Murni Ramli - (original) (raw)

Papers by Murni Ramli

Research paper thumbnail of Measuring Problem Solving Skills of High School Students on Biology

Jurnal Biologi Edukasi, 2015

Assessment yang mampu mengukur problem solving skills siswa SMA pada mata pelajaran Biologi. Pene... more Assessment yang mampu mengukur problem solving skills siswa SMA pada mata pelajaran Biologi. Penelitian menggunakan model Research & Development yang mengacu pada Borg & Gall. Assessment yang dikembangkan merupakan soal uraian berbentuk kasus. Validasi produk dilakukan oleh ahli materi dan evaluasi. Uji coba melibatkan 88 orang siswa dari tiga sekolah yang berbeda. Data hasil uji coba dianalisis menggunakan program Quest. Komponenassessment yang dikembangkan meliputi keterampilan: mendefinisikan masalah, memeriksa masalah, merencanakan solusi, melaksanakan rencana yang telah dibuat, dan mengevaluasi. Hasil studi menunjukkan perangkat asesmen memiliki validitas butir yang fit dengan Model Rasch, dan reliabilitas tinggi. Terdapat 13% soal kategori mudah, 41,7% soal kategori sedang, dan 46,3% soal kategori sukar. Daya beda disetiap butir soal dengan interpretasi minimal "cukup".

Research paper thumbnail of Dynamic assessment on high school biology students’ reasoning skills

Biosfer, 2021

Reasoning skills of students may be improved through a sort of feedback constructed in the dynami... more Reasoning skills of students may be improved through a sort of feedback constructed in the dynamic assessment. The research aims to analyze the effect of dynamic assessment on high school biology students' reasoning skills. The research employs a quasi-experimental method with a pretest-posttest control group design. The participants were students of grade X Science Program (N=61), which were selected purposively. Data on reasoning skills was collected by pretest and posttest focused on the concepts of bacteria. with dynamic assessment method. The data analysis technique employs an Independent sample t-test. The research result indicate that Dynamic Assessment provides better effect on students’ reasoning skills in Bacteria material.

Research paper thumbnail of Peningkatan Higher Order Question Siswa Menggunakan Model Problem Based Learning pada Pembelajaran Biologi di Kelas X MIA 6 SMA Negeri 4 Surakarta Enhancing Higher Order Question of Student Through Problem Based Learning at Grade X MIA 6 of SMA N 4 Surakarta

The research aims to enhance the Higher Order Question of student through problem based learning ... more The research aims to enhance the Higher Order Question of student through problem based learning in Biology at Grade X MIA 6 of SMA N 4 Surakarta. The research was a four-cycle action research conducted in academic year 2014/2015. All questions were analyzed based on revised Bloom Taxonomy. Data were validated using triangulation method. The result of the research showed that problem based learning effectively enhance student's High Order Question (C4-C6). The percentage of each High Order Question (C4-C6) in pre cycle were 0%. The percentage of C4 type question at first cycle (73,14%), second cycle (52,13%), third cycle (56,05%), and fourth cycle (58,42%). The percentage of each High Order Question (C4-C6) in pre cycle were 0%. The percentage of C5 type question at first cycle (18,37%), second cycle (9,57%), third cycle (10,30%), and fourth cycle (58,42%). The percentage of each High Order Question (C4-C6) in pre cycle were 0%. The percentage of C6 type question at first cycle ...

Research paper thumbnail of Seminar Nasional IX Pendidikan Biologi FKIP UNS 135

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi praktek Pendidikan untuk Pembangunan Berkelanjutan ... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi praktek Pendidikan untuk Pembangunan Berkelanjutan (PPB) di Pondok Pesantren. Setting penelitian: Pondok Pesantren Modern Selamat Kendal yang sudah ada motivasi dalam pengelolaan lingkungan fisik dan biologis. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif naturalistik yang mengedepankan adanya interaksi dan observasi partisipatif dengan subjek yang diteliti, dan melakukan observasi, dan wawancara dengan komunitas pondok pesantren. Pemilihan sampel secara purposive, accidental, dan snowball sampling. Kondisi lingkungan dan proses pembelajaran PPB diobservasi secara mendalam. Hasil wawancara ditranskrip, kemudian disajikan secara deskriptif. Data penelitian kualitatif berupa naratif, deskriptif, dokumen pribadi, catatan lapangan, dokumen pondok pesantren, foto, videotapes , dan hasil rekaman CCTV. Guna memperoleh validitas data, komponen analisis data yang dilakukan adalah pengelompokan data, refleksi, dan triangulasi. Hasil penelitian menemukan 5 dimensi PPB yakni dimensi lingkungan, ekonomi, sosial-budaya, edukasional dan spiritual yang telah diimplementasikan dengan baik dalam kehidupan sehari-hari oleh seluruh komunitas pondok. Implementasi ini terutama didukung oleh faktor kurukulum, proses pembelajaran pengetahuan umum dan agama, serta aktivitas spiritual komunitas pesantren dan Pendirinya.

Research paper thumbnail of PROSIDING ICTTE FKIP UNS 2015 The Role of Lesson Study to Improve Posing Question Skills of Teacher and Students in Problem Based Learning

Posing question is a part of the interactions in the classroom, which represents thinking process... more Posing question is a part of the interactions in the classroom, which represents thinking process of the person who asking question. The skill of posing question can be improved through lesson study. The research objective was to determine the role of Problem-based Learning based Lesson Study on the competence of teachers and students in asking questions. The research was a quasi-experiment, wich was participated by senior high school students as subjects of the research. Two homogenous classes was selected as samples by purposive random. Teacher and students' competence was improved through Lesson Study, which consisted of plan, do and see. Questions were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively based on revised Bloom Taxonomy. Quantity of questions was analyzed by Manova. Results of the research: 1) lesson study had significantly improved teacher and students' skills on asking questions; 2) The quality of teacher and students' questions expanded into high dimension of...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Model Problem Based Learning Berbasis Potensi Lokal pada Pembelajaran Biologi terhadap Kemampuan Literasi Sains Siswa Kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Cepogo The Influence of Problem-Based Learning Based on Localities Models at Biology Lessons Toward Scientific Literacy of Students of Grade X SMA Ne...

Purpose of this research is to know the influence of of Problem Based Learning based on localitie... more Purpose of this research is to know the influence of of Problem Based Learning based on localities models toward scientific literacy of students of grade X. The research was a quasy experimental research used posttest only non-equvalent control groups. Population of the reserach was the students of grade X in the second semester of SMA N 1 Cepogo in the academic year 2013/2014. Sampling technique was cluster sampling method. Collected data was connucted by test and non test method. The test for measuring scientific literacy was a five essay test, which consist of three aspects, namely: to identify scientific issues, to explain phenomena scientifically, and to use scientific evidence. The non test method were observation, and documentation. Hypothesis test were analysed by t-test using SPSS version 16. The results of the research were received H1 and rejected H0. It means there was a difference of scientific literacy between control class (conventional models) and experiment class us...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Lesson Design Kingdom Animalia di SMA melalui Collaborative Action Research A Collaborative Research to Improve Kingdom Animalia Lesson Plan at High School

Skill dalam penyusunan lesson design adalah salah satu knowledge base teaching atau pedagogical c... more Skill dalam penyusunan lesson design adalah salah satu knowledge base teaching atau pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) yang harus dikuasai guru. Kemampuan ini dapat dilatihkan melalui Collaborative Action Research (CAR). Pada penelitian ini, ada tiga komponen pelaku yang melakukan kolaborasi untuk memperbaiki lesson design animalia biologi SMA, yaitu guru biologi, mahasiswa calon guru biologi, dan dosen pendidikan biologi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis desain pembelajaran yang dibuat secara kolaboratif untuk memperbaiki partisipasi siswa di kelas. Penelitian melibatkan satu orang guru Biologi dan 36 siswa sebagai subjek proses belajar mengajar yang merupakan siswa dalam satu kelas di sebuah SMA di Karanganyar, Jawa Tengah. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan dokumentasi lesson design guru, wawancara kepada guru dan siswa, observasi proses pembelajaran, dan perekaman audio dan video pembelajaran. Analisis dilakukan dengan menggunakan Science Lesson Plan Analysis Instrume...

Research paper thumbnail of Mendorong Peminatan Pada Saintek Melalui Introduksi Program Super Sains Jepang di SMA

Super Science High School Project (SSHs) dilaksanakan pertama kali di Jepang pada tahun 2002, dan... more Super Science High School Project (SSHs) dilaksanakan pertama kali di Jepang pada tahun 2002, dan setelah kurang lebih dua belas tahun pelaksanaanya, peminatan terhadap sains dan budaya meneliti di kalangan siswa SMA di Jepang meningkat secara signifikan. SSHs telah mengubah mainstream pembelajaran sains dari pembelajaran teksbook menjadi pembelajaran yang lebih menyenangkan dengan pendekatan konstruktivis dan berfokus pada kegiatan inkuiri siswa. Program ini di Jepang dilaksanakan dengan me-link-kan pembelajaran sains di SMA dengan laboratorium di perguruan tinggi, dan dukungan data dari Japan Science and Technology (JST), serta didanai sepenuhnya oleh pemerintah. Melihat perkembangan yang positif dari program tersebut, maka Pusat Studi Jepang Universitas Sebelas Maret telah melaksanakan riset terkait kebijakan dan implementasi SSHs di Jepang pada tahun 2013, dan tahun 2014 mulai mengkaji kemungkinan mengitroduksikan SSHs ke SMA di Surakarta dan sekitarnya. Artikel ini mengkaji pri...

Research paper thumbnail of The Trend of Critical Thinking Studies in Biology Education through Online Learning: A Systematic Review

Bioedukasi: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi

Biology teachers and students in society 5.0 are expected to show critical thinking skills (CTS) ... more Biology teachers and students in society 5.0 are expected to show critical thinking skills (CTS) in solving problems or making decisions. Thus, it is important to know how the CTS are nurtured through online learning. The trend of studies on these issues needs to be explored. This research aims to map the trend of studies on nurturing the CTS through online learning by reviewing some articles published within 2018-2020, considering 1) the online learning, 3) topics in biology, 4) teaching methods, and 5) instruments of CTS. Following the systematic review of the PRISMA Method, articles were screened from Google Scholar. The keywords were "critical thinking", "biology education", "online learning", and "Indonesia", which resulted in 23 articles to be further reviewed. The findings show that CTS's research trends using online learning have increased due to the COVID-19 pandemic that requires students and teachers to distance studies. The mos...

Research paper thumbnail of Penerapan Model Project-Based Learning Pada Mata Kuliah Teknologi Pangan Untuk Meningkatkan Vocational Skills Calon Guru Pendidikan Biologi

Food Technology is one of optional courses in Biology Teacher Training and Education Program Sebe... more Food Technology is one of optional courses in Biology Teacher Training and Education Program Sebelas Maret University, which aims to provide students with knowledge and skill on how to technology in processing raw material of food. The purpose of this study is to increase one of the aspects of life skills, i.e. vocational skills of students in producing a healthy and innovative food product. This research was a three-cycles action research using a project-based learning, and each cycle consisted of four steps, i.e. planning, action, observing, and reflecting. The participant of the research was third semester of students of Biology Teacher Training and Education who took the course in academic year 2013/2014. Data was collected through questionnaire sheet, observation sheet, and documentation of student's portfolio. All data was analyzed descriptively. The result of the research is the project-based learning significantly increased the vocational skills of students in seven indi...

Research paper thumbnail of Uji Kelayakan Modul Animalia Kontekstual Berbasis Level of Inquiry untuk Siswa SMA di Wilayah Pesisir

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Penggunaan Media Statis-Dinamis pada Sistem Reproduksi Manusia terhadap Penguasaan Konsep Siswa

This study aims to examine teh effect of static, dynamic, and static dynamic media to conceptual ... more This study aims to examine teh effect of static, dynamic, and static dynamic media to conceptual understanding of students grade XI. The participant were selected using a cluster sampling and selected samples were class scince 3, science 5, science 6, and science 7. Science 7 as control class, Science 3 as first experiment class that use static media, Science 5 as second experiment class(dynamic media), and science 6 as third experiment class with static-dynamic media. The total participants were 148 students. Learning was focused on the topic of human reproductive system. The conceptual understanding of students was assesed by two-tier test at the end of experiment. Data was analyzed analyzed by One Way ANOVA test with α = 0.05, and further tested with Duncan test. The results are (1) there is an effect of type of media used to the conceptual understanding of students; (2) static-dynamic media shows the highest score. It is concluded that static-dynamic media can be recommended to...

Research paper thumbnail of Penerapan Desain Pembelajaran Sistem Reproduksi Berbasis Inquiry Dipadu Assesment for Learning Untuk Memperbaiki Kemampuan Argumentasi Siswa Sma Melalui Action Research

The purposes of this research are to determine how the lesson design of the reproductive system b... more The purposes of this research are to determine how the lesson design of the reproductive system based inquiry combined assessment for learning appropriate to enhance the ability of argumentation in class XI IPA 1 SMA A Surakarta and to determine the profile of the ability of argumentation class XI IPA 1 SMA A Surakarta after the research This study is a Classroom Action Research has been done in three cycles. Each cycle consists of 4 phases: planning, action, observation and reflection. The subjects are students of class XI IPA 1 SMA A Surakarta in the academic year 2015/2016. Data were obtained through observation, documentation and AfL test. The techniques of data analized were descriptive analysis of quantitative and qualitative. The techniques to maintain the validity of the data used triangulation techniques. Research used spiral procedures. The results of the research based on the observations analyzed by Krajcik and McNeill (2011) worksheet the ability of argumentation stud...

Research paper thumbnail of Environmental literacy-based on adiwiyata predicate at junior high school in Ponorogo

The student's environmental literacy (EL) is vital to improving students' awareness of en... more The student's environmental literacy (EL) is vital to improving students' awareness of environmental issues. This study was intended to display the role of eco-school program (Adiwiyata) and non-adiwiyata schools towards EL of junior high school students by analyzing EL of students in Ponorogo. The research was conducted in March-October. The survey involved 379 students. The type of research is ex post facto. The assessment used the Middle School Environmental Literacy Survey (MSELS). The results show that the adiwiyata program is related to the increase of EL with the sig value. 0.000. The higher the adiwiyata level, the higher the EL value of the environment. However, the general EL assessment in Ponorogo is still low, that more than 51% of respondents did not reach the score at level 3, which is the standard level of EL. The EL ability of junior high school students between male and female sex is different, with the sig value. 0.004. All data analysis concluded that the ...

Research paper thumbnail of The Effectiveness of Inquiry-Based Module to Empower the Studentsr Critical Thinking Skills

Critical thinking is one of the 4C skills of the 21 century have to be mastered by students to an... more Critical thinking is one of the 4C skills of the 21 century have to be mastered by students to analyze the phenomena of science and think for the well-being in the world. Some factors are argued as the key points to nurture the skill, such as the learning strategies, and the content of learning which should contextually and inquiry-based presented. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the module which was designed based on the inquiry-lesson to improve the students' critical thinking skills. Subjects were selected from the biggest Madrasah Aliyah (Islamic High School) and credited as ―A‖ in Magetan District, East Java Province, Indonesia. This study was conducted in the academic year of 2016–2017. All eleventh-grade classes from the selected school were randomly selected to find out the two homogeneous classes for control and experiment class. A test for critical thinking was constructed based on the indicators by Facione. The independent t-test experi...

Research paper thumbnail of Lesson Plan Analysis and High School Students' Difficulties on Understanding Basic Concepts of Animalia

This research aims to know the perceptions and cognitive level of students on Animalia, and the p... more This research aims to know the perceptions and cognitive level of students on Animalia, and the perception of teachers on teaching Animalia. Twenty-five of 11 graders of high school and five biology teachers from public and private of five high schools in Surakarta were selected purposively as participants. Data of students' cognitive level was tested by sort of validated instrument using QUEST program, whilst data on students' perceptions was collected by questionnaire. Lesson plan of teachers were analyzed to obtain teachers' perceptions. The result shows the average of students' cognitive level score was 77.22 in lower order thinking, and 43.46 in higher order thinking skills. Students said that memorizing and understanding the biological nomenclature of Animalia is the most difficult matter (40%). Students prefer to learn by memorizing the concepts and connecting to the real phenomena (36%). However, there were 32% students did not meet the minimum requirement. S...

Research paper thumbnail of Perbandingan Case-Based Guided Discovery Learning Berbantu Concept Map Dengan Model Konvensional Terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Analitis

Kemampuan berpikir analitis dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor yang bersifat internal dan eksternal... more Kemampuan berpikir analitis dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor yang bersifat internal dan eksternal. Salah satu faktor eksternal yang kemungkinan berdampak pada pelatihan kemampuan berpikir analitis siswa adalah pengalaman belajar yang diterima siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan dampak dari dua jenis model pembelajaran terhadap kemampuan berpikir analitis siswa SMA, yaitu model Case -based Guided Discovery Learning yang dipadu dengan Concept Map (CbGDL+CM), dengan model konvensional. Desain penelitian adalah kuasi eksperimen dengan posttest research design only with non-equivalent groups . Penelitian dilaksanakan di sebuah SMA negeri di Surakarta, Indonesia. Dua kelas perlakuan dipilih secara acak dari empat kelas XI IPA di SMA tersebut. Teknik pemilihan sampel yang digunakan adalah cluster random sampling . Data utama yang diukur adalah kemampuan berpikir analitis siswa dengan menggunakan instrumen tes yang tervalidasi. Data keterlaksanaan sintaks pembelajaran dikump...

Research paper thumbnail of Active Learning Strategy on Higher Education Biology Learning: A Systematic Review

Tadris: Jurnal Keguruan dan Ilmu Tarbiyah

Student-centered learning intends to increase student participation. Biology subject is a broad s... more Student-centered learning intends to increase student participation. Biology subject is a broad scope and has a level of abstract concepts. Active learning has the potential to maximize the learning process of biology subjects. The purpose of the research is to describe the implementation and strategies of active learning applied to biology learning in higher education. The method used descriptive and systematic review. Selecting articles used the ERIC database. The search was carried out with predetermined categories, then a manual selection of the article to ensure the selected one. There are nine journals with nineteen articles analyzed at the higher education level of biology subject matter. This study's results, the implementation of active learning strategies, require support from lecturers and university stakeholders so that active learning runs effectively. An Active learning strategy used in biology material in higher education consists of the use of low-cost technology...

Research paper thumbnail of Learning Progression: How should we teach about disease to determine students’ level of understanding?

JPBI (Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi Indonesia), 2021

Strengthening Learning Progression (LP) for students' reasoning abilities is important, espec... more Strengthening Learning Progression (LP) for students' reasoning abilities is important, especially learning about diseases in Indonesia. This study aimed to map the learning progression of disease in Indonesia, compare and analyze its similarities and differences with the LP designed by National Reseaarch Council (NRC). This qualitative research to map LP, using the analysis documen method by comparing the content analysis of Basic Competencies of Curriculum 13 with benchmark analysis from the NRC 2007 on Science and Biology textbooks published in 2016, 2017, and 2018 at the elementary, junior high, and high school levels published by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia. The findings are the LP on disease in the curriculum and life science textbooks in Indonesia has not met the benchmarks, especially in three categories, namely; pathogens, the immune system, and infection spanning learning from K-2 (elementary) to K-12 (high school). Therefore, it ...

Research paper thumbnail of A Meta Analysis of Inductive Learning-Based Modules to Improve Critical Thinking Skills in Science

Critical thinking skills in science learning can be improved by learning accompanied by learning ... more Critical thinking skills in science learning can be improved by learning accompanied by learning model-based modules. Inductive learning is one of the lessons that can be integrated with the module as an alternative to empower critical thinking skills. This meta-analysis research aims to determine the effectiveness of learning with inductive learning-based modules to improve critical thinking skills, especially in the fields of science (biology, physics, and chemistry). This type of research was survey research and descriptive. Data were collected online and obtained 13 articles in the fields of biology, physics, and chemistry from 2014-2019 published in Indonesia and outside Indonesia. The calculation results show that the average effect size (ES) was 2.1 with the high category. These results indicate that science learning with inductive learning-based modules provides high effectiveness in improving critical thinking skills. Based on the relationship between variables, it was know...

Research paper thumbnail of Measuring Problem Solving Skills of High School Students on Biology

Jurnal Biologi Edukasi, 2015

Assessment yang mampu mengukur problem solving skills siswa SMA pada mata pelajaran Biologi. Pene... more Assessment yang mampu mengukur problem solving skills siswa SMA pada mata pelajaran Biologi. Penelitian menggunakan model Research & Development yang mengacu pada Borg & Gall. Assessment yang dikembangkan merupakan soal uraian berbentuk kasus. Validasi produk dilakukan oleh ahli materi dan evaluasi. Uji coba melibatkan 88 orang siswa dari tiga sekolah yang berbeda. Data hasil uji coba dianalisis menggunakan program Quest. Komponenassessment yang dikembangkan meliputi keterampilan: mendefinisikan masalah, memeriksa masalah, merencanakan solusi, melaksanakan rencana yang telah dibuat, dan mengevaluasi. Hasil studi menunjukkan perangkat asesmen memiliki validitas butir yang fit dengan Model Rasch, dan reliabilitas tinggi. Terdapat 13% soal kategori mudah, 41,7% soal kategori sedang, dan 46,3% soal kategori sukar. Daya beda disetiap butir soal dengan interpretasi minimal "cukup".

Research paper thumbnail of Dynamic assessment on high school biology students’ reasoning skills

Biosfer, 2021

Reasoning skills of students may be improved through a sort of feedback constructed in the dynami... more Reasoning skills of students may be improved through a sort of feedback constructed in the dynamic assessment. The research aims to analyze the effect of dynamic assessment on high school biology students' reasoning skills. The research employs a quasi-experimental method with a pretest-posttest control group design. The participants were students of grade X Science Program (N=61), which were selected purposively. Data on reasoning skills was collected by pretest and posttest focused on the concepts of bacteria. with dynamic assessment method. The data analysis technique employs an Independent sample t-test. The research result indicate that Dynamic Assessment provides better effect on students’ reasoning skills in Bacteria material.

Research paper thumbnail of Peningkatan Higher Order Question Siswa Menggunakan Model Problem Based Learning pada Pembelajaran Biologi di Kelas X MIA 6 SMA Negeri 4 Surakarta Enhancing Higher Order Question of Student Through Problem Based Learning at Grade X MIA 6 of SMA N 4 Surakarta

The research aims to enhance the Higher Order Question of student through problem based learning ... more The research aims to enhance the Higher Order Question of student through problem based learning in Biology at Grade X MIA 6 of SMA N 4 Surakarta. The research was a four-cycle action research conducted in academic year 2014/2015. All questions were analyzed based on revised Bloom Taxonomy. Data were validated using triangulation method. The result of the research showed that problem based learning effectively enhance student's High Order Question (C4-C6). The percentage of each High Order Question (C4-C6) in pre cycle were 0%. The percentage of C4 type question at first cycle (73,14%), second cycle (52,13%), third cycle (56,05%), and fourth cycle (58,42%). The percentage of each High Order Question (C4-C6) in pre cycle were 0%. The percentage of C5 type question at first cycle (18,37%), second cycle (9,57%), third cycle (10,30%), and fourth cycle (58,42%). The percentage of each High Order Question (C4-C6) in pre cycle were 0%. The percentage of C6 type question at first cycle ...

Research paper thumbnail of Seminar Nasional IX Pendidikan Biologi FKIP UNS 135

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi praktek Pendidikan untuk Pembangunan Berkelanjutan ... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi praktek Pendidikan untuk Pembangunan Berkelanjutan (PPB) di Pondok Pesantren. Setting penelitian: Pondok Pesantren Modern Selamat Kendal yang sudah ada motivasi dalam pengelolaan lingkungan fisik dan biologis. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif naturalistik yang mengedepankan adanya interaksi dan observasi partisipatif dengan subjek yang diteliti, dan melakukan observasi, dan wawancara dengan komunitas pondok pesantren. Pemilihan sampel secara purposive, accidental, dan snowball sampling. Kondisi lingkungan dan proses pembelajaran PPB diobservasi secara mendalam. Hasil wawancara ditranskrip, kemudian disajikan secara deskriptif. Data penelitian kualitatif berupa naratif, deskriptif, dokumen pribadi, catatan lapangan, dokumen pondok pesantren, foto, videotapes , dan hasil rekaman CCTV. Guna memperoleh validitas data, komponen analisis data yang dilakukan adalah pengelompokan data, refleksi, dan triangulasi. Hasil penelitian menemukan 5 dimensi PPB yakni dimensi lingkungan, ekonomi, sosial-budaya, edukasional dan spiritual yang telah diimplementasikan dengan baik dalam kehidupan sehari-hari oleh seluruh komunitas pondok. Implementasi ini terutama didukung oleh faktor kurukulum, proses pembelajaran pengetahuan umum dan agama, serta aktivitas spiritual komunitas pesantren dan Pendirinya.

Research paper thumbnail of PROSIDING ICTTE FKIP UNS 2015 The Role of Lesson Study to Improve Posing Question Skills of Teacher and Students in Problem Based Learning

Posing question is a part of the interactions in the classroom, which represents thinking process... more Posing question is a part of the interactions in the classroom, which represents thinking process of the person who asking question. The skill of posing question can be improved through lesson study. The research objective was to determine the role of Problem-based Learning based Lesson Study on the competence of teachers and students in asking questions. The research was a quasi-experiment, wich was participated by senior high school students as subjects of the research. Two homogenous classes was selected as samples by purposive random. Teacher and students' competence was improved through Lesson Study, which consisted of plan, do and see. Questions were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively based on revised Bloom Taxonomy. Quantity of questions was analyzed by Manova. Results of the research: 1) lesson study had significantly improved teacher and students' skills on asking questions; 2) The quality of teacher and students' questions expanded into high dimension of...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Model Problem Based Learning Berbasis Potensi Lokal pada Pembelajaran Biologi terhadap Kemampuan Literasi Sains Siswa Kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Cepogo The Influence of Problem-Based Learning Based on Localities Models at Biology Lessons Toward Scientific Literacy of Students of Grade X SMA Ne...

Purpose of this research is to know the influence of of Problem Based Learning based on localitie... more Purpose of this research is to know the influence of of Problem Based Learning based on localities models toward scientific literacy of students of grade X. The research was a quasy experimental research used posttest only non-equvalent control groups. Population of the reserach was the students of grade X in the second semester of SMA N 1 Cepogo in the academic year 2013/2014. Sampling technique was cluster sampling method. Collected data was connucted by test and non test method. The test for measuring scientific literacy was a five essay test, which consist of three aspects, namely: to identify scientific issues, to explain phenomena scientifically, and to use scientific evidence. The non test method were observation, and documentation. Hypothesis test were analysed by t-test using SPSS version 16. The results of the research were received H1 and rejected H0. It means there was a difference of scientific literacy between control class (conventional models) and experiment class us...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Lesson Design Kingdom Animalia di SMA melalui Collaborative Action Research A Collaborative Research to Improve Kingdom Animalia Lesson Plan at High School

Skill dalam penyusunan lesson design adalah salah satu knowledge base teaching atau pedagogical c... more Skill dalam penyusunan lesson design adalah salah satu knowledge base teaching atau pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) yang harus dikuasai guru. Kemampuan ini dapat dilatihkan melalui Collaborative Action Research (CAR). Pada penelitian ini, ada tiga komponen pelaku yang melakukan kolaborasi untuk memperbaiki lesson design animalia biologi SMA, yaitu guru biologi, mahasiswa calon guru biologi, dan dosen pendidikan biologi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis desain pembelajaran yang dibuat secara kolaboratif untuk memperbaiki partisipasi siswa di kelas. Penelitian melibatkan satu orang guru Biologi dan 36 siswa sebagai subjek proses belajar mengajar yang merupakan siswa dalam satu kelas di sebuah SMA di Karanganyar, Jawa Tengah. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan dokumentasi lesson design guru, wawancara kepada guru dan siswa, observasi proses pembelajaran, dan perekaman audio dan video pembelajaran. Analisis dilakukan dengan menggunakan Science Lesson Plan Analysis Instrume...

Research paper thumbnail of Mendorong Peminatan Pada Saintek Melalui Introduksi Program Super Sains Jepang di SMA

Super Science High School Project (SSHs) dilaksanakan pertama kali di Jepang pada tahun 2002, dan... more Super Science High School Project (SSHs) dilaksanakan pertama kali di Jepang pada tahun 2002, dan setelah kurang lebih dua belas tahun pelaksanaanya, peminatan terhadap sains dan budaya meneliti di kalangan siswa SMA di Jepang meningkat secara signifikan. SSHs telah mengubah mainstream pembelajaran sains dari pembelajaran teksbook menjadi pembelajaran yang lebih menyenangkan dengan pendekatan konstruktivis dan berfokus pada kegiatan inkuiri siswa. Program ini di Jepang dilaksanakan dengan me-link-kan pembelajaran sains di SMA dengan laboratorium di perguruan tinggi, dan dukungan data dari Japan Science and Technology (JST), serta didanai sepenuhnya oleh pemerintah. Melihat perkembangan yang positif dari program tersebut, maka Pusat Studi Jepang Universitas Sebelas Maret telah melaksanakan riset terkait kebijakan dan implementasi SSHs di Jepang pada tahun 2013, dan tahun 2014 mulai mengkaji kemungkinan mengitroduksikan SSHs ke SMA di Surakarta dan sekitarnya. Artikel ini mengkaji pri...

Research paper thumbnail of The Trend of Critical Thinking Studies in Biology Education through Online Learning: A Systematic Review

Bioedukasi: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi

Biology teachers and students in society 5.0 are expected to show critical thinking skills (CTS) ... more Biology teachers and students in society 5.0 are expected to show critical thinking skills (CTS) in solving problems or making decisions. Thus, it is important to know how the CTS are nurtured through online learning. The trend of studies on these issues needs to be explored. This research aims to map the trend of studies on nurturing the CTS through online learning by reviewing some articles published within 2018-2020, considering 1) the online learning, 3) topics in biology, 4) teaching methods, and 5) instruments of CTS. Following the systematic review of the PRISMA Method, articles were screened from Google Scholar. The keywords were "critical thinking", "biology education", "online learning", and "Indonesia", which resulted in 23 articles to be further reviewed. The findings show that CTS's research trends using online learning have increased due to the COVID-19 pandemic that requires students and teachers to distance studies. The mos...

Research paper thumbnail of Penerapan Model Project-Based Learning Pada Mata Kuliah Teknologi Pangan Untuk Meningkatkan Vocational Skills Calon Guru Pendidikan Biologi

Food Technology is one of optional courses in Biology Teacher Training and Education Program Sebe... more Food Technology is one of optional courses in Biology Teacher Training and Education Program Sebelas Maret University, which aims to provide students with knowledge and skill on how to technology in processing raw material of food. The purpose of this study is to increase one of the aspects of life skills, i.e. vocational skills of students in producing a healthy and innovative food product. This research was a three-cycles action research using a project-based learning, and each cycle consisted of four steps, i.e. planning, action, observing, and reflecting. The participant of the research was third semester of students of Biology Teacher Training and Education who took the course in academic year 2013/2014. Data was collected through questionnaire sheet, observation sheet, and documentation of student's portfolio. All data was analyzed descriptively. The result of the research is the project-based learning significantly increased the vocational skills of students in seven indi...

Research paper thumbnail of Uji Kelayakan Modul Animalia Kontekstual Berbasis Level of Inquiry untuk Siswa SMA di Wilayah Pesisir

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Penggunaan Media Statis-Dinamis pada Sistem Reproduksi Manusia terhadap Penguasaan Konsep Siswa

This study aims to examine teh effect of static, dynamic, and static dynamic media to conceptual ... more This study aims to examine teh effect of static, dynamic, and static dynamic media to conceptual understanding of students grade XI. The participant were selected using a cluster sampling and selected samples were class scince 3, science 5, science 6, and science 7. Science 7 as control class, Science 3 as first experiment class that use static media, Science 5 as second experiment class(dynamic media), and science 6 as third experiment class with static-dynamic media. The total participants were 148 students. Learning was focused on the topic of human reproductive system. The conceptual understanding of students was assesed by two-tier test at the end of experiment. Data was analyzed analyzed by One Way ANOVA test with α = 0.05, and further tested with Duncan test. The results are (1) there is an effect of type of media used to the conceptual understanding of students; (2) static-dynamic media shows the highest score. It is concluded that static-dynamic media can be recommended to...

Research paper thumbnail of Penerapan Desain Pembelajaran Sistem Reproduksi Berbasis Inquiry Dipadu Assesment for Learning Untuk Memperbaiki Kemampuan Argumentasi Siswa Sma Melalui Action Research

The purposes of this research are to determine how the lesson design of the reproductive system b... more The purposes of this research are to determine how the lesson design of the reproductive system based inquiry combined assessment for learning appropriate to enhance the ability of argumentation in class XI IPA 1 SMA A Surakarta and to determine the profile of the ability of argumentation class XI IPA 1 SMA A Surakarta after the research This study is a Classroom Action Research has been done in three cycles. Each cycle consists of 4 phases: planning, action, observation and reflection. The subjects are students of class XI IPA 1 SMA A Surakarta in the academic year 2015/2016. Data were obtained through observation, documentation and AfL test. The techniques of data analized were descriptive analysis of quantitative and qualitative. The techniques to maintain the validity of the data used triangulation techniques. Research used spiral procedures. The results of the research based on the observations analyzed by Krajcik and McNeill (2011) worksheet the ability of argumentation stud...

Research paper thumbnail of Environmental literacy-based on adiwiyata predicate at junior high school in Ponorogo

The student's environmental literacy (EL) is vital to improving students' awareness of en... more The student's environmental literacy (EL) is vital to improving students' awareness of environmental issues. This study was intended to display the role of eco-school program (Adiwiyata) and non-adiwiyata schools towards EL of junior high school students by analyzing EL of students in Ponorogo. The research was conducted in March-October. The survey involved 379 students. The type of research is ex post facto. The assessment used the Middle School Environmental Literacy Survey (MSELS). The results show that the adiwiyata program is related to the increase of EL with the sig value. 0.000. The higher the adiwiyata level, the higher the EL value of the environment. However, the general EL assessment in Ponorogo is still low, that more than 51% of respondents did not reach the score at level 3, which is the standard level of EL. The EL ability of junior high school students between male and female sex is different, with the sig value. 0.004. All data analysis concluded that the ...

Research paper thumbnail of The Effectiveness of Inquiry-Based Module to Empower the Studentsr Critical Thinking Skills

Critical thinking is one of the 4C skills of the 21 century have to be mastered by students to an... more Critical thinking is one of the 4C skills of the 21 century have to be mastered by students to analyze the phenomena of science and think for the well-being in the world. Some factors are argued as the key points to nurture the skill, such as the learning strategies, and the content of learning which should contextually and inquiry-based presented. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the module which was designed based on the inquiry-lesson to improve the students' critical thinking skills. Subjects were selected from the biggest Madrasah Aliyah (Islamic High School) and credited as ―A‖ in Magetan District, East Java Province, Indonesia. This study was conducted in the academic year of 2016–2017. All eleventh-grade classes from the selected school were randomly selected to find out the two homogeneous classes for control and experiment class. A test for critical thinking was constructed based on the indicators by Facione. The independent t-test experi...

Research paper thumbnail of Lesson Plan Analysis and High School Students' Difficulties on Understanding Basic Concepts of Animalia

This research aims to know the perceptions and cognitive level of students on Animalia, and the p... more This research aims to know the perceptions and cognitive level of students on Animalia, and the perception of teachers on teaching Animalia. Twenty-five of 11 graders of high school and five biology teachers from public and private of five high schools in Surakarta were selected purposively as participants. Data of students' cognitive level was tested by sort of validated instrument using QUEST program, whilst data on students' perceptions was collected by questionnaire. Lesson plan of teachers were analyzed to obtain teachers' perceptions. The result shows the average of students' cognitive level score was 77.22 in lower order thinking, and 43.46 in higher order thinking skills. Students said that memorizing and understanding the biological nomenclature of Animalia is the most difficult matter (40%). Students prefer to learn by memorizing the concepts and connecting to the real phenomena (36%). However, there were 32% students did not meet the minimum requirement. S...

Research paper thumbnail of Perbandingan Case-Based Guided Discovery Learning Berbantu Concept Map Dengan Model Konvensional Terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Analitis

Kemampuan berpikir analitis dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor yang bersifat internal dan eksternal... more Kemampuan berpikir analitis dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor yang bersifat internal dan eksternal. Salah satu faktor eksternal yang kemungkinan berdampak pada pelatihan kemampuan berpikir analitis siswa adalah pengalaman belajar yang diterima siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan dampak dari dua jenis model pembelajaran terhadap kemampuan berpikir analitis siswa SMA, yaitu model Case -based Guided Discovery Learning yang dipadu dengan Concept Map (CbGDL+CM), dengan model konvensional. Desain penelitian adalah kuasi eksperimen dengan posttest research design only with non-equivalent groups . Penelitian dilaksanakan di sebuah SMA negeri di Surakarta, Indonesia. Dua kelas perlakuan dipilih secara acak dari empat kelas XI IPA di SMA tersebut. Teknik pemilihan sampel yang digunakan adalah cluster random sampling . Data utama yang diukur adalah kemampuan berpikir analitis siswa dengan menggunakan instrumen tes yang tervalidasi. Data keterlaksanaan sintaks pembelajaran dikump...

Research paper thumbnail of Active Learning Strategy on Higher Education Biology Learning: A Systematic Review

Tadris: Jurnal Keguruan dan Ilmu Tarbiyah

Student-centered learning intends to increase student participation. Biology subject is a broad s... more Student-centered learning intends to increase student participation. Biology subject is a broad scope and has a level of abstract concepts. Active learning has the potential to maximize the learning process of biology subjects. The purpose of the research is to describe the implementation and strategies of active learning applied to biology learning in higher education. The method used descriptive and systematic review. Selecting articles used the ERIC database. The search was carried out with predetermined categories, then a manual selection of the article to ensure the selected one. There are nine journals with nineteen articles analyzed at the higher education level of biology subject matter. This study's results, the implementation of active learning strategies, require support from lecturers and university stakeholders so that active learning runs effectively. An Active learning strategy used in biology material in higher education consists of the use of low-cost technology...

Research paper thumbnail of Learning Progression: How should we teach about disease to determine students’ level of understanding?

JPBI (Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi Indonesia), 2021

Strengthening Learning Progression (LP) for students' reasoning abilities is important, espec... more Strengthening Learning Progression (LP) for students' reasoning abilities is important, especially learning about diseases in Indonesia. This study aimed to map the learning progression of disease in Indonesia, compare and analyze its similarities and differences with the LP designed by National Reseaarch Council (NRC). This qualitative research to map LP, using the analysis documen method by comparing the content analysis of Basic Competencies of Curriculum 13 with benchmark analysis from the NRC 2007 on Science and Biology textbooks published in 2016, 2017, and 2018 at the elementary, junior high, and high school levels published by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia. The findings are the LP on disease in the curriculum and life science textbooks in Indonesia has not met the benchmarks, especially in three categories, namely; pathogens, the immune system, and infection spanning learning from K-2 (elementary) to K-12 (high school). Therefore, it ...

Research paper thumbnail of A Meta Analysis of Inductive Learning-Based Modules to Improve Critical Thinking Skills in Science

Critical thinking skills in science learning can be improved by learning accompanied by learning ... more Critical thinking skills in science learning can be improved by learning accompanied by learning model-based modules. Inductive learning is one of the lessons that can be integrated with the module as an alternative to empower critical thinking skills. This meta-analysis research aims to determine the effectiveness of learning with inductive learning-based modules to improve critical thinking skills, especially in the fields of science (biology, physics, and chemistry). This type of research was survey research and descriptive. Data were collected online and obtained 13 articles in the fields of biology, physics, and chemistry from 2014-2019 published in Indonesia and outside Indonesia. The calculation results show that the average effect size (ES) was 2.1 with the high category. These results indicate that science learning with inductive learning-based modules provides high effectiveness in improving critical thinking skills. Based on the relationship between variables, it was know...