Rezki Hariko - (original) (raw)

Papers by Rezki Hariko

Research paper thumbnail of Hoax behavior tendencies among Indonesian students: An analysis during the COVID-19 pandemic

International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE)

The objective of this study was to analyze the hoax behavior tendencies among Indonesian students... more The objective of this study was to analyze the hoax behavior tendencies among Indonesian students during the pandemic, viewed from the aspects of analytical thinking, basic science knowledge, trust in news sources, satisfaction, and action. A total of 633 male and female students from Indonesian universities were sampled used a simple random sampling technique. Data were collected through the hoax tendency behavior scale (HTBS) on 30 questions using a Likert scale. Then, the data were analyzed descriptively to evaluate the hoax behavior tendencies in adolescents during the pandemic, which the results revealed to be in the medium category. Therefore, the analytical thinking skills of adolescents need to be improved, as 31.75% and 2.53% were in the low and very low categories. The study showed that adolescents with an average age of 20 years spreading hoaxes were motivated by basic knowledge of science, trust in news sources, satisfaction, and action. However, there was no significant...

Research paper thumbnail of Assertive Student Victims of Domestic Violence: Basic Qualitative Analysis From Guidance and Counseling Perspective

Indigenous: Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi

Domestic Violence is mostly experienced by women and children. Victims of domestic violence will ... more Domestic Violence is mostly experienced by women and children. Victims of domestic violence will be moody, quiet, aggressive, and tend to have less assertive behavior. Assertive behavior is the ability to convey what you want, feel, and think to others openly and honestly without intending to offend. This study aims to determine the description of assertive behavior in child victims of domestic violence. The study was conducted on 4 student victims of domestic violence (4 girls; aged 17-19 years; student status, students, and private employees) through observation and interviews with data reduction analysis, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results showed that the assertive behavior of children, as the victims of domestic violence, was equally low indicated by the request to convey rights, rejection of invitations, self-expression, giving praise to people, and taking part in the conversation. The difference, however, is found in the aspect of rejection, subjects DFS, IR, P are better than subject C. To increase assertive behavior in children who are victims of domestic violence, an exercise to communicate assertively at home for children and parents is needed so that children and parents can improve their ability to control emotions, hence minimizing the mistreatment of children. Therefore, the role of Guidance and Counseling is very much needed through information services and content mastery. The material that can be given is the application of assertiveness on daily basis to children as victims of domestic violence.

Research paper thumbnail of Menciptakan Konseling Yang Kondusif Melalui Teknik-Teknik Dasar Konseling (Attending, Listening Dan Structuring)

Ristekdik : Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling

Konseling adalah pelayanan bantuan oleh tenaga profesional kepada seorang atau sekelompok individ... more Konseling adalah pelayanan bantuan oleh tenaga profesional kepada seorang atau sekelompok individu untuk pengembangan KES dan penanganan KES-T dengan fokus pribadi mandiri yang mampu mengendalikan diri melalui penyelenggaraan berbagai jenis layanan dan kegiatan pendukung dalam proses pembelajaran. Kemudian, konseling yang kondusif adalah pelayanan yang diberikan oleh konselor kepada klien untuk pengembangan KES dan penanganan KES-T dengan tenang atau tertib. Nah, pada proses konseling yang terjadi saat ini banyak yang tidak kondusif. Karena dalam proses nya tidak kondusif. Maksudnya adalah dalam proses konseling, teknik-teknik konseling seperti attending, listening dan structuring tidak di implementasikan dengan efektif oleh konselor. Untuk itu, diperlukan konseling yang kondusif melalui pengimplementasian teknik-teknik dasar konseling konseling (Attending, Listening dan Structuring). Metode yang digunakan pada jurnal ini ialah Literature Review.

Research paper thumbnail of Are high school students motivated to attend counseling ?

COUNS-EDU: The International Journal of Counseling and Education, 2018

Counseling is the core of the implementation of guidance and counseling services at the school as... more Counseling is the core of the implementation of guidance and counseling services at the school as a whole. The success of counseling is a guarantee for the success of different types of guidance and counseling services. Unfortunately, not many students who voluntarily went to a counselor for help through the implementation of counseling. This research aims to describe the motivation of students to attend counseling. The research used survey method with 316 students of High School students. The results show that most students have not been motivated to follow counseling. Based on these findings, further research is needed on the factors that influence student motivation, as well as the efforts should be done by counselors and other stakeholders to increase students' motivation to attend counseling.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Perilaku Prososial Siswa Melalui Pelayanan Bimbingan dan Konseling

Seminar Konseling 2017, Oct 14, 2018

Setiap siswa berpotensi untuk bersikap dan bertingkah laku dengan baik dan sesuai dengan nilai da... more Setiap siswa berpotensi untuk bersikap dan bertingkah laku dengan baik dan sesuai dengan nilai dan norma yang berlaku di lingkungan sosial. Berbagai bentuk pola tingkah laku positif pada siswa lebih lanjut dikembangkan melalui proses pembelajaran yang diselenggarakan di sekolah. Salah satu tingkah laku positif yang perlu dikembangkan guna mencapai penyesuaian sosial yang baik yakninya tingkah laku prososial; istilah yang diciptakan oleh para ilmuwan sosial sebagai lawan kata anti sosial. Aspek ini mencakup berbagai tindakan yang dimaksudkan untuk memperoleh keuntungan terhadap satu atau lebih orang lain selain diri individu yang membantu. Berbagai hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa eksistensi perilaku prososial pada individu berkorelasi positif dengan kesehatan dan aktifitas fisik, peningkatan minat dan hasil belajar, serta berhubungan negatif dengan sejumlah perilaku antisosial, perilaku menyimpang dan emosi negatif. Terkait dengan hal tersebut, bimbingan dan konseling sebagai salah satu bagian integral dari proses pendidikan memiliki peran yang sangat signifikan dalam membantu siswa mengembangkan perilaku prososial. Upaya mewujudkan perilaku prososial tersebut dapat diselenggarakan guru BK/konselor melalui berbagai jenis dan format layanan, dengan mengembangkan motif-motif yang melandasinya; empathic concern dan moral reasoning.

Research paper thumbnail of Students' motivation to attend group guidance based on gender and ethnic

International Journal of Research in Counseling and Education, 2021

Although group guidance is believed to be an effective and efficient service to facilitate the de... more Although group guidance is believed to be an effective and efficient service to facilitate the development of positive aspects and prevention of negative aspects of students, the frequency of its use for students is not optimal. This study aims to analyze student motivation to follow group guidance and differences in their motivation based on gender and ethnicity. The study used a comparative descriptive method. A total of 690 samples were involved in write-paper-and-pencil questionnaires, namely the students' motivation scale to attend group guidance, which was designed based on the Likert Scale model. We analyzed data using descriptive statistics and different test analysis using independent samples t-test and Bayesian method by applying JASP software. Analysis results showed that most students have the prime motivation to follow group guidance and there are significant differences in student motivation to follow group guidance based on gender, but in terms of ethnicity did no...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Kompetensi Konselor Lintas Budaya Berdasarkan Faktor Kreativogenik Mahasiswa: tahun 1 dari Rencana 2 Tahun

Beberapa penelitian dalam bidang pendidikan dan kreativitas menunjukkan bahwa sistem pendidikan f... more Beberapa penelitian dalam bidang pendidikan dan kreativitas menunjukkan bahwa sistem pendidikan formal di Indonesia pada umumnya masih kurang memberikan kesempatan bagi pengembangan kreativitas peserta didik, sehingga menciptakan peserta didik yang hanya mengedepankan kemampuan kognitif semata, menginginkan sesuatu yang instan, mengedepankan perilaku yang tidak mau mengeksplorasi sehingga mengakibatkan individuindividu yang lemah, tidak memiliki daya saing tinggi, mencontek, tidak mandiri sampai individu yang tidak kreatif. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa perlu usaha bersama untuk mengembangkan potensi peserta didik, khususnya kreativitas melalui upaya pendidikan baik itu formal, informal maupun non formal. Upaya pendidikan tersebut tidak terlepas dari peran budaya yang ada di masyarakat luas yang mempengaruhi pola pikir, pola rasa, pola tindak peserta didik itu sendiri. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan faktor kreativogenik mahasiswa Universitas Negeri Padang yang dilihat pada...

Research paper thumbnail of Peran Konselor dalam Meningkatkan Disiplin Siswa: Tinjauan Berdasarkan Persepsi Siswa

Disiplin didefinisikan sebagai sikap mental yang menggambarkan ketaatan, kerelaan, kesadaran dan ... more Disiplin didefinisikan sebagai sikap mental yang menggambarkan ketaatan, kerelaan, kesadaran dan tanggung jawab individu maupun kelompok untuk melakukan tugas dan kewajiban berdasarkan aturan-aturan yang telah disepakati. Sebagai aspek penting yang mesti dimiliki oleh setiap siswa, peran konselor sangat diperlukan bagi pengembangan dan/atau peningkatan disiplin siswa. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan persepsi siswa tentang peran konselor dalam meningkatkan disiplin siswa. Penelitian menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Data penelitian diperoleh setelah 246 siswa SMAN 1 Lintau, Sumatera Barat, menyelesaikan skala pengukuran persepsi siswa tentang peran konselor untuk meningkatkan disiplin siswa yang disusun berdasarkan model skala Likert . Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis statistik deskriptif. Kesimpulan dari penelitian adalah siswa berpersepsi bahwa konselor belum berperan secara optimal dalam meningkatkan disiplin siswa.

Research paper thumbnail of Ilmu Bimbingan dan Konseling, Nilai dan Kesejahteraan Individu: Studi Literatur

Jurnal Konseling dan Pendidikan, 2016

Ilmu bimbingan dan konseling didefiniskan sebagai suatu kajian komprehensif tentang prosedur atau... more Ilmu bimbingan dan konseling didefiniskan sebagai suatu kajian komprehensif tentang prosedur atau langkah-langkah pemberian bantuan terhadap individu (klien) dalam upayanya untuk mengembangkan diri, mengentaskan permasalahan dan tujuan-tujuan khusus lainnya. Hubungan ilmu bimbingan dan konseling dengan nilai-nilai kemanusiaan menimbulkan banyak konsekuensi terhadap kehidupan manusia, baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung. Bimbingan dan konseling terkait erat dengan kesejahteraan manusia sebagai tujuan utama kehidupan individu yang tidak dapat terlepas dari nilai-nilai yang berlaku dan berkembang di tengah-tengah masyarakat yang berbudaya. Penerapan dan pengembangan keilmuan bimbingan dan konseling hendaknya senantiasa mempertimbangkan aspek-aspek nilai yang dianut oleh individu, yang dirumuskan dalam kode etik suatu profesi atau keilmuawan.

Research paper thumbnail of Landasan Filosofis Keterampilan Komunikasi Konseling

Jurnal Kajian Bimbingan dan Konseling, Jun 27, 2017

Counseling is a professional activity involving the relationship between a counselor with an indi... more Counseling is a professional activity involving the relationship between a counselor with an individual or a group of individuals. Like an interpersonal relationship in general, in the process of counseling occurs the process of interaction and communication between individuals with other individuals (counselors-counselee). Mastery of communication skills is a basic prerequisite for counselors to be able to use various counseling skills effectively and efficiently. It should be understood that almost all of the counseling skills involve the counselor's communication skills. A good understanding of communication skills should be based on an in-depth study and understanding of communication philosophy. Mastery of communication skills will facilitate the counselor in using various counseling skills that have been formulated by experts as assets to provide successful assistance services for the counselee.

Research paper thumbnail of School Violence Prevention Through Counseling Service Using Problem-Solving Approach to Improve Students’ Self Control

Proceedings of the Proceedings of The 5th Annual International Seminar on Trends in Science and Science Education, AISTSSE 2018, 18-19 October 2018, Medan, Indonesia, 2019

Violent acts among teenagers in senior high schools continue to increase along with the lack of e... more Violent acts among teenagers in senior high schools continue to increase along with the lack of emphasis on reducing the intensity of these acts by the schools' counseling service. This research aims to describe the violence acts prevention through counseling service by using a problem-solving approach to improve the students' selfcontrol. This study is a quantitative research with an experimental design. The population consisted of Senior High School (SHS) students in Padang, Indonesia, and the sampling technique was cluster random sampling. Data collection was performed through the use of Firman and Yennikarneli's questionnaire (2017) which validity and reliability have been approved. Data analysis was performed through a descriptive method and the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test. Based on the results of the analysis, it was found that violent acts prevention through counseling service by using a problem-solving approach is effective in improving high school students' self-control.

Research paper thumbnail of The Philosophy of Helping (Consultation Model and Altruistic Behavior as An Important Part of The Counselor for Early Childhood)

Proceedings of the International Conference of Early Childhood Education (ICECE 2017), 2018

Helping Profession is the main concept underlying the role and function of counselor. Helping is ... more Helping Profession is the main concept underlying the role and function of counselor. Helping is a process of activities that people do against other individuals in their social environment. There are three models to help: professional information model, clinical model, and model of consultation process. The consultation process model is the first model to be applied in a helpful philosophy. This model is important to be a helper as a steering process. However, professional and clinical information models may be provided, but the helper should use confrontive intervention. This intervention is intended to provide some hypotheses or alternatives for solving client problems. In the counseling process, primarily involving early childhood, the philosophy of helping is seen in altruistic behaviors related to the empathetic and caring attitude of the counselor to the client.

Research paper thumbnail of Dimensionality of Prosocial Tendencies on Minangkabau Early Adolescents

International Journal of Learning and Change, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Model supervisi klinis berfokus multikultural: supervisi hubungan interpersonal konselor dan staf kependidikan

TERAPUTIK: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling, 2018

Kolaborasi kinerja antara konselor dengan guru atau staf kependidikan sangat dibutuhkan dalam pen... more Kolaborasi kinerja antara konselor dengan guru atau staf kependidikan sangat dibutuhkan dalam penyelenggaraan layanan bimbingan dan konseling bagi siswa. Kolaborasi yang terjalin ini perlu disupervisi, salah satunya dengan menggunakan supervisi klinis berfokus multibudaya. Kegiatan supervisi ini menekankan pada aspek menyadari akan perbedaan budaya yang dapat muncul antara supervisor dan supervisee yang dapat berpengaruh terhadap kegiatan supervise. Seorang supervisor perlu menyadari tentang bias persepsi yang dapat berpengaruh terhadap kegiatan supervisi. Supervisor seyogyanya reaktif terhadap keragaman budaya dalam melaksanakan kegiatan supervisi yang ditunjukkan melalui pengakuan perbedaan budaya antara supervisor dan supervisee, memahami kekuatan perbedaan dan memulai diskusi mengenai keragaman. Supervisor juga mesti menyadari hambatan dalam supervisi multikultural, diantaranya yaitu: bias persepsi dan kurangnya pelatihan supervisi.

Research paper thumbnail of Reviewing the role of families in student career planning

Konselor, 2019

Mistakes in choosing a career and work are very common phenomena occurring in individuals today. ... more Mistakes in choosing a career and work are very common phenomena occurring in individuals today. This is generally an estuary from not implementing a good career plan, starting from an early age to the process of education in college. Career plan needs to be done early by each individual so that they have the ability to understand information about themselves, information about career goals and realistic reasoning in understanding their own information and career goals. This research is a library research, by searching, reading, studying, and analyzing the content of books and supported by various literature related to them. Based on the research concluded that parents are one of the external factors that carry a large role in providing social support for the development of individual career plan. In particular, parents play a role in providing social support in the form of emotional, appraisal, informational and instrumental support.

Research paper thumbnail of Improving student resilience in the era new normal through group guidance using Cognitive Restructuring Techniques

International Journal of Applied Counseling and Social Sciences, Aug 14, 2022

Today the world of education has changed from offline to online so that students cannot escape th... more Today the world of education has changed from offline to online so that students cannot escape the crush that causes students to procrastinate a lot of assignments, be late in collecting assignments, cannot manage study time, do not dare to ask questions when they have difficulty understanding the subject matter, have difficulty understanding teacher instructions, students must provide quota packages, this causes students to like to complain, be confused, despair and give up easily, students are anxious, worried about missing lessons, and feel bored, this condition shows problems that come from resilience. Various crushes experienced by students in the new normal era have not been effective by being given group guidance to overcome it. Therefore, this study aims to (1) analyze differences in student resilience before being compared after taking group guidance using cognitive restructuring techniques, (2) analyzing differences before compared to after taking group guidance without special treatment, (3) analyzing differences in student resilience after attending group guidance using cognitive restructuring techniques compared to those following group guidance without special treatment. The research method used is quantitative research. This type of research is a Quasi Experiment Design with a pretest posttest control group design. The population in this study was 192 students, and 20 students were taken which were divided into 10 students for the experimental group and 10 students for the control group. Sampling used simple random sampling. The research instrument used was a Likert Scale model. The results showed that (1) there was a significant difference in student resilience before and after taking group guidance using cognitive restructuring techniques, (2) there was a significant difference in student resilience before and after taking group guidance without special treatment, (3) there was a significant difference resilience of students who follow group guidance using cognitive restructuring techniques and follow group guidance without special treatment. Therefore, group guidance on cognitive restructuring techniques is effective in increasing student resilience in the era new normal.

Research paper thumbnail of Rezki Hariko

Although group guidance is believed to be an effective and efficient service to facilitate the de... more Although group guidance is believed to be an effective and efficient service to facilitate the development of positive aspects and prevention of negative aspects of students, the frequency of its use for students is not optimal. This study aims to analyze student motivation to follow group guidance and differences in their motivation based on gender and ethnicity. The study used a comparative descriptive method. A total of 690 samples were involved in write-paper-and-pencil questionnaires, namely the students' motivation scale to attend group guidance, which was designed based on the Likert Scale model. We analyzed data using descriptive statistics and different test analysis using independent samples t-test and Bayesian method by applying JASP software. Analysis results showed that most students have the prime motivation to follow group guidance and there are significant differences in student motivation to follow group guidance based on gender, but in terms of ethnicity did no...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Kritik Terhadap Model Kipas; Konseling Intensif Progresif Adaptif Struktur

Jurnal Konseling dan Pendidikan, 2017

Bimbingan dan konseling merupakan salah satu komponen integral dalam pendidikan yang eksistensiny... more Bimbingan dan konseling merupakan salah satu komponen integral dalam pendidikan yang eksistensinya dari waktu ke waktu semakin dibutuhkan. Sayangnya, pelaksanaan bimbingan dan konseling selama ini masih mengadopsi secara membabi-buta rumusan yang dibuat oleh para ahli yang berlandaskan pada falsafah Barat. Konseling Intensif Progresif Adaptif Struktur (KIPAS) yang dikreasikan oleh Andi Mappiare-AT muncul sebagai salah satu dari sedikit jenis bimbingan dan konseling yang berlandaskan pada budaya Nusantara. Fokus penulisan artikel ini mencakup deskripsi dan analisis kritis terhadap Model KIPAS; uraian tentang kontribusi Model KIPAS terhadap pengembangan diri dan penyelesaian masalah konseli, dan kontribusi terhadap citra konseling Indonesia. Basis budaya yang diusung oleh Model KIPAS menjadi keunggulan utama model ini, menjadikannya sangat efektif untuk diaplikasikan dalam pelayanan bimbingan dan konseling Indonesia. Disamping itu, terdapat beberapa kritikan terhadap Model KIPAS, khus...

Research paper thumbnail of Gambaran Permasalahan Pasangan Muda di Kabupaten Kerinci

Young married couples are faced with various problems, as a consequence of not reaching psycholog... more Young married couples are faced with various problems, as a consequence of not reaching psychological, physical, social, economic and cultural maturity. This study aims to describe the problems experienced married couples at a young age. Research respondents were 46 young married couples in Kerinci. The research data was collected using instruments arranged according to the Guttman scale model. The research findings indicate a problem in each indicator, that is related to the state of self; social relations with the community; economics and finance; work, religion, values and norms; circumstances in the family; and sexual intercourse. Based on the research findings, it is suggested to counselor to do counseling and guidance service to young married couples who will and have been married to prevent and alleviate the problem in an effort to realize happy family. Keyword: Marriage, Family, Counseling, Counselor

Research paper thumbnail of Condition and Shaping of Student Personality in Educational Process Through Transpersonal Psychology Perspective

Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Education and Training (ICET 2017), 2017

This article was the latest research in 2015 that collaborative with my colleague about student p... more This article was the latest research in 2015 that collaborative with my colleague about student personality in educational process using perspective of psychoanalysis consist of id, ego and super ego and will discuss with my research in 2016 selftranspersonal psychology perspective. This research was conduct in 2015 was implemented to understand a student motive to behave in their educational process, the result that using 77 student as a sample was found that Ego aspect in student personality has very high level. The question, if their ego was very high level so there is some disturbance in their social educational process, such individualist, lack of altruistic and lack of team work. In this time, education not only talk about cognitive but more than that, just like my previous article about education "It shape a ability of human being such cognitive, affective, conative, and psychomotor in the conciousness and logical process", that is important impact with global education connection with ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), this because educational process only came through understanding about them (student) self through transpersonal psychology perspective. So this article will discuss further about condition and how to shaping student personality through transpersonal psychology perspective and approach in counseling with point of view a logic of self, self as conciousness, and self realization in social educational process.

Research paper thumbnail of Hoax behavior tendencies among Indonesian students: An analysis during the COVID-19 pandemic

International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE)

The objective of this study was to analyze the hoax behavior tendencies among Indonesian students... more The objective of this study was to analyze the hoax behavior tendencies among Indonesian students during the pandemic, viewed from the aspects of analytical thinking, basic science knowledge, trust in news sources, satisfaction, and action. A total of 633 male and female students from Indonesian universities were sampled used a simple random sampling technique. Data were collected through the hoax tendency behavior scale (HTBS) on 30 questions using a Likert scale. Then, the data were analyzed descriptively to evaluate the hoax behavior tendencies in adolescents during the pandemic, which the results revealed to be in the medium category. Therefore, the analytical thinking skills of adolescents need to be improved, as 31.75% and 2.53% were in the low and very low categories. The study showed that adolescents with an average age of 20 years spreading hoaxes were motivated by basic knowledge of science, trust in news sources, satisfaction, and action. However, there was no significant...

Research paper thumbnail of Assertive Student Victims of Domestic Violence: Basic Qualitative Analysis From Guidance and Counseling Perspective

Indigenous: Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi

Domestic Violence is mostly experienced by women and children. Victims of domestic violence will ... more Domestic Violence is mostly experienced by women and children. Victims of domestic violence will be moody, quiet, aggressive, and tend to have less assertive behavior. Assertive behavior is the ability to convey what you want, feel, and think to others openly and honestly without intending to offend. This study aims to determine the description of assertive behavior in child victims of domestic violence. The study was conducted on 4 student victims of domestic violence (4 girls; aged 17-19 years; student status, students, and private employees) through observation and interviews with data reduction analysis, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results showed that the assertive behavior of children, as the victims of domestic violence, was equally low indicated by the request to convey rights, rejection of invitations, self-expression, giving praise to people, and taking part in the conversation. The difference, however, is found in the aspect of rejection, subjects DFS, IR, P are better than subject C. To increase assertive behavior in children who are victims of domestic violence, an exercise to communicate assertively at home for children and parents is needed so that children and parents can improve their ability to control emotions, hence minimizing the mistreatment of children. Therefore, the role of Guidance and Counseling is very much needed through information services and content mastery. The material that can be given is the application of assertiveness on daily basis to children as victims of domestic violence.

Research paper thumbnail of Menciptakan Konseling Yang Kondusif Melalui Teknik-Teknik Dasar Konseling (Attending, Listening Dan Structuring)

Ristekdik : Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling

Konseling adalah pelayanan bantuan oleh tenaga profesional kepada seorang atau sekelompok individ... more Konseling adalah pelayanan bantuan oleh tenaga profesional kepada seorang atau sekelompok individu untuk pengembangan KES dan penanganan KES-T dengan fokus pribadi mandiri yang mampu mengendalikan diri melalui penyelenggaraan berbagai jenis layanan dan kegiatan pendukung dalam proses pembelajaran. Kemudian, konseling yang kondusif adalah pelayanan yang diberikan oleh konselor kepada klien untuk pengembangan KES dan penanganan KES-T dengan tenang atau tertib. Nah, pada proses konseling yang terjadi saat ini banyak yang tidak kondusif. Karena dalam proses nya tidak kondusif. Maksudnya adalah dalam proses konseling, teknik-teknik konseling seperti attending, listening dan structuring tidak di implementasikan dengan efektif oleh konselor. Untuk itu, diperlukan konseling yang kondusif melalui pengimplementasian teknik-teknik dasar konseling konseling (Attending, Listening dan Structuring). Metode yang digunakan pada jurnal ini ialah Literature Review.

Research paper thumbnail of Are high school students motivated to attend counseling ?

COUNS-EDU: The International Journal of Counseling and Education, 2018

Counseling is the core of the implementation of guidance and counseling services at the school as... more Counseling is the core of the implementation of guidance and counseling services at the school as a whole. The success of counseling is a guarantee for the success of different types of guidance and counseling services. Unfortunately, not many students who voluntarily went to a counselor for help through the implementation of counseling. This research aims to describe the motivation of students to attend counseling. The research used survey method with 316 students of High School students. The results show that most students have not been motivated to follow counseling. Based on these findings, further research is needed on the factors that influence student motivation, as well as the efforts should be done by counselors and other stakeholders to increase students' motivation to attend counseling.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Perilaku Prososial Siswa Melalui Pelayanan Bimbingan dan Konseling

Seminar Konseling 2017, Oct 14, 2018

Setiap siswa berpotensi untuk bersikap dan bertingkah laku dengan baik dan sesuai dengan nilai da... more Setiap siswa berpotensi untuk bersikap dan bertingkah laku dengan baik dan sesuai dengan nilai dan norma yang berlaku di lingkungan sosial. Berbagai bentuk pola tingkah laku positif pada siswa lebih lanjut dikembangkan melalui proses pembelajaran yang diselenggarakan di sekolah. Salah satu tingkah laku positif yang perlu dikembangkan guna mencapai penyesuaian sosial yang baik yakninya tingkah laku prososial; istilah yang diciptakan oleh para ilmuwan sosial sebagai lawan kata anti sosial. Aspek ini mencakup berbagai tindakan yang dimaksudkan untuk memperoleh keuntungan terhadap satu atau lebih orang lain selain diri individu yang membantu. Berbagai hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa eksistensi perilaku prososial pada individu berkorelasi positif dengan kesehatan dan aktifitas fisik, peningkatan minat dan hasil belajar, serta berhubungan negatif dengan sejumlah perilaku antisosial, perilaku menyimpang dan emosi negatif. Terkait dengan hal tersebut, bimbingan dan konseling sebagai salah satu bagian integral dari proses pendidikan memiliki peran yang sangat signifikan dalam membantu siswa mengembangkan perilaku prososial. Upaya mewujudkan perilaku prososial tersebut dapat diselenggarakan guru BK/konselor melalui berbagai jenis dan format layanan, dengan mengembangkan motif-motif yang melandasinya; empathic concern dan moral reasoning.

Research paper thumbnail of Students' motivation to attend group guidance based on gender and ethnic

International Journal of Research in Counseling and Education, 2021

Although group guidance is believed to be an effective and efficient service to facilitate the de... more Although group guidance is believed to be an effective and efficient service to facilitate the development of positive aspects and prevention of negative aspects of students, the frequency of its use for students is not optimal. This study aims to analyze student motivation to follow group guidance and differences in their motivation based on gender and ethnicity. The study used a comparative descriptive method. A total of 690 samples were involved in write-paper-and-pencil questionnaires, namely the students' motivation scale to attend group guidance, which was designed based on the Likert Scale model. We analyzed data using descriptive statistics and different test analysis using independent samples t-test and Bayesian method by applying JASP software. Analysis results showed that most students have the prime motivation to follow group guidance and there are significant differences in student motivation to follow group guidance based on gender, but in terms of ethnicity did no...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Kompetensi Konselor Lintas Budaya Berdasarkan Faktor Kreativogenik Mahasiswa: tahun 1 dari Rencana 2 Tahun

Beberapa penelitian dalam bidang pendidikan dan kreativitas menunjukkan bahwa sistem pendidikan f... more Beberapa penelitian dalam bidang pendidikan dan kreativitas menunjukkan bahwa sistem pendidikan formal di Indonesia pada umumnya masih kurang memberikan kesempatan bagi pengembangan kreativitas peserta didik, sehingga menciptakan peserta didik yang hanya mengedepankan kemampuan kognitif semata, menginginkan sesuatu yang instan, mengedepankan perilaku yang tidak mau mengeksplorasi sehingga mengakibatkan individuindividu yang lemah, tidak memiliki daya saing tinggi, mencontek, tidak mandiri sampai individu yang tidak kreatif. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa perlu usaha bersama untuk mengembangkan potensi peserta didik, khususnya kreativitas melalui upaya pendidikan baik itu formal, informal maupun non formal. Upaya pendidikan tersebut tidak terlepas dari peran budaya yang ada di masyarakat luas yang mempengaruhi pola pikir, pola rasa, pola tindak peserta didik itu sendiri. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan faktor kreativogenik mahasiswa Universitas Negeri Padang yang dilihat pada...

Research paper thumbnail of Peran Konselor dalam Meningkatkan Disiplin Siswa: Tinjauan Berdasarkan Persepsi Siswa

Disiplin didefinisikan sebagai sikap mental yang menggambarkan ketaatan, kerelaan, kesadaran dan ... more Disiplin didefinisikan sebagai sikap mental yang menggambarkan ketaatan, kerelaan, kesadaran dan tanggung jawab individu maupun kelompok untuk melakukan tugas dan kewajiban berdasarkan aturan-aturan yang telah disepakati. Sebagai aspek penting yang mesti dimiliki oleh setiap siswa, peran konselor sangat diperlukan bagi pengembangan dan/atau peningkatan disiplin siswa. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan persepsi siswa tentang peran konselor dalam meningkatkan disiplin siswa. Penelitian menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Data penelitian diperoleh setelah 246 siswa SMAN 1 Lintau, Sumatera Barat, menyelesaikan skala pengukuran persepsi siswa tentang peran konselor untuk meningkatkan disiplin siswa yang disusun berdasarkan model skala Likert . Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis statistik deskriptif. Kesimpulan dari penelitian adalah siswa berpersepsi bahwa konselor belum berperan secara optimal dalam meningkatkan disiplin siswa.

Research paper thumbnail of Ilmu Bimbingan dan Konseling, Nilai dan Kesejahteraan Individu: Studi Literatur

Jurnal Konseling dan Pendidikan, 2016

Ilmu bimbingan dan konseling didefiniskan sebagai suatu kajian komprehensif tentang prosedur atau... more Ilmu bimbingan dan konseling didefiniskan sebagai suatu kajian komprehensif tentang prosedur atau langkah-langkah pemberian bantuan terhadap individu (klien) dalam upayanya untuk mengembangkan diri, mengentaskan permasalahan dan tujuan-tujuan khusus lainnya. Hubungan ilmu bimbingan dan konseling dengan nilai-nilai kemanusiaan menimbulkan banyak konsekuensi terhadap kehidupan manusia, baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung. Bimbingan dan konseling terkait erat dengan kesejahteraan manusia sebagai tujuan utama kehidupan individu yang tidak dapat terlepas dari nilai-nilai yang berlaku dan berkembang di tengah-tengah masyarakat yang berbudaya. Penerapan dan pengembangan keilmuan bimbingan dan konseling hendaknya senantiasa mempertimbangkan aspek-aspek nilai yang dianut oleh individu, yang dirumuskan dalam kode etik suatu profesi atau keilmuawan.

Research paper thumbnail of Landasan Filosofis Keterampilan Komunikasi Konseling

Jurnal Kajian Bimbingan dan Konseling, Jun 27, 2017

Counseling is a professional activity involving the relationship between a counselor with an indi... more Counseling is a professional activity involving the relationship between a counselor with an individual or a group of individuals. Like an interpersonal relationship in general, in the process of counseling occurs the process of interaction and communication between individuals with other individuals (counselors-counselee). Mastery of communication skills is a basic prerequisite for counselors to be able to use various counseling skills effectively and efficiently. It should be understood that almost all of the counseling skills involve the counselor's communication skills. A good understanding of communication skills should be based on an in-depth study and understanding of communication philosophy. Mastery of communication skills will facilitate the counselor in using various counseling skills that have been formulated by experts as assets to provide successful assistance services for the counselee.

Research paper thumbnail of School Violence Prevention Through Counseling Service Using Problem-Solving Approach to Improve Students’ Self Control

Proceedings of the Proceedings of The 5th Annual International Seminar on Trends in Science and Science Education, AISTSSE 2018, 18-19 October 2018, Medan, Indonesia, 2019

Violent acts among teenagers in senior high schools continue to increase along with the lack of e... more Violent acts among teenagers in senior high schools continue to increase along with the lack of emphasis on reducing the intensity of these acts by the schools' counseling service. This research aims to describe the violence acts prevention through counseling service by using a problem-solving approach to improve the students' selfcontrol. This study is a quantitative research with an experimental design. The population consisted of Senior High School (SHS) students in Padang, Indonesia, and the sampling technique was cluster random sampling. Data collection was performed through the use of Firman and Yennikarneli's questionnaire (2017) which validity and reliability have been approved. Data analysis was performed through a descriptive method and the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test. Based on the results of the analysis, it was found that violent acts prevention through counseling service by using a problem-solving approach is effective in improving high school students' self-control.

Research paper thumbnail of The Philosophy of Helping (Consultation Model and Altruistic Behavior as An Important Part of The Counselor for Early Childhood)

Proceedings of the International Conference of Early Childhood Education (ICECE 2017), 2018

Helping Profession is the main concept underlying the role and function of counselor. Helping is ... more Helping Profession is the main concept underlying the role and function of counselor. Helping is a process of activities that people do against other individuals in their social environment. There are three models to help: professional information model, clinical model, and model of consultation process. The consultation process model is the first model to be applied in a helpful philosophy. This model is important to be a helper as a steering process. However, professional and clinical information models may be provided, but the helper should use confrontive intervention. This intervention is intended to provide some hypotheses or alternatives for solving client problems. In the counseling process, primarily involving early childhood, the philosophy of helping is seen in altruistic behaviors related to the empathetic and caring attitude of the counselor to the client.

Research paper thumbnail of Dimensionality of Prosocial Tendencies on Minangkabau Early Adolescents

International Journal of Learning and Change, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Model supervisi klinis berfokus multikultural: supervisi hubungan interpersonal konselor dan staf kependidikan

TERAPUTIK: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling, 2018

Kolaborasi kinerja antara konselor dengan guru atau staf kependidikan sangat dibutuhkan dalam pen... more Kolaborasi kinerja antara konselor dengan guru atau staf kependidikan sangat dibutuhkan dalam penyelenggaraan layanan bimbingan dan konseling bagi siswa. Kolaborasi yang terjalin ini perlu disupervisi, salah satunya dengan menggunakan supervisi klinis berfokus multibudaya. Kegiatan supervisi ini menekankan pada aspek menyadari akan perbedaan budaya yang dapat muncul antara supervisor dan supervisee yang dapat berpengaruh terhadap kegiatan supervise. Seorang supervisor perlu menyadari tentang bias persepsi yang dapat berpengaruh terhadap kegiatan supervisi. Supervisor seyogyanya reaktif terhadap keragaman budaya dalam melaksanakan kegiatan supervisi yang ditunjukkan melalui pengakuan perbedaan budaya antara supervisor dan supervisee, memahami kekuatan perbedaan dan memulai diskusi mengenai keragaman. Supervisor juga mesti menyadari hambatan dalam supervisi multikultural, diantaranya yaitu: bias persepsi dan kurangnya pelatihan supervisi.

Research paper thumbnail of Reviewing the role of families in student career planning

Konselor, 2019

Mistakes in choosing a career and work are very common phenomena occurring in individuals today. ... more Mistakes in choosing a career and work are very common phenomena occurring in individuals today. This is generally an estuary from not implementing a good career plan, starting from an early age to the process of education in college. Career plan needs to be done early by each individual so that they have the ability to understand information about themselves, information about career goals and realistic reasoning in understanding their own information and career goals. This research is a library research, by searching, reading, studying, and analyzing the content of books and supported by various literature related to them. Based on the research concluded that parents are one of the external factors that carry a large role in providing social support for the development of individual career plan. In particular, parents play a role in providing social support in the form of emotional, appraisal, informational and instrumental support.

Research paper thumbnail of Improving student resilience in the era new normal through group guidance using Cognitive Restructuring Techniques

International Journal of Applied Counseling and Social Sciences, Aug 14, 2022

Today the world of education has changed from offline to online so that students cannot escape th... more Today the world of education has changed from offline to online so that students cannot escape the crush that causes students to procrastinate a lot of assignments, be late in collecting assignments, cannot manage study time, do not dare to ask questions when they have difficulty understanding the subject matter, have difficulty understanding teacher instructions, students must provide quota packages, this causes students to like to complain, be confused, despair and give up easily, students are anxious, worried about missing lessons, and feel bored, this condition shows problems that come from resilience. Various crushes experienced by students in the new normal era have not been effective by being given group guidance to overcome it. Therefore, this study aims to (1) analyze differences in student resilience before being compared after taking group guidance using cognitive restructuring techniques, (2) analyzing differences before compared to after taking group guidance without special treatment, (3) analyzing differences in student resilience after attending group guidance using cognitive restructuring techniques compared to those following group guidance without special treatment. The research method used is quantitative research. This type of research is a Quasi Experiment Design with a pretest posttest control group design. The population in this study was 192 students, and 20 students were taken which were divided into 10 students for the experimental group and 10 students for the control group. Sampling used simple random sampling. The research instrument used was a Likert Scale model. The results showed that (1) there was a significant difference in student resilience before and after taking group guidance using cognitive restructuring techniques, (2) there was a significant difference in student resilience before and after taking group guidance without special treatment, (3) there was a significant difference resilience of students who follow group guidance using cognitive restructuring techniques and follow group guidance without special treatment. Therefore, group guidance on cognitive restructuring techniques is effective in increasing student resilience in the era new normal.

Research paper thumbnail of Rezki Hariko

Although group guidance is believed to be an effective and efficient service to facilitate the de... more Although group guidance is believed to be an effective and efficient service to facilitate the development of positive aspects and prevention of negative aspects of students, the frequency of its use for students is not optimal. This study aims to analyze student motivation to follow group guidance and differences in their motivation based on gender and ethnicity. The study used a comparative descriptive method. A total of 690 samples were involved in write-paper-and-pencil questionnaires, namely the students' motivation scale to attend group guidance, which was designed based on the Likert Scale model. We analyzed data using descriptive statistics and different test analysis using independent samples t-test and Bayesian method by applying JASP software. Analysis results showed that most students have the prime motivation to follow group guidance and there are significant differences in student motivation to follow group guidance based on gender, but in terms of ethnicity did no...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Kritik Terhadap Model Kipas; Konseling Intensif Progresif Adaptif Struktur

Jurnal Konseling dan Pendidikan, 2017

Bimbingan dan konseling merupakan salah satu komponen integral dalam pendidikan yang eksistensiny... more Bimbingan dan konseling merupakan salah satu komponen integral dalam pendidikan yang eksistensinya dari waktu ke waktu semakin dibutuhkan. Sayangnya, pelaksanaan bimbingan dan konseling selama ini masih mengadopsi secara membabi-buta rumusan yang dibuat oleh para ahli yang berlandaskan pada falsafah Barat. Konseling Intensif Progresif Adaptif Struktur (KIPAS) yang dikreasikan oleh Andi Mappiare-AT muncul sebagai salah satu dari sedikit jenis bimbingan dan konseling yang berlandaskan pada budaya Nusantara. Fokus penulisan artikel ini mencakup deskripsi dan analisis kritis terhadap Model KIPAS; uraian tentang kontribusi Model KIPAS terhadap pengembangan diri dan penyelesaian masalah konseli, dan kontribusi terhadap citra konseling Indonesia. Basis budaya yang diusung oleh Model KIPAS menjadi keunggulan utama model ini, menjadikannya sangat efektif untuk diaplikasikan dalam pelayanan bimbingan dan konseling Indonesia. Disamping itu, terdapat beberapa kritikan terhadap Model KIPAS, khus...

Research paper thumbnail of Gambaran Permasalahan Pasangan Muda di Kabupaten Kerinci

Young married couples are faced with various problems, as a consequence of not reaching psycholog... more Young married couples are faced with various problems, as a consequence of not reaching psychological, physical, social, economic and cultural maturity. This study aims to describe the problems experienced married couples at a young age. Research respondents were 46 young married couples in Kerinci. The research data was collected using instruments arranged according to the Guttman scale model. The research findings indicate a problem in each indicator, that is related to the state of self; social relations with the community; economics and finance; work, religion, values and norms; circumstances in the family; and sexual intercourse. Based on the research findings, it is suggested to counselor to do counseling and guidance service to young married couples who will and have been married to prevent and alleviate the problem in an effort to realize happy family. Keyword: Marriage, Family, Counseling, Counselor

Research paper thumbnail of Condition and Shaping of Student Personality in Educational Process Through Transpersonal Psychology Perspective

Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Education and Training (ICET 2017), 2017

This article was the latest research in 2015 that collaborative with my colleague about student p... more This article was the latest research in 2015 that collaborative with my colleague about student personality in educational process using perspective of psychoanalysis consist of id, ego and super ego and will discuss with my research in 2016 selftranspersonal psychology perspective. This research was conduct in 2015 was implemented to understand a student motive to behave in their educational process, the result that using 77 student as a sample was found that Ego aspect in student personality has very high level. The question, if their ego was very high level so there is some disturbance in their social educational process, such individualist, lack of altruistic and lack of team work. In this time, education not only talk about cognitive but more than that, just like my previous article about education "It shape a ability of human being such cognitive, affective, conative, and psychomotor in the conciousness and logical process", that is important impact with global education connection with ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), this because educational process only came through understanding about them (student) self through transpersonal psychology perspective. So this article will discuss further about condition and how to shaping student personality through transpersonal psychology perspective and approach in counseling with point of view a logic of self, self as conciousness, and self realization in social educational process.