Mohammad Yani - (original) (raw)

Papers by Mohammad Yani

Research paper thumbnail of A better entity detection of question for knowledge graph question answering through extracting position-based patterns

Journal of Big Data

Entity detection task on knowledge graph question answering systems has been studied well on simp... more Entity detection task on knowledge graph question answering systems has been studied well on simple questions. However, the task is still challenging on complex questions. It is due to a complex question is composed of more than one fact or triple. This paper proposes a method to detect entities and their position on triples mentioned in a question. Unlike existing approaches that only focus on detecting the entity name, our method can determine in which triple an entity is located. Furthermore, our approach can also define if an entity is a head or a tail of a triple mentioned in a question. We tested our approach to SimpleQuestions, LC-QuAD 2.0, and QALD series benchmarks. The experiment result demonstrates that our model outperforms the previous works on SimpleQuestions and QALD series datasets. 99.15% accuracy and 96.15% accuracy on average, respectively. Our model can also improve entity detection performance on LC-QuAD 2.0 with a merged dataset, namely, 97.4% accuracy. This pa...

Research paper thumbnail of Challenges, Techniques, and Trends of Simple Knowledge Graph Question Answering: A Survey

Information, 2021

Simple questions are the most common type of questions used for evaluating a knowledge graph ques... more Simple questions are the most common type of questions used for evaluating a knowledge graph question answering (KGQA). A simple question is a question whose answer can be captured by a factoid statement with one relation or predicate. Knowledge graph question answering (KGQA) systems are systems whose aim is to automatically answer natural language questions (NLQs) over knowledge graphs (KGs). There are varieties of researches with different approaches in this area. However, the lack of a comprehensive study to focus on addressing simple questions from all aspects is tangible. In this paper, we present a comprehensive survey of answering simple questions to classify available techniques and compare their advantages and drawbacks in order to have better insights of existing issues and recommendations to direct future works.

Research paper thumbnail of Peningkatan Kualitas Information Knowledge Game Online Menggunakan Konsep Linked Data

Eksplora Informatika, 2016

Artikel ini telah dicabut penerbitannya karena alasan tertentu.

Research paper thumbnail of E-SIBAYU: A Tele-Monitoring App for Saving Pregnant Mothers and Babies

Research paper thumbnail of Sistem Pemantauan dan Peringatan Dini Potensi Banjir Sungai Cimanuk Berbasis Internet of Things (IoT)

Sungai Cimanuk berada di Kabupaten Indramayu merupkan sungai yang membentang dari garut sebagai h... more Sungai Cimanuk berada di Kabupaten Indramayu merupkan sungai yang membentang dari garut sebagai hulu dan indramayu sebagai hilir. Karena merupakan sungai besar maka menjadi sumber air bagi daerah sekitar DAS sungai cimanuk. Disamping manfaat yang ada, sungai cimanuk memiliki potensi becana banjir. Pada tahun 2014 terjadi banjir bandang didaerah indramayu dan salah satu penyebabnya meluapnya sungai cimanuk ini. Sehingga untuk meminimalisir korban dan kerugian akibat bencana dari sungai cimanuk perlu dibuat sebuah alat monitoring sungai berbasis IoT (internet of things) yang terhubung ke server dengan koneksi gprs dan dapat dikases oleh penduduk sekitar DAS menggunakan smartphone yang terinstall aplikasi monintoring ini. Dari Sistem ini masyarakat dapat terbantu dalam mendapatkan informasi realtime tentang kondisi dari aliran sungai cimanuk sehingga dapat meminimalisir dampark dari bencana banjir di daerah DAS cimanuk kabupaten indramayu. Alat pengukur ketinggian dipasang di bendungan...

Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of Energy Efficiency and Routing Packet Overhead in Single and Multi Path Routing Protocols over S-MAC for Wireless Sensor Network

2012 Sixth UKSim/AMSS European Symposium on Computer Modeling and Simulation, 2012

Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a type of intelligent wireless network composed by tens to thous... more Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a type of intelligent wireless network composed by tens to thousands of nodes. WSN can communicate each other as well as to modify the configuration by itself. In their communication process, WSN needs energy to forward some data packet. Energy of WSN is limited with batteries are not rechargeable. Energy efficiency is an interest case to be analyzed more on WSN. Obviously, With reduce cost of routing process we can save energy on WSN. In this paper, we analyze energy consumption of WSN and routing packet overhead on routing protocol based single path AODV and multipath AOMDV over SMAC in order to find out the most energy efficient between both. By performing simulation with Network Simulator NS-2, the study found that AOMDV perform better in terms of energy efficiency in among intermediate node but overal wasteful of energy with average large number of routing packet overhead compare to AODV.

Research paper thumbnail of Implementasi Metoda Penyimpanan Dan Pengambilan Ontologi Berbasis File Menggunakan Java Dan Jena

Eksplora Informatika, 2016

Perkembangan teknologi web semakin pesat baik teknologi web berbasis klien ataupun server. Perkem... more Perkembangan teknologi web semakin pesat baik teknologi web berbasis klien ataupun server. Perkembangan tersebut tidak lain bertujuan untuk meningkatkan mutu informasi yang dikelolanya. Web semantik adalah salah satu solusi untuk meningkatkan mutu informasi dari sebuah web. Karena dengan konsep ini informasi disajikan dalam bentuk struktur orisinil sehingga informasi dapat dipahami oleh manusia dan mesin. Yang dimaksud dengan informasi dapat dipahami oleh manusia dan mesin adalah bahwa keduanya dapat memahami arti semantik dari informasi yang dikandung di dalamnya. Pada penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Yinghui Huang dijelaskan bahwa metoda penyimpanan dibagi menjadi tiga, yaitu: metoda berbasis memori; metoda berbasis file; dan metoda berbasis relasi basis data. Namun pada penelitian tersebut hanya menitikberatkan pada definisi, model dan metoda penyimpanan saja. Pada penelitian ini peneliti akan mengimplementasikan bagaimana melakukan proses penyimpanan dan pengambilan ontologi mengg...

Research paper thumbnail of Pemanfaatan Linked Data untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Information Knowledge pada Resources Game Online

Jurnal Nasional Teknik Elektro dan Teknologi Informasi (JNTETI), Jun 8, 2017

This paper proposes an online game design that has resources with interoperability. Interoperabil... more This paper proposes an online game design that has resources with interoperability. Interoperability means the resources can share, re-used, and interlinked with another Unified Resources Identifier (URI). The game design is constructed by utilizing Linked Data concept where the resources are developed in the form of ontology. The resources are developed by both creating manually using Protégé and re-using from another URI's. To get the resources from another URI's SPARQL can be used through Apache Jena Fuseki server. SPARQL is a query used for Resource Description Framework (RDF) or Web Ontology Language (OWL). The result shows that retrieval data/information process by using SPARQL works well. The resources from another URI's can be used and integrated with local resources. It means the quality of information knowledge is increasing in interoperability, where the resources can be shared, re-used, and interlinked. Intisari-Makalah ini mengusulkan sebuah rancangan game online yang sumber dayanya bersifat interoperabilitas, yaitu: saling berbagi (share); saling menggunakan ulang (re-used); dan saling interkoneksi (interlinked). Rancangan game dibuat dengan memanfaatkan konsep Linked Data, yaitu sumber daya dibuat dalam bentuk ontologi. Sumber daya dibuat dengan cara membuat kelas atau instance secara manual menggunakan perangkat lunak Protégé, dan juga dengan cara menggunakan ulang sumber daya yang terdapat pada Unified Resources Identifier (URI) lain. Penggunaan ulang sumber daya dari URI lain dilakukan dengan menggunakan perintah query di SPARQL melalui server Apache Jena Fuseki. SPARQL adalah query yang digunakan untuk Resource Description Framework (RDF) atau Web Ontology Language (OWL). Hasil eksperimen menunjukkan bahwa proses pengambilan data/informasi menggunakan SPARQL berhasil dengan baik. Sumber daya yang diambil dari URI lain dapat digunakan dan digabungkan dengan sumber daya lokal yang dirancang sendiri secara manual menggunakan Protégé. Ini menunjukkan bahwa kualitas information knowledge dari sumber daya game online yang dikembangkan meningkat dalam hal interoperabilitasnya, karena sumber daya dapat saling berbagi, digunakan ulang, dan saling terkoneksi. Kata Kunci-Linked Data, ontologi, web semantik, interoperabilitas data.

Research paper thumbnail of E-SIBAYU: A Tele-Monitoring App for Monitoring Pregnant Mothers and Babies

Jurnal Matematika dan Sains

During last six years, Indramayu had a high number of maternal and baby deaths. Even in 2016, Ind... more During last six years, Indramayu had a high number of maternal and baby deaths. Even in 2016, Indramayu was as a third rank in number of maternal and baby deaths in West Java. The main cause of this problem was that there was no system to monitor the most causes of the maternal and baby deaths. Public health office could not plan what they should do because they did not have enough information about the real circumstance of pregnant mothers during their pregnancy. For consequence, public health office could not prepare well both the first and advance aid for the pregnant mothers who had a high risk for their health. That is why we propose a system that can provide features to monitor the progress of pregnant mothers especially in terms of four main causes involving the maternal and baby deaths happened, called E-SIBAYU. E- SIBAYU is developed for both mobile and web based. The mobile based app is used by midwifes to entry the health information of pregnant mothers, while the web-bas...

Research paper thumbnail of Implementasi Teori Refinement pada Pengkomposisian Soal pada Game berbasis Web Semantik

This paper explores the implementation of refinement theory in questions composition for semantic... more This paper explores the implementation of refinement theory in questions composition for semantic webbased Arabic Learning game. The refinement theory is used to assess the degree of sophistication of the game, while semantic web is a concept that improves web document into web data. In this paper, a simple ontology about game questions composition is developed by implementing refinement theory to distinguish the difficulty of each level. This, hopefully, will motivate players to continue playing their game into the next level. This research conclude that the relation between value of R and question complexity is a negative correlation. The higher the value of R, the lower the question complexity. Intisari-Makalah ini mengeksplorasi implementasi teori refinement pada penyusunan komposisi soal pada game belajar Hijaiyah berbasis web semantik. Teori refinement digunakan untuk menilai tingkat kompleksitas sebuah game. Sedangkan web semantik adalah sebuah konsep yang memperbaiki dokumen web menjadi data web. Pada makalah ini dikembangkan sebuah ontologi sederhana tentang penyusunan komposisi soal pada game dengan mengimplementasikan teori refinement untuk membedakan tingkat kesulitan tiap level. Hal ini dilakukan untuk menarik pemain agar tidak menjadi bosan dan selalu termotivasi untuk meneruskan memainkan game tersebut pada level selanjutnya. Dari hasil dapat disimpulkan bahwa hubungan antara nilai R dan tingkat kompleksitas soal adalah korelasi negatif. Semakin tinggi nilai R maka semakin rendah tingkat kompleksitas soalnya. Sebaliknya, semakin rendah nilai R maka semakin tinggi nilai kompleksitas soalnya. Kata Kunci-Teori refinement, linked data, web semantik, game online.

Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of Energy Efficiency and Routing Packet Overhead in Single and Multi Path Routing Protocols over S-MAC for Wireless Sensor Network

2012 Sixth UKSim/AMSS European Symposium on Computer Modeling and Simulation, 2012


Research paper thumbnail of A better entity detection of question for knowledge graph question answering through extracting position-based patterns

Journal of Big Data

Entity detection task on knowledge graph question answering systems has been studied well on simp... more Entity detection task on knowledge graph question answering systems has been studied well on simple questions. However, the task is still challenging on complex questions. It is due to a complex question is composed of more than one fact or triple. This paper proposes a method to detect entities and their position on triples mentioned in a question. Unlike existing approaches that only focus on detecting the entity name, our method can determine in which triple an entity is located. Furthermore, our approach can also define if an entity is a head or a tail of a triple mentioned in a question. We tested our approach to SimpleQuestions, LC-QuAD 2.0, and QALD series benchmarks. The experiment result demonstrates that our model outperforms the previous works on SimpleQuestions and QALD series datasets. 99.15% accuracy and 96.15% accuracy on average, respectively. Our model can also improve entity detection performance on LC-QuAD 2.0 with a merged dataset, namely, 97.4% accuracy. This pa...

Research paper thumbnail of Challenges, Techniques, and Trends of Simple Knowledge Graph Question Answering: A Survey

Information, 2021

Simple questions are the most common type of questions used for evaluating a knowledge graph ques... more Simple questions are the most common type of questions used for evaluating a knowledge graph question answering (KGQA). A simple question is a question whose answer can be captured by a factoid statement with one relation or predicate. Knowledge graph question answering (KGQA) systems are systems whose aim is to automatically answer natural language questions (NLQs) over knowledge graphs (KGs). There are varieties of researches with different approaches in this area. However, the lack of a comprehensive study to focus on addressing simple questions from all aspects is tangible. In this paper, we present a comprehensive survey of answering simple questions to classify available techniques and compare their advantages and drawbacks in order to have better insights of existing issues and recommendations to direct future works.

Research paper thumbnail of Peningkatan Kualitas Information Knowledge Game Online Menggunakan Konsep Linked Data

Eksplora Informatika, 2016

Artikel ini telah dicabut penerbitannya karena alasan tertentu.

Research paper thumbnail of E-SIBAYU: A Tele-Monitoring App for Saving Pregnant Mothers and Babies

Research paper thumbnail of Sistem Pemantauan dan Peringatan Dini Potensi Banjir Sungai Cimanuk Berbasis Internet of Things (IoT)

Sungai Cimanuk berada di Kabupaten Indramayu merupkan sungai yang membentang dari garut sebagai h... more Sungai Cimanuk berada di Kabupaten Indramayu merupkan sungai yang membentang dari garut sebagai hulu dan indramayu sebagai hilir. Karena merupakan sungai besar maka menjadi sumber air bagi daerah sekitar DAS sungai cimanuk. Disamping manfaat yang ada, sungai cimanuk memiliki potensi becana banjir. Pada tahun 2014 terjadi banjir bandang didaerah indramayu dan salah satu penyebabnya meluapnya sungai cimanuk ini. Sehingga untuk meminimalisir korban dan kerugian akibat bencana dari sungai cimanuk perlu dibuat sebuah alat monitoring sungai berbasis IoT (internet of things) yang terhubung ke server dengan koneksi gprs dan dapat dikases oleh penduduk sekitar DAS menggunakan smartphone yang terinstall aplikasi monintoring ini. Dari Sistem ini masyarakat dapat terbantu dalam mendapatkan informasi realtime tentang kondisi dari aliran sungai cimanuk sehingga dapat meminimalisir dampark dari bencana banjir di daerah DAS cimanuk kabupaten indramayu. Alat pengukur ketinggian dipasang di bendungan...

Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of Energy Efficiency and Routing Packet Overhead in Single and Multi Path Routing Protocols over S-MAC for Wireless Sensor Network

2012 Sixth UKSim/AMSS European Symposium on Computer Modeling and Simulation, 2012

Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a type of intelligent wireless network composed by tens to thous... more Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a type of intelligent wireless network composed by tens to thousands of nodes. WSN can communicate each other as well as to modify the configuration by itself. In their communication process, WSN needs energy to forward some data packet. Energy of WSN is limited with batteries are not rechargeable. Energy efficiency is an interest case to be analyzed more on WSN. Obviously, With reduce cost of routing process we can save energy on WSN. In this paper, we analyze energy consumption of WSN and routing packet overhead on routing protocol based single path AODV and multipath AOMDV over SMAC in order to find out the most energy efficient between both. By performing simulation with Network Simulator NS-2, the study found that AOMDV perform better in terms of energy efficiency in among intermediate node but overal wasteful of energy with average large number of routing packet overhead compare to AODV.

Research paper thumbnail of Implementasi Metoda Penyimpanan Dan Pengambilan Ontologi Berbasis File Menggunakan Java Dan Jena

Eksplora Informatika, 2016

Perkembangan teknologi web semakin pesat baik teknologi web berbasis klien ataupun server. Perkem... more Perkembangan teknologi web semakin pesat baik teknologi web berbasis klien ataupun server. Perkembangan tersebut tidak lain bertujuan untuk meningkatkan mutu informasi yang dikelolanya. Web semantik adalah salah satu solusi untuk meningkatkan mutu informasi dari sebuah web. Karena dengan konsep ini informasi disajikan dalam bentuk struktur orisinil sehingga informasi dapat dipahami oleh manusia dan mesin. Yang dimaksud dengan informasi dapat dipahami oleh manusia dan mesin adalah bahwa keduanya dapat memahami arti semantik dari informasi yang dikandung di dalamnya. Pada penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Yinghui Huang dijelaskan bahwa metoda penyimpanan dibagi menjadi tiga, yaitu: metoda berbasis memori; metoda berbasis file; dan metoda berbasis relasi basis data. Namun pada penelitian tersebut hanya menitikberatkan pada definisi, model dan metoda penyimpanan saja. Pada penelitian ini peneliti akan mengimplementasikan bagaimana melakukan proses penyimpanan dan pengambilan ontologi mengg...

Research paper thumbnail of Pemanfaatan Linked Data untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Information Knowledge pada Resources Game Online

Jurnal Nasional Teknik Elektro dan Teknologi Informasi (JNTETI), Jun 8, 2017

This paper proposes an online game design that has resources with interoperability. Interoperabil... more This paper proposes an online game design that has resources with interoperability. Interoperability means the resources can share, re-used, and interlinked with another Unified Resources Identifier (URI). The game design is constructed by utilizing Linked Data concept where the resources are developed in the form of ontology. The resources are developed by both creating manually using Protégé and re-using from another URI's. To get the resources from another URI's SPARQL can be used through Apache Jena Fuseki server. SPARQL is a query used for Resource Description Framework (RDF) or Web Ontology Language (OWL). The result shows that retrieval data/information process by using SPARQL works well. The resources from another URI's can be used and integrated with local resources. It means the quality of information knowledge is increasing in interoperability, where the resources can be shared, re-used, and interlinked. Intisari-Makalah ini mengusulkan sebuah rancangan game online yang sumber dayanya bersifat interoperabilitas, yaitu: saling berbagi (share); saling menggunakan ulang (re-used); dan saling interkoneksi (interlinked). Rancangan game dibuat dengan memanfaatkan konsep Linked Data, yaitu sumber daya dibuat dalam bentuk ontologi. Sumber daya dibuat dengan cara membuat kelas atau instance secara manual menggunakan perangkat lunak Protégé, dan juga dengan cara menggunakan ulang sumber daya yang terdapat pada Unified Resources Identifier (URI) lain. Penggunaan ulang sumber daya dari URI lain dilakukan dengan menggunakan perintah query di SPARQL melalui server Apache Jena Fuseki. SPARQL adalah query yang digunakan untuk Resource Description Framework (RDF) atau Web Ontology Language (OWL). Hasil eksperimen menunjukkan bahwa proses pengambilan data/informasi menggunakan SPARQL berhasil dengan baik. Sumber daya yang diambil dari URI lain dapat digunakan dan digabungkan dengan sumber daya lokal yang dirancang sendiri secara manual menggunakan Protégé. Ini menunjukkan bahwa kualitas information knowledge dari sumber daya game online yang dikembangkan meningkat dalam hal interoperabilitasnya, karena sumber daya dapat saling berbagi, digunakan ulang, dan saling terkoneksi. Kata Kunci-Linked Data, ontologi, web semantik, interoperabilitas data.

Research paper thumbnail of E-SIBAYU: A Tele-Monitoring App for Monitoring Pregnant Mothers and Babies

Jurnal Matematika dan Sains

During last six years, Indramayu had a high number of maternal and baby deaths. Even in 2016, Ind... more During last six years, Indramayu had a high number of maternal and baby deaths. Even in 2016, Indramayu was as a third rank in number of maternal and baby deaths in West Java. The main cause of this problem was that there was no system to monitor the most causes of the maternal and baby deaths. Public health office could not plan what they should do because they did not have enough information about the real circumstance of pregnant mothers during their pregnancy. For consequence, public health office could not prepare well both the first and advance aid for the pregnant mothers who had a high risk for their health. That is why we propose a system that can provide features to monitor the progress of pregnant mothers especially in terms of four main causes involving the maternal and baby deaths happened, called E-SIBAYU. E- SIBAYU is developed for both mobile and web based. The mobile based app is used by midwifes to entry the health information of pregnant mothers, while the web-bas...

Research paper thumbnail of Implementasi Teori Refinement pada Pengkomposisian Soal pada Game berbasis Web Semantik

This paper explores the implementation of refinement theory in questions composition for semantic... more This paper explores the implementation of refinement theory in questions composition for semantic webbased Arabic Learning game. The refinement theory is used to assess the degree of sophistication of the game, while semantic web is a concept that improves web document into web data. In this paper, a simple ontology about game questions composition is developed by implementing refinement theory to distinguish the difficulty of each level. This, hopefully, will motivate players to continue playing their game into the next level. This research conclude that the relation between value of R and question complexity is a negative correlation. The higher the value of R, the lower the question complexity. Intisari-Makalah ini mengeksplorasi implementasi teori refinement pada penyusunan komposisi soal pada game belajar Hijaiyah berbasis web semantik. Teori refinement digunakan untuk menilai tingkat kompleksitas sebuah game. Sedangkan web semantik adalah sebuah konsep yang memperbaiki dokumen web menjadi data web. Pada makalah ini dikembangkan sebuah ontologi sederhana tentang penyusunan komposisi soal pada game dengan mengimplementasikan teori refinement untuk membedakan tingkat kesulitan tiap level. Hal ini dilakukan untuk menarik pemain agar tidak menjadi bosan dan selalu termotivasi untuk meneruskan memainkan game tersebut pada level selanjutnya. Dari hasil dapat disimpulkan bahwa hubungan antara nilai R dan tingkat kompleksitas soal adalah korelasi negatif. Semakin tinggi nilai R maka semakin rendah tingkat kompleksitas soalnya. Sebaliknya, semakin rendah nilai R maka semakin tinggi nilai kompleksitas soalnya. Kata Kunci-Teori refinement, linked data, web semantik, game online.

Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of Energy Efficiency and Routing Packet Overhead in Single and Multi Path Routing Protocols over S-MAC for Wireless Sensor Network

2012 Sixth UKSim/AMSS European Symposium on Computer Modeling and Simulation, 2012