Mohammad Archi Maulyda - (original) (raw)
Papers by Mohammad Archi Maulyda
Jurnal Inovasi Hasil Pengabdian Masyarakat (JIPEMAS)
This service activity aims to improve the literacy and numeracy skills of elementary school (SD) ... more This service activity aims to improve the literacy and numeracy skills of elementary school (SD) children in Karang Sidemen Village, North Batukliang District, Central Lombok Regency through the "All Smart Children" Program which trains teachers regarding the urgency of learning basic literacy and numeracy for children. , and how to teach basic literacy and numeracy using the TaRL (Teaching at the Right Level) method. The activity is carried out in stages, namely 1) Coordination meeting, 2) Simulation of material presentation, 3) Preparation of activity logistics, 4) Implementation of workshop activities consisting of 2 waves, and 5) Evaluation of success indicators seen from the increase in scores on pretest-posttest which are grouped into 4 levels. There are differences in the characteristics of low-grade teachers and high-grade teachers during the training activities. Based on the results of the pretest and posttest, it is known that there are 24 out of 31 participants who experienced an increase in level. Workshop activities can be considered quite successful with the percentage of success of training activities in general is 77.41%.
Kasus kekerasan terhadap anak yang terjadi di sekolah menjadi salah satu alasan program Sekolah R... more Kasus kekerasan terhadap anak yang terjadi di sekolah menjadi salah satu alasan program Sekolah Ramah Anak (SRA). Penelitian ini dilakukan di tiga SD di tiga provinsi yang berbeda yaitu Jawa Barat, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, dan Nusa Tenggara Barat. Lokasi penelitian adalah SDN 2 Hegarsari, SDN Kaligintung, dan SDN 1 Sangkawana. Penerapan Sekolah Ramah Anak (SRA) akan dievaluasi dengan merujuk pada 6 komponen yaitu kebijakan SRA, pelaksanaan kurikulum, pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan terlatih hak-hak anak, sarana dan prasarana SRA, partisipasi anak, partisipasi warga diluar sekolah. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Subyek penelitian adalah kepala sekolah, guru, tenaga kependidikan, orang tua siswa, dan beberapa siswa kelas 6. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, dan tinjauan literature. Validitas data dilakukan dengan triangulasi sumber. Teknik analisis data untuk penelitian kualitatif terdiri dari reduksi data, tampilan data, dan...
Community Service Camp (KBM) is a PGSD student activity as a form of implementation of one of the... more Community Service Camp (KBM) is a PGSD student activity as a form of implementation of one of the Higher Education Tri Dharma values namely Community Service. This activity is a routine activity that is carried out once a year. For the 2020 period, KBM activities will be carried out in Batu Butir Village, Kekait District, North Lombok Regency. This activity lasted for 1 month starting on January 2 to February 2, 2020. One of the sub-units of this activity was an effort to improve the quality of education in SDI "Amanah" Kekait. This activity was carried out because based on problem mapping, the school still lacked teacher education personnel. In addition, the teacher who teaches is also not in accordance with the scientific field in elementary schools. The second problem is the lack of parental insight regarding the urgency of education for children. This can be seen from the many children in Batu Butir Village who attend school only up to elementary school level. Therefor...
This research is based on the observations and experiences of researchers, that at SMP Pawyatan D... more This research is based on the observations and experiences of researchers, that at SMP Pawyatan Daha there are some students who are still doing things based on following along with friends, not based on themselves. For example, when a friend has a problem with a gang then triggers a fight, then his other friends will join in a fight with the intention of defending a friend even though they don't know what the problem is. This study aims to determine the effect of peer relations on self-identity. This study uses a quantitative research approach with comparative or ex-post facto causal techniques. The study population was 185, and the sample consisted of 47 research subjects of class VI students of SDN 26 Ampenan. Collecting data using peer questionnaire instruments and self-identity then based on the results of the distribution of questionnaires it was found that peers had a significant influence on the self-identity of grade VII students of SMP Pawyatan Daha 1 Kediri. Based on ...
Premiere Educandum : Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar dan Pembelajaran
Student lecture journals are a form of development of notebooks that are commonly used by element... more Student lecture journals are a form of development of notebooks that are commonly used by elementary, middle and high school students. Lecture journals contain a summary of lectures in one day and are made more systematically accompanied by a clear format. But the use of lecture journals at the tertiary level is still very low. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to see whether the use of lecture journals can improve student learning outcomes. The type of research chosen is quantitative to see the significance of the use of the control class and the experimental class. Data will be tested using t-independent test. T test results show that lecture journals can influence student learning outcomes. To see the enhancements used the formula test-gain / normalized gain. Based on the results of the calculation of the gain-test / normalized gain it can be seen that there is an increase in student learning outcomes for the experimental class using lecture journals in learning by 22.67%. ...
Communication is an important ability for every human. Communication in this article is focused o... more Communication is an important ability for every human. Communication in this article is focused on written mathematical communication. This study aims to describe students’ errors in written mathematical communication at SMPN 1 Tembelang, Jombang class VIII F in solving word problems. The type of study is a qualitative descriptive study. The results of the study indicate that (1) there are still many students who are unable to communicate the results of their work properly. (2) The most mathematical error in mathematical communication is couldn’t illustrate the word problems into mathematics equations. (3) It was found that students communicated their answer incoherently (unsystematic and incomplete).
Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan media sosial dan lingkungan keluarg... more Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan media sosial dan lingkungan keluarga terhadap minat berwirausaha. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian ex-post facto dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan kuesioner yang dikemas dalam google form. Analisis data menggunakan analisis regresi linear berganda. Penelitian dilakukan pada 100 orang mahasiswa semester 8 Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar, Universitas Mataram yang sedang menempuh skripsi. Mahasiswa semester 8 dipilih karena dianggap memiliki pola pikir yang paling siap untuk menentukan masa depannya dan terjun ke dunia kerja. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan penggunaan media sosial dan lingkungan keluarga terhadap minat berwirausaha.
This study aims to describe about the effect of (1) leadership towards work motivation, (2) adver... more This study aims to describe about the effect of (1) leadership towards work motivation, (2) adversity quotient towards work motivation, and (3) leadership towards adversity quotient. The hypotheses of the this research are: (1) there is direct positive effect on leadership towards work motivation, (2) there is direct positive effect on adversity quotient towards work motivation, and (3) there is direct positive effect on leadership towards adversity quotient. The method used in this research was survey. The population was all of junior high school state teachers in District Grogol Petamburan West Jakarta and the total were 189 participants. The results showed that, firstly, there was direct positive effect on leadership towards work motivation with the correlation coefficient r 13 = 0,896, and path coefficient p 31 at the number 0,514 with α = 0,05. Secondly, there direct was positive effect on adversity quotient towards work motivation with the correlation coefficient r 23...
This study aims to determine: (1) The effect of self-confidence on the ability of public speaking... more This study aims to determine: (1) The effect of self-confidence on the ability of public speaking; (2) The effect of communication skills on public speaking skills; (3) The effect of self confidence and communication ability on public speaking ability of Elementary School Teacher Education Students 2019, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Mataram. This research is an ex post facto study using a quantitative data approach. The subjects in this study were students of class 2019, amounting to 345 and then taken as many as 38% of the population of around 131 students. Analysis Methods of data collection using a questionnaire. Test the validity of the instrument using Product Moment correlation and reliability testing using Alpha Cronbach. Data analysis uses descriptive statistical analysis; analysis prerequisite test consisting of normality test, linearity test, and multicollinearity test; and regression analysis consisting of a simple linear regression test and mu...
This descriptive qualitive research aims to describe the forms of mathematics representation that... more This descriptive qualitive research aims to describe the forms of mathematics representation that appear among college students whom try to understand the relation between the change of trigonometry function coefficient and its graph through GeoGebra media. A class consists of 30 college students choosen as research subjects and they are given worksheets. From their work, it can be seen that there are 3 types of tendency of representation forms which is used by college students to solve their worksheet. From each type of tendency, a worksheet of student is choosen randomly for further investigation since it can represent others’ work. The research result shows that college students represent GeoGebra view in 3 forms. They are verbal representation, mathematics expression representation, and visual representation.
Salah satu standar penting dalam NCTM adalah kemampuan problem solving . Standar ini dapat diimpl... more Salah satu standar penting dalam NCTM adalah kemampuan problem solving . Standar ini dapat diimplementasikan ke dalam pembelajaran melalui penerapan model pembelajaran berbasis masalah (PBL). Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mendeskripsikan proses internalisasi standar problem solving ke dalam pembelajaran yang dilakukan oleh guru sekolah dasar melalui model PBL. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif. Subjek penelitian dalam penelitian ini yaitu 24 guru sekolah dasar kelas tinggi di Gugus IV Kota Mataram. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan angket survey secara online melalui platform google form dan wawancara melalui media whatsapp . Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa 23 subjek (95,8%) sudah mendengar istilah problem solving . sedangkan 1 subjek (4,2%) belum mendengar istilah problem solving . Pendalaman hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa proses internalisasi standar problem solving dalam pembelajaran matematika yang dilakukan oleh guru se...
Accuracy of perception is the ability of individuals to recognize, organize, and interpret input ... more Accuracy of perception is the ability of individuals to recognize, organize, and interpret input from the environment and it is influenced by the level of individuals’ concentration on observing an object. When we can find out the causes of individual perceptual accuracy, we can design a learning instrument to enhance this ability. The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of r`eward on the accuracy of pupils' perceptions. The study employs a comparative experimental approach, in which 20 subjects are divided into two groups: 10 subjects were promised rewards and 10 subjects were not. The accuracy of perception is measured by the length of time used by subjects when completing two different levels of tests. The more time required by subjects to complete the test, the more inaccurate perceptions of research subjects. To test hypotheses, the researcher performed the Split-Plot Anova technique on the subject's length of time completing the tests. The result shows that ...
Pandemi Covid-19 memiliki dampak yang cukup berarti di dunia pendidikan Indonesia saat ini. Siswa... more Pandemi Covid-19 memiliki dampak yang cukup berarti di dunia pendidikan Indonesia saat ini. Siswa baik dari tingkat usia dini hingga tinggi (universitas) harus mengalami perubahan dalam sistem dan model pembelajaran. Tuntutan perubahan tidak hanya dirasakan oleh siswa namun juga oleh guru. Guru harus memenuhi tuntutan pembelajaran jarak jauh. Hal in juga berimbas pada penggunaan sarana yang tepat dalam mengevaluasi hasil belajar siswa. Website Quizizz menjadi salah satu sarana guru dalam melakukan evaluasi. Meskipun begitu, belum diketahui apakah Quizizz merupakan sarana yang tepat untuk melakukan evaluasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektivitas pemanfaatan Quizizz sebagai sarana evaluasi. Metode penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan desain eksperimen semu. Terdapat kelas kontrol dan eksperimen yang masing-masing memiliki sampel sebanyak 37 mahasiswa PGSD. Data didapatkan dalam bentuk skor hasil tes yang akan dianalisis menggunakan independent t-test untuk men...
Medicinal plants are returning viral during the Covid-19 pandemic. The absence of effective vacci... more Medicinal plants are returning viral during the Covid-19 pandemic. The absence of effective vaccines and drugs to ward off Covid-19 has increased interest in consuming medicinal plants. The trend of consuming medicinal plants during a pandemic cannot be separated from the role of the millennial generation. The millennial generation has more capabilities than the older generation in accessing and disseminating information. The problem is whether the millennial generation uses technology to support literacy about medicinal plants? How is the use of medicinal plants among the millennial generation? This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach. Data collection through surveys. The Jurnal Agribisnis Terpadu Vol. 13 No. 2 Desember 2020: 205-221 ISSN 1979-4991 e-ISSN 2549-0060 The Use of Medicinal Plants during the Covid-19 Pandemic: Perspective of Literacy and Consumption Interests for Millennial Generation (Septiadi et al)| 206 instrument used was a questionnaire. The number of ...
This research aims to determine the influence of the academic self-concept on the independence of... more This research aims to determine the influence of the academic self-concept on the independence of learning class VI students during the pandemic. Research in the background is a problem that many students lack self-reliance in learning at an elementary school education level, especially when online-based learning is enforced during the pandemic. In addition, when exams are many students who are unable to work on their own and ask a friend next to him when the exam is in progress. This research uses a quantitative-descriptive approach. This type of research is correlation research. The subject in this study amounted to 40 students. The variables studied are self-concept academic and self-learning independent students. Data is collected through the self-learning concept of academic and student self-reliance. From the analysis results using the correlation analysis of product-moment with the help of SPSS version 23.0, obtained R table results with N = 70 and α = 5%, is 0.235. While th...
Based on the results of a preliminary study conducted on 20 children, the number of children who ... more Based on the results of a preliminary study conducted on 20 children, the number of children who got 4 stars was 3 children with a percentage (15%), 3 stars were 4 children with a percentage (20%), 2 stars were 3 children with a percentage (15%), while those who got 1 star were 10 children with a percentage (50%). This shows that there are still many children who have not been able to count from 1-10, which means that many children have not achieved their learning completeness. For this reason, it is necessary to take action so that children's learning completeness can be achieved. The purpose of this study was to see the effectiveness of using smart tree media in improving children's numeracy skills 1-10. The design chosen for this study was the Kemmis and Taggart Classroom Action Research Model with 3 cycles. The data collection techniques used are performance techniques to collect data about students' numeracy skills and observation techniques to collect data about th...
A strong character has a very important role in many aspects of life, especially the academic fie... more A strong character has a very important role in many aspects of life, especially the academic field. This study aims to test the effectiveness of experiential learning on strengthening character values in reducing student academic cheating. The subjects of this study were a small group of students (38 people). The instruments used in data collection were academic fraud questionnaires and pretest-posttest questions. The data analysis technique used the Mc Nemar Test. The results of the Mc Nemar Test show that the value of Z count> Z table and a significant value> 0.05, or 3.77> 1.96, and 0.809> 0.05, thus the conclusion is that H0 is rejected. This means that the experiential learning strategy can improve the strengthening of student character and reduce academic cheating.
Students’ argumentation ability is necessary for education today, which emphasizes the student-ce... more Students’ argumentation ability is necessary for education today, which emphasizes the student-centered learning process. One way to see students’ argumentation ability is by having a discussion. Therefore, this study aimed to describe the Toulmin argumentation process for students during focus group discussions (FGD). This research is qualitative. The data collection instrument used was an open-ended questionnaire assisted by Google Form that contained common problems of the distance learning process during a pandemic. The subjects of this study consisted of fifty students from the University of Mataram. The results showed that the argumentation process was divided into three categories. The first category was the one-sentence argument. There were 58 %, or 29 students, who belonged in this category. The second category was the two sentences argument. There are 30 %, or 15 students belonged in this category. Lastly, 12 % or six students belonged to the more than three sentence argum...
Reasoning and Proof ability are one of the five standards in NCTM. Its implementation in learning... more Reasoning and Proof ability are one of the five standards in NCTM. Its implementation in learning can be transformed into problem-based learning (PBL). The purpose of this study is to provide a description related to the internalization of Reasoning and Proof standards in the mathematics learning process in elementary schools. The type of research used is qualitative with descriptive analysis. The research subjects were 24 elementary school teachers in Cluster IV Mataram City. The data collection process was carried out by a survey method that was conducted online using the Google form platform. To strengthen the results of the questionnaire, interviews were also conducted via WhatsApp phone to each research subject. The results of the research showed that 45.8% (11 subjects) had never heard of the terms reasoning and proof, while 54.2% (13 subjects) had never heard of the terms reasoning and proof. The deepening of the results of this study found that the feasibility of Reasoning a...
Jurnal Inovasi Hasil Pengabdian Masyarakat (JIPEMAS)
This service activity aims to improve the literacy and numeracy skills of elementary school (SD) ... more This service activity aims to improve the literacy and numeracy skills of elementary school (SD) children in Karang Sidemen Village, North Batukliang District, Central Lombok Regency through the "All Smart Children" Program which trains teachers regarding the urgency of learning basic literacy and numeracy for children. , and how to teach basic literacy and numeracy using the TaRL (Teaching at the Right Level) method. The activity is carried out in stages, namely 1) Coordination meeting, 2) Simulation of material presentation, 3) Preparation of activity logistics, 4) Implementation of workshop activities consisting of 2 waves, and 5) Evaluation of success indicators seen from the increase in scores on pretest-posttest which are grouped into 4 levels. There are differences in the characteristics of low-grade teachers and high-grade teachers during the training activities. Based on the results of the pretest and posttest, it is known that there are 24 out of 31 participants who experienced an increase in level. Workshop activities can be considered quite successful with the percentage of success of training activities in general is 77.41%.
Kasus kekerasan terhadap anak yang terjadi di sekolah menjadi salah satu alasan program Sekolah R... more Kasus kekerasan terhadap anak yang terjadi di sekolah menjadi salah satu alasan program Sekolah Ramah Anak (SRA). Penelitian ini dilakukan di tiga SD di tiga provinsi yang berbeda yaitu Jawa Barat, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, dan Nusa Tenggara Barat. Lokasi penelitian adalah SDN 2 Hegarsari, SDN Kaligintung, dan SDN 1 Sangkawana. Penerapan Sekolah Ramah Anak (SRA) akan dievaluasi dengan merujuk pada 6 komponen yaitu kebijakan SRA, pelaksanaan kurikulum, pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan terlatih hak-hak anak, sarana dan prasarana SRA, partisipasi anak, partisipasi warga diluar sekolah. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Subyek penelitian adalah kepala sekolah, guru, tenaga kependidikan, orang tua siswa, dan beberapa siswa kelas 6. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, dan tinjauan literature. Validitas data dilakukan dengan triangulasi sumber. Teknik analisis data untuk penelitian kualitatif terdiri dari reduksi data, tampilan data, dan...
Community Service Camp (KBM) is a PGSD student activity as a form of implementation of one of the... more Community Service Camp (KBM) is a PGSD student activity as a form of implementation of one of the Higher Education Tri Dharma values namely Community Service. This activity is a routine activity that is carried out once a year. For the 2020 period, KBM activities will be carried out in Batu Butir Village, Kekait District, North Lombok Regency. This activity lasted for 1 month starting on January 2 to February 2, 2020. One of the sub-units of this activity was an effort to improve the quality of education in SDI "Amanah" Kekait. This activity was carried out because based on problem mapping, the school still lacked teacher education personnel. In addition, the teacher who teaches is also not in accordance with the scientific field in elementary schools. The second problem is the lack of parental insight regarding the urgency of education for children. This can be seen from the many children in Batu Butir Village who attend school only up to elementary school level. Therefor...
This research is based on the observations and experiences of researchers, that at SMP Pawyatan D... more This research is based on the observations and experiences of researchers, that at SMP Pawyatan Daha there are some students who are still doing things based on following along with friends, not based on themselves. For example, when a friend has a problem with a gang then triggers a fight, then his other friends will join in a fight with the intention of defending a friend even though they don't know what the problem is. This study aims to determine the effect of peer relations on self-identity. This study uses a quantitative research approach with comparative or ex-post facto causal techniques. The study population was 185, and the sample consisted of 47 research subjects of class VI students of SDN 26 Ampenan. Collecting data using peer questionnaire instruments and self-identity then based on the results of the distribution of questionnaires it was found that peers had a significant influence on the self-identity of grade VII students of SMP Pawyatan Daha 1 Kediri. Based on ...
Premiere Educandum : Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar dan Pembelajaran
Student lecture journals are a form of development of notebooks that are commonly used by element... more Student lecture journals are a form of development of notebooks that are commonly used by elementary, middle and high school students. Lecture journals contain a summary of lectures in one day and are made more systematically accompanied by a clear format. But the use of lecture journals at the tertiary level is still very low. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to see whether the use of lecture journals can improve student learning outcomes. The type of research chosen is quantitative to see the significance of the use of the control class and the experimental class. Data will be tested using t-independent test. T test results show that lecture journals can influence student learning outcomes. To see the enhancements used the formula test-gain / normalized gain. Based on the results of the calculation of the gain-test / normalized gain it can be seen that there is an increase in student learning outcomes for the experimental class using lecture journals in learning by 22.67%. ...
Communication is an important ability for every human. Communication in this article is focused o... more Communication is an important ability for every human. Communication in this article is focused on written mathematical communication. This study aims to describe students’ errors in written mathematical communication at SMPN 1 Tembelang, Jombang class VIII F in solving word problems. The type of study is a qualitative descriptive study. The results of the study indicate that (1) there are still many students who are unable to communicate the results of their work properly. (2) The most mathematical error in mathematical communication is couldn’t illustrate the word problems into mathematics equations. (3) It was found that students communicated their answer incoherently (unsystematic and incomplete).
Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan media sosial dan lingkungan keluarg... more Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan media sosial dan lingkungan keluarga terhadap minat berwirausaha. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian ex-post facto dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan kuesioner yang dikemas dalam google form. Analisis data menggunakan analisis regresi linear berganda. Penelitian dilakukan pada 100 orang mahasiswa semester 8 Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar, Universitas Mataram yang sedang menempuh skripsi. Mahasiswa semester 8 dipilih karena dianggap memiliki pola pikir yang paling siap untuk menentukan masa depannya dan terjun ke dunia kerja. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan penggunaan media sosial dan lingkungan keluarga terhadap minat berwirausaha.
This study aims to describe about the effect of (1) leadership towards work motivation, (2) adver... more This study aims to describe about the effect of (1) leadership towards work motivation, (2) adversity quotient towards work motivation, and (3) leadership towards adversity quotient. The hypotheses of the this research are: (1) there is direct positive effect on leadership towards work motivation, (2) there is direct positive effect on adversity quotient towards work motivation, and (3) there is direct positive effect on leadership towards adversity quotient. The method used in this research was survey. The population was all of junior high school state teachers in District Grogol Petamburan West Jakarta and the total were 189 participants. The results showed that, firstly, there was direct positive effect on leadership towards work motivation with the correlation coefficient r 13 = 0,896, and path coefficient p 31 at the number 0,514 with α = 0,05. Secondly, there direct was positive effect on adversity quotient towards work motivation with the correlation coefficient r 23...
This study aims to determine: (1) The effect of self-confidence on the ability of public speaking... more This study aims to determine: (1) The effect of self-confidence on the ability of public speaking; (2) The effect of communication skills on public speaking skills; (3) The effect of self confidence and communication ability on public speaking ability of Elementary School Teacher Education Students 2019, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Mataram. This research is an ex post facto study using a quantitative data approach. The subjects in this study were students of class 2019, amounting to 345 and then taken as many as 38% of the population of around 131 students. Analysis Methods of data collection using a questionnaire. Test the validity of the instrument using Product Moment correlation and reliability testing using Alpha Cronbach. Data analysis uses descriptive statistical analysis; analysis prerequisite test consisting of normality test, linearity test, and multicollinearity test; and regression analysis consisting of a simple linear regression test and mu...
This descriptive qualitive research aims to describe the forms of mathematics representation that... more This descriptive qualitive research aims to describe the forms of mathematics representation that appear among college students whom try to understand the relation between the change of trigonometry function coefficient and its graph through GeoGebra media. A class consists of 30 college students choosen as research subjects and they are given worksheets. From their work, it can be seen that there are 3 types of tendency of representation forms which is used by college students to solve their worksheet. From each type of tendency, a worksheet of student is choosen randomly for further investigation since it can represent others’ work. The research result shows that college students represent GeoGebra view in 3 forms. They are verbal representation, mathematics expression representation, and visual representation.
Salah satu standar penting dalam NCTM adalah kemampuan problem solving . Standar ini dapat diimpl... more Salah satu standar penting dalam NCTM adalah kemampuan problem solving . Standar ini dapat diimplementasikan ke dalam pembelajaran melalui penerapan model pembelajaran berbasis masalah (PBL). Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mendeskripsikan proses internalisasi standar problem solving ke dalam pembelajaran yang dilakukan oleh guru sekolah dasar melalui model PBL. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif. Subjek penelitian dalam penelitian ini yaitu 24 guru sekolah dasar kelas tinggi di Gugus IV Kota Mataram. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan angket survey secara online melalui platform google form dan wawancara melalui media whatsapp . Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa 23 subjek (95,8%) sudah mendengar istilah problem solving . sedangkan 1 subjek (4,2%) belum mendengar istilah problem solving . Pendalaman hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa proses internalisasi standar problem solving dalam pembelajaran matematika yang dilakukan oleh guru se...
Accuracy of perception is the ability of individuals to recognize, organize, and interpret input ... more Accuracy of perception is the ability of individuals to recognize, organize, and interpret input from the environment and it is influenced by the level of individuals’ concentration on observing an object. When we can find out the causes of individual perceptual accuracy, we can design a learning instrument to enhance this ability. The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of r`eward on the accuracy of pupils' perceptions. The study employs a comparative experimental approach, in which 20 subjects are divided into two groups: 10 subjects were promised rewards and 10 subjects were not. The accuracy of perception is measured by the length of time used by subjects when completing two different levels of tests. The more time required by subjects to complete the test, the more inaccurate perceptions of research subjects. To test hypotheses, the researcher performed the Split-Plot Anova technique on the subject's length of time completing the tests. The result shows that ...
Pandemi Covid-19 memiliki dampak yang cukup berarti di dunia pendidikan Indonesia saat ini. Siswa... more Pandemi Covid-19 memiliki dampak yang cukup berarti di dunia pendidikan Indonesia saat ini. Siswa baik dari tingkat usia dini hingga tinggi (universitas) harus mengalami perubahan dalam sistem dan model pembelajaran. Tuntutan perubahan tidak hanya dirasakan oleh siswa namun juga oleh guru. Guru harus memenuhi tuntutan pembelajaran jarak jauh. Hal in juga berimbas pada penggunaan sarana yang tepat dalam mengevaluasi hasil belajar siswa. Website Quizizz menjadi salah satu sarana guru dalam melakukan evaluasi. Meskipun begitu, belum diketahui apakah Quizizz merupakan sarana yang tepat untuk melakukan evaluasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektivitas pemanfaatan Quizizz sebagai sarana evaluasi. Metode penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan desain eksperimen semu. Terdapat kelas kontrol dan eksperimen yang masing-masing memiliki sampel sebanyak 37 mahasiswa PGSD. Data didapatkan dalam bentuk skor hasil tes yang akan dianalisis menggunakan independent t-test untuk men...
Medicinal plants are returning viral during the Covid-19 pandemic. The absence of effective vacci... more Medicinal plants are returning viral during the Covid-19 pandemic. The absence of effective vaccines and drugs to ward off Covid-19 has increased interest in consuming medicinal plants. The trend of consuming medicinal plants during a pandemic cannot be separated from the role of the millennial generation. The millennial generation has more capabilities than the older generation in accessing and disseminating information. The problem is whether the millennial generation uses technology to support literacy about medicinal plants? How is the use of medicinal plants among the millennial generation? This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach. Data collection through surveys. The Jurnal Agribisnis Terpadu Vol. 13 No. 2 Desember 2020: 205-221 ISSN 1979-4991 e-ISSN 2549-0060 The Use of Medicinal Plants during the Covid-19 Pandemic: Perspective of Literacy and Consumption Interests for Millennial Generation (Septiadi et al)| 206 instrument used was a questionnaire. The number of ...
This research aims to determine the influence of the academic self-concept on the independence of... more This research aims to determine the influence of the academic self-concept on the independence of learning class VI students during the pandemic. Research in the background is a problem that many students lack self-reliance in learning at an elementary school education level, especially when online-based learning is enforced during the pandemic. In addition, when exams are many students who are unable to work on their own and ask a friend next to him when the exam is in progress. This research uses a quantitative-descriptive approach. This type of research is correlation research. The subject in this study amounted to 40 students. The variables studied are self-concept academic and self-learning independent students. Data is collected through the self-learning concept of academic and student self-reliance. From the analysis results using the correlation analysis of product-moment with the help of SPSS version 23.0, obtained R table results with N = 70 and α = 5%, is 0.235. While th...
Based on the results of a preliminary study conducted on 20 children, the number of children who ... more Based on the results of a preliminary study conducted on 20 children, the number of children who got 4 stars was 3 children with a percentage (15%), 3 stars were 4 children with a percentage (20%), 2 stars were 3 children with a percentage (15%), while those who got 1 star were 10 children with a percentage (50%). This shows that there are still many children who have not been able to count from 1-10, which means that many children have not achieved their learning completeness. For this reason, it is necessary to take action so that children's learning completeness can be achieved. The purpose of this study was to see the effectiveness of using smart tree media in improving children's numeracy skills 1-10. The design chosen for this study was the Kemmis and Taggart Classroom Action Research Model with 3 cycles. The data collection techniques used are performance techniques to collect data about students' numeracy skills and observation techniques to collect data about th...
A strong character has a very important role in many aspects of life, especially the academic fie... more A strong character has a very important role in many aspects of life, especially the academic field. This study aims to test the effectiveness of experiential learning on strengthening character values in reducing student academic cheating. The subjects of this study were a small group of students (38 people). The instruments used in data collection were academic fraud questionnaires and pretest-posttest questions. The data analysis technique used the Mc Nemar Test. The results of the Mc Nemar Test show that the value of Z count> Z table and a significant value> 0.05, or 3.77> 1.96, and 0.809> 0.05, thus the conclusion is that H0 is rejected. This means that the experiential learning strategy can improve the strengthening of student character and reduce academic cheating.
Students’ argumentation ability is necessary for education today, which emphasizes the student-ce... more Students’ argumentation ability is necessary for education today, which emphasizes the student-centered learning process. One way to see students’ argumentation ability is by having a discussion. Therefore, this study aimed to describe the Toulmin argumentation process for students during focus group discussions (FGD). This research is qualitative. The data collection instrument used was an open-ended questionnaire assisted by Google Form that contained common problems of the distance learning process during a pandemic. The subjects of this study consisted of fifty students from the University of Mataram. The results showed that the argumentation process was divided into three categories. The first category was the one-sentence argument. There were 58 %, or 29 students, who belonged in this category. The second category was the two sentences argument. There are 30 %, or 15 students belonged in this category. Lastly, 12 % or six students belonged to the more than three sentence argum...
Reasoning and Proof ability are one of the five standards in NCTM. Its implementation in learning... more Reasoning and Proof ability are one of the five standards in NCTM. Its implementation in learning can be transformed into problem-based learning (PBL). The purpose of this study is to provide a description related to the internalization of Reasoning and Proof standards in the mathematics learning process in elementary schools. The type of research used is qualitative with descriptive analysis. The research subjects were 24 elementary school teachers in Cluster IV Mataram City. The data collection process was carried out by a survey method that was conducted online using the Google form platform. To strengthen the results of the questionnaire, interviews were also conducted via WhatsApp phone to each research subject. The results of the research showed that 45.8% (11 subjects) had never heard of the terms reasoning and proof, while 54.2% (13 subjects) had never heard of the terms reasoning and proof. The deepening of the results of this study found that the feasibility of Reasoning a...