Murat OruÇ - (original) (raw)
Papers (Scientific Conferences) by Murat OruÇ
Günümüzde, zengin bilgi içeriği sunan uydu görüntülerinin varlığı ve teknolojik gelişmelere bağlı... more Günümüzde, zengin bilgi içeriği sunan uydu görüntülerinin varlığı ve teknolojik gelişmelere bağlı olarak bu görüntülerin
işlenebilmesi, uzaktan algılama teknolojilerinin sahadaki kullanım yerini sağlamlaştırmaktadır. Uydu görüntüleri, uygun ölçekte
harita yapımı ve güncellenmesi, planlama, değişim ve gelişimin izlenmesi, risk yönetimi, analiz ve benzeri birçok alandaki
uygulamalara altlık teşkil edebilmektedir. Bu tür uygulamalardaki kritik kararların alınabilmesi için güncel, hızlı ve düşük
maliyetlerle elde edilebilen verilere ihtiyaç duyulması, uydu görüntülerinin bu alanlarda kullanılmasında tercih sebebidir. Bu
çalışmada, uzaktan algılama teknolojisi kullanılarak Zonguldak ili merkezindeki yerleşim bölgesinin zamansal gelişiminin izlenmesi
ve bu açıdan analizlerin ve gerekli değerlendirilmelerin yapılması amaçlanmaktadır. Bunun yanında, yerleşim bölgesi olarak sınırlı sayılabilecek olan Zonguldak ili merkezine alternatif olabilecek yeni yerleşim alanları araştırılacaktır. Böylelikle, Zonguldak gibi karışık bir jeolojik yapıya sahip bir kentsel alan için özellikle bölgedeki kamu-kurum ve kuruluşların, yerel yönetimlerin; yeni yerleşim alanlarının belirlenmesi, acil eylem planlaması vb. konularda ileriye yönelik projelerinin oluşumunda fayda sağlayacaktır.
Zonguldak ilinin değişik yıllara ait düşük, orta ve yüksek çözünürlüklü uydu görüntüleri, hava fotoğrafları, ortofotoları, vektör haritaları vb. çeşitli verileri araştırılacak ve uygun veri üzerinden alınabilecek bilgiler dâhilinde istenilen kentsel detayların çıkarılması sağlanacaktır. İlgili yazılımlar yardımıyla detaylar, vektörleştirme ve görüntü değerlendirme adımlarından olan sınıflandırma işlemi ile çıkarılacak ve alternatif yerleşim alanları belirlenerek yeni alanlar için öneriler verilecektir.
New approaches of image classification such as “Object‐Based Image Analysis” (OBIA) utilize to ob... more New approaches of image classification such as “Object‐Based Image Analysis” (OBIA) utilize to obtain information contents of the images widely used in recent years. The images having ground sampling distance of 0.5‐1.0m recently regarded as the high resolution remote sensing images are widely used in recent remote sensing technologies. They are very important and required data for obtaining spatial data using their information contents. With regard to the arrangement of remote sensing images for any mapping applications, there are some existing methods, algorithms and the processes for their
geometric corrections and enhancements. Critical decisions for applications mentioned above; up‐to‐date, fast and low cost that can be achieved data are needed. Therefore, using
satellite images is preferred in these application areas.
In this study, Zonguldak testfield has been selected which is agro‐industrial City and has rolling topography along the Black Sea Coast in Turkey. Intensive mining operation and
applications have been made in this region for about 150 years. In this region, some geological and geomorphological land changes have been occurred during the removing
processes of the significant reserves of coal mines. Because of the extraction, processes and exporting the coal mining, some requirements have been occurred like new facilities and
using new settlement areas. In this context, the scope of using Zonguldak test area is selected as has been engaging in.
High resolution Ikonos‐2, Quickbird‐2 and Worldview‐2 images of 2002, 2004, 2008 and 2012 covering Zonguldak City in Turkey have been used in this study. Firstly, urban objects like
coastline, building and road in the images have been digitized using manual on‐screen digitizing approach. Then, these objects mentioned above have been detected, recognized
and extracted using eCognition Developer v8.9 and OBIA. The results have been compared with the reference vector maps scale of 1/5000 of testfield, and the success of object‐based
image analysis of final results were compared and contrasted respectively with other vector products, which had been obtained by the method of manual on‐screen digitizing results,
has been tested by GIS software. Consequently, the results and discussions about the production and updating of maps at the scale of 1/5000, which are recently and widely used
by local authorities and public organizations, have been presented. Also numerical results have been produced after analyses to investigate temporal changes of objects in Zonguldak testfield.
Remote sensing technology has a great importance with regard to environmental monitoring. Satelli... more Remote sensing technology has a great importance with regard to environmental monitoring. Satellite images present advantages to study on a large scale effectively. In this
research, Landsat TM5 satellite images acquired on 20.09.2003 and 29.09.2011 were used to retrieve Land Surface Temperature (LST) and land cover based on pixel and object based classification. Also a geological map of the study area was used to correlate the images. As a result of the research, all images were correlated each other and similarities between
different regions were presented.
Traditional pixel-based approaches are based exclusively on the grey value of pixel itself. There... more Traditional pixel-based approaches are based exclusively on the grey value of pixel itself. Thereby only the spectral information is
used for the classification. The situation becomes worse when extracting the certain features only. An object-oriented image analysis
is implemented in order to overcome the limitation mentioned above. The existing software, eCognition v3.0 allows the polygon
based classification process. It is based on fuzzy logic, allows the integration of a broad spectrum of different object features, such as
spectral values, shape and texture. This study demonstrated the extraction of buildings and roads from the high-resolution Ikonos
pan-sharpened image data by first dividing it into the segments and then classifying it using the spectral, spatial and contextual
information. The test site was agro-industrial area in the city of Zonguldak which has rolling topography along the Black Sea coast.
Land use classification results as well as the spatial information can be exported to GIS environment for evaluation purposes with
existing larger scale cadastral maps and other available ground truth materials.
Papers by Murat OruÇ
Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, 2015
Buyuk Melen Watershed provides drinking water from the Western Black Sea region to Istanbul provi... more Buyuk Melen Watershed provides drinking water from the Western Black Sea region to Istanbul province, which Buyuk and Kucuk Melen rivers, Asar, Ugur and Aksu rivers. Many settlement areas, fertilized agricultural lands, industrial plants and solid/liquid waste dumping areas have present in Melen watershed, causing substantial pollution problems. Melen watershed has been at a serious risk of pollution that a lot of settlement areas, agricultural lands, industrial facilities, and solid and liquid waste. In this study, LANDSAT satellite data was used to monitor the status of this area on the potential of the region studied. In the watershed change of
Çatalağzı Thermoelectric Power Plant (ÇATES) has been constructed in Çatalağzı Town, that is loca... more Çatalağzı Thermoelectric Power Plant (ÇATES) has been constructed in Çatalağzı Town, that is located about 15 km east of Zonguldak province of Turkey. This power plant of 2x150 megawatt provides %5 of electricity power generation demand of the country with its 2 billion kilowatt hour annual energy power production. So it has been regarded as one the leading ones in Turkey. During the construction of ash dam; land surface structure has been changed and the vegetation has been destroyed in the area due to the dam construction. In addition, conveyor line was opened in test area to transfer the ash from power plant to dam. Thus, land topography and morphology in test area have been changed on a large scale. This study aims at discussing the detection and evaluation of environmental changes during all steps and every construction processes of ÇATES ash dam. For this purpose, Landsat ETM image of dated 2000, SPOT-5 image of dated 2005, QuickBird image of dated 2008 and Worldview-2 image of dated 2012 have been evaluated using remote sensing techniques. In this evaluation, terrain changes and destroyed green areas which were formed after the construction of ash dam have been detected using manual digitizing approached and Object-Based Image Analyses (OBIA). All these digitizing and classification processes and the vector data has been performed using NetCAD, PCI Geomatica and eCognition Developer software. At the end of the study, the numerical data, results and relevant necessary comments of the study are presented by performing required analysis and evaluations.
New approaches of image classification such as "Object-Based Image Analysis" (OBIA) utilize to ob... more New approaches of image classification such as "Object-Based Image Analysis" (OBIA) utilize to obtain information contents of the images widely used in recent years. The images having ground sampling distance of 0.5-1.0m recently regarded as the high resolution remote sensing images are widely used in recent remote sensing technologies. They are very important and required data for obtaining spatial data using their information contents. With regard to the arrangement of remote sensing images for any mapping applications, there are some existing methods, algorithms and the processes for their geometric corrections and enhancements. Critical decisions for applications mentioned above; up-to-date, fast and low cost that can be achieved data are needed. Therefore, using satellite images is preferred in these application areas. In this study, Zonguldak testfield has been selected which is agro-industrial City and has rolling topography along the Black Sea Coast in Turkey. Intensive mining operation and applications have been made in this region for about 150 years. In this region, some geological and geomorphological land changes have been occurred during the removing processes of the significant reserves of coal mines. Because of the extraction, processes and exporting the coal mining, some requirements have been occurred like new facilities and using new settlement areas. In this context, the scope of using Zonguldak test area is selected as has been engaging in. High resolution Ikonos-2, Quickbird-2 and Worldview-2 images of 2002, 2004, 2008 and 2012 covering Zonguldak City in Turkey have been used in this study. Firstly, urban objects like coastline, building and road in the images have been digitized using manual on-screen digitizing approach. Then, these objects mentioned above have been detected, recognized and extracted using eCognition Developer v8.9 and OBIA. The results have been compared with the reference vector maps scale of 1/5000 of testfield, and the success of object-based image analysis of final results were compared and contrasted respectively with other vector products, which had been obtained by the method of manual on-screen digitizing results, has been tested by GIS software. Consequently, the results and discussions about the production and updating of maps at the scale of 1/5000, which are recently and widely used by local authorities and public organizations, have been presented. Also numerical results have been produced after analyses to investigate temporal changes of objects in Zonguldak testfield.
As known, at the present time, remote sensing technologies are being improved and year by year, b... more As known, at the present time, remote sensing technologies are being improved and year by year, by launching new satellites whose image taking configurations are improved with new techniques, images can be obtained faster with high quality. The satellites which had been launched recently for example; Quickbird, Ikonos and Orbview-3 have 1m and better resolution, continue their missions with quite success. As it is known, for a few years the computer users have been achieving information for every area just by using a computer via the GoogleEarth technology generated by America with the contribution of all other countries. GoogleEarth was improved for showing the images which are taken with remote sensing techniques, transforming to mosaic form for any area and describing the topography and cartography of this area. But, day by day, the various information has begun to be offered by Geographic Information System (GIS) integration to the GoogleEarth and the GoogleEarth has started to ...
Traditional pixel-based approaches are based exclusively on the grey value of pixel itself. There... more Traditional pixel-based approaches are based exclusively on the grey value of pixel itself. Thereby only the spectral information is used for the classification. The situation becomes worse when extracting the certain features only. An object-oriented image analysis is implemented in order to overcome the limitation mentioned above. The existing software, eCognition v4.0 allows the polygon based classification process. It is based on fuzzy logic, allows the integration of a broad spectrum of different object features, such as spectral values, shape and texture. This study demonstrated the extraction of buildings and roads from the high- resolution IKONOS pan-sharpened image data by first dividing it into the segments and then classifying it using the spectral, spatial and contextual information. The test site was agro-industrial area in the city of Zonguldak which has rolling topography along the Black Sea coast. Land use classification results as well as the spatial information can...
In this study, performance of object-oriented classification approach has been tested using mediu... more In this study, performance of object-oriented classification approach has been tested using medium resolution satellite dataset of Zonguldak testfield. For this purpose, Landsat 7 ETM+ and ASTER images were used because of their nearly similar ground sampling distance (GSD). As a first step, pan-sharpened images were created based on the combination of panchromatic and color bands available in the dataset using a special methodology implemented in the PCI Geomatica v9.1.4 software package. Following this, resulted images were handled by the eCognition v4.0.6 software with the main steps of segmentation and classification. After determining the optimal segmentation parameters correctly, classification of main object classes were realized and verified by the auxiliary data e.g. maps, aerial photos and personal information.
Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) represent the terrain elevation in discrete form in three-dimensi... more Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) represent the terrain elevation in discrete form in three-dimensional space. This is the simplest form of 3D-terrain representation and the most common. The accuracy and morphologic details of the height models represent the quality. With SPOT-5 and ASTER stereo models DEMs have been generated in the Zonguldak test field, located in Turkey at the Black Sea coast. In addition to these, also the height models of the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) from C-band and also from X-band have been analyzed. The SRTM C-band and X-band data have been obtained with single-pass Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) technique. SRTM C-band has 3 arcsec and X-band 1 arcsec point spacing with 1 arcsec corresponding to approximately 30m at the equator. The height models from the optical space sensors have been generated with three times the ground sampling distance (GSD) corresponding to 15m for SPOT-5 and 45m for ASTER. As reference a DEM from large ...
SpaceImaging is not distributing the original IKONOS-images, only a rectification to a plane with... more SpaceImaging is not distributing the original IKONOS-images, only a rectification to a plane with constant height is available - the so called CARTERRA-GEO. In addition the sensor model is not published. For the image orientation rational polynomial coefficients (RPC) are available from SpaceImaging, giving the relation of the Geo-images to the ground coordinate system in form of geographic coordinates and the height. The RPCs have to be improved by means of control points. Another possibility is the reconstruction of the imaging geometry based on the available view direction from the scene centre to the satellite (nominal collection elevation and azimuth). If the view ,direction will not be improved, with both methods as well as with the PCI-software using the satellite modelling, approximately the same, but not in any case satisfying accuracy has been achieved. The precise results can be reached if the view directions also will be introduced as unknowns. The orientation methods ju...
Journal of Coastal Conservation, 2014
Coastal erosion may be caused by natural causes as well as human factors. Karasu town of the city... more Coastal erosion may be caused by natural causes as well as human factors. Karasu town of the city of Sakarya in Turkey which is a touristic region on the Black Sea coast has been experienced a drastic coastal erosion. In recent years, this erosion reached the threatening dimensions for the structures in the settlement. According to the temporal analyses of Landsat satellite images, the maximum erosion on the coastline was detected 100 m between 1987-2013. The results of the study show that the harbour construct on the Karasu coast has the major impact on this event. The secondary factor is that the amount of the sediment carried by the Sakarya River was decreased in time due to different reasons. To prevent the coastal erosion, a series of offshore breakwaters were planned after the failed application of groins on the coastline. In this study, temporal changes of the coastline are investigated by the Landsat satellite data and land surveys, possible reasons of the erosion are discussed and the solutions are proposed regarding the coastal structures.
ISPRS - International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 2014
ABSTRACT Pleiades images are distributed with 50 cm ground sampling distance (GSD) even if the ph... more ABSTRACT Pleiades images are distributed with 50 cm ground sampling distance (GSD) even if the physical resolution for nadir images is just 70 cm. By theory this should influence the effective GSD determined by means of point spread function at image edges. Nevertheless by edge enhancement the effective GSD can be improved, but this should cause enlarged image noise. Again image noise can be reduced by image restoration. Finally even optimized image restoration cannot improve the image information from 70 cm to 50 cm without loss of details, requiring a comparison of Pleiades image details with other very high resolution space images. The image noise has been determined by analysis of the whole images for any sub-area with 5 pixels times 5 pixels. Based on the standard deviation of grey values in the small sub-areas the image noise has been determined by frequency analysis. This leads to realistic results, checked by test targets. On the other hand the visual determination of image noise based on apparently homogenous sub-areas results in too high values because the human eye is not able to identify small grey value differences – it is limited to just approximately 40 grey value steps over the available gray value range, so small difference in grey values cannot be seen, enlarging results of a manual noise determination. A tri-stereo combination of Pleiades 1A in a mountainous, but partially urban, area has been analyzed and compared with images of the same area from WorldView-1, QuickBird and IKONOS. The image restoration of the Pleiades images is very good, so the effective image resolution resulted in a factor 1.0, meaning that the effective resolution corresponds to the nominal resolution of 50 cm. This does not correspond to the physical resolution of 70 cm, but by edge enhancement the steepness of the grey value profile across the edge can be enlarged, reducing the width of the point spread function. Without additional filtering edge enhancement enlarges the image noise, but the average image noise of approximately 1.0 grey values related to 8 bit images is very small, not indicating the edge enhancement and the down sampling of the GSD from 70 cm to 50 cm. So the direct comparison with the other images has to give the answer if the image quality of Pleiades images is on similar level as corresponding to the nominal resolution. As expected with the image geometry there is no problem. This is the case for all used space images in the test area, where the point identification limits the accuracy of the scene orientation.
The Photogrammetric Record, 2004
ABSTRACT TK-350 stereo-scenes of the Zonguldak testfield in the north-west of Turkey have been an... more ABSTRACT TK-350 stereo-scenes of the Zonguldak testfield in the north-west of Turkey have been analysed. The imagery had a base-to-height ratio of 0·52 and covered an area of 200 km × 300 km, with each pixel representing 10 m on the ground. Control points digitised from 1:25 000 scale topographic maps were used in the test. A bundle orientation was executed using the University of Hanover program BLUH and PCI Geomatica OrthoEngine AE software packages. Tests revealed that TK-350 stereo-images can yield 3D geopositioning to an accuracy of about 10 m in planimetry and 17 m in height. A 40 m resolution digital elevation model (DEM) was generated by the PCI system and compared against a reference DEM, which was derived from digitised contour lines provided by 1:25 000 scale topographic maps. This comparison showed that accuracy depends mainly on the surface structure and the slope of the local terrain. Root mean square errors in height were found to be about 27 and 39 m outside and inside forested areas, respectively. The matched DEM demonstrated a systematic shift against the reference DEM visible as an asymmetric shift in the frequency distribution. This is perhaps caused by the presence of vegetation and buildings.RésuméOn a étudié des couples stéréoscopiques TK-350 sur le polygone d'essai ZONGULDAK au Nord-Ouest de la Turquie. Le rapport base-sur-altitude des couples était de 0,52 et la zone couverte atteignait 200 km × 300 km, avec une valeur au sol de chaque pixel de 10 m. On a saisi des points d'appui par numérisation à partir des cartes topographiques à l’échelle de 1:25 000. On a effectué l‘orientation des faisceaux en utilisant un ensemble de logiciels de l'Université de Hanovre tels que BLUH et « PCI Geomatica Ortho Engine AE ». Les essais ont montré que les stéréo-couples TK-350 pouvaient fournir une précision d'environ 10 m en planimétrie et 17 m en altimétrie sur le géopositionnement 3D. On a réalisé un MNA d'une résolution de 40 m avec le système PCI, que l'on a pu comparer avec un MNA de référence obtenu par numérisation des courbes de niveau des cartes topographiques au 1:25 000. La comparaison a montré que la précision dépendait essentiellement de la nature du terrain et de la pente locale. C'est ainsi que les erreurs moyennes quadratiques en altimétrie atteignent 39 m dans les zones boisées, contre 27 m en dehors. De plus, le MNA obtenu a présenté des systématismes par rapport au MNA de référence, sous la forme de décalages asymétriques dans la répartition des fréquences. La cause en est peut-être la présence de bâtiments et de végétation.ZusammenfassungIn diesem Beitrag wird über die Analyse von TK-350 Stereoszenen im Zonguldak Testfeld im Nordwesten der Türkei berichtet. Die Bilddaten hatten ein Basis-Höhenverhltnis von 0·52 und deckten ein Gebiet von 200 × 300 km mit einer Bodenpixelgröße von 10 m ab. Für den Test wurden Passpunkte aus einer Topographischen Karte im Maßstab 1:25 000 digitalisiert. Die Bündelausgleichung wurde mit dem Programmsystem BLUH der Universitt Hannover durchgeführt, weitere Analysen mit dem Paket PCI Geomatica OrthoEngine. Die Tests zeigten, dass mit TK-350 Stereoszenen eine 3D Geopositionierung mit einer Lagegenauigkeit von ca. 10 m und einer Höhengenauigkeit von 17 m möglich ist. Mit dem PCI System wurde ein DHM mit einer Gitterweite von 40 m erzeugt und mit einem Referenz-DHM, das aus digitalisierten Höhenlinien der Topographischen Karte 1:25 000 abgeleitet wurde, verglichen. Es zeigte sich, dass die Genauigkeit im wesentlich von der Gelndestruktur und der lokalen Gelndeneigung abhngt. Der mittlere quadratische Höhenfehler lag bei 27 m außerhalb von Waldgebieten und bei 39 m innerhalb von Waldgebieten. Das durch Bildzuordnung erzeugte DHM zeigte eine systematische Verschiebung gegenüber dem Referenzdatensatz, was an der asymmetrischen Verschiebung in der Hufigkeitsverteilung zu sehen ist. Diese wird vermutlich durch Vegetation und Gebude verursacht.ResumenEn este artículo se analizan imágenes estéreo TK-350 correspondientes a la zona de ensayo Zonguldak, en el noroeste de Turquía. Las imágenes tienen una razón base-altura de 0,52, cubren un área de 200 × 300 km, y tienen una resolución espacial de 10 m. Los puntos de control utilizados en el ensayo se han digitalizado a partir de mapas topográficos a escala 1:25 000 y se utilizaron los programas BLUH de la Universidad de Hannover y Geomatica OrthoEngine AE de PCI para la orientación. Las pruebas muestran que las imágenes estéreo TK-350 pueden alcanzar una exactitud de hasta 10 m en planimetría y de 17 m en altura en la georeferenciación 3D. Se generó un modelo digital de elevaciones (MDE) con una resolución de 40 m mediante el programa de PCI que se comparó con el MDE de referencia calculado a partir de las curvas de nivel digitalizadas de los mapas topográficos a escala 1:25 000. La comparación muestra que la exactitud depende principalmente de la estructura de la superficie y de la…
The Photogrammetric Record, 2005
ABSTRACT SPOT 5 HRG Level 1A and 1B stereo scenes covering Zonguldak testfield in north-west Turk... more ABSTRACT SPOT 5 HRG Level 1A and 1B stereo scenes covering Zonguldak testfield in north-west Turkey have been analysed. They comprise the left and right image components with base to height ratio of 0·54. The pixel size on the ground is 5 m. The bundle orientation was executed by the PCI Geomatica V9.1.4 software package and resulted in 3D geopositioning to sub-pixel accuracies in each axis provided that at least six control points were used in the computation. Root mean square error (rmse) values and vectors of residual errors for Levels 1A and 1B are similar, even for different control and check point configurations. Based on the scene orientation, Level 1A and 1B digital elevation models (DEMs) of the testfield have been determined by automatic matching and validated by the reference DEM digitised from the 1:25 000 scale topographic maps, interferometric DEMs from Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) X- and C-band SAR data and the GPS profiles measured along the main roads in the testfield. Although the accuracies of reference data-sets are too similar to the generated SPOT DEMs, these are the only high quality reference materials available in this area. Sub-pixel height accuracy was indicated by the comparison with profile points. However, they are in favourable locations where matching is always successful, so such a result may give a biased measure of the accuracy of the corresponding DEMs.RésuméOn a étudié des images stéréo de niveau 1A et 1B de SPOT 5 HRG prises sur le polygone d'essai de Zonguldak au Nord-Ouest de la Turquie. Il s'agit d'images gauche et droite présentant un rapport base sur altitude de 0·54. La tachèle (l’équivalent du pixel au sol) est de 5 m. On a effectué l‘orientation des faisceaux avec le jeu de logiciels PCI Geomatica V9.1.4 et obtenu des précisions subpixellaires sur la localisation en 3D, à condition d'utiliser au moins 6 points d'appui dans les calculs. Les erreurs moyennes quadratiques et les vecteurs résidus du niveau 1A sont les mêmes que pour le niveau 1B, et cela même pour différentes configurations des points d'appui et de vérification. On a ensuite dérivé des niveaux 1A et 1B des MNA (Modèles Numériques des Altitudes) sur le polygone d'essai par appariement automatique d'images. On a validé ces MNA par un MNA de référence issu des cartes topographiques au 1:25 000 par numérisation, par des MNA interférométriques provenant des données du radar à synthèse d'ouverture à bandes C et X SRTM, et par des profils GPS sur les routes principales de ce polygone. Ces jeux de données sont les seules données de référence de bonne qualité disponibles sur cette zone, bien que leur défaut soit de présenter des précisions tout à fait comparables à celles des MNA issus de SPOT. La précision altimétrique sub-pixellaire indiquée provient des comparaisons avec les points des profils. Encore faut-il ajouter qu'il s'agit de points où l'appariement d'images est réussi, c'est-à-dire lorsque les conditions sont favorables, ce qui peut biaiser dans une certaine mesure la valeur de la précision obtenue sur les MNA correspondants.ZusammenfassungEs werden Stereoaufnahmen aus zwei SPOT 5 HRG Produkten, dem Level 1A und dem Level 1B analysiert. Die Stereoaufnahmen decken das Zonguldak Testfeld im Nordwesten der Türkei ab. Die Stereobildpaare besitzen ein Basis-Höhenverhältnis von 0·54. Die Pixelgröße am Boden ist 5 m. Die Bündelausgleichung wurde mit dem Softwarepaket PCI Geomatica V9.1.4 durchgeführt. Damit waren Subpixelgenauigkeiten in der 3D Geopositionierung erreichbar, vorausgesetzt, dass mindestens sechs Passpunkte in der Ausgleichung verwendet wurden. Die mittleren quadratischen Fehler und die Vektoren der Verbesserungen sind für die beiden untersuchten Produkte gleich, auch für den Fall unterschiedlicher Passpunkt- und Kontrollpunktkonfigurationen. Auf der Basis der ermittelten Orientierungen wurden für die Daten aus Level 1A und Level 1B je ein Digitales Höhenmodell des Testfeldes mit Hilfe von automatischer Bildzuordnung bestimmt. Die Digitalen Höhenmodelle wurden mit verschiedenen Vergleichsdaten validiert: erstens mit einem Referenzhöhenmodell, das aus einer Digitalisierung einer topographischen Karte im Maßstab 1:25 000 stammt, zweitens mit einem Höhenmodell, das aus interferometrischen Messungen mit SRTM SAR Daten (X- und C-Band) stammt und drittens mit GPS Profilen, die entlang der Hauptverkehrstrassen im Testfeld erfasst wurden. Obwohl die Genauigkeiten der Referenzdaten im Bereich der generierten Höhenmodelle aus den SPOT Daten liegen, mussten sie verwendet werden, da sonst kein genaueres Vergleichsmaterial zur Verfügung stand. Der Vergleich mit Punkten aus den GPS Profilen lässt eine Höhengenauigkeit im Subpixelbereich vermuten. Allerdings liegen die gemessenen Profile in Gebieten mit guter Textur in der die Bildzuordnung in allen Fällen erfolgreich war. Somit ist obige Aussage zur Genauigkeit, die darauf aufbaut,…
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 2005
ABSTRACT TK-350 stereo-scenes covering 200 km μ 300 km on the ground with a base-to-height-ratio ... more ABSTRACT TK-350 stereo-scenes covering 200 km μ 300 km on the ground with a base-to-height-ratio of 0.52 have been analysed on Zonguldak testfield in the northwest of Turkey. The pixel size on the ground is 10 m. Control points digitised from 1:25 000 scale topographic maps have been used in the test. The sensor orientation was executed by the PCI Geomatica ® V8.2 software package. TK-350 stereo-images can yield 3D geopositioning to an accuracy of about 10 m horizontally and 17 m vertically. Based on this orientation, DEM with 40 m cell size was generated by the related module of PCI system. For the validation of extracted DEM, matched data was checked against the interferometric DEMs from SRTM X- and C-band SAR data. Based on this comparison, the RMSE of Z values was found to be in the range of 25.6 to 36.9 m and 28.7 to 38.7 m outside and inside the forest area, respectively. However, accuracy results obtained against the SRTM C-band DEM are more representative than those of X-band since the coverage of C-band DEM on the interest area is larger than the X-band. There are some systematic shifts of the TK-350 DEM against the SRTM DEMs which lie between the 3.7 m to 6.2 m which is probably due to the different sensor orientation of TK-350 and SRTM datasets. Height discrepancies are also analysed as a function of terrain slope. It was found that slope depending components were always larger in the case of C-band DEM because of its larger cell spacing. In the forest areas, more dependency upon the slope was observed against the open areas.
Optical Engineering, 2005
ABSTRACT In February 2000, the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) mapped large areas of the ... more ABSTRACT In February 2000, the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) mapped large areas of the global landmass using two radar systems operating simultaneously in X and C band. The radar mapping instrument consisted of modified versions of the SIR-C C-band and X-band radars flown on the shuttle in 1994. Modifications included a 60-m retractable boom, with C-band and X-band receive-only antennas attached to the boom's end. High-accuracy metrology systems were added to measure position and attitude of the shuttle and the positions of the boom antennas. The dual apertures at each band form radar interferometers suitable for making high-accuracy topographic maps of the Earth. The C-band data set is being processed by JPL for the archives of the National Imagery and Mapping Agency and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The X-band data set is processed and distributed at DLR, Germany. This paper deals with the accuracy assessments of the interferometric DEMs derived from the X- and C-band synthetic aperture radar systems over a testfield with rolling topography and moderate forest cover using the reference DEM digitized from the topographic maps of 1:25,000 scale. Obtained results for the two interferometric DEMs are similar and lie in the range of 10-11 m. The accuracy of SRTM X- and C-band DEMs was also checked against ground control points measured by differential GPS, and the rms height errors were found to be about 9 m, which confirms the results based on the reference DEM.
Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 2013
Rapid land use/land cover changes have taken place in many cities of Turkey. Land use and land co... more Rapid land use/land cover changes have taken place in many cities of Turkey. Land use and land cover changes are essential for wide range of applications. In this study, Landsat TM satellite imageries date from 1987, 1993, 2000 and 2010 were used to analyse temporal and spatial changes in the Western Black Sea Region of Turkey. Zonguldak and Eregli two largest and economic important cities which have been active coal mining and iron fabric areas. Maximum Likelihood Classification technique was implemented and the results were represented in classes of open area, forest, agricultural, water, mining, urban and pollution in the sea. Urban areas on both cities increased from 1987 to 2010. The agricultural and open areas from 1987 to 2010 decreased in parallel to land use and land cover change in both cities. Meanwhile, forest areas increased continuously with about 20 % from 1987 to 2010 in both cities. As industrial activity, the coal fields doubled from 1987 to 2010.
Günümüzde, zengin bilgi içeriği sunan uydu görüntülerinin varlığı ve teknolojik gelişmelere bağlı... more Günümüzde, zengin bilgi içeriği sunan uydu görüntülerinin varlığı ve teknolojik gelişmelere bağlı olarak bu görüntülerin
işlenebilmesi, uzaktan algılama teknolojilerinin sahadaki kullanım yerini sağlamlaştırmaktadır. Uydu görüntüleri, uygun ölçekte
harita yapımı ve güncellenmesi, planlama, değişim ve gelişimin izlenmesi, risk yönetimi, analiz ve benzeri birçok alandaki
uygulamalara altlık teşkil edebilmektedir. Bu tür uygulamalardaki kritik kararların alınabilmesi için güncel, hızlı ve düşük
maliyetlerle elde edilebilen verilere ihtiyaç duyulması, uydu görüntülerinin bu alanlarda kullanılmasında tercih sebebidir. Bu
çalışmada, uzaktan algılama teknolojisi kullanılarak Zonguldak ili merkezindeki yerleşim bölgesinin zamansal gelişiminin izlenmesi
ve bu açıdan analizlerin ve gerekli değerlendirilmelerin yapılması amaçlanmaktadır. Bunun yanında, yerleşim bölgesi olarak sınırlı sayılabilecek olan Zonguldak ili merkezine alternatif olabilecek yeni yerleşim alanları araştırılacaktır. Böylelikle, Zonguldak gibi karışık bir jeolojik yapıya sahip bir kentsel alan için özellikle bölgedeki kamu-kurum ve kuruluşların, yerel yönetimlerin; yeni yerleşim alanlarının belirlenmesi, acil eylem planlaması vb. konularda ileriye yönelik projelerinin oluşumunda fayda sağlayacaktır.
Zonguldak ilinin değişik yıllara ait düşük, orta ve yüksek çözünürlüklü uydu görüntüleri, hava fotoğrafları, ortofotoları, vektör haritaları vb. çeşitli verileri araştırılacak ve uygun veri üzerinden alınabilecek bilgiler dâhilinde istenilen kentsel detayların çıkarılması sağlanacaktır. İlgili yazılımlar yardımıyla detaylar, vektörleştirme ve görüntü değerlendirme adımlarından olan sınıflandırma işlemi ile çıkarılacak ve alternatif yerleşim alanları belirlenerek yeni alanlar için öneriler verilecektir.
New approaches of image classification such as “Object‐Based Image Analysis” (OBIA) utilize to ob... more New approaches of image classification such as “Object‐Based Image Analysis” (OBIA) utilize to obtain information contents of the images widely used in recent years. The images having ground sampling distance of 0.5‐1.0m recently regarded as the high resolution remote sensing images are widely used in recent remote sensing technologies. They are very important and required data for obtaining spatial data using their information contents. With regard to the arrangement of remote sensing images for any mapping applications, there are some existing methods, algorithms and the processes for their
geometric corrections and enhancements. Critical decisions for applications mentioned above; up‐to‐date, fast and low cost that can be achieved data are needed. Therefore, using
satellite images is preferred in these application areas.
In this study, Zonguldak testfield has been selected which is agro‐industrial City and has rolling topography along the Black Sea Coast in Turkey. Intensive mining operation and
applications have been made in this region for about 150 years. In this region, some geological and geomorphological land changes have been occurred during the removing
processes of the significant reserves of coal mines. Because of the extraction, processes and exporting the coal mining, some requirements have been occurred like new facilities and
using new settlement areas. In this context, the scope of using Zonguldak test area is selected as has been engaging in.
High resolution Ikonos‐2, Quickbird‐2 and Worldview‐2 images of 2002, 2004, 2008 and 2012 covering Zonguldak City in Turkey have been used in this study. Firstly, urban objects like
coastline, building and road in the images have been digitized using manual on‐screen digitizing approach. Then, these objects mentioned above have been detected, recognized
and extracted using eCognition Developer v8.9 and OBIA. The results have been compared with the reference vector maps scale of 1/5000 of testfield, and the success of object‐based
image analysis of final results were compared and contrasted respectively with other vector products, which had been obtained by the method of manual on‐screen digitizing results,
has been tested by GIS software. Consequently, the results and discussions about the production and updating of maps at the scale of 1/5000, which are recently and widely used
by local authorities and public organizations, have been presented. Also numerical results have been produced after analyses to investigate temporal changes of objects in Zonguldak testfield.
Remote sensing technology has a great importance with regard to environmental monitoring. Satelli... more Remote sensing technology has a great importance with regard to environmental monitoring. Satellite images present advantages to study on a large scale effectively. In this
research, Landsat TM5 satellite images acquired on 20.09.2003 and 29.09.2011 were used to retrieve Land Surface Temperature (LST) and land cover based on pixel and object based classification. Also a geological map of the study area was used to correlate the images. As a result of the research, all images were correlated each other and similarities between
different regions were presented.
Traditional pixel-based approaches are based exclusively on the grey value of pixel itself. There... more Traditional pixel-based approaches are based exclusively on the grey value of pixel itself. Thereby only the spectral information is
used for the classification. The situation becomes worse when extracting the certain features only. An object-oriented image analysis
is implemented in order to overcome the limitation mentioned above. The existing software, eCognition v3.0 allows the polygon
based classification process. It is based on fuzzy logic, allows the integration of a broad spectrum of different object features, such as
spectral values, shape and texture. This study demonstrated the extraction of buildings and roads from the high-resolution Ikonos
pan-sharpened image data by first dividing it into the segments and then classifying it using the spectral, spatial and contextual
information. The test site was agro-industrial area in the city of Zonguldak which has rolling topography along the Black Sea coast.
Land use classification results as well as the spatial information can be exported to GIS environment for evaluation purposes with
existing larger scale cadastral maps and other available ground truth materials.
Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, 2015
Buyuk Melen Watershed provides drinking water from the Western Black Sea region to Istanbul provi... more Buyuk Melen Watershed provides drinking water from the Western Black Sea region to Istanbul province, which Buyuk and Kucuk Melen rivers, Asar, Ugur and Aksu rivers. Many settlement areas, fertilized agricultural lands, industrial plants and solid/liquid waste dumping areas have present in Melen watershed, causing substantial pollution problems. Melen watershed has been at a serious risk of pollution that a lot of settlement areas, agricultural lands, industrial facilities, and solid and liquid waste. In this study, LANDSAT satellite data was used to monitor the status of this area on the potential of the region studied. In the watershed change of
Çatalağzı Thermoelectric Power Plant (ÇATES) has been constructed in Çatalağzı Town, that is loca... more Çatalağzı Thermoelectric Power Plant (ÇATES) has been constructed in Çatalağzı Town, that is located about 15 km east of Zonguldak province of Turkey. This power plant of 2x150 megawatt provides %5 of electricity power generation demand of the country with its 2 billion kilowatt hour annual energy power production. So it has been regarded as one the leading ones in Turkey. During the construction of ash dam; land surface structure has been changed and the vegetation has been destroyed in the area due to the dam construction. In addition, conveyor line was opened in test area to transfer the ash from power plant to dam. Thus, land topography and morphology in test area have been changed on a large scale. This study aims at discussing the detection and evaluation of environmental changes during all steps and every construction processes of ÇATES ash dam. For this purpose, Landsat ETM image of dated 2000, SPOT-5 image of dated 2005, QuickBird image of dated 2008 and Worldview-2 image of dated 2012 have been evaluated using remote sensing techniques. In this evaluation, terrain changes and destroyed green areas which were formed after the construction of ash dam have been detected using manual digitizing approached and Object-Based Image Analyses (OBIA). All these digitizing and classification processes and the vector data has been performed using NetCAD, PCI Geomatica and eCognition Developer software. At the end of the study, the numerical data, results and relevant necessary comments of the study are presented by performing required analysis and evaluations.
New approaches of image classification such as "Object-Based Image Analysis" (OBIA) utilize to ob... more New approaches of image classification such as "Object-Based Image Analysis" (OBIA) utilize to obtain information contents of the images widely used in recent years. The images having ground sampling distance of 0.5-1.0m recently regarded as the high resolution remote sensing images are widely used in recent remote sensing technologies. They are very important and required data for obtaining spatial data using their information contents. With regard to the arrangement of remote sensing images for any mapping applications, there are some existing methods, algorithms and the processes for their geometric corrections and enhancements. Critical decisions for applications mentioned above; up-to-date, fast and low cost that can be achieved data are needed. Therefore, using satellite images is preferred in these application areas. In this study, Zonguldak testfield has been selected which is agro-industrial City and has rolling topography along the Black Sea Coast in Turkey. Intensive mining operation and applications have been made in this region for about 150 years. In this region, some geological and geomorphological land changes have been occurred during the removing processes of the significant reserves of coal mines. Because of the extraction, processes and exporting the coal mining, some requirements have been occurred like new facilities and using new settlement areas. In this context, the scope of using Zonguldak test area is selected as has been engaging in. High resolution Ikonos-2, Quickbird-2 and Worldview-2 images of 2002, 2004, 2008 and 2012 covering Zonguldak City in Turkey have been used in this study. Firstly, urban objects like coastline, building and road in the images have been digitized using manual on-screen digitizing approach. Then, these objects mentioned above have been detected, recognized and extracted using eCognition Developer v8.9 and OBIA. The results have been compared with the reference vector maps scale of 1/5000 of testfield, and the success of object-based image analysis of final results were compared and contrasted respectively with other vector products, which had been obtained by the method of manual on-screen digitizing results, has been tested by GIS software. Consequently, the results and discussions about the production and updating of maps at the scale of 1/5000, which are recently and widely used by local authorities and public organizations, have been presented. Also numerical results have been produced after analyses to investigate temporal changes of objects in Zonguldak testfield.
As known, at the present time, remote sensing technologies are being improved and year by year, b... more As known, at the present time, remote sensing technologies are being improved and year by year, by launching new satellites whose image taking configurations are improved with new techniques, images can be obtained faster with high quality. The satellites which had been launched recently for example; Quickbird, Ikonos and Orbview-3 have 1m and better resolution, continue their missions with quite success. As it is known, for a few years the computer users have been achieving information for every area just by using a computer via the GoogleEarth technology generated by America with the contribution of all other countries. GoogleEarth was improved for showing the images which are taken with remote sensing techniques, transforming to mosaic form for any area and describing the topography and cartography of this area. But, day by day, the various information has begun to be offered by Geographic Information System (GIS) integration to the GoogleEarth and the GoogleEarth has started to ...
Traditional pixel-based approaches are based exclusively on the grey value of pixel itself. There... more Traditional pixel-based approaches are based exclusively on the grey value of pixel itself. Thereby only the spectral information is used for the classification. The situation becomes worse when extracting the certain features only. An object-oriented image analysis is implemented in order to overcome the limitation mentioned above. The existing software, eCognition v4.0 allows the polygon based classification process. It is based on fuzzy logic, allows the integration of a broad spectrum of different object features, such as spectral values, shape and texture. This study demonstrated the extraction of buildings and roads from the high- resolution IKONOS pan-sharpened image data by first dividing it into the segments and then classifying it using the spectral, spatial and contextual information. The test site was agro-industrial area in the city of Zonguldak which has rolling topography along the Black Sea coast. Land use classification results as well as the spatial information can...
In this study, performance of object-oriented classification approach has been tested using mediu... more In this study, performance of object-oriented classification approach has been tested using medium resolution satellite dataset of Zonguldak testfield. For this purpose, Landsat 7 ETM+ and ASTER images were used because of their nearly similar ground sampling distance (GSD). As a first step, pan-sharpened images were created based on the combination of panchromatic and color bands available in the dataset using a special methodology implemented in the PCI Geomatica v9.1.4 software package. Following this, resulted images were handled by the eCognition v4.0.6 software with the main steps of segmentation and classification. After determining the optimal segmentation parameters correctly, classification of main object classes were realized and verified by the auxiliary data e.g. maps, aerial photos and personal information.
Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) represent the terrain elevation in discrete form in three-dimensi... more Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) represent the terrain elevation in discrete form in three-dimensional space. This is the simplest form of 3D-terrain representation and the most common. The accuracy and morphologic details of the height models represent the quality. With SPOT-5 and ASTER stereo models DEMs have been generated in the Zonguldak test field, located in Turkey at the Black Sea coast. In addition to these, also the height models of the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) from C-band and also from X-band have been analyzed. The SRTM C-band and X-band data have been obtained with single-pass Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) technique. SRTM C-band has 3 arcsec and X-band 1 arcsec point spacing with 1 arcsec corresponding to approximately 30m at the equator. The height models from the optical space sensors have been generated with three times the ground sampling distance (GSD) corresponding to 15m for SPOT-5 and 45m for ASTER. As reference a DEM from large ...
SpaceImaging is not distributing the original IKONOS-images, only a rectification to a plane with... more SpaceImaging is not distributing the original IKONOS-images, only a rectification to a plane with constant height is available - the so called CARTERRA-GEO. In addition the sensor model is not published. For the image orientation rational polynomial coefficients (RPC) are available from SpaceImaging, giving the relation of the Geo-images to the ground coordinate system in form of geographic coordinates and the height. The RPCs have to be improved by means of control points. Another possibility is the reconstruction of the imaging geometry based on the available view direction from the scene centre to the satellite (nominal collection elevation and azimuth). If the view ,direction will not be improved, with both methods as well as with the PCI-software using the satellite modelling, approximately the same, but not in any case satisfying accuracy has been achieved. The precise results can be reached if the view directions also will be introduced as unknowns. The orientation methods ju...
Journal of Coastal Conservation, 2014
Coastal erosion may be caused by natural causes as well as human factors. Karasu town of the city... more Coastal erosion may be caused by natural causes as well as human factors. Karasu town of the city of Sakarya in Turkey which is a touristic region on the Black Sea coast has been experienced a drastic coastal erosion. In recent years, this erosion reached the threatening dimensions for the structures in the settlement. According to the temporal analyses of Landsat satellite images, the maximum erosion on the coastline was detected 100 m between 1987-2013. The results of the study show that the harbour construct on the Karasu coast has the major impact on this event. The secondary factor is that the amount of the sediment carried by the Sakarya River was decreased in time due to different reasons. To prevent the coastal erosion, a series of offshore breakwaters were planned after the failed application of groins on the coastline. In this study, temporal changes of the coastline are investigated by the Landsat satellite data and land surveys, possible reasons of the erosion are discussed and the solutions are proposed regarding the coastal structures.
ISPRS - International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 2014
ABSTRACT Pleiades images are distributed with 50 cm ground sampling distance (GSD) even if the ph... more ABSTRACT Pleiades images are distributed with 50 cm ground sampling distance (GSD) even if the physical resolution for nadir images is just 70 cm. By theory this should influence the effective GSD determined by means of point spread function at image edges. Nevertheless by edge enhancement the effective GSD can be improved, but this should cause enlarged image noise. Again image noise can be reduced by image restoration. Finally even optimized image restoration cannot improve the image information from 70 cm to 50 cm without loss of details, requiring a comparison of Pleiades image details with other very high resolution space images. The image noise has been determined by analysis of the whole images for any sub-area with 5 pixels times 5 pixels. Based on the standard deviation of grey values in the small sub-areas the image noise has been determined by frequency analysis. This leads to realistic results, checked by test targets. On the other hand the visual determination of image noise based on apparently homogenous sub-areas results in too high values because the human eye is not able to identify small grey value differences – it is limited to just approximately 40 grey value steps over the available gray value range, so small difference in grey values cannot be seen, enlarging results of a manual noise determination. A tri-stereo combination of Pleiades 1A in a mountainous, but partially urban, area has been analyzed and compared with images of the same area from WorldView-1, QuickBird and IKONOS. The image restoration of the Pleiades images is very good, so the effective image resolution resulted in a factor 1.0, meaning that the effective resolution corresponds to the nominal resolution of 50 cm. This does not correspond to the physical resolution of 70 cm, but by edge enhancement the steepness of the grey value profile across the edge can be enlarged, reducing the width of the point spread function. Without additional filtering edge enhancement enlarges the image noise, but the average image noise of approximately 1.0 grey values related to 8 bit images is very small, not indicating the edge enhancement and the down sampling of the GSD from 70 cm to 50 cm. So the direct comparison with the other images has to give the answer if the image quality of Pleiades images is on similar level as corresponding to the nominal resolution. As expected with the image geometry there is no problem. This is the case for all used space images in the test area, where the point identification limits the accuracy of the scene orientation.
The Photogrammetric Record, 2004
ABSTRACT TK-350 stereo-scenes of the Zonguldak testfield in the north-west of Turkey have been an... more ABSTRACT TK-350 stereo-scenes of the Zonguldak testfield in the north-west of Turkey have been analysed. The imagery had a base-to-height ratio of 0·52 and covered an area of 200 km × 300 km, with each pixel representing 10 m on the ground. Control points digitised from 1:25 000 scale topographic maps were used in the test. A bundle orientation was executed using the University of Hanover program BLUH and PCI Geomatica OrthoEngine AE software packages. Tests revealed that TK-350 stereo-images can yield 3D geopositioning to an accuracy of about 10 m in planimetry and 17 m in height. A 40 m resolution digital elevation model (DEM) was generated by the PCI system and compared against a reference DEM, which was derived from digitised contour lines provided by 1:25 000 scale topographic maps. This comparison showed that accuracy depends mainly on the surface structure and the slope of the local terrain. Root mean square errors in height were found to be about 27 and 39 m outside and inside forested areas, respectively. The matched DEM demonstrated a systematic shift against the reference DEM visible as an asymmetric shift in the frequency distribution. This is perhaps caused by the presence of vegetation and buildings.RésuméOn a étudié des couples stéréoscopiques TK-350 sur le polygone d'essai ZONGULDAK au Nord-Ouest de la Turquie. Le rapport base-sur-altitude des couples était de 0,52 et la zone couverte atteignait 200 km × 300 km, avec une valeur au sol de chaque pixel de 10 m. On a saisi des points d'appui par numérisation à partir des cartes topographiques à l’échelle de 1:25 000. On a effectué l‘orientation des faisceaux en utilisant un ensemble de logiciels de l'Université de Hanovre tels que BLUH et « PCI Geomatica Ortho Engine AE ». Les essais ont montré que les stéréo-couples TK-350 pouvaient fournir une précision d'environ 10 m en planimétrie et 17 m en altimétrie sur le géopositionnement 3D. On a réalisé un MNA d'une résolution de 40 m avec le système PCI, que l'on a pu comparer avec un MNA de référence obtenu par numérisation des courbes de niveau des cartes topographiques au 1:25 000. La comparaison a montré que la précision dépendait essentiellement de la nature du terrain et de la pente locale. C'est ainsi que les erreurs moyennes quadratiques en altimétrie atteignent 39 m dans les zones boisées, contre 27 m en dehors. De plus, le MNA obtenu a présenté des systématismes par rapport au MNA de référence, sous la forme de décalages asymétriques dans la répartition des fréquences. La cause en est peut-être la présence de bâtiments et de végétation.ZusammenfassungIn diesem Beitrag wird über die Analyse von TK-350 Stereoszenen im Zonguldak Testfeld im Nordwesten der Türkei berichtet. Die Bilddaten hatten ein Basis-Höhenverhltnis von 0·52 und deckten ein Gebiet von 200 × 300 km mit einer Bodenpixelgröße von 10 m ab. Für den Test wurden Passpunkte aus einer Topographischen Karte im Maßstab 1:25 000 digitalisiert. Die Bündelausgleichung wurde mit dem Programmsystem BLUH der Universitt Hannover durchgeführt, weitere Analysen mit dem Paket PCI Geomatica OrthoEngine. Die Tests zeigten, dass mit TK-350 Stereoszenen eine 3D Geopositionierung mit einer Lagegenauigkeit von ca. 10 m und einer Höhengenauigkeit von 17 m möglich ist. Mit dem PCI System wurde ein DHM mit einer Gitterweite von 40 m erzeugt und mit einem Referenz-DHM, das aus digitalisierten Höhenlinien der Topographischen Karte 1:25 000 abgeleitet wurde, verglichen. Es zeigte sich, dass die Genauigkeit im wesentlich von der Gelndestruktur und der lokalen Gelndeneigung abhngt. Der mittlere quadratische Höhenfehler lag bei 27 m außerhalb von Waldgebieten und bei 39 m innerhalb von Waldgebieten. Das durch Bildzuordnung erzeugte DHM zeigte eine systematische Verschiebung gegenüber dem Referenzdatensatz, was an der asymmetrischen Verschiebung in der Hufigkeitsverteilung zu sehen ist. Diese wird vermutlich durch Vegetation und Gebude verursacht.ResumenEn este artículo se analizan imágenes estéreo TK-350 correspondientes a la zona de ensayo Zonguldak, en el noroeste de Turquía. Las imágenes tienen una razón base-altura de 0,52, cubren un área de 200 × 300 km, y tienen una resolución espacial de 10 m. Los puntos de control utilizados en el ensayo se han digitalizado a partir de mapas topográficos a escala 1:25 000 y se utilizaron los programas BLUH de la Universidad de Hannover y Geomatica OrthoEngine AE de PCI para la orientación. Las pruebas muestran que las imágenes estéreo TK-350 pueden alcanzar una exactitud de hasta 10 m en planimetría y de 17 m en altura en la georeferenciación 3D. Se generó un modelo digital de elevaciones (MDE) con una resolución de 40 m mediante el programa de PCI que se comparó con el MDE de referencia calculado a partir de las curvas de nivel digitalizadas de los mapas topográficos a escala 1:25 000. La comparación muestra que la exactitud depende principalmente de la estructura de la superficie y de la…
The Photogrammetric Record, 2005
ABSTRACT SPOT 5 HRG Level 1A and 1B stereo scenes covering Zonguldak testfield in north-west Turk... more ABSTRACT SPOT 5 HRG Level 1A and 1B stereo scenes covering Zonguldak testfield in north-west Turkey have been analysed. They comprise the left and right image components with base to height ratio of 0·54. The pixel size on the ground is 5 m. The bundle orientation was executed by the PCI Geomatica V9.1.4 software package and resulted in 3D geopositioning to sub-pixel accuracies in each axis provided that at least six control points were used in the computation. Root mean square error (rmse) values and vectors of residual errors for Levels 1A and 1B are similar, even for different control and check point configurations. Based on the scene orientation, Level 1A and 1B digital elevation models (DEMs) of the testfield have been determined by automatic matching and validated by the reference DEM digitised from the 1:25 000 scale topographic maps, interferometric DEMs from Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) X- and C-band SAR data and the GPS profiles measured along the main roads in the testfield. Although the accuracies of reference data-sets are too similar to the generated SPOT DEMs, these are the only high quality reference materials available in this area. Sub-pixel height accuracy was indicated by the comparison with profile points. However, they are in favourable locations where matching is always successful, so such a result may give a biased measure of the accuracy of the corresponding DEMs.RésuméOn a étudié des images stéréo de niveau 1A et 1B de SPOT 5 HRG prises sur le polygone d'essai de Zonguldak au Nord-Ouest de la Turquie. Il s'agit d'images gauche et droite présentant un rapport base sur altitude de 0·54. La tachèle (l’équivalent du pixel au sol) est de 5 m. On a effectué l‘orientation des faisceaux avec le jeu de logiciels PCI Geomatica V9.1.4 et obtenu des précisions subpixellaires sur la localisation en 3D, à condition d'utiliser au moins 6 points d'appui dans les calculs. Les erreurs moyennes quadratiques et les vecteurs résidus du niveau 1A sont les mêmes que pour le niveau 1B, et cela même pour différentes configurations des points d'appui et de vérification. On a ensuite dérivé des niveaux 1A et 1B des MNA (Modèles Numériques des Altitudes) sur le polygone d'essai par appariement automatique d'images. On a validé ces MNA par un MNA de référence issu des cartes topographiques au 1:25 000 par numérisation, par des MNA interférométriques provenant des données du radar à synthèse d'ouverture à bandes C et X SRTM, et par des profils GPS sur les routes principales de ce polygone. Ces jeux de données sont les seules données de référence de bonne qualité disponibles sur cette zone, bien que leur défaut soit de présenter des précisions tout à fait comparables à celles des MNA issus de SPOT. La précision altimétrique sub-pixellaire indiquée provient des comparaisons avec les points des profils. Encore faut-il ajouter qu'il s'agit de points où l'appariement d'images est réussi, c'est-à-dire lorsque les conditions sont favorables, ce qui peut biaiser dans une certaine mesure la valeur de la précision obtenue sur les MNA correspondants.ZusammenfassungEs werden Stereoaufnahmen aus zwei SPOT 5 HRG Produkten, dem Level 1A und dem Level 1B analysiert. Die Stereoaufnahmen decken das Zonguldak Testfeld im Nordwesten der Türkei ab. Die Stereobildpaare besitzen ein Basis-Höhenverhältnis von 0·54. Die Pixelgröße am Boden ist 5 m. Die Bündelausgleichung wurde mit dem Softwarepaket PCI Geomatica V9.1.4 durchgeführt. Damit waren Subpixelgenauigkeiten in der 3D Geopositionierung erreichbar, vorausgesetzt, dass mindestens sechs Passpunkte in der Ausgleichung verwendet wurden. Die mittleren quadratischen Fehler und die Vektoren der Verbesserungen sind für die beiden untersuchten Produkte gleich, auch für den Fall unterschiedlicher Passpunkt- und Kontrollpunktkonfigurationen. Auf der Basis der ermittelten Orientierungen wurden für die Daten aus Level 1A und Level 1B je ein Digitales Höhenmodell des Testfeldes mit Hilfe von automatischer Bildzuordnung bestimmt. Die Digitalen Höhenmodelle wurden mit verschiedenen Vergleichsdaten validiert: erstens mit einem Referenzhöhenmodell, das aus einer Digitalisierung einer topographischen Karte im Maßstab 1:25 000 stammt, zweitens mit einem Höhenmodell, das aus interferometrischen Messungen mit SRTM SAR Daten (X- und C-Band) stammt und drittens mit GPS Profilen, die entlang der Hauptverkehrstrassen im Testfeld erfasst wurden. Obwohl die Genauigkeiten der Referenzdaten im Bereich der generierten Höhenmodelle aus den SPOT Daten liegen, mussten sie verwendet werden, da sonst kein genaueres Vergleichsmaterial zur Verfügung stand. Der Vergleich mit Punkten aus den GPS Profilen lässt eine Höhengenauigkeit im Subpixelbereich vermuten. Allerdings liegen die gemessenen Profile in Gebieten mit guter Textur in der die Bildzuordnung in allen Fällen erfolgreich war. Somit ist obige Aussage zur Genauigkeit, die darauf aufbaut,…
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 2005
ABSTRACT TK-350 stereo-scenes covering 200 km μ 300 km on the ground with a base-to-height-ratio ... more ABSTRACT TK-350 stereo-scenes covering 200 km μ 300 km on the ground with a base-to-height-ratio of 0.52 have been analysed on Zonguldak testfield in the northwest of Turkey. The pixel size on the ground is 10 m. Control points digitised from 1:25 000 scale topographic maps have been used in the test. The sensor orientation was executed by the PCI Geomatica ® V8.2 software package. TK-350 stereo-images can yield 3D geopositioning to an accuracy of about 10 m horizontally and 17 m vertically. Based on this orientation, DEM with 40 m cell size was generated by the related module of PCI system. For the validation of extracted DEM, matched data was checked against the interferometric DEMs from SRTM X- and C-band SAR data. Based on this comparison, the RMSE of Z values was found to be in the range of 25.6 to 36.9 m and 28.7 to 38.7 m outside and inside the forest area, respectively. However, accuracy results obtained against the SRTM C-band DEM are more representative than those of X-band since the coverage of C-band DEM on the interest area is larger than the X-band. There are some systematic shifts of the TK-350 DEM against the SRTM DEMs which lie between the 3.7 m to 6.2 m which is probably due to the different sensor orientation of TK-350 and SRTM datasets. Height discrepancies are also analysed as a function of terrain slope. It was found that slope depending components were always larger in the case of C-band DEM because of its larger cell spacing. In the forest areas, more dependency upon the slope was observed against the open areas.
Optical Engineering, 2005
ABSTRACT In February 2000, the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) mapped large areas of the ... more ABSTRACT In February 2000, the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) mapped large areas of the global landmass using two radar systems operating simultaneously in X and C band. The radar mapping instrument consisted of modified versions of the SIR-C C-band and X-band radars flown on the shuttle in 1994. Modifications included a 60-m retractable boom, with C-band and X-band receive-only antennas attached to the boom's end. High-accuracy metrology systems were added to measure position and attitude of the shuttle and the positions of the boom antennas. The dual apertures at each band form radar interferometers suitable for making high-accuracy topographic maps of the Earth. The C-band data set is being processed by JPL for the archives of the National Imagery and Mapping Agency and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The X-band data set is processed and distributed at DLR, Germany. This paper deals with the accuracy assessments of the interferometric DEMs derived from the X- and C-band synthetic aperture radar systems over a testfield with rolling topography and moderate forest cover using the reference DEM digitized from the topographic maps of 1:25,000 scale. Obtained results for the two interferometric DEMs are similar and lie in the range of 10-11 m. The accuracy of SRTM X- and C-band DEMs was also checked against ground control points measured by differential GPS, and the rms height errors were found to be about 9 m, which confirms the results based on the reference DEM.
Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 2013
Rapid land use/land cover changes have taken place in many cities of Turkey. Land use and land co... more Rapid land use/land cover changes have taken place in many cities of Turkey. Land use and land cover changes are essential for wide range of applications. In this study, Landsat TM satellite imageries date from 1987, 1993, 2000 and 2010 were used to analyse temporal and spatial changes in the Western Black Sea Region of Turkey. Zonguldak and Eregli two largest and economic important cities which have been active coal mining and iron fabric areas. Maximum Likelihood Classification technique was implemented and the results were represented in classes of open area, forest, agricultural, water, mining, urban and pollution in the sea. Urban areas on both cities increased from 1987 to 2010. The agricultural and open areas from 1987 to 2010 decreased in parallel to land use and land cover change in both cities. Meanwhile, forest areas increased continuously with about 20 % from 1987 to 2010 in both cities. As industrial activity, the coal fields doubled from 1987 to 2010.
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2000
ABSTRACT Generation of orthoimages in remote sensing and photogrammetry is a common and sometimes... more ABSTRACT Generation of orthoimages in remote sensing and photogrammetry is a common and sometimes mandatory issue. The desired georeferencing accuracy of the orthoimage depends on two main factors: accuracy of transformation parameters and density and accuracy of height information. The objective of this letter is to estimate the combined efficiency of accuracies of refined rational polynomial coefficients and digital elevation models on georeferencing accuracy of the orthoimage utilizing the figure condition method (FCM). In this letter, details of the method, the characteristics of the evaluated Pléiades panchromatic mono image and auxiliary data, and also the test site are presented. The findings were compared with other results from high-resolution satellite images such as those from IKONOS, QuickBird, and OrbView-3. It is observed that the FCM might be preferred to estimate the overall georeferencing accuracy of an orthoimage, reaching pmpmpm 0.3–2.7-pixel accuracy range. The Pléiades panchromatic mono image presents almost equal accuracy as the compared images. The research was carried out on the Zonguldak (Turkey) test site which has mountainous and extremely undulating topography.
… " Turkish-German Joint …, 2006
This study focuses on the comparison between the classical and object-oriented image classificati... more This study focuses on the comparison between the classical and object-oriented image classifications of remote sensing imagery in the arid area. Due to its special geographic environment and socio-economic contexts, the land cover and its spatio-temporal pattern in aridzone is very different from those in coastal area, thus some conventional methods of remote sensing image classification may not be suitable. In order to investigate an appropriate method for aridzone image classification, pixel-based image classifiers such as the Maximum Likelihood Classifier and an object-oriented image classifier were tested and compared using an Landsat ETM+ image. The accuracy of each method was assessed using reference data sets derived from high-resolution satellite images, aerial photograph and field investigation. The result shows that the object-oriented method has achieved an overall accuracy of 89% with a kappa coefficient of 0.87, compared with 71% (0.66) that was derived from the conventional pixel-based method.
... Page 2. Uydu Görüntüleri Bilgi İçeriğinin Ormancılık Çalışmaları Açısından DeğerlendirilmesiA... more ... Page 2. Uydu Görüntüleri Bilgi İçeriğinin Ormancılık Çalışmaları Açısından DeğerlendirilmesiAyhan ATEŞOĞLU,Metin TUNAY, Hüseyin TOPAN, Murat ORUÇ the projection of the detector element thought the sensor optics within the sensor instantaneous field of view. ...