Piotr Szulczewski - Academia.edu (original) (raw)


Papers by Piotr Szulczewski

Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of Safety Levels Required by Adequate Regulations for Cargos Ships of Different Types

During the currently ongoing development of methods for assessment of safety of ships it is imper... more During the currently ongoing development of methods for assessment of safety of ships it is imperative that a compromise between the accuracy of the results and the accessibility of obtaining results is reached. In this paper calculations of a theoretical hull against damage stability regulations as included in SOLAS 2020, ICLL 66/88 as amended in 2003 and MARPOL 78 are shown. The rules included in the currently valid regulations require certain righting arm curve properties from vessels before and after potential damage, which does not pose a high difficulty level to engineers. However, for many engineers, as well as scientists working with these rules, it is unclear to what kind of behaviour (particularly roll motion) these righting arm curve parameters correspond. In this paper a correlation between the required GZ properties and the actual roll motion of a ship in waves, as calculated with the well-established method proposed by the ITTC, is revealed and a comparison of the results to the currently in use regulations as well as comparison between the methods themselves is made. The comparison reveals impact of the GZ curve parameters on the roll motion of the ship.

Research paper thumbnail of Simplified Method of Modelling Behaviour of Ship in Waves with Partially Flooded Compartments

Transactions on Maritime Science, 2021

This paper contains a description of a numerical model for calculating behaviour of ships in wave... more This paper contains a description of a numerical model for calculating behaviour of ships in waves. There are many models available, but the one described here can be characterised with a set of parameters that have a decisive impact on the final values of roll motion amplitude and frequency. In this paper, it is shown how a fitting of a standard-shape hull characterised by certain readily available parameters affects the final roll and frequency of the motion. In addition, calculations for a flooded tank were made, and a range of results for the maximum dynamic heeling forces from this tank is shown. This calculation can further be verified for a range of hull dimensions and geometries to present a viable method to the industry.

Research paper thumbnail of Application of Quantitative Risk Assesment to Ship in Emergency Conditions

Journal of Polish CIMAC, 2014

The paper is devoted to safety of ships in emergency conditions The currently valid prescriptive ... more The paper is devoted to safety of ships in emergency conditions The currently valid prescriptive method of safety assessment of ships in damage conditions is included in the SOLAS 2009 Part B-2 Ch.II-1 regulations. It is devoted to the design stage and difficult to apply in operation. A possible alternative described in this paper is a method based on assessment of performance of ships and risk assessment. Type of risk evaluation is the quantitative risk assessment. The matrix type risk model has been applied for estimation the riskand the measure of safety of ships level is based on the risk acceptance criteria from the risk matrix. After the risk assessment the method may be used for the safety management purposes using the risk control options.

Research paper thumbnail of Zastosowanie ilościowej oceny ryzyka przy ocenie bezpieczeństwa statków w czasie zatapiania

Artykul ten jest poświecony w calości bezpieczenstwu statkow w stanie awaryjnym lub uszkodzonym. ... more Artykul ten jest poświecony w calości bezpieczenstwu statkow w stanie awaryjnym lub uszkodzonym. Obecnie stosowane są rozne metody oceny bezpieczenstwa statkow. Metody o najbardziej szerokim zakresie zastosowania to metody o charakterze preskrypcyjnym i ograniczające pewne parametry fizyczne obiektu morskiego pod opisanymi kryteriami. Metodą o najbardziej rozbudowanym zakresie zastosowania jest metoda opisana w wymaganiach konwencji SOLAS 2009 (Cześc B Roz. II-1). Metoda ta jest przeznaczona do oceny bezpieczenstwa na podstawie kryteriow oraz do optymalizacji na etapie projektowym. W związku z tym ma ona szereg cech, ktore czynią ją trudną do zastosowania wobec zaistnialych zdarzen na morzu, lub oceny bezpieczenstwa w nieuwzglednionych (nieopisanych) w metodzie warunkach. Mozliwą alternatywą dla tej metody jest metoda, ktora opisuje parametry statkow oraz umozliwia analize ryzyka. Przy czym zastosowany model ryzyka jest maciezowym modelem ilościowym. W konsekwencji kryterialna ocena...

Research paper thumbnail of Application of quantitative risk assesment to ship in emergency conditions

Journal of Polish CIMAC, 2014

The paper is devoted to safety of ships in emergency conditions. The currently valid prescriptive... more The paper is devoted to safety of ships in emergency conditions. The currently valid prescriptive method of safety assessment of ships in damage conditions is included in the SOLAS 2009 Part B-2 Ch.II-1 regulations. It is devoted to the design stage and difficult to apply in operation. A possible alternative described in this paper is a method based on assessment of performance of ships and risk assessment. Type of risk evaluation is the quantitive risk assessment. The matrix type risk model has beedn applied for estimation of risk and the measure of safety of ships level is based on the risk acceptance criteria from the risk matrix. After the risk assessment the method may be used for the safety management purposes using the risk control options.

Research paper thumbnail of Modelowanie ruchu szybkich obiektów poruszających się na granicy wody i powietrza : modelowanie bezpieczeństwa tych obiektów

W artykule przedstawiono glowne problemy związane z opracowaniem koncepcji nowej generacji szybki... more W artykule przedstawiono glowne problemy związane z opracowaniem koncepcji nowej generacji szybkichbezzalogowych obiektow wodnych poruszających sie na granicy wody i powietrza w roznych warunkachoperacyjnych, w tym stanow zaladowania. Przedstawiono problemy związane z modelowaniem ruchu tychobiektow oraz oceną ich zachowania sie w roznych fazach ruchu. W artykule opisano koncepcje wybranegoobiektu, w tym jego ksztalt i podzial przestrzenny. Przedstawiono problem badawczy, metode badan i zadaniabadacze związane z badaniami, projektowaniem i budową demonstratora technologii. Przedstawionopodstawowe problemy związane z modelowaniem ryzyka wypadku i oceną bezpieczenstwa obiektu. Wkoncowej cześci pracy przedstawiono proceedure projektowania szybkich bezzalogowych obiektow wodnychporuszających sie na granicy wody i powietrza. Informacje zawarte w artykule związane są z badaniamiukierunkowanymi na opracowanie dokumentacji technicznej i budowe demonstratora technologii. Prace prowadzone są ...

Research paper thumbnail of Proposition of Simplified Calculation of a Roll Motion of Ship in Waves with Partially Flooded Compartments

Transactions on Maritime Science, 2021

This paper contains a description of a numerical model for calculating behaviour of ships in wave... more This paper contains a description of a numerical model for calculating behaviour of ships in waves. There are many models available, but the one described here can be characterised with a set of parameters that have a decisive impact on the final values of roll motion amplitude and frequency. In this paper, it is shown how a fitting of a standard-shape hull characterised by certain readily available parameters affects the final roll and frequency of the motion. In addition, calculations for a flooded tank were made, and a range of results for the maximum dynamic heeling forces from this tank is shown. This calculation can further be verified for a range of hull dimensions and geometries to present a viable method to the industry.


There is a need for developing improved methods of evaluating the safety of cargo ships that woul... more There is a need for developing improved methods of evaluating the safety of cargo ships that would quantify and assess the ship safety more comprehensively than current methods and further allow for a more direct comparison of ship designs safety-wise so that safety could become one of the goals of design process. This newly developed method will not only have to allow for effective determination of ship safety, but also should meet expectations from various industries. This paper presents an alternative approach to safety of ships in damaged conditions, which when further verified and evaluated, could serve as a useful tool for designers and ship operators alike. It was shown that a computationally efficient quasi-dynamic method that addresses the main drawbacks of current regulations can be formulated for evaluating the exact risk levels at any stage of vessel's life.


The paper is devoted to safety of ships in emergency conditions The currently valid prescriptive ... more The paper is devoted to safety of ships in emergency conditions The currently valid prescriptive method of safety assessment of ships in damage conditions is included in the SOLAS 2009 Part B-2 Ch.II-1 regulations. It is devoted to the design stage and difficult to apply in operation. A possible alternative described in this paper is a method based on assessment of performance of ships and risk assessment. Type of risk evaluation is the quantitative risk assessment. The matrix type risk model has been applied for estimation the risk and the measure of safety of ships level is based on the risk acceptance criteria from the risk matrix. After the risk assessment the method may be used for the safety management purposes using the risk control options.

Research paper thumbnail of Zastosowanie ilościowej oceny ryzyka przy ocenie bezpieczeństwa statków w czasie zatapiania

Document language: Polish The entire paper concerns the safety assessment of ships in damage con... more Document language: Polish
The entire paper concerns the safety assessment of ships in damage conditions. At the moment different methods of ship safety assessment are used. The widely used methods are the prescriptive methods which enable to limit some physical parameters of the ships according to the given safety criteria. The most developed method from the application point of view is the method included in the SOLAS 2009 (part B, chapter II-1) convention. This method has been worked out for the ship safety assessment according to the data criteria and for the ship design optimization at the design stage. According to the above mentioned it is difficult to apply this method in the case of accident at sea and for the safety assessment when the operational conditions have not been taken into account within the method before. A possible alternative method of ship safety assessment for this method could be a method which enables to better describe the ship parameters and characteristics together with application of the risk analysis. Of course the applied risk model should be a quantitative matrix risk model. As a consequence of such the approach the risk assessment criteria is based on the risk limits included within the risk matrix. After the risk assessment is done the method may be used for the risk management using the risk control options.

Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of Safety Levels Required by Adequate Regulations for Cargos Ships of Different Types

During the currently ongoing development of methods for assessment of safety of ships it is imper... more During the currently ongoing development of methods for assessment of safety of ships it is imperative that a compromise between the accuracy of the results and the accessibility of obtaining results is reached. In this paper calculations of a theoretical hull against damage stability regulations as included in SOLAS 2020, ICLL 66/88 as amended in 2003 and MARPOL 78 are shown. The rules included in the currently valid regulations require certain righting arm curve properties from vessels before and after potential damage, which does not pose a high difficulty level to engineers. However, for many engineers, as well as scientists working with these rules, it is unclear to what kind of behaviour (particularly roll motion) these righting arm curve parameters correspond. In this paper a correlation between the required GZ properties and the actual roll motion of a ship in waves, as calculated with the well-established method proposed by the ITTC, is revealed and a comparison of the results to the currently in use regulations as well as comparison between the methods themselves is made. The comparison reveals impact of the GZ curve parameters on the roll motion of the ship.

Research paper thumbnail of Simplified Method of Modelling Behaviour of Ship in Waves with Partially Flooded Compartments

Transactions on Maritime Science, 2021

This paper contains a description of a numerical model for calculating behaviour of ships in wave... more This paper contains a description of a numerical model for calculating behaviour of ships in waves. There are many models available, but the one described here can be characterised with a set of parameters that have a decisive impact on the final values of roll motion amplitude and frequency. In this paper, it is shown how a fitting of a standard-shape hull characterised by certain readily available parameters affects the final roll and frequency of the motion. In addition, calculations for a flooded tank were made, and a range of results for the maximum dynamic heeling forces from this tank is shown. This calculation can further be verified for a range of hull dimensions and geometries to present a viable method to the industry.

Research paper thumbnail of Application of Quantitative Risk Assesment to Ship in Emergency Conditions

Journal of Polish CIMAC, 2014

The paper is devoted to safety of ships in emergency conditions The currently valid prescriptive ... more The paper is devoted to safety of ships in emergency conditions The currently valid prescriptive method of safety assessment of ships in damage conditions is included in the SOLAS 2009 Part B-2 Ch.II-1 regulations. It is devoted to the design stage and difficult to apply in operation. A possible alternative described in this paper is a method based on assessment of performance of ships and risk assessment. Type of risk evaluation is the quantitative risk assessment. The matrix type risk model has been applied for estimation the riskand the measure of safety of ships level is based on the risk acceptance criteria from the risk matrix. After the risk assessment the method may be used for the safety management purposes using the risk control options.

Research paper thumbnail of Zastosowanie ilościowej oceny ryzyka przy ocenie bezpieczeństwa statków w czasie zatapiania

Artykul ten jest poświecony w calości bezpieczenstwu statkow w stanie awaryjnym lub uszkodzonym. ... more Artykul ten jest poświecony w calości bezpieczenstwu statkow w stanie awaryjnym lub uszkodzonym. Obecnie stosowane są rozne metody oceny bezpieczenstwa statkow. Metody o najbardziej szerokim zakresie zastosowania to metody o charakterze preskrypcyjnym i ograniczające pewne parametry fizyczne obiektu morskiego pod opisanymi kryteriami. Metodą o najbardziej rozbudowanym zakresie zastosowania jest metoda opisana w wymaganiach konwencji SOLAS 2009 (Cześc B Roz. II-1). Metoda ta jest przeznaczona do oceny bezpieczenstwa na podstawie kryteriow oraz do optymalizacji na etapie projektowym. W związku z tym ma ona szereg cech, ktore czynią ją trudną do zastosowania wobec zaistnialych zdarzen na morzu, lub oceny bezpieczenstwa w nieuwzglednionych (nieopisanych) w metodzie warunkach. Mozliwą alternatywą dla tej metody jest metoda, ktora opisuje parametry statkow oraz umozliwia analize ryzyka. Przy czym zastosowany model ryzyka jest maciezowym modelem ilościowym. W konsekwencji kryterialna ocena...

Research paper thumbnail of Application of quantitative risk assesment to ship in emergency conditions

Journal of Polish CIMAC, 2014

The paper is devoted to safety of ships in emergency conditions. The currently valid prescriptive... more The paper is devoted to safety of ships in emergency conditions. The currently valid prescriptive method of safety assessment of ships in damage conditions is included in the SOLAS 2009 Part B-2 Ch.II-1 regulations. It is devoted to the design stage and difficult to apply in operation. A possible alternative described in this paper is a method based on assessment of performance of ships and risk assessment. Type of risk evaluation is the quantitive risk assessment. The matrix type risk model has beedn applied for estimation of risk and the measure of safety of ships level is based on the risk acceptance criteria from the risk matrix. After the risk assessment the method may be used for the safety management purposes using the risk control options.

Research paper thumbnail of Modelowanie ruchu szybkich obiektów poruszających się na granicy wody i powietrza : modelowanie bezpieczeństwa tych obiektów

W artykule przedstawiono glowne problemy związane z opracowaniem koncepcji nowej generacji szybki... more W artykule przedstawiono glowne problemy związane z opracowaniem koncepcji nowej generacji szybkichbezzalogowych obiektow wodnych poruszających sie na granicy wody i powietrza w roznych warunkachoperacyjnych, w tym stanow zaladowania. Przedstawiono problemy związane z modelowaniem ruchu tychobiektow oraz oceną ich zachowania sie w roznych fazach ruchu. W artykule opisano koncepcje wybranegoobiektu, w tym jego ksztalt i podzial przestrzenny. Przedstawiono problem badawczy, metode badan i zadaniabadacze związane z badaniami, projektowaniem i budową demonstratora technologii. Przedstawionopodstawowe problemy związane z modelowaniem ryzyka wypadku i oceną bezpieczenstwa obiektu. Wkoncowej cześci pracy przedstawiono proceedure projektowania szybkich bezzalogowych obiektow wodnychporuszających sie na granicy wody i powietrza. Informacje zawarte w artykule związane są z badaniamiukierunkowanymi na opracowanie dokumentacji technicznej i budowe demonstratora technologii. Prace prowadzone są ...

Research paper thumbnail of Proposition of Simplified Calculation of a Roll Motion of Ship in Waves with Partially Flooded Compartments

Transactions on Maritime Science, 2021

This paper contains a description of a numerical model for calculating behaviour of ships in wave... more This paper contains a description of a numerical model for calculating behaviour of ships in waves. There are many models available, but the one described here can be characterised with a set of parameters that have a decisive impact on the final values of roll motion amplitude and frequency. In this paper, it is shown how a fitting of a standard-shape hull characterised by certain readily available parameters affects the final roll and frequency of the motion. In addition, calculations for a flooded tank were made, and a range of results for the maximum dynamic heeling forces from this tank is shown. This calculation can further be verified for a range of hull dimensions and geometries to present a viable method to the industry.


There is a need for developing improved methods of evaluating the safety of cargo ships that woul... more There is a need for developing improved methods of evaluating the safety of cargo ships that would quantify and assess the ship safety more comprehensively than current methods and further allow for a more direct comparison of ship designs safety-wise so that safety could become one of the goals of design process. This newly developed method will not only have to allow for effective determination of ship safety, but also should meet expectations from various industries. This paper presents an alternative approach to safety of ships in damaged conditions, which when further verified and evaluated, could serve as a useful tool for designers and ship operators alike. It was shown that a computationally efficient quasi-dynamic method that addresses the main drawbacks of current regulations can be formulated for evaluating the exact risk levels at any stage of vessel's life.


The paper is devoted to safety of ships in emergency conditions The currently valid prescriptive ... more The paper is devoted to safety of ships in emergency conditions The currently valid prescriptive method of safety assessment of ships in damage conditions is included in the SOLAS 2009 Part B-2 Ch.II-1 regulations. It is devoted to the design stage and difficult to apply in operation. A possible alternative described in this paper is a method based on assessment of performance of ships and risk assessment. Type of risk evaluation is the quantitative risk assessment. The matrix type risk model has been applied for estimation the risk and the measure of safety of ships level is based on the risk acceptance criteria from the risk matrix. After the risk assessment the method may be used for the safety management purposes using the risk control options.

Research paper thumbnail of Zastosowanie ilościowej oceny ryzyka przy ocenie bezpieczeństwa statków w czasie zatapiania

Document language: Polish The entire paper concerns the safety assessment of ships in damage con... more Document language: Polish
The entire paper concerns the safety assessment of ships in damage conditions. At the moment different methods of ship safety assessment are used. The widely used methods are the prescriptive methods which enable to limit some physical parameters of the ships according to the given safety criteria. The most developed method from the application point of view is the method included in the SOLAS 2009 (part B, chapter II-1) convention. This method has been worked out for the ship safety assessment according to the data criteria and for the ship design optimization at the design stage. According to the above mentioned it is difficult to apply this method in the case of accident at sea and for the safety assessment when the operational conditions have not been taken into account within the method before. A possible alternative method of ship safety assessment for this method could be a method which enables to better describe the ship parameters and characteristics together with application of the risk analysis. Of course the applied risk model should be a quantitative matrix risk model. As a consequence of such the approach the risk assessment criteria is based on the risk limits included within the risk matrix. After the risk assessment is done the method may be used for the risk management using the risk control options.