Olena Shostko - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Olena Shostko


International Conference ‘Combating Organised Crime and Corruption in the Context of Armed Conflict: Experience and Prospects’ on the occasion of the 5th anniversary of the establishment of the Strategic Investigations Department of the National Police of Ukraine, Nov 2024

In my presentation at the conference, I outlined five key factors that hindering the effective fi... more In my presentation at the conference, I outlined five key factors that hindering the effective fight against modern organised crime in Ukraine: neglect of primary crime prevention; separation of the state policy of fighting organised crime from the policy of fighting corruption; newly created anti-corruption institutions and law enforcement agencies are not 'sharpened' to search and detect organised crime networks; lack of a clear understanding of the nature of organised crime in Ukraine; searching for the 'main evil' in 'thieves in law' rather than in the criminal business, whose participants mainly commit economic crimes, the profits of which are converted into positions in various state structures and local governments.
У своїх тезах доповіді, представленої на конференції, я окреслила п’ять ключових обставин, які заважають ефективно протидіяти сучасній організованій злочинності в Україні: нехтування загальносоціальним запобіганням, виокремлення державної політики протидії організованій злочинності від антикорупційної політики, новостворені антикорупційні інституції та правоохоронні органи не «заточені» на пошук і виявлення організованих злочинних мереж, відсутність чіткого уявлення про те, в чому полягає сутність організованої злочинності в Україні, пошук «основного зла» саме у «злодіях в законі», а не в кримінальному бізнесі, учасники якого вчиняють переважно економічні злочини, прибутки від яких конвертуються у посади в різних державних структурах та органахмісцевого самоврядування.


Research paper thumbnail of Defining and registering criminal offences and measures

Göttinger Studien zu den Kriminalwissenschaften, 2010

The study and this publication would also not have been possible without the work and assistance ... more The study and this publication would also not have been possible without the work and assistance by many researchers, statisticians and officials across Europe. The authors and editors are grateful for their invaluable contribution to this project. Especially, we owe gratitude to our national correspondents, to the project steering group members and the observers taking part in our meetings, the conference and our discussions. The questionnaire developed by the European Sourcebook group has been discussed with and answered by the following national correspondents:

Research paper thumbnail of Biological and Psychological Theories of Juveniles Delinquency in the United States

Theory and practice of jurisprudence, 2015


The paper is devoted to practical aspects of the fight against corruption at the State Migration ... more The paper is devoted to practical aspects of the fight against corruption at the State Migration Service of Ukraine, particularly, at the procedure of passport issuance.

Research paper thumbnail of Modern trends of world crime

Problems of Legality, 2020

The article describes the spread of crime and its specific classes in the world and in the region... more The article describes the spread of crime and its specific classes in the world and in the regions. It is established that in most countries there is a steady tendency to decrease relative crime rates, first of all, violent crime rates. Over the past 25 years, the homicide rates in the world have been gradually decreasing. At the same time, absolute figures for the number of victims of these crimes are on the rise. According to the UN, the intentional homicide rates in Asia in 2017 are the lowest in the world (2.3 per 100,000 population), the highest rate are in South America (25). In the EU Member States from 2008 to 2017, the number of motor vehicle thefts and assaults has decreased significantly. Although the number of crimes is decreasing, the world community has faced a new configuration of crime. Cybercrime, organized crime, including drug trafficking, is on the rise. These crimes are, for the most part, transnational. In Ukraine, the crime rate increased from 780 per 100,000...

Research paper thumbnail of Організована злочинність: фантом чи реальна загроза?

Юридичний вісник України, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Modern trends of world crime

Problems of Legality, 2020

The article describes the spread of crime and its specific classes in the world and in the region... more The article describes the spread of crime and its specific classes in the world and in the regions. It is established that in most countries there is a steady tendency to decrease relative crime rates, first of all, violent crime rates. Over the past 25 years, the homicide rates in the world have been gradually decreasing. At the same time, absolute figures for the number of victims of these crimes are on the rise. According to the UN, the intentional homicide rates in Asia in 2017 are the lowest in the world (2.3 per 100,000 population), the highest rate are in South America (25). In the EU Member States from 2008 to 2017, the number of motor vehicle thefts and assaults has decreased significantly. Although the number of crimes is decreasing, the world community has faced a new configuration of crime. Cybercrime, organized crime, including drug trafficking, is on the rise. These crimes are, for the most part, transnational. In Ukraine, the crime rate increased from 780 per 100,000 ...


Research paper thumbnail of Current Situation with Organized Crime in Ukraine

Problems of Legality, Dec 15, 2016

Статтю присвячено аналізу стану організованої злочинності в Україні за період 2006-2015 рр. Устан... more Статтю присвячено аналізу стану організованої злочинності в Україні за період 2006-2015 рр. Установлено сталу тенденцію до зменшення основних кількісно-якісних показників, що характеризують діяльність стійких злочинних об'єднань. Вказано на обмеження офіційної статистики щодо адекватного відображення фактичного рівня організованої злочинної діяльності. Запропоновано проведення на державному рівні комплексних досліджень латентності організованої злочинності. Ключові слова: організована злочинність; організована група; злочинна організація; кількісно-якісні показники організованої злочинності; латентність; протидія організованій злочинності. Шостко Е. Ю., доктор юридических наук, профессор кафедры криминологии и уголовно-исполнительного права, Национальный юридический университет имени Ярослава Мудрого,


Legal protection is an essential tool for enabling whistleblowers in Ukraine to report on corrupt... more Legal protection is an essential tool for enabling whistleblowers in Ukraine to report on corruption crimes. Most people are still afraid to publicize abuses of the law at their workplaces or in educational institutions because they fear losing their jobs or destroying their careers. This article briefly analyzes international and domestic legislation on these issues, as well as the positions of the Council of Europe and the European Union. It also discusses the efforts of the civil society organizations that united to form the "Initiative 11" group, which works to draft better whistleblower-protection laws and rally support for these laws. The article concludes that there remains a great need for a comprehensive whistleblower-protection law in Ukraine to facilitate the discovery and prosecution of corruption crimes.

Research paper thumbnail of Modern trends of world crime

Problems of Legality, 2020

The article describes the spread of crime and its specific classes in the world and in the region... more The article describes the spread of crime and its specific classes in the world and in the regions. It is established that in most countries there is a steady tendency to decrease relative crime rates, first of all, violent crime rates.

Over the past 25 years, the homicide rates in the world have been gradually decreasing. At the same time, absolute figures for the number of victims of these crimes are on the rise. According to the UN, the intentional homicide rates in Asia in 2017 are the lowest in the world (2.3 per 100,000 population), the highest rate are in South America (25). In the EU Member States from 2008 to 2017, the number of motor vehicle thefts and assaults has decreased significantly.

Although the number of crimes is decreasing, the world community has faced a new configuration of crime. Cybercrime, organized crime, including drug trafficking, is on the rise. These crimes are, for the most part, transnational.

In Ukraine, the crime rate increased from 780 per 100,000 populations in 1991 to 1054 in 2019. The absolute number of reported crimes in Ukraine in 1991 was 405,516, in 2019 – 444,130. Ukraine's rate of intentional homicide per 100,000 population decreases: 2014 – 10.8, 2015 – 7.5; 2016 – 4.3; 2017 – 3.8; 2018 – 3.6; 2019 – 3.5.

The increase in homicide rates in 2014-2015 is related to Russia's military aggression against Ukraine and the large number of people killed in the hostilities.

The perception of crime depends largely on media coverage of the issue. Public opinion polls show that respondents believe that crime in the country is increasing at the national level even when official data and victim surveys indicate that it is decreasing.

In many countries around the world, official reporting is compared to alternative sources of crime information, including National victimization surveys. Representative victim surveys should be conducted at a national level to verify and supplement official report in Ukraine.

Research paper thumbnail of ПРО ДОЦІЛЬНІСТЬ СТВОРЕННЯ НАЦІОНАЛЬНОЇ СЛУЖБИ РОЗСЛІДУВАНЬ (НСР) В УКРАЇНІ/ The Expediency of Establishment of the National Investigation Service in Ukraine

Legal Ukraine/ Юридична Україна, 2007

Using comparative approaches the article discusses the importance of creating a special state age... more Using comparative approaches the article discusses the importance of creating a special state agency in fighting organized crime .

Research paper thumbnail of The Modern Status and Trends of Detection of Criminal Corruption Offenses in Ukraine

The article is devoted to the consideration of the main quantitative and qualitative statistical ... more The article is devoted to the consideration of the main quantitative and qualitative statistical indicators of the results of activities of law enforcement bodies and courts in detection of corruption offenses for a period from 2014 to 2017 . The annual official data show that 2400 people were exposed in committing criminal corruption offenses in 2017, which is 22% more than in the previous year. The number of persons convicted for committed corruption crimes was as follows: in 2015 - 755, in 2016 – 492 persons, in 2017 the number has increased threefold - to 1692 persons. But only 6% of the perpetrators were imprisoned (107 persons). 50% of corruption cases were penalized by a fine as main punishment.

The author stressed the fact that in 2014-2016 top-ranked state officials and civil servants of 1-2 categories (the highest group) were not convicted for corruption criminal offenses. 2 civil servants of this category were convicted in 2017. For the mentioned term of time, no member of Verkhovna Rada was convicted of criminal corruption offenses either. Damages caused by criminal corruption offenses (after criminal proceedings finished by investigation) amounted to 16, 329 billion UAH (approximately 142,36 million Euros). Damages repaid amounted to 312,5 million UAH, which is approximately 2% of the total amount of material damages. Finally, we conclude that the system of criminal justice cannot adequately detect, investigate, and prosecute corrupt officials since the system is just as corrupt as other state institutions. Despite the proclaimed and partly implemented reforms, the self-cleaning of law enforcement agencies from corrupt officials did not take place. Subjects of political corruption remain untouched. The official statistics show a distorted "picture of the fight" with criminal corruption offenses, which are almost entirely in a latent state.

Research paper thumbnail of Закон РІКО – ефективний засіб боротьби з організованою злочинністю в США

Статтю присвячено аналізу положень Закону про організації, що діють під впливом рекету і корупці... more Статтю присвячено аналізу положень Закону про організації, що діють під впливом рекету і корупції, наголошено на необхідності вивчення й урахування американського досвіду при реформуванні законодавства України.

Research paper thumbnail of Frauds with Use of Electronic Payment Systems: the Schemes and the Ways of Prevention / ШАХРАЙСТВО З ВИКОРИСТАННЯМ ЕЛЕКТРОННИХ ПЛАТІЖНИХ СИСТЕМ: СХЕМИ ТА ШЛЯХИ ЗАПОБІГАННЯ

The article is devoted to the latest method of committing frauds – by use of electronic payment... more The article is devoted to the latest method of committing frauds – by use of electronic payment systems. The authors provided official statistical data of the total number of crimes under Article 190 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine - “Fraud”, and the number of crimes under Para. 3 of Article 190 of the Criminal Code – “Fraud by Use of Electronic Payment Transaction” (45 735 and 3578 respectively). The total number of frauds has increased by 8 times in 2016 as compared with 1990.
The authors proposes their view as to the reasons of high latency of this crime. Among them are distrust in law enforcement bodies efficiency and reluctance to look like a deceived person in the eyes of the immediate surroundings. The reasons of difficulties of detecting this type of frauds are also analyzed. Аccording to the authors, the main reason is an uncomplicated procedure of identifying in electronic payment systems. It should be emphasized the current construction of Para. 3 of Article 190 of the CCU is outdated, because it is not adapted to the realities of the development of technical progress.
The authors give their own practical advices about the prevention of frauds with use electronic payment systems. These advices could help not to become a victim of such an offense. The authors noted about special sites, where a person can find information about the bank, through which the transaction takes place. In conclusion emphasized the need to implement measures to prevent frauds (situational prevention) as well as measures to informing the public about schemes of widespread frauds.

Research paper thumbnail of Організована злочинність у Німеччині та в Україні: порівняльна кримінологічна характеристика / ORGANIZED CRIME IN GERMANY AND IN UKRAINE: COMPARATIVE CRIMINOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS

Проблеми законності, 2007

УДК 343.9.024(4) О.Ю. Шостко, канд.юрид. наук, доцент Національна юридична академія України імені... more УДК 343.9.024(4) О.Ю. Шостко, канд.юрид. наук, доцент Національна юридична академія України імені Ярослава Мудрого, м. Харків ОРГАНІЗОВАНА ЗЛОЧИННІСТЬ У НІМЕЧЧИНІ ТА В УКРАЇНІ: ПОРІВНЯЛЬНА КРИМІНОЛОГІЧНА ХАРАКТЕРИСТИКА У сучасних умовах євроінтеграції важливим є розширення аналітичних знань щодо організованої злочинності та її проявів. Метою даної статті є порівняльний аналіз кримінологічної характеристики організованої злочинності у 2-х країнах, що заповнює певні прогалини щодо цієї проблеми, яка у такому аспекті до цього часу не розглядалась в українській кримінологічній літературі.

Research paper thumbnail of Some Aspects of Situational Prevention of Organized Crime in European Countries/Деякі аспекти ситуаційного запобігання організованій злочинності в європейських країнах

The paper examines current strategies to prevent organized crime, which aim to reduce opportuniti... more The paper examines current strategies to prevent organized crime, which aim to reduce opportunities and increase the risk of being punished for the members of criminal associations. Attention is paid to the role of the private sector and regulatory actions in preventive activities. Several specific components of risk assessment of organized criminal activity are considered.

Research paper thumbnail of Legal Protection of Anti-Corruption Whistleblowers/ ПРАВОВИЙ ЗАХИСТ ВИКРИВАЧІВ КОРУПЦІЙНИХ ПРАВОПОРУШЕНЬ

The author stressed the importance of protecting anti-corruption whistleblowers in Ukraine as an ... more The author stressed the importance of protecting anti-corruption whistleblowers in Ukraine as an important tool to boost people's reporting on corruption сrimes. The official data demonstrate that law enforcement agencies in 2016 detected 1,974 individuals who have committed criminal corruption offences, 2130 cases were sent to courts with indictments, 492 persons were convicted. This amount has decreased by 35% as compared to 2015. Most people are still afraid to inform about law abuse at their workplaces or in educational institutions because of fear of losing their jobs or destroying careers. The author provided analysis of the viewpoint of the Council of Europe and the European Union on these issues. The author further examined certain provisions of domestic laws that declare protection of whistleblowers as well as certain provisions of Draft Bill #4038 "On Whistleblower Protection and Disclosure of Information about Harm or Threat to the Public Interest ". A conclusion was made that there is clear need to adopt a special whistleblower protection law in Ukraine. The author emphasized the importance of joint efforts of civil society organization that united to form the initiative group ‘Initiative 11’ (Ukrainian League of Lawyers for Corruption Combating, Blueprint for Free Speech, Centre for Democracy and Rule of Law, Anti-Corruption Action Centre and Center UA ) for drafting better laws on whistleblower protection and for promoting advocacy company to support approval of the laws.

Research paper thumbnail of СУЧАСНИЙ СТАН ОРГАНІЗОВАНОЇ ЗЛОЧИННОСТІ В УКРАЇНІ/ Current Situation with Organized Crime in Ukraine

The article provides analysis of organized crime in Ukraine for the period from 2006 to 2015. Bas... more The article provides analysis of organized crime in Ukraine for the period from 2006 to 2015. Based on official statistics data it has been revealed that quantitative and qualitative records of crimes, committed by organised groups (OG) and criminal associations (CA), are declining rapidly.

The number of detected OGs and CAs in Ukraine from 2006 to 2015 decreased by 3,5 times, the number of detected criminal individuals decreased threefold. In particular, 466 OGs and CAs were identified in 2006, while in 2015 only 166 were identified.

The number of persons convicted for crimes committed within stable organized structures were as follows: in 2013 – 587 persons, in 2014 – 492 persons and in 2015 – 228 persons. The last figure makes only 0, 2% of the total (both within and outside organized structures) convicted persons in 2015.

In overall the law enforcement agencies identified the following number of OGs and CAs with transnational links in resent years: in 2014 – ten, in 2015 – four, in 10 months in 2016 – four. On average, a criminal group consists of four members. According to official records, during the period of 2014-2015 not a single gram of cocaine and heroin has been confiscated.

The author observed a research of victimologist Jan van Dijk, which demonstrated that in 2003 Ukraine was among 15 countries with the highest levels of organized crime (Composite Organized Crime Index – COCI). Emphasis was made on the limitations of official statistics which does not always adequately reflect the actual level of organized crime.

The aforementioned statistics for the past 10 years reflect the inefficiency of law enforcement agencies in identifying undercover, disguised criminal activity. The author explains the situation by various factors, among them one of the most important is corruption in law enforcement agencies. Comprehensive studies of organized crime latency is suggested to be conducted at the state level.


International Conference ‘Combating Organised Crime and Corruption in the Context of Armed Conflict: Experience and Prospects’ on the occasion of the 5th anniversary of the establishment of the Strategic Investigations Department of the National Police of Ukraine, Nov 2024

In my presentation at the conference, I outlined five key factors that hindering the effective fi... more In my presentation at the conference, I outlined five key factors that hindering the effective fight against modern organised crime in Ukraine: neglect of primary crime prevention; separation of the state policy of fighting organised crime from the policy of fighting corruption; newly created anti-corruption institutions and law enforcement agencies are not 'sharpened' to search and detect organised crime networks; lack of a clear understanding of the nature of organised crime in Ukraine; searching for the 'main evil' in 'thieves in law' rather than in the criminal business, whose participants mainly commit economic crimes, the profits of which are converted into positions in various state structures and local governments.
У своїх тезах доповіді, представленої на конференції, я окреслила п’ять ключових обставин, які заважають ефективно протидіяти сучасній організованій злочинності в Україні: нехтування загальносоціальним запобіганням, виокремлення державної політики протидії організованій злочинності від антикорупційної політики, новостворені антикорупційні інституції та правоохоронні органи не «заточені» на пошук і виявлення організованих злочинних мереж, відсутність чіткого уявлення про те, в чому полягає сутність організованої злочинності в Україні, пошук «основного зла» саме у «злодіях в законі», а не в кримінальному бізнесі, учасники якого вчиняють переважно економічні злочини, прибутки від яких конвертуються у посади в різних державних структурах та органахмісцевого самоврядування.


Research paper thumbnail of Defining and registering criminal offences and measures

Göttinger Studien zu den Kriminalwissenschaften, 2010

The study and this publication would also not have been possible without the work and assistance ... more The study and this publication would also not have been possible without the work and assistance by many researchers, statisticians and officials across Europe. The authors and editors are grateful for their invaluable contribution to this project. Especially, we owe gratitude to our national correspondents, to the project steering group members and the observers taking part in our meetings, the conference and our discussions. The questionnaire developed by the European Sourcebook group has been discussed with and answered by the following national correspondents:

Research paper thumbnail of Biological and Psychological Theories of Juveniles Delinquency in the United States

Theory and practice of jurisprudence, 2015


The paper is devoted to practical aspects of the fight against corruption at the State Migration ... more The paper is devoted to practical aspects of the fight against corruption at the State Migration Service of Ukraine, particularly, at the procedure of passport issuance.

Research paper thumbnail of Modern trends of world crime

Problems of Legality, 2020

The article describes the spread of crime and its specific classes in the world and in the region... more The article describes the spread of crime and its specific classes in the world and in the regions. It is established that in most countries there is a steady tendency to decrease relative crime rates, first of all, violent crime rates. Over the past 25 years, the homicide rates in the world have been gradually decreasing. At the same time, absolute figures for the number of victims of these crimes are on the rise. According to the UN, the intentional homicide rates in Asia in 2017 are the lowest in the world (2.3 per 100,000 population), the highest rate are in South America (25). In the EU Member States from 2008 to 2017, the number of motor vehicle thefts and assaults has decreased significantly. Although the number of crimes is decreasing, the world community has faced a new configuration of crime. Cybercrime, organized crime, including drug trafficking, is on the rise. These crimes are, for the most part, transnational. In Ukraine, the crime rate increased from 780 per 100,000...

Research paper thumbnail of Організована злочинність: фантом чи реальна загроза?

Юридичний вісник України, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Modern trends of world crime

Problems of Legality, 2020

The article describes the spread of crime and its specific classes in the world and in the region... more The article describes the spread of crime and its specific classes in the world and in the regions. It is established that in most countries there is a steady tendency to decrease relative crime rates, first of all, violent crime rates. Over the past 25 years, the homicide rates in the world have been gradually decreasing. At the same time, absolute figures for the number of victims of these crimes are on the rise. According to the UN, the intentional homicide rates in Asia in 2017 are the lowest in the world (2.3 per 100,000 population), the highest rate are in South America (25). In the EU Member States from 2008 to 2017, the number of motor vehicle thefts and assaults has decreased significantly. Although the number of crimes is decreasing, the world community has faced a new configuration of crime. Cybercrime, organized crime, including drug trafficking, is on the rise. These crimes are, for the most part, transnational. In Ukraine, the crime rate increased from 780 per 100,000 ...


Research paper thumbnail of Current Situation with Organized Crime in Ukraine

Problems of Legality, Dec 15, 2016

Статтю присвячено аналізу стану організованої злочинності в Україні за період 2006-2015 рр. Устан... more Статтю присвячено аналізу стану організованої злочинності в Україні за період 2006-2015 рр. Установлено сталу тенденцію до зменшення основних кількісно-якісних показників, що характеризують діяльність стійких злочинних об'єднань. Вказано на обмеження офіційної статистики щодо адекватного відображення фактичного рівня організованої злочинної діяльності. Запропоновано проведення на державному рівні комплексних досліджень латентності організованої злочинності. Ключові слова: організована злочинність; організована група; злочинна організація; кількісно-якісні показники організованої злочинності; латентність; протидія організованій злочинності. Шостко Е. Ю., доктор юридических наук, профессор кафедры криминологии и уголовно-исполнительного права, Национальный юридический университет имени Ярослава Мудрого,


Legal protection is an essential tool for enabling whistleblowers in Ukraine to report on corrupt... more Legal protection is an essential tool for enabling whistleblowers in Ukraine to report on corruption crimes. Most people are still afraid to publicize abuses of the law at their workplaces or in educational institutions because they fear losing their jobs or destroying their careers. This article briefly analyzes international and domestic legislation on these issues, as well as the positions of the Council of Europe and the European Union. It also discusses the efforts of the civil society organizations that united to form the "Initiative 11" group, which works to draft better whistleblower-protection laws and rally support for these laws. The article concludes that there remains a great need for a comprehensive whistleblower-protection law in Ukraine to facilitate the discovery and prosecution of corruption crimes.

Research paper thumbnail of Modern trends of world crime

Problems of Legality, 2020

The article describes the spread of crime and its specific classes in the world and in the region... more The article describes the spread of crime and its specific classes in the world and in the regions. It is established that in most countries there is a steady tendency to decrease relative crime rates, first of all, violent crime rates.

Over the past 25 years, the homicide rates in the world have been gradually decreasing. At the same time, absolute figures for the number of victims of these crimes are on the rise. According to the UN, the intentional homicide rates in Asia in 2017 are the lowest in the world (2.3 per 100,000 population), the highest rate are in South America (25). In the EU Member States from 2008 to 2017, the number of motor vehicle thefts and assaults has decreased significantly.

Although the number of crimes is decreasing, the world community has faced a new configuration of crime. Cybercrime, organized crime, including drug trafficking, is on the rise. These crimes are, for the most part, transnational.

In Ukraine, the crime rate increased from 780 per 100,000 populations in 1991 to 1054 in 2019. The absolute number of reported crimes in Ukraine in 1991 was 405,516, in 2019 – 444,130. Ukraine's rate of intentional homicide per 100,000 population decreases: 2014 – 10.8, 2015 – 7.5; 2016 – 4.3; 2017 – 3.8; 2018 – 3.6; 2019 – 3.5.

The increase in homicide rates in 2014-2015 is related to Russia's military aggression against Ukraine and the large number of people killed in the hostilities.

The perception of crime depends largely on media coverage of the issue. Public opinion polls show that respondents believe that crime in the country is increasing at the national level even when official data and victim surveys indicate that it is decreasing.

In many countries around the world, official reporting is compared to alternative sources of crime information, including National victimization surveys. Representative victim surveys should be conducted at a national level to verify and supplement official report in Ukraine.

Research paper thumbnail of ПРО ДОЦІЛЬНІСТЬ СТВОРЕННЯ НАЦІОНАЛЬНОЇ СЛУЖБИ РОЗСЛІДУВАНЬ (НСР) В УКРАЇНІ/ The Expediency of Establishment of the National Investigation Service in Ukraine

Legal Ukraine/ Юридична Україна, 2007

Using comparative approaches the article discusses the importance of creating a special state age... more Using comparative approaches the article discusses the importance of creating a special state agency in fighting organized crime .

Research paper thumbnail of The Modern Status and Trends of Detection of Criminal Corruption Offenses in Ukraine

The article is devoted to the consideration of the main quantitative and qualitative statistical ... more The article is devoted to the consideration of the main quantitative and qualitative statistical indicators of the results of activities of law enforcement bodies and courts in detection of corruption offenses for a period from 2014 to 2017 . The annual official data show that 2400 people were exposed in committing criminal corruption offenses in 2017, which is 22% more than in the previous year. The number of persons convicted for committed corruption crimes was as follows: in 2015 - 755, in 2016 – 492 persons, in 2017 the number has increased threefold - to 1692 persons. But only 6% of the perpetrators were imprisoned (107 persons). 50% of corruption cases were penalized by a fine as main punishment.

The author stressed the fact that in 2014-2016 top-ranked state officials and civil servants of 1-2 categories (the highest group) were not convicted for corruption criminal offenses. 2 civil servants of this category were convicted in 2017. For the mentioned term of time, no member of Verkhovna Rada was convicted of criminal corruption offenses either. Damages caused by criminal corruption offenses (after criminal proceedings finished by investigation) amounted to 16, 329 billion UAH (approximately 142,36 million Euros). Damages repaid amounted to 312,5 million UAH, which is approximately 2% of the total amount of material damages. Finally, we conclude that the system of criminal justice cannot adequately detect, investigate, and prosecute corrupt officials since the system is just as corrupt as other state institutions. Despite the proclaimed and partly implemented reforms, the self-cleaning of law enforcement agencies from corrupt officials did not take place. Subjects of political corruption remain untouched. The official statistics show a distorted "picture of the fight" with criminal corruption offenses, which are almost entirely in a latent state.

Research paper thumbnail of Закон РІКО – ефективний засіб боротьби з організованою злочинністю в США

Статтю присвячено аналізу положень Закону про організації, що діють під впливом рекету і корупці... more Статтю присвячено аналізу положень Закону про організації, що діють під впливом рекету і корупції, наголошено на необхідності вивчення й урахування американського досвіду при реформуванні законодавства України.

Research paper thumbnail of Frauds with Use of Electronic Payment Systems: the Schemes and the Ways of Prevention / ШАХРАЙСТВО З ВИКОРИСТАННЯМ ЕЛЕКТРОННИХ ПЛАТІЖНИХ СИСТЕМ: СХЕМИ ТА ШЛЯХИ ЗАПОБІГАННЯ

The article is devoted to the latest method of committing frauds – by use of electronic payment... more The article is devoted to the latest method of committing frauds – by use of electronic payment systems. The authors provided official statistical data of the total number of crimes under Article 190 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine - “Fraud”, and the number of crimes under Para. 3 of Article 190 of the Criminal Code – “Fraud by Use of Electronic Payment Transaction” (45 735 and 3578 respectively). The total number of frauds has increased by 8 times in 2016 as compared with 1990.
The authors proposes their view as to the reasons of high latency of this crime. Among them are distrust in law enforcement bodies efficiency and reluctance to look like a deceived person in the eyes of the immediate surroundings. The reasons of difficulties of detecting this type of frauds are also analyzed. Аccording to the authors, the main reason is an uncomplicated procedure of identifying in electronic payment systems. It should be emphasized the current construction of Para. 3 of Article 190 of the CCU is outdated, because it is not adapted to the realities of the development of technical progress.
The authors give their own practical advices about the prevention of frauds with use electronic payment systems. These advices could help not to become a victim of such an offense. The authors noted about special sites, where a person can find information about the bank, through which the transaction takes place. In conclusion emphasized the need to implement measures to prevent frauds (situational prevention) as well as measures to informing the public about schemes of widespread frauds.

Research paper thumbnail of Організована злочинність у Німеччині та в Україні: порівняльна кримінологічна характеристика / ORGANIZED CRIME IN GERMANY AND IN UKRAINE: COMPARATIVE CRIMINOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS

Проблеми законності, 2007

УДК 343.9.024(4) О.Ю. Шостко, канд.юрид. наук, доцент Національна юридична академія України імені... more УДК 343.9.024(4) О.Ю. Шостко, канд.юрид. наук, доцент Національна юридична академія України імені Ярослава Мудрого, м. Харків ОРГАНІЗОВАНА ЗЛОЧИННІСТЬ У НІМЕЧЧИНІ ТА В УКРАЇНІ: ПОРІВНЯЛЬНА КРИМІНОЛОГІЧНА ХАРАКТЕРИСТИКА У сучасних умовах євроінтеграції важливим є розширення аналітичних знань щодо організованої злочинності та її проявів. Метою даної статті є порівняльний аналіз кримінологічної характеристики організованої злочинності у 2-х країнах, що заповнює певні прогалини щодо цієї проблеми, яка у такому аспекті до цього часу не розглядалась в українській кримінологічній літературі.

Research paper thumbnail of Some Aspects of Situational Prevention of Organized Crime in European Countries/Деякі аспекти ситуаційного запобігання організованій злочинності в європейських країнах

The paper examines current strategies to prevent organized crime, which aim to reduce opportuniti... more The paper examines current strategies to prevent organized crime, which aim to reduce opportunities and increase the risk of being punished for the members of criminal associations. Attention is paid to the role of the private sector and regulatory actions in preventive activities. Several specific components of risk assessment of organized criminal activity are considered.

Research paper thumbnail of Legal Protection of Anti-Corruption Whistleblowers/ ПРАВОВИЙ ЗАХИСТ ВИКРИВАЧІВ КОРУПЦІЙНИХ ПРАВОПОРУШЕНЬ

The author stressed the importance of protecting anti-corruption whistleblowers in Ukraine as an ... more The author stressed the importance of protecting anti-corruption whistleblowers in Ukraine as an important tool to boost people's reporting on corruption сrimes. The official data demonstrate that law enforcement agencies in 2016 detected 1,974 individuals who have committed criminal corruption offences, 2130 cases were sent to courts with indictments, 492 persons were convicted. This amount has decreased by 35% as compared to 2015. Most people are still afraid to inform about law abuse at their workplaces or in educational institutions because of fear of losing their jobs or destroying careers. The author provided analysis of the viewpoint of the Council of Europe and the European Union on these issues. The author further examined certain provisions of domestic laws that declare protection of whistleblowers as well as certain provisions of Draft Bill #4038 "On Whistleblower Protection and Disclosure of Information about Harm or Threat to the Public Interest ". A conclusion was made that there is clear need to adopt a special whistleblower protection law in Ukraine. The author emphasized the importance of joint efforts of civil society organization that united to form the initiative group ‘Initiative 11’ (Ukrainian League of Lawyers for Corruption Combating, Blueprint for Free Speech, Centre for Democracy and Rule of Law, Anti-Corruption Action Centre and Center UA ) for drafting better laws on whistleblower protection and for promoting advocacy company to support approval of the laws.

Research paper thumbnail of СУЧАСНИЙ СТАН ОРГАНІЗОВАНОЇ ЗЛОЧИННОСТІ В УКРАЇНІ/ Current Situation with Organized Crime in Ukraine

The article provides analysis of organized crime in Ukraine for the period from 2006 to 2015. Bas... more The article provides analysis of organized crime in Ukraine for the period from 2006 to 2015. Based on official statistics data it has been revealed that quantitative and qualitative records of crimes, committed by organised groups (OG) and criminal associations (CA), are declining rapidly.

The number of detected OGs and CAs in Ukraine from 2006 to 2015 decreased by 3,5 times, the number of detected criminal individuals decreased threefold. In particular, 466 OGs and CAs were identified in 2006, while in 2015 only 166 were identified.

The number of persons convicted for crimes committed within stable organized structures were as follows: in 2013 – 587 persons, in 2014 – 492 persons and in 2015 – 228 persons. The last figure makes only 0, 2% of the total (both within and outside organized structures) convicted persons in 2015.

In overall the law enforcement agencies identified the following number of OGs and CAs with transnational links in resent years: in 2014 – ten, in 2015 – four, in 10 months in 2016 – four. On average, a criminal group consists of four members. According to official records, during the period of 2014-2015 not a single gram of cocaine and heroin has been confiscated.

The author observed a research of victimologist Jan van Dijk, which demonstrated that in 2003 Ukraine was among 15 countries with the highest levels of organized crime (Composite Organized Crime Index – COCI). Emphasis was made on the limitations of official statistics which does not always adequately reflect the actual level of organized crime.

The aforementioned statistics for the past 10 years reflect the inefficiency of law enforcement agencies in identifying undercover, disguised criminal activity. The author explains the situation by various factors, among them one of the most important is corruption in law enforcement agencies. Comprehensive studies of organized crime latency is suggested to be conducted at the state level.


КРИМІНАЛЬНЕ ПРАВО В УМОВАХ ГЛОБАЛІЗАЦІЇ СУСПІЛЬНИХ ПРОЦЕСІВ: ТРАДИЦІЇ ТА НОВАЦІЇ:Матеріали міжнародного науково-практичного круглого столу, присвяченого пам’яті академіка В. В. Сташиса, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Деякі питання протидії політичній корупції в Україні


V Міжнародна науково-практична конференція "Правові та кримінологічні засади протидії корупції"

Шостко Олена Юріївна, доктор юридичних наук, професор, професор кафедри кримінології та криміналь... more Шостко Олена Юріївна, доктор юридичних наук, професор, професор кафедри кримінології та кримінальновиконавчого права Національного юридичного університету імені Ярослава Мудрого Подільчак Ольга Миколаївна, кандидат юридичних наук, доцент, професор кафедри кримінального права, кримінології та кримінально-виконавчого права Національної академії прокуратури України ПРАКТИЧНІ АСПЕКТИ ПРОТИДІЇ КОРУПЦІЙНИМ ПРАВОПОРУШЕННЯМ ПРИ НАДАННІ АДМІНІСТРАТИВНИХ ПОСЛУГ ПІДРОЗДІЛАМИ ДМС УКРАЇНИ Корупція є основним гальмуючим фактором у розвитку української держави. Нею охоплена і державна, і приватна сфери. Відсутність реальних і комплексних реформ, перш за все, у державних інститутах, призводить до їх стагнації і продовженя корупційних практик. Не є виключенням і Державна міграційна служба України, яка надає адміністративні послуги у паспортнореєстраційній сфері. Істотна їх частина (оформлення документа громадянина України для виїзду за кордон, посвідки на проживання, оформлення запрошення на в'їзд іноземців та осіб без громадянства тощо) надається споживачам через посередницькі комерційні організації (туристичні агенції, консалтингові, юридичні фірми).


Шостко Олена Юріївна, професор кафедри кримінології та кримінально-виконавчого права Національног... more Шостко Олена Юріївна, професор кафедри кримінології та кримінально-виконавчого права Національного юридичного університету імені Ярослава Мудрого, доктор юридичних наук, професор ЩОДО ПИТАННЯ НАГАЛЬНОСТІ ПРИЙНЯТТЯ ЗАКОНУ УКРАЇНИ «ПРО ЗАХИСТ ВИКРИВАЧІВ І РОЗКРИТТЯ ІНФОРМАЦІЇ ПРО ШКОДУ АБО ЗАГРОЗУ СУСПІЛЬНИМ ІНТЕРЕСАМ» Корупція залишається невирішеною проблемою для України. Згідно результатів опитування, проведеного у вересні-жовтні 2017 р, центром аналізу та соціологічних досліджень Міжнародного республіканського інституту (IRI), США, 46% українців називають корупцію в державному секторі головною проблемою для держави [1].

Research paper thumbnail of Проблемні питання протидії організованій злочинності в Україні

Сучасна кримінологія: досягнення, проблеми, перспективи : матеріали Міжнар. наук. конф., присвяч. 50-річчю каф. кримінології та кримінально-виконавчого права

Research paper thumbnail of Defining and Registering Criminal Offences and Measures: Standards for a European Comparison

Defining and Registering Criminal Offences and Measures: Standards for a European Comparison, 2010

The study presented in this book is a direct response to the needs for defining and registering c... more The study presented in this book is a direct response to the needs for defining and registering criminal and judicial data on the European level. Based upon work done by the European Sourcebook experts’ group in creating the European Sourcebook of Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics (ESB), the project intended to improve and complement the standards developed so far for definitions and statistical registration in four fields, in order to contribute to the picture of criminal justice in Europe. It utilized questionnaires filled by an established European network.
Possibilities to improve the offence definitions used so far in the ESB context were explored. Also, further crime types, especially those subject to EU-harmonized definition, were tested and introduced. Based on the results of recent projects of one of the editors (Jörg-Martin Jehle), the prosecution chapter of the ESB questionnaire was changed and expanded. Data collection possibilities regarding compulsory measures in the investigatory stage were tested, and a more sophisticated approach for recording sanctions and measures had been developed, as well as for prison data.
As overarching issues, ways to collect data on pretrial detention and its surrogates and on aliens stemming from EU member states compared to those from other states were sought. The study explored how far national statistics can provide such data and developed a concept for collation on European level. The offence definitions and data collection instruments introduced and revised during the course of this project were tested and most of them were – albeit modified sometimes – included in the 4th edition ESB questionnaire. Thus, the 4th edition ESB is based on a questionnaire developed during this project. The ESB is published in parallel to this book (Aebi et al, European Sourcebook of Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics-2010, 4th edition, The Hague: Boom).