Diana Mitriuc - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Diana Mitriuc

Research paper thumbnail of Incidenţa trombofiliei ereditare la femeile cu complicaţii obstetricale în anamneză

Obstetrică şi ginecologie/Obstetrica și ginecologia, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Managementul placentei praevia percreta – prezentare de caz

Obstetrică şi ginecologie/Obstetrica și ginecologia, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Привычный выкидыш и тромбофилия

Universitatea de Medicină și farmacie „Nicolae Testemițanu”, Catedra Obstetrică şi GinecologieIt ... more Universitatea de Medicină și farmacie „Nicolae Testemițanu”, Catedra Obstetrică şi GinecologieIt has been confirmed that APS is the only acquired thrombophilia associated with RPL and other adverse outcomes of pregnancy. The quality of research and elaborate methodology in most of the studies about the association of hereditary thrombophilia and RPL are lacking. They are mostly limited to small observational studies with limited and heterogeneous samples. The analyzed studies generally suggest that the presence of congenital thrombophilia in pregnant women is associated with late pregnancy loss or stillbirth, but not with an increased risk of early pregnancy loss. One possible explanation is that late pregnancy loss reflects placental vessel thrombosis, compared to first trimester losses that are more commonly caused by other causes. Thrombophilic defects also increase the risk of early pregnancy loss in the first trimester of pregnancy. However, these effects may vary across popula...

Research paper thumbnail of Trombofilia şi complicaţiile sarcinii - aspecte de etiopatogenie şi fiziopatologie

USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Catedra Obstetrică şi Ginecologie FECM

Research paper thumbnail of Тромбофилия и венозная тромбоэмболия

hrombophilia and venous thromboembolism.Trombofilia reprezintă un spectru de tulburări de coagula... more hrombophilia and venous thromboembolism.Trombofilia reprezintă un spectru de tulburări de coagulare ale sângelui, congenitale sau dobândite, asociate cu predispoziţie pentru evenimente trombotice sau tromboembolice venoase şi/sau arteriale, care conduc la anomalii ale compoziţiei sângelui, fluxului sangvin sau peretelui vascular. Prevalenţa trombofiliilor congenitale majore în populaţia generală de Vest este estimată la aproximativ 15%, poate fi identificată de la 15% până la 25% din populațiile caucaziene şi cel puţin 50% din cazurile de TEV în timpul sarcinii sunt asociate cu o trombofilie congenitală cunoscută. Studiile epidemiologice şi experimentale au confirmat asocierea trombofiliilor ereditare şi dobândite cu TEV. Riscul TEV este cel mai mare în deficienţa de AT, deficienţa proteinei C şi deficienţa proteinei S, dar prevalenţa acestora este mică în populaţia generală. Prezenţa a doi factori trombofilici creşte de aproxima...

Research paper thumbnail of Diabetul gestațional – un factor predispozant pentru macrosomia fetală

Background. Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is defined as glucose intolerance of variable deg... more Background. Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is defined as glucose intolerance of variable degrees, first recognized, during pregnancy. GDM pregnancies have up to a 3-fold higher rate to give birth to a macrosomic infant. Fetal Macrosomia (FM) implies numerous complications, making it an undeniable issue. Objective of the study. It was performed a literature review in order to highlight the impact of the Gestational Diabetes in Fetal Macrosomia prognosis outcome and its complications. Material and Methods. There were used “PubMed MEDLINE” database to select relevant full-text original articles published from 2015 till 2020, using a search formula “Fetal Macrosomia in Gestational Diabetes”, review articles were excluded. According to research criteria, there were retrieved 55 full-text, clinical trial articles. Results. Several studies have reported that women with GDM having poor glycemic control during pregnancy are more predisposed to have macrosomic infants. The prevalence of ...

Research paper thumbnail of Thrombophilia in pregnancy: a narrative review

Catedra de obstetrică, ginecologie și reproducere umană, Universitatea de Stat de Medicină și Far... more Catedra de obstetrică, ginecologie și reproducere umană, Universitatea de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie „Nicolae Testemițanu”, Chișinău, Republica MoldovaRezumat Introducere. Succesele obţinute la finele secolului XX în domeniul medicinei moleculare, biologiei şi geneticii medicale au contribuit la evaluarea din poziţii principial noi a patogenezei multor complicatii obstetricale în sarcină, care cresc mortalitatea fetală, infantilă şi maternă. Pierderea recurentă a sarcinii, naşterea prematură, moartea intrauterină a fătului, decolarea prematură a placentei normal inserate, retardul de dezvoltare intrauterină a fătului, preeclampsia severă, eclampsia, tromboembolismul sunt încă probleme foarte actuale pentru obstetrica modernă. Descoperirea diferitor forme de trombofilie dobândită şi ereditară au elucidat mult mai amplu patogeneza multiplelor afecţiuni, inclusiv şi în obstetrica generală. Material şi metode. Din bazele de date PubMed şi Scopus (Elsevier) au fost selectate articolele...

Research paper thumbnail of Hereditary thrombophilia and adverse pregnancy outcomes

The Moldovan Medical Journal, 2021

Background: Multiple studies have found a relatively increased risk of placenta-mediated pregnanc... more Background: Multiple studies have found a relatively increased risk of placenta-mediated pregnancy complications in women with congenital thrombophilia, especially early recurrent pregnancy loss, fetal loss, early-onset preeclampsia, intrauterine growth restriction, and premature abruption of normally positioned placenta. However, the extent of the association and the absolute risk are very modest, but they significantly increase in pregnant women with severe obstetric complications. Conclusions: There is convincing evidence that deficiency of natural anticoagulants (antithrombin, protein C, protein S) is a risk factor for late fetal loss. Factor V Leiden G1691A gene mutation and prothrombin G20210A gene mutation are associated with a double risk for early and unexplained recurrent pregnancy loss and for non-recurrent late fetal loss. The association of congenital thrombophilia with preeclampsia is much more uncertain, being probably limited factor V Leiden G1691A gene mutation and ...

Research paper thumbnail of The Obstetric Complications in Women with Hereditary Thrombophilia

Medicine and Pharmacy Reports, Dec 13, 2018

All congenital thrombophilias are associated with an increased risk of venous thromboembolism (VT... more All congenital thrombophilias are associated with an increased risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE) during pregnancy. Several studies have confirmed the increased risk of obstetric complications in women with congenital thrombophilias. Case-control, cohort and transversal studies have shown that hereditary thrombophilia is more prevalent in the cohorts of women with pregnancy losses, early onset preeclampsia, abruptio placentae and IUGR. However, despite the increase in the relative risk, the absolute risk of VTE and adverse pregnancy outcomes is low. There is convincing evidence that the deficiency of natural anticoagulants (AT, protein C, protein S) is a risk factor for late fetal loss. The mutations of the FVL (G1691A) gene and the prothrombin (G20210A) gene are associated with a double risk for unexplained RPL and non-recurrent late fetal loss. The association of congenital thrombophilia and preeclampsia is much more uncertain, being, probably, limited to the FVL G1691A gene mutation and more severe cases of preeclampsia. Fewer data are available for IUGR and abruptio placentae. In addition, genetic and epidemiological research suggest that obstetric complications during pregnancy have a polygenic multifactorial etiology, with a risk determined by the interaction of multiple genetic variants and other risk factors.

Research paper thumbnail of Incidenţa trombofiliei ereditare la femeile cu complicaţii obstetricale în anamneză

Obstetrică şi ginecologie/Obstetrica și ginecologia, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Managementul placentei praevia percreta – prezentare de caz

Obstetrică şi ginecologie/Obstetrica și ginecologia, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Привычный выкидыш и тромбофилия

Universitatea de Medicină și farmacie „Nicolae Testemițanu”, Catedra Obstetrică şi GinecologieIt ... more Universitatea de Medicină și farmacie „Nicolae Testemițanu”, Catedra Obstetrică şi GinecologieIt has been confirmed that APS is the only acquired thrombophilia associated with RPL and other adverse outcomes of pregnancy. The quality of research and elaborate methodology in most of the studies about the association of hereditary thrombophilia and RPL are lacking. They are mostly limited to small observational studies with limited and heterogeneous samples. The analyzed studies generally suggest that the presence of congenital thrombophilia in pregnant women is associated with late pregnancy loss or stillbirth, but not with an increased risk of early pregnancy loss. One possible explanation is that late pregnancy loss reflects placental vessel thrombosis, compared to first trimester losses that are more commonly caused by other causes. Thrombophilic defects also increase the risk of early pregnancy loss in the first trimester of pregnancy. However, these effects may vary across popula...

Research paper thumbnail of Trombofilia şi complicaţiile sarcinii - aspecte de etiopatogenie şi fiziopatologie

USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Catedra Obstetrică şi Ginecologie FECM

Research paper thumbnail of Тромбофилия и венозная тромбоэмболия

hrombophilia and venous thromboembolism.Trombofilia reprezintă un spectru de tulburări de coagula... more hrombophilia and venous thromboembolism.Trombofilia reprezintă un spectru de tulburări de coagulare ale sângelui, congenitale sau dobândite, asociate cu predispoziţie pentru evenimente trombotice sau tromboembolice venoase şi/sau arteriale, care conduc la anomalii ale compoziţiei sângelui, fluxului sangvin sau peretelui vascular. Prevalenţa trombofiliilor congenitale majore în populaţia generală de Vest este estimată la aproximativ 15%, poate fi identificată de la 15% până la 25% din populațiile caucaziene şi cel puţin 50% din cazurile de TEV în timpul sarcinii sunt asociate cu o trombofilie congenitală cunoscută. Studiile epidemiologice şi experimentale au confirmat asocierea trombofiliilor ereditare şi dobândite cu TEV. Riscul TEV este cel mai mare în deficienţa de AT, deficienţa proteinei C şi deficienţa proteinei S, dar prevalenţa acestora este mică în populaţia generală. Prezenţa a doi factori trombofilici creşte de aproxima...

Research paper thumbnail of Diabetul gestațional – un factor predispozant pentru macrosomia fetală

Background. Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is defined as glucose intolerance of variable deg... more Background. Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is defined as glucose intolerance of variable degrees, first recognized, during pregnancy. GDM pregnancies have up to a 3-fold higher rate to give birth to a macrosomic infant. Fetal Macrosomia (FM) implies numerous complications, making it an undeniable issue. Objective of the study. It was performed a literature review in order to highlight the impact of the Gestational Diabetes in Fetal Macrosomia prognosis outcome and its complications. Material and Methods. There were used “PubMed MEDLINE” database to select relevant full-text original articles published from 2015 till 2020, using a search formula “Fetal Macrosomia in Gestational Diabetes”, review articles were excluded. According to research criteria, there were retrieved 55 full-text, clinical trial articles. Results. Several studies have reported that women with GDM having poor glycemic control during pregnancy are more predisposed to have macrosomic infants. The prevalence of ...

Research paper thumbnail of Thrombophilia in pregnancy: a narrative review

Catedra de obstetrică, ginecologie și reproducere umană, Universitatea de Stat de Medicină și Far... more Catedra de obstetrică, ginecologie și reproducere umană, Universitatea de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie „Nicolae Testemițanu”, Chișinău, Republica MoldovaRezumat Introducere. Succesele obţinute la finele secolului XX în domeniul medicinei moleculare, biologiei şi geneticii medicale au contribuit la evaluarea din poziţii principial noi a patogenezei multor complicatii obstetricale în sarcină, care cresc mortalitatea fetală, infantilă şi maternă. Pierderea recurentă a sarcinii, naşterea prematură, moartea intrauterină a fătului, decolarea prematură a placentei normal inserate, retardul de dezvoltare intrauterină a fătului, preeclampsia severă, eclampsia, tromboembolismul sunt încă probleme foarte actuale pentru obstetrica modernă. Descoperirea diferitor forme de trombofilie dobândită şi ereditară au elucidat mult mai amplu patogeneza multiplelor afecţiuni, inclusiv şi în obstetrica generală. Material şi metode. Din bazele de date PubMed şi Scopus (Elsevier) au fost selectate articolele...

Research paper thumbnail of Hereditary thrombophilia and adverse pregnancy outcomes

The Moldovan Medical Journal, 2021

Background: Multiple studies have found a relatively increased risk of placenta-mediated pregnanc... more Background: Multiple studies have found a relatively increased risk of placenta-mediated pregnancy complications in women with congenital thrombophilia, especially early recurrent pregnancy loss, fetal loss, early-onset preeclampsia, intrauterine growth restriction, and premature abruption of normally positioned placenta. However, the extent of the association and the absolute risk are very modest, but they significantly increase in pregnant women with severe obstetric complications. Conclusions: There is convincing evidence that deficiency of natural anticoagulants (antithrombin, protein C, protein S) is a risk factor for late fetal loss. Factor V Leiden G1691A gene mutation and prothrombin G20210A gene mutation are associated with a double risk for early and unexplained recurrent pregnancy loss and for non-recurrent late fetal loss. The association of congenital thrombophilia with preeclampsia is much more uncertain, being probably limited factor V Leiden G1691A gene mutation and ...

Research paper thumbnail of The Obstetric Complications in Women with Hereditary Thrombophilia

Medicine and Pharmacy Reports, Dec 13, 2018

All congenital thrombophilias are associated with an increased risk of venous thromboembolism (VT... more All congenital thrombophilias are associated with an increased risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE) during pregnancy. Several studies have confirmed the increased risk of obstetric complications in women with congenital thrombophilias. Case-control, cohort and transversal studies have shown that hereditary thrombophilia is more prevalent in the cohorts of women with pregnancy losses, early onset preeclampsia, abruptio placentae and IUGR. However, despite the increase in the relative risk, the absolute risk of VTE and adverse pregnancy outcomes is low. There is convincing evidence that the deficiency of natural anticoagulants (AT, protein C, protein S) is a risk factor for late fetal loss. The mutations of the FVL (G1691A) gene and the prothrombin (G20210A) gene are associated with a double risk for unexplained RPL and non-recurrent late fetal loss. The association of congenital thrombophilia and preeclampsia is much more uncertain, being, probably, limited to the FVL G1691A gene mutation and more severe cases of preeclampsia. Fewer data are available for IUGR and abruptio placentae. In addition, genetic and epidemiological research suggest that obstetric complications during pregnancy have a polygenic multifactorial etiology, with a risk determined by the interaction of multiple genetic variants and other risk factors.