Aleksandra Łozińska - (original) (raw)

Papers by Aleksandra Łozińska

Research paper thumbnail of “How Did you Go about Saving a City? She Googled it”: Urban Fantasy Cities as Communities of Citizens

The Palgrave Handbook of Global Fantasy, 2023

The chapter discusses the sub-genre of urban fantasy. The essay focuses on the organization of ur... more The chapter discusses the sub-genre of urban fantasy. The essay focuses on the organization of urban communities within it, highlighting the generally marginal presence of official government structures, replaced instead with a proliferation of other agents influencing the fate of the cities: fantastic societies with alternative hierarchies, laws, institutions etc.; supernatural beings, including animate elements of the metropolises themselves; and criminals. The protagonists also tend to be very active in the urban life, which stems from two most popular urban fantasy plot models: fighting to “save” the city and investigative work. Combined, those two tropes make cities in the sub-genre appear as inherently heterogenous sites of conflict and negotiation between various actors, while positively valuing individual engagement in the life of local (urban) community. The chapter argues that urban fantasy’s very structure works to facilitate such message.

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Research paper thumbnail of Criticism or naturalisation? : British imperialism in Jonathan Stroud’s Bartimaeus "Trilogy

Tekst poświęcony jest przedstawieniu brytyjskiego imperializmu w Trylogii Bartimaeusa Jonathana S... more Tekst poświęcony jest przedstawieniu brytyjskiego imperializmu w Trylogii Bartimaeusa Jonathana Strouda. Analizie poddane zostają sposoby problematyzowania poszczególnych aspektów polityki mocarstwowej: struktury społecznej prowadzącego ją kraju, wytwarzania przez niego Innych, propagandy, kultury symbolicznej. Pozornie powieści w dużej mierze poświęcone są właśnie krytyce imperializmu - przeprowadzona interpretacja stanowi jednak propozycję odczytania ich jako imperializm naturalizujących.Article is dedicated to the depiction of british imperialism in Jonathan Stroud’s Bartimaeus Trilogy. Subject to analisis are the ways of problematisation of the superpower politics aspects: social structure of the country running it, creation of Others, propaganda and symbolic culture. At first glance the novels are dedicated in great deal to criticism of said imperialism - conducted interpretation however is a proposal of reading them as normalising it

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Research paper thumbnail of A gaze shaping the space : (re)writing London in Ben Aaronovitch’s Peter Grant series

Celem artykułu jest analiza sposobu, w jaki Ben Aaronovitch w serii urban fantasy o Peterze Granc... more Celem artykułu jest analiza sposobu, w jaki Ben Aaronovitch w serii urban fantasy o Peterze Grancie przepisuje rzeczywistą przestrzeń współczesnego Londynu na przestrzeń literacką. Pod uwagę wzięte zostały szczególnie trzy spośród aspektów tego procesu: włączanie w obręb świata przedstawionego reprezentacji istniejących miejsc, przedstawianie przestrzeni społecznej brytyjskiej stolicy i - wreszcie - nadawanie przestrzeni literackiej metropolii cech fantastycznych. Sfunkcjonalizowanie tych przeplatających się wątków umożliwiane jest przez prowadzenie narracji z perspektywy bohatera o specyficznej optyce: detektywa uczącego się magii, amatorsko zainteresowanego architekturą, należącego do mniejszości etnicznej i związanego z klasą pracującą. W rezultacie seria stanowi przykład wykorzystania instrumentarium literatury gatunkowej do wieloaspektowej refleksji nad przestrzenią wielkiego miasta, problematyzującej jej pozornie oczywiste aspekty.The aim of the article is to analyze the way i...

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Research paper thumbnail of Komizm w kulturze popularnej : funkcje, interpretacje, kontrowersje

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Research paper thumbnail of Porażka uwielbia towarzystwo" : wspólnotowość "Magicals Anonymous" Kate Griffin

The aim of the article is to consider some aspects of the means to which Kate Griffin uses humor ... more The aim of the article is to consider some aspects of the means to which Kate Griffin uses humor in her Magicals Anonymous urban fantasy series. The characters creation and depictions of the actions they undertake to fight off the dangers to their city were analyzed. It was concluded that Griffin uses the comical characteristics to appreciate the agency of ordinary people and actions, and points out collectivity as a key aspect of alternative perceptions of success, with accordance to Jack Halberstam’s queer art of failure theory.

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Research paper thumbnail of Urban fantasy

Zagadnienia Rodzajów Literackich

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Research paper thumbnail of Urban fantasy

"Zagadnienia Rodzajów Literackich", 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of „Porażka uwielbia towarzystwo” – wspólnotowość Magicals Anonymous Kate Griffin

“Failure Loves Company” – The Collectivity of Kate Griffin’s Magicals Anonymous, 2020

The aim of the article is to consider some aspects of the means to which Kate Griffin uses humo... more The aim of the article is to consider some aspects of the means to which Kate Griffin uses humor in her Magicals Anonymous urban fantasy series. The characters creation and depictions of the actions they undertake to fight off the dangers to their city were analyzed. It was concluded that Griffin uses the comical characteristics to appreciate the agency of ordinary people and actions, and points out collectivity as a key aspect of alternative perceptions of success, with accordance to Jack Halberstam’s
queer art of failure theory.

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Research paper thumbnail of Dlaczego retelling?

"Retelling: strategie przestrzenne", red. Dominika Ciesielska, Magdalena Kozyra, Aleksandra Łozińska, Kraków 2019,, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Spojrzenie kształtujące przestrzeń – opowiadanie Londynu w cyklu Bena Aaronovitcha o Peterze Grancie

"Retelling: strategie przestrzenne", red. Dominika Ciesielska, Magdalena Kozyra, Aleksandra Łozińska, Kraków 2019,, 2019

The aim of the article is to analyze the way in which Ben Aaronovitch rewrites the real London’s ... more The aim of the article is to analyze the way in which Ben Aaronovitch rewrites the real London’s space to a literary one in his urban fantasy Peter Grant series. Three aspects of this process are the main focus: inclusion of actual locations’ representations in the world depicted, the portrayal of British capital’s social space, and the addition of a fantastic dimension to a literary metropolis. Functionalization of those intertwining threads is made possible by leading the narrative from the perspective of a specific protagonist: a detective studying magic, who is also interested in the architecture, and is a member of an ethnic minority strongly linked to the working class. As a result the series is an example of using genre literature’s instruments to create a multi-faced cogitation on the big city’s space, problematizing its seemingly obvious aspects.

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Research paper thumbnail of Ludzie (i) rzeczy – pasożytniczy konsumpcjonizm w "Córce żelaznego smoka" i "Smokach Babel" Michaela Swanwicka

"Oblicza przedmiotów", red. Marta Błaszkowska, Katarzyna Bolęba-Bocheńska, Kraków 2019, , 2019

The aim of the article is to analyze a peculiar creation of subjectivity in two fantasy novels by... more The aim of the article is to analyze a peculiar creation of subjectivity in two fantasy novels by Michael Swanwick: The Iron Dragon’s Daughter and The Dragons of Babel. Subject to interpretation were anthropomorphism of inanimate objects, reification of characters of ontologically ambiguous beings recurring both in the narrative and in the world depicted. Swanwick describes here a world where boundaries of all beings as well as relationships between them are fluent. However, as a result he creates not an egalitarian community, but a cruel collective of mutually exploiting figures, that can be understood as a hyper-bolic criticism of contemporary consumption.

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Research paper thumbnail of Subwersywny potencjał wypartego: miejscy wykluczeni w "Nigdziebądź" Neila Gaimana, "LonNiedynie" Chiny Miéville’a i "Wizard of the Pigeons" Megan Lindholm

Narracje fantastyczne, red. Ksenia Olkusz, Krzysztof M. Maj, Kraków 2017., 2017

Subversive Potential of the Repressed: Municipal Excluded in Neil Gaiman’s "Neverwhere", China Mi... more Subversive Potential of the Repressed: Municipal Excluded in Neil Gaiman’s "Neverwhere", China Miéville’s "Un Lun Dun", and Megan Lindholm’s "Wizard of the Pigeons"

The article analyses the ways in which the authors of these novels refer to the issues of contemporary cities and the marginalization that occurs
within them. The fantastic worlds created in these works are marked by much different constructs. These constructs include binary divisions of cities into official parts that converge with commercial images of the cities and areas hidden from the perspective of the former. These areas are built of redundant matter, inhabited by people marginalized in their own society and governed by practices that deviate from the confines
of the official city narratives. This chapter expounds on the ways that these constructs allow for the re-evaluation of marginalized groups and elements (places, objects, fragments of history). Furthermore, methods of opposing exclusionary practices are included by penning subversive practices for the use of urban areas; and—in the case of Gaiman’s and Miéville’s works—by addressing the subject of economic stratification
among the inhabitants of London (where metropolitan prosperity is dependent on citizens on the fringes of the social hierarchy). All three novels include characters whose lives are set outside of the mundane culture of consumerism (the life-source of all cities. Their social status becomes an exclusionary barrier to the circle of consumers around them. Thus the author approaches these threads as a type of project in
flânerie (in contrast to the common understanding of his contemporaries) while maintaining its relevant critical potential. Against all odds and hardships, the situation of the protagonists is transformed into a positive, beneficial experience by bestowing upon them certain privileges, access to places and the ability to commit practices that
are unattainable to the people living within the official sphere of the metropolis / social order. This aligns with the Bell-Hook margin theory therefore it will serve as the looking glass for the analysis of this subject matter.

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Research paper thumbnail of Od subiektywnej topografii po mitologię narodową - miasto oniryczne w "Chochołach" Wita Szostaka

„Maska” 2016, nr 30., 2016

From a subjective topography to the national mythology – an oneiric city in Wit Szostak’s "Chocho... more From a subjective topography to the national mythology – an oneiric city in Wit Szostak’s "Chochoły"

The article analyses the role of fantasy and the dream in Wit Szostak’s "Chochoły". These motifs recur in the novel on the plot level and as the elements of the world’s construction. Seen from the main characters perspective, Kraków undergoes a fantastical metamorphosis related to the events in the man’s life – the city’s image is therefore an example of the literary representation of a private urban topography. The primacy of the latter leads to the creation (both in character’s reality as well as in his dreams) of many different Krakóws, multitude of which can be
interpreted as a tool for solving biographical problems and as a metaphorical expression of coping with one’s experience of living in a metropolis which overwhelms one with its multifaceted redundancy. Furthermore, in the novel Kraków functions as a metonymy of Poland, thus it becomes a lead to actuating another way to understanding of dreams/lethargy: the mulch dance, setting the city in the sphere of national mythology.

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Research paper thumbnail of Krytyka czy naturalizacja? Brytyjski imperializm w Trylogii Bartimaeusa Jonathana Strouda

Dyskursy imperiów, red. M. Nawrocki, Kraków 2018., 2018

Criticism or Naturalisation? British Imperialism in Jonathan Stroud’s Bartimaeus Trilogy Article... more Criticism or Naturalisation? British Imperialism in Jonathan Stroud’s Bartimaeus Trilogy

Article is dedicated to the depiction of british imperialism in Jonathan Stroud’s Bartimaeus Trilogy. Subject to analisis are the ways of problematisation of the superpower politics aspects: social structure of the country running it, creation of Others, propaganda and symbolic culture. At first glance the novels are dedicated in great deal to criticism of said imperialism – conducted interpretation however is a proposal of reading them as normalising it.

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Research paper thumbnail of „Of course, he wants to become a character” – autokreacja Neila Gaimana

Artyst(k)a: obecność i tożsamość, red. M. Popiel, K. Węgrzyn, M. Kuster, Kraków 2018., 2018

“Of course, he wants to become a character” – Neil Gaiman’s Autocreation The aim of the text is ... more “Of course, he wants to become a character” – Neil Gaiman’s Autocreation

The aim of the text is to analyze Neil Gaiman’s public image in conjunction with the (declared) autobiographic dimension of his texts. His works, especially those belonging to the literature and comic books fields, as well as his media opinions and public activity were examined. Out of those strongly connected areas of his life, there emerges a consistent image of both an author figure and of Gaiman himself. Albeit fictional, his works can be seen as the means of both expression and construction of his identity.

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Research paper thumbnail of “If I can’t heal from my art, then how can you heal”? Muzyka zespołu Tool jako instrument terapeutyczny

MUTE: Muzyka/Uniwersytet/Technologia/Emocje. Studia nad muzyką popularną, red. A. Juszczyk, K. Sierzputowski, S. Papier, N. Giemza, Kraków 2017, 2017

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Books by Aleksandra Łozińska

Research paper thumbnail of Komizm w kulturze popularnej

Komizm w kulturze popularnej. Funkcje, interpretacje, kontrowersje, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Retelling: strategie przestrzenne

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Seria monograficzna "Perspektywy Ponowoczesności" by Aleksandra Łozińska

Research paper thumbnail of Narracje fantastyczne

Perspektywy Ponowoczesności, 2017

Książka "Narracje fantastyczne" pod redakcją Kseni Olkusz i Krzysztofa M. Ma­ja jest piątym tomem... more Książka "Narracje fantastyczne" pod redakcją Kseni Olkusz i Krzysztofa M. Ma­ja jest piątym tomem serii „Perspektywy Ponowoczesności”, zbierającym na blis­ko siedmiuset stronach trzydzieści tekstów nau­kowych rozpatrujących szeroko po­jętą fantastykę z perspektywy ponowoczesnej, trans­dyscyplinarnej i światocentrycz­nej zarazem.

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Książki wydane (pracownia WIELE KROPEK) by Aleksandra Łozińska

Research paper thumbnail of Retelling: strategie przestrzenne

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Research paper thumbnail of “How Did you Go about Saving a City? She Googled it”: Urban Fantasy Cities as Communities of Citizens

The Palgrave Handbook of Global Fantasy, 2023

The chapter discusses the sub-genre of urban fantasy. The essay focuses on the organization of ur... more The chapter discusses the sub-genre of urban fantasy. The essay focuses on the organization of urban communities within it, highlighting the generally marginal presence of official government structures, replaced instead with a proliferation of other agents influencing the fate of the cities: fantastic societies with alternative hierarchies, laws, institutions etc.; supernatural beings, including animate elements of the metropolises themselves; and criminals. The protagonists also tend to be very active in the urban life, which stems from two most popular urban fantasy plot models: fighting to “save” the city and investigative work. Combined, those two tropes make cities in the sub-genre appear as inherently heterogenous sites of conflict and negotiation between various actors, while positively valuing individual engagement in the life of local (urban) community. The chapter argues that urban fantasy’s very structure works to facilitate such message.

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Research paper thumbnail of Criticism or naturalisation? : British imperialism in Jonathan Stroud’s Bartimaeus "Trilogy

Tekst poświęcony jest przedstawieniu brytyjskiego imperializmu w Trylogii Bartimaeusa Jonathana S... more Tekst poświęcony jest przedstawieniu brytyjskiego imperializmu w Trylogii Bartimaeusa Jonathana Strouda. Analizie poddane zostają sposoby problematyzowania poszczególnych aspektów polityki mocarstwowej: struktury społecznej prowadzącego ją kraju, wytwarzania przez niego Innych, propagandy, kultury symbolicznej. Pozornie powieści w dużej mierze poświęcone są właśnie krytyce imperializmu - przeprowadzona interpretacja stanowi jednak propozycję odczytania ich jako imperializm naturalizujących.Article is dedicated to the depiction of british imperialism in Jonathan Stroud’s Bartimaeus Trilogy. Subject to analisis are the ways of problematisation of the superpower politics aspects: social structure of the country running it, creation of Others, propaganda and symbolic culture. At first glance the novels are dedicated in great deal to criticism of said imperialism - conducted interpretation however is a proposal of reading them as normalising it

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Research paper thumbnail of A gaze shaping the space : (re)writing London in Ben Aaronovitch’s Peter Grant series

Celem artykułu jest analiza sposobu, w jaki Ben Aaronovitch w serii urban fantasy o Peterze Granc... more Celem artykułu jest analiza sposobu, w jaki Ben Aaronovitch w serii urban fantasy o Peterze Grancie przepisuje rzeczywistą przestrzeń współczesnego Londynu na przestrzeń literacką. Pod uwagę wzięte zostały szczególnie trzy spośród aspektów tego procesu: włączanie w obręb świata przedstawionego reprezentacji istniejących miejsc, przedstawianie przestrzeni społecznej brytyjskiej stolicy i - wreszcie - nadawanie przestrzeni literackiej metropolii cech fantastycznych. Sfunkcjonalizowanie tych przeplatających się wątków umożliwiane jest przez prowadzenie narracji z perspektywy bohatera o specyficznej optyce: detektywa uczącego się magii, amatorsko zainteresowanego architekturą, należącego do mniejszości etnicznej i związanego z klasą pracującą. W rezultacie seria stanowi przykład wykorzystania instrumentarium literatury gatunkowej do wieloaspektowej refleksji nad przestrzenią wielkiego miasta, problematyzującej jej pozornie oczywiste aspekty.The aim of the article is to analyze the way i...

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Research paper thumbnail of Komizm w kulturze popularnej : funkcje, interpretacje, kontrowersje

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Research paper thumbnail of Porażka uwielbia towarzystwo" : wspólnotowość "Magicals Anonymous" Kate Griffin

The aim of the article is to consider some aspects of the means to which Kate Griffin uses humor ... more The aim of the article is to consider some aspects of the means to which Kate Griffin uses humor in her Magicals Anonymous urban fantasy series. The characters creation and depictions of the actions they undertake to fight off the dangers to their city were analyzed. It was concluded that Griffin uses the comical characteristics to appreciate the agency of ordinary people and actions, and points out collectivity as a key aspect of alternative perceptions of success, with accordance to Jack Halberstam’s queer art of failure theory.

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Research paper thumbnail of Urban fantasy

Zagadnienia Rodzajów Literackich

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Research paper thumbnail of Urban fantasy

"Zagadnienia Rodzajów Literackich", 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of „Porażka uwielbia towarzystwo” – wspólnotowość Magicals Anonymous Kate Griffin

“Failure Loves Company” – The Collectivity of Kate Griffin’s Magicals Anonymous, 2020

The aim of the article is to consider some aspects of the means to which Kate Griffin uses humo... more The aim of the article is to consider some aspects of the means to which Kate Griffin uses humor in her Magicals Anonymous urban fantasy series. The characters creation and depictions of the actions they undertake to fight off the dangers to their city were analyzed. It was concluded that Griffin uses the comical characteristics to appreciate the agency of ordinary people and actions, and points out collectivity as a key aspect of alternative perceptions of success, with accordance to Jack Halberstam’s
queer art of failure theory.

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Research paper thumbnail of Dlaczego retelling?

"Retelling: strategie przestrzenne", red. Dominika Ciesielska, Magdalena Kozyra, Aleksandra Łozińska, Kraków 2019,, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Spojrzenie kształtujące przestrzeń – opowiadanie Londynu w cyklu Bena Aaronovitcha o Peterze Grancie

"Retelling: strategie przestrzenne", red. Dominika Ciesielska, Magdalena Kozyra, Aleksandra Łozińska, Kraków 2019,, 2019

The aim of the article is to analyze the way in which Ben Aaronovitch rewrites the real London’s ... more The aim of the article is to analyze the way in which Ben Aaronovitch rewrites the real London’s space to a literary one in his urban fantasy Peter Grant series. Three aspects of this process are the main focus: inclusion of actual locations’ representations in the world depicted, the portrayal of British capital’s social space, and the addition of a fantastic dimension to a literary metropolis. Functionalization of those intertwining threads is made possible by leading the narrative from the perspective of a specific protagonist: a detective studying magic, who is also interested in the architecture, and is a member of an ethnic minority strongly linked to the working class. As a result the series is an example of using genre literature’s instruments to create a multi-faced cogitation on the big city’s space, problematizing its seemingly obvious aspects.

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Research paper thumbnail of Ludzie (i) rzeczy – pasożytniczy konsumpcjonizm w "Córce żelaznego smoka" i "Smokach Babel" Michaela Swanwicka

"Oblicza przedmiotów", red. Marta Błaszkowska, Katarzyna Bolęba-Bocheńska, Kraków 2019, , 2019

The aim of the article is to analyze a peculiar creation of subjectivity in two fantasy novels by... more The aim of the article is to analyze a peculiar creation of subjectivity in two fantasy novels by Michael Swanwick: The Iron Dragon’s Daughter and The Dragons of Babel. Subject to interpretation were anthropomorphism of inanimate objects, reification of characters of ontologically ambiguous beings recurring both in the narrative and in the world depicted. Swanwick describes here a world where boundaries of all beings as well as relationships between them are fluent. However, as a result he creates not an egalitarian community, but a cruel collective of mutually exploiting figures, that can be understood as a hyper-bolic criticism of contemporary consumption.

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Research paper thumbnail of Subwersywny potencjał wypartego: miejscy wykluczeni w "Nigdziebądź" Neila Gaimana, "LonNiedynie" Chiny Miéville’a i "Wizard of the Pigeons" Megan Lindholm

Narracje fantastyczne, red. Ksenia Olkusz, Krzysztof M. Maj, Kraków 2017., 2017

Subversive Potential of the Repressed: Municipal Excluded in Neil Gaiman’s "Neverwhere", China Mi... more Subversive Potential of the Repressed: Municipal Excluded in Neil Gaiman’s "Neverwhere", China Miéville’s "Un Lun Dun", and Megan Lindholm’s "Wizard of the Pigeons"

The article analyses the ways in which the authors of these novels refer to the issues of contemporary cities and the marginalization that occurs
within them. The fantastic worlds created in these works are marked by much different constructs. These constructs include binary divisions of cities into official parts that converge with commercial images of the cities and areas hidden from the perspective of the former. These areas are built of redundant matter, inhabited by people marginalized in their own society and governed by practices that deviate from the confines
of the official city narratives. This chapter expounds on the ways that these constructs allow for the re-evaluation of marginalized groups and elements (places, objects, fragments of history). Furthermore, methods of opposing exclusionary practices are included by penning subversive practices for the use of urban areas; and—in the case of Gaiman’s and Miéville’s works—by addressing the subject of economic stratification
among the inhabitants of London (where metropolitan prosperity is dependent on citizens on the fringes of the social hierarchy). All three novels include characters whose lives are set outside of the mundane culture of consumerism (the life-source of all cities. Their social status becomes an exclusionary barrier to the circle of consumers around them. Thus the author approaches these threads as a type of project in
flânerie (in contrast to the common understanding of his contemporaries) while maintaining its relevant critical potential. Against all odds and hardships, the situation of the protagonists is transformed into a positive, beneficial experience by bestowing upon them certain privileges, access to places and the ability to commit practices that
are unattainable to the people living within the official sphere of the metropolis / social order. This aligns with the Bell-Hook margin theory therefore it will serve as the looking glass for the analysis of this subject matter.

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Research paper thumbnail of Od subiektywnej topografii po mitologię narodową - miasto oniryczne w "Chochołach" Wita Szostaka

„Maska” 2016, nr 30., 2016

From a subjective topography to the national mythology – an oneiric city in Wit Szostak’s "Chocho... more From a subjective topography to the national mythology – an oneiric city in Wit Szostak’s "Chochoły"

The article analyses the role of fantasy and the dream in Wit Szostak’s "Chochoły". These motifs recur in the novel on the plot level and as the elements of the world’s construction. Seen from the main characters perspective, Kraków undergoes a fantastical metamorphosis related to the events in the man’s life – the city’s image is therefore an example of the literary representation of a private urban topography. The primacy of the latter leads to the creation (both in character’s reality as well as in his dreams) of many different Krakóws, multitude of which can be
interpreted as a tool for solving biographical problems and as a metaphorical expression of coping with one’s experience of living in a metropolis which overwhelms one with its multifaceted redundancy. Furthermore, in the novel Kraków functions as a metonymy of Poland, thus it becomes a lead to actuating another way to understanding of dreams/lethargy: the mulch dance, setting the city in the sphere of national mythology.

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Research paper thumbnail of Krytyka czy naturalizacja? Brytyjski imperializm w Trylogii Bartimaeusa Jonathana Strouda

Dyskursy imperiów, red. M. Nawrocki, Kraków 2018., 2018

Criticism or Naturalisation? British Imperialism in Jonathan Stroud’s Bartimaeus Trilogy Article... more Criticism or Naturalisation? British Imperialism in Jonathan Stroud’s Bartimaeus Trilogy

Article is dedicated to the depiction of british imperialism in Jonathan Stroud’s Bartimaeus Trilogy. Subject to analisis are the ways of problematisation of the superpower politics aspects: social structure of the country running it, creation of Others, propaganda and symbolic culture. At first glance the novels are dedicated in great deal to criticism of said imperialism – conducted interpretation however is a proposal of reading them as normalising it.

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Research paper thumbnail of „Of course, he wants to become a character” – autokreacja Neila Gaimana

Artyst(k)a: obecność i tożsamość, red. M. Popiel, K. Węgrzyn, M. Kuster, Kraków 2018., 2018

“Of course, he wants to become a character” – Neil Gaiman’s Autocreation The aim of the text is ... more “Of course, he wants to become a character” – Neil Gaiman’s Autocreation

The aim of the text is to analyze Neil Gaiman’s public image in conjunction with the (declared) autobiographic dimension of his texts. His works, especially those belonging to the literature and comic books fields, as well as his media opinions and public activity were examined. Out of those strongly connected areas of his life, there emerges a consistent image of both an author figure and of Gaiman himself. Albeit fictional, his works can be seen as the means of both expression and construction of his identity.

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Research paper thumbnail of “If I can’t heal from my art, then how can you heal”? Muzyka zespołu Tool jako instrument terapeutyczny

MUTE: Muzyka/Uniwersytet/Technologia/Emocje. Studia nad muzyką popularną, red. A. Juszczyk, K. Sierzputowski, S. Papier, N. Giemza, Kraków 2017, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Komizm w kulturze popularnej

Komizm w kulturze popularnej. Funkcje, interpretacje, kontrowersje, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Retelling: strategie przestrzenne

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Research paper thumbnail of Narracje fantastyczne

Perspektywy Ponowoczesności, 2017

Książka "Narracje fantastyczne" pod redakcją Kseni Olkusz i Krzysztofa M. Ma­ja jest piątym tomem... more Książka "Narracje fantastyczne" pod redakcją Kseni Olkusz i Krzysztofa M. Ma­ja jest piątym tomem serii „Perspektywy Ponowoczesności”, zbierającym na blis­ko siedmiuset stronach trzydzieści tekstów nau­kowych rozpatrujących szeroko po­jętą fantastykę z perspektywy ponowoczesnej, trans­dyscyplinarnej i światocentrycz­nej zarazem.

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