Muhammad Sidiq Nur - (original) (raw)

Papers by Muhammad Sidiq Nur

Research paper thumbnail of Perkembangan Kurikulum Indonesia

Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi (IPTEK) telah membawa perubahan hampir di semua aspek... more Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi (IPTEK) telah membawa perubahan hampir di semua aspek kehidupan. Oleh karena itu dunia pendidikan perlu mendapat perhatian serius dari pemerintah berkaitan dengan tuntutan untuk menghasilkan sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas, sebab melalui proses pendidikan akan terlahir generasi muda yang berkualitas yang diharapkan mampu mengikuti perubahan dan perkembangan kemajuan zaman di segala aspek kehidupan. Pembelajaran juga harus sesuai dengan standar proses pendidikan. Standar proses pendidikan adalah standar nasional pendidikan yang berkaitan dengan pelaksanaan pembelajaran pada satu satuan pendidikan untuk mencapai standar kompetensi lulusan (Sanjaya, 2006: 4). Dan untuk mencapai standar kompetensi lulusan tersebut, pada hakekatnya mutu pendidikan dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor, diantaranya faktor yang paling menentukan adalah kurikulum pendidikan yang berkualitas.

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Research paper thumbnail of Diajukan untuk memenuhi tugas mata kuliah Perencanaan Pengajaran Matematika

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Research paper thumbnail of Perkembangan Anak Usia Sekolah

ini makalah tentang karakteristik perkembangan anak usia sekolah, kata dosen nya ada yang kurang ... more ini makalah tentang karakteristik perkembangan anak usia sekolah, kata dosen nya ada yang kurang lengkap, dibagian perkembangan fisik motorik. tinggal dilengkapin yak

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Research paper thumbnail of Keterampilan Dasar Mengajar Matematika

Mata Kuliah Sistem Belajar Mengajar semester 3

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Research paper thumbnail of MANUSIA DAN LINGKUNGAN ISBD

Abstrak Lingkungan, yang merupakan kesatuan ruang dengan semua benda, daya, keadaan, dan makhluk ... more Abstrak Lingkungan, yang merupakan kesatuan ruang dengan semua benda, daya, keadaan, dan makhluk hidup, termasuk di dalamnya manusia dan perilakunya, yang mempengaruhi kelangsungan perikehidupan dan kesejahteraan menusia serta makhluk hidup lainnya, karena itu fakta yang menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kerusakan lingkungan sudah sangat tinggi dan cenderung makin meninggi, relatif mudah untuk ditemukan. Berita tentang terjadinya pencemaran lingkungan, baik pencemaran udara, air maupun tanah dengan segala aspek dapat dikatakan bahwa kerusakan lingkungan sudah merupakan bagian yang tidak dapat dihindarkan dari kegiatan pembangunan. Lingkungan yang tercemar akibat kegiatan manusia maupun proses alam akan berdampak negatif pada kesehatan, kenikmatan hidup, kemudahan, efesiensi, keindahan serta keseimbangan ekosistem dan sumber daya alam. Dengan kata lain dapat dikatakan bahwa pengolahan lingkungan hidup merupakan penanggulangan dampak negatif kegiatan manusia yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan mutu lingkungan. Adapun juga teknik penilaian dampak pembangunan terhadap lingkungan. Kata kunci : makhluk, lingkungan, dampak.

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Research paper thumbnail of Field dependent electron mobility in liquid argon from corona experiments in point-plane configuration

Proceedings of 1999 IEEE 13th International Conference on Dielectric Liquids (ICDL'99) (Cat. No.99CH36213), 1999

The large current of corona discharge in liquid Ar was measured as a function of tip voltage. Ele... more The large current of corona discharge in liquid Ar was measured as a function of tip voltage. Electric field in a gap is large enough to heat of electrons which are carriers of the current and their mobility depends on the field. Calculated electronic current is larger than that in the experiment. Capture of the electrons by attaching impurities are

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Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation of temperature in corona discharges in liquid argon

Proceedings of 1999 IEEE 13th International Conference on Dielectric Liquids (ICDL'99) (Cat. No.99CH36213), 1999

Previous studies of the electrical conduction phenomena in argon using point plane electrodes hav... more Previous studies of the electrical conduction phenomena in argon using point plane electrodes have shown that corona from low pressure gas (P∞>0.2 MPa) up to the liquid state. Moreover, electrical and transport parameters are mainly a function of fluid density N. For each density, above a threshold voltage Vk, the electric current I which is space charge limited is correlated to an intense light emission confined close to the tip needle. The spectral analysis of the emitted light can be used to evaluate some parameters of this non equilibrium weakly ionised region. For example, the kinetic temperature Tk in the corona region has been deduced from pressure broadening of several selected lines of argon

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Research paper thumbnail of Ozone Generator by Using Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma Technology With Spiral-Cylinder Configuration: Comparison Between Oxygen and Air As Sources

The ozone generator with Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma Technology (DBDPT) with Spiral-cylin... more The ozone generator with Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma Technology (DBDPT) with Spiral-cylinder configuration has been developed. DBDP Reactor was constructed with spiral wire and cylinder. Plasma condition has been generated by using AC high voltage Ozone has been produced by this technology with oxygen and dry air as sources for ozone generating. In this research we found that the concentration of ozone produced increases with increasing voltage with a time constant. This concentration also increases with increasing time in certain applied voltage. Ozone concentration was higher than the concentration of dissolved ozone in water. Dissolved ozone in water was only 10 % of ozone produced and only 7 % for dry air as source. Oxygen as source of ozone was better than dry air; both for ozone produced and dissolved ozone in water.

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Research paper thumbnail of Koreksi Tekanan Gas Ideal untuk Plasma sebagai Materi Fase ke empat dan Penerapannya pada plasma Argon

Abstrak Pehitungan secara analitik telah dilakukan untuk memperoleh perumusan tekanan pada plasma... more Abstrak Pehitungan secara analitik telah dilakukan untuk memperoleh perumusan tekanan pada plasma. Perhitungan dengan pendekatan non kuantum ini megunakan fungsi-fungsi termodinamika dalam gas seperti entropi, entalpi, energi bebas Helmholtz, energi bebas Gibs dan fungsi-fungsi partisi partikel dalam Plasma. Perumusan yang diperoleh digunakan untuk menentukan tekanan pada plasma korona Argon densitas tinggi dan plasma Argon gelombang mikro pada tekanan gas awal 1 atmosfer. Hasil pehitungan tekanan diperoleh perbedaan dantara tekanan gas panas dengan tekanan kondisi plasma sebesar ΔP plasma 1/24π P gas dimana tekanan pada kondisi plasma lebih kecil dari tekanan gas panas. Penerapan terhadap plasma korona argon densitas tinggi, ditemukan bahwa tekanan plasma berubah secara parabolik terhadap perubahan densitas dan tekanan plasma berubah secara linear terhadap temperatur. Abstract The calculation analytically have been made to obtain the formulation of pressure for plasma. Non-quantum ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Spektrum Atomik dalam Penentuan Temperatur Eksitasi, Temperatur Elektronik dan Densitas Elektron Plasma Argon

Abstract Determination of excitation temperature, electron temperature and density of electron ha... more Abstract Determination of excitation temperature, electron temperature and density of electron has been done through analysis of the atomic spectrum. Atomic spectrum emitted by the argon plasma with a pressure of 1 MPa. Plasma generated in a corona glow discharge reactor. Excitation temperature (T exc) was obtained by using the Boltzmann distribution and the plasma was assumed to occur in Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium (LTE). Electronic temperature (Te) was obtained by using Saha distribution and taking the ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Crystal Growth Phenomenon on Corona discharge in air with liquid metal as passive electrode: Electrical and Spectroscopical Analysis

Corona discharge in air with liquid metal as passive electrode was experimentally studied. Corona... more Corona discharge in air with liquid metal as passive electrode was experimentally studied. Corona discharge was generated in two system electrodes such as: point to plane electrodes, and point to sphere electrodes. Plane and sphere electrodes have been made by liquid metal electrode (Mercury). Corona discharge has been generated by using direct current high voltage. The first aim of this research was to have a discharge glow plasma characteristic with point to plane electrode and the plane (or sphere) electrodes were liquid metal. The second aim was to observe an emission of corona glow discharge plasma. From this research, we found the crystal growth in plane (or sphere) electrode, and we consider that crystal growth observable fact as new phenomenon. The crystal growth has been found only for positive corona discharge and sign of growth follow the very intense electric field at the center point electrode. On the other hand, for negative corona discharge, crystal growth has not bee...

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Research paper thumbnail of Temperature measurements by a spectroscopic method in high-density nitrogen positive corona discharges (XXIII ICPIG 1997 Vol. IV pp. IV-10)

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Research paper thumbnail of Etudes des décharges couronne dans l'argon et l'azote très purs: transport des charges, spectroscopie et influence de la densité

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Research paper thumbnail of Plasma Technology Research and Its Applications: developing in the Faculty of Science and Mathematics Diponegoro University

Researchs on the application of plasma technology in the areas of environment, health, food, agri... more Researchs on the application of plasma technology in the areas of environment, health, food, agriculture have been conducted in the Laboratory of Atomic and Nuclear Physics Division of Plasma Technology in the Faculty of Science and Mathematics, University of Diponegoro. This paper reported research results on plasma technology and its applications in these fields that have been carried out in the recent years. Plasma for environmental applications can reduce gas emissions released by motorcycle and vehicle exhausts. This technology can reduce significantly emissions of SOx, COx, and NOx. Non-polluted plasma muffler prototype adaptation has been done in four wheels and more vehicles. Pilot scale improvement has done by integrating reduction system into vehicle muffler from it previous position outside the muffler. High voltage that used to develop plasma condition comes from 12 V 34 A accumulator which connected with electronic equipment and able to develop voltage up to 20kV. Exhaust...

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Research paper thumbnail of The Study of Electrohydrodynamic and Wind Ions Direction Produced by Positive Corona Plasma Discharge

The Electrohydrodynamic (EHD) produced by positive corona plasma discharge has been studied. This... more The Electrohydrodynamic (EHD) produced by positive corona plasma discharge has been studied. This research used type of electrodes configuration wire to plane electrodes geometry system. Wire electrode that was used is made from stainless steel with 5 cm in length and diameter variation from 0.11 mm to 0.38 mm. The plane electrode that was used has circumference shape with diameter of 20 cm. The data acquisition curried out with variations of voltage, distance between electrodes and the variation of wire electrode diameter. EHD phenomenon analysis was studied by current measurement, minor pivot of deformation changes and the reunification time of lubicant oil after switch of external power or electric field. The characteristics of I-V was formed parabolic ((Is≈V2 ). The results also showed an inverse relation between current and geometry factor. We found that the value of characteristic angle of ionic wind flow direction was depending on field electric value and geometry factor. The...

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Research paper thumbnail of Mobility of hot electrons in dense argon and nitrogen measured via current-voltage characteristics of the corona discharge

Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences Physics

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Research paper thumbnail of ISNPINSA2013 Mnur

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Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Medan Listrik Pada Plasma Korona Dengan Konfigurasi Cincin Bidang

It has been studied efectivity of the electric field and density of current that have been determ... more It has been studied efectivity of the electric field and density of current that have been determined by the physical criteria from a long size of cylinder and a radius of thin ring from the corona plasma generator with the plane ring electrode. The result of the calculation is indicate that the strong electrics field will be resulted by the configurations of the thin ring form, contiguity apart between the thin rings (minimum cylinder length) and the size of the thin ring radius which near of the size of external cylinder radius. The radial symmetrical of geometric form of the thin ring is causing it has not current density form at tip of the thin ring. Abstrak Telah dipelajari efektifitas dari medan listrik dan rapat arus yang ditentukan oleh ukuran-ukuran fisik dari jari-jari cincin tipis dan ukuran panjang silinder dari pembangkit plasma korona dengan elektroda cincin bidang. Hasil perhitungan menunjukkan bahwa medan listrik yang kuat akan dihasilkan oleh bentuk konfigurasi cinc...

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Research paper thumbnail of A Simple Technique to Improve Contractile Effect of Cold Plasma Jet on Acute Mouse Wound by Dropping Water

Plasma Processes and Polymers, 2015

ABSTRACT A simple technique is tested to improve the contractile effect of a cold plasma jet on a... more ABSTRACT A simple technique is tested to improve the contractile effect of a cold plasma jet on acute wounds of mice. Distilled water on the order of microliters is dropped onto wounds before treatment. To assess the fate of the water, an infrared thermal imager is applied. To evaluate the healing effect, macroscopic and immunohistological studies are conducted. Regarding the wound contractile effect, we show that combination treatment of plasma with dropped water seemed to have a greater effect than plasma treatment alone. Plasma may modify the wound surface through such water, chemically and physically. The histological stiffness of the wound surface during maturation and remodeling, however, may also influence the fate of the water during treatment.

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Research paper thumbnail of Spectroscopic investigation of corona discharges in liquid and high density gaseous nitrogen

ICDL'96. 12th International Conference on Conduction and Breakdown in Dielectric Liquids, 1996

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Research paper thumbnail of Perkembangan Kurikulum Indonesia

Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi (IPTEK) telah membawa perubahan hampir di semua aspek... more Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi (IPTEK) telah membawa perubahan hampir di semua aspek kehidupan. Oleh karena itu dunia pendidikan perlu mendapat perhatian serius dari pemerintah berkaitan dengan tuntutan untuk menghasilkan sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas, sebab melalui proses pendidikan akan terlahir generasi muda yang berkualitas yang diharapkan mampu mengikuti perubahan dan perkembangan kemajuan zaman di segala aspek kehidupan. Pembelajaran juga harus sesuai dengan standar proses pendidikan. Standar proses pendidikan adalah standar nasional pendidikan yang berkaitan dengan pelaksanaan pembelajaran pada satu satuan pendidikan untuk mencapai standar kompetensi lulusan (Sanjaya, 2006: 4). Dan untuk mencapai standar kompetensi lulusan tersebut, pada hakekatnya mutu pendidikan dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor, diantaranya faktor yang paling menentukan adalah kurikulum pendidikan yang berkualitas.

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Research paper thumbnail of Diajukan untuk memenuhi tugas mata kuliah Perencanaan Pengajaran Matematika

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Research paper thumbnail of Perkembangan Anak Usia Sekolah

ini makalah tentang karakteristik perkembangan anak usia sekolah, kata dosen nya ada yang kurang ... more ini makalah tentang karakteristik perkembangan anak usia sekolah, kata dosen nya ada yang kurang lengkap, dibagian perkembangan fisik motorik. tinggal dilengkapin yak

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Research paper thumbnail of Keterampilan Dasar Mengajar Matematika

Mata Kuliah Sistem Belajar Mengajar semester 3

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Research paper thumbnail of MANUSIA DAN LINGKUNGAN ISBD

Abstrak Lingkungan, yang merupakan kesatuan ruang dengan semua benda, daya, keadaan, dan makhluk ... more Abstrak Lingkungan, yang merupakan kesatuan ruang dengan semua benda, daya, keadaan, dan makhluk hidup, termasuk di dalamnya manusia dan perilakunya, yang mempengaruhi kelangsungan perikehidupan dan kesejahteraan menusia serta makhluk hidup lainnya, karena itu fakta yang menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kerusakan lingkungan sudah sangat tinggi dan cenderung makin meninggi, relatif mudah untuk ditemukan. Berita tentang terjadinya pencemaran lingkungan, baik pencemaran udara, air maupun tanah dengan segala aspek dapat dikatakan bahwa kerusakan lingkungan sudah merupakan bagian yang tidak dapat dihindarkan dari kegiatan pembangunan. Lingkungan yang tercemar akibat kegiatan manusia maupun proses alam akan berdampak negatif pada kesehatan, kenikmatan hidup, kemudahan, efesiensi, keindahan serta keseimbangan ekosistem dan sumber daya alam. Dengan kata lain dapat dikatakan bahwa pengolahan lingkungan hidup merupakan penanggulangan dampak negatif kegiatan manusia yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan mutu lingkungan. Adapun juga teknik penilaian dampak pembangunan terhadap lingkungan. Kata kunci : makhluk, lingkungan, dampak.

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Research paper thumbnail of Field dependent electron mobility in liquid argon from corona experiments in point-plane configuration

Proceedings of 1999 IEEE 13th International Conference on Dielectric Liquids (ICDL'99) (Cat. No.99CH36213), 1999

The large current of corona discharge in liquid Ar was measured as a function of tip voltage. Ele... more The large current of corona discharge in liquid Ar was measured as a function of tip voltage. Electric field in a gap is large enough to heat of electrons which are carriers of the current and their mobility depends on the field. Calculated electronic current is larger than that in the experiment. Capture of the electrons by attaching impurities are

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Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation of temperature in corona discharges in liquid argon

Proceedings of 1999 IEEE 13th International Conference on Dielectric Liquids (ICDL'99) (Cat. No.99CH36213), 1999

Previous studies of the electrical conduction phenomena in argon using point plane electrodes hav... more Previous studies of the electrical conduction phenomena in argon using point plane electrodes have shown that corona from low pressure gas (P∞>0.2 MPa) up to the liquid state. Moreover, electrical and transport parameters are mainly a function of fluid density N. For each density, above a threshold voltage Vk, the electric current I which is space charge limited is correlated to an intense light emission confined close to the tip needle. The spectral analysis of the emitted light can be used to evaluate some parameters of this non equilibrium weakly ionised region. For example, the kinetic temperature Tk in the corona region has been deduced from pressure broadening of several selected lines of argon

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Research paper thumbnail of Ozone Generator by Using Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma Technology With Spiral-Cylinder Configuration: Comparison Between Oxygen and Air As Sources

The ozone generator with Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma Technology (DBDPT) with Spiral-cylin... more The ozone generator with Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma Technology (DBDPT) with Spiral-cylinder configuration has been developed. DBDP Reactor was constructed with spiral wire and cylinder. Plasma condition has been generated by using AC high voltage Ozone has been produced by this technology with oxygen and dry air as sources for ozone generating. In this research we found that the concentration of ozone produced increases with increasing voltage with a time constant. This concentration also increases with increasing time in certain applied voltage. Ozone concentration was higher than the concentration of dissolved ozone in water. Dissolved ozone in water was only 10 % of ozone produced and only 7 % for dry air as source. Oxygen as source of ozone was better than dry air; both for ozone produced and dissolved ozone in water.

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Research paper thumbnail of Koreksi Tekanan Gas Ideal untuk Plasma sebagai Materi Fase ke empat dan Penerapannya pada plasma Argon

Abstrak Pehitungan secara analitik telah dilakukan untuk memperoleh perumusan tekanan pada plasma... more Abstrak Pehitungan secara analitik telah dilakukan untuk memperoleh perumusan tekanan pada plasma. Perhitungan dengan pendekatan non kuantum ini megunakan fungsi-fungsi termodinamika dalam gas seperti entropi, entalpi, energi bebas Helmholtz, energi bebas Gibs dan fungsi-fungsi partisi partikel dalam Plasma. Perumusan yang diperoleh digunakan untuk menentukan tekanan pada plasma korona Argon densitas tinggi dan plasma Argon gelombang mikro pada tekanan gas awal 1 atmosfer. Hasil pehitungan tekanan diperoleh perbedaan dantara tekanan gas panas dengan tekanan kondisi plasma sebesar ΔP plasma 1/24π P gas dimana tekanan pada kondisi plasma lebih kecil dari tekanan gas panas. Penerapan terhadap plasma korona argon densitas tinggi, ditemukan bahwa tekanan plasma berubah secara parabolik terhadap perubahan densitas dan tekanan plasma berubah secara linear terhadap temperatur. Abstract The calculation analytically have been made to obtain the formulation of pressure for plasma. Non-quantum ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Spektrum Atomik dalam Penentuan Temperatur Eksitasi, Temperatur Elektronik dan Densitas Elektron Plasma Argon

Abstract Determination of excitation temperature, electron temperature and density of electron ha... more Abstract Determination of excitation temperature, electron temperature and density of electron has been done through analysis of the atomic spectrum. Atomic spectrum emitted by the argon plasma with a pressure of 1 MPa. Plasma generated in a corona glow discharge reactor. Excitation temperature (T exc) was obtained by using the Boltzmann distribution and the plasma was assumed to occur in Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium (LTE). Electronic temperature (Te) was obtained by using Saha distribution and taking the ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Crystal Growth Phenomenon on Corona discharge in air with liquid metal as passive electrode: Electrical and Spectroscopical Analysis

Corona discharge in air with liquid metal as passive electrode was experimentally studied. Corona... more Corona discharge in air with liquid metal as passive electrode was experimentally studied. Corona discharge was generated in two system electrodes such as: point to plane electrodes, and point to sphere electrodes. Plane and sphere electrodes have been made by liquid metal electrode (Mercury). Corona discharge has been generated by using direct current high voltage. The first aim of this research was to have a discharge glow plasma characteristic with point to plane electrode and the plane (or sphere) electrodes were liquid metal. The second aim was to observe an emission of corona glow discharge plasma. From this research, we found the crystal growth in plane (or sphere) electrode, and we consider that crystal growth observable fact as new phenomenon. The crystal growth has been found only for positive corona discharge and sign of growth follow the very intense electric field at the center point electrode. On the other hand, for negative corona discharge, crystal growth has not bee...

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Research paper thumbnail of Temperature measurements by a spectroscopic method in high-density nitrogen positive corona discharges (XXIII ICPIG 1997 Vol. IV pp. IV-10)

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Research paper thumbnail of Etudes des décharges couronne dans l'argon et l'azote très purs: transport des charges, spectroscopie et influence de la densité

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Research paper thumbnail of Plasma Technology Research and Its Applications: developing in the Faculty of Science and Mathematics Diponegoro University

Researchs on the application of plasma technology in the areas of environment, health, food, agri... more Researchs on the application of plasma technology in the areas of environment, health, food, agriculture have been conducted in the Laboratory of Atomic and Nuclear Physics Division of Plasma Technology in the Faculty of Science and Mathematics, University of Diponegoro. This paper reported research results on plasma technology and its applications in these fields that have been carried out in the recent years. Plasma for environmental applications can reduce gas emissions released by motorcycle and vehicle exhausts. This technology can reduce significantly emissions of SOx, COx, and NOx. Non-polluted plasma muffler prototype adaptation has been done in four wheels and more vehicles. Pilot scale improvement has done by integrating reduction system into vehicle muffler from it previous position outside the muffler. High voltage that used to develop plasma condition comes from 12 V 34 A accumulator which connected with electronic equipment and able to develop voltage up to 20kV. Exhaust...

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Research paper thumbnail of The Study of Electrohydrodynamic and Wind Ions Direction Produced by Positive Corona Plasma Discharge

The Electrohydrodynamic (EHD) produced by positive corona plasma discharge has been studied. This... more The Electrohydrodynamic (EHD) produced by positive corona plasma discharge has been studied. This research used type of electrodes configuration wire to plane electrodes geometry system. Wire electrode that was used is made from stainless steel with 5 cm in length and diameter variation from 0.11 mm to 0.38 mm. The plane electrode that was used has circumference shape with diameter of 20 cm. The data acquisition curried out with variations of voltage, distance between electrodes and the variation of wire electrode diameter. EHD phenomenon analysis was studied by current measurement, minor pivot of deformation changes and the reunification time of lubicant oil after switch of external power or electric field. The characteristics of I-V was formed parabolic ((Is≈V2 ). The results also showed an inverse relation between current and geometry factor. We found that the value of characteristic angle of ionic wind flow direction was depending on field electric value and geometry factor. The...

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Research paper thumbnail of Mobility of hot electrons in dense argon and nitrogen measured via current-voltage characteristics of the corona discharge

Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences Physics

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Research paper thumbnail of ISNPINSA2013 Mnur

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Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Medan Listrik Pada Plasma Korona Dengan Konfigurasi Cincin Bidang

It has been studied efectivity of the electric field and density of current that have been determ... more It has been studied efectivity of the electric field and density of current that have been determined by the physical criteria from a long size of cylinder and a radius of thin ring from the corona plasma generator with the plane ring electrode. The result of the calculation is indicate that the strong electrics field will be resulted by the configurations of the thin ring form, contiguity apart between the thin rings (minimum cylinder length) and the size of the thin ring radius which near of the size of external cylinder radius. The radial symmetrical of geometric form of the thin ring is causing it has not current density form at tip of the thin ring. Abstrak Telah dipelajari efektifitas dari medan listrik dan rapat arus yang ditentukan oleh ukuran-ukuran fisik dari jari-jari cincin tipis dan ukuran panjang silinder dari pembangkit plasma korona dengan elektroda cincin bidang. Hasil perhitungan menunjukkan bahwa medan listrik yang kuat akan dihasilkan oleh bentuk konfigurasi cinc...

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Research paper thumbnail of A Simple Technique to Improve Contractile Effect of Cold Plasma Jet on Acute Mouse Wound by Dropping Water

Plasma Processes and Polymers, 2015

ABSTRACT A simple technique is tested to improve the contractile effect of a cold plasma jet on a... more ABSTRACT A simple technique is tested to improve the contractile effect of a cold plasma jet on acute wounds of mice. Distilled water on the order of microliters is dropped onto wounds before treatment. To assess the fate of the water, an infrared thermal imager is applied. To evaluate the healing effect, macroscopic and immunohistological studies are conducted. Regarding the wound contractile effect, we show that combination treatment of plasma with dropped water seemed to have a greater effect than plasma treatment alone. Plasma may modify the wound surface through such water, chemically and physically. The histological stiffness of the wound surface during maturation and remodeling, however, may also influence the fate of the water during treatment.

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Research paper thumbnail of Spectroscopic investigation of corona discharges in liquid and high density gaseous nitrogen

ICDL'96. 12th International Conference on Conduction and Breakdown in Dielectric Liquids, 1996

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