Paulus Purwoto - (original) (raw)
Drafts by Paulus Purwoto
Papers by Paulus Purwoto
The fact that some Christians convert so easily raises questions about their spiritual maturity. ... more The fact that some Christians convert so easily raises questions about their spiritual maturity. On the other hand Hebrews 5:11-14 writes about the need for a Christian to grow spiritually. This encourages researchers to find the meaning of spiritual maturity in Hebrews 5:11-14 and its application to believers today. The researcher uses descriptive method through literature study to answer the problem. From the research conducted by the author, it can be concluded that today's believers are said to have spiritual maturity if they have strong faith, have Christ's character, have faithfulness in service, have a Christlike perspective on life, and focus only on the truth of God's Word.
Miktab: Jurnal Teologi dan Pelayanan Kristiani
Fakta bahwa ada orang Kristen yang sangat mudah beralih keyakinan menimbulkan pertanyaan seputar ... more Fakta bahwa ada orang Kristen yang sangat mudah beralih keyakinan menimbulkan pertanyaan seputar kedewasaan rohani mereka. Di sisi lain Ibrani 5:11-14 menuliskan tentang perlunya seorang Kristen bertumbuh secara rohani. Hal ini mendorong peneliti untuk menemukan makna kedewasaan rohani dalam Ibrani 5:11-14 dan penerapannya bagi orang percaya pada masa kini. Peneliti menggunakan metode deskriptif melalui studi pustaka untuk menjawab masalah tersebut. Dari penelitian yang dilakukan penulis dapat menarik kesimpulan bahwa orang percaya masa kini dikatakan memiliki kedewasaan rohani jika ia memiliki iman yang kokoh, memiliki karakter Kristus, memiliki kesetiaan dalam pelayanan, memiliki perspektif hidup seperti Kristus, serta berfokus hanya kepada kebenaran Firman Tuhan.
Miktab: Jurnal Teologi dan Pelayanan Kristiani
Salah satu cara dalam menjalankan amanat agung adalah dengan menerapkan sebuah cara atau metode s... more Salah satu cara dalam menjalankan amanat agung adalah dengan menerapkan sebuah cara atau metode sebagai landasan utama dalam praktiknya. Alkitab juga mencatat bagaimana rasul Paulus menjalankan misi dan strateginya dalam memperluas Injil Kerajaan Allah. Model-model ini tertuang dalam tiga model yaitu model perjalanan pertama, perjalanan kedua, dan perjalanan ketiga. Gereja saat ini juga bisa menerapkan ketiga macam model ini untuk melakukan penginjilan, bukan hanya itu dalam pengembangan pos penginjilan juga sangat baik dilakukan dengan menerapkan model penginjilan Paulus.
Jurnal Teologi Berita Hidup
The Bible is the Word of God has an inerrancy that cannot be wrong and has a position as the high... more The Bible is the Word of God has an inerrancy that cannot be wrong and has a position as the highest authority. The Church is an institution founded by the Lord Jesus who has roots in the Old Testament having a duty and a call to mission. The question is how the Bible plays the role of the Bible as the highest authority in the ministry of the church's mission. The method used in this research is qualitative descriptive with a library research approach. The conclusion in this study is that the Bible as the highest authority in the ministry of the church's mission plays a role in determining the motivation of the church's mission and formulating various methods of mission approaches that are sensitive to context and do not come out of the corridors of the Bible.
EPIGRAPHE: Jurnal Teologi dan Pelayanan Kristiani, 2020
Abstraksi: Masa Intertestamental adalah masa antar perjanjian yang terbentang sejak masa pelayan... more Abstraksi: Masa Intertestamental adalah masa antar perjanjian yang terbentang sejak masa pelayanan nabi Maleakhi (430-420 SM) sampai dengan berita Inkarnasi Yesus (Matius, Lukas). Pada masa ini proselitisasi yang dilakukan oleh Yahudi Palestina maupun Yahudi diaspora terus berjalan sehingga menghasilkan gelombang konversi religius pada agama Yudaisme yang disebut proselit sungguhan (ger tsedeq) maupun sebagai orang-orang yang takut akan Allah (proselit pasif). Proselitisasi di masa intertestamental membuka jalan bagi misi gereja seperti terdokumentasi dalam Kitab Kisah Rasul. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan makna proselitisasi di masa intertestamental bagi misi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode studi literatur. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa proselitisasi memiliki makna penting bagi kegerakan misi gereja.
1st Virtual Workshop on Writing Scientific Article for International Publication Indexed SCOPUS, 2022
The church is a community of people who believe in Jesus Christ, and this community cannot be sep... more The church is a community of people who believe in Jesus Christ, and this community cannot be separated from the world society that is constantly changing. The change that is happening and must be responded properly is its movement into a new era called Society 5.0. Facing this new era, the church cannot be indifferent. This paper aims to describe the opportunities and threats that the church faces. Using a descriptive analysis method based on literature and observation, the results of the study showed that the church needs to increase its resources in order to take advantage of the opportunities and overcome the threats, so that they will not perish because they have good anticipation. There are numerous opportunities to be taken advantage of, including online worship, online counseling, online offerings, online discipleship, and online visitation. On the other hand, several barriers must be overcome, including a lack of human resources, device availability, and data service availability. As a result, the church must evolve in order to avoid becoming irrelevant to people living in Society 5.0.
SHAMAYIM: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristiani, 2021
The church is a chosen group or congregation, namely those who are called by God to come out of t... more The church is a chosen group or congregation, namely those who are called by God to come out of the world, go away from sin and enter into the realm of grace. The church has a relationship with God's people in the Old Testament, where in the Old Testament God chose Abraham as the embryo of the birth of the nation of Israel, which was God's chosen nation. Theologically, the idea of God's people being called out clearly existed in Old Testament times, as well as in New Testament times. Linguistically the Greek word ekklesia appears repeatedly in connection with Israel in the Septuagint translation. The elements in the Old Testament exist in the New Testament church, however, they cannot be correctly equated between the Old Testament congregation and the church, because the church is a new product, founded on the Lord Jesus, made by the Holy Spirit and contains people from all the races of all nations become one new people of God. The true church has the signs as described ...
1st Virtual Workshop on Writing Scientific Article for International Publication Indexed SCOPUS, 2022
The church is a community of people who believe in Jesus Christ, and this community cannot be sep... more The church is a community of people who believe in Jesus Christ, and this community cannot be separated from the world society that is constantly changing. The change that is happening and must be responded properly is its movement into a new era called Society 5.0. Facing this new era, the church cannot be indifferent. This paper aims to describe the opportunities and threats that the church faces. Using a descriptive analysis method based on literature and observation, the results of the study showed that the church needs to increase its resources in order to take advantage of the opportunities and overcome the threats, so that they will not perish because they have good anticipation. There are numerous opportunities to be taken advantage of, including online worship, online counseling, online offerings, online discipleship, and online visitation. On the other hand, several barriers must be overcome, including a lack of human resources, device availability, and data service availability. As a result, the church must evolve in order to avoid becoming irrelevant to people living in Society 5.0.
Miktab: Jurnal Teologi dan Pelayanan Kristiani, Jun 29, 2021
Humans are constantly facing the times. Preaching the good news requires contextualization over t... more Humans are constantly facing the times. Preaching the good news requires contextualization over time. To see the relevance of God's Word in every era which is increasingly changing and at any time can change the human paradigm about God, a transformation of the method that the Lord Jesus has done is needed. Believers must be able to take advantage of advances in information technology and communication media by utilizing the internet and social media to preach the gospel to many people, although this research tends to those who are technology literate. This study describes the method of preaching the good news in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 Era. With a descriptive qualitative approach, it is concluded that the method of evangelizing Jesus is the basis of the innovations applied in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 Era: Going around is applied by utilizing network connectivity; teaching and preaching are applied through social media platforms; healing of all disease is practiced through the ministry of healing.
The role of believers and the church in actualizing the mission has a wrong mindset towards the b... more The role of believers and the church in actualizing the mission has a wrong mindset towards the basic concepts of missiology which results in not maximizing the preaching of the good news to others. Some people claim to be Christian but are reluctant to carry out the Great Commission and Paradigm that wrongly denounces the role of believers in evangelizing. For this reason, the church in Christian education is expected to be able to provide understanding to church members to be able to make Christian education the basis and means of evangelism. Using a qualitative descriptive approach, this research can be started by describing the mission and nature of the mission that Christian education must begin with an understanding related to the nature of missiology as the basis and driving force for the mission. Furthermore, the mission in Christian Education must also be a curriculum that is continuously taught to regenerate the Lord's congregation to continue to actualize the mandate ...
The ideal evangelism is evangelism that has directed growth, both qualitatively and quantitativel... more The ideal evangelism is evangelism that has directed growth, both qualitatively and quantitatively, management is fundamental and absolutely necessary in evangelistic services, so that the running of evangelism services can be coordinated and carried out well. Evangelism management is the process of handling, controlling and directing the work of evangelism by working with others. This study aims to find patterns in Paul's evangelistic management according to the Book of Acts 9-28 from the perspective of modern management science. This study uses a qualitative method with a library research approach and hermeneutics, where the researcher tries to answer the research problem by looking for literary sources that correlate with the research problem. These sources are the study of the text of the Book of Acts 9-28 as well as textbooks, both physical books and e-books, and journals. The conclusion of this research is that there is Paul's evangelistic management pattern in Acts 9-...
Christian education, which is the implementation of the mandate of the 1945 Constitution, and the... more Christian education, which is the implementation of the mandate of the 1945 Constitution, and the National Education System Law, has a strong theological foundation in the New Testament. This study aims to present the theological foundation of Christian education in the New Testament to be implemented in Christian education today. This study uses the literature method with a descriptive qualitative approach, where the researcher tries to answer the research problem by looking for literature sources that correlate with the research problem. These sources are textbooks, both physical books and e-books, and journals. The conclusion of this study is that there is a strong theological foundation in the New Testament, including in the example of the Lord Jesus the Great Teacher, in the practice of the apostle Paul's ministry and the life of the early church with a focus on education to shape character. This is relevant to be applied in Christian education today to become Christ-centri...
SHAMAYIM: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristiani, 2020
The church is a chosen group or congregation, namely those who are called by God to come out of t... more The church is a chosen group or congregation, namely those who are called by God to come out of the world, go away from sin and enter into the realm of grace. The church has a relationship with God's people in the Old Testament, where in the Old Testament God chose Abraham as the embryo of the birth of the nation of Israel, which was God's chosen nation. Theologically, the idea of God's people being called out clearly existed in Old Testament times, as well as in New Testament times. Linguistically the Greek word ekklesia appears repeatedly in connection with Israel in the Septuagint translation. The elements in the Old Testament exist in the New Testament church, however, they cannot be correctly equated between the Old Testament congregation and the church, because the church is a new product, founded on the Lord Jesus, made by the Holy Spirit and contains people from all the races of all nations become one new people of God. The true church has the signs as described ...
KHARISMATA: Jurnal Teologi Pantekosta
The harmony that has been torn so far as a result of the ethnicity, religion, race, and inter-gro... more The harmony that has been torn so far as a result of the ethnicity, religion, race, and inter-group relations (SARA) conflict threatens the diversity of the nation. Even the horizontal conflicts that have occurred so far have caused wounds and trauma for all communities. This study aims to provide understanding for pastors, teachers, and believers so that they can play a role in the scope of Christian religious education to be able to emphasize the value of harmony in a multicultural society. Through a descriptive qualitative method with a literature study approach, the researcher tries to answer the research problem by searching for literature sources, both books, and journals, that correlate with the research problem. The conclusion of this study is the first by understanding the value of wisdom and the importance of maintaining harmony in society, Christians can contribute to actualizing the meaning of harmony, both internally and amid religious communities within Indonesia. Seco...
Harati: Jurnal Pendidikan Kristen
The success of Christian religious education can be observed from the joint corporation between C... more The success of Christian religious education can be observed from the joint corporation between Christian religious education teachers and students and maximizing the teaching which is the goal. Therefore, the role of the teacher in building models and learning strategies for Jesus based on the synoptic Gospels can be applied in the learning process. Using a descriptive qualitative method with a literature study approach, it can be concluded that teachers and all church leaders are expected to be able to convey the value of the Jesus Learning model and strategy for the congregation and students. Because the learning carried out by Jesus in developing spiritual values and can be implemented is what is expected to be maximized in the teaching carried out. Because this is based first on the importance of Christian education, for the congregation's spirituality and for students who continue to aim and focus on Jesus as an example in learning. So that it can bring the role of Chris...
DUNAMIS: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristiani
Society 5.0 is the concept of a new life order that focuses on humans and based on digital techno... more Society 5.0 is the concept of a new life order that focuses on humans and based on digital technology to support human work. Meanwhile, the Church has the task to carry out the Great Commission of Christ according to Matthew 28:18-20. The problem is how to implement the Great Commission of Christ in this 5.0 society era. The method used in this study is grammatical and lexical study of Matthew 28:18-20. Through this study, it could be concluded that the actualization of the Great Commission of Christ requires new innovations, from previously onsite-based missions to digital missions. Missionaries are required to have capability in mission activities innovation through digital technology.
Jurnal Teologi Praktika
The religious comparative dialogue is one of the effective means of carrying out the mission of t... more The religious comparative dialogue is one of the effective means of carrying out the mission of the church, in the midst of a pluralistic society, especially for followers of the Hindu religion. An interesting concept in Christianity and Hinduism that can be compared is about Krishna and Christ. This study aims to make a comparison about the person of Christ and Krishna, and to interpret the concept of salvation they offer as an effort to find a point of contac in the dialogue of the Gospel to Hindu people in Indonesia. This study uses a library research method where the researcher tries to answer the research problem by looking for literature sources that correlate with the research problem, both textbooks and journals. The conclusion of this study is that there is a meeting point in the concept of salvation between Christ and Krishna which is useful in dialoguing the gospel to Hindu adherents in Indonesia.
The fact that some Christians convert so easily raises questions about their spiritual maturity. ... more The fact that some Christians convert so easily raises questions about their spiritual maturity. On the other hand Hebrews 5:11-14 writes about the need for a Christian to grow spiritually. This encourages researchers to find the meaning of spiritual maturity in Hebrews 5:11-14 and its application to believers today. The researcher uses descriptive method through literature study to answer the problem. From the research conducted by the author, it can be concluded that today's believers are said to have spiritual maturity if they have strong faith, have Christ's character, have faithfulness in service, have a Christlike perspective on life, and focus only on the truth of God's Word.
Miktab: Jurnal Teologi dan Pelayanan Kristiani
Fakta bahwa ada orang Kristen yang sangat mudah beralih keyakinan menimbulkan pertanyaan seputar ... more Fakta bahwa ada orang Kristen yang sangat mudah beralih keyakinan menimbulkan pertanyaan seputar kedewasaan rohani mereka. Di sisi lain Ibrani 5:11-14 menuliskan tentang perlunya seorang Kristen bertumbuh secara rohani. Hal ini mendorong peneliti untuk menemukan makna kedewasaan rohani dalam Ibrani 5:11-14 dan penerapannya bagi orang percaya pada masa kini. Peneliti menggunakan metode deskriptif melalui studi pustaka untuk menjawab masalah tersebut. Dari penelitian yang dilakukan penulis dapat menarik kesimpulan bahwa orang percaya masa kini dikatakan memiliki kedewasaan rohani jika ia memiliki iman yang kokoh, memiliki karakter Kristus, memiliki kesetiaan dalam pelayanan, memiliki perspektif hidup seperti Kristus, serta berfokus hanya kepada kebenaran Firman Tuhan.
Miktab: Jurnal Teologi dan Pelayanan Kristiani
Salah satu cara dalam menjalankan amanat agung adalah dengan menerapkan sebuah cara atau metode s... more Salah satu cara dalam menjalankan amanat agung adalah dengan menerapkan sebuah cara atau metode sebagai landasan utama dalam praktiknya. Alkitab juga mencatat bagaimana rasul Paulus menjalankan misi dan strateginya dalam memperluas Injil Kerajaan Allah. Model-model ini tertuang dalam tiga model yaitu model perjalanan pertama, perjalanan kedua, dan perjalanan ketiga. Gereja saat ini juga bisa menerapkan ketiga macam model ini untuk melakukan penginjilan, bukan hanya itu dalam pengembangan pos penginjilan juga sangat baik dilakukan dengan menerapkan model penginjilan Paulus.
Jurnal Teologi Berita Hidup
The Bible is the Word of God has an inerrancy that cannot be wrong and has a position as the high... more The Bible is the Word of God has an inerrancy that cannot be wrong and has a position as the highest authority. The Church is an institution founded by the Lord Jesus who has roots in the Old Testament having a duty and a call to mission. The question is how the Bible plays the role of the Bible as the highest authority in the ministry of the church's mission. The method used in this research is qualitative descriptive with a library research approach. The conclusion in this study is that the Bible as the highest authority in the ministry of the church's mission plays a role in determining the motivation of the church's mission and formulating various methods of mission approaches that are sensitive to context and do not come out of the corridors of the Bible.
EPIGRAPHE: Jurnal Teologi dan Pelayanan Kristiani, 2020
Abstraksi: Masa Intertestamental adalah masa antar perjanjian yang terbentang sejak masa pelayan... more Abstraksi: Masa Intertestamental adalah masa antar perjanjian yang terbentang sejak masa pelayanan nabi Maleakhi (430-420 SM) sampai dengan berita Inkarnasi Yesus (Matius, Lukas). Pada masa ini proselitisasi yang dilakukan oleh Yahudi Palestina maupun Yahudi diaspora terus berjalan sehingga menghasilkan gelombang konversi religius pada agama Yudaisme yang disebut proselit sungguhan (ger tsedeq) maupun sebagai orang-orang yang takut akan Allah (proselit pasif). Proselitisasi di masa intertestamental membuka jalan bagi misi gereja seperti terdokumentasi dalam Kitab Kisah Rasul. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan makna proselitisasi di masa intertestamental bagi misi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode studi literatur. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa proselitisasi memiliki makna penting bagi kegerakan misi gereja.
1st Virtual Workshop on Writing Scientific Article for International Publication Indexed SCOPUS, 2022
The church is a community of people who believe in Jesus Christ, and this community cannot be sep... more The church is a community of people who believe in Jesus Christ, and this community cannot be separated from the world society that is constantly changing. The change that is happening and must be responded properly is its movement into a new era called Society 5.0. Facing this new era, the church cannot be indifferent. This paper aims to describe the opportunities and threats that the church faces. Using a descriptive analysis method based on literature and observation, the results of the study showed that the church needs to increase its resources in order to take advantage of the opportunities and overcome the threats, so that they will not perish because they have good anticipation. There are numerous opportunities to be taken advantage of, including online worship, online counseling, online offerings, online discipleship, and online visitation. On the other hand, several barriers must be overcome, including a lack of human resources, device availability, and data service availability. As a result, the church must evolve in order to avoid becoming irrelevant to people living in Society 5.0.
SHAMAYIM: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristiani, 2021
The church is a chosen group or congregation, namely those who are called by God to come out of t... more The church is a chosen group or congregation, namely those who are called by God to come out of the world, go away from sin and enter into the realm of grace. The church has a relationship with God's people in the Old Testament, where in the Old Testament God chose Abraham as the embryo of the birth of the nation of Israel, which was God's chosen nation. Theologically, the idea of God's people being called out clearly existed in Old Testament times, as well as in New Testament times. Linguistically the Greek word ekklesia appears repeatedly in connection with Israel in the Septuagint translation. The elements in the Old Testament exist in the New Testament church, however, they cannot be correctly equated between the Old Testament congregation and the church, because the church is a new product, founded on the Lord Jesus, made by the Holy Spirit and contains people from all the races of all nations become one new people of God. The true church has the signs as described ...
1st Virtual Workshop on Writing Scientific Article for International Publication Indexed SCOPUS, 2022
The church is a community of people who believe in Jesus Christ, and this community cannot be sep... more The church is a community of people who believe in Jesus Christ, and this community cannot be separated from the world society that is constantly changing. The change that is happening and must be responded properly is its movement into a new era called Society 5.0. Facing this new era, the church cannot be indifferent. This paper aims to describe the opportunities and threats that the church faces. Using a descriptive analysis method based on literature and observation, the results of the study showed that the church needs to increase its resources in order to take advantage of the opportunities and overcome the threats, so that they will not perish because they have good anticipation. There are numerous opportunities to be taken advantage of, including online worship, online counseling, online offerings, online discipleship, and online visitation. On the other hand, several barriers must be overcome, including a lack of human resources, device availability, and data service availability. As a result, the church must evolve in order to avoid becoming irrelevant to people living in Society 5.0.
Miktab: Jurnal Teologi dan Pelayanan Kristiani, Jun 29, 2021
Humans are constantly facing the times. Preaching the good news requires contextualization over t... more Humans are constantly facing the times. Preaching the good news requires contextualization over time. To see the relevance of God's Word in every era which is increasingly changing and at any time can change the human paradigm about God, a transformation of the method that the Lord Jesus has done is needed. Believers must be able to take advantage of advances in information technology and communication media by utilizing the internet and social media to preach the gospel to many people, although this research tends to those who are technology literate. This study describes the method of preaching the good news in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 Era. With a descriptive qualitative approach, it is concluded that the method of evangelizing Jesus is the basis of the innovations applied in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 Era: Going around is applied by utilizing network connectivity; teaching and preaching are applied through social media platforms; healing of all disease is practiced through the ministry of healing.
The role of believers and the church in actualizing the mission has a wrong mindset towards the b... more The role of believers and the church in actualizing the mission has a wrong mindset towards the basic concepts of missiology which results in not maximizing the preaching of the good news to others. Some people claim to be Christian but are reluctant to carry out the Great Commission and Paradigm that wrongly denounces the role of believers in evangelizing. For this reason, the church in Christian education is expected to be able to provide understanding to church members to be able to make Christian education the basis and means of evangelism. Using a qualitative descriptive approach, this research can be started by describing the mission and nature of the mission that Christian education must begin with an understanding related to the nature of missiology as the basis and driving force for the mission. Furthermore, the mission in Christian Education must also be a curriculum that is continuously taught to regenerate the Lord's congregation to continue to actualize the mandate ...
The ideal evangelism is evangelism that has directed growth, both qualitatively and quantitativel... more The ideal evangelism is evangelism that has directed growth, both qualitatively and quantitatively, management is fundamental and absolutely necessary in evangelistic services, so that the running of evangelism services can be coordinated and carried out well. Evangelism management is the process of handling, controlling and directing the work of evangelism by working with others. This study aims to find patterns in Paul's evangelistic management according to the Book of Acts 9-28 from the perspective of modern management science. This study uses a qualitative method with a library research approach and hermeneutics, where the researcher tries to answer the research problem by looking for literary sources that correlate with the research problem. These sources are the study of the text of the Book of Acts 9-28 as well as textbooks, both physical books and e-books, and journals. The conclusion of this research is that there is Paul's evangelistic management pattern in Acts 9-...
Christian education, which is the implementation of the mandate of the 1945 Constitution, and the... more Christian education, which is the implementation of the mandate of the 1945 Constitution, and the National Education System Law, has a strong theological foundation in the New Testament. This study aims to present the theological foundation of Christian education in the New Testament to be implemented in Christian education today. This study uses the literature method with a descriptive qualitative approach, where the researcher tries to answer the research problem by looking for literature sources that correlate with the research problem. These sources are textbooks, both physical books and e-books, and journals. The conclusion of this study is that there is a strong theological foundation in the New Testament, including in the example of the Lord Jesus the Great Teacher, in the practice of the apostle Paul's ministry and the life of the early church with a focus on education to shape character. This is relevant to be applied in Christian education today to become Christ-centri...
SHAMAYIM: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristiani, 2020
The church is a chosen group or congregation, namely those who are called by God to come out of t... more The church is a chosen group or congregation, namely those who are called by God to come out of the world, go away from sin and enter into the realm of grace. The church has a relationship with God's people in the Old Testament, where in the Old Testament God chose Abraham as the embryo of the birth of the nation of Israel, which was God's chosen nation. Theologically, the idea of God's people being called out clearly existed in Old Testament times, as well as in New Testament times. Linguistically the Greek word ekklesia appears repeatedly in connection with Israel in the Septuagint translation. The elements in the Old Testament exist in the New Testament church, however, they cannot be correctly equated between the Old Testament congregation and the church, because the church is a new product, founded on the Lord Jesus, made by the Holy Spirit and contains people from all the races of all nations become one new people of God. The true church has the signs as described ...
KHARISMATA: Jurnal Teologi Pantekosta
The harmony that has been torn so far as a result of the ethnicity, religion, race, and inter-gro... more The harmony that has been torn so far as a result of the ethnicity, religion, race, and inter-group relations (SARA) conflict threatens the diversity of the nation. Even the horizontal conflicts that have occurred so far have caused wounds and trauma for all communities. This study aims to provide understanding for pastors, teachers, and believers so that they can play a role in the scope of Christian religious education to be able to emphasize the value of harmony in a multicultural society. Through a descriptive qualitative method with a literature study approach, the researcher tries to answer the research problem by searching for literature sources, both books, and journals, that correlate with the research problem. The conclusion of this study is the first by understanding the value of wisdom and the importance of maintaining harmony in society, Christians can contribute to actualizing the meaning of harmony, both internally and amid religious communities within Indonesia. Seco...
Harati: Jurnal Pendidikan Kristen
The success of Christian religious education can be observed from the joint corporation between C... more The success of Christian religious education can be observed from the joint corporation between Christian religious education teachers and students and maximizing the teaching which is the goal. Therefore, the role of the teacher in building models and learning strategies for Jesus based on the synoptic Gospels can be applied in the learning process. Using a descriptive qualitative method with a literature study approach, it can be concluded that teachers and all church leaders are expected to be able to convey the value of the Jesus Learning model and strategy for the congregation and students. Because the learning carried out by Jesus in developing spiritual values and can be implemented is what is expected to be maximized in the teaching carried out. Because this is based first on the importance of Christian education, for the congregation's spirituality and for students who continue to aim and focus on Jesus as an example in learning. So that it can bring the role of Chris...
DUNAMIS: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristiani
Society 5.0 is the concept of a new life order that focuses on humans and based on digital techno... more Society 5.0 is the concept of a new life order that focuses on humans and based on digital technology to support human work. Meanwhile, the Church has the task to carry out the Great Commission of Christ according to Matthew 28:18-20. The problem is how to implement the Great Commission of Christ in this 5.0 society era. The method used in this study is grammatical and lexical study of Matthew 28:18-20. Through this study, it could be concluded that the actualization of the Great Commission of Christ requires new innovations, from previously onsite-based missions to digital missions. Missionaries are required to have capability in mission activities innovation through digital technology.
Jurnal Teologi Praktika
The religious comparative dialogue is one of the effective means of carrying out the mission of t... more The religious comparative dialogue is one of the effective means of carrying out the mission of the church, in the midst of a pluralistic society, especially for followers of the Hindu religion. An interesting concept in Christianity and Hinduism that can be compared is about Krishna and Christ. This study aims to make a comparison about the person of Christ and Krishna, and to interpret the concept of salvation they offer as an effort to find a point of contac in the dialogue of the Gospel to Hindu people in Indonesia. This study uses a library research method where the researcher tries to answer the research problem by looking for literature sources that correlate with the research problem, both textbooks and journals. The conclusion of this study is that there is a meeting point in the concept of salvation between Christ and Krishna which is useful in dialoguing the gospel to Hindu adherents in Indonesia.