Pangeran paita yunus - (original) (raw)
Papers by Pangeran paita yunus
Jurnal SASAK : Desain Visual dan Komunikasi
Fine art is one of the artifacts that are present as a result of human behavior and human actions... more Fine art is one of the artifacts that are present as a result of human behavior and human actions that are driven by motivation in their thoughts and feelings. Therefore, a work of art is not something isolated but is an element of a system so that the meaning contained in it is systemic as well. This means that the meaning of a work of art can be determined by the system, by the work of art itself, and by the humans who make the work of art, or who associate physical elements from the environment with certain meanings. This has become the object of theoretical study and is systematically analyzed by semiotics by relying on the sign as the main concept. Fine art in the study of semiotics is not only limited to a theoretical framework, but also as a method of analysis. For example, in fine art analysis, Peirce's theory of triangle meaning consisting of a sign, object, and interpretant is one theory that can be applied.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan instrumen penilaian dalam pembelajaran karya seni... more Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan instrumen penilaian dalam pembelajaran karya seni rupa budaya lokal yang dapat dijadikan sebagai pedoman penilaian oleh guru guru seni budaya di SMP. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan. Alur penelitian ini dimulai dari menganalisis kebutuhan guru mengenai teknik penilaian seni rupa di SMP, merencanakan penelitian pengembangan instrumen penilaian seni rupa, mengidentifikasi jenis karya seni rupa berdasarkan standar isi, mengembangkan indikator ketercapaian berdasarkan kompetensi dasar, menentukan jenis karya seni rupa yang dibuatkan instrumen penilaian, membuat kisi-kisi instrumen penilaian, mengembangan isntrumen penilaian, melakukan validasi instumen, dan melakukan ujicoba instrumen, dan mengimplementasikan instrumen pada guru-guru SMP se Kota Makassar. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, dan angket. Analisis data dilakukan dengan teknik analisis deskriptif kualitatif dan...
Nuansa journal of arts and design, May 24, 2018
This study aims to 1) develop teaching material subjects Visual Arts archipelago study to assess ... more This study aims to 1) develop teaching material subjects Visual Arts archipelago study to assess the ability to understand, appreciate, and analyze student of aspects of the historical background, concepts, and works of art in the archipelago that includes all the works of art that exist throughout Indonesia, 2) assess the feasibility of teaching material Study subjects archipelago Arts Education Master of Fine Arts Graduate Program, State University of Makassar valid, practical, and effective. This study refers to the development of procedures developed by Borg & Gall consisting of ten steps systematically arranged, with the explanation that is easy to understand, and be able to direct the developer from the beginning to the end of the study. In the research development of teaching materials is only up to nine steps, activities of dissemination or distribution of products is not done because of limited funds and time researchers.Components of the learning package that was developed in this research is the textbook, media presentations, and tests appreciation. Stages in the research and development of instructional package consists of two phases: a preliminary study phase and the development phase, while the implementation phase of testing and evaluation phase will be conducted in the second year of the study. In this study, the instrument was developed questionnaires, observation sheets, and tests appreciation. Questionnaire consisted of a questionnaire developed for the validator (matter experts and media specialists), a questionnaire for faculty, and questionnaires for students. Questionnaire for the validator is used to validate the learning package, and obtaining feedback or suggestions to revise the package developed. Questionnaire for lecturers used to determine the response of lecturers to learning package that was developed, and advice necessary to revise the package. Similarly, the questionnaire for the students is used to determine the response and suggestions of students towards learning package is developed
International Conference on Science and Advanced Technology (ICSAT), Dec 27, 2020
Cultural Arts textbooks in the field, in terms of number, type, and quality vary widely, many pub... more Cultural Arts textbooks in the field, in terms of number, type, and quality vary widely, many publishers offer books and explain all the facilities the textbooks have to offer. Meanwhile, the weakness for the teacher is due to not being able to assess and examine whether the book is in accordance with predetermined content standards. Textbooks as a means of teaching and learning activities in schools have an important role as material that is learned by both teachers and students. Textbooks are books that contain subject matter owned by students and are used for learning materials and evaluation materials. Teaching materials in the form of Fine Art textbooks for SMP / MTs Grades VII, VIII, and IX published by the Balitbang Center for Curriculum and Book of the Ministry of Education and Culture in 2017 and 2018 are things that need to be analyzed to determine the feasibility of content, presentation feasibility, and graphic feasibility.
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Industri Kerajinan dan Batik, Dec 30, 2020
Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, Jan 8, 2021
Salah satu indikator guru profesional dan kompeten adalah guru yang mampu beradaptasi dengan perk... more Salah satu indikator guru profesional dan kompeten adalah guru yang mampu beradaptasi dengan perkembangan keilmuan yang hari demi hari semakin canggih. Selain itu, guru yang profesional dan kompeten juga harus mampu menerapkan model dan metode pembelajaran berdasarkan tuntutan waktu dan kebutuhan peserta didik. Penerapan pola ini akan menciptakan suasana menyenangkan dalam belajar, enjoy dalam mengajar, yang pada akhirnya akan menghasilkan proses pembelajaran yang berkualitas termasuk peserta didik yang berprestasi. Salah satu media yang dapat digunakan guru dalam pembelajaran dengan suasana yang kratif, efektif dan menyenangkan adalah pemanfaatan media video pembelajaran. Kegiatan pengabdian ini bermaksud memberikan pengetahuan teknik dasar sinematografi bagi guru dan siswa. Beberapa masalah yang dihadapi guru dalam membuat video sebagai berikut: 1) foto atau video yang dihasilkan kebanyakan tidak memenuhi kriteria pengambilan gambar seperti terlalu gelap atau terlalu terang, gambar goyang, sehingga gambar tidak sempurna dan menyulitkan saat editing, 2) data berupa foto atau video yang dimiliki sangat banyak dan semuanya bercampur dengan data-data lainnya, 3) kebanyakan guru belum mampu memaksimalkan fitur foto dan video pada smartphone untuk mengambil gambar, 4) minimnya pengetahuan untuk melakukan editing video menggunakan smartphone, dan 5) banyaknya tugas dan aktivitas guru sehingga tidak memiliki waktu luang untuk belajar secara khusus cara editing video.
Badan Penerbit UNM, Jul 9, 2018
Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif, yaitu penelitian yang berusaha mendeskripikan... more Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif, yaitu penelitian yang berusaha mendeskripikan suatu gejala, peristiwa, kejadian yang terjadi pada saat sekarang. Dalam penelitian ini yang diungkap adalah aspek pemahaman dan pelaksanaan penilaian otentik dengan tiga kompetensi, yakni kompetensi sikap, kompetensi pengetahuan dan kompetensi keterampilan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keterlaksanaan penilaian otentik dalam pembelajaran Seni Budaya pada SMP di Kota Makassar yang terdiri atas tiga kompetensi, yaitu kompetensi sikap, kompetensi pengetahuan, dan kompetensi keterampilan. Populasi penelitian adalah guru Seni Budaya di Kota Makassar. Sampelnya adalah 12 orang guru yang masing-masing mewakili satu sekolah dari 4 wilayah SMP dimana setiap wilayah terdiri atas 3 sekolah yang selanjutnya dideskripsikan berdasarkan statistik deskriptif yang melalui empat tahapan pengolahan data, yaitu editing, skoring, tabulasi dan analisis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan analisis deskriptif kuantitatif keterlaksanaan penilaian otentik kompetensi sikap, kompetensi pengetahuan dan kompetensi keterampilan termasuk dalam kategori tinggi.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk 1) Mengembangkan bahan ajar seni rupa lokal dengan tujuan untuk me... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk 1) Mengembangkan bahan ajar seni rupa lokal dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan memahami, menghargai, dan menganalisis mahasiswa pada aspek latar belakang sejarah, konsep, dan karya seni di daerah Sulawesi Selatan 2) Mengukur kelayakan bahan ajar seni rupa lokal pada Program Studi Pendidikan Seni Rupa Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Makassar. Penelitian ini mengacu pada prosedur pengembangan yang dikembangkan oleh Borg & Gall yang terdiri dari sepuluh langkah yang disusun secara sistematis, dengan penjelasan yang mudah dipahami, dan dapat mengarahkan pengembang dari awal hingga akhir penelitian. Dalam penelitian tentang pengembangan bahan ajar, hanya dilakukan hingga sembilan langkah, diseminasi produk atau kegiatan distribusi tidak dilakukan karena keterbatasan dana dan waktu peneliti. Komponen paket pembelajaran yang dikembangkan dalam penelitian ini adalah buku teks, media presentasi, dan tes apresiasi. Tahapan dalam penelitian dan peng...
This study aims to 1) Develop local art teaching materials with the aim of knowing the ability to... more This study aims to 1) Develop local art teaching materials with the aim of knowing the ability to understand, appreciate, and analyze students in aspects of historical background, concepts, and artwork in South Sulawesi 2) Measuring the feasibility of local art teaching materials in the Postgraduate Program in Arts Education Study Program Universitas Negeri Makassar. This research refers to the development procedure developed by Borg & Gall which consists of ten steps that are arranged systematically, with easy-to-understand explanations, and can direct the developer from the beginning to the end of the study. In research on the development of teaching materials, it was only carried out up to nine steps, product dissemination or distribution activities were not carried out due to limited funds and time of the researcher. The components of the learning package developed in this study are textbooks, media presentations, and appreciation tests. The stages in research and devel...
Jurnal Studi Pemerintahan: Journal of Government and Politics, 2012
In the preservation of local culture, local government policy is required to make local regulatio... more In the preservation of local culture, local government policy is required to make local regulation (Perda) which can be used as a handbook for architects and building owners, when making a plan for development in public areas but do not forget to give a typical sign of Makassar or 'raises 'traditional architectural style of South Sulawesi in building offices or public buildings. South Sulawesi Provincial Government's efforts to pioneer the construction of buildings or new buildings that still emphasizes architectural Bugis-Makassar, as exemplified in 1978 by building the Office of the Parliament of South Sulawesi and South Sulawesi Governor's Office, is an effort to respond positively. But these efforts did not last long. The architects, in for some time, still seems to apply the model Timpalaja (timpanon) as a prominent feature of traditional roof Bugis-Makassar on the buildings, also seemed to have started to disappear from the presence of buildings or new building...
Penelitian ini bertujuan: secara umum; untuk menginterpretasikan nilai-nilai tradisi rumah tradis... more Penelitian ini bertujuan: secara umum; untuk menginterpretasikan nilai-nilai tradisi rumah tradisional Bugis dengan berusaha mengungkapkan kembali konsepsi dan nilai-nilai budaya Bugis sebagai langkah awal ke arah penerusan nilai-nilai budaya kepada generasi selanjutnya. Secara khusus; untuk mengidentifikasi corak ragam hias yang terdapat pada rumah tradisional Bugis Sulawesi Selatan; untuk mengkaji secara jelas, lengkap dan akurat tentang fungsi, makna dan simbol ragam hias pada rumah tradisional Bugis, baik sebelum mendapat pengaruh dari luar (Hindu atau Islam) maupu sesudahnya, dan peranannya terhadap kehidupan sosial masyarakat Bugis Sulawesi Selatan; untuk mengkaji tentang konsep estetika yang melatarbelakangi penciptaan ragam hias khususnya yang terdapat pada rumah tradisional Bugis Sulawesi Selatan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian non-statistik atau analisis kualitatif dengan pendekatan formalis/strukturalisme dengan kajian Fungsional, estetis, dan simbolis dan pendekatan ka...
The understanding of Arts and Culture teachers on Basic Competence (KD) in the art curriculum in ... more The understanding of Arts and Culture teachers on Basic Competence (KD) in the art curriculum in the 2013 curriculum is the initial key to the achievement of learning objectives in the classroom. The goal agreed in this study was to describe the understanding of the teachers of art and culture (art) towards the Basic Competence (KD) in the field of fine arts at the high school / vocational level in Makassar. This research is a survey research to describe the facts that occur in the field about art and culture teachers who teach in high school / vocational high school, related to their understanding of Basic Competence (KD) subjects in the arts and culture they discuss. 15 subjects were published. This research is a quantitative descriptive study using percentages. The data technique used consisted of a questionnaire. The results of this questionnaire will be analyzed using descriptive statistical techniques and expressed as a percentage. The results of research on the understanding ...
The study aims at developing graphic print art learning module using carbon paper media to grade ... more The study aims at developing graphic print art learning module using carbon paper media to grade IX at SMP/MTs in SMPN 22 in Makassar as the site of the research which meet valid criteria to be applied in graphic arts and modification technique learning module using carbon paper media to grade IX at SMP/MTs in SMPN 22 in makassar consisted of teacher’s manual module and student’s manual module and the product obtained would be stated as valid. The model used in this research and development reffered to 4-D Thiagarajan’s model, which consisted of four stages and simplified to two stages, namely defining stages and design stages. The development stage was merely partly. The development of graphic print art learning module using carbon paper media to grade IX at SMP/MTs in SMPN 22 Makassar was validated by one graphic expert and two material experts. The instrument used to collect the data was questionnaire given to the assesors for graphic and material. Data were analyzed by employin...
The study aims at discovering (1) the result of Fine Arts teachers’ knowledge at senior high scho... more The study aims at discovering (1) the result of Fine Arts teachers’ knowledge at senior high schools in Pattallassang subdistrict of Takalar district which referred to Permendikbud No.23/2016 on Standard of Education Assessment and Assessment Guidance of Esthetics Subject, (2) the result of the implementation of learning assessment included the planning, implementation, utilization, and assessment report, and (3) the result of the implementation of authentic assessment (psychomotor aspect) in Two Dimensional Fine Arts learning in grade XII at senior high schools in Pattallassang subdistrict of Takalar district. The type of this study was evaluation research with descriptive qualitative approach. The evaluation model used was Stake Countenance Model. The study was conducted from the 5 th February to 5 th March, 2018 at senior high school in Pattallassang subdistrict of Takalar district. The subjects of the study were teachers of Fine Arts. Data were collected by employing questionnai...
JCommsci - Journal Of Media and Communication Science, 2020
Seni sebagai ekspresi estetik merupakan hasil ungkapan batin seorang seniman yang tampak pada kar... more Seni sebagai ekspresi estetik merupakan hasil ungkapan batin seorang seniman yang tampak pada karya seni lewat medium dan alat yang digunakannya. Seseorang yang memiliki dorongan jiwa atau kondisi tertekan, maka akan berusaha untuk melepaskan perasaan tersebut dengan melakukan sesuatu. Kegiatan semacam ini yang dimaksud dengan ungkapan. Seseorang mengungkapkan sesuatu baik secara verbal maupun non-verbal bermaksud untuk menyampaikan sesuatu pesan kepada orang lain. Dalam konteks ini, ungkapan dapat disebut sebagai kegiatan berkomunikasi. Dalam kegiatan seni, proses komunikasi terjadi antara seniman sebagai penyampai pesan lewatkarya seninya yang tercermin lewat lambang-lambang atau simbol-simbol yang tampak. Artinya, karya seni berupa informasi simbolis sebagai ekspresi estetik seorang seniman akan diterima oleh penghayat dan selanjutnya akan terjadi dialog antara karya seni dengan penghayatnya.Kata Kunci: komunikasi, ekspresif estetik, karya seni
TANRA: Jurnal Desain Komunikasi Visual Fakultas Seni dan Desain Universitas Negeri Makassar, 2019
This study aims to determine the ability of students to draw a form in class XI IPA 1 SMA Negeri ... more This study aims to determine the ability of students to draw a form in class XI IPA 1 SMA Negeri 1 Bua Ponrang Luwu. The research design used is descriptive evaluation design. The purpose of this study is to determine the ability of students in drawing the form in class XI IPA 1 SMA Negeri 1 Bua Ponrang. The benefits of research can provide input for the school in an effort to develop the potential of resources possessed by students in drawing the form and can provide an overview to students to determine the techniques in drawing the form. The population in this study were 173 people for five classes and the sample was 32 people. Data collection techniques used observation techniques, interviews, documentation, practice tests. Based on the results of the research can be concluded that: The ability of students to draw a form in class XI IPA 1 SMA Negeri 1 Bua Ponrang Luwu regency classified in sufficient category. The average value of the overall results obtained from the perspective...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan modul pembelajaran seni lukis bahan pewarna alam (kes... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan modul pembelajaran seni lukis bahan pewarna alam (kesumba) dalam mata pelajaran melukis untuk siswa kelas X.I di SMAN 2 Enrekang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan (Research and Development/R&D) dengan prosedur meliputi tahap: analisis kebutuhan, perancangan produk awal, pengembangan produk awal, validasi, revisi untuk penyempurnaan produk akhir. Tahap analisis dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan informasi tentang media ajar yang digunakan di SMAN 2 Enrekang, tahap peracangan produk awal dilakukan mencari referensi materi dan referensi pembelajaran yang menarik dan merancang desain modul menggunakan softwere computer (Corel Drow X7), validasi kemudian dilakukan oleh parah ahli terhadap modul pembelajaran yang telah dihasilkan sementara (produk awal), pada tahap refisi didapatkan dari berbagai masukan dosen pembimbing, dosen penguji dan ahli materi dan ahli media. Instrumen pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dokumen...
TANRA: Jurnal Desain Komunikasi Visual Fakultas Seni dan Desain Universitas Negeri Makassar, 2018
This study aims to develop a tool in the context of learning local culture in ceramics craft lear... more This study aims to develop a tool in the context of learning local culture in ceramics craft learning which can be used as a guidebook by cultural arts teachers in junior high schools. This type of research is a study adapted from the development research model of Borg & Gall. The flow of this research starts with the analysis of academic needs, strategy learning, instrument development, instrument development, instrument development, instrument realization, development. Data collection techniques are done by techniques, interviews, documentation, and questionnaires. The team of experts in this research are material media and media experts, to assess the validity of the instruments developed. The trial subjects were junior high school teachers in Makassar City. Data analysis was performed with qualitative and quantitative descriptive analysis techniques. Based on the results of the research that has been done, it can be concluded that the instruments developed in this study are cera...
Jurnal SASAK : Desain Visual dan Komunikasi
Fine art is one of the artifacts that are present as a result of human behavior and human actions... more Fine art is one of the artifacts that are present as a result of human behavior and human actions that are driven by motivation in their thoughts and feelings. Therefore, a work of art is not something isolated but is an element of a system so that the meaning contained in it is systemic as well. This means that the meaning of a work of art can be determined by the system, by the work of art itself, and by the humans who make the work of art, or who associate physical elements from the environment with certain meanings. This has become the object of theoretical study and is systematically analyzed by semiotics by relying on the sign as the main concept. Fine art in the study of semiotics is not only limited to a theoretical framework, but also as a method of analysis. For example, in fine art analysis, Peirce's theory of triangle meaning consisting of a sign, object, and interpretant is one theory that can be applied.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan instrumen penilaian dalam pembelajaran karya seni... more Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan instrumen penilaian dalam pembelajaran karya seni rupa budaya lokal yang dapat dijadikan sebagai pedoman penilaian oleh guru guru seni budaya di SMP. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan. Alur penelitian ini dimulai dari menganalisis kebutuhan guru mengenai teknik penilaian seni rupa di SMP, merencanakan penelitian pengembangan instrumen penilaian seni rupa, mengidentifikasi jenis karya seni rupa berdasarkan standar isi, mengembangkan indikator ketercapaian berdasarkan kompetensi dasar, menentukan jenis karya seni rupa yang dibuatkan instrumen penilaian, membuat kisi-kisi instrumen penilaian, mengembangan isntrumen penilaian, melakukan validasi instumen, dan melakukan ujicoba instrumen, dan mengimplementasikan instrumen pada guru-guru SMP se Kota Makassar. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, dan angket. Analisis data dilakukan dengan teknik analisis deskriptif kualitatif dan...
Nuansa journal of arts and design, May 24, 2018
This study aims to 1) develop teaching material subjects Visual Arts archipelago study to assess ... more This study aims to 1) develop teaching material subjects Visual Arts archipelago study to assess the ability to understand, appreciate, and analyze student of aspects of the historical background, concepts, and works of art in the archipelago that includes all the works of art that exist throughout Indonesia, 2) assess the feasibility of teaching material Study subjects archipelago Arts Education Master of Fine Arts Graduate Program, State University of Makassar valid, practical, and effective. This study refers to the development of procedures developed by Borg & Gall consisting of ten steps systematically arranged, with the explanation that is easy to understand, and be able to direct the developer from the beginning to the end of the study. In the research development of teaching materials is only up to nine steps, activities of dissemination or distribution of products is not done because of limited funds and time researchers.Components of the learning package that was developed in this research is the textbook, media presentations, and tests appreciation. Stages in the research and development of instructional package consists of two phases: a preliminary study phase and the development phase, while the implementation phase of testing and evaluation phase will be conducted in the second year of the study. In this study, the instrument was developed questionnaires, observation sheets, and tests appreciation. Questionnaire consisted of a questionnaire developed for the validator (matter experts and media specialists), a questionnaire for faculty, and questionnaires for students. Questionnaire for the validator is used to validate the learning package, and obtaining feedback or suggestions to revise the package developed. Questionnaire for lecturers used to determine the response of lecturers to learning package that was developed, and advice necessary to revise the package. Similarly, the questionnaire for the students is used to determine the response and suggestions of students towards learning package is developed
International Conference on Science and Advanced Technology (ICSAT), Dec 27, 2020
Cultural Arts textbooks in the field, in terms of number, type, and quality vary widely, many pub... more Cultural Arts textbooks in the field, in terms of number, type, and quality vary widely, many publishers offer books and explain all the facilities the textbooks have to offer. Meanwhile, the weakness for the teacher is due to not being able to assess and examine whether the book is in accordance with predetermined content standards. Textbooks as a means of teaching and learning activities in schools have an important role as material that is learned by both teachers and students. Textbooks are books that contain subject matter owned by students and are used for learning materials and evaluation materials. Teaching materials in the form of Fine Art textbooks for SMP / MTs Grades VII, VIII, and IX published by the Balitbang Center for Curriculum and Book of the Ministry of Education and Culture in 2017 and 2018 are things that need to be analyzed to determine the feasibility of content, presentation feasibility, and graphic feasibility.
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Industri Kerajinan dan Batik, Dec 30, 2020
Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, Jan 8, 2021
Salah satu indikator guru profesional dan kompeten adalah guru yang mampu beradaptasi dengan perk... more Salah satu indikator guru profesional dan kompeten adalah guru yang mampu beradaptasi dengan perkembangan keilmuan yang hari demi hari semakin canggih. Selain itu, guru yang profesional dan kompeten juga harus mampu menerapkan model dan metode pembelajaran berdasarkan tuntutan waktu dan kebutuhan peserta didik. Penerapan pola ini akan menciptakan suasana menyenangkan dalam belajar, enjoy dalam mengajar, yang pada akhirnya akan menghasilkan proses pembelajaran yang berkualitas termasuk peserta didik yang berprestasi. Salah satu media yang dapat digunakan guru dalam pembelajaran dengan suasana yang kratif, efektif dan menyenangkan adalah pemanfaatan media video pembelajaran. Kegiatan pengabdian ini bermaksud memberikan pengetahuan teknik dasar sinematografi bagi guru dan siswa. Beberapa masalah yang dihadapi guru dalam membuat video sebagai berikut: 1) foto atau video yang dihasilkan kebanyakan tidak memenuhi kriteria pengambilan gambar seperti terlalu gelap atau terlalu terang, gambar goyang, sehingga gambar tidak sempurna dan menyulitkan saat editing, 2) data berupa foto atau video yang dimiliki sangat banyak dan semuanya bercampur dengan data-data lainnya, 3) kebanyakan guru belum mampu memaksimalkan fitur foto dan video pada smartphone untuk mengambil gambar, 4) minimnya pengetahuan untuk melakukan editing video menggunakan smartphone, dan 5) banyaknya tugas dan aktivitas guru sehingga tidak memiliki waktu luang untuk belajar secara khusus cara editing video.
Badan Penerbit UNM, Jul 9, 2018
Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif, yaitu penelitian yang berusaha mendeskripikan... more Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif, yaitu penelitian yang berusaha mendeskripikan suatu gejala, peristiwa, kejadian yang terjadi pada saat sekarang. Dalam penelitian ini yang diungkap adalah aspek pemahaman dan pelaksanaan penilaian otentik dengan tiga kompetensi, yakni kompetensi sikap, kompetensi pengetahuan dan kompetensi keterampilan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keterlaksanaan penilaian otentik dalam pembelajaran Seni Budaya pada SMP di Kota Makassar yang terdiri atas tiga kompetensi, yaitu kompetensi sikap, kompetensi pengetahuan, dan kompetensi keterampilan. Populasi penelitian adalah guru Seni Budaya di Kota Makassar. Sampelnya adalah 12 orang guru yang masing-masing mewakili satu sekolah dari 4 wilayah SMP dimana setiap wilayah terdiri atas 3 sekolah yang selanjutnya dideskripsikan berdasarkan statistik deskriptif yang melalui empat tahapan pengolahan data, yaitu editing, skoring, tabulasi dan analisis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan analisis deskriptif kuantitatif keterlaksanaan penilaian otentik kompetensi sikap, kompetensi pengetahuan dan kompetensi keterampilan termasuk dalam kategori tinggi.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk 1) Mengembangkan bahan ajar seni rupa lokal dengan tujuan untuk me... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk 1) Mengembangkan bahan ajar seni rupa lokal dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan memahami, menghargai, dan menganalisis mahasiswa pada aspek latar belakang sejarah, konsep, dan karya seni di daerah Sulawesi Selatan 2) Mengukur kelayakan bahan ajar seni rupa lokal pada Program Studi Pendidikan Seni Rupa Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Makassar. Penelitian ini mengacu pada prosedur pengembangan yang dikembangkan oleh Borg & Gall yang terdiri dari sepuluh langkah yang disusun secara sistematis, dengan penjelasan yang mudah dipahami, dan dapat mengarahkan pengembang dari awal hingga akhir penelitian. Dalam penelitian tentang pengembangan bahan ajar, hanya dilakukan hingga sembilan langkah, diseminasi produk atau kegiatan distribusi tidak dilakukan karena keterbatasan dana dan waktu peneliti. Komponen paket pembelajaran yang dikembangkan dalam penelitian ini adalah buku teks, media presentasi, dan tes apresiasi. Tahapan dalam penelitian dan peng...
This study aims to 1) Develop local art teaching materials with the aim of knowing the ability to... more This study aims to 1) Develop local art teaching materials with the aim of knowing the ability to understand, appreciate, and analyze students in aspects of historical background, concepts, and artwork in South Sulawesi 2) Measuring the feasibility of local art teaching materials in the Postgraduate Program in Arts Education Study Program Universitas Negeri Makassar. This research refers to the development procedure developed by Borg & Gall which consists of ten steps that are arranged systematically, with easy-to-understand explanations, and can direct the developer from the beginning to the end of the study. In research on the development of teaching materials, it was only carried out up to nine steps, product dissemination or distribution activities were not carried out due to limited funds and time of the researcher. The components of the learning package developed in this study are textbooks, media presentations, and appreciation tests. The stages in research and devel...
Jurnal Studi Pemerintahan: Journal of Government and Politics, 2012
In the preservation of local culture, local government policy is required to make local regulatio... more In the preservation of local culture, local government policy is required to make local regulation (Perda) which can be used as a handbook for architects and building owners, when making a plan for development in public areas but do not forget to give a typical sign of Makassar or 'raises 'traditional architectural style of South Sulawesi in building offices or public buildings. South Sulawesi Provincial Government's efforts to pioneer the construction of buildings or new buildings that still emphasizes architectural Bugis-Makassar, as exemplified in 1978 by building the Office of the Parliament of South Sulawesi and South Sulawesi Governor's Office, is an effort to respond positively. But these efforts did not last long. The architects, in for some time, still seems to apply the model Timpalaja (timpanon) as a prominent feature of traditional roof Bugis-Makassar on the buildings, also seemed to have started to disappear from the presence of buildings or new building...
Penelitian ini bertujuan: secara umum; untuk menginterpretasikan nilai-nilai tradisi rumah tradis... more Penelitian ini bertujuan: secara umum; untuk menginterpretasikan nilai-nilai tradisi rumah tradisional Bugis dengan berusaha mengungkapkan kembali konsepsi dan nilai-nilai budaya Bugis sebagai langkah awal ke arah penerusan nilai-nilai budaya kepada generasi selanjutnya. Secara khusus; untuk mengidentifikasi corak ragam hias yang terdapat pada rumah tradisional Bugis Sulawesi Selatan; untuk mengkaji secara jelas, lengkap dan akurat tentang fungsi, makna dan simbol ragam hias pada rumah tradisional Bugis, baik sebelum mendapat pengaruh dari luar (Hindu atau Islam) maupu sesudahnya, dan peranannya terhadap kehidupan sosial masyarakat Bugis Sulawesi Selatan; untuk mengkaji tentang konsep estetika yang melatarbelakangi penciptaan ragam hias khususnya yang terdapat pada rumah tradisional Bugis Sulawesi Selatan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian non-statistik atau analisis kualitatif dengan pendekatan formalis/strukturalisme dengan kajian Fungsional, estetis, dan simbolis dan pendekatan ka...
The understanding of Arts and Culture teachers on Basic Competence (KD) in the art curriculum in ... more The understanding of Arts and Culture teachers on Basic Competence (KD) in the art curriculum in the 2013 curriculum is the initial key to the achievement of learning objectives in the classroom. The goal agreed in this study was to describe the understanding of the teachers of art and culture (art) towards the Basic Competence (KD) in the field of fine arts at the high school / vocational level in Makassar. This research is a survey research to describe the facts that occur in the field about art and culture teachers who teach in high school / vocational high school, related to their understanding of Basic Competence (KD) subjects in the arts and culture they discuss. 15 subjects were published. This research is a quantitative descriptive study using percentages. The data technique used consisted of a questionnaire. The results of this questionnaire will be analyzed using descriptive statistical techniques and expressed as a percentage. The results of research on the understanding ...
The study aims at developing graphic print art learning module using carbon paper media to grade ... more The study aims at developing graphic print art learning module using carbon paper media to grade IX at SMP/MTs in SMPN 22 in Makassar as the site of the research which meet valid criteria to be applied in graphic arts and modification technique learning module using carbon paper media to grade IX at SMP/MTs in SMPN 22 in makassar consisted of teacher’s manual module and student’s manual module and the product obtained would be stated as valid. The model used in this research and development reffered to 4-D Thiagarajan’s model, which consisted of four stages and simplified to two stages, namely defining stages and design stages. The development stage was merely partly. The development of graphic print art learning module using carbon paper media to grade IX at SMP/MTs in SMPN 22 Makassar was validated by one graphic expert and two material experts. The instrument used to collect the data was questionnaire given to the assesors for graphic and material. Data were analyzed by employin...
The study aims at discovering (1) the result of Fine Arts teachers’ knowledge at senior high scho... more The study aims at discovering (1) the result of Fine Arts teachers’ knowledge at senior high schools in Pattallassang subdistrict of Takalar district which referred to Permendikbud No.23/2016 on Standard of Education Assessment and Assessment Guidance of Esthetics Subject, (2) the result of the implementation of learning assessment included the planning, implementation, utilization, and assessment report, and (3) the result of the implementation of authentic assessment (psychomotor aspect) in Two Dimensional Fine Arts learning in grade XII at senior high schools in Pattallassang subdistrict of Takalar district. The type of this study was evaluation research with descriptive qualitative approach. The evaluation model used was Stake Countenance Model. The study was conducted from the 5 th February to 5 th March, 2018 at senior high school in Pattallassang subdistrict of Takalar district. The subjects of the study were teachers of Fine Arts. Data were collected by employing questionnai...
JCommsci - Journal Of Media and Communication Science, 2020
Seni sebagai ekspresi estetik merupakan hasil ungkapan batin seorang seniman yang tampak pada kar... more Seni sebagai ekspresi estetik merupakan hasil ungkapan batin seorang seniman yang tampak pada karya seni lewat medium dan alat yang digunakannya. Seseorang yang memiliki dorongan jiwa atau kondisi tertekan, maka akan berusaha untuk melepaskan perasaan tersebut dengan melakukan sesuatu. Kegiatan semacam ini yang dimaksud dengan ungkapan. Seseorang mengungkapkan sesuatu baik secara verbal maupun non-verbal bermaksud untuk menyampaikan sesuatu pesan kepada orang lain. Dalam konteks ini, ungkapan dapat disebut sebagai kegiatan berkomunikasi. Dalam kegiatan seni, proses komunikasi terjadi antara seniman sebagai penyampai pesan lewatkarya seninya yang tercermin lewat lambang-lambang atau simbol-simbol yang tampak. Artinya, karya seni berupa informasi simbolis sebagai ekspresi estetik seorang seniman akan diterima oleh penghayat dan selanjutnya akan terjadi dialog antara karya seni dengan penghayatnya.Kata Kunci: komunikasi, ekspresif estetik, karya seni
TANRA: Jurnal Desain Komunikasi Visual Fakultas Seni dan Desain Universitas Negeri Makassar, 2019
This study aims to determine the ability of students to draw a form in class XI IPA 1 SMA Negeri ... more This study aims to determine the ability of students to draw a form in class XI IPA 1 SMA Negeri 1 Bua Ponrang Luwu. The research design used is descriptive evaluation design. The purpose of this study is to determine the ability of students in drawing the form in class XI IPA 1 SMA Negeri 1 Bua Ponrang. The benefits of research can provide input for the school in an effort to develop the potential of resources possessed by students in drawing the form and can provide an overview to students to determine the techniques in drawing the form. The population in this study were 173 people for five classes and the sample was 32 people. Data collection techniques used observation techniques, interviews, documentation, practice tests. Based on the results of the research can be concluded that: The ability of students to draw a form in class XI IPA 1 SMA Negeri 1 Bua Ponrang Luwu regency classified in sufficient category. The average value of the overall results obtained from the perspective...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan modul pembelajaran seni lukis bahan pewarna alam (kes... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan modul pembelajaran seni lukis bahan pewarna alam (kesumba) dalam mata pelajaran melukis untuk siswa kelas X.I di SMAN 2 Enrekang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan (Research and Development/R&D) dengan prosedur meliputi tahap: analisis kebutuhan, perancangan produk awal, pengembangan produk awal, validasi, revisi untuk penyempurnaan produk akhir. Tahap analisis dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan informasi tentang media ajar yang digunakan di SMAN 2 Enrekang, tahap peracangan produk awal dilakukan mencari referensi materi dan referensi pembelajaran yang menarik dan merancang desain modul menggunakan softwere computer (Corel Drow X7), validasi kemudian dilakukan oleh parah ahli terhadap modul pembelajaran yang telah dihasilkan sementara (produk awal), pada tahap refisi didapatkan dari berbagai masukan dosen pembimbing, dosen penguji dan ahli materi dan ahli media. Instrumen pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dokumen...
TANRA: Jurnal Desain Komunikasi Visual Fakultas Seni dan Desain Universitas Negeri Makassar, 2018
This study aims to develop a tool in the context of learning local culture in ceramics craft lear... more This study aims to develop a tool in the context of learning local culture in ceramics craft learning which can be used as a guidebook by cultural arts teachers in junior high schools. This type of research is a study adapted from the development research model of Borg & Gall. The flow of this research starts with the analysis of academic needs, strategy learning, instrument development, instrument development, instrument development, instrument realization, development. Data collection techniques are done by techniques, interviews, documentation, and questionnaires. The team of experts in this research are material media and media experts, to assess the validity of the instruments developed. The trial subjects were junior high school teachers in Makassar City. Data analysis was performed with qualitative and quantitative descriptive analysis techniques. Based on the results of the research that has been done, it can be concluded that the instruments developed in this study are cera...