Dwi Rohmadi Mustofa - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Dwi Rohmadi Mustofa
JIIP (Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pendidikan), May 1, 2024
Jurnal Pedagogi dan Pembelajaran, Aug 6, 2023
Journal of Advanced Islamic Educational Management, Jun 30, 2022
The work culture of teachers in madrasa needs to be formed to achieve sustainable changes in the ... more The work culture of teachers in madrasa needs to be formed to achieve sustainable changes in the workplace, including increased productivity, so that teachers can have the following: Understanding the basic substance of the meaning of work: attitude towards work and the work environment, behavior when working, work ethics, attitude towards time, and ways or tools used to work. The purpose of this study was to determine the work culture of Madrasa Aliyah teachers in Central Lampung Regency, Indonesia. The research data collected through in-depth interviews, direct observation, and documentation were analyzed through the processes of data reduction, data display, and conclusion or verification. The validity of the data in this study was tested for credibility (internal validity), transferability (external validity), dependability (reliability), and confirmability (objectivity). According to the findings, teachers' work culture in improving the quality of learning in madrasa aliyah in Central Lampung Regency includes 1) integrity and professionalism. 2) Leadership and exemplary 3) Togetherness and group dynamics 4) Accuracy and speed 5) rationalism and emotional intelligence.
This study aims to determine the effect of boarding school management on al-Qur'an reading cultur... more This study aims to determine the effect of boarding school management on al-Qur'an reading culture at nurul huda pringsewu boarding school. This research is a quantitative study by taking samples of 24 female students of second grade B madrasah diniyah nurul huda. Data collection methods in this study are using the method of observation, questionnaires and documentation. In this study, two variables are used, namely management of pesantren management as the dependent variable (X) and the culture of reading al-Qur'an free variables (Y). Analysis of research instruments includes validity and reliability tests. Analysis of the data used is linear analysis. The results of this study indicate that the management of boarding schools in Islamic boarding schools Nurul Huda Pringsewu are in the strong category with a value of. 716 and the culture of reading the Qur'an is in the strong category with tilapia. 747. the results of linear analysis, management of boarding school management to the culture of reading the Koran shows that the significance coefficient value is 0.787 with an alpha value of 0.05. This means that there is a significant influence between the management of the boarding school management on the culture of reading the Qur'an at the boarding school nurul huda pringsewu in the 2016/2017 school year. So, it can be concluded that the management of boarding schools is very influential on the culture of reading the Qur'an. Keywords: boarding school management, al-reading culture The Qur'an ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh manajemen kepengurusan pesantren terhadap budaya membaca al-Qur'an di pondok pesantren nurul huda pringsewu. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan mengambil sample 24 santri putri kelas dua B madrasah diniyah nurul huda. Metode pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah menggunakan metode observasi, angket dan dokumentasi. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan dua variabel yaitu manajemen kepengurusan pesantren sebagai variable terikat (X) dan budaya membaca al-Qur'an variable bebas (Y). Analisis instrument penelitian meliputi uji validitas dan reabilitas. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis linier. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa manajemen kepengurusan pesantren di pondok pesantren nurul huda pringsewu berada pada katagori kuat dengan nilai .716 dan budaya membaca al-Qur'an berada pada katagori kuat dengan nila .747. hasil analisis linier, manajemen kepengurusan pesantren terhadap budaya membaca al-Qur'an menunjukkan bahwa nilai koefisien signifikasi 0,787 dengan nilai alpha 0,05. Hal ini berarti ada pengaruh yang signifikan antara manajemen kepengurusan pesantren terhadap budaya membaca al-Qur'an di pondok pesantren nurul huda pringsewu tahun ajaran 2016/2017. Jadi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa manjemen kepengurusan pesantren sangat berpengaruh terhadap budaya membaca al-Qur'an. Kata kunci: manajemen kepengurusan pesantren, budaya membaca al-Qur'an
Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Al-Idarah
Human resources that are kineja a person includes the mind and physical power that become animpor... more Human resources that are kineja a person includes the mind and physical power that become animportant element in an organization. In other words, the success of an organization depends largelyon the performance of its employees, but in reality in schools employee performance is still relativelylow, this can be seen from the less effective working hours (not on time), and responsibility for tasksthat are still lacking. Therefore, the principal and researchers are trying to find out what most affectsthe motivation and discipline of employees, so that employee performance problems that often occurin the organization or institution in the school can be solved, if it can not be resolved at least thereis an improvement in performance. This study aims to find out the influence of improving humanresource performance through motivation and discipline in the work environment and to find outwhether there are inhibitory factors and support the improvement of human resource performancethrough mo...
Prosiding At Ta'dib STIT Pringsewu, Apr 5, 2021
Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Al-Idarah, 2020
This study aims to improve creativity and student learning outcomes on learning Sociology class X... more This study aims to improve creativity and student learning outcomes on learning Sociology class X SMA Yasmida Ambarawa. In general, this research seeks to improve the creativity and learning outcomes of students by using AIR learning model with Review Strategy. This type of research is Classroom Action Research (PTK). The subjects of this study are the students of grade X SMA Yasmida Ambarawa which amounted to 26 people. The object of this research is the implementation of Sociology learning by using AIR learning model with Review Strategy. Classroom Action Research is done in 2 cycles, each cycle consists of 2 meetings. The results showed that there is an increase of creativity and Activity of students by applying AIR model learning with Review Strategy. Student creativity is seen from all indicator of creativity and Student Activity is improving. In the first cycle of creativity of 60.66%, in the second cycle of 79.96%, while the student's activity also increased from 70% to 8...
Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah AL-IBDA', 2021
Student’s reading interest Elementary school, especially grade 2 SD Sumber Bandung, is still lo... more Student’s reading interest Elementary school, especially grade 2 SD Sumber Bandung, is still low because they prefer to play online games, watch television, etc. This factor causes their reading ability is still lacking. In addition, there are reading books in school institutions that are still monotonous without pictures so that children get bored easily and are not interested in reading them. This study purposed to see how effectiveness of pictural story book in increasing reading inters of grade 2 students at SD Sumber Bandung. The method has been use in this research is an experimental research method with one group pre test – post test design. The use of learning media to foster children's interest in reading is by using picture story books. This picture book is more developed if the teacher dares to be creative. This picture story book is effectively used in the second grade students of SD Sumber Bandung because it includes games and education. In the picture story book ...
Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah AL-IBDA', 2021
Abstrack In general this study aim to determine the cooperation of parents and homeroom teacher i... more Abstrack In general this study aim to determine the cooperation of parents and homeroom teacher in increasing the learning motivation of grade V students at the MI Mathlaul Anwar Talang Padang during the covid-19 pandemic. The data were analyzed by means of a qualitative descriptive analysis. Data collection using interview teachniques, observation and documentasi. This research is to see the problems that occur in these madrasas. This is beause there is still a lack of cooperation between parents and homeroom teachers in increasing student motivation. Students are still less active in learning in lack of student motivation in the learning process so that student learning is still low. Keywords: Collbaration, Motivation
Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah AL-IBDA', 2020
The problem in this study is that there are still students who have not been fluent in reading, a... more The problem in this study is that there are still students who have not been fluent in reading, and the lack of interest of students in this regard so that middle-class students in the level of development of the child still do not master the material at school. This goal is to find out the relationship between the habits of literacy towards speaking skills in class 3 MIN 1 Pringsewu. This type of research is quantitative research. Data collection techniques using questionnaires ( Questionnaries ) observation, interviews. The population in this study amounted to 217 students. The sample in this study were 25 students with cluster techniques at MIN 1 Pringsewu sub-district Pringsewu district. Data were analyzed using regression tests. With the known value of tarithmetic = 3,263 with a significant value of 0,580 < 0,05, then H0 is accepted which means there is a ( significant ) effect of trust ( x ) variable on the participant variable ( Y ). Keyword : Related Literacy, Speaking ...
Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Al-Idarah, 2020
The purpose of this study was to determine; (1) positive influence and significant correlation be... more The purpose of this study was to determine; (1) positive influence and significant correlation between the regulatory supervision of the educational unit on teacher performance of the SMA Maarif NU 5 Purbolinggo, East Lampung regency; (2) positive influence and significant correlation between school leadership on teacher performance; (3) positive and significant influence between the regulatory supervision of the education unit and school leadership together on teacher performance. Population or census, the permanent teachers in high school Maarif NU 5 Purbolinggo totaling 36 people. Primary data was collected by a questionnaire instrument. Data were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively with the correlation formula, linear regression and multiple linear regression. The results showed; (1) a significant difference supervisors supervising teacher education unit on the performance of the SMA Maarif NU 5 Purbolinggo, East Lampung regency; (2) there is a significant impact of school...
International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 2018
Chicken disease belong to the herpes group that often attacks poultry like laying hens. Various t... more Chicken disease belong to the herpes group that often attacks poultry like laying hens. Various types of diseases that can attack such as marek, IB chicken, chicken NP, CA, EDS. Therefore it is necessary to be given a special vaccine for poultry that can anticipate the dominant diseases attacking poultry in particular chicken laying. So need a prediction model with the concept of fuzzy analytical hierarchy process. analytical hierarchy process is one of the methods in the decision-making system that uses several variables with a multilevel analysis process using criteria such as decreased egg production, cough, watery eyes, wings hanging down, a gray sprocket, legs paralyzed. From the test results obtained varied values with alternative results obtained: Marek 0.1487, IB chicken 0.3464, CA 0.1769, chicken NP 0.2407, EDS 0.0884. Then fuzzy analytical hierarcy process is good for predicting laying hens disease
Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Al-Idarah, 2021
Media of all kinds, across all platforms, have become so integrated into modern life. An effort i... more Media of all kinds, across all platforms, have become so integrated into modern life. An effort is needed to control the negative influences of media. Students can access media easily and they need filter to get the good source of information from media. This goal can be reached with media literacy education.This research finds that in 12 years, mainstream and new media in Lampung grows rapidly. Beside national media that distribute in Lampung, there are also local/provincial media as well as local and national TV, radio stations, e-news and social medias. High schools in Lampung Province especially Bandarlampung have already applied media literacy lesson as a part of Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) course and given to students at the last semester. In SMAN 1 Bandarlampung the media literacy focuses on information and communication technology (ICT). This in one chapter of Bahasa Indonesia course under a title Media Literacy, but only focuses on ICT. The method in this study is intervi...
JIIP (Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pendidikan), May 1, 2024
Jurnal Pedagogi dan Pembelajaran, Aug 6, 2023
Journal of Advanced Islamic Educational Management, Jun 30, 2022
The work culture of teachers in madrasa needs to be formed to achieve sustainable changes in the ... more The work culture of teachers in madrasa needs to be formed to achieve sustainable changes in the workplace, including increased productivity, so that teachers can have the following: Understanding the basic substance of the meaning of work: attitude towards work and the work environment, behavior when working, work ethics, attitude towards time, and ways or tools used to work. The purpose of this study was to determine the work culture of Madrasa Aliyah teachers in Central Lampung Regency, Indonesia. The research data collected through in-depth interviews, direct observation, and documentation were analyzed through the processes of data reduction, data display, and conclusion or verification. The validity of the data in this study was tested for credibility (internal validity), transferability (external validity), dependability (reliability), and confirmability (objectivity). According to the findings, teachers' work culture in improving the quality of learning in madrasa aliyah in Central Lampung Regency includes 1) integrity and professionalism. 2) Leadership and exemplary 3) Togetherness and group dynamics 4) Accuracy and speed 5) rationalism and emotional intelligence.
This study aims to determine the effect of boarding school management on al-Qur'an reading cultur... more This study aims to determine the effect of boarding school management on al-Qur'an reading culture at nurul huda pringsewu boarding school. This research is a quantitative study by taking samples of 24 female students of second grade B madrasah diniyah nurul huda. Data collection methods in this study are using the method of observation, questionnaires and documentation. In this study, two variables are used, namely management of pesantren management as the dependent variable (X) and the culture of reading al-Qur'an free variables (Y). Analysis of research instruments includes validity and reliability tests. Analysis of the data used is linear analysis. The results of this study indicate that the management of boarding schools in Islamic boarding schools Nurul Huda Pringsewu are in the strong category with a value of. 716 and the culture of reading the Qur'an is in the strong category with tilapia. 747. the results of linear analysis, management of boarding school management to the culture of reading the Koran shows that the significance coefficient value is 0.787 with an alpha value of 0.05. This means that there is a significant influence between the management of the boarding school management on the culture of reading the Qur'an at the boarding school nurul huda pringsewu in the 2016/2017 school year. So, it can be concluded that the management of boarding schools is very influential on the culture of reading the Qur'an. Keywords: boarding school management, al-reading culture The Qur'an ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh manajemen kepengurusan pesantren terhadap budaya membaca al-Qur'an di pondok pesantren nurul huda pringsewu. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan mengambil sample 24 santri putri kelas dua B madrasah diniyah nurul huda. Metode pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah menggunakan metode observasi, angket dan dokumentasi. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan dua variabel yaitu manajemen kepengurusan pesantren sebagai variable terikat (X) dan budaya membaca al-Qur'an variable bebas (Y). Analisis instrument penelitian meliputi uji validitas dan reabilitas. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis linier. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa manajemen kepengurusan pesantren di pondok pesantren nurul huda pringsewu berada pada katagori kuat dengan nilai .716 dan budaya membaca al-Qur'an berada pada katagori kuat dengan nila .747. hasil analisis linier, manajemen kepengurusan pesantren terhadap budaya membaca al-Qur'an menunjukkan bahwa nilai koefisien signifikasi 0,787 dengan nilai alpha 0,05. Hal ini berarti ada pengaruh yang signifikan antara manajemen kepengurusan pesantren terhadap budaya membaca al-Qur'an di pondok pesantren nurul huda pringsewu tahun ajaran 2016/2017. Jadi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa manjemen kepengurusan pesantren sangat berpengaruh terhadap budaya membaca al-Qur'an. Kata kunci: manajemen kepengurusan pesantren, budaya membaca al-Qur'an
Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Al-Idarah
Human resources that are kineja a person includes the mind and physical power that become animpor... more Human resources that are kineja a person includes the mind and physical power that become animportant element in an organization. In other words, the success of an organization depends largelyon the performance of its employees, but in reality in schools employee performance is still relativelylow, this can be seen from the less effective working hours (not on time), and responsibility for tasksthat are still lacking. Therefore, the principal and researchers are trying to find out what most affectsthe motivation and discipline of employees, so that employee performance problems that often occurin the organization or institution in the school can be solved, if it can not be resolved at least thereis an improvement in performance. This study aims to find out the influence of improving humanresource performance through motivation and discipline in the work environment and to find outwhether there are inhibitory factors and support the improvement of human resource performancethrough mo...
Prosiding At Ta'dib STIT Pringsewu, Apr 5, 2021
Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Al-Idarah, 2020
This study aims to improve creativity and student learning outcomes on learning Sociology class X... more This study aims to improve creativity and student learning outcomes on learning Sociology class X SMA Yasmida Ambarawa. In general, this research seeks to improve the creativity and learning outcomes of students by using AIR learning model with Review Strategy. This type of research is Classroom Action Research (PTK). The subjects of this study are the students of grade X SMA Yasmida Ambarawa which amounted to 26 people. The object of this research is the implementation of Sociology learning by using AIR learning model with Review Strategy. Classroom Action Research is done in 2 cycles, each cycle consists of 2 meetings. The results showed that there is an increase of creativity and Activity of students by applying AIR model learning with Review Strategy. Student creativity is seen from all indicator of creativity and Student Activity is improving. In the first cycle of creativity of 60.66%, in the second cycle of 79.96%, while the student's activity also increased from 70% to 8...
Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah AL-IBDA', 2021
Student’s reading interest Elementary school, especially grade 2 SD Sumber Bandung, is still lo... more Student’s reading interest Elementary school, especially grade 2 SD Sumber Bandung, is still low because they prefer to play online games, watch television, etc. This factor causes their reading ability is still lacking. In addition, there are reading books in school institutions that are still monotonous without pictures so that children get bored easily and are not interested in reading them. This study purposed to see how effectiveness of pictural story book in increasing reading inters of grade 2 students at SD Sumber Bandung. The method has been use in this research is an experimental research method with one group pre test – post test design. The use of learning media to foster children's interest in reading is by using picture story books. This picture book is more developed if the teacher dares to be creative. This picture story book is effectively used in the second grade students of SD Sumber Bandung because it includes games and education. In the picture story book ...
Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah AL-IBDA', 2021
Abstrack In general this study aim to determine the cooperation of parents and homeroom teacher i... more Abstrack In general this study aim to determine the cooperation of parents and homeroom teacher in increasing the learning motivation of grade V students at the MI Mathlaul Anwar Talang Padang during the covid-19 pandemic. The data were analyzed by means of a qualitative descriptive analysis. Data collection using interview teachniques, observation and documentasi. This research is to see the problems that occur in these madrasas. This is beause there is still a lack of cooperation between parents and homeroom teachers in increasing student motivation. Students are still less active in learning in lack of student motivation in the learning process so that student learning is still low. Keywords: Collbaration, Motivation
Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah AL-IBDA', 2020
The problem in this study is that there are still students who have not been fluent in reading, a... more The problem in this study is that there are still students who have not been fluent in reading, and the lack of interest of students in this regard so that middle-class students in the level of development of the child still do not master the material at school. This goal is to find out the relationship between the habits of literacy towards speaking skills in class 3 MIN 1 Pringsewu. This type of research is quantitative research. Data collection techniques using questionnaires ( Questionnaries ) observation, interviews. The population in this study amounted to 217 students. The sample in this study were 25 students with cluster techniques at MIN 1 Pringsewu sub-district Pringsewu district. Data were analyzed using regression tests. With the known value of tarithmetic = 3,263 with a significant value of 0,580 < 0,05, then H0 is accepted which means there is a ( significant ) effect of trust ( x ) variable on the participant variable ( Y ). Keyword : Related Literacy, Speaking ...
Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Al-Idarah, 2020
The purpose of this study was to determine; (1) positive influence and significant correlation be... more The purpose of this study was to determine; (1) positive influence and significant correlation between the regulatory supervision of the educational unit on teacher performance of the SMA Maarif NU 5 Purbolinggo, East Lampung regency; (2) positive influence and significant correlation between school leadership on teacher performance; (3) positive and significant influence between the regulatory supervision of the education unit and school leadership together on teacher performance. Population or census, the permanent teachers in high school Maarif NU 5 Purbolinggo totaling 36 people. Primary data was collected by a questionnaire instrument. Data were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively with the correlation formula, linear regression and multiple linear regression. The results showed; (1) a significant difference supervisors supervising teacher education unit on the performance of the SMA Maarif NU 5 Purbolinggo, East Lampung regency; (2) there is a significant impact of school...
International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 2018
Chicken disease belong to the herpes group that often attacks poultry like laying hens. Various t... more Chicken disease belong to the herpes group that often attacks poultry like laying hens. Various types of diseases that can attack such as marek, IB chicken, chicken NP, CA, EDS. Therefore it is necessary to be given a special vaccine for poultry that can anticipate the dominant diseases attacking poultry in particular chicken laying. So need a prediction model with the concept of fuzzy analytical hierarchy process. analytical hierarchy process is one of the methods in the decision-making system that uses several variables with a multilevel analysis process using criteria such as decreased egg production, cough, watery eyes, wings hanging down, a gray sprocket, legs paralyzed. From the test results obtained varied values with alternative results obtained: Marek 0.1487, IB chicken 0.3464, CA 0.1769, chicken NP 0.2407, EDS 0.0884. Then fuzzy analytical hierarcy process is good for predicting laying hens disease
Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Al-Idarah, 2021
Media of all kinds, across all platforms, have become so integrated into modern life. An effort i... more Media of all kinds, across all platforms, have become so integrated into modern life. An effort is needed to control the negative influences of media. Students can access media easily and they need filter to get the good source of information from media. This goal can be reached with media literacy education.This research finds that in 12 years, mainstream and new media in Lampung grows rapidly. Beside national media that distribute in Lampung, there are also local/provincial media as well as local and national TV, radio stations, e-news and social medias. High schools in Lampung Province especially Bandarlampung have already applied media literacy lesson as a part of Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) course and given to students at the last semester. In SMAN 1 Bandarlampung the media literacy focuses on information and communication technology (ICT). This in one chapter of Bahasa Indonesia course under a title Media Literacy, but only focuses on ICT. The method in this study is intervi...