NUBIA HERNÁNDEZ-FLÓREZ - (original) (raw)
Gaceta médica de Caracas, Jul 23, 2022
The objective of this research work was to analyze the psychological factors that are present in ... more The objective of this research work was to analyze the psychological factors that are present in gender dysphoria in adolescents, due to the importance of approaching psychological clinical practice through intervention strategies. Method: A systematic review was carried out through digital searches in scientific databases such as ProQuest, Elservier, and PubMed, by structuring a bibliometric type design, the collection of information was based on three crossings in the three databases. selected, including the primary studies and extracting the data to later be interpreted. Results: Psychological alterations are presented due to the dissonance of sex and gender identity, finding symptomatology associated with depression, anxiety, and structuring of suicidal ideation. Conclusions: It was identified that the research reports indicate that there is psychological discomfort and deterioration in the social functioning of relationships.
QVADRATA. Estudios sobre educación, artes y humanidades
Introducción: Según Austin (1990) y Searle (1986), los actos de habla son la unidad básica comuni... more Introducción: Según Austin (1990) y Searle (1986), los actos de habla son la unidad básica comunicativa que implica una intención, siendo el aula de clases un escenario de permanente actualización de los actos de habla que actúan como indicadores de condiciones favorables o no para el aprendizaje.Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio consistió en analizar los actos de habla más frecuentes empleados por las docentes de Educación Infantil en su dimensión relacional comunicativa con los estudiantes.Método: Un estudio mixto, nivel descriptivo, de corte trasversal. El corpus lo constituyen grabaciones de audio obtenidas bajo consentimiento informado, realizadas en tres (3) aulas de educación infantil de dos (2) sesiones durante un tiempo aproximado de 1 hora cada una. Se empelo el instrumento de observación y registro de actos de habla, diseñado adhoc. El análisis de los datos es de frecuencia, categorizados de acuerdo con la tipología: actos asertivos, directivos, compromisorios, expres...
Revista Estudios Psicológicos
A quantitative, non-experimental correlational study, with a cross-sectional design, aimed at des... more A quantitative, non-experimental correlational study, with a cross-sectional design, aimed at describing coping strategies and resilience in two groups of young consumers and non-consumers of psychoactive substances. The Coping Strategies Inventory, designed by Tobin et al. (1989) and the Resilience Scale SV-RES by Saavedra and Villalta (2008) were used. The results suggest that the combination of low social support strategies, social isolation, and high levels of emotional expression may seem to be associated with substance use as a possible escape route for coping with stressful situations. In terms of resilience, the results are consistent with other studies that show lower levels of resilience in the population of psychoactive substance users. Finally, this research leads to the conclusion that resilience and adequate coping strategies are protective factors that should be strengthened in the child and adolescent population in order to prevent substance use behavior as an escape...
Revista Innova Educación
Addressing school violence requires the active participation and commitment of the entire educati... more Addressing school violence requires the active participation and commitment of the entire educational community. This qualitative ethnomethodological research proposes a participatory pedagogical design aimed at disarticulating it, based on its understanding by institutional actors, from the data of the interview conducted with 282 students in a public educational institution in the city of Cúcuta in Colombia. The findings show that students associate violence with physical and verbal abuse, understand coexistence as the result of complying with institutional rules, and show interest in promoting respect among themselves and with their teachers. A pedagogical proposal is proposed based on the axes of peace, violence and conflict, aimed at raising awareness of the phenomenon of violence and the collective construction of its approach by school actors.
Revista de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación
The present study was oriented to assess the teaching performance that favors creativity from the... more The present study was oriented to assess the teaching performance that favors creativity from the teaching practices, contrasting it with the type of educational institution, pedagogical model, creativity and academic score of the students in a sample of the educational institutions of the Aburrá Valley. A quantitative, non-experimental, ex post facto study was carried out with 210 teachers and 950 students from 10 educational institutions. The Likert scale of teaching performance designed adhoc, and the PIC-J test were used. The results indicate that the use of cognitive mediation strategies for divergent thinking and the use of flexible and open evaluation strategies are related to higher creativity scores in students. The implications for educational processes and the need to implement innovative pedagogical and didactic strategies to reorient the emphasis of rote methodologies towards creative learning are discussed.
La personalidad ha sido un área de interés investigativo debido a la relevancia que cobra en los ... more La personalidad ha sido un área de interés investigativo debido a la relevancia que cobra en los avances científicos y estudios sobre el comportamiento humano, en especial el asociado con las conductas criminales, donde se plantean aportaciones desde las teorías de los rasgos y variables propuestas por Eysenck y Gray. Objetivo: El objetivo propuesto en este escrito se vincula al análisis reflexivo desde los modelos factoriales, los paradigmas y las dimensiones biológicas. Resultados: A manera de conclusión, se identificó que existe una fuerte influencia hacia la propensión del psicoticismo y el neuroticismo en sujetos que presentan una tendencia al desarrollo de un comportamiento criminal. En esta misma línea, se pudo establecer que a mayor activación conductual desde el modelo (BAS), más tendencia a desarrollar comportamientos que se asocian a la búsqueda de sensaciones y de activadores que inciden negativamente en los rasgos de la conducta criminal.
Gaceta Médica de Caracas
It is important to analyze the experience of the COVID-19 pandemic, identifying factors that allo... more It is important to analyze the experience of the COVID-19 pandemic, identifying factors that allowed the population to mitigate its negative effects on mental health. The present study was oriented to identify factors related to lifestyle and its relationship with mental health in a sample of adults in the city of Medellín, Colombia, during quarantine in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The study was quantitative, cross-sectional, non-experimental, and descriptive level. The Pender (1996) lifestyle profile questionnaire (PEPSI-I) and the Derogatis (1994) SCL-90-R symptom inventory were applied to the sample of 100 people, selected utilizing a call on social networks.
Gaceta Médica de Caracas
Objective: To analyze scientific publications on bipolarity and schizophrenia to detect both phar... more Objective: To analyze scientific publications on bipolarity and schizophrenia to detect both pharmacological and psychotherapeutic treatments that have been applied in the last five years (2018-2022). Method: A quantitative method was applied, under the bibliometric research approach. The PRISMA method was used for this purpose. The search variables and the construction of the equations with their respective Booleans were defined. The database used was the Web of Science (WOS). After filtering by applying exclusion and inclusion criteria, a total of 23 documents were obtained for analysis.
Ciencia Latina Revista Científica Multidisciplinar
The objective of the research is to carry out a review of the literature about suicide risk facto... more The objective of the research is to carry out a review of the literature about suicide risk factors in young university students. The methodology used is quantitative descriptive with a bibliometric approach, under the PRISMA method. The search was carried out in three databases: Clarivate Web of Science, MDPI and Taylor and Francis that had the variables of suicide risk factors. Inclusion criteria were used such as: study variables, years 2019 to 2022, published in Spanish and English,scientific reports research results, research with clinical and non-clinical population. After the application of the Boolean operators, the total sample is (n=10360) and after screening with the PRISMA method (n=45). Results: The United States, followed by China and Bangladesh, are the countries that produce the most on the subject. The most frequent risk factors are: depression, anxiety, stress, academic commitments, lack of opportunities, low income and race. The students with the highest suicide r...
Introducción: la pandemia de COVID-19 ha generado un impacto significativo en la salud mental de ... more Introducción: la pandemia de COVID-19 ha generado un impacto significativo en la salud mental de la población del mundo. Con el fin de acercarse a la comprensión de varios aspectos relacionados con este tema, el presente estudio se orientó a indagar por la presencia de la ansiedad y su relación con el manejo de estrategias de afrontamiento en una muestra de estudiantes universitarios durante la situación de distanciamiento social obligatorio en el marco de la pandemia. Método: se llevó a cabo un estudio cuantitativo, descriptivo-correlacional, con una muestra de 310 estudiantes universitarios de una edad promedio de M = 24,6(Dt = 6,8). Se aplicó el Inventario de Ansiedad de Beck (BAI) y la Escala de Estrategias de Coping (EEC-M). Resultados: se constató la presencia de un nivel moderado de ansiedad en la muestra del estudio. Se identificó un adecuado nivel de manejo de estrategias funcionales como solución de problemas (M = 3,7 (Dt = ,9), reevaluación positiva (M = 3,5(Dt = 1,1) y b...
Ciencia Latina Revista Científica Multidisciplinar
Sexual and reproductive rights are also human rights because they respond to a fundamental aspect... more Sexual and reproductive rights are also human rights because they respond to a fundamental aspect of the life project, even when people are deprived of their liberty. It is the obligation of the State to guarantee substantial and procedural measures so that persons with diverse sexual orientations deprived of liberty in the La Vega Prison Establishment in Sincelejo can enjoy such rights. In view of the above, the objective was proposed to determine the substantial and procedural guarantees of the sexual rights of persons with diverse sexual orientations detained in the Medium Security Penitentiary and Prison Establishment La Vega in the year 2020. In order to comply with this objective, it was approached from the qualitative research tools. The analysis resulted in the non-compliance with international and national regulations governing the matter, as well as the orders of the Constitutional Court in its rulings on the right to the enjoyment of intimate visits. Such non-compliance...
LATAM Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades
En este artículo se realiza una revisión sistemática sobre el delito de trata de personas con fin... more En este artículo se realiza una revisión sistemática sobre el delito de trata de personas con fines de explotación sexual, relacionando los aspectos psicológicos de las víctimas, los traumas y trastornos de salud mental ocasionados por la violación de los derechos humanos. La metodología siguió la declaración Prisma, con artículos científicos depositados en tres bases de datos: Pubmed, Web of Science (WoS) y Springer; se cruzaron tres ecuaciones de búsqueda con sus booleanos bajo criterios de inclusión y exclusión. Como resultado del tamizaje se obtuvieron 27 documentos para concluir que el delito de trata de personas califica como delito de lesa humanidad dadas las secuelas psicológicas de las víctimas y la dificultad de reinserción, pero también la necesidad de generar acciones interpaíses que permitan atender con el crimen organizado, así como brindar atención profesional interdisciplinaria y especializada a las víctimas y reducir las desigualdades que crean las condiciones para ...
Ciencia latina, Nov 30, 2022
The purpose of this article is to carry out a systematic review of the literature in relation to ... more The purpose of this article is to carry out a systematic review of the literature in relation to the variables of creative critical thinking and emotional intelligence in university students. For the search of the information, the Boolean operators "thinking" and "Skills" or "Creative" or "Critical" were used in the following databases: Taylor and Francis, Springer and Proquest. As a result, eligible articles were obtained (n=1835) and after the screening of information with the application of exclusion criteria, the final result was 32 articles described in the matrix. The results show that Indonesia is the country that has published the most in this area and the most used instrument is the Critical Thinking Test with 65.6%. Finally, universities are increasingly aware of the need to promote creative critical thinking skills in their students, without neglecting emotional intelligence as an essential component that plays a determining role in the development of thinking skills, it is also imperative to provide tools, fictitious or real scenarios, active methodologies, to promote meaningful learning and train future professionals capable of solving problems in their environment from a critical and creative point of view.
Ciencia Latina Revista Científica Multidisciplinar
The purpose of this article was focused on analyzing the adjacent factors related to human rights... more The purpose of this article was focused on analyzing the adjacent factors related to human rights in women victims of sexual violence in the context of the armed conflict. The quantitative method of descriptive approach was selected under the systematic review technique using the PRISMA guide. As a result, it was obtained that women continue to be instrumentalized in wars, their physical and psychosocial vulnerability persisting in all spheres of life; This being a phenomenon that continues to grow globally given the characteristics associated with political, social and religious structures. As a conclusion, it was identified that, although there are jurisprudential guidelines and policies, these are insufficient and do not protect the human rights of women victims..
Gaceta Médica de Caracas
The objective of this research work was to analyze the psychological factors that are present in ... more The objective of this research work was to analyze the psychological factors that are present in gender dysphoria in adolescents, due to the importance of approaching psychological clinical practice through intervention strategies. Method: A systematic review was carried out through digital searches in scientific databases such as ProQuest, Elsevier, and PubMed, by structuring a bibliometric type design, the collection of information was based on three crossings in the three databases. selected, including the primary studies and extracting the data to later be interpreted.
Gaceta médica de Caracas, Jul 23, 2022
The objective of this research work was to analyze the psychological factors that are present in ... more The objective of this research work was to analyze the psychological factors that are present in gender dysphoria in adolescents, due to the importance of approaching psychological clinical practice through intervention strategies. Method: A systematic review was carried out through digital searches in scientific databases such as ProQuest, Elservier, and PubMed, by structuring a bibliometric type design, the collection of information was based on three crossings in the three databases. selected, including the primary studies and extracting the data to later be interpreted. Results: Psychological alterations are presented due to the dissonance of sex and gender identity, finding symptomatology associated with depression, anxiety, and structuring of suicidal ideation. Conclusions: It was identified that the research reports indicate that there is psychological discomfort and deterioration in the social functioning of relationships.
QVADRATA. Estudios sobre educación, artes y humanidades
Introducción: Según Austin (1990) y Searle (1986), los actos de habla son la unidad básica comuni... more Introducción: Según Austin (1990) y Searle (1986), los actos de habla son la unidad básica comunicativa que implica una intención, siendo el aula de clases un escenario de permanente actualización de los actos de habla que actúan como indicadores de condiciones favorables o no para el aprendizaje.Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio consistió en analizar los actos de habla más frecuentes empleados por las docentes de Educación Infantil en su dimensión relacional comunicativa con los estudiantes.Método: Un estudio mixto, nivel descriptivo, de corte trasversal. El corpus lo constituyen grabaciones de audio obtenidas bajo consentimiento informado, realizadas en tres (3) aulas de educación infantil de dos (2) sesiones durante un tiempo aproximado de 1 hora cada una. Se empelo el instrumento de observación y registro de actos de habla, diseñado adhoc. El análisis de los datos es de frecuencia, categorizados de acuerdo con la tipología: actos asertivos, directivos, compromisorios, expres...
Revista Estudios Psicológicos
A quantitative, non-experimental correlational study, with a cross-sectional design, aimed at des... more A quantitative, non-experimental correlational study, with a cross-sectional design, aimed at describing coping strategies and resilience in two groups of young consumers and non-consumers of psychoactive substances. The Coping Strategies Inventory, designed by Tobin et al. (1989) and the Resilience Scale SV-RES by Saavedra and Villalta (2008) were used. The results suggest that the combination of low social support strategies, social isolation, and high levels of emotional expression may seem to be associated with substance use as a possible escape route for coping with stressful situations. In terms of resilience, the results are consistent with other studies that show lower levels of resilience in the population of psychoactive substance users. Finally, this research leads to the conclusion that resilience and adequate coping strategies are protective factors that should be strengthened in the child and adolescent population in order to prevent substance use behavior as an escape...
Revista Innova Educación
Addressing school violence requires the active participation and commitment of the entire educati... more Addressing school violence requires the active participation and commitment of the entire educational community. This qualitative ethnomethodological research proposes a participatory pedagogical design aimed at disarticulating it, based on its understanding by institutional actors, from the data of the interview conducted with 282 students in a public educational institution in the city of Cúcuta in Colombia. The findings show that students associate violence with physical and verbal abuse, understand coexistence as the result of complying with institutional rules, and show interest in promoting respect among themselves and with their teachers. A pedagogical proposal is proposed based on the axes of peace, violence and conflict, aimed at raising awareness of the phenomenon of violence and the collective construction of its approach by school actors.
Revista de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación
The present study was oriented to assess the teaching performance that favors creativity from the... more The present study was oriented to assess the teaching performance that favors creativity from the teaching practices, contrasting it with the type of educational institution, pedagogical model, creativity and academic score of the students in a sample of the educational institutions of the Aburrá Valley. A quantitative, non-experimental, ex post facto study was carried out with 210 teachers and 950 students from 10 educational institutions. The Likert scale of teaching performance designed adhoc, and the PIC-J test were used. The results indicate that the use of cognitive mediation strategies for divergent thinking and the use of flexible and open evaluation strategies are related to higher creativity scores in students. The implications for educational processes and the need to implement innovative pedagogical and didactic strategies to reorient the emphasis of rote methodologies towards creative learning are discussed.
La personalidad ha sido un área de interés investigativo debido a la relevancia que cobra en los ... more La personalidad ha sido un área de interés investigativo debido a la relevancia que cobra en los avances científicos y estudios sobre el comportamiento humano, en especial el asociado con las conductas criminales, donde se plantean aportaciones desde las teorías de los rasgos y variables propuestas por Eysenck y Gray. Objetivo: El objetivo propuesto en este escrito se vincula al análisis reflexivo desde los modelos factoriales, los paradigmas y las dimensiones biológicas. Resultados: A manera de conclusión, se identificó que existe una fuerte influencia hacia la propensión del psicoticismo y el neuroticismo en sujetos que presentan una tendencia al desarrollo de un comportamiento criminal. En esta misma línea, se pudo establecer que a mayor activación conductual desde el modelo (BAS), más tendencia a desarrollar comportamientos que se asocian a la búsqueda de sensaciones y de activadores que inciden negativamente en los rasgos de la conducta criminal.
Gaceta Médica de Caracas
It is important to analyze the experience of the COVID-19 pandemic, identifying factors that allo... more It is important to analyze the experience of the COVID-19 pandemic, identifying factors that allowed the population to mitigate its negative effects on mental health. The present study was oriented to identify factors related to lifestyle and its relationship with mental health in a sample of adults in the city of Medellín, Colombia, during quarantine in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The study was quantitative, cross-sectional, non-experimental, and descriptive level. The Pender (1996) lifestyle profile questionnaire (PEPSI-I) and the Derogatis (1994) SCL-90-R symptom inventory were applied to the sample of 100 people, selected utilizing a call on social networks.
Gaceta Médica de Caracas
Objective: To analyze scientific publications on bipolarity and schizophrenia to detect both phar... more Objective: To analyze scientific publications on bipolarity and schizophrenia to detect both pharmacological and psychotherapeutic treatments that have been applied in the last five years (2018-2022). Method: A quantitative method was applied, under the bibliometric research approach. The PRISMA method was used for this purpose. The search variables and the construction of the equations with their respective Booleans were defined. The database used was the Web of Science (WOS). After filtering by applying exclusion and inclusion criteria, a total of 23 documents were obtained for analysis.
Ciencia Latina Revista Científica Multidisciplinar
The objective of the research is to carry out a review of the literature about suicide risk facto... more The objective of the research is to carry out a review of the literature about suicide risk factors in young university students. The methodology used is quantitative descriptive with a bibliometric approach, under the PRISMA method. The search was carried out in three databases: Clarivate Web of Science, MDPI and Taylor and Francis that had the variables of suicide risk factors. Inclusion criteria were used such as: study variables, years 2019 to 2022, published in Spanish and English,scientific reports research results, research with clinical and non-clinical population. After the application of the Boolean operators, the total sample is (n=10360) and after screening with the PRISMA method (n=45). Results: The United States, followed by China and Bangladesh, are the countries that produce the most on the subject. The most frequent risk factors are: depression, anxiety, stress, academic commitments, lack of opportunities, low income and race. The students with the highest suicide r...
Introducción: la pandemia de COVID-19 ha generado un impacto significativo en la salud mental de ... more Introducción: la pandemia de COVID-19 ha generado un impacto significativo en la salud mental de la población del mundo. Con el fin de acercarse a la comprensión de varios aspectos relacionados con este tema, el presente estudio se orientó a indagar por la presencia de la ansiedad y su relación con el manejo de estrategias de afrontamiento en una muestra de estudiantes universitarios durante la situación de distanciamiento social obligatorio en el marco de la pandemia. Método: se llevó a cabo un estudio cuantitativo, descriptivo-correlacional, con una muestra de 310 estudiantes universitarios de una edad promedio de M = 24,6(Dt = 6,8). Se aplicó el Inventario de Ansiedad de Beck (BAI) y la Escala de Estrategias de Coping (EEC-M). Resultados: se constató la presencia de un nivel moderado de ansiedad en la muestra del estudio. Se identificó un adecuado nivel de manejo de estrategias funcionales como solución de problemas (M = 3,7 (Dt = ,9), reevaluación positiva (M = 3,5(Dt = 1,1) y b...
Ciencia Latina Revista Científica Multidisciplinar
Sexual and reproductive rights are also human rights because they respond to a fundamental aspect... more Sexual and reproductive rights are also human rights because they respond to a fundamental aspect of the life project, even when people are deprived of their liberty. It is the obligation of the State to guarantee substantial and procedural measures so that persons with diverse sexual orientations deprived of liberty in the La Vega Prison Establishment in Sincelejo can enjoy such rights. In view of the above, the objective was proposed to determine the substantial and procedural guarantees of the sexual rights of persons with diverse sexual orientations detained in the Medium Security Penitentiary and Prison Establishment La Vega in the year 2020. In order to comply with this objective, it was approached from the qualitative research tools. The analysis resulted in the non-compliance with international and national regulations governing the matter, as well as the orders of the Constitutional Court in its rulings on the right to the enjoyment of intimate visits. Such non-compliance...
LATAM Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades
En este artículo se realiza una revisión sistemática sobre el delito de trata de personas con fin... more En este artículo se realiza una revisión sistemática sobre el delito de trata de personas con fines de explotación sexual, relacionando los aspectos psicológicos de las víctimas, los traumas y trastornos de salud mental ocasionados por la violación de los derechos humanos. La metodología siguió la declaración Prisma, con artículos científicos depositados en tres bases de datos: Pubmed, Web of Science (WoS) y Springer; se cruzaron tres ecuaciones de búsqueda con sus booleanos bajo criterios de inclusión y exclusión. Como resultado del tamizaje se obtuvieron 27 documentos para concluir que el delito de trata de personas califica como delito de lesa humanidad dadas las secuelas psicológicas de las víctimas y la dificultad de reinserción, pero también la necesidad de generar acciones interpaíses que permitan atender con el crimen organizado, así como brindar atención profesional interdisciplinaria y especializada a las víctimas y reducir las desigualdades que crean las condiciones para ...
Ciencia latina, Nov 30, 2022
The purpose of this article is to carry out a systematic review of the literature in relation to ... more The purpose of this article is to carry out a systematic review of the literature in relation to the variables of creative critical thinking and emotional intelligence in university students. For the search of the information, the Boolean operators "thinking" and "Skills" or "Creative" or "Critical" were used in the following databases: Taylor and Francis, Springer and Proquest. As a result, eligible articles were obtained (n=1835) and after the screening of information with the application of exclusion criteria, the final result was 32 articles described in the matrix. The results show that Indonesia is the country that has published the most in this area and the most used instrument is the Critical Thinking Test with 65.6%. Finally, universities are increasingly aware of the need to promote creative critical thinking skills in their students, without neglecting emotional intelligence as an essential component that plays a determining role in the development of thinking skills, it is also imperative to provide tools, fictitious or real scenarios, active methodologies, to promote meaningful learning and train future professionals capable of solving problems in their environment from a critical and creative point of view.
Ciencia Latina Revista Científica Multidisciplinar
The purpose of this article was focused on analyzing the adjacent factors related to human rights... more The purpose of this article was focused on analyzing the adjacent factors related to human rights in women victims of sexual violence in the context of the armed conflict. The quantitative method of descriptive approach was selected under the systematic review technique using the PRISMA guide. As a result, it was obtained that women continue to be instrumentalized in wars, their physical and psychosocial vulnerability persisting in all spheres of life; This being a phenomenon that continues to grow globally given the characteristics associated with political, social and religious structures. As a conclusion, it was identified that, although there are jurisprudential guidelines and policies, these are insufficient and do not protect the human rights of women victims..
Gaceta Médica de Caracas
The objective of this research work was to analyze the psychological factors that are present in ... more The objective of this research work was to analyze the psychological factors that are present in gender dysphoria in adolescents, due to the importance of approaching psychological clinical practice through intervention strategies. Method: A systematic review was carried out through digital searches in scientific databases such as ProQuest, Elsevier, and PubMed, by structuring a bibliometric type design, the collection of information was based on three crossings in the three databases. selected, including the primary studies and extracting the data to later be interpreted.