R. Stickler - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by R. Stickler
Electron Microscopy and Structure of Materials
Metal Powder Report
Production and properties of sintered alloys were discussed with reference to formation of interm... more Production and properties of sintered alloys were discussed with reference to formation of intermetallic compounds and precipitation hardening. It was considered that high energy ball milling was the best way of preparing homogeneous alloy powder followed by reactive sintering, extrusion and heat treatment. A Cu-4wtXTi alloy was shown to have a strength of 900 MPa with 15% elongation and good electrical conductivity. Addition of graphite to form TIC was considered. High speed steels
Philosophical Magazine
The creep behaviour of fine wires of pure powder metallurgical tungsten was studied over the temp... more The creep behaviour of fine wires of pure powder metallurgical tungsten was studied over the temperature range 2100–3100°C. It was found that the steady-state creep rate is given by This result differs substantially from other reported work performed on specimens of larger diameter of polycrystalline pure tungsten. The difference is due to the fact that in the fine wire specimens
Philosophical Magazine
After a silicon slice with a mechanically damaged surface was annealed at 1200°C for 2 hours in w... more After a silicon slice with a mechanically damaged surface was annealed at 1200°C for 2 hours in wet oxygen, two-dimensional defects were present extending from the surface into the slice. The defects are shown to be thin plates of amorphous material, probably oxide, and it is suggested that they arise by a mechanism analogous to that described by Silcock and
Chemischer Informationsdienst
Chemischer Informationsdienst
Scripta Metallurgica et Materialia
Journal of Scientific Instruments
... Of the various replica techniques (Reimer 1959, Kay 1961). the direct cnrhon-replica (Bradley... more ... Of the various replica techniques (Reimer 1959, Kay 1961). the direct cnrhon-replica (Bradley 1956) has given high tidclity, in addition to being very easily prepared. ... sot, 107, 562. KAY, D., 1961, Techniques for Electron Microscopy, (Oxford: Blackwell). REIMER. ...
Journal of Scientific Instruments
A method is described for the preparation of wire samples for transmission electron microscopy. T... more A method is described for the preparation of wire samples for transmission electron microscopy. The specimen preparation involves three consecutive steps, i.e. pregrinding, electrolytic microjet machining and final bath polishing. By this method electron transparent areas of wires less than 1 mm in diameter can be prepared in less than one hour. Further advantages of this method are that the area of examination can be located very accurately, specimen deformation due to handling is avoided, and very brittle materials can be prepared conveniently.
Philosophical Magazine
Single crystal Si specimens have been unidirectionally abraded, the abrasives ranging from 0•25 m... more Single crystal Si specimens have been unidirectionally abraded, the abrasives ranging from 0•25 micron diamond to No. 240 SiC paper, and examined by transmission electron microscopy and standard metallographic methods. The investigation showed that the damage varied in a progressive manner with the severity of the abrasion treatment, ranging from rows of single dislocations to bands of both dislocation networks
The mechanism of stress-corrosion cracking was investigated in purified 16~Cr-20%Ni stainless ste... more The mechanism of stress-corrosion cracking was investigated in purified 16~Cr-20%Ni stainless steels, with and without single-element additions of manganese, molybdenum and titanium. Potential/time behaviour and potentiostatic current/time curves were studied in 42 % MgCIo. at 146°C. The purified alloy did not crack under severe testing conditions, manganese addition left it apparently immune, but molybdenum or titanium additions induced cracking. The effect of deformation on dislocation mobility was examined by transmission electron microscopy. All of the results are in accord with a periodic electrochemical-mechanical mechanism of crack propagation, wherein susceptibility to cracking is associated with highly restricted slip, alloys which readily cross slip being immune. It is shown that cracking is associated also with low stacking fault energy. R~sum~-Le m6canisme de la corrosion en crevasse sous tension a ~.t6 ~tudi6 dans des aciers inoxydables purifi6s 16~ Cr-20% Ni avec et sans addition d'un 61~ment, le mangan/:se ou le molybd6ne ou le titane. On a 6tudi6 l'allure des courbes potentiel/temps et courant/temps dans une solution/l 42% de MgCI~ h 146°C. L'aUiage purifi6 n'a pas crevass6 lors d'essais dans de s6v/~res conditions; l'addition de mangan6se l'a laiss6 apparemment intact, tandis que l'addition de molybd6ne ou de titane a provoqu6 le crevassage. Les effets d'une d6formation sur la mobilit6 de dislocation ont 6t6 examin6s au microscope 61ectronique. Tousles r6sultats confirment l'existence d'un m6canisme 61ectrochimico-m6canique de propagation des crevasses darts lequel la propension au crevassage est associ6e ~t une tr6s faible mobilit6, tandis que les alliages b. mobilit6 transversale aisle restent indemnes. L'auteur montre que le crevassage est aussi associ6 ~ une faibe 6nergie d'irr~gularit6 de distribution. Zusammenfassung-Der Mechanismus der Spannungsriss-Korrosion eines gereinigten Stables mit 16~ Chrom und 20% Nickel und der Einfluss yon Zus~itzen yon Mangan, Molybd~in und Titan wurde untersucht. Potential-Zeit-Kurven und potentiostatische Strom-Zeit-Kurven in 42%-iger MgCl~-L6sung bei 146°C wurden aufgenommen. Die gereinigte Legierung zeigte unter schweren Angriffsbedingungen keine Spannungsriss-Korrosion. Zusatz von Mangan zerst6rte diese Immunit~t nicht, aber Zus~itze von Molybd~in und Titan fiihrten zu Spannungs-Korrosions-Rissen. Der Einfluss der Verformung auf die Versetzungsbeweglichkeit wurde im Durchstrablungsverfahren elektronenmikroskopische bestimmt. Alle Ergebnisse stehen in Ubereinstimmung mit einem Zweistufen-Mechanismus der abwechselnden elektrochemischen und mechanischen Ausbreitung der Risse, wobei die Empfindlichkeit gegen Spannungsriss-Korrosion verbunden ist mit stark erschwertem Gleiten. Legierungen, die leicht Querleitung zeigen, sind unanf/illig. Es karm gezeigt werden, dass Anf/iUigkeit gegen Sparmungsriss-Korrosion mit niedriger Stapelfehlerenergie in Zusammenhang steht.
Materials Science and Engineering, 1985
... 10. Fatigue crack propagation rate da/dN vs. computed crack tip plastic strain amplitude: cur... more ... 10. Fatigue crack propagation rate da/dN vs. computed crack tip plastic strain amplitude: curve a, 20 , 100 Hz; curve b, 20 kHz; curve c,-100, 100 Hz. PSBs ladder - !.ike structure cell structure vein structure Fig. 11. ... In J. Carlson and N, G. Ohlson (eds.), Proc. 4th Int. Conf. ...
Solid-State Electronics, 1966
Irregular n-type emitter protrusions in diffused-alloyed thyristor devices cause inferior forward... more Irregular n-type emitter protrusions in diffused-alloyed thyristor devices cause inferior forward-biased blocking characteristics. It is assumed that the forward switching voltage is mainly a function of the smallest p-type base width resulting from a localized irregularity of the n +-type emitter. To demonstrate the validity of the assumption the switching voltage was calculated as a function of the p-type base width. Computed data were then compared with experimental data. Good agreement was obtained for both devices with shallow and devices with deep emitter protrusions. R6sum6-Des saiUies d'~metteur de type n irreguli~res dans les dispositifs thyristors alli~s-diffus6s produisent des caract~ristiques de blocage inf6rieures directes. On a assum6 que la tension de commutation directe est prineipalement une fonction de la plus petite largeur de base r~sultant d'une irregularit6 localis~e dans l'6metteur de type n. Pour d6montrer la validit~ de cette hypoth~se, la tension de commutation a ~t~ calcul~e en fonction de la largeur de base de type p. Les donn~es calcul~es ont 6t~ ensuite compar~es aux valeurs exp~rimentales. Un bon accord a 6t6 obtenu pour les deux dispositifs, Fun ayant des saillies d'6metteur profondes et l'autre les ayant creuses. Zusarnmenfassung-Unregelmiissige Auswachsungen des n-Emitters diffusionslegierter Thyristoren vermindern die Vorw~irtsschaltspannung. Es wird angenommen, dass diese Sparmung haupts~ichlich yon der kleinsten Weite der p-Basiszone bestimmt ist, welche sich entsprechend einer lokalerz Unregelmiissigkeit der n-Emitterfront einstellt. Um die Brauchbarkeit dieser Annahme zu prtifen wurde die Schaltspannung als Funktion der p-Basisdieke berechnet. Experimentelle und berechnete Daten wurden dann miteinander verglichen. Dabei ergab sich gute ~bereinstimmung sowohl flit flache als auch ffir tief eindringende Auswachsungen des Emitters.
physica status solidi (b), 1969
Contents 1. Introduction 2. Constituents of nickel-based superalloys 2.1 The gamma phase (y) 2.2 ... more Contents 1. Introduction 2. Constituents of nickel-based superalloys 2.1 The gamma phase (y) 2.2 The gamma-prime phase (y') 2.3 Carbide phases in Ni-based superalloys 2. 4 Minor phases in Ni-based superalloys 2.5 Prediction and control of t.c.p. phase formation in Ni-based superalloys 2.6 Wrought and cast microstructures 2.7 Phase instability during extended high-temperature exposure 3. Conclusion References ' 0.05 4.
Die Naturwissenschaften, 1974
Metallurgical Transactions, 1974
Electron Microscopy and Structure of Materials
Metal Powder Report
Production and properties of sintered alloys were discussed with reference to formation of interm... more Production and properties of sintered alloys were discussed with reference to formation of intermetallic compounds and precipitation hardening. It was considered that high energy ball milling was the best way of preparing homogeneous alloy powder followed by reactive sintering, extrusion and heat treatment. A Cu-4wtXTi alloy was shown to have a strength of 900 MPa with 15% elongation and good electrical conductivity. Addition of graphite to form TIC was considered. High speed steels
Philosophical Magazine
The creep behaviour of fine wires of pure powder metallurgical tungsten was studied over the temp... more The creep behaviour of fine wires of pure powder metallurgical tungsten was studied over the temperature range 2100–3100°C. It was found that the steady-state creep rate is given by This result differs substantially from other reported work performed on specimens of larger diameter of polycrystalline pure tungsten. The difference is due to the fact that in the fine wire specimens
Philosophical Magazine
After a silicon slice with a mechanically damaged surface was annealed at 1200°C for 2 hours in w... more After a silicon slice with a mechanically damaged surface was annealed at 1200°C for 2 hours in wet oxygen, two-dimensional defects were present extending from the surface into the slice. The defects are shown to be thin plates of amorphous material, probably oxide, and it is suggested that they arise by a mechanism analogous to that described by Silcock and
Chemischer Informationsdienst
Chemischer Informationsdienst
Scripta Metallurgica et Materialia
Journal of Scientific Instruments
... Of the various replica techniques (Reimer 1959, Kay 1961). the direct cnrhon-replica (Bradley... more ... Of the various replica techniques (Reimer 1959, Kay 1961). the direct cnrhon-replica (Bradley 1956) has given high tidclity, in addition to being very easily prepared. ... sot, 107, 562. KAY, D., 1961, Techniques for Electron Microscopy, (Oxford: Blackwell). REIMER. ...
Journal of Scientific Instruments
A method is described for the preparation of wire samples for transmission electron microscopy. T... more A method is described for the preparation of wire samples for transmission electron microscopy. The specimen preparation involves three consecutive steps, i.e. pregrinding, electrolytic microjet machining and final bath polishing. By this method electron transparent areas of wires less than 1 mm in diameter can be prepared in less than one hour. Further advantages of this method are that the area of examination can be located very accurately, specimen deformation due to handling is avoided, and very brittle materials can be prepared conveniently.
Philosophical Magazine
Single crystal Si specimens have been unidirectionally abraded, the abrasives ranging from 0•25 m... more Single crystal Si specimens have been unidirectionally abraded, the abrasives ranging from 0•25 micron diamond to No. 240 SiC paper, and examined by transmission electron microscopy and standard metallographic methods. The investigation showed that the damage varied in a progressive manner with the severity of the abrasion treatment, ranging from rows of single dislocations to bands of both dislocation networks
The mechanism of stress-corrosion cracking was investigated in purified 16~Cr-20%Ni stainless ste... more The mechanism of stress-corrosion cracking was investigated in purified 16~Cr-20%Ni stainless steels, with and without single-element additions of manganese, molybdenum and titanium. Potential/time behaviour and potentiostatic current/time curves were studied in 42 % MgCIo. at 146°C. The purified alloy did not crack under severe testing conditions, manganese addition left it apparently immune, but molybdenum or titanium additions induced cracking. The effect of deformation on dislocation mobility was examined by transmission electron microscopy. All of the results are in accord with a periodic electrochemical-mechanical mechanism of crack propagation, wherein susceptibility to cracking is associated with highly restricted slip, alloys which readily cross slip being immune. It is shown that cracking is associated also with low stacking fault energy. R~sum~-Le m6canisme de la corrosion en crevasse sous tension a ~.t6 ~tudi6 dans des aciers inoxydables purifi6s 16~ Cr-20% Ni avec et sans addition d'un 61~ment, le mangan/:se ou le molybd6ne ou le titane. On a 6tudi6 l'allure des courbes potentiel/temps et courant/temps dans une solution/l 42% de MgCI~ h 146°C. L'aUiage purifi6 n'a pas crevass6 lors d'essais dans de s6v/~res conditions; l'addition de mangan6se l'a laiss6 apparemment intact, tandis que l'addition de molybd6ne ou de titane a provoqu6 le crevassage. Les effets d'une d6formation sur la mobilit6 de dislocation ont 6t6 examin6s au microscope 61ectronique. Tousles r6sultats confirment l'existence d'un m6canisme 61ectrochimico-m6canique de propagation des crevasses darts lequel la propension au crevassage est associ6e ~t une tr6s faible mobilit6, tandis que les alliages b. mobilit6 transversale aisle restent indemnes. L'auteur montre que le crevassage est aussi associ6 ~ une faibe 6nergie d'irr~gularit6 de distribution. Zusammenfassung-Der Mechanismus der Spannungsriss-Korrosion eines gereinigten Stables mit 16~ Chrom und 20% Nickel und der Einfluss yon Zus~itzen yon Mangan, Molybd~in und Titan wurde untersucht. Potential-Zeit-Kurven und potentiostatische Strom-Zeit-Kurven in 42%-iger MgCl~-L6sung bei 146°C wurden aufgenommen. Die gereinigte Legierung zeigte unter schweren Angriffsbedingungen keine Spannungsriss-Korrosion. Zusatz von Mangan zerst6rte diese Immunit~t nicht, aber Zus~itze von Molybd~in und Titan fiihrten zu Spannungs-Korrosions-Rissen. Der Einfluss der Verformung auf die Versetzungsbeweglichkeit wurde im Durchstrablungsverfahren elektronenmikroskopische bestimmt. Alle Ergebnisse stehen in Ubereinstimmung mit einem Zweistufen-Mechanismus der abwechselnden elektrochemischen und mechanischen Ausbreitung der Risse, wobei die Empfindlichkeit gegen Spannungsriss-Korrosion verbunden ist mit stark erschwertem Gleiten. Legierungen, die leicht Querleitung zeigen, sind unanf/illig. Es karm gezeigt werden, dass Anf/iUigkeit gegen Sparmungsriss-Korrosion mit niedriger Stapelfehlerenergie in Zusammenhang steht.
Materials Science and Engineering, 1985
... 10. Fatigue crack propagation rate da/dN vs. computed crack tip plastic strain amplitude: cur... more ... 10. Fatigue crack propagation rate da/dN vs. computed crack tip plastic strain amplitude: curve a, 20 , 100 Hz; curve b, 20 kHz; curve c,-100, 100 Hz. PSBs ladder - !.ike structure cell structure vein structure Fig. 11. ... In J. Carlson and N, G. Ohlson (eds.), Proc. 4th Int. Conf. ...
Solid-State Electronics, 1966
Irregular n-type emitter protrusions in diffused-alloyed thyristor devices cause inferior forward... more Irregular n-type emitter protrusions in diffused-alloyed thyristor devices cause inferior forward-biased blocking characteristics. It is assumed that the forward switching voltage is mainly a function of the smallest p-type base width resulting from a localized irregularity of the n +-type emitter. To demonstrate the validity of the assumption the switching voltage was calculated as a function of the p-type base width. Computed data were then compared with experimental data. Good agreement was obtained for both devices with shallow and devices with deep emitter protrusions. R6sum6-Des saiUies d'~metteur de type n irreguli~res dans les dispositifs thyristors alli~s-diffus6s produisent des caract~ristiques de blocage inf6rieures directes. On a assum6 que la tension de commutation directe est prineipalement une fonction de la plus petite largeur de base r~sultant d'une irregularit6 localis~e dans l'6metteur de type n. Pour d6montrer la validit~ de cette hypoth~se, la tension de commutation a ~t~ calcul~e en fonction de la largeur de base de type p. Les donn~es calcul~es ont 6t~ ensuite compar~es aux valeurs exp~rimentales. Un bon accord a 6t6 obtenu pour les deux dispositifs, Fun ayant des saillies d'6metteur profondes et l'autre les ayant creuses. Zusarnmenfassung-Unregelmiissige Auswachsungen des n-Emitters diffusionslegierter Thyristoren vermindern die Vorw~irtsschaltspannung. Es wird angenommen, dass diese Sparmung haupts~ichlich yon der kleinsten Weite der p-Basiszone bestimmt ist, welche sich entsprechend einer lokalerz Unregelmiissigkeit der n-Emitterfront einstellt. Um die Brauchbarkeit dieser Annahme zu prtifen wurde die Schaltspannung als Funktion der p-Basisdieke berechnet. Experimentelle und berechnete Daten wurden dann miteinander verglichen. Dabei ergab sich gute ~bereinstimmung sowohl flit flache als auch ffir tief eindringende Auswachsungen des Emitters.
physica status solidi (b), 1969
Contents 1. Introduction 2. Constituents of nickel-based superalloys 2.1 The gamma phase (y) 2.2 ... more Contents 1. Introduction 2. Constituents of nickel-based superalloys 2.1 The gamma phase (y) 2.2 The gamma-prime phase (y') 2.3 Carbide phases in Ni-based superalloys 2. 4 Minor phases in Ni-based superalloys 2.5 Prediction and control of t.c.p. phase formation in Ni-based superalloys 2.6 Wrought and cast microstructures 2.7 Phase instability during extended high-temperature exposure 3. Conclusion References ' 0.05 4.
Die Naturwissenschaften, 1974
Metallurgical Transactions, 1974