any more, but also on the improvement of fruit quality, due to the recent medical research on tomato effects on human health. Taking into account very narrow genetic base of the most widely grown cultivars, significance of divergent initial material in breeding programs is remarkable. There is much more diversity in old cultivars (heirloom tomatoes), wild forms and local populations, and therefore they represent significant source of desirable genes. Authors Takač et al. (2005) emphasize the importance of these local populations because of their good adaptability and fruit quality. Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad, Serbia contributes to the preservation, original scientific paper / originalni naučni članak
Acta Horticulturae, 2009
Garlic is a species whose utilization is based on its nutritive values and medicinal properties. ... more Garlic is a species whose utilization is based on its nutritive values and medicinal properties. The secondary center of this crop's origin is the Mediterranean, which is where the earliest written records of garlic use and cultivation come from as well. Serbian garlic production is characterized by the use of local ecotypes and significant acreages and low yields of the crop. The Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad has managed to collect a large number of garlic ecotypes, which represent a significant body of genetic resources. Determination of the breeding value for a given trait requires not only a continual collection of genotypes but their characterization and evaluation as well. The present paper describes the results of a 7-year piece of research studying yield components and quality in 18 fall garlic genotypes (13 ecotypes and 5 clones). Hierarchical cluster analysis was used to find similarities and differences among the genotypes, while the interaction between the genotypes and traits was depicted on a biplot. Genotypes from the first group had the largest-sized bulbs, as indicated by their position on the biplot. The genotypes P-2 and K-8/23 had negative values of object coordinates for all the traits under study and were placed in the group with the lowest bulb weight and dry matter yield in the dendrogram. The second group was the most numerous one. The distance of the genotypes from this group from the origin of the biplot was indicative of their distance in the dendrogram as well.
Plant Disease, 2014
Penicillium polonicum K. Zaleski is an economically important airborne fungus with a broad host r... more Penicillium polonicum K. Zaleski is an economically important airborne fungus with a broad host range including cereals, peanuts, onions, dried meats, citrus fruits, and yam tubers (2,4). Secondary metabolites produced by this species include harmful mycotoxins penicillic acid, verucosidin, and nephrotoxic glycopeptides, which may play a role in Balkan Endemic Nephropathy (2,5). In January 2013, decayed onion bulbs (Allium cepa L. cv. Meranto) with blue mold symptoms were found causing significant economic losses at a storage facility in Stara Pazova, Serbia, and were collected. The decayed area of the bulbs was pale yellow to light brown, and tissue was soft and watery. Bluish green sporulation was abundant on the surface and inside the bulb, between decayed scales. Two isolates (designated L1a and L4p) were obtained and further characterized using morphological and molecular methods. Colonies on potato dextrose agar (PDA), Czapek yeast autolysate agar (CYA), malt extract agar (MEA...
Ecological Engineering, Nov 1, 2015
Abstract In this study, applicability of extracts from fava bean seeds ( Vicia faba L.), as natur... more Abstract In this study, applicability of extracts from fava bean seeds ( Vicia faba L.), as natural coagulants, was investigated. Coagulants were obtained by extraction, with distilled water or NaCl solutions, from grinded seeds and were applied as coagulants, in various doses, in synthetic water having different initial turbidities and pH values. Presence of NaCl in water showed that increasing the ionic strength results in greater amount of extracted compounds, but it does not affect coagulation activity. Appling different doses of coagulant in water showed that the best coagulation activity is achieved by adding dose of 0.125 ml/l. The conducted experiments confirm positive coagulation properties of these extracts, therefore it can be concluded that they have great potential as natural coagulants.
Genetika, 2003
A diallel cross (including reciprocals), involving seven openpollinated varieties having differen... more A diallel cross (including reciprocals), involving seven openpollinated varieties having different head shape was made and 42 F 1 hybrids were produced under greenhouse conditions and in the experimental field of Scientific Institute of field and vegetable crops in Novi Sad. The objective of this paper was to determine mean value, components of variability and mode of inheritance of two morphological characters of head shape, head width and head height. In our study superdominance occurred the most with head height (as many as 23 times) and the least with head width (16 times). The negative heterosis was not occurred in any combination as like as partial dominance of the poorer parent. The results showed significant divergence of the traits under study, which will also constitute an important source of variability for future cycles of selection in our Institute.
Acta horticulturae, Dec 1, 1997
Proceedings 6th International Symposium on natural resources managment, 25-26 June 2016, 2016
The biennial field experiment with beans was set on Faculty of Biofarming in Backa Topola’s exper... more The biennial field experiment with beans was set on Faculty of Biofarming in Backa Topola’s experimental field on calcareous chernozem in an organic breeding system. Weather conditions in the years of analysis were very different. That has reflected even on the examined morphological characteristics and the bean yield. The statistical processing of data has been done by the split-plot method. The use of microbiological fertilizer and varieties had a significant influence on the examined characteristics, except on the number of lateral branches. A positive correlation between the yield and
plant height, number of lateral branches, nodule mass (symbiotic bacteria on the bean’s root), number of pods and grain mass has been determined.
bean, microbial fertilizer, morphological characteristics, organic production, variety
Dvogodišnji eksperiment sa uzgojem pasulja sproveden je na Fakultetu za biofarming na eksperimentalnom polju u Backoj Topoli u krečnoj crnici u okviru organskog sistema proizvodnje. Vremenske prilike u toku godina analize su bile promenljive. Ovo se odrazilo na proučavane morfološke osobine pasulja i njegovog prinosa. Split-plot metoda je koriščćena za statističku obradu podataka. Upotreba mikrobiološkog djubriva i različitih vrsta imali su snačajan uticaj na proučavane osobine izuzev na broj lateralnih grana. Utvrdjeno je postojanje pozitivne korelacije izmedju prinosa i visine
biljke, broja lateralnih grana, kvržične mase (simbiozne bakterije na korenu pasulja), broja mahuna i zrna.
pasulj, mikrobiološko djubrivo, morfološke osobine, organska proizvodnja, različite vrste
Zbornik Matice Srpske Za Prirodne Nauke, 2005
During culture of protoplasts in agarose droplets, permanent problem was bacterial infection. It ... more During culture of protoplasts in agarose droplets, permanent problem was bacterial infection. It was assumed that the seeds are the origin of infection, so different sterilization methods were tested in order to overcome this problem. Germination, infection of seeds and hypocotyls and their growth were examined. Based on these parameters, the best result was obtained with the combined use of 5% commercial bleach and dry heating at 45°C.
Journal of Central European Agriculture, 2023
Legumes are a rich source of valuable nutrients thus represent important component in human and a... more Legumes are a rich source of valuable nutrients thus represent important component in human and animal nutrition. The most important and often a limiting factor in legume production is the presence of seed pests, such as the bean weevil Acanthoscelides obtectus (Say, 1831). This work tested the suitability of three different legume species (common bean, faba bean and grass pea), the species with a growing interest in the human diet, for the development of the bean weevil, aiming to provide a reliable forecast of its population growth. After four months, been weevils consumed the highest percentage of the common bean kernels (70.79%), followed by the grass pea (53.13%), and faba bean (0.42%). The progeny production and population growth were significantly affected by the tested legume species. After each month, the total number of adults was the highest on the common bean, indicating its best suitability for the weevil's development. Based on the number of the emerged specimens after each month of the observation, the bean weevil development was unhampered and continuous also on the grass pea. The lowest number of emerged adults, in all observation periods, was in faba bean, indicating its low preference and suitability for the weevil's development. The population growth of the bean weevil was the highest on the common bean, followed by grass pea, and it fitted best to the quadratic equation model that enabled the prediction of the population growth of the bean weevil for each legume species in the next generations.
Agroznanje - Agro-knowledge Journal, 2009
Economics of Agriculture, Dec 31, 2006
Абстракт: У раду се анализирају пожете површине пасуља у периоду од 1954-2003. године. Анализа об... more Абстракт: У раду се анализирају пожете површине пасуља у периоду од 1954-2003. године. Анализа обухвата период у целини као и поједине декаде испитиваног периода. Пасуљ се у Војводини гаји на просечној површини од око 8 000 hа што је 0,5% укупних ораничних површина Покрајине, односно нешто мање од 10% укупних површина под поврћем.
Agroznanje - Agro-knowledge Journal, Dec 25, 2012
Salata kao povrtarska vrsta ima umjerene zahtjeve prema uslovima uspijevanja, te je u skladu s ti... more Salata kao povrtarska vrsta ima umjerene zahtjeve prema uslovima uspijevanja, te je u skladu s tim, cilj ovoga rada bio da se preko sume temperatura utvrdi uticaj neposrednog pokrivanja biljaka agrotekstilom na ranostasnost i prinos salate gajene u plasteniku bez grijanja. Istraživanja su urađena na četiri sorte (Devonia, Nizzi, Boreale i Robinson) koje imaju različitu otpornost prema niskim temperaturama. Najniža prosječna temperatura u toku vegetacije salate u plasteniku bila je 4,0°C, a najviša 13,5°C, dok je prosječna minimalna temperatura pod agrotekstilom bila 6,1°C, a maksimalna 19,0°C. Na otvorenom polju ove temperature su bile 0,2°C i 9,2°C. To potvrđuje činjenicu da se korišćenjem agrotekstila u objektima zaštićenog prostora u zimskom periodu mogu povećati temperature u odnosu na otvoreno polje i do 10°C. Na osnovu sume temperatura utvrđeno je da je sorta Devonia najranostasnija, do tehnološke zrelosti potrebna joj je suma teperatura od 764°C, dok najdužu vegetaciju ima sorta Robinson kojoj je do berbe potrebna suma temperatura od 890°C. Pored toga, sorta Robinson je imala i najkrupniju glavicu (411,5 g) i najveći ostvareni prinos po jedinici površine (8,22 kg m-2). Najmanji prinos (4,95 kg m-2) bio je kod sorte Nizzi koja ima i najsitniju glavicu (249,5 g).
The experiment with effects of different pre-irrigation soil moisture on onion bulb yield and eva... more The experiment with effects of different pre-irrigation soil moisture on onion bulb yield and evapotranspiration (ET), produced by seeding, was established at field conditions at the Rimski Šančevi Experiment Field of Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad. The experiment was conducted in 2005/2007 under sprinkler irrigation conditions on a calcareous chernozem on loess terrace. The experiment included irrigation variants with pre-irrigation soil moisture of 60%, 70% and 80% of FWC (Field Water Capacity), and non-irrigated check control. Two varieties of onion, Alek and Kupusinski jabučar were tested. Onion bulb yield of irrigated variants, on average, (35.498 t ha-1) was statistically higher than those in the non-irrigated control (15.551 t ha-1). The highest bulb yield was obtained in the variant with pre-irrigation soil moisture of 60% of FWC (36.651 t ha-1), statistically different compared with yield obtained with pre-irrigation soil moisture of 70% of FWC (34.274 t...
The onion in Vojvodina occupies on average 6,669 ha, which is 0.43% of plough land of Province. W... more The onion in Vojvodina occupies on average 6,669 ha, which is 0.43% of plough land of Province. With average yield of 8.0 t/ha about 54,000 tons of onion has been produced in Vojvodina in last ten years (1996-2005). The total production has been decreased. That is a consequence of areas decreasing (growth rate-2.29%), since yields are characterized by modest positive trend (growth rate 0.94%). The share of small agricultural households’ production in total production is 92%. Thus, characteristics of these households have to be taken into account in order to improve this production.Proizvodnja crnog luka se u Vojvodini organizuje u proseku na 6.669 ha, što zauzima 0,43% oranica. U poslednjih deset godina (1996-2005) uz prosečan prinos od 8,0 t/ha u Vojvodini se proizvede nešto manje od 54.000 tona crnog luka. Ukupna proizvodnja se smanjuje kao rezultat opadanja površina (stopa-2,29%) jer prinose karakteriše blagi trend porasta (stopa 0,94%). Dominantno učešće u ukupnoj proizvodnji im...
In the context of agricultural production, soil is a nonrenewable, limited resource that has to b... more In the context of agricultural production, soil is a nonrenewable, limited resource that has to be managed economically and in accordance with good farming practice. One of the ways to ensure intensive soil use is to carry out crop production throughout the year, which in this climatic region involves the sowing of multiple crops in a single growing season. Irrigation capability is one prerequisite for such production. The other one, growing period length, should enable determinate bean varieties to be planted as the second crop in double-cropping systems. Because some bean varieties are day length sensitive and because not all cultivars of this crop interact in the same way with environmental conditions, we first tested a wider range of bean cultivars and then chose four (Dvadesetica, Maksa, Belko and Sremac) for further study. When choosing the varieties, we took into account their market characteristics as well. The cultivars responded differently both yield- and grain size-wise....
… radova Instituta za …, 2008
Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad Izvod: Oplemenjivanje povr}a u Institutu za ratarst... more Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad Izvod: Oplemenjivanje povr}a u Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo ima za cilj stvaranje sorti koje po svojim osobinama zadovoljavaju zahteve tr`i{ta, industrijske prerade, zelene pijace, zahteve intenzivne proizvodnje i ishrane ljudske populacije, a prilago|ene su na{em agroklimatskom podru~ju. Zahva-ljuju}i dugogodi{njem oplemenjiva~kom radu i bogatom genetskom materijalu povr}a u Institutu stvorene su sorte koje u potpunosti zadovoljavaju sve ove zahteve. U ovom radu su izne{ene glavne karakteristike sorata povrtarskog bilja priznatih od strane Ministarstva za poljoprivredu, {umarstvo i vodoprivredu republike Srbije u 2007. godini, i to kupusa Orion; lubenica Danka i boranija Resava. Orion, u tipu letnjeg kupusa i boranija Resava, nastali su izborom iz odoma}enih populacija i u sebi spajaju najbolje tr`i{ne kvalitete, nutritivne vrednosti i stabilne i visoke prinose. Lubenica Danka je nastala iz hibridne kombinacije, a ima kra}u vegetaciju od standarda kao i ve}i sadr`aj {e}era.
Ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, 2012
Glogovac S et al. of high-yielding varieties and hybrids. Pursuit of achieving the highest possib... more Glogovac S et al. of high-yielding varieties and hybrids. Pursuit of achieving the highest possible yields with higher fruit firmness led to a deterioration of fruit quality. Breeding strategies are not only focused on the yield enhancement and disease resistance any more, but also on the improvement of fruit quality, due to the recent medical research on tomato effects on human health. Taking into account very narrow genetic base of the most widely grown cultivars, significance of divergent initial material in breeding programs is remarkable. There is much more diversity in old cultivars (heirloom tomatoes), wild forms and local populations, and therefore they represent significant source of desirable genes. Authors Takač et al. (2005) emphasize the importance of these local populations because of their good adaptability and fruit quality. Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad, Serbia contributes to the preservation, original scientific paper / originalni naučni članak
Acta Horticulturae, 2009
Garlic is a species whose utilization is based on its nutritive values and medicinal properties. ... more Garlic is a species whose utilization is based on its nutritive values and medicinal properties. The secondary center of this crop's origin is the Mediterranean, which is where the earliest written records of garlic use and cultivation come from as well. Serbian garlic production is characterized by the use of local ecotypes and significant acreages and low yields of the crop. The Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad has managed to collect a large number of garlic ecotypes, which represent a significant body of genetic resources. Determination of the breeding value for a given trait requires not only a continual collection of genotypes but their characterization and evaluation as well. The present paper describes the results of a 7-year piece of research studying yield components and quality in 18 fall garlic genotypes (13 ecotypes and 5 clones). Hierarchical cluster analysis was used to find similarities and differences among the genotypes, while the interaction between the genotypes and traits was depicted on a biplot. Genotypes from the first group had the largest-sized bulbs, as indicated by their position on the biplot. The genotypes P-2 and K-8/23 had negative values of object coordinates for all the traits under study and were placed in the group with the lowest bulb weight and dry matter yield in the dendrogram. The second group was the most numerous one. The distance of the genotypes from this group from the origin of the biplot was indicative of their distance in the dendrogram as well.
Plant Disease, 2014
Penicillium polonicum K. Zaleski is an economically important airborne fungus with a broad host r... more Penicillium polonicum K. Zaleski is an economically important airborne fungus with a broad host range including cereals, peanuts, onions, dried meats, citrus fruits, and yam tubers (2,4). Secondary metabolites produced by this species include harmful mycotoxins penicillic acid, verucosidin, and nephrotoxic glycopeptides, which may play a role in Balkan Endemic Nephropathy (2,5). In January 2013, decayed onion bulbs (Allium cepa L. cv. Meranto) with blue mold symptoms were found causing significant economic losses at a storage facility in Stara Pazova, Serbia, and were collected. The decayed area of the bulbs was pale yellow to light brown, and tissue was soft and watery. Bluish green sporulation was abundant on the surface and inside the bulb, between decayed scales. Two isolates (designated L1a and L4p) were obtained and further characterized using morphological and molecular methods. Colonies on potato dextrose agar (PDA), Czapek yeast autolysate agar (CYA), malt extract agar (MEA...
Ecological Engineering, Nov 1, 2015
Abstract In this study, applicability of extracts from fava bean seeds ( Vicia faba L.), as natur... more Abstract In this study, applicability of extracts from fava bean seeds ( Vicia faba L.), as natural coagulants, was investigated. Coagulants were obtained by extraction, with distilled water or NaCl solutions, from grinded seeds and were applied as coagulants, in various doses, in synthetic water having different initial turbidities and pH values. Presence of NaCl in water showed that increasing the ionic strength results in greater amount of extracted compounds, but it does not affect coagulation activity. Appling different doses of coagulant in water showed that the best coagulation activity is achieved by adding dose of 0.125 ml/l. The conducted experiments confirm positive coagulation properties of these extracts, therefore it can be concluded that they have great potential as natural coagulants.
Genetika, 2003
A diallel cross (including reciprocals), involving seven openpollinated varieties having differen... more A diallel cross (including reciprocals), involving seven openpollinated varieties having different head shape was made and 42 F 1 hybrids were produced under greenhouse conditions and in the experimental field of Scientific Institute of field and vegetable crops in Novi Sad. The objective of this paper was to determine mean value, components of variability and mode of inheritance of two morphological characters of head shape, head width and head height. In our study superdominance occurred the most with head height (as many as 23 times) and the least with head width (16 times). The negative heterosis was not occurred in any combination as like as partial dominance of the poorer parent. The results showed significant divergence of the traits under study, which will also constitute an important source of variability for future cycles of selection in our Institute.
Acta horticulturae, Dec 1, 1997
Proceedings 6th International Symposium on natural resources managment, 25-26 June 2016, 2016
The biennial field experiment with beans was set on Faculty of Biofarming in Backa Topola’s exper... more The biennial field experiment with beans was set on Faculty of Biofarming in Backa Topola’s experimental field on calcareous chernozem in an organic breeding system. Weather conditions in the years of analysis were very different. That has reflected even on the examined morphological characteristics and the bean yield. The statistical processing of data has been done by the split-plot method. The use of microbiological fertilizer and varieties had a significant influence on the examined characteristics, except on the number of lateral branches. A positive correlation between the yield and
plant height, number of lateral branches, nodule mass (symbiotic bacteria on the bean’s root), number of pods and grain mass has been determined.
bean, microbial fertilizer, morphological characteristics, organic production, variety
Dvogodišnji eksperiment sa uzgojem pasulja sproveden je na Fakultetu za biofarming na eksperimentalnom polju u Backoj Topoli u krečnoj crnici u okviru organskog sistema proizvodnje. Vremenske prilike u toku godina analize su bile promenljive. Ovo se odrazilo na proučavane morfološke osobine pasulja i njegovog prinosa. Split-plot metoda je koriščćena za statističku obradu podataka. Upotreba mikrobiološkog djubriva i različitih vrsta imali su snačajan uticaj na proučavane osobine izuzev na broj lateralnih grana. Utvrdjeno je postojanje pozitivne korelacije izmedju prinosa i visine
biljke, broja lateralnih grana, kvržične mase (simbiozne bakterije na korenu pasulja), broja mahuna i zrna.
pasulj, mikrobiološko djubrivo, morfološke osobine, organska proizvodnja, različite vrste
Zbornik Matice Srpske Za Prirodne Nauke, 2005
During culture of protoplasts in agarose droplets, permanent problem was bacterial infection. It ... more During culture of protoplasts in agarose droplets, permanent problem was bacterial infection. It was assumed that the seeds are the origin of infection, so different sterilization methods were tested in order to overcome this problem. Germination, infection of seeds and hypocotyls and their growth were examined. Based on these parameters, the best result was obtained with the combined use of 5% commercial bleach and dry heating at 45°C.
Journal of Central European Agriculture, 2023
Legumes are a rich source of valuable nutrients thus represent important component in human and a... more Legumes are a rich source of valuable nutrients thus represent important component in human and animal nutrition. The most important and often a limiting factor in legume production is the presence of seed pests, such as the bean weevil Acanthoscelides obtectus (Say, 1831). This work tested the suitability of three different legume species (common bean, faba bean and grass pea), the species with a growing interest in the human diet, for the development of the bean weevil, aiming to provide a reliable forecast of its population growth. After four months, been weevils consumed the highest percentage of the common bean kernels (70.79%), followed by the grass pea (53.13%), and faba bean (0.42%). The progeny production and population growth were significantly affected by the tested legume species. After each month, the total number of adults was the highest on the common bean, indicating its best suitability for the weevil's development. Based on the number of the emerged specimens after each month of the observation, the bean weevil development was unhampered and continuous also on the grass pea. The lowest number of emerged adults, in all observation periods, was in faba bean, indicating its low preference and suitability for the weevil's development. The population growth of the bean weevil was the highest on the common bean, followed by grass pea, and it fitted best to the quadratic equation model that enabled the prediction of the population growth of the bean weevil for each legume species in the next generations.
Agroznanje - Agro-knowledge Journal, 2009
Economics of Agriculture, Dec 31, 2006
Абстракт: У раду се анализирају пожете површине пасуља у периоду од 1954-2003. године. Анализа об... more Абстракт: У раду се анализирају пожете површине пасуља у периоду од 1954-2003. године. Анализа обухвата период у целини као и поједине декаде испитиваног периода. Пасуљ се у Војводини гаји на просечној површини од око 8 000 hа што је 0,5% укупних ораничних површина Покрајине, односно нешто мање од 10% укупних површина под поврћем.
Agroznanje - Agro-knowledge Journal, Dec 25, 2012
Salata kao povrtarska vrsta ima umjerene zahtjeve prema uslovima uspijevanja, te je u skladu s ti... more Salata kao povrtarska vrsta ima umjerene zahtjeve prema uslovima uspijevanja, te je u skladu s tim, cilj ovoga rada bio da se preko sume temperatura utvrdi uticaj neposrednog pokrivanja biljaka agrotekstilom na ranostasnost i prinos salate gajene u plasteniku bez grijanja. Istraživanja su urađena na četiri sorte (Devonia, Nizzi, Boreale i Robinson) koje imaju različitu otpornost prema niskim temperaturama. Najniža prosječna temperatura u toku vegetacije salate u plasteniku bila je 4,0°C, a najviša 13,5°C, dok je prosječna minimalna temperatura pod agrotekstilom bila 6,1°C, a maksimalna 19,0°C. Na otvorenom polju ove temperature su bile 0,2°C i 9,2°C. To potvrđuje činjenicu da se korišćenjem agrotekstila u objektima zaštićenog prostora u zimskom periodu mogu povećati temperature u odnosu na otvoreno polje i do 10°C. Na osnovu sume temperatura utvrđeno je da je sorta Devonia najranostasnija, do tehnološke zrelosti potrebna joj je suma teperatura od 764°C, dok najdužu vegetaciju ima sorta Robinson kojoj je do berbe potrebna suma temperatura od 890°C. Pored toga, sorta Robinson je imala i najkrupniju glavicu (411,5 g) i najveći ostvareni prinos po jedinici površine (8,22 kg m-2). Najmanji prinos (4,95 kg m-2) bio je kod sorte Nizzi koja ima i najsitniju glavicu (249,5 g).