Nurliana Damanik - (original) (raw)
Papers by Nurliana Damanik
Al-Hikmah : Jurnal Theosofi dan Peradaban Islam, Mar 22, 2020
Tolerance in Arabic is called "tasamuh" which means to be generous, which is to be gene... more Tolerance in Arabic is called "tasamuh" which means to be generous, which is to be generous in association. Another word for tasamuh is "tasahul" which means hopefully. Tolerance teaches that we should have the character of being broad-minded, big-hearted, broad-minded and not imposing our own will, giving others the opportunity to think even if we differ from our opinions. All of that is in order to create harmony in religious life in society. Thus the existence of differences in understanding in a problem, such as religion and belief should not be a reason for mengadakn dividing lines in association. So tolerance requires the harmony of life among people who have various understandings and harmonization of relationships between those who are far from being rigid, especially confrontational ones.Tolerance is the attitude of making it easy, generous, quiet, and appreciative as defined by lexicograph experts both English and Arabic. Islam is a religion that makes ...
Nurliana: Konsep Syafa'at dalam Perspektif al-Qur'an dan al-Hadis 70 KONSEP SYAFA'AT DALAM PERSPE... more Nurliana: Konsep Syafa'at dalam Perspektif al-Qur'an dan al-Hadis 70 KONSEP SYAFA'AT DALAM PERSPEKTIF AL-QUR'AN DAN AL-HADIS Oleh: Nurliana Damanik, MA 1 Abstrak "Intercession applies to people who do not get the permission and pleasure of Allah, ie the disbelievers. While the verses which state the intercession in the Hereafter, apply to those who are given permission and Allah's approval. God declares that all intercession is His right. No one is entitled to intercede except for those whom He permits to be interceded and He is pleased with his words and deeds."
Wanita sebagai istri salehah adalah wanita yang senantiasa menjalankan perintah Allah sebagaimana... more Wanita sebagai istri salehah adalah wanita yang senantiasa menjalankan perintah Allah sebagaimana yang telah diwajibkan dalam Alquran dan Hadis. Wanita salehah yang patuh terhadap suami adalah wanita yang melaksanakan segala apa yang diperintahkan oleh suami tentang hal-hal yang dapat menyenangkan dan membahagiakan rumah tangga. Adapun perintah yang bertentangan dengan ajaran agama maka seorang istri berhak untuk tidak mengikutinya. Yang dimaksud dengan seorang istri harus dapat menjaga amanah dan harta suami adalah wanita yang dapat menjaga rahasia rumah tangga baik dalam hal suka maupun duka terhadap orang lain dari lingkungan rumah tangganya. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian pustaka (library research). Kategorisasi sumber data dibagi kepada dua. Pertama, sumber primer yaitu kitab-kitab Hadis, terdiri dari sunan al-Nasa’i, Ibn Majah dan Ahmad Ibn Hanbal. Kedua, literatur pendukung lainnya, sehingga dapat diketahui ke-sahih-an Hadis yang diteliti. Dalam proses pengumpulan dat...
Al-Hikmah: Jurnal Theosofi dan Peradaban Islam, 2019
Bayani is a method of typical Arabic thought that is based on the authority of the text (nash), d... more Bayani is a method of typical Arabic thought that is based on the authority of the text (nash), directly or indirectly, directly means understanding the text as finished knowledge and directly applying it without the need for thought; indirectly means understanding the text as raw knowledge so that it needs interpretation and reasoning. However, this does not mean that reason or ratio can freely determine the meaning and purpose, but still must rely on the text. Knowledge of irfan is not based on texts such as bayani, but on reality, the secrets of reality are revealed by God. Therefore, irfani knowledge is not obtained based on text analysis but by spiritual practice, where with purity of heart, it is expected that God will bestow knowledge directly on him. Thus, the source of burhani knowledge is ratio, not text or intuition. It is this ratio that provides judgment and decisions on information that enters the senses.
Center of Knowledge : Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Pengabdian Masyarakat, Oct 5, 2021
Teosofi: Jurnal Tasawuf dan Pemikiran Islam, 2020
This article discusses the struggle for spiritual authority between Sulaymān al-Zuhdī as “Shaykh ... more This article discusses the struggle for spiritual authority between Sulaymān al-Zuhdī as “Shaykh Jabal Abi Qubais” and Khalil Hamdi Basya as “Shaykh Jabal Hindi.” The conflict occurred in several stages from the beginning, and finally, Hamdi Basya moved on to Sulaymān al-Zuhdī. Although this clash of the leadership in the Tarekat Naqshabandiyya Khālidiyya (TNK) occurred in the holy land in Mecca, it also influences Indonesia. While the Tarekat Naqshabandiyya Jabal Abi Qubis (TNJAQ) network is barely found in Indonesia, the trail of the Tarekat Naqshabandiyya Jabal Hindi (TNJH) was encountered. By analyzing through a historical approach and interviewing several authoritative individuals, the research discovered that TNJH has been developing in Indonesia, especially in North Sumatra, and has widely spread within some areas, particularly Medan, Binjai, and Deli Serdang. It was also found that this Sufi order primaries the balance of dhikr al-qalb and dhikr al-‘aql by mentioning Allah a...
Al-Hikmah : Jurnal Theosofi dan Peradaban Islam, Mar 22, 2020
Tolerance in Arabic is called "tasamuh" which means to be generous, which is to be gene... more Tolerance in Arabic is called "tasamuh" which means to be generous, which is to be generous in association. Another word for tasamuh is "tasahul" which means hopefully. Tolerance teaches that we should have the character of being broad-minded, big-hearted, broad-minded and not imposing our own will, giving others the opportunity to think even if we differ from our opinions. All of that is in order to create harmony in religious life in society. Thus the existence of differences in understanding in a problem, such as religion and belief should not be a reason for mengadakn dividing lines in association. So tolerance requires the harmony of life among people who have various understandings and harmonization of relationships between those who are far from being rigid, especially confrontational ones.Tolerance is the attitude of making it easy, generous, quiet, and appreciative as defined by lexicograph experts both English and Arabic. Islam is a religion that makes ...
Nurliana: Konsep Syafa'at dalam Perspektif al-Qur'an dan al-Hadis 70 KONSEP SYAFA'AT DALAM PERSPE... more Nurliana: Konsep Syafa'at dalam Perspektif al-Qur'an dan al-Hadis 70 KONSEP SYAFA'AT DALAM PERSPEKTIF AL-QUR'AN DAN AL-HADIS Oleh: Nurliana Damanik, MA 1 Abstrak "Intercession applies to people who do not get the permission and pleasure of Allah, ie the disbelievers. While the verses which state the intercession in the Hereafter, apply to those who are given permission and Allah's approval. God declares that all intercession is His right. No one is entitled to intercede except for those whom He permits to be interceded and He is pleased with his words and deeds."
Wanita sebagai istri salehah adalah wanita yang senantiasa menjalankan perintah Allah sebagaimana... more Wanita sebagai istri salehah adalah wanita yang senantiasa menjalankan perintah Allah sebagaimana yang telah diwajibkan dalam Alquran dan Hadis. Wanita salehah yang patuh terhadap suami adalah wanita yang melaksanakan segala apa yang diperintahkan oleh suami tentang hal-hal yang dapat menyenangkan dan membahagiakan rumah tangga. Adapun perintah yang bertentangan dengan ajaran agama maka seorang istri berhak untuk tidak mengikutinya. Yang dimaksud dengan seorang istri harus dapat menjaga amanah dan harta suami adalah wanita yang dapat menjaga rahasia rumah tangga baik dalam hal suka maupun duka terhadap orang lain dari lingkungan rumah tangganya. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian pustaka (library research). Kategorisasi sumber data dibagi kepada dua. Pertama, sumber primer yaitu kitab-kitab Hadis, terdiri dari sunan al-Nasa’i, Ibn Majah dan Ahmad Ibn Hanbal. Kedua, literatur pendukung lainnya, sehingga dapat diketahui ke-sahih-an Hadis yang diteliti. Dalam proses pengumpulan dat...
Al-Hikmah: Jurnal Theosofi dan Peradaban Islam, 2019
Bayani is a method of typical Arabic thought that is based on the authority of the text (nash), d... more Bayani is a method of typical Arabic thought that is based on the authority of the text (nash), directly or indirectly, directly means understanding the text as finished knowledge and directly applying it without the need for thought; indirectly means understanding the text as raw knowledge so that it needs interpretation and reasoning. However, this does not mean that reason or ratio can freely determine the meaning and purpose, but still must rely on the text. Knowledge of irfan is not based on texts such as bayani, but on reality, the secrets of reality are revealed by God. Therefore, irfani knowledge is not obtained based on text analysis but by spiritual practice, where with purity of heart, it is expected that God will bestow knowledge directly on him. Thus, the source of burhani knowledge is ratio, not text or intuition. It is this ratio that provides judgment and decisions on information that enters the senses.
Center of Knowledge : Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Pengabdian Masyarakat, Oct 5, 2021
Teosofi: Jurnal Tasawuf dan Pemikiran Islam, 2020
This article discusses the struggle for spiritual authority between Sulaymān al-Zuhdī as “Shaykh ... more This article discusses the struggle for spiritual authority between Sulaymān al-Zuhdī as “Shaykh Jabal Abi Qubais” and Khalil Hamdi Basya as “Shaykh Jabal Hindi.” The conflict occurred in several stages from the beginning, and finally, Hamdi Basya moved on to Sulaymān al-Zuhdī. Although this clash of the leadership in the Tarekat Naqshabandiyya Khālidiyya (TNK) occurred in the holy land in Mecca, it also influences Indonesia. While the Tarekat Naqshabandiyya Jabal Abi Qubis (TNJAQ) network is barely found in Indonesia, the trail of the Tarekat Naqshabandiyya Jabal Hindi (TNJH) was encountered. By analyzing through a historical approach and interviewing several authoritative individuals, the research discovered that TNJH has been developing in Indonesia, especially in North Sumatra, and has widely spread within some areas, particularly Medan, Binjai, and Deli Serdang. It was also found that this Sufi order primaries the balance of dhikr al-qalb and dhikr al-‘aql by mentioning Allah a...