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Book Reviews by Peter Zubko
Kazateľská tvorba, jej recepcia a stimuly. Zborník štúdií z medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie (Bratislava 21. 11. – 22. 11. 2023), 2024
Zborník článkov k dejinám slovenskej kazateľskej spisby 19. storočia
Necrologium Archidioecesis Cassoviensis MMXXII, 2022
This publication is the first complete obituary of the Košice Archdiocese. The book contains the ... more This publication is the first complete obituary of the Košice Archdiocese. The book contains the names of almost 1,700 diocesan priests, bishops, deacons, and seminarians who have died since the founding of the diocese to this day (1804 - 2022). The book is intended primarily for prayer for these deceased. All data have been verified by several years of historical-archival research, so this obituary is a reliable and authentic source for the cultivation of historical memory and Košice's identity.
Ez a kiadvány a Kassai Főegyházmegye első teljes nekrológiumja. A könyv közel 1700 egyházmegyei pap, püspök, diakónus és kispap nevét tartalmazza, akik az egyházmegye megalapítása óta máig hunytak el (1804-2022). A könyv elsősorban ezekért a halottakért való imádkozáshoz szolgál. Minden adat többéves történeti-levéltári kutatás eredménye, ezért a nekrológium egyben a történelmi emlékezet és a kassai identitás ápolásának autentikus és hiteles forrása.
Diese Publikation ist das erste vollständige Nekrologium der Erzdiözese Košice (Kaschau). Das Buch enthält die Namen von fast 1.700 Diözesanpriestern, Bischöfen, Diakonen und Seminaristen, die seit Gründung der Diözese bis heute (1804 - 2022) verstorben sind. Das Buch ist vor allem zum Gebet für diese Verstorbenen bestimmt. Alle Daten wurden durch mehrjährige historisch-archivische Forschung verifiziert, daher ist dieses Nekrologium eine zuverlässige und authentische Quelle für die Pflege des historischen Gedächtnisses und der Identität von Košice.
Pastierske a apoštolské listy v slovenskom jazyku z 19. storočia, 2021
This article presents the issue of the pastoral and apostolic letters in the Slovak language from... more This article presents the issue of the pastoral and apostolic letters in the Slovak language from the 19th century. The study is based on 34 documents. The bishops of Hungary wrote pastoral letters primarily in Latin language and for the diocesan clergy. Pastoral letters addressed directly to believers were written in vernacular languages, in present-day Slovakia in Slovak, Hungarian and German languages. In the last decade of the 19th century in Hungary, the spiritual and cultural atmosphere was tense. The bishops joined forces and wrote joint pastoral letters on important social and moral issues. The apostolic letters were published as part of the episcopal pastoral letters, or were issued separately. The themes of the letters present the most important events of the 19th century: the holy or jubilee years (1825, 1850, 1875 and 1900), the proclamation of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary, the First Vatican Council, the millennium of the arrival of the Slavic apostles Saints Cyril and Methodius (1863), the millennium of Hungary (1896). Reactions to anti-church and anti-Catholic movements were a frequent topic: the Carbonari (Freemasons), the secularization of Hungary. The pastoral letters also reflect the complicated development of the Slovak language.
Teologický časopis, 2020
Episcopal encyclical and shepherd's letter as a literary genre on the example of the Kosice dioce... more Episcopal encyclical and shepherd's letter as a literary genre on the example of the Kosice diocese in the first half of the 19th century
The research of sermon literature in the Slovak language from the 19th century is not thoroughly examined. In examining this issue, we come across the same named facts named differently: they are called differently by literary science and theologian. This discrepancy is related to the historical development in Slovakia in the second half of the 20th century. These are the names: literary type, literary genre. This article does not solve this problem, but points to the potential use of an interdisciplinary approach to the issue. This article counts various literary genres that can be commonly identified in the Catholic Church. Today's understanding of any genre may not be the same as in the past. As times change, so does the meaning or definition of naming. On the example of two terms (episcopal encyclical and shepherd's letter) the problem of developing the understanding of these terms is presented on the example of the Kosice diocese in the years 1804–1850 in comparison with today's understanding.
PRÍDU MNOHÍ OD VÝCHODU I ZÁPADU. Podkarpatský Východ v archívoch západnej cirkvi, 2021
Many will come from the east and west The Subcarpathian East in the Archives of the Latin Church ... more Many will come from the east and west
The Subcarpathian East in the Archives of the Latin Church
According to archival documents, the Latin Church under the Carpathian Mountains never urges to do Latinization the Eastern Christians. The interest of the Western Church about the community of Eastern Christians has an entirely different background. At the time of the Uzhhorod Union, the conversion of several Orthodox popes under the wings of the Catholic Church was understood exclusively as a local and landed matter, which resulted from patronage law. Latin bishops did not engage in the expansion of the union, they had many problems of their own. The Druget family on his estates successfully continued to expand the union with the qualified help of fathers from the Society of Jesus. Subsequently, the Uniates existed as a separate entity, with several great bishops who formed and administered them.
Our research showed that in the 1720s, the Uniates had a crisis that ex-ceeded social boundaries. At that time, the Latin Church entered in the story to ensure public morality and discipline. The Bishop of Eger seemed to have doubts as to whether the union still lasted, so he undertook its revision in 1726. A certain moral example for northern Hungary was unionism in Poland. The bishop took advantage of canon law, restored the institute of the ritual vicar, and through it sought to discipline the Eastern priests. This did not become more significant until the middle of the 18th century under the Union Bishop Michal Manuel Olshavsky. He used a proven tool, as used by the Latin Church, the canonical visitation.
In the Latin scene with different periodicity, documents about the Union were created, compiled from written reports by Latin pastors. These documents indicate the sincere Latin interest in the Uniates, which was to bring them exal-tation and real equality with the Latin Church. These efforts have not been suc-cessfully completed. The Eger Bishop Francis Barkóci even had written statutes for the Uniates, but he put them in an ad acta drawer. Count Barkóci protected the eastern rite, forbidding the mixing of the rites. The change of attitude oc-curred only during the last bishop of Eger, Charles Esterházi, which accelerated the establishment of the local Uniate diocese. Latin interest had a strong influ-ence on the formation of its own Eastern identity, which eventually grew into the erigation of first the Mukacheve and later the Presov Greek Catholic diocese. In the first case, the bishop of Eger did not agree with the creation. Throughout the 18th century, the bishops of Eger and their canons did not agree with the division of their own diocese. The Roman Catholic Kosice diocese and the Satu Mare diocese were also established in 1804, much later than the local Greek Catholic diocese. In the second case, the first bishop of Kosice, Andrej Sabo, was actively helpful in the establishment of the Greek Catholic diocese in Pre-sov. He had by pastors collect the statistical data needed for the dismembrance.
The year 1771, when the Mukacheve Greek Catholic Diocese was estab-lished, found the Eastern Christians ready for this event. Several presbyters had good theological education, administrative structures were in place, and im-portant institutes and regulations existed. Formally, the pope had no doubts, two strong generations of priests since 1726 had undergone a formation compa-rable to the Latin formation. So, the Mukacheve Rite Vicariate could be pro-moted to a separate diocese. Even then, some Latin supervision did not cease, because in the spirit of canon law, the diocese was subordinate to a metropolitan who was not the Archbishop of Eger but of Esztergom.
The year 1780 was important for Greek Catholics, because after it we see a significant spontaneous Latinization. It was about accepting the Gregorian cal-endar. There was a unification of religious customs in those territories where the Catholics of Latin and Greek rite lived. Reports from eastern Slovakia map this issue and are a rare source not only for the history of the liturgy, but also for the history of the identity of the bearers of the Eastern rite. There is several Slovak naming in the documents, which denotes religious affiliation, no ethnicity. Be-fore 1780 and to a large extent in 1794, it is at the end of the 18th century, the Julian calendar was considered the Greek Catholic's own calendar. At least some representatives of the Roman Catholic Church seem to have seen the unification of the calendar as part of the Union's agreement. The complete transition to the Gregorian calendar did not occur until the 19th century.
The restoration of the Greek Catholic Church in 1968 brought a new stage in relations with the Latin Church. The Roman Catholic Church actively coop-erated in the restoration of the Greek Catholic Church. It provided the premises of the Kosice Bishop's Palace for its official resurrection on April 10, 1968. In many parishes, the Roman Catholic priests and believers spontaneously wel-comed the Greek Catholic priests returning to their parishes. In a short time, many Greek Catholic pastors asked Roman Catholics for the opportunity to cel-ebrate their services in Roman Catholic churches, usually according to customs before 1950. The agreement was always made by the ordinaries of both churches after the opinion of the pastors concerned. The Kosice Chapter Vicar Steven Onderko dealt with these cases individually, but in principle reciprocally. He asked for the opportunity to serve the Mass in Greek Catholic temples. Priests were the key figures who influenced their parishioners in both positive and neg-ative ways. Various manipulations often occurred on both sides, which grew into unwanted village divisions. If a party did not go according to its ideas to the church authorities, it abused the state and the communist authorities. And the regime feared unrest, so it ordered unjustified demands. The frequent anony-mous letters addressed to ecclesiastical and state authorities played an extremely negative role. The Greek Catholics sought to regain their status ("their rights," as John Hirka put it) in 1950. Today, several non-critical authors blame the Ro-man Catholic Church for alleged Latinization, but according to sources, this accusation is absurd. Roman Catholics had no interest in absorbing other believ-ers. It was an extraordinary time that no one in 1950 expected when and if it would end at all. The Greek Catholic priests themselves, who were removed by the state in 1950, then called on their parishioners to remain faithful to the pope. The only guarantee of Catholicism was the Roman Catholic Church. There was a lack of sensitivity on the Greek Catholic side, and nationalism also emerged in northern eastern Slovakia. After two years, both local ordinaries - Steven Onderko and John Hirka - have decided that inter-chin problems will be solved in the field by experts appointed by them. This meant a significant reduc-tion in problems. They obtained objective information, which was presented to both ordinaries for a definitive decision.
After the Second Vatican Council, interest in the Christian East at the highest ecclesiastical level deepened in the Roman Catholic Church. The Con-gregation for the Oriental Churches was formed, which primarily covers all Eastern ecclesial communities. The key task was the codification of the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches, which was promulgated in 1990 by pope John Paul II. Theological and academic interest in the Christian East was cultivated earlier in the Czech lands, but also in the Society of Jesus, in eastern Czechoslo-vakia the coexistence of Latin and Greek churches continued daily in practical pastoral help, for example in confession. Today's middle and older generation of Catholic priests commonly knows the second rite and can concelebrate in it. Inter-rite and interpersonal relationships are still influenced by local priests, who are mainstream leaders.
In Slovakia, after 1989, the Greek Catholic Church went through a new stage of development. It includes the external renewal, constitution and enhancement of the church organization, as well as the search for one's own roots. However, the au-thentic local Carpathian tradition is still little explored and drawn. The sources of this spiritual heritage are also systematically made available scientifically by the Ján Stanislav Institute of Slavic Studies of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava. These include the Uzhhorod Manuscript Pseudozonar, the Statutes of the Mukacheve Greek Catholic Diocese, The Handle of Church History, The Image of Monastic Life. These point to one and only spiritual line that was neither interrupted nor destroyed by the Uzhhorod Union but continued and multiplied continuously.
The history shows progress and enrichment as both communities, Eastern and Western, approached or touched as tangents. However, this was only possi-ble if they themselves had enhanced their own spiritual and cultural heritage, which they then enriched. The common tangents and intrusions of the interests of the Western and Eastern Churches under the Carpathians have ultimately always been mutually beneficial, leading to intellectual, religious and cultural enrichment. The purification of historical memory and the revitalization of mor-al and spiritual values.
TENTO LIST Z KAZATEĽNICE OHLASOVAŤ BUDETE. Pastierske a apoštolské listy pre Slovákov z 19. storočia, 2021
This letter you will announce from the pulpit Pastoral and apostolic letters for Slovaks from the... more This letter you will announce from the pulpit
Pastoral and apostolic letters for Slovaks from the 19th century
This publication by prof. Peter Zubko presents the pastoral letters of the Hungarian bish-ops and the apostolic letters of the popes from the 19th century and published in Slovak language. This diplomatic digest contains 34 transcribed letters. It is the first publication of its kind. The bishops of Hungary wrote and distributed the pastoral letters in Latin lan-guage. These were addressed to the clergy of the diocese. The pastoral letters addressed directly to believers were written in vernacular languages, in present-day Slovakia in Slo-vak, Hungarian and German. Usually there were three identical parallel language muta-tions. Letters of the high ecclesiastical hierarchy written directly in vernacular were usually written at the beginning of the episcopal ministry. All the others are extraordinary because they contain important topics or significant messages of the time. In the last decade of the 19th century in Hungary, the spiritual and cultural atmosphere was so tense that the bish-ops came together and wrote common pastoral letters. The apostolic letters were published as a part of the episcopal pastoral letters or were issued separately. The themes of the letters present the most important events of the 19th century: the holy or jubilee years (1825, 1850, 1875 and 1900), the proclamation of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary, the First Vatican Council, the millennium of the arrival of the Slavic apostles Saints Cyril and Methodius (1863), millennium of the Hungary (1896). Reactions to anti-church and anti-Catholic movements were a frequent topic: the Carbonars (Free-masons), the secularization of the Hungary. In the pastoral letters, it is possible to observe the gradual Hungarianization of Slovaks by the high church authorities. The Slovak lan-guage of pastoral letters is different. In the first half of the 19th century, fidelity prevailed in the Bernolák's codification of the Slovak language, which arose in the Catholic environ-ment. So, it was an attribute of the Catholic Church. In the middle of the 19th century, especially after the revolution (1848/1849), Slovak Catholics also used the Czech language to a certain extent, which was strongly Slovakized. In the second half of the 19th century, the new Štúr's codification of the Slovak language was used by Catholics for the first time in the sacral environment, which is also evident in the wording of the pastoral letters. Slo-vak Catholic periodicals, which shaped the Slovak language culture, played an important and irreplaceable role. These magazines have published several pastoral and pontifical letters. The pastoral letters from the end of the 19th century have a lower language level, because the Slovak language was not taught in Hungary, although their content is literally and catechetically perfect. Research showed that most pastoral letters in the Slovak lan-guage were issued by the Esztergom Archdiocese and the Košice Diocese.
Administratívno-právne pramene latinskej proveniencie o východnom cirkvi na východnom Slovensku. Výber komentovaných dokumentov z rokov. Administrative-legal sources of Latin origin about eastern churches in eastern Slovakia, The selection of commented documents from years (1646) 1726 - 1815., 2017
The selection of commented administrative-legal sources of Latin church about Byzantine church fr... more The selection of commented administrative-legal sources of Latin church about Byzantine church from years (1646) 1726 - 1815 from Eastern Slovakia. The work represents the 10 most important documents on the history of the Greek-Catholic Church.
ZUBKO, P.: The Polish-Hungarian Context in the History of the Unites Believers. Slavica Slovaca, ... more ZUBKO, P.: The Polish-Hungarian Context in the History of the Unites Believers. Slavica Slovaca, 53, 2017, No. 3-4, pp. 187-204 (Bratislava). This article compares the union between the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church in Poland and Hungary. The Union closed in Brest city, Poland (1596), influenced the closure of the Union in the Uzhhorod city, Hungary (1646). The mutual comparison of the two unions shows a great deal of differences in the genesis of the unions and in their further development. The Polish Union has all the attributes of a classic Church Union, the Hungarian Union from 1646 has the attributes of a simple personal union. The Polish Union was guaranteed by the Church hierarchy, the king and the pope; the Hungarian Union had a private character between several Presbyters and the Bishop of the Latin Rite of Eger. In the case of Hungary, this was not a one-off event, but the process that was repeated in some years. A further comparison of both environments shows that, in Poland, latinization and polonization developed largely in the wake of the Union. In Hungary, this process took place much later, after the establishment of the Mukacheve Greek Catholic Bishopric (1771). Until then, the Union was inspired by cultural events from the Polish unites believers and Church to cope with the Latin clergy. The Brest Union (1596), the Uzhhorod Union (1646), Latin-Byzantine Relations, Church History.
The Kosice diocese and the chapter were founded in 1804 as a result of the Enlightenment that was... more The Kosice diocese and the chapter were founded in 1804 as a result of the Enlightenment that was already weakening at that time. The Kosice Chapter was administered according to its own statutes and it had a strict hierarchy. The head was a grand provost; a lecturer, a cantor and a custodian – they were dignitaries; a cathedral archdeacon and a master were ordinary canons. The activity of the canons was supported from the own possessions of villages Tiszaors and Tiszaorveny, from the tens of towns Bardejov and Sabinov, the finances from grants and rentals. But resources were never sufficient. This article presents the Kosice Chapter in time of accomplishment of canonical visitation in 1808.
Liturgical languages of the people of Zemplin and Saris in Christian worship in 1749
Archbishop of French origin Marcel Lefebvre (1905-1991) is a one of mostly known persons of Catho... more Archbishop of French origin Marcel Lefebvre (1905-1991) is a one of mostly known persons of Catholic Church of 20th century. Although his name is known well in Slovakia but many of them don’t know his real life story. To this day Catholic Church still didn’t say the last world about his opus. Lefebvre jeopardized his own reputation saying that Second Vatican Council didn’t accomplished completely well and some of the conclusions weren’t realized ideally. This article is trying transparent describe life, opus and historical context of the fundator The Society of Saint Pius X.
Výkonná redaktorka: Katarína Žeňuchová Technický redaktor: Juraj Molčányi Adresa vydavateľa a síd... more Výkonná redaktorka: Katarína Žeňuchová Technický redaktor: Juraj Molčányi Adresa vydavateľa a sídlo redakcie: © Slavistický ústav Jána Stanislava SAV, Dúbravská cesta 9, 841 04 Bratislava, IČO: 31750940 © Slovenský komitét slavistov, Dúbravská cesta 9, 841 04 Bratislava, IČO: 30842913
Before the year 1350 a catholic priest spilled consecrated wine, that is, Holy Blood, during a ho... more Before the year 1350 a catholic priest spilled consecrated wine, that is, Holy Blood, during a holy mass. An image of Christ’s face was thus reportedly created on the corporal, which then became an object of adoration. Church leaders considered the event to be a miracle. Pilgrims from all of Hungary and the surrounding lands, including Orthodox Wallachians and Ruthenians, came to Kosice. For storage of the relic, the Chapel of St. Michael was built on a model of the reliquary Chapel of Sainte Chapelle in Paris. The chapel was obviously built for the permanent keeping of the Kosice Relic of the Holy Blood, which is suggested in the iconography and above all by the motif of the vera icon (“true image”) in the middle keystone of the vault. For a long time no plan was in place for the building of a new Elizabethan church.
About the year 1390 the original Church of St. Elisabeth burned down. The citizens of Kosice took advantage of this event to build a new church of the cathedral type, but it was soon necessary to look for additional resources for the expensive construction work. After 1400 Johann Hebenstreyt came to Kosice, probably from Nuremberg, and during his life in the city he significantly contributed to the visual representation of Kosice; therefore he was able, together with the parish priest Steve, to contribute to the idea of returning the Relic of the Holy Blood to the parish church. The parish priest then presented this idea to Pope Boniface IX, who on March 1st, 1402 granted an exceptionally generous indulgence for the completion of the Cathedral in which the famous relics were located. Consequently, this led to a change in the construction plan. The originally planned five-nave basilica was divided by a transept, and the quadrants formed gave the interior space an airiness and uniqueness later acclaimed by many a monarch.
The southern part of the Cathedral was completed for the presentation of the Kosice relics. A special room was built in the south tower, where the town relics were stored in a niche, in a cabinet which was exhibited for public adoration only on certain days, certainly on Good Friday. The relics were exhibited in the south gallery. Pilgrims entering the Cathedral through the Western portal and to the gallery ascended and descended via a representative double staircase. The North portal was exceptionally valuable because it was gilded. The central motif of the last judgement is supplemented by scenes of the Crucifixion and from the life of the patroness of the St. Elisabeth Cathedral. The iconography on the western portal tells of the presence of the Relic of the Holy Blood: a mandylion, a pieta and Christ bleeding in the Garden of Gethsemane. On the south portal is a statue of a man in pain (vir dolorum), on which the attributes of Christ’s sufferings are found: a whip, a rod, nails. An additional mandylion with the face of Christ is located in the south tower. In the 1370s the Cromer’s Chapel was built onto the Cathedral and the vera icon was placed into one of its keystones (unlike the mandylion, here Christ is wearing the thorny crown and has a pained expression).
The second phase of the construction of the St. Elisabeth Cathedral was completed perhaps by the year 1440. The church was already being used in 1457, even though the last phase of construction, during which the sanctuary was being completed, was not finished until the start of the 16th century. Objects from the Middle Ages still in the Cathedral are a stone relief with St. Elisabeth, a pastophorium, a cemetery lantern, a carved Calvary (1430), the main Altar of St. Elisabeth (1474-1477) with a triple cycle (Elisabethan, Passion/Lenten and Marian/Advent) and a number of other altars.
Several kings who granted Kosice many important privileges, thanks to which the city was able to develop, also visited the city a number of times. A personal relation toward the town is possible to understand directly through their deep faith. A visit to Kosice was primarily their pilgrimage to the Relic of the Holy Blood. The benevolence and faith of Kings Louis I the Great, Sigismund of Luxemburg or Matthew Corvinus significantly contributed to the development of the city. Therefore, it was this Eucharistic miracle which helped form the genius loci of Kosice.
The Cathedral was many times threatened by fires, wars and rebellions, and in the new age also damaged by natural disasters: earthquakes, floods and winds, which led in the 19th century to its purist restoration. After the battle of Mohacs (1526) the residents of the southern regions of Hungary fled to the north, including to Kosice. In the meantime the Reformation was spreading. In 1549 the first Protestant statement of faith, known as the Confessio Pentapolitana, was signed here. Germans who professed to Lutheranism made up the Kosice city council, but only openly after second half of the 16th century. In the 17th century Kosice became a part of several anti-Habsburg and estate rebellions. Calvinist iconoclasm threatened the Cathedral for only a short time, in the scope of which the Relic of the Holy Blood was obviously destroyed in 1641, when the room in which they were kept in the tower was violated.
In 1596 the Ottoman conquered the key fortress of Potisia and at the same time the Episcopal town of Eger. The bishop and chapter house moved to Jasov and to Kosice. Thanks to the presence of the Jaeger chapter house (1597-1609 and 1647-1699/1700), Kosice and northeast Hungary were re-Catholicised. The Jesuit mission and Kosice University, founded by Bishop Benedict Kisdy of Eger in 1657 and confirmed by the sovereign Leopold I in 1660, also contributed toward this. The St. Elisabeth Cathedral itself was definitively returned to the Catholics in 1671. Definitively peaceful times came to the city after the end of the estate rebellions in 1710. Kosice remained the centre of the Eger diocese up until the return of the bishopric and chapter house to Eger at the end of the 17th century. The 18th century was a time of disciplined religious life in the city. The Cathedral was renovated and the famous Szilasi’s monstrance, for example, was added to its inventory from 1770. Two religious associations worked in the Cathedral in the spirit of a typical Baroque devoutness.
Papers by Peter Zubko
Slavica Slovaca, 2005
... Joannes Nemcsik aetatis annor. ... katoliczke zasveczene, gak od davnosti, tak i teras dobrov... more ... Joannes Nemcsik aetatis annor. ... katoliczke zasveczene, gak od davnosti, tak i teras dobrovolne, a bez prinuczeni P. Plebana, tak i Panstva Urečiteho swetili sme i svetit chceme, abi pohorsseni se znas nestalo, aneb prekassku, a pritim i nasse v Ucztivosti mame bez vsseczkeg ...
Konštantínove listy, 2013
ZUBKO, Peter. Hagiographic Motifs in Sphragistics as a Historical Source. This article deals with... more ZUBKO, Peter. Hagiographic Motifs in Sphragistics as a Historical Source. This article deals with the hagiographic motifs in sphragistics. The article highlights the need to distinguish between the sacred and hagiographic themes of the content of seals. In the text, the typology of the sacred motifs of seals is presented. The seals with the motives of saints are usually but not always closely related to the local patrocinium. The seal was created in a specific period and for a particular owner. The analysis of the hagiographic encrustation of the seal speaks not only of the objective factors, but also expresses the subjective circumstances of the wearer. The most important note of the author is that the seal is a significant historical source.
Človek a spoločnosť. Internetový časopis pre pôvodné teoretické a výskumné štúdie z oblasti spoločenských vied, 2012
Uvod Dom sv. Alžbety v Kosiciach bol a je fenomenom, ktorý bol signifikantný nielen pre dejiny ar... more Uvod Dom sv. Alžbety v Kosiciach bol a je fenomenom, ktorý bol signifikantný nielen pre dejiny architektury alebo dejiny mesta Kosice, ale aj pre dejiny duchovných a cirkevných zapasov na východe Slovenska a predtým severovýchodneho Uhorska. Za existenciou chramu v jeho veľkosti stoji samotne mesto Kosice ako patron, jeho ekonomický, politický, spolocenský, kulturny, ale i prestižny potencial, ktorý v stredoveku umožnil stavbu tohto slavneho kostola. Samotna stavba v stredoveku ovplyvnila podobnu staviteľsku cinnosť v iných okolitých slobodných kraľovských mestach. Kosice patrili medzi kľucove mesta krajiny, preto sa pocas naboženských vojen 17. storocia sustreďovala prirodzena pozornosť na mesto a jeho farský kostol. Ten tak bol nielen architektonickou, ale aj moralnou dominantou Kosic a celeho sirokeho regionu. Najvýznamnejsia praca, ktora bola doteraz napisana o Dome sv. Alžbety v Kosiciach, pochadza z pera rimskokatolickeho kňaza, kosickeho kanonika Msgre Vojtecha Wicka. 1
Konštantínove listy, Oct 31, 2020
ZUBKO, Peter. The Image of a Bishop in Romanesque Times (mid-11th-mid-13th Century). In the 11th ... more ZUBKO, Peter. The Image of a Bishop in Romanesque Times (mid-11th-mid-13th Century). In the 11th century, several reforms took place in the Catholic Church, which also concerned the ministry and position of bishops. Bishops formed only a small but influential part of the life of the Christian community. From the Romanesque period, the first detailed information about the life of bishops from non-hagiographic sources has been preserved. At the same time, requirements were defined as to the characteristics of an orthodox Catholic bishop. During this period, the office of archbishop was established. The bishop was elected by the chapter according to the usual rules. The importance of the cathedral and the episcopal liturgy increased. The bishops reserved some sacramental acts and decisions just for themselves. The four Lateran Councils paid wide attention to the bishops; the article lists all the relevant canons of these councils on bishops. In Romanesque times, the position of the bishop in the Catholic Church was highlighted and strengthened, and at the same time he gained an important place in secular society. The bishops were autonomous vis-à-vis the pope, so the individual dioceses differed from each other, but certain intellectual, cultural and spiritual influences had an impact on the universal Christian community. The bishops had an important say in the administration of the lands, they were advisers to the rulers, and only those who met certain qualities (which was new compared to the previous time) could be bishops, but on the other hand it was not possible to bypass the rulers with the appointment. This heritage was influential until the late middle ages.
Konštantínove listy, Jun 30, 2013
ZUBKO, Peter. Hagiographic Motifs in Sphragistics as a Historical Source. This article deals with... more ZUBKO, Peter. Hagiographic Motifs in Sphragistics as a Historical Source. This article deals with the hagiographic motifs in sphragistics. The article highlights the need to distinguish between the sacred and hagiographic themes of the content of seals. In the text, the typology of the sacred motifs of seals is presented. The seals with the motives of saints are usually but not always closely related to the local patrocinium. The seal was created in a specific period and for a particular owner. The analysis of the hagiographic encrustation of the seal speaks not only of the objective factors, but also expresses the subjective circumstances of the wearer. The most important note of the author is that the seal is a significant historical source.
Kazateľská tvorba, jej recepcia a stimuly. Zborník štúdií z medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie (Bratislava 21. 11. – 22. 11. 2023), 2024
Zborník článkov k dejinám slovenskej kazateľskej spisby 19. storočia
Necrologium Archidioecesis Cassoviensis MMXXII, 2022
This publication is the first complete obituary of the Košice Archdiocese. The book contains the ... more This publication is the first complete obituary of the Košice Archdiocese. The book contains the names of almost 1,700 diocesan priests, bishops, deacons, and seminarians who have died since the founding of the diocese to this day (1804 - 2022). The book is intended primarily for prayer for these deceased. All data have been verified by several years of historical-archival research, so this obituary is a reliable and authentic source for the cultivation of historical memory and Košice's identity.
Ez a kiadvány a Kassai Főegyházmegye első teljes nekrológiumja. A könyv közel 1700 egyházmegyei pap, püspök, diakónus és kispap nevét tartalmazza, akik az egyházmegye megalapítása óta máig hunytak el (1804-2022). A könyv elsősorban ezekért a halottakért való imádkozáshoz szolgál. Minden adat többéves történeti-levéltári kutatás eredménye, ezért a nekrológium egyben a történelmi emlékezet és a kassai identitás ápolásának autentikus és hiteles forrása.
Diese Publikation ist das erste vollständige Nekrologium der Erzdiözese Košice (Kaschau). Das Buch enthält die Namen von fast 1.700 Diözesanpriestern, Bischöfen, Diakonen und Seminaristen, die seit Gründung der Diözese bis heute (1804 - 2022) verstorben sind. Das Buch ist vor allem zum Gebet für diese Verstorbenen bestimmt. Alle Daten wurden durch mehrjährige historisch-archivische Forschung verifiziert, daher ist dieses Nekrologium eine zuverlässige und authentische Quelle für die Pflege des historischen Gedächtnisses und der Identität von Košice.
Pastierske a apoštolské listy v slovenskom jazyku z 19. storočia, 2021
This article presents the issue of the pastoral and apostolic letters in the Slovak language from... more This article presents the issue of the pastoral and apostolic letters in the Slovak language from the 19th century. The study is based on 34 documents. The bishops of Hungary wrote pastoral letters primarily in Latin language and for the diocesan clergy. Pastoral letters addressed directly to believers were written in vernacular languages, in present-day Slovakia in Slovak, Hungarian and German languages. In the last decade of the 19th century in Hungary, the spiritual and cultural atmosphere was tense. The bishops joined forces and wrote joint pastoral letters on important social and moral issues. The apostolic letters were published as part of the episcopal pastoral letters, or were issued separately. The themes of the letters present the most important events of the 19th century: the holy or jubilee years (1825, 1850, 1875 and 1900), the proclamation of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary, the First Vatican Council, the millennium of the arrival of the Slavic apostles Saints Cyril and Methodius (1863), the millennium of Hungary (1896). Reactions to anti-church and anti-Catholic movements were a frequent topic: the Carbonari (Freemasons), the secularization of Hungary. The pastoral letters also reflect the complicated development of the Slovak language.
Teologický časopis, 2020
Episcopal encyclical and shepherd's letter as a literary genre on the example of the Kosice dioce... more Episcopal encyclical and shepherd's letter as a literary genre on the example of the Kosice diocese in the first half of the 19th century
The research of sermon literature in the Slovak language from the 19th century is not thoroughly examined. In examining this issue, we come across the same named facts named differently: they are called differently by literary science and theologian. This discrepancy is related to the historical development in Slovakia in the second half of the 20th century. These are the names: literary type, literary genre. This article does not solve this problem, but points to the potential use of an interdisciplinary approach to the issue. This article counts various literary genres that can be commonly identified in the Catholic Church. Today's understanding of any genre may not be the same as in the past. As times change, so does the meaning or definition of naming. On the example of two terms (episcopal encyclical and shepherd's letter) the problem of developing the understanding of these terms is presented on the example of the Kosice diocese in the years 1804–1850 in comparison with today's understanding.
PRÍDU MNOHÍ OD VÝCHODU I ZÁPADU. Podkarpatský Východ v archívoch západnej cirkvi, 2021
Many will come from the east and west The Subcarpathian East in the Archives of the Latin Church ... more Many will come from the east and west
The Subcarpathian East in the Archives of the Latin Church
According to archival documents, the Latin Church under the Carpathian Mountains never urges to do Latinization the Eastern Christians. The interest of the Western Church about the community of Eastern Christians has an entirely different background. At the time of the Uzhhorod Union, the conversion of several Orthodox popes under the wings of the Catholic Church was understood exclusively as a local and landed matter, which resulted from patronage law. Latin bishops did not engage in the expansion of the union, they had many problems of their own. The Druget family on his estates successfully continued to expand the union with the qualified help of fathers from the Society of Jesus. Subsequently, the Uniates existed as a separate entity, with several great bishops who formed and administered them.
Our research showed that in the 1720s, the Uniates had a crisis that ex-ceeded social boundaries. At that time, the Latin Church entered in the story to ensure public morality and discipline. The Bishop of Eger seemed to have doubts as to whether the union still lasted, so he undertook its revision in 1726. A certain moral example for northern Hungary was unionism in Poland. The bishop took advantage of canon law, restored the institute of the ritual vicar, and through it sought to discipline the Eastern priests. This did not become more significant until the middle of the 18th century under the Union Bishop Michal Manuel Olshavsky. He used a proven tool, as used by the Latin Church, the canonical visitation.
In the Latin scene with different periodicity, documents about the Union were created, compiled from written reports by Latin pastors. These documents indicate the sincere Latin interest in the Uniates, which was to bring them exal-tation and real equality with the Latin Church. These efforts have not been suc-cessfully completed. The Eger Bishop Francis Barkóci even had written statutes for the Uniates, but he put them in an ad acta drawer. Count Barkóci protected the eastern rite, forbidding the mixing of the rites. The change of attitude oc-curred only during the last bishop of Eger, Charles Esterházi, which accelerated the establishment of the local Uniate diocese. Latin interest had a strong influ-ence on the formation of its own Eastern identity, which eventually grew into the erigation of first the Mukacheve and later the Presov Greek Catholic diocese. In the first case, the bishop of Eger did not agree with the creation. Throughout the 18th century, the bishops of Eger and their canons did not agree with the division of their own diocese. The Roman Catholic Kosice diocese and the Satu Mare diocese were also established in 1804, much later than the local Greek Catholic diocese. In the second case, the first bishop of Kosice, Andrej Sabo, was actively helpful in the establishment of the Greek Catholic diocese in Pre-sov. He had by pastors collect the statistical data needed for the dismembrance.
The year 1771, when the Mukacheve Greek Catholic Diocese was estab-lished, found the Eastern Christians ready for this event. Several presbyters had good theological education, administrative structures were in place, and im-portant institutes and regulations existed. Formally, the pope had no doubts, two strong generations of priests since 1726 had undergone a formation compa-rable to the Latin formation. So, the Mukacheve Rite Vicariate could be pro-moted to a separate diocese. Even then, some Latin supervision did not cease, because in the spirit of canon law, the diocese was subordinate to a metropolitan who was not the Archbishop of Eger but of Esztergom.
The year 1780 was important for Greek Catholics, because after it we see a significant spontaneous Latinization. It was about accepting the Gregorian cal-endar. There was a unification of religious customs in those territories where the Catholics of Latin and Greek rite lived. Reports from eastern Slovakia map this issue and are a rare source not only for the history of the liturgy, but also for the history of the identity of the bearers of the Eastern rite. There is several Slovak naming in the documents, which denotes religious affiliation, no ethnicity. Be-fore 1780 and to a large extent in 1794, it is at the end of the 18th century, the Julian calendar was considered the Greek Catholic's own calendar. At least some representatives of the Roman Catholic Church seem to have seen the unification of the calendar as part of the Union's agreement. The complete transition to the Gregorian calendar did not occur until the 19th century.
The restoration of the Greek Catholic Church in 1968 brought a new stage in relations with the Latin Church. The Roman Catholic Church actively coop-erated in the restoration of the Greek Catholic Church. It provided the premises of the Kosice Bishop's Palace for its official resurrection on April 10, 1968. In many parishes, the Roman Catholic priests and believers spontaneously wel-comed the Greek Catholic priests returning to their parishes. In a short time, many Greek Catholic pastors asked Roman Catholics for the opportunity to cel-ebrate their services in Roman Catholic churches, usually according to customs before 1950. The agreement was always made by the ordinaries of both churches after the opinion of the pastors concerned. The Kosice Chapter Vicar Steven Onderko dealt with these cases individually, but in principle reciprocally. He asked for the opportunity to serve the Mass in Greek Catholic temples. Priests were the key figures who influenced their parishioners in both positive and neg-ative ways. Various manipulations often occurred on both sides, which grew into unwanted village divisions. If a party did not go according to its ideas to the church authorities, it abused the state and the communist authorities. And the regime feared unrest, so it ordered unjustified demands. The frequent anony-mous letters addressed to ecclesiastical and state authorities played an extremely negative role. The Greek Catholics sought to regain their status ("their rights," as John Hirka put it) in 1950. Today, several non-critical authors blame the Ro-man Catholic Church for alleged Latinization, but according to sources, this accusation is absurd. Roman Catholics had no interest in absorbing other believ-ers. It was an extraordinary time that no one in 1950 expected when and if it would end at all. The Greek Catholic priests themselves, who were removed by the state in 1950, then called on their parishioners to remain faithful to the pope. The only guarantee of Catholicism was the Roman Catholic Church. There was a lack of sensitivity on the Greek Catholic side, and nationalism also emerged in northern eastern Slovakia. After two years, both local ordinaries - Steven Onderko and John Hirka - have decided that inter-chin problems will be solved in the field by experts appointed by them. This meant a significant reduc-tion in problems. They obtained objective information, which was presented to both ordinaries for a definitive decision.
After the Second Vatican Council, interest in the Christian East at the highest ecclesiastical level deepened in the Roman Catholic Church. The Con-gregation for the Oriental Churches was formed, which primarily covers all Eastern ecclesial communities. The key task was the codification of the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches, which was promulgated in 1990 by pope John Paul II. Theological and academic interest in the Christian East was cultivated earlier in the Czech lands, but also in the Society of Jesus, in eastern Czechoslo-vakia the coexistence of Latin and Greek churches continued daily in practical pastoral help, for example in confession. Today's middle and older generation of Catholic priests commonly knows the second rite and can concelebrate in it. Inter-rite and interpersonal relationships are still influenced by local priests, who are mainstream leaders.
In Slovakia, after 1989, the Greek Catholic Church went through a new stage of development. It includes the external renewal, constitution and enhancement of the church organization, as well as the search for one's own roots. However, the au-thentic local Carpathian tradition is still little explored and drawn. The sources of this spiritual heritage are also systematically made available scientifically by the Ján Stanislav Institute of Slavic Studies of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava. These include the Uzhhorod Manuscript Pseudozonar, the Statutes of the Mukacheve Greek Catholic Diocese, The Handle of Church History, The Image of Monastic Life. These point to one and only spiritual line that was neither interrupted nor destroyed by the Uzhhorod Union but continued and multiplied continuously.
The history shows progress and enrichment as both communities, Eastern and Western, approached or touched as tangents. However, this was only possi-ble if they themselves had enhanced their own spiritual and cultural heritage, which they then enriched. The common tangents and intrusions of the interests of the Western and Eastern Churches under the Carpathians have ultimately always been mutually beneficial, leading to intellectual, religious and cultural enrichment. The purification of historical memory and the revitalization of mor-al and spiritual values.
TENTO LIST Z KAZATEĽNICE OHLASOVAŤ BUDETE. Pastierske a apoštolské listy pre Slovákov z 19. storočia, 2021
This letter you will announce from the pulpit Pastoral and apostolic letters for Slovaks from the... more This letter you will announce from the pulpit
Pastoral and apostolic letters for Slovaks from the 19th century
This publication by prof. Peter Zubko presents the pastoral letters of the Hungarian bish-ops and the apostolic letters of the popes from the 19th century and published in Slovak language. This diplomatic digest contains 34 transcribed letters. It is the first publication of its kind. The bishops of Hungary wrote and distributed the pastoral letters in Latin lan-guage. These were addressed to the clergy of the diocese. The pastoral letters addressed directly to believers were written in vernacular languages, in present-day Slovakia in Slo-vak, Hungarian and German. Usually there were three identical parallel language muta-tions. Letters of the high ecclesiastical hierarchy written directly in vernacular were usually written at the beginning of the episcopal ministry. All the others are extraordinary because they contain important topics or significant messages of the time. In the last decade of the 19th century in Hungary, the spiritual and cultural atmosphere was so tense that the bish-ops came together and wrote common pastoral letters. The apostolic letters were published as a part of the episcopal pastoral letters or were issued separately. The themes of the letters present the most important events of the 19th century: the holy or jubilee years (1825, 1850, 1875 and 1900), the proclamation of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary, the First Vatican Council, the millennium of the arrival of the Slavic apostles Saints Cyril and Methodius (1863), millennium of the Hungary (1896). Reactions to anti-church and anti-Catholic movements were a frequent topic: the Carbonars (Free-masons), the secularization of the Hungary. In the pastoral letters, it is possible to observe the gradual Hungarianization of Slovaks by the high church authorities. The Slovak lan-guage of pastoral letters is different. In the first half of the 19th century, fidelity prevailed in the Bernolák's codification of the Slovak language, which arose in the Catholic environ-ment. So, it was an attribute of the Catholic Church. In the middle of the 19th century, especially after the revolution (1848/1849), Slovak Catholics also used the Czech language to a certain extent, which was strongly Slovakized. In the second half of the 19th century, the new Štúr's codification of the Slovak language was used by Catholics for the first time in the sacral environment, which is also evident in the wording of the pastoral letters. Slo-vak Catholic periodicals, which shaped the Slovak language culture, played an important and irreplaceable role. These magazines have published several pastoral and pontifical letters. The pastoral letters from the end of the 19th century have a lower language level, because the Slovak language was not taught in Hungary, although their content is literally and catechetically perfect. Research showed that most pastoral letters in the Slovak lan-guage were issued by the Esztergom Archdiocese and the Košice Diocese.
Administratívno-právne pramene latinskej proveniencie o východnom cirkvi na východnom Slovensku. Výber komentovaných dokumentov z rokov. Administrative-legal sources of Latin origin about eastern churches in eastern Slovakia, The selection of commented documents from years (1646) 1726 - 1815., 2017
The selection of commented administrative-legal sources of Latin church about Byzantine church fr... more The selection of commented administrative-legal sources of Latin church about Byzantine church from years (1646) 1726 - 1815 from Eastern Slovakia. The work represents the 10 most important documents on the history of the Greek-Catholic Church.
ZUBKO, P.: The Polish-Hungarian Context in the History of the Unites Believers. Slavica Slovaca, ... more ZUBKO, P.: The Polish-Hungarian Context in the History of the Unites Believers. Slavica Slovaca, 53, 2017, No. 3-4, pp. 187-204 (Bratislava). This article compares the union between the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church in Poland and Hungary. The Union closed in Brest city, Poland (1596), influenced the closure of the Union in the Uzhhorod city, Hungary (1646). The mutual comparison of the two unions shows a great deal of differences in the genesis of the unions and in their further development. The Polish Union has all the attributes of a classic Church Union, the Hungarian Union from 1646 has the attributes of a simple personal union. The Polish Union was guaranteed by the Church hierarchy, the king and the pope; the Hungarian Union had a private character between several Presbyters and the Bishop of the Latin Rite of Eger. In the case of Hungary, this was not a one-off event, but the process that was repeated in some years. A further comparison of both environments shows that, in Poland, latinization and polonization developed largely in the wake of the Union. In Hungary, this process took place much later, after the establishment of the Mukacheve Greek Catholic Bishopric (1771). Until then, the Union was inspired by cultural events from the Polish unites believers and Church to cope with the Latin clergy. The Brest Union (1596), the Uzhhorod Union (1646), Latin-Byzantine Relations, Church History.
The Kosice diocese and the chapter were founded in 1804 as a result of the Enlightenment that was... more The Kosice diocese and the chapter were founded in 1804 as a result of the Enlightenment that was already weakening at that time. The Kosice Chapter was administered according to its own statutes and it had a strict hierarchy. The head was a grand provost; a lecturer, a cantor and a custodian – they were dignitaries; a cathedral archdeacon and a master were ordinary canons. The activity of the canons was supported from the own possessions of villages Tiszaors and Tiszaorveny, from the tens of towns Bardejov and Sabinov, the finances from grants and rentals. But resources were never sufficient. This article presents the Kosice Chapter in time of accomplishment of canonical visitation in 1808.
Liturgical languages of the people of Zemplin and Saris in Christian worship in 1749
Archbishop of French origin Marcel Lefebvre (1905-1991) is a one of mostly known persons of Catho... more Archbishop of French origin Marcel Lefebvre (1905-1991) is a one of mostly known persons of Catholic Church of 20th century. Although his name is known well in Slovakia but many of them don’t know his real life story. To this day Catholic Church still didn’t say the last world about his opus. Lefebvre jeopardized his own reputation saying that Second Vatican Council didn’t accomplished completely well and some of the conclusions weren’t realized ideally. This article is trying transparent describe life, opus and historical context of the fundator The Society of Saint Pius X.
Výkonná redaktorka: Katarína Žeňuchová Technický redaktor: Juraj Molčányi Adresa vydavateľa a síd... more Výkonná redaktorka: Katarína Žeňuchová Technický redaktor: Juraj Molčányi Adresa vydavateľa a sídlo redakcie: © Slavistický ústav Jána Stanislava SAV, Dúbravská cesta 9, 841 04 Bratislava, IČO: 31750940 © Slovenský komitét slavistov, Dúbravská cesta 9, 841 04 Bratislava, IČO: 30842913
Before the year 1350 a catholic priest spilled consecrated wine, that is, Holy Blood, during a ho... more Before the year 1350 a catholic priest spilled consecrated wine, that is, Holy Blood, during a holy mass. An image of Christ’s face was thus reportedly created on the corporal, which then became an object of adoration. Church leaders considered the event to be a miracle. Pilgrims from all of Hungary and the surrounding lands, including Orthodox Wallachians and Ruthenians, came to Kosice. For storage of the relic, the Chapel of St. Michael was built on a model of the reliquary Chapel of Sainte Chapelle in Paris. The chapel was obviously built for the permanent keeping of the Kosice Relic of the Holy Blood, which is suggested in the iconography and above all by the motif of the vera icon (“true image”) in the middle keystone of the vault. For a long time no plan was in place for the building of a new Elizabethan church.
About the year 1390 the original Church of St. Elisabeth burned down. The citizens of Kosice took advantage of this event to build a new church of the cathedral type, but it was soon necessary to look for additional resources for the expensive construction work. After 1400 Johann Hebenstreyt came to Kosice, probably from Nuremberg, and during his life in the city he significantly contributed to the visual representation of Kosice; therefore he was able, together with the parish priest Steve, to contribute to the idea of returning the Relic of the Holy Blood to the parish church. The parish priest then presented this idea to Pope Boniface IX, who on March 1st, 1402 granted an exceptionally generous indulgence for the completion of the Cathedral in which the famous relics were located. Consequently, this led to a change in the construction plan. The originally planned five-nave basilica was divided by a transept, and the quadrants formed gave the interior space an airiness and uniqueness later acclaimed by many a monarch.
The southern part of the Cathedral was completed for the presentation of the Kosice relics. A special room was built in the south tower, where the town relics were stored in a niche, in a cabinet which was exhibited for public adoration only on certain days, certainly on Good Friday. The relics were exhibited in the south gallery. Pilgrims entering the Cathedral through the Western portal and to the gallery ascended and descended via a representative double staircase. The North portal was exceptionally valuable because it was gilded. The central motif of the last judgement is supplemented by scenes of the Crucifixion and from the life of the patroness of the St. Elisabeth Cathedral. The iconography on the western portal tells of the presence of the Relic of the Holy Blood: a mandylion, a pieta and Christ bleeding in the Garden of Gethsemane. On the south portal is a statue of a man in pain (vir dolorum), on which the attributes of Christ’s sufferings are found: a whip, a rod, nails. An additional mandylion with the face of Christ is located in the south tower. In the 1370s the Cromer’s Chapel was built onto the Cathedral and the vera icon was placed into one of its keystones (unlike the mandylion, here Christ is wearing the thorny crown and has a pained expression).
The second phase of the construction of the St. Elisabeth Cathedral was completed perhaps by the year 1440. The church was already being used in 1457, even though the last phase of construction, during which the sanctuary was being completed, was not finished until the start of the 16th century. Objects from the Middle Ages still in the Cathedral are a stone relief with St. Elisabeth, a pastophorium, a cemetery lantern, a carved Calvary (1430), the main Altar of St. Elisabeth (1474-1477) with a triple cycle (Elisabethan, Passion/Lenten and Marian/Advent) and a number of other altars.
Several kings who granted Kosice many important privileges, thanks to which the city was able to develop, also visited the city a number of times. A personal relation toward the town is possible to understand directly through their deep faith. A visit to Kosice was primarily their pilgrimage to the Relic of the Holy Blood. The benevolence and faith of Kings Louis I the Great, Sigismund of Luxemburg or Matthew Corvinus significantly contributed to the development of the city. Therefore, it was this Eucharistic miracle which helped form the genius loci of Kosice.
The Cathedral was many times threatened by fires, wars and rebellions, and in the new age also damaged by natural disasters: earthquakes, floods and winds, which led in the 19th century to its purist restoration. After the battle of Mohacs (1526) the residents of the southern regions of Hungary fled to the north, including to Kosice. In the meantime the Reformation was spreading. In 1549 the first Protestant statement of faith, known as the Confessio Pentapolitana, was signed here. Germans who professed to Lutheranism made up the Kosice city council, but only openly after second half of the 16th century. In the 17th century Kosice became a part of several anti-Habsburg and estate rebellions. Calvinist iconoclasm threatened the Cathedral for only a short time, in the scope of which the Relic of the Holy Blood was obviously destroyed in 1641, when the room in which they were kept in the tower was violated.
In 1596 the Ottoman conquered the key fortress of Potisia and at the same time the Episcopal town of Eger. The bishop and chapter house moved to Jasov and to Kosice. Thanks to the presence of the Jaeger chapter house (1597-1609 and 1647-1699/1700), Kosice and northeast Hungary were re-Catholicised. The Jesuit mission and Kosice University, founded by Bishop Benedict Kisdy of Eger in 1657 and confirmed by the sovereign Leopold I in 1660, also contributed toward this. The St. Elisabeth Cathedral itself was definitively returned to the Catholics in 1671. Definitively peaceful times came to the city after the end of the estate rebellions in 1710. Kosice remained the centre of the Eger diocese up until the return of the bishopric and chapter house to Eger at the end of the 17th century. The 18th century was a time of disciplined religious life in the city. The Cathedral was renovated and the famous Szilasi’s monstrance, for example, was added to its inventory from 1770. Two religious associations worked in the Cathedral in the spirit of a typical Baroque devoutness.
Slavica Slovaca, 2005
... Joannes Nemcsik aetatis annor. ... katoliczke zasveczene, gak od davnosti, tak i teras dobrov... more ... Joannes Nemcsik aetatis annor. ... katoliczke zasveczene, gak od davnosti, tak i teras dobrovolne, a bez prinuczeni P. Plebana, tak i Panstva Urečiteho swetili sme i svetit chceme, abi pohorsseni se znas nestalo, aneb prekassku, a pritim i nasse v Ucztivosti mame bez vsseczkeg ...
Konštantínove listy, 2013
ZUBKO, Peter. Hagiographic Motifs in Sphragistics as a Historical Source. This article deals with... more ZUBKO, Peter. Hagiographic Motifs in Sphragistics as a Historical Source. This article deals with the hagiographic motifs in sphragistics. The article highlights the need to distinguish between the sacred and hagiographic themes of the content of seals. In the text, the typology of the sacred motifs of seals is presented. The seals with the motives of saints are usually but not always closely related to the local patrocinium. The seal was created in a specific period and for a particular owner. The analysis of the hagiographic encrustation of the seal speaks not only of the objective factors, but also expresses the subjective circumstances of the wearer. The most important note of the author is that the seal is a significant historical source.
Človek a spoločnosť. Internetový časopis pre pôvodné teoretické a výskumné štúdie z oblasti spoločenských vied, 2012
Uvod Dom sv. Alžbety v Kosiciach bol a je fenomenom, ktorý bol signifikantný nielen pre dejiny ar... more Uvod Dom sv. Alžbety v Kosiciach bol a je fenomenom, ktorý bol signifikantný nielen pre dejiny architektury alebo dejiny mesta Kosice, ale aj pre dejiny duchovných a cirkevných zapasov na východe Slovenska a predtým severovýchodneho Uhorska. Za existenciou chramu v jeho veľkosti stoji samotne mesto Kosice ako patron, jeho ekonomický, politický, spolocenský, kulturny, ale i prestižny potencial, ktorý v stredoveku umožnil stavbu tohto slavneho kostola. Samotna stavba v stredoveku ovplyvnila podobnu staviteľsku cinnosť v iných okolitých slobodných kraľovských mestach. Kosice patrili medzi kľucove mesta krajiny, preto sa pocas naboženských vojen 17. storocia sustreďovala prirodzena pozornosť na mesto a jeho farský kostol. Ten tak bol nielen architektonickou, ale aj moralnou dominantou Kosic a celeho sirokeho regionu. Najvýznamnejsia praca, ktora bola doteraz napisana o Dome sv. Alžbety v Kosiciach, pochadza z pera rimskokatolickeho kňaza, kosickeho kanonika Msgre Vojtecha Wicka. 1
Konštantínove listy, Oct 31, 2020
ZUBKO, Peter. The Image of a Bishop in Romanesque Times (mid-11th-mid-13th Century). In the 11th ... more ZUBKO, Peter. The Image of a Bishop in Romanesque Times (mid-11th-mid-13th Century). In the 11th century, several reforms took place in the Catholic Church, which also concerned the ministry and position of bishops. Bishops formed only a small but influential part of the life of the Christian community. From the Romanesque period, the first detailed information about the life of bishops from non-hagiographic sources has been preserved. At the same time, requirements were defined as to the characteristics of an orthodox Catholic bishop. During this period, the office of archbishop was established. The bishop was elected by the chapter according to the usual rules. The importance of the cathedral and the episcopal liturgy increased. The bishops reserved some sacramental acts and decisions just for themselves. The four Lateran Councils paid wide attention to the bishops; the article lists all the relevant canons of these councils on bishops. In Romanesque times, the position of the bishop in the Catholic Church was highlighted and strengthened, and at the same time he gained an important place in secular society. The bishops were autonomous vis-à-vis the pope, so the individual dioceses differed from each other, but certain intellectual, cultural and spiritual influences had an impact on the universal Christian community. The bishops had an important say in the administration of the lands, they were advisers to the rulers, and only those who met certain qualities (which was new compared to the previous time) could be bishops, but on the other hand it was not possible to bypass the rulers with the appointment. This heritage was influential until the late middle ages.
Konštantínove listy, Jun 30, 2013
ZUBKO, Peter. Hagiographic Motifs in Sphragistics as a Historical Source. This article deals with... more ZUBKO, Peter. Hagiographic Motifs in Sphragistics as a Historical Source. This article deals with the hagiographic motifs in sphragistics. The article highlights the need to distinguish between the sacred and hagiographic themes of the content of seals. In the text, the typology of the sacred motifs of seals is presented. The seals with the motives of saints are usually but not always closely related to the local patrocinium. The seal was created in a specific period and for a particular owner. The analysis of the hagiographic encrustation of the seal speaks not only of the objective factors, but also expresses the subjective circumstances of the wearer. The most important note of the author is that the seal is a significant historical source.
Studia historica Nitriensia, 2015
Konštantínove listy, 2015
ZUBKO, Peter. The Development of Cyril-Methodius Texts in the Liturgy of the Hours in Central Eur... more ZUBKO, Peter. The Development of Cyril-Methodius Texts in the Liturgy of the Hours in Central Europe. The feast of Ss. Cyril and Methodius belongs to the well-regarded religious and national holidays. The apostles of the Slavs initiated various forms of cultural life, closely connected with that of the church. The legends appearing after the death of Cyril and Methodius testify to a canonized esteem which did not officially exist after the fall of Great Moravia, but found favourable conditions in Bulgaria and the Czech lands. The Cyril-Methodius veneration was restored in Bohemia and Moravia in the 14 th century and the first medieval prayers to them were created. The article discusses how the Liturgy of the Hours in honour of Ss. Cyril and Methodius has undergone several stages of development until its modern version has been formed.
Konštantínove listy, Jun 30, 2015
ZUBKO, Peter. The Development of Cyril-Methodius Texts in the Liturgy of the Hours in Central Eur... more ZUBKO, Peter. The Development of Cyril-Methodius Texts in the Liturgy of the Hours in Central Europe. The feast of Ss. Cyril and Methodius belongs to the well-regarded religious and national holidays. The apostles of the Slavs initiated various forms of cultural life, closely connected with that of the church. The legends appearing after the death of Cyril and Methodius testify to a canonized esteem which did not officially exist after the fall of Great Moravia, but found favourable conditions in Bulgaria and the Czech lands. The Cyril-Methodius veneration was restored in Bohemia and Moravia in the 14 th century and the first medieval prayers to them were created. The article discusses how the Liturgy of the Hours in honour of Ss. Cyril and Methodius has undergone several stages of development until its modern version has been formed.
Studia historica Nitriensia, 2013
Crisis as an Opportunity for the Revival of Values
article is done with the support of the Russian Scientific Fund scholarship № 16-18-02080 "Russia... more article is done with the support of the Russian Scientific Fund scholarship № 16-18-02080 "Russian language as basis of cultural identity preservation of the Old Believers in Central and SouthEastern Europe." 2 See a monograph by A.A. Plotnikova "Slavic island aerials: antiquity and innovation" (Moscow, 2016), chapter devoted to Old Believers living in Romanian part of Dobruja.
ZUBKO, Peter. Hagiographic Motifs in Sphragistics as a Historical Source. This article deals with... more ZUBKO, Peter. Hagiographic Motifs in Sphragistics as a Historical Source. This article deals with the hagiographic motifs in sphragistics. The article highlights the need to distinguish between the sacred and hagiographic themes of the content of seals. In the text, the typology of the sacred motifs of seals is presented. The seals with the motives of saints are usually but not always closely related to the local patrocinium. The seal was created in a specific period and for a particular owner. The analysis of the hagiographic encrustation of the seal speaks not only of the objective factors, but also expresses the subjective circumstances of the wearer. The most important note of the author is that the seal is a significant historical source.
ZUBKO, Peter. The Development of Cyril-Methodius Texts in the Liturgy of the Hours in Central Eur... more ZUBKO, Peter. The Development of Cyril-Methodius Texts in the Liturgy of the Hours in Central Europe. The feast of Ss. Cyril and Methodius belongs to the well-regarded religious and national holidays. The apostles of the Slavs initiated various forms of cultural life, closely connected with that of the church. The legends appearing after the death of Cyril and Methodius testify to a canonized esteem which did not officially exist after the fall of Great Moravia, but found favourable conditions in Bulgaria and the Czech lands. The Cyril-Methodius veneration was restored in Bohemia and Moravia in the 14 th century and the first medieval prayers to them were created. The article discusses how the Liturgy of the Hours in honour of Ss. Cyril and Methodius has undergone several stages of development until its modern version has been formed.
Uvod Dom sv. Alžbety v Kosiciach bol a je fenomenom, ktorý bol signifikantný nielen pre dejiny ar... more Uvod Dom sv. Alžbety v Kosiciach bol a je fenomenom, ktorý bol signifikantný nielen pre dejiny architektury alebo dejiny mesta Kosice, ale aj pre dejiny duchovných a cirkevných zapasov na východe Slovenska a predtým severovýchodneho Uhorska. Za existenciou chramu v jeho veľkosti stoji samotne mesto Kosice ako patron, jeho ekonomický, politický, spolocenský, kulturny, ale i prestižny potencial, ktorý v stredoveku umožnil stavbu tohto slavneho kostola. Samotna stavba v stredoveku ovplyvnila podobnu staviteľsku cinnosť v iných okolitých slobodných kraľovských mestach. Kosice patrili medzi kľucove mesta krajiny, preto sa pocas naboženských vojen 17. storocia sustreďovala prirodzena pozornosť na mesto a jeho farský kostol. Ten tak bol nielen architektonickou, ale aj moralnou dominantou Kosic a celeho sirokeho regionu. Najvýznamnejsia praca, ktora bola doteraz napisana o Dome sv. Alžbety v Kosiciach, pochadza z pera rimskokatolickeho kňaza, kosickeho kanonika Msgre Vojtecha Wicka. 1
Bratislavský generálny seminár v rokoch 1784 – 1788. Edícia dokumentov z pozostalosti prvého rektora Andreja Saba, 2024
The General Seminary in Bratislava in the years 1784 – 1788. Edition of documents from the estate... more The General Seminary in Bratislava in the years 1784 – 1788. Edition of documents from the estate of the first rector Andrew Sabo.
The General Seminary in Bratislava was an institution for the formation of Catholic clergy. It was established by Austrian Emperor Jozef II. The seminary existed in the years 1784 – 1790. The first rector of the seminary was Jozef Sabo in the years 1784 – 1788. This publication presents ten documents from his estate that relate to the activity of this seminary. This seminary is considered very important in the Slovak history, because the first generation of Slovak intellectuals were at the birth of the modern Slovak nation studied there. Among them was Anton Bernolák, who codified the first Slovak orthography. This generation is called Bernolák-people (the Bernolaks). It is the beginning of cultivating one‘s own Slovak language and literature in the Slovak language. Until then, Slovaks used the Czech language to help themselves. Photographs of the mentioned documents are an essential part of the publication. A detailed name and local register are made for these documents. The name register contains 974 names of theologians. These names were identified according to other archival sources and literature. For each name, social origin and knowledge of languages are indicated. The students came from 11 dioceses
and 6 religious orders. The emperor wanted a new type of priest who would not only devote himself to priestly and spiritual work, but also to enlightenment and culture. This intervention of secular power in the institute, which until then was exclusively within the autonomy of the church, provoked the opposition of the church hierarchy. After the emperor‘s death, the Enlightenment seminaries immediately disappeared. The Church has always condemned them, but they are of exceptional importance for Slovak national history. The personality of the first rector, Jozef Sabo (or
Szabo), tried to fulfil the emperor‘s will. On the other hand, he remained faithful to the Catholic Church, which is why he managed the seminary for only four years. The publication contains a detailed biography of this extraordinary man, who in 1804 became the first bishop in Košice (today Slovakia). One chapter is devoted to them. Facts that can be interpreted on the basis of published archival sources. This particularly concerns the abolition of religious orders, which affected the seminary in 1784.
The publication also includes an anthology of texts from the same period that appeared in newspapers and in church schematismus. The first poem in the first literary language of the Slovaks is also added to them.
Slovenská kazateľská spisba 19. storočia. Bibliografický prehľad publikujúcich autorov a ich samostatne a časopisecky vydaných kázní, 2024
The Slovak preaching writings of the 19th century. The bibliographic overview of publishing autho... more The Slovak preaching writings of the 19th century. The bibliographic overview of publishing authors and their self-published and magazine-published sermons.
The publication provides an overview of 19th century sermons that were published in the Slovak language. All known sermon authors have been identified. Sermons were published by Catholics and Evangelicals. The sermons were published as occasional publications, as collections of sermons, or in magazines. A significant landmark in the periodization is the year 1848. The events of the revolutionary year affected society, which was reflected in the contents of the sermons. An important event was the founding of the oldest Catholic homiletic periodical. In the first half of the century, several variants of the Slovak language alternated, after the revolution this problem was solved, the Catholics used the written language, the Evangelicals remained faithful to the biblical Czech.
Preaching in the 19th century underwent a significant positive change. At the beginning of the century, it received only marginal attention in theological education. The Slovak environment felt the need for sermons in their own language. This need was solved by priests who founded homiletic magazines. They did not come out at the same time, but continuously followed each other. This tradition was born in 1848 and continues continuously to this day. Four Catholic periodicals were published: Treasures of preaching (1848 – 1869), Slovenský "Sion" (The Slovak Sion, 1869 – 1873), Kazatel (The Preacher, 1874 – 1880), Kazatelňa (The Pulpit, 1881 – 1908). Evangelicals in Lower Hungary published the magazine Slovo života (The Word of Life, 1881-1882), which was officially banned because it openly criticized Magyarization. The Catholics were more prudent, they avoided open confrontation, but when they received positive stimuli from the papal encyclicals, they used them in favour of the Slovaks.
The publication of sermons in print had several meanings and significance. Occasional small or several-page prints were intended to preserve the memory and identity of the church community in which the published sermon was delivered. The preaching itself was enriched by independently published books of sermons. And the development of preaching as a professional field within church or spiritual life was only brought about by homiletic magazines. Professional periodicals were systematically published by Catholics from 1848 throughout the second half of the 19th century. Many sermons remained only in manuscripts. Homiletic writings as a whole form a significant, even extensive area of Slovak literature. Its importance lies not only in the quantity, but especially in the extent to which it was used. It captured the entire Slovak language area, which today is much smaller than in the 19th century. Sermons shaped the Slovak soul and were one of the few spiritual and cultural opportunities for education and spiritual enjoyment, because the majority of Slovaks did not have economic or other opportunities to come into contact with other, for example, secular culture.
Antológia slovenských kázní z 19. storočia „Keď i len jedinkú dušu z vás získame…“, 2024
The sermon was and is a natural part of church services and religious ceremonies. Its essence is ... more The sermon was and is a natural part of church services and religious ceremonies. Its essence is the announcement of God's message, especially the "Good News" or the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The goal of each sermon was to get even one soul, as František Fekete talks in his sermon. The sermon as spiritual food had an exclusive position in the life of Slovaks. Many Slovaks did not have the opportunity to encounter a secular spiritual culture or a literature. The temple was a natural place for social gathering and spiritual refreshment every Sunday and holiday, occasionally on other days as well. The pulpit was a unique place of the spiritual culture under which generations of Slovaks grew up. The sacred sphere influenced worldly life, shaped the opinions, attitudes and morals of individuals, municipalities and cities, parishes, but also the nation, regardless of denomination. Slovak was spoken and preached in thousands of places by Catholics, Evangelicals and Calvinists. Slovak was heard not only in the territory of today's Slovakia, but also in other places in old Hungary and outside Hungary too. The Royal Hungary was a multilingual country with several native languages. In addition to Slovak, Hungarian and German were widely used.
Evangelical and Catholic priests published sermons. The little publications served to preserve one's own identity and historical memory, as well as to increase national awareness and self-confidence. Along with them, book collections of sermons by individuals were born, which served as general manuals for several years. This eventually led to the establishment of preaching magazines that professionally and permanently filled this need. Magazines developed in the second half of the 19th century, especially among Catholics. The evangelical environment did not have such a need, it was able to make do with printed sermons from the Czech lands.
This anthology is a representative selection of Slovak sermons from the 19th century and is the first of its kind in Slovakia. It contains 21 sermons (more precisely 20, because one of them has two Slovak language mutations) and a prescribed method - a recommended rite, how a sermon should be delivered in a Catholic church. All sermons are transcribed in full text. The selection of sermons is governed by several rules: the sermons contain different variants of the Slovak language; they cover the entire Slovak language area, including territories outside today's Slovakia; contains both Catholic and Evangelical sermons; the sermons cover the entire 19th century; sermons were published as separate publications and as contributions in preaching magazines; various problems and topics, church events, encyclicals of Pope Leo XIII are reflected in the sermons. Criticism of moral problems (superstitions, drunkenness, illegitimate children, pilgrimages, death) can be found in the sermons. Sermons were also intended for special addressees: workers, artisans, miners, peasants, teachers, pupils, nobility, monarch, country people, townspeople, situations.
The way of grasping the topic or its processing is naturally individual, but here to a certain development can be observed. At the beginning of the 19th century, Slovak homiletics was just being born. Although she studied in Catholic seminaries, the Slovak language was not cultivated there. This was replaced by priests from the pastoral ministry, who founded and edited professional Slovak preaching magazines. Thanks to them, the preaching writings were systematically increased, cultivated and became widely known and available. Some authors have a light and logical reasoning style, others preached in the way of teaching catechism or theology, there was often reminiscence, historical interpretation and stories from the Holy Scriptures, church history, but also from contemporary life. The preacher was the author of the sermon, today we only have what they put down on paper. The preacher was primarily the interpreter of his sermon, and this is an equally important part of preaching.
Tento list z kazateľnice ohlasovať budete. Pastierske a apoštolské listy pre Slovákov z 19. storočia, 2021
This letter you will announce from the pulpit Pastoral and apostolic letters for Slovaks from the... more This letter you will announce from the pulpit
Pastoral and apostolic letters for Slovaks from the 19th century
This publication by prof. Peter Zubko presents the pastoral letters of the Hungarian bish-ops and the apostolic letters of the popes from the 19th century and published in Slovak language. This diplomatic digest contains 34 transcribed letters. It is the first publication of its kind. The bishops of Hungary wrote and distributed the pastoral letters in Latin lan-guage. These were addressed to the clergy of the diocese. The pastoral letters addressed directly to believers were written in vernacular languages, in present-day Slovakia in Slo-vak, Hungarian and German. Usually there were three identical parallel language muta-tions. Letters of the high ecclesiastical hierarchy written directly in vernacular were usually written at the beginning of the episcopal ministry. All the others are extraordinary because they contain important topics or significant messages of the time. In the last decade of the 19th century in Hungary, the spiritual and cultural atmosphere was so tense that the bish-ops came together and wrote common pastoral letters. The apostolic letters were published as a part of the episcopal pastoral letters or were issued separately. The themes of the letters present the most important events of the 19th century: the holy or jubilee years (1825, 1850, 1875 and 1900), the proclamation of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary, the First Vatican Council, the millennium of the arrival of the Slavic apostles Saints Cyril and Methodius (1863), millennium of the Hungary (1896). Reactions to anti-church and anti-Catholic movements were a frequent topic: the Carbonars (Free-masons), the secularization of the Hungary. In the pastoral letters, it is possible to observe the gradual Hungarianization of Slovaks by the high church authorities. The Slovak lan-guage of pastoral letters is different. In the first half of the 19th century, fidelity prevailed in the Bernolák's codification of the Slovak language, which arose in the Catholic environ-ment. So, it was an attribute of the Catholic Church. In the middle of the 19th century, especially after the revolution (1848/1849), Slovak Catholics also used the Czech language to a certain extent, which was strongly Slovakized. In the second half of the 19th century, the new Štúr's codification of the Slovak language was used by Catholics for the first time in the sacral environment, which is also evident in the wording of the pastoral letters. Slo-vak Catholic periodicals, which shaped the Slovak language culture, played an important and irreplaceable role. These magazines have published several pastoral and pontifical letters. The pastoral letters from the end of the 19th century have a lower language level, because the Slovak language was not taught in Hungary, although their content is literally and catechetically perfect. Research showed that most pastoral letters in the Slovak lan-guage were issued by the Esztergom Archdiocese and the Košice Diocese.
Dôležitú súčasť výskumu dejín popri interpretácia historických prameňov predstavuje ich edičné sp... more Dôležitú súčasť výskumu dejín popri interpretácia historických prameňov predstavuje ich edičné spracovanie. Pramenné vydania slúžia ako zdroj pre komplexný výskum a komparáciu so súčasným stavom poznania. Edícia Bradačovej Rukoväti je dokumentom o stave vývinu kultúrneho myslenie na prelome 18. a 19. storočia. Je to nielen dobová historiografická príručka, ale najmä prameň poskytujúci poznanie o rozvoji kultúrneho myslenia spoločnosti a cirkvi. Rukoväť synopticky reflektuje dobovo aktuálne diela a vďaka svojej koncíznosti, presnosti a reflexívnemu nadhľadu sa vymyká zo súboru podobných spisov, v ktorých prevládali viac či menej apologetické alebo fundamentalistické interpretácie založené na príslušnosti ich autorov ku kultúrno-konfesionálnej tradícii. Svojou nadčasovou interpretáciou javov a udalostí Bradačova Rukoväť predbehla dobu. Jej prítomná edícia je dôležitým svedectvom o trvácnosti a stabilite byzantsko-slovanskej tradície v slovenskom a celom stredodunajskom prostredí od cyrilometodských čias.
An important part of historical studies is interpretation of historical sources and also its diplomatic publication. Such editions serve as a source for comprehensive research and comparison with the current state of knowledge. The edition of Bradač’s The Handlebook of Church History (1790) documents the state of cultural thinking development at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries. It definitely belongs to the circle of interests of all researchers focused on the cultural history of society and the church. Due to its accuracy, consistency, and impartiality, Bradač's Handbook stands out from similar historical works of the time, which were often dominated by more or less apologetic or fundamentalist points of view and interpretations based on the belonging of their authors to a particular cultural and confessional tradition. Its present edition is an important testimony to the permanence and stability of the Byzantine-Slavic tradition in the Slovak and Central Danube environment since Cyril and Methodius.
ŽEŇUCH, P. – БЕЛЯКОВА, Е. В. – НАЙДЕНОВА, Д. – ZUBKO, P. – MARINČÁK, Š.: Užhorodský rukopisný Pseudozonar... / Ужгородский рукописный Псевдозонар... Monumenta Byzantino-Slavica et Latina Slovaciae. V. Bratislava – Москва – София – Košice: 2018 , 2018
Текст рукописи был транслитерирован по электронной версии источника. Транслитерация и корректура ... more Текст рукописи был транслитерирован по электронной версии источника. Транслитерация и корректура текста, а также само издание этой ценной рукописи юридического характера карпатского происхождения осуществилась в рамках проекта “Кириллическая письменность в Словакии до конца XVIII века”
Events of supernatural nature in the territory of the Archdiocese of Košice. The use of Christian... more Events of supernatural nature in the territory of the Archdiocese of Košice. The use of Christian faith presupposes that events of supernatural nature, miracles, the pilgrimage places arise and evolve, several members of the local church die in the holy story and some of them will be elevated to the glory of the altar, visions and revelations will appear, they may appear dead, and so on. The work deals with these events in three ways: taxative, chronological and topographic. Each of these angles will develop the breadth and depth of the issue. This work is not only addressed to the Roman Catholic Church, but also to the Greek-Catholic and Orthodox Churches, and therefore has an ecumenical dimension and maps the issues from the Middle Ages as long as the historical sources allow it. Several pieces of information have been forgotten in live memory, and in the case of other work subjects a very extensive heuristics has to be performed and, in the case of recent events, the oral history method has been used. Each event is presented critically from genesis through development to eventual extinction and memory. The purpose of the work was not a tabloid work, but a strictly critical historical one, in the case of live events or unsettled cases, the conclusion does not concern the theological dimension, which has the right to officially say only the Church's rank. For the first time, the work presents complex events, has an interdisciplinary character.
Publikácia je súčasťou riešenia projektu VEGA č. 1/0264/14 Administratívno-právne písomnosti lati... more Publikácia je súčasťou riešenia projektu VEGA č. 1/0264/14 Administratívno-právne písomnosti latinských biskupov o cirkvi byzantského obradu na východnom Slovensku.
Slavistický ústav Jána Stanislava Slovenskej akadémie vied Slovenský komitét slavistov Zemplínske... more Slavistický ústav Jána Stanislava Slovenskej akadémie vied Slovenský komitét slavistov Zemplínske múzeum v Michalovciach Jazyk a kultura na Slovensku -final.indd 1 9.9.2013 11🔞26 © Slavistický ústav Jána Stanislava SAV © Slovenský komitét slavistov © Zemplínske múzeum v Michalovciach © Институт славяноведения Российской академии наук © Кирило-Методиевският научен център към БАН EDITORI A VEDECKÍ REDAKTORI
Slavistický ústav Jána Stanislava Slovenskej akadémie vied Slovenský komitét slavistov © Slavisti... more Slavistický ústav Jána Stanislava Slovenskej akadémie vied Slovenský komitét slavistov © Slavistický ústav Jána Stanislava SAV, Bratislava © Slovenský komitét slavistov, Bratislava Zoznam autorov monotematickej knižnej publikácie Галина Серафимовна Баранкова, Институт русского языка им. В.В. Виноградова Российской академии наук, Москва Славия Бърлиева, Кирило-Методиевски научен център БАН, София Елена Владимировна Белякова, Институт Российской истории Российской Академии наук, Москва Ольга Белова, Институт славяноведения Российской академии наук, Москва Драгиша Бојовић, Филозофски факултет у Нишу, Међународна научна мрежа PAX BYZANTINO-SLAVA Walerian Bugel, Parrésia -revue pro východní křesťanství Ján Doruľa, Slavistický ústav Jána Stanislava SAV, Bratislava Eva Maria Hrdinová, Ústav cizích jazyků, Pedagogická fakulta Univerzity Palackého, Olomouc Ladislav Kačic, Slavistický ústav Jána Stanislava SAV, Bratislava Александр Геннадьевич Кравецкий, Институт русского языка РАН им. В. В. Виноградова, Москва Ľuboš Lukoviny, Bratislava Swetlana Mengel, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg Jana A. Nováková, Parrésia -revue pro východní křesťanství Jozef Pavlovič, Pedagogická fakulta Trnavskej univezity Mária Prokipčáková, Slavistický ústav Jána Stanislava SAV, Bratislava
HIŠEM, Cyril - FEDORČÁK, Peter (Eds). Kanonické vizitácie po Tridentskom koncile. Prešov : Vydava... more HIŠEM, Cyril - FEDORČÁK, Peter (Eds). Kanonické vizitácie po Tridentskom koncile. Prešov : Vydavateľstvo Michala Vaška, 2007, 230 p.
Making the sources and authentic Latin-origin documents about the Christians of the Eastern Rite ... more Making the sources and authentic Latin-origin documents about the Christians of the Eastern Rite has been going on for several years. This process appears to be very important because the intensity and frequency of unwarranted attacks by Greek Catholics against the Roman Catholic Church on its past increased; multiple published facts are ignored. The rise and spread of passion stems from prejudices and demonstrates the need scientifically and objectively explore the common past and interrelationships. This publication presents two protocols of the canonical visitation from 1749 from historical territory Saris: a classic visitation of the Roman Catholic Church is capturing information primarily about the Roman Catholics and secondary about the Greek-Catholics; the primary protocol of canonical visitation of the Eastern Christians in the diocese of Eger, they were a special ceremonial entity. Bishop of Eger Francis Barkóczy did not latinised the Eastern believers, but disciplined them. His claims, interventions and actions indicate a strong personality of the Latin bishop who uncompromisingly applied the bishop authority, solved pastoral problems, negotiated order.
In this publication, for the first time, is complexly presented the christianity in Saris at the time of the re-Catholicization under the auspices of Mary Therese. The content of the canonical visitation is analysed from various aspects: confessional composition, heaven patroness, liturgical language. Two conclusions were found which contributed to the Slovak history: Slovak protonationalism (several
Catholic priests were graduates of the Trnava University, there was an important cultural, religious, linguistic and literary centre of the Slovaks) and the Slovak spirituality of the east of Slovakia in the 18th century (the Catholics was prayed the holy rosary - the Marian psalter for no-clerics; the Calvinists was prayed the biblical psalms, the Calvinists published in 1752 for the first time the psalms in Slovak, it was the first printed book of some biblical book in the Slovak language, the psalm issue was a direct reaction to the Catholic prayer of the rosary).
This monography deals with a rare, delicate, but important issue: Financing of the Roman Catholic... more This monography deals with a rare, delicate, but important issue: Financing of the Roman Catholic Church in the episcopal city Kosice in the years 1918 - 1938.
First Czechoslovak Republic was a democratic state, the Catholic Church had free-dom, but the church policy of the Church is not inclined. After the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy created new national boundaries, that cut the area of the Kosice dio-cese. Much of the bishopric wealth remained in Hungary (6/7) and the rest in Slovakia (1/7). To the year 1925 was bishop of Kosice Augustin Fischer-Colbrie, who was appointed as bishop by the Hungarian king. As one bishop from the old times was by Czechoslovak government did not remove, but Colbrie was morally supported by the Hungarian govern-ment, which allowed him to use the episcopal possessions in Hungary. After his death the new bishop did not get money from Hungary, so it was the Kosice bishopric in a receiver-ship.
The bishopric town Kosice in 1918 was oriented to Hungarian. Kosice was the fol-lowing interwar period one of the important centres of the Catholic Hungarian culture in Slovakia. Church property issues considered Czechoslovak government for internal church matter, but did not allow the church to deal with the Hungarians. Hungarians meet this condition, because de facto remained fairly from the old times, Hungarians lived in the hope that return the old monarchy; the government in Prague was afraid of a ecclesiastical independence of Slovakia, because it could be a step towards political independence. Kosice has been a strategic place, that needed linguistically, politically and socially Slovak orientate. Important state-building role is played by Bishop Joseph Čársky.
Priests in Kosice, particularly Chapter of Canons and Seminary, were Hungarians. The head of the Hungarian irredentism was Kosice pastor Barnabas Tost. A loyalty of priests and church financing solutions to the Czechoslovakia were grounds to intervene in staffing key institutions of the bishopric. Church has no problem with priest's nationality, the pressure coming from outside by the state as an artificial issue that has significance for the establishment of a new state. Who passed pledge allegiance to the Republic and had Czechoslovak citizenship, received a salary.
Chapter of Canons in Kosice has had the most stable and relatively high income, but all came from Hungary. The Hungarian government in 1932 stopped the flow of money. The Chapter got to economic hardship, which in 1938 has not been resolved.
Seminary in Kosice during its operation has not undergone significant modification of the method of financing because the economy was always in deficit. Seminar bridges the majority of the costs for its operation with donations from various parishes of the dio-cese, the bishop and their own resources. Whereas following the establishment of the re-public a lot of the students and most professors presented and reported to the Hungarian political and Speech Group, State intends seminar even abolished. This solution church refused because the seminary is an important institution for each bishopric.
Financing of Kosice parish, main parish priest and chaplains during the period varied. Parish priest Tost Barnabas was the same canon too. A pastor was elected by city council, the city received a salary. Padres received a salary from the State (kongrua). Pastor should take care of the proper functioning of chaplains and chaplain's resident catechists in the parish building.
The kongrua law of 1926 had solved the economic situation of priests who have low incomes. Practical life shows that the situation has considerably worsened priests. To Kosice brought together representatives of the bishopric, who drew up a protest memoran-dum that reflects the dissatisfaction. From sources it indicated that it was more a political dissatisfaction.
Old Hungary was reading out the close links with the throne. It was a combination of political, social and cultural relations. The economic union can talk only to the extent that the once sovereign bases of assets of these institutions, but then exist separately. Czecho-slovakia was the priests even more funding through handcuffed. For 20 years the position of individual institutions and the self-employed structures became to a dependent institu-tion.
The key event in the relationship between the Church and the State was the signing of Modus Vivendi in 1927, which came into force in 1928. One of the key points was to address the issue of the church property. It did not happen. In addressing issues of reli-gious policy was admixed in the form of requiring citizenship, swearing allegiance to the Republic and loyalty to the Republic. In principle, it was the same thing that existed even before 1918, but the old relationships were difficult to break, although they can be re-placed. Way to speed up this transition was very economical because congruence or com-pensation could receive only Czechoslovak citizens.
Saints Constantine Cyril and Methodius (9th century) were by Pope John Paul II statement for Euro... more Saints Constantine Cyril and Methodius (9th century) were by Pope John Paul II statement for European co-patrons in 1980. History of the cult have been very difficult, concerned at the Slavic peoples who are confessional divided into Catholics and Orthodox Christians. This work is devoted to the history of the Cyril and Methodius cult focusing on Slovaks and the Central Europe, the Southern Europe, and partly on the relations of the Popes to the Saints Cyril and Methodius.
After the death of Slavs Apostles was formed Slavic (in Great Moravia, Bulgaria) and Latin literature (in Rome, Bohemia) about their life, work and significance. In the Middle Ages were repeated efforts to restore the liturgy in the Slavic language in Bohemia a and Croatia, which are generally taken up. Until the 14th century there has been a renewal of liturgical worship in the Latin Church for King Charles IV. Then arose texts Liturgy of the Hours, which have undergone several different stages of development. This topic is treated in the work for the first time. Further work is devoted to the history of Cyril and Methodius and the cult of the Slovaks in several periods from inception to the present. The history of Cyril and Methodius and cult contributed significantly by Pope John Paul II. The paper presents the views and Annex work is a complete anthology of his statements on the subject.
The basic line of Latin culture and education of Catholic Slavic nations are generally recognized without it being necessary for the forgotten Byzantine missionaries from its beginnings. It Slovak and Czech nation (especially in Moravia) commemorates the feast of Saints Cyril and Methodius on 5th July as a public holiday. Not only refillable reference Pope John Paul II, but are directly guarantors of this tradition, as it has repeatedly pointed popes of the 20th century. The Holy See honours Cyril and Methodius link, but after the death of Pope Slavs it does not put such a frequent and significant emphasis than before. Importance for the pope Cyril and Methodius and the cult is not only timeless but also universal and objective, it is intended the whole Church.
From the perspective of the Roman Church are several milestones supreme authority of the Pope or roofed important people (bishops, priests, kings), who in the history of the cult of Saints Cyril and Methodius in individual Slavic nations had severe limited importance because cult developed just for them and depends on many local and national circumstances. Roman certificates were only zenith, not at the end or beginning of respect or some stage. Cyril and Methodius and the cult of Rome or from the perspective of the universal church has these milestones dated personalities who wrote important works on Saints Cyril and Methodius: (1) the librarian Anastasius and bishop Gauderich and Roman legend (late 9th century), who kept the memory of Saints Cyril during in the Middle Ages; (2) King Charles IV and the divine office Adest dies gloriosa, which restored the cult of Saints Cyril and Methodius among the Slavs (since 14th century); (3) Bollandus and Acta sanctorum (partly Baronius and Martyrologium Romanum) (17th and 16th century), which restored the cult of the non-Slavic Europe; (4) the Pope Leo XIII and Encyclical Grande munus (1880), which legitimized the Cyril and Methodius cult in the Latin Church; (5) the Pope John Paul II and apostolic letter Egregiae virtutis (1980), which were Slavic apostles declared as European co-patrons.
This work was devoted to Cyril and Methodius and issues from the perspective of the Latin Church. We can say that the church is in the middle of Cyril and Methodius cult based and relies on sources that originated in the Great times and have been carefully preserved in the church, rewritten and used. Since the 17th century scientific works was based on these manuscripts. In Central Europe the devotion to Saints Cyril and Methodius grows in the west-Christian cultural environment especially in the Czech Kingdom. One benefit of this work is the assembly of texts Liturgy of the Hours, periodization and their descent from inception to the present. Catholic church from the Middle Ages prayed to saints Cyril and Methodius, therefore arisen several divine liturgy and sacramental texts in honour of these saints. There are several dozen come from several countries and dioceses and religious orders, mutually influenced and developed. Another benefit of this work is the analysis and periodization the Cyril and Methodius cult at the Pope John Paul II and subsequent synthesis of themes and meaning Cyril and Methodius and the teaching of John Paul II. This work is the first ever official anthology of Cyril and Methodius and texts and ideas emanating by Pope John Paul II. According to the known and available sources at work are all known texts. It was unnecessary to take over the full text of these sources were selected only direct mention of Saints Cyril and Methodius, Cyril and Methodius tradition and its reflection and meaning under Pope said. This set of documents demonstrates the gigantic spiritual power and moral authority of the Roman Church and its contribution to Cyril and Methodius cult.
In addition to these new benefits have managed to make a number of discoveries which do not prove a direct documentary evidence, but it is highly probable according to critics of evidence (given the historical context, parallels and indirect written references): (1) probable (co-)author of the divine liturgy to Adest dies gloriosa, which was crucial in restoring the Cyril and Methodius accounts in medieval Europe, was king Charles IV; (2) the probable origin of Tovarne tradition in eastern Slovakia was a Czech exile and Protestant spiritual James Jakobeus who worked in this region; (3) Calvinist clergyman and one of the translators of the Calvinist agenda and the Psalter into Slovak was probably an Greek Catholic priests.
One more finding of Cyril and Methodius and the cult is extremely serious. Fourth Lateran Council in the 9th Constitution forbade that in one diocese worked several bishops; as needed for the next Bishop another-speech or another-rite minority, be it for ceremonial appointed as vicar of the diocesan bishop. Exactly, it was filled by the Bishop of Eger, in the 18th century, who considered Mukacheve Greek Catholic bishops for ceremonial vicars. If anyone says the Bishop of Eger, that this situation was their malevolent or express contempt, wronged them, because another process has not been possible if it had respected canonical law. There are several factors that Greek Catholics this state if not like, but solving the problem was the responsibility of the Pope: In 1771 Eparchy of Mukacheve was established in the territory of the Eger Diocese, which was the first such case in history. The principle of territoriality division of dioceses and was overcome by the principles of personnel belonging to the ceremony.
Great Moravia was one of the last European countries to which history struck except heritage of Rome, Byzantium and Greek heritage. Check-St. Cyril and Methodius to Moravia been to several religious quest in order, but it was clearly the most successful and productive mission, even became the basis of Slavic literature and culture. It is also a call for the creation of similar quality performance outcomes, but especially holy and active life as it weighs the tradition of the Latin Church.
Latin bishop of Eger Franciscus Barkoczi in 1746 made a canonical visitation of Abov and in 1749 ... more Latin bishop of Eger Franciscus Barkoczi in 1746 made a canonical visitation of Abov and in 1749 of Zemplin. Special attention was given to Greek Catholic parishes. Book zooms on the Greek Catholics in Latin visitation.
Administrative and legal sources from the office of the latin bishop of Eger are excellent source... more Administrative and legal sources from the office of the latin bishop of Eger are excellent sources above the economic aspects of life of Greek Catholics.
Continue the first film. Detailed index of Greek Catholic sites by location.
Befor the establishment of the Mukachevo Greek Catholic Bishopric are the Uniates managed by the ... more Befor the establishment of the Mukachevo Greek Catholic Bishopric are the Uniates managed by the Latin bishops of Eger. Administrative and legal documents from the 18th century are unique sources from the history of Latin-Greek relations and knowledge of the Greek Catholics in the territory Zemplin, Saris, Above and Uz (Pouzie). The records are the first detailed written report of the Greek Catholic sites under the Carpathian mountains.
There are seven catholic dioceses in the Slovak republic (the six of latin rite and the one of by... more There are seven catholic dioceses in the Slovak republic (the six of latin rite and the one of byzantine rite), which constitute two church's provinces. The Diocese of Spiš si one part of eastern province, which is located near of the High Tatras in the area of Spiš, Liptov and Orava. The Dicoese of Spiš was established 220 years ago, in 1776. By this it linked with old traditions of the Abbey of Spiš. The most impo ant person of diocese is its head – a bishop. This book presents a summary bibliography dates of all the bishops of Spiš. There are in this work especially for first time pub-lished erbs of every bishop.
The first bishop was Dr. Charles de Salbeck (1776 – 1785). He went to Slovakia after experiences of his life in Italy and Hungary and he had to made a normally duties of first bishop: he made a first visitation of diocese, he got the cathedral re-novated and bishop’s residence too. He established a sum¬mer bishop’s residence in Spišský Štiavnik.
The second bishop was John Anthon de Révay (1787 – 1806). He was a tactful and smart diplomat. He established a fund, which had helped to next bishop to build a seminary.
Archbishhop Michael Brigido (1807 – 1816) went to Spiš from Ljubljana, because of the Napoleon’s wars. He was actually a father of his priests and people, and dis-tributed Slovak religious books between the believers. He initiated a seminary in 1815.
Dr. John Ladislav Pyrker (1819 – 1821) became a cistercian monk after his expe-riences with pirates. He was noted for extraordinary abilities to organize, that is why he became an opat. He stayed in the Diocese of Spiš just for a very short time, nevertheless he set a great influence: in 1819 he established the first Institute for Teachers in the Middle Europe. He had learned Slovak language and initiate the Slovak catechism for all over the diocese. He later became a patriarchal in the Ve-nézia and an archbishop in Eger afterward.
Dr. Joseph de Bélik (1824 – 1847) was the second archbishop of the Diocese od Spiš, but he didn’t realize any extraordinary initiatives.
Vincent de Jekelfalussy (1848 – 1849) was his successor and later he became the bishop of Szekesfehervár. Because of unpleasant political conditions he never became the bishop of the Diocese of Spiš, but usually he is counted in the bishop’s list.
The seventh bishop of The Diocese of Spiš was Dr. Ladislav Záboyský (1850 – 1870). He functioned during the difficulties after revolutionary time and didn't no-tice interestings of any nationality – he functionated as real catholic priest with demanded virtues of the head of diocese. He had an influence on the educational system, the youth and on the Slovak feelings too, because of the celebration of Mi-lenium of coming of St. Cyril and Metodius in Great Moravia (Veľká Morava) in 863, which had taken place in 1863.
Prof. Dr. Joseph Samassa (1871 – 1873), a very educated man, but he stayed there for a short time, because he was recently appointed as archbishop of Eger.
Dr. George Czászka (1874 – 1891) got the cathedral renovated to the image of today.
Dr. Paul Szmrecsányi supported science, art and travelling. He looked adter Hungarizing of Slovak language. He was replaced from Spiš to Oradea.
The eleventh bishop of Spiš was Dr. Alexander Párvy (1904 – 1919). He accom-plished his bishop’s duties in the ordinary way. Because of on the end of his life he suffered from very serious disease and that is the way auxiliary bishop was appoin-ted to him – Dr. Martin Kheberich. But he gave up of his rights after Dr. A. Párvy’s death and after the interment of goverment of Czechoslovakia.
The first Slovak bishop became John Vojtaššák. He set a most important influ-ence in the history of the Diocese of Spiš and in the hearts of his believers. After The Second World War and by the pseudo-proces of a law-court he was sentenced to 24 years imprisoment. He suffered in the prison and that is, why we are speaking about him as a „white“ martyr. Inspite of amnesty in 1963 he needn’t return on the bishopric. He died in the ineluctable exile centre of Bohemia. John Paul II. appre-ciated his effort durin his second visitation of the Slovak Republic (31.6 – 3.7.1995). There was establi¬shed a commitee for the preparing of his beatification.
J. Vojtaššák ordained to auxiliary bishop Dr. Stephen Barnáš (1849) secretly. But when it became a publicly known, they sentenced him to prison. 10 years after he was amnested, but he couldn’t practise bishop’s service.
Up to date the bishop of The Diocese of Spiš is Doc. Dr. Francis Tondra (1989 – ). He renewed a seminary, after 40 years of inactivity because of communist regim. Andrei Imrich is his auxiliary bishop (1992 – ).
The buildings of The Spišská Kapitula was declared as The Patrimonial mondial World Heritage of UNESCO in 1993.