Mutiara Fahmi - (original) (raw)
Papers by Mutiara Fahmi
Samarah: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga dan Hukum Islam
This paper attempts to answer the issue of punishment for zina muḥṣān offenders in Aceh Qanun No.... more This paper attempts to answer the issue of punishment for zina muḥṣān offenders in Aceh Qanun No. 6 of 2014 from the perspective of fiqh al-siyāsah and the ways the law is implemented in closed spaces such as prisons per the Governor Regulation No. 5 of the 2018. This study is a legal study with a Islamic politic approach (fiqh al-siyāsah) with a literature study data collection method. The polemic of the implementation of the Qanun Jinayah (criminal regional bylaws) in Aceh not only receives attention from outside such as human rights and non-governmental organization activists, but also from among Islamic academics or Acehnese ulemas. One of the most discussed topics is related to ‘uqūbah (punishment) for fornicators that does not distinguish between muḥṣān (married) and ghayr muḥṣān (unmarried) fornicators as is the case in classical fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) literature. Qanun Jinayah does not at all separate between muḥṣān and ghayr muḥṣān fornicators, unlike the provisions o...
Jurnal Legislasi Indonesia, 2021
Selama masa pandemi, penemuan vaksin dan obat menjadi sesuatu yang sangat dinantikan semua pihak.... more Selama masa pandemi, penemuan vaksin dan obat menjadi sesuatu yang sangat dinantikan semua pihak. Selain persoalan kehalalan materi obat, pengujian obat menggunakan manusia sebagai media uji juga sering menjadi tanda tanya bagi sebagian orang khususnya umat Islam. Mengingat untuk memperoleh obat yang efektif dan aman, harus dilakukan melalui serangkaian ujicoba praklinik dan klinik yang memerlukan waktu yang panjang serta melibatkan sumber daya manusia yang handal dan manusia sebagai objek ujicoba. Oleh karena semua perbuatan seorang mukallaf terkait dengan hukum taklifi, maka perlu dikaji lebih lanjut: Bagaimana pandangan Islam mengenai penggunaan manusia sebagai relawan dalam pengujian obat baru? Kajian ini mencoba menjawab secara singkat pertanyaan tersebut dari perspekstif pemahaman alquran, hadis dan kaedah fiqhiyah
Al-Daulah: Jurnal Hukum dan Perundangan Islam, 2020
This article seeks to analize the pattern of relations and authority of election agencies in spec... more This article seeks to analize the pattern of relations and authority of election agencies in special autonomous regions in Indonesia. The difference in the pattern of relations between election agencies in the special sutonomy region coincided with the implementation of asymmetric decentralization policies in Indonesia. As a result, differences in authority and specificity that is owned by one region with other regions. Whereas the Indonesian constitution based on Article 22E paragraph (5) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia states that all regulations relating to the electoral institutions in Indonesia apply nationally. The research method used is normative and empirical. This study found similarities and differences in the pattern of relationships and authority of election agencies in the special sutonomy Region. The similarity is that the election agencies in this Special Autonomous Region has lost certain duties and authorities that affect the pattern of their ...
El-USRAH: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga, 2020
Salah satu konsekuensi akibat adanya perceraian yaitu hadhânah. Jadi terjadi perceraian anak yang... more Salah satu konsekuensi akibat adanya perceraian yaitu hadhânah. Jadi terjadi perceraian anak yang belum mumayyiz adalah hak ibu sebagai pemegang hadhânah. Ada beberapa syarat yang harus terpenuhi bagi perempuan pengasuh, jika salah satu syarat tidak terpenuhi maka gugur hak hadhânah terhadapnya. Syaratnya ialah: Islam, baligh, berakal sehat, memiliki kemampuan untuk mendidik anak, amanah, berbudi pekerti yang baik. Namun bagaimana jika istri berzina dengan laki-laki lain apakah ia masih berhak diberikan hadhânah atau tidak. Dalam putusan hakim tingkat banding di Mahkamah Syar’iyyah Aceh Nomor 59/Pdt.G/2017/MS-Aceh masih memberikan hak hadhânah kepada istri yang berzina. Oleh sebab itu penulis skripsi ingin mengetahui bagaimana dasar pertimbangan Mejelis Hakim Mahkamah Syar’iyyah Aceh memberikan hadhânah kepada istri yang berzina dan bagaimana kesesuaian putusan hakim Mahkamah Syar’iyyah Aceh tersebut jika ditinjau dalam perspektif tarjih maşhlahah. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis men...
The principle is a norm or value that is agreed universally. The basic principles of the electora... more The principle is a norm or value that is agreed universally. The basic principles of the electoral law is needed in order to run the state administration system in Islam which is very dynamic and moves quickly.This study attempted to formulate some basic principles of the laws of political Islam from the perspective of the Quran which is the law of political Islam (fiqh siyasah) is a law that continues to grow rapidly and dynamically, This development requires a knowledge of the basic principles of what defined the scholars in the field siyasah so that the legal development of political Islam does not out of the track and norms that have been agreed upon, both in terms of theory and application.According to Islam, the operating mechanism of the government and constitutional refers to Shari'ah principles which is derived from the Quran and Hadits. The principles of the Islamic state in any of these are basic principles that refer to the clear and unequivocal texts of Shari'ah...
LEGITIMASI: Jurnal Hukum Pidana dan Politik Islam, 2014
This paper basically moved from efforts to prove scientifically and academically that Islam is a ... more This paper basically moved from efforts to prove scientifically and academically that Islam is a religion that has a complete political doctrine and system state, by means of track and ensure the basic principles of the constitution in the verses of the Koran as the primary source of Islamic law normative approach Islam. This study aims to answer some questions: What are the Basic Principles of State Constitutions contained in Alquran? And verses manasaja containing Basic Principles of State Constitutions in the Koran? This study used a descriptive-analytical method with normative-juridical approach (Shar'ie / fiqh). Kata kunci: Prinsip dasar konstitusi negara Islam, kedaulatan; keadilan; musyawarah; persamaan; hak dan kewajiban.
SAMARAH: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga dan Hukum Islam, 2019
Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi dewasa ini mampu menelusuri jejak nasab yang disebut ... more Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi dewasa ini mampu menelusuri jejak nasab yang disebut dengan DNA. DNA merupakan jenis asam nukleat dalam tubuh manusia yang diduga kuat dapat digunakan sebagai alat ukur keterhubungan tali darah antara anak dengan orang tua, baik dalam kasus anak zina maupun anak mulā’anah. Penelitian ini mengkaji pendapat Yūsuf Al-Qaraḍāwī tentang penetapan nasab anak mulā’anah melalui tes DNA. Masalah yang didalami adalah bagaimana pandangan Yūsuf al-Qaraḍāwī tentang hukum penetapan nasab anak mulā’anah melalui tes DNA, dan bagaimana metode istinbāṭ yang digunakan Yūsuf al-Qaraḍāwī dalam hal tersebut. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis studi pustaka (library research). Data dikumpulkan dari bahan kepustakaan dan dianalisa dengan cara deskriptif-analisis. Hasil analisa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pandangan Yūsuf al-Qaraḍāwī tentang hukum penetapan nasab anak mulā’anah melalui tes DNA tidak dapat dilakukan oleh suami. Peneta...
Jurnal Justisia : Jurnal Ilmu Hukum, Perundang-undangan dan Pranata Sosial, 2021
The existence of local political parties is one of the special powers for Aceh and Papua Province... more The existence of local political parties is one of the special powers for Aceh and Papua Provinces. Unlike Aceh, the rules regarding local political parties in Papua are not clearly stated in Law no. 21 of 2001 concerning Special Autonomy for Papua Province. This paper attempts to analyze the comparison between Law Number 11 of 2006 concerning the Government of Aceh and Law Number 21 of 2001 on Special Autonomy for the Province of Papua regarding local political parties, and the consequences for Aceh and Papua of differences in local political party arrangements. The method that the author uses is library research with a law approach and a sociological approach. The results of the research show that the Aceh special autonomy law contains 20 articles concerning the formation of local political parties. Furthermore, the existence of local political parties in Aceh can be seen in the participation of some of these parties in the 2009 2014 and 2019 general elections. While Article 28 of...
Samarah: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga dan Hukum Islam
This paper attempts to answer the issue of punishment for zina muḥṣān offenders in Aceh Qanun No.... more This paper attempts to answer the issue of punishment for zina muḥṣān offenders in Aceh Qanun No. 6 of 2014 from the perspective of fiqh al-siyāsah and the ways the law is implemented in closed spaces such as prisons per the Governor Regulation No. 5 of the 2018. This study is a legal study with a Islamic politic approach (fiqh al-siyāsah) with a literature study data collection method. The polemic of the implementation of the Qanun Jinayah (criminal regional bylaws) in Aceh not only receives attention from outside such as human rights and non-governmental organization activists, but also from among Islamic academics or Acehnese ulemas. One of the most discussed topics is related to ‘uqūbah (punishment) for fornicators that does not distinguish between muḥṣān (married) and ghayr muḥṣān (unmarried) fornicators as is the case in classical fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) literature. Qanun Jinayah does not at all separate between muḥṣān and ghayr muḥṣān fornicators, unlike the provisions o...
Jurnal Legislasi Indonesia, 2021
Selama masa pandemi, penemuan vaksin dan obat menjadi sesuatu yang sangat dinantikan semua pihak.... more Selama masa pandemi, penemuan vaksin dan obat menjadi sesuatu yang sangat dinantikan semua pihak. Selain persoalan kehalalan materi obat, pengujian obat menggunakan manusia sebagai media uji juga sering menjadi tanda tanya bagi sebagian orang khususnya umat Islam. Mengingat untuk memperoleh obat yang efektif dan aman, harus dilakukan melalui serangkaian ujicoba praklinik dan klinik yang memerlukan waktu yang panjang serta melibatkan sumber daya manusia yang handal dan manusia sebagai objek ujicoba. Oleh karena semua perbuatan seorang mukallaf terkait dengan hukum taklifi, maka perlu dikaji lebih lanjut: Bagaimana pandangan Islam mengenai penggunaan manusia sebagai relawan dalam pengujian obat baru? Kajian ini mencoba menjawab secara singkat pertanyaan tersebut dari perspekstif pemahaman alquran, hadis dan kaedah fiqhiyah
Al-Daulah: Jurnal Hukum dan Perundangan Islam, 2020
This article seeks to analize the pattern of relations and authority of election agencies in spec... more This article seeks to analize the pattern of relations and authority of election agencies in special autonomous regions in Indonesia. The difference in the pattern of relations between election agencies in the special sutonomy region coincided with the implementation of asymmetric decentralization policies in Indonesia. As a result, differences in authority and specificity that is owned by one region with other regions. Whereas the Indonesian constitution based on Article 22E paragraph (5) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia states that all regulations relating to the electoral institutions in Indonesia apply nationally. The research method used is normative and empirical. This study found similarities and differences in the pattern of relationships and authority of election agencies in the special sutonomy Region. The similarity is that the election agencies in this Special Autonomous Region has lost certain duties and authorities that affect the pattern of their ...
El-USRAH: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga, 2020
Salah satu konsekuensi akibat adanya perceraian yaitu hadhânah. Jadi terjadi perceraian anak yang... more Salah satu konsekuensi akibat adanya perceraian yaitu hadhânah. Jadi terjadi perceraian anak yang belum mumayyiz adalah hak ibu sebagai pemegang hadhânah. Ada beberapa syarat yang harus terpenuhi bagi perempuan pengasuh, jika salah satu syarat tidak terpenuhi maka gugur hak hadhânah terhadapnya. Syaratnya ialah: Islam, baligh, berakal sehat, memiliki kemampuan untuk mendidik anak, amanah, berbudi pekerti yang baik. Namun bagaimana jika istri berzina dengan laki-laki lain apakah ia masih berhak diberikan hadhânah atau tidak. Dalam putusan hakim tingkat banding di Mahkamah Syar’iyyah Aceh Nomor 59/Pdt.G/2017/MS-Aceh masih memberikan hak hadhânah kepada istri yang berzina. Oleh sebab itu penulis skripsi ingin mengetahui bagaimana dasar pertimbangan Mejelis Hakim Mahkamah Syar’iyyah Aceh memberikan hadhânah kepada istri yang berzina dan bagaimana kesesuaian putusan hakim Mahkamah Syar’iyyah Aceh tersebut jika ditinjau dalam perspektif tarjih maşhlahah. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis men...
The principle is a norm or value that is agreed universally. The basic principles of the electora... more The principle is a norm or value that is agreed universally. The basic principles of the electoral law is needed in order to run the state administration system in Islam which is very dynamic and moves quickly.This study attempted to formulate some basic principles of the laws of political Islam from the perspective of the Quran which is the law of political Islam (fiqh siyasah) is a law that continues to grow rapidly and dynamically, This development requires a knowledge of the basic principles of what defined the scholars in the field siyasah so that the legal development of political Islam does not out of the track and norms that have been agreed upon, both in terms of theory and application.According to Islam, the operating mechanism of the government and constitutional refers to Shari'ah principles which is derived from the Quran and Hadits. The principles of the Islamic state in any of these are basic principles that refer to the clear and unequivocal texts of Shari'ah...
LEGITIMASI: Jurnal Hukum Pidana dan Politik Islam, 2014
This paper basically moved from efforts to prove scientifically and academically that Islam is a ... more This paper basically moved from efforts to prove scientifically and academically that Islam is a religion that has a complete political doctrine and system state, by means of track and ensure the basic principles of the constitution in the verses of the Koran as the primary source of Islamic law normative approach Islam. This study aims to answer some questions: What are the Basic Principles of State Constitutions contained in Alquran? And verses manasaja containing Basic Principles of State Constitutions in the Koran? This study used a descriptive-analytical method with normative-juridical approach (Shar'ie / fiqh). Kata kunci: Prinsip dasar konstitusi negara Islam, kedaulatan; keadilan; musyawarah; persamaan; hak dan kewajiban.
SAMARAH: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga dan Hukum Islam, 2019
Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi dewasa ini mampu menelusuri jejak nasab yang disebut ... more Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi dewasa ini mampu menelusuri jejak nasab yang disebut dengan DNA. DNA merupakan jenis asam nukleat dalam tubuh manusia yang diduga kuat dapat digunakan sebagai alat ukur keterhubungan tali darah antara anak dengan orang tua, baik dalam kasus anak zina maupun anak mulā’anah. Penelitian ini mengkaji pendapat Yūsuf Al-Qaraḍāwī tentang penetapan nasab anak mulā’anah melalui tes DNA. Masalah yang didalami adalah bagaimana pandangan Yūsuf al-Qaraḍāwī tentang hukum penetapan nasab anak mulā’anah melalui tes DNA, dan bagaimana metode istinbāṭ yang digunakan Yūsuf al-Qaraḍāwī dalam hal tersebut. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis studi pustaka (library research). Data dikumpulkan dari bahan kepustakaan dan dianalisa dengan cara deskriptif-analisis. Hasil analisa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pandangan Yūsuf al-Qaraḍāwī tentang hukum penetapan nasab anak mulā’anah melalui tes DNA tidak dapat dilakukan oleh suami. Peneta...
Jurnal Justisia : Jurnal Ilmu Hukum, Perundang-undangan dan Pranata Sosial, 2021
The existence of local political parties is one of the special powers for Aceh and Papua Province... more The existence of local political parties is one of the special powers for Aceh and Papua Provinces. Unlike Aceh, the rules regarding local political parties in Papua are not clearly stated in Law no. 21 of 2001 concerning Special Autonomy for Papua Province. This paper attempts to analyze the comparison between Law Number 11 of 2006 concerning the Government of Aceh and Law Number 21 of 2001 on Special Autonomy for the Province of Papua regarding local political parties, and the consequences for Aceh and Papua of differences in local political party arrangements. The method that the author uses is library research with a law approach and a sociological approach. The results of the research show that the Aceh special autonomy law contains 20 articles concerning the formation of local political parties. Furthermore, the existence of local political parties in Aceh can be seen in the participation of some of these parties in the 2009 2014 and 2019 general elections. While Article 28 of...