Natasa Janković - (original) (raw)

Papers by Natasa Janković

Research paper thumbnail of Students as co-creators in shaping the future of higher education

Inovacije u nastavi

Based on broad empirical research on multilingualism done by members of the Circle U. University ... more Based on broad empirical research on multilingualism done by members of the Circle U. University Alliance, this paper presents a comparative analysis between the responses of 906 students from Serbia and 976 students from the other eight universities of the Alliance. By completing a comprehensive questionnaire, the students presented their experience, opinions, attitudes, motivation and obstacles related to gaining knowledge and skills in foreign languages. The focus of this paper is on students' needs related to learning foreign languages on the one hand, and their experience with it through formal education on the other. According to the survey results, despite students' needs, the practice of foreign language learning, especially at the university level, is not in line with the goal of the EU language policy and European Commission's recommendations that each citizen should learn at least two foreign languages. Additionally, as the survey shows, students from Serbia a...

Research paper thumbnail of Principi i kriterijumi ocenjivanja kao osnove vrednovanja postignuća u obrazovanju

Примењена лингвистика данас, 2020

Sažetak: Vrednovanje učeničkog postignuća u obrazovnom kontekstu treba da se zasniva na unapred d... more Sažetak: Vrednovanje učeničkog postignuća u obrazovnom kontekstu treba da se zasniva na unapred definisanim principima i detaljno razrađenim kriterijumima ocenjivanja. Paralelnim istraživanjem sprovedenim u tri različite obrazovne ustanove u Beogradu ustanovili smo da završna srednjoškolska ocena nije objektivan i pouzdan pokazatelj razvijenosti kompetencija novoupisanih studenata u oblasti engleskog jezika. Sistem vrednovanja jezičkih znanja i, posebno, jezičkih veština učenika neophodno je unaprediti približavanjem standardizovanim oblicima provere postignuća, poštovanjem postojećih principa ocenjivanja, osmišljavanjem konkretnih parametara za proveru razvijenosti jezičkih kompetencija učenika i ujednačavanjem kriterijuma ocenjivanja. Tako zasnovan sistem vrednovanja bio bi i merodavniji i podsticajniji za učenike, nastavnike i obrazovni sistem u celini.

Research paper thumbnail of Integrating music and language contents and skills in the academic course English language for children through songs and movement

Inovacije u nastavi, 2020

A song is a musical content in which melody and poetic text are unified, which makes it an ideal ... more A song is a musical content in which melody and poetic text are unified, which makes it an ideal tool in all music activities with children of preschool and early primary school age. It also represents the core of integration of different school subjects, with a huge educational potential in language teaching (both mother tongue and foreign languages). In this paper we elaborate on the advantages of integrating English Language and Music Education academic courses in working with pre-service primary and preschool teachers who are trained to teach English to preschool and early primary school children. We examine students' music experience and their preferences, as well as their familiarity with the phonological elements of the language with the aim of improving the quality of teaching. The paper also presents the key results of the research conducted in 2018 and 2019 with the first and the second generations of students attending the course English Language for Children through ...

Research paper thumbnail of A patient with valvular heart disease getting prepared for non-cardiac surgery: Case report

Srce i krvni sudovi, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Architectural Terri(s)tories: Jajinci Memorial Park in Belgrade

AM Journal of Art and Media Studies, 2017

Architecture represents one of the possible ways of how territory can be marked, but it is also a... more Architecture represents one of the possible ways of how territory can be marked, but it is also a permanent trace of the process of its development. As a built form it is a sign in the ground, while as an idea it represents a trace of various approaches to its development within a theoretical field. This paper examines the significance and meaning of a single architectural gesture within the context of an architectural narrative of the city territory by starting from the structural approach to observation of the territory (Gregotti) and the method of post-structuralist analysis.This study links and analyses: 1) the importance of the architectural gesture in the process of defining and developing the territory of the city, through 2) changing position from the phenomenological (formal, formative) to topographic discourse of observing architecture, which examines 3) the potential of the interpretative narrative both of the architecture and the territory. Memorial park Jajinci was sele...

Research paper thumbnail of Anthropometric parameters and aesthetics in the making of fixed prosthodontic restaurations: Part 1

Acta stomatologica Naissi, 2021

Introduction: Modern dental procedures, especially those in prosthodontics, restore the functiona... more Introduction: Modern dental procedures, especially those in prosthodontics, restore the functional capacity of the orofacial system and improve the patient's appearance. The modern concept of aesthetic dentistry is the most natural appearance of the teeth, and the success of the therapy is closely connected with the respect of anthropometric parameters and the correct ratio of hard and soft oral tissues. Orofacial elements should not be viewed separately from the composition of the face because they form an inseparable whole with it. The aim of this study was to analyze the parameters of the orofacial system that affect the aesthetics of fixed prosthodontic restorations based on literature data and clinical experience. Conclusion: The beauty of a smile is determined by the shape, color and proportions of the upper front teeth. The harmony in creating a smile is not significantly affected by individual numerical values of tooth width and length, but by their mutual relationship. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Nacionalna kultura u udžbenicima engleskog jezika

Komunikacija i kultura online, 2017

Udžbenici stranih jezika, uključujući i engleski, uz sam jezik najčešće prikazuju i kulturu koja ... more Udžbenici stranih jezika, uključujući i engleski, uz sam jezik najčešće prikazuju i kulturu koja pripada govornoj zajednici čiji se jezik izučava. Na tržištu se danas može naći mnoštvo udžbenika engleskog jezika koji jezik predstavljaju kroz kulturu anglofonih zemalja, dok je kultura iz koje potiču učenici uglavnom retko zaustupljena. Iako veliki izdavači imaju izdanja prilagođena velikim tržištima, kao što su npr. indijsko, kinesko ili neko veće evropsko, kulture čiji su nosioci jezici sa manjim brojem govornika su uglavnom retko zastupljene u udžbenicima štampanim u anglofonim zemljama. Iako neki izdavači nude i lokalizovane verzije udžbenika, lokalizacija se uglavnom sprovodi u manjim segmentima, dok je veći deo nastavnog materijala zasnovan na kulturi anglofonih zemalja. Samim tim, udžbenici stranih autora, pisani za međunarodna tržišta, nikada ne mogu u potpunosti da zadovolje zahteve nacionalnih nastavnih programa, niti potrebe učesnika u nastavnom procesu. Spoj elemenata različitih kultura idealan je okvir za usvajanje jezika u korelaciji sa drugim školskim predmetima koji po svojoj prirodi uključuju i kulturu, što predstavlja jedan od najvažnijih aspekata savremene nastave stranih jezika. Iako nije sporno da se u slučaju nastave engleskog jezika kultura anglofonih zemalja mora predstaviti, postavljaju se pitanja koji će kulturni elementi biti poznati učenicima, koji se elementi moraju dodatno objasniti, kao i to u kolikoj meri je u udžbenik potrebno inkorporirati domaću (izvornu) kulturu i kako je povezati sa stranom (ciljnom) kulturom. U ovom radu cilj nam je da damo okvirni model koji može da prevaziđe pomenute probleme i ponuditi opšte smernice za pisanje udžbenika namenjenih domaćem tržištu, a kao metod smo koristili deskriptivnu i komparativnu analizu.

Research paper thumbnail of Time to Ring Alarm Bells? Students Have a Say

Belgrade English Language and Literature Studies, 2020

To be able to apply their foreign language knowledge and skills properly, students need to be tra... more To be able to apply their foreign language knowledge and skills properly, students need to be trained how to do it. If the knowledge of a language system is acquired, but not properly incorporated into the use of the fundamental language skills, students are not given a chance to put their real-life communication knowledge into operation. In short, knowledge without skills is not of much help in real life communication, not even in the situations which require rather receptive, let alone productive language use. Integrated language skills have long been the most advocated and vastly applied approach to teaching English. Despite this, especially bearing in mind the concept of most standardized coursebooks, practice shows that too many English language teachers still rely on the traditional grammar-translation method in their classrooms, thus depriving their students of the chances to internalize their L2 knowledge or use it spontaneously in daily communication. This paper presents the results of a survey conducted among students, aged 18+, gathered in three different educational institutions (N = 344), which helped us look into the situation with the English teaching practices in secondary education in Serbia. The results show it is time we rang some warning bells.

Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of assessment and achievement in English language teaching

Nasledje, Kragujevac, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Značaj učenja stranog jezika struke prema stavovima studenata i nastavnika

Inovacije u nastavi, 2019

Универзитет у Београду, Учитељски факултет Оригинални научни рад Значај учења страног језика стру... more Универзитет у Београду, Учитељски факултет Оригинални научни рад Значај учења страног језика струке према ставовима студената и наставника Резиме: Питања везана за вишејезичност и функционално коришћење страних језика посебно добијају на значају у контексту геополитичких и културних промена које су се одиграле у свету у првим деценијама овог века. Развијање језичких компетенција, посебно у области страног језика струке, један је од главних фактора развоја културног и професионалног идентитета савременог младог човека. У Србији, упркос раду на стандардизацији образовних програма и декларативној опредељености просветних власти-да се иде у корак са савременим европским токовима у области наставе и учења страних језика на свим нивоима образовања-дошло је до негативних промена које могу имати несагледиве последице по професионални и културни развој појединца и друштва у целини. Након неколико претходних истраживања о положају страног језика струке на Универзитету у Београду, спроведених међу наставним особљем, овај рад има за циљ да покаже и анализира ставове самих студената, као и њихових наставника, о значају учења страних језика уопште, а посебно страног језика струке. Спровели смо емпиријско истраживање уз примену анкетног упитника као истраживачког инструмента. Квалитативна и квантитативна анализа података прикупљених на узорку од хиљаду петсто деведесет студената (N 1 =1.590) и деведесет два наставника страних језика београдског и неколицине других домаћих универзитета (N 2 =92) показаће да ли ставови студената и њихових наставника одражавају актуелна збивања у оквиру домаће образовне политике или се развијају у складу са савременим токовима у свету и поменутим социокултурним променама.

Research paper thumbnail of Learning from the Landscape: Toward Socially Responsible Architectural Education

Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on the Modern Development of Humanities and Social Science, 2013

This article presents education strategies and results of the research conducted at the Universit... more This article presents education strategies and results of the research conducted at the University in Belgrade-Faculty of Architecture in the period between 2009th and 2012th by Master's degree students. The main scope of the research was on situating an architectural intervention in different landscapes. The power of learning from the nature changes the material and sensual possibilities of architecture by expanding the ways in which architectural interventions may be conceived. In this kind of architectural education architecture and landscape are allowed to intersect and intertwine with society, affecting the process of living, thus creating a new cultural landscape as a part of the sustainable society. This article indicates that contemporary development of society requires a new architectural paradigm, in which landscape and architecture form a unique place-based system. In order to develop a new architectural paradigm it is necessary to starts from the process of architectural education. It would contribute not only to new trends in architectural education as a part of the modern development of humanities and social science, but also to the awareness about the need for the socially responsible architect.

Research paper thumbnail of Eco-Infill" as an alternative strategy for postindustrial landscape in the light of climate change: The case of Belgrade shipyard

Facta universitatis - series: Architecture and Civil Engineering, 2012

At this moment, and under the circumstances that surround us, we have recognized as a definite gl... more At this moment, and under the circumstances that surround us, we have recognized as a definite global challenge the problem of climate change, and in general, the ecological misbalance of cities. In an attempt to meet this challenge, we will try to discuss possibilities of implementing the "Eco-Infill" strategy (fragments of nature incorporated into abandoned artificial environment) as a viable, somewhat ?alternative?, urban development strategy. The contemporary matrix of the post-industrial urban landscape is dotted with large and small fragments of abandoned spaces, which need to be incorporated into the city texture. Belgrade is a city with a potential, one of the larger capitals of the region, standing on the threshold of the European Union and undergoing an intensive process of political, economic and social transition. Similar to other large cities, it was previously an industrial city, but is now increasingly relying on the tertiary sector, promoting itself through...

Research paper thumbnail of Seeking a new architectural paradigm

International Journal of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics, 2014

This article presents the design methods and results of research conducted by Master's degree stu... more This article presents the design methods and results of research conducted by Master's degree students on situating an architectural intervention in the protected natural landscape of Park Forest Košutnjak. The aim was an attempt to put this important, albeit widely neglected, park forest back on the cultural map of Belgrade. This meant that a high level of urbanity could be achieved by way of reorganising its structure, increasing its vitality, attractiveness and accessibility, while preserving its value as heritage landscape. Architecture does not regard nature simply as a physical backdrop for the built structure. The elements and rhythms of complex natural phenomena, through topography, climate and vegetation, become an inspiring part of the architectural discourse. Thus, nature and architecture are allowed to intersect and intertwine, affecting the process of urban living and creating a new cultural landscape. This article suggests that the treatment of protected landscape requires a new architectural paradigm, in which nature and architecture would form a unique place-based system. This approach would contribute not only to resolving the problem of how to revitalise a park forest but also to raising awareness of the adaptive quality that such a place possesses in the context of environmental change.

Research paper thumbnail of Razvijanje Komunikativnih I Opštih Kognitivnih Sposobnosti Kroz Nastavu Engleskog Jezika Od Ranog Školskog Uzrasta

Komunikacija i Kultura Online, 2017

Years of learning any foreign language should result in students’ ability to use the respective l... more Years of learning any foreign language should result in students’ ability to use the respective language in effective communication with others. However, the inadequacy of curricula and students’ poor communicative competence made the educational authorities in many European countries devise innovative strategies for foreign language teaching, such as integrating foreign language learning with other school subjects. Such methods have also been introduced in our country, though mainly in the education of middle school and high school students. It is well known that an early start with language learning yields the best results. That is why integrating languages with other school contents from the beginning of formal education can also be expected to lead not only to students’ better communicative competence, but also to an improvement in their general cognitive development. A recent survey, based on the national curricula and conducted in several schools in Belgrade, confirmed this as...

Research paper thumbnail of Students as co-creators in shaping the future of higher education

Inovacije u nastavi

Based on broad empirical research on multilingualism done by members of the Circle U. University ... more Based on broad empirical research on multilingualism done by members of the Circle U. University Alliance, this paper presents a comparative analysis between the responses of 906 students from Serbia and 976 students from the other eight universities of the Alliance. By completing a comprehensive questionnaire, the students presented their experience, opinions, attitudes, motivation and obstacles related to gaining knowledge and skills in foreign languages. The focus of this paper is on students' needs related to learning foreign languages on the one hand, and their experience with it through formal education on the other. According to the survey results, despite students' needs, the practice of foreign language learning, especially at the university level, is not in line with the goal of the EU language policy and European Commission's recommendations that each citizen should learn at least two foreign languages. Additionally, as the survey shows, students from Serbia a...

Research paper thumbnail of Principi i kriterijumi ocenjivanja kao osnove vrednovanja postignuća u obrazovanju

Примењена лингвистика данас, 2020

Sažetak: Vrednovanje učeničkog postignuća u obrazovnom kontekstu treba da se zasniva na unapred d... more Sažetak: Vrednovanje učeničkog postignuća u obrazovnom kontekstu treba da se zasniva na unapred definisanim principima i detaljno razrađenim kriterijumima ocenjivanja. Paralelnim istraživanjem sprovedenim u tri različite obrazovne ustanove u Beogradu ustanovili smo da završna srednjoškolska ocena nije objektivan i pouzdan pokazatelj razvijenosti kompetencija novoupisanih studenata u oblasti engleskog jezika. Sistem vrednovanja jezičkih znanja i, posebno, jezičkih veština učenika neophodno je unaprediti približavanjem standardizovanim oblicima provere postignuća, poštovanjem postojećih principa ocenjivanja, osmišljavanjem konkretnih parametara za proveru razvijenosti jezičkih kompetencija učenika i ujednačavanjem kriterijuma ocenjivanja. Tako zasnovan sistem vrednovanja bio bi i merodavniji i podsticajniji za učenike, nastavnike i obrazovni sistem u celini.

Research paper thumbnail of Integrating music and language contents and skills in the academic course English language for children through songs and movement

Inovacije u nastavi, 2020

A song is a musical content in which melody and poetic text are unified, which makes it an ideal ... more A song is a musical content in which melody and poetic text are unified, which makes it an ideal tool in all music activities with children of preschool and early primary school age. It also represents the core of integration of different school subjects, with a huge educational potential in language teaching (both mother tongue and foreign languages). In this paper we elaborate on the advantages of integrating English Language and Music Education academic courses in working with pre-service primary and preschool teachers who are trained to teach English to preschool and early primary school children. We examine students' music experience and their preferences, as well as their familiarity with the phonological elements of the language with the aim of improving the quality of teaching. The paper also presents the key results of the research conducted in 2018 and 2019 with the first and the second generations of students attending the course English Language for Children through ...

Research paper thumbnail of A patient with valvular heart disease getting prepared for non-cardiac surgery: Case report

Srce i krvni sudovi, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Architectural Terri(s)tories: Jajinci Memorial Park in Belgrade

AM Journal of Art and Media Studies, 2017

Architecture represents one of the possible ways of how territory can be marked, but it is also a... more Architecture represents one of the possible ways of how territory can be marked, but it is also a permanent trace of the process of its development. As a built form it is a sign in the ground, while as an idea it represents a trace of various approaches to its development within a theoretical field. This paper examines the significance and meaning of a single architectural gesture within the context of an architectural narrative of the city territory by starting from the structural approach to observation of the territory (Gregotti) and the method of post-structuralist analysis.This study links and analyses: 1) the importance of the architectural gesture in the process of defining and developing the territory of the city, through 2) changing position from the phenomenological (formal, formative) to topographic discourse of observing architecture, which examines 3) the potential of the interpretative narrative both of the architecture and the territory. Memorial park Jajinci was sele...

Research paper thumbnail of Anthropometric parameters and aesthetics in the making of fixed prosthodontic restaurations: Part 1

Acta stomatologica Naissi, 2021

Introduction: Modern dental procedures, especially those in prosthodontics, restore the functiona... more Introduction: Modern dental procedures, especially those in prosthodontics, restore the functional capacity of the orofacial system and improve the patient's appearance. The modern concept of aesthetic dentistry is the most natural appearance of the teeth, and the success of the therapy is closely connected with the respect of anthropometric parameters and the correct ratio of hard and soft oral tissues. Orofacial elements should not be viewed separately from the composition of the face because they form an inseparable whole with it. The aim of this study was to analyze the parameters of the orofacial system that affect the aesthetics of fixed prosthodontic restorations based on literature data and clinical experience. Conclusion: The beauty of a smile is determined by the shape, color and proportions of the upper front teeth. The harmony in creating a smile is not significantly affected by individual numerical values of tooth width and length, but by their mutual relationship. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Nacionalna kultura u udžbenicima engleskog jezika

Komunikacija i kultura online, 2017

Udžbenici stranih jezika, uključujući i engleski, uz sam jezik najčešće prikazuju i kulturu koja ... more Udžbenici stranih jezika, uključujući i engleski, uz sam jezik najčešće prikazuju i kulturu koja pripada govornoj zajednici čiji se jezik izučava. Na tržištu se danas može naći mnoštvo udžbenika engleskog jezika koji jezik predstavljaju kroz kulturu anglofonih zemalja, dok je kultura iz koje potiču učenici uglavnom retko zaustupljena. Iako veliki izdavači imaju izdanja prilagođena velikim tržištima, kao što su npr. indijsko, kinesko ili neko veće evropsko, kulture čiji su nosioci jezici sa manjim brojem govornika su uglavnom retko zastupljene u udžbenicima štampanim u anglofonim zemljama. Iako neki izdavači nude i lokalizovane verzije udžbenika, lokalizacija se uglavnom sprovodi u manjim segmentima, dok je veći deo nastavnog materijala zasnovan na kulturi anglofonih zemalja. Samim tim, udžbenici stranih autora, pisani za međunarodna tržišta, nikada ne mogu u potpunosti da zadovolje zahteve nacionalnih nastavnih programa, niti potrebe učesnika u nastavnom procesu. Spoj elemenata različitih kultura idealan je okvir za usvajanje jezika u korelaciji sa drugim školskim predmetima koji po svojoj prirodi uključuju i kulturu, što predstavlja jedan od najvažnijih aspekata savremene nastave stranih jezika. Iako nije sporno da se u slučaju nastave engleskog jezika kultura anglofonih zemalja mora predstaviti, postavljaju se pitanja koji će kulturni elementi biti poznati učenicima, koji se elementi moraju dodatno objasniti, kao i to u kolikoj meri je u udžbenik potrebno inkorporirati domaću (izvornu) kulturu i kako je povezati sa stranom (ciljnom) kulturom. U ovom radu cilj nam je da damo okvirni model koji može da prevaziđe pomenute probleme i ponuditi opšte smernice za pisanje udžbenika namenjenih domaćem tržištu, a kao metod smo koristili deskriptivnu i komparativnu analizu.

Research paper thumbnail of Time to Ring Alarm Bells? Students Have a Say

Belgrade English Language and Literature Studies, 2020

To be able to apply their foreign language knowledge and skills properly, students need to be tra... more To be able to apply their foreign language knowledge and skills properly, students need to be trained how to do it. If the knowledge of a language system is acquired, but not properly incorporated into the use of the fundamental language skills, students are not given a chance to put their real-life communication knowledge into operation. In short, knowledge without skills is not of much help in real life communication, not even in the situations which require rather receptive, let alone productive language use. Integrated language skills have long been the most advocated and vastly applied approach to teaching English. Despite this, especially bearing in mind the concept of most standardized coursebooks, practice shows that too many English language teachers still rely on the traditional grammar-translation method in their classrooms, thus depriving their students of the chances to internalize their L2 knowledge or use it spontaneously in daily communication. This paper presents the results of a survey conducted among students, aged 18+, gathered in three different educational institutions (N = 344), which helped us look into the situation with the English teaching practices in secondary education in Serbia. The results show it is time we rang some warning bells.

Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of assessment and achievement in English language teaching

Nasledje, Kragujevac, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Značaj učenja stranog jezika struke prema stavovima studenata i nastavnika

Inovacije u nastavi, 2019

Универзитет у Београду, Учитељски факултет Оригинални научни рад Значај учења страног језика стру... more Универзитет у Београду, Учитељски факултет Оригинални научни рад Значај учења страног језика струке према ставовима студената и наставника Резиме: Питања везана за вишејезичност и функционално коришћење страних језика посебно добијају на значају у контексту геополитичких и културних промена које су се одиграле у свету у првим деценијама овог века. Развијање језичких компетенција, посебно у области страног језика струке, један је од главних фактора развоја културног и професионалног идентитета савременог младог човека. У Србији, упркос раду на стандардизацији образовних програма и декларативној опредељености просветних власти-да се иде у корак са савременим европским токовима у области наставе и учења страних језика на свим нивоима образовања-дошло је до негативних промена које могу имати несагледиве последице по професионални и културни развој појединца и друштва у целини. Након неколико претходних истраживања о положају страног језика струке на Универзитету у Београду, спроведених међу наставним особљем, овај рад има за циљ да покаже и анализира ставове самих студената, као и њихових наставника, о значају учења страних језика уопште, а посебно страног језика струке. Спровели смо емпиријско истраживање уз примену анкетног упитника као истраживачког инструмента. Квалитативна и квантитативна анализа података прикупљених на узорку од хиљаду петсто деведесет студената (N 1 =1.590) и деведесет два наставника страних језика београдског и неколицине других домаћих универзитета (N 2 =92) показаће да ли ставови студената и њихових наставника одражавају актуелна збивања у оквиру домаће образовне политике или се развијају у складу са савременим токовима у свету и поменутим социокултурним променама.

Research paper thumbnail of Learning from the Landscape: Toward Socially Responsible Architectural Education

Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on the Modern Development of Humanities and Social Science, 2013

This article presents education strategies and results of the research conducted at the Universit... more This article presents education strategies and results of the research conducted at the University in Belgrade-Faculty of Architecture in the period between 2009th and 2012th by Master's degree students. The main scope of the research was on situating an architectural intervention in different landscapes. The power of learning from the nature changes the material and sensual possibilities of architecture by expanding the ways in which architectural interventions may be conceived. In this kind of architectural education architecture and landscape are allowed to intersect and intertwine with society, affecting the process of living, thus creating a new cultural landscape as a part of the sustainable society. This article indicates that contemporary development of society requires a new architectural paradigm, in which landscape and architecture form a unique place-based system. In order to develop a new architectural paradigm it is necessary to starts from the process of architectural education. It would contribute not only to new trends in architectural education as a part of the modern development of humanities and social science, but also to the awareness about the need for the socially responsible architect.

Research paper thumbnail of Eco-Infill" as an alternative strategy for postindustrial landscape in the light of climate change: The case of Belgrade shipyard

Facta universitatis - series: Architecture and Civil Engineering, 2012

At this moment, and under the circumstances that surround us, we have recognized as a definite gl... more At this moment, and under the circumstances that surround us, we have recognized as a definite global challenge the problem of climate change, and in general, the ecological misbalance of cities. In an attempt to meet this challenge, we will try to discuss possibilities of implementing the "Eco-Infill" strategy (fragments of nature incorporated into abandoned artificial environment) as a viable, somewhat ?alternative?, urban development strategy. The contemporary matrix of the post-industrial urban landscape is dotted with large and small fragments of abandoned spaces, which need to be incorporated into the city texture. Belgrade is a city with a potential, one of the larger capitals of the region, standing on the threshold of the European Union and undergoing an intensive process of political, economic and social transition. Similar to other large cities, it was previously an industrial city, but is now increasingly relying on the tertiary sector, promoting itself through...

Research paper thumbnail of Seeking a new architectural paradigm

International Journal of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics, 2014

This article presents the design methods and results of research conducted by Master's degree stu... more This article presents the design methods and results of research conducted by Master's degree students on situating an architectural intervention in the protected natural landscape of Park Forest Košutnjak. The aim was an attempt to put this important, albeit widely neglected, park forest back on the cultural map of Belgrade. This meant that a high level of urbanity could be achieved by way of reorganising its structure, increasing its vitality, attractiveness and accessibility, while preserving its value as heritage landscape. Architecture does not regard nature simply as a physical backdrop for the built structure. The elements and rhythms of complex natural phenomena, through topography, climate and vegetation, become an inspiring part of the architectural discourse. Thus, nature and architecture are allowed to intersect and intertwine, affecting the process of urban living and creating a new cultural landscape. This article suggests that the treatment of protected landscape requires a new architectural paradigm, in which nature and architecture would form a unique place-based system. This approach would contribute not only to resolving the problem of how to revitalise a park forest but also to raising awareness of the adaptive quality that such a place possesses in the context of environmental change.

Research paper thumbnail of Razvijanje Komunikativnih I Opštih Kognitivnih Sposobnosti Kroz Nastavu Engleskog Jezika Od Ranog Školskog Uzrasta

Komunikacija i Kultura Online, 2017

Years of learning any foreign language should result in students’ ability to use the respective l... more Years of learning any foreign language should result in students’ ability to use the respective language in effective communication with others. However, the inadequacy of curricula and students’ poor communicative competence made the educational authorities in many European countries devise innovative strategies for foreign language teaching, such as integrating foreign language learning with other school subjects. Such methods have also been introduced in our country, though mainly in the education of middle school and high school students. It is well known that an early start with language learning yields the best results. That is why integrating languages with other school contents from the beginning of formal education can also be expected to lead not only to students’ better communicative competence, but also to an improvement in their general cognitive development. A recent survey, based on the national curricula and conducted in several schools in Belgrade, confirmed this as...