Radeni Sukma Indra Dewi - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Radeni Sukma Indra Dewi

Research paper thumbnail of Ethnomathematics: Exploration In Kebyok Anting- Anting Dance Floor Patterns For Learning The Concept Of Geometry


Ethnomathematics is a realistic approach to learning mathematics that relates mathematical concep... more Ethnomathematics is a realistic approach to learning mathematics that relates mathematical concepts to culture. By learning mathematics relevant to the student environment's culture, students will more easily understand mathematical concepts. This study aimed to examine theethnomathematical exploration of the Kebyok Anting-Anting dance floor pattern for learning the concept of geometry. This research is qualitative research using the ethnographic method. The instruments used are interviews, observation, and documentation. Data obtained through interviews and observations were analyzed using the analytical method described by Miles & Huberman, there are data reduction, data data display, and conclusion drawing/verification. The results showed that the ethnomathematical investigation in the Kebyok Anting-Anting dance floor patterns for learning the concept of geometry were horizontal lines, vertical lines, squares, rectangles, isosceles trapezoids, isosceles triangles, and pa...

Research paper thumbnail of Problem-Based Learning Assisted by Scrolling Picture Media to Improve the Third-Grade Elementary Students’ Skills in Writing Expression

Primary: Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar

This paper describes the improvement of third-grade elementary students’ writing skills of expres... more This paper describes the improvement of third-grade elementary students’ writing skills of expression (instruction, announcement, appreciation, and invitation) of grade 3 elementary students by applying a problem-based learning model assisted by Scrolling Picture media. The research method used was classroom action research. The research was conducted in two cycles. Each consists of four stages, namely planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The results indicate an increasing average of students' skills in writing expressions (instruction, announcement, appreciation, and invitation) in class. An increasing average score of writing expression skills was 71 when the pre-test results increased to 93 in the post-test of cycle I. In this cycle, the average score increased to 22 or 31%. Meanwhile, students who have reached the Minimum Completeness Criteria have also increased from 46% to 89%. In cycle II, otherwise, the student’s skills to write expressions increased compared to ...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka pada Sekolah Penggerak di SDN 1 Selorejo Kecamatan Dau Kabupaten Malang

Jurnal Simki Pedagogia

Kurikulum Merdeka ialah kurikulum dengan ruang lingkup pendidikan intrakurikuler yang materinya h... more Kurikulum Merdeka ialah kurikulum dengan ruang lingkup pendidikan intrakurikuler yang materinya hendak lebih dimaksimalkan sehingga siswa mempunyai waktu yang lebih guna meningkatkan konsep pembelajaran serta menaikkan kompetensinya. Tugas Sekolah Penggerak dalam mengimplementasikan Kurikulum Merdeka ialah menyediakan kurikulum operasional yang memenuhi kebutuhan belajar siswa. Sekolah juga menawarkan infrastruktur serta sumber daya manusia guna menunjang implementasi Kurikulum merdeka. Metode deskriptif kualitatif digunakan dalam penelitian ini guna memaparkan subjek tentang kondisi serta informasi yang dikumpulkan sepanjang observasi serta permasalahan yang terjadi sehingga menjadi pengetahuan yang relevan serta masukan kepada para pemangku kebijakan dalam melakukan pergantian kurikulum. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka pada Sekolah Penggerak ini sudah dilakukan secara maksimal serta berkelanjutan, walaupun masih banyak kekurangan serta hambata...

Research paper thumbnail of Differences in the Effectiveness of Utilizing Whatsapp Group in Synchronous and Asynchronous Class III Online Learning at SDN Ardimulyo 01

KnE Social Sciences

This study aims to describe: (1) Whether the use of WhatsApp groups in online learning can improv... more This study aims to describe: (1) Whether the use of WhatsApp groups in online learning can improve student learning outcomes. (2) What is the level of effectiveness of online learning by utilizing the WhatsApp group conducted at SDN Ardimulyo 01? This research was conducted using an experimental method. Data were collected through test, questionnaire, and documentation. The population in this study were students of class III SDN Ardimulyo 01 and the sample of this study were the students of class III A. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling technique. The experimental results showed (1) an increase in intermediate learning outcomes. The pre-test and post-test after being given the treatment with the gain score data for the experimental class was 54.5%, while the control class was 45.5%, so it can be said that the gain score for the experimental class was higher than the control class. (2) The average overall data in the student questionnaire was 74.5 which is included i...

Research paper thumbnail of Ethnomathematics: Mathematics in Batik Turonggo Yakso from Trenggalek

AKSIOMA: Jurnal Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika

Culture is something that is unique and can be a characteristic or identity of an area that is fo... more Culture is something that is unique and can be a characteristic or identity of an area that is formed from daily habits. Without realizing it, culture is closely related to education, one of which is mathematics. Because culture can be used as a learning media associated with realistic learning styles, culture as a learning medium can be used by educators in the learning process, especially in mathematical concepts. Learning mathematics that is done with a cultural approach is called ethnomathematics. Ethnomathematics is a realistic mathematics learning approach that bridges mathematics learning through local culture. The purpose of this research is to explore Trenggalek's Turonggo Yakso Batik Motif and to describe the mathematical concepts in Turonggo Yakso's Typical Batik elements Trenggalek. This research is a type of qualitative research using an ethnographic approach. The results of this study indicate that the characteristics of the Turanggo Yakso Typical Trenggalek Ba...


SENTRI: Jurnal Riset Ilmiah, Jan 5, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Digital Literacy in Thematic Learning of Elementary School Students with the Assistance of Flipbook Media

Jurnal Konseling Pendidikan Islam, Jan 31, 2023

This study aims to analyze digital literacy in thematic learning of elementary school students wi... more This study aims to analyze digital literacy in thematic learning of elementary school students with the help of Flipbook media. To obtain data about digital literacy of elementary school students using questionnaires, observation sheets and in-depth interviews. Questionnaires were given to 23 grade VI elementary school students at SDN Trawas 1 who had operated flipbook media. For the validity and validity of the data conducted intensive interviews with students. Data analysis by reducing data in questionnaire tables, observation sheets and interviews. Then present it in narrative form to draw conclusions. The results of this study indicate that students' digital literacy in Thematic learning with the help of flipbook media is in the high category. Therefore thematic learning assisted by flipbook media needs to be developed and implemented so that elementary school students' digital literacy increases.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Penggunaan Media Headbelt terhadap Hasil Belajar Materi Keragaman Suku Budaya di Indonesia pada Siswa Kelas IV SDIT Ahmad Yani Kota Malang

JIIP - Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pendidikan

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan Media Headbelt terhadap hasil b... more Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan Media Headbelt terhadap hasil belajar materi keragaman suku budaya di Indonesia pada siswa kelas IV SDIT Ahmad Yani Kota Malang. Metode dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Pre Eksperiment dimana tidak adanya kontrol penuh pada variabel penelitian dan tidak adanya kelompok pembanding. Instrumen penelitian hasil belajar menggunakan tes yang telah divalidasi. Perlakuan yang diberikan adalah penggunaan media headbelt dalam pembelajaran keragaman suku bangsa, kemudian analisis data menggunakan uji beda sampel paired t test dengan software SPSS versi 26.0. Hasil nilai sig menujukan 0.001 < 0,05, maka dengan begitu hasil pretest dan posttest hasil belajar siswa kelas IV SDIT Ahmad Yani pada materi pembelajaran keragaman suku budaya Indonesia terdapat peningkatan yang signifikan sebelum dan sesudah diberikan perlakuan pembelajaran menggunakan media pengembangan headbelt, dengan begitu media headbelt terbukti memberikan kontri...

Research paper thumbnail of Utilization of Media GELIBO (Gemar Literasi dengan Flipbook) for Fourth Grader at Elementary School

JIIP - Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pendidikan

The lack of motivation for students in fourth grader of SDN Dinoyo 3 Malang is the lack of motiv... more The lack of motivation for students in fourth grader of SDN Dinoyo 3 Malang is the lack of motivation to read, the low understanding of students about the content of reading, and the lack of existing literacy reading books. GELIBO (Gemar Literasi dengan Flipbook) is one of the media to convey information in digital form, where digital information is the impact of technological advances based on the industrial revolution 4.0. This research purpose to analyze the reading and writing literacy ability of elementary school students. The type of research used in this study is qualitative descriptive research. The data were got from the headmaster and teacher by interview, observation, and documentation studies. This research used analysis techniques from Miles, and described Huberman that contained of Data Collection; Data Reduction; Data View; and conclusion drawing/verification. The results showed that the activity of making Mind Mapping is one of the activities that the author want...

Research paper thumbnail of Review Empowerment 21st Century Skills in Elementary School Science Learning through Need for Flipbook based Digital Teaching Materials

Formosa Journal of Sustainable Research

Strengthening efforts power competitive especially in the field source power man demand mastered ... more Strengthening efforts power competitive especially in the field source power man demand mastered skills life 21st century. Based teaching materials technology be one _ source necessary study _ developed for expedite the learning process. For that teaching materials used the digital aspect is necessary optimized. One of them with using flipbooks. Expected with competency flipbook _ student could developing, learning can fun and get studied anywhere student is at through internet network and gadgets. Study this aim for study need to development teaching materials with technology flipbook based for competency literacy read student could develop through science learning. Study done with use descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques using questionnaire through google forms for study need flipbook -based teaching materials. Research results give information that the teacher still is use printed teaching materials available at the institution. The research results also show that ...

Research paper thumbnail of Implementation of Asi (Auditory Visual Self Improvement) Model Through Digital Visualization Media for Learning to Read Poetry in Elementary Schools

Primary: Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar

This article describes the effect of the ASI (Auditory Visual Self Improvement) model through You... more This article describes the effect of the ASI (Auditory Visual Self Improvement) model through YouTube digital visualization media to improve students’ poetry reading skills in elementary schools. This research is a classroom action research method, which consisted of two cycles. Each cycle consists of planning, action, observation, and reflection. The results of research in each cycle indicate an improvement. Classically, students were declared to have completed 100% of learning in cycle II, because all students in reading poetry achieved 80 or above. This learning completeness is above the KKM target of 80%. Based on these proportions, the criteria for qualitative data assessment are classified as "very good". It shows that ASI (Auditory Visual Self Improvement) learning model assisted by digital visualization media in general can be used as alternative learning to improve students’ poetry reading skills in elementary schools.

Research paper thumbnail of Implementation of Mind Mapping in Improving Sixth-Grade Students’ Descriptive Writing Ability at SDN Blimbing 2 Malang

Primary: Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar

This article analyzes the influence of mind mapping in improving sixth-grade elementary school st... more This article analyzes the influence of mind mapping in improving sixth-grade elementary school students’ descriptive writing ability. The type of research is qualitative research with a problem-solving research design. Problem-solving is an approach that indicates the data in the form of words or statements obtained through interviews, documentation, observations, and so on. Classroom action research is conducted to solve problems in learning in the classroom or to improve learning quality. The research subjects involved 24 students of class VI at SDN Blimbing 2. The test results before implementing the class research action indicate that the average value is 54. In cycle I, the average value is 68.7 with a completeness percentage of 42%. It shows that between the pretest and cycle 1 there is an increasing value of 14.7. In cycle 2, the average value increases to 75.2 with a completeness percentage of 100%. The observation results of students’ activity in cycle 1 achieve 71% while i...

Research paper thumbnail of Use of Google Sites Fractional Materials to Improve Learning Effectiveness of Elementary School Students

SENTRI: Jurnal Riset Ilmiah

This study aims to analyze the use of media google sites to increase the effectiveness of learnin... more This study aims to analyze the use of media google sites to increase the effectiveness of learning mathematics fraction material in elementary schools. This research is quantitative and descriptive. The research subjects were 17 grade 4 elementary school students. Data collection is done by observation and interviews. The instrument was pre-tested and post-tested. Three tests were carried out, namely individual tests, small group tests, and field tests. There are results of comparisons of student activities before and during the learning process without using Google Sites media and using Google Sites media. The results of the pre-test and post test were analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. The result of the analysis is that the use of google sites media can increase the effectiveness of learning mathematics fraction subject matter..

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Role Playing Method on Citizension Education Learning in SDN Kauman 2 Blitar City

SENTRI: Jurnal Riset Ilmiah

This research is motivated by observations carried out in Class 4 at SDN Kauman 2, it is explaine... more This research is motivated by observations carried out in Class 4 at SDN Kauman 2, it is explained that in Civics Education learning teachers still apply the lecture method and students are only smart in cognitive terms, it has an impact on the quality of one-way learning and student behavior which is still not reflected. good behavior that is not in accordance with the practice of Pancasila. The purpose of this study is to describe the effect of the role playing method on the learning process of civic education and to explain the planning of learning civics education with the application of the role playing method to first grade students at SDN Kauman 2. This study uses a qualitative approach with four stages, namely planning, implementation, observation. , and contemplation. The subjects taken in this study were the first grade students of SDN Kauman 2, Blitar City. From the research that has been done, it is obtained data that the role playing method can improve the quality Citiz...

Research paper thumbnail of Problems with the Implementation of Inclusive Education Policies for Students with Special Needs in Public Schools

SENTRI: Jurnal Riset Ilmiah

The implementation of inclusive education is based on a belief that all people are part of societ... more The implementation of inclusive education is based on a belief that all people are part of society regardless of their differences. So that education can be accessed easily by all people, including Children with Special Needs (ABK). With this inclusive education, it will have an impact on them so they don't feel marginalized by those who are normal. This study aims to determine the implementation of inclusive education services in public schools after the issuance of central and local government policies in Indonesia regarding the implementation of inclusive education including problems in the management of inclusive education and school efforts to overcome problems in managing inclusive education from the aspect of school management, education personnel, facilities. and infrastructure, curriculum, learning process and cooperation in the management of inclusive education in Blitar City State Elementary Schools. This research used descriptive method and the data were analyzed usi...

Research paper thumbnail of Using Flipbook to Enhance the Students Performance in Speaking

SENTRI: Jurnal Riset Ilmiah

This study aims to analyze the using of the flipbook to enhance the English speaking ability of 1... more This study aims to analyze the using of the flipbook to enhance the English speaking ability of 1st grade elementary school students. This study was a descriptive quantitative. The research subjects were 21 grade 1 elementary school students. Data were collected by observation and interview. The instruments were pre-test and post-test with 2 (two) criterion being assessed, namely vocabulary and comprehension. They were divided into 4 (four) elements such as accuracy of word, understanding the meaning, speaking easily, and intonation. The result of pre test and post test was analyzed by using statistics descriptive and statistics inferential. The result of analysis is using flipbook can enhance the students performance in speaking English.

Research paper thumbnail of Quantum Learning Model to Increase Science Learning Activities

SENTRI: Jurnal Riset Ilmiah

Based on the observation of student activity in grade 6 of elementary school as a whole during th... more Based on the observation of student activity in grade 6 of elementary school as a whole during the process of learning science activities, there was a problem that science learning activities were still low. This is evidenced by observational data which shows that science learning activities only reach 40%. The low science learning activity is caused by several factors, including; (1) learning is still centered on the teacher (teacher center), (2) the model used by the teacher is the lecture model. The appropriate solution to this problem is to apply the Quantum Learning model . The teacher has applied the Quantum Learning model in science learning for 3 years. As long as using the Quantum Learning model in science learning, science learning activities are consistently obtained.

Research paper thumbnail of Application of Fractional Domino Media to Improve Student Activities and Learning Outcomes in Elementary Schools

SENTRI: Jurnal Riset Ilmiah, Nov 3, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Increasing Learning Outcomes and Activity of Class V Students Upt SD Negeri Binangun 01 Through the Implementation of Problem Based Learning on Factors Numbers for the Academic Year 2022/2023

SENTRI: Jurnal Riset Ilmiah, Nov 10, 2022

This study aims to determine the improvement of student learning outcomes and activeness by apply... more This study aims to determine the improvement of student learning outcomes and activeness by applying the Problem Based Learning (PBL) model. The teacher conveys the objectives, main points of learning, conducts group discussions, exercises questions, provides learning motivation and conclusions on the subject of fractional mathematics for class V UPT SD Negeri Binangun 01. This research is CAR (classroom action research) which contains 2 cycles. Each cycle is carried out once in a meeting. Each cycle begins with the stages of action planning, implementing the Problem Based Learning (PBL) model of action and reflection. The method of data collection is done by means of observation. Data analysis was carried out by comparing the test results in pre-cycle 1 and cycle 2 with descriptive techniques. The data obtained are presented naturally and then analyzed descriptively to get an overview of the facts. To measure student achievement using the class average value on the evaluation results of each cycle. The results showed that the achievement and learning activities of the fifth grade students of UPT SD Negeri Binangun 01 in learning mathematics had increased, this was indicated by the results of observations and results of English learning achievement tests. With these results, it is concluded that the application of the problem based learning model can increase the activity and learning outcomes of fifth grade students at UPT SD Negeri Binangun 01.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Kesulitan Guru Sekolah Dasar dalam Menerapkan Pembelajaran Tematik berdasarkan Kurikulum 2013

JIIP (Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pendidikan), Nov 1, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Ethnomathematics: Exploration In Kebyok Anting- Anting Dance Floor Patterns For Learning The Concept Of Geometry


Ethnomathematics is a realistic approach to learning mathematics that relates mathematical concep... more Ethnomathematics is a realistic approach to learning mathematics that relates mathematical concepts to culture. By learning mathematics relevant to the student environment's culture, students will more easily understand mathematical concepts. This study aimed to examine theethnomathematical exploration of the Kebyok Anting-Anting dance floor pattern for learning the concept of geometry. This research is qualitative research using the ethnographic method. The instruments used are interviews, observation, and documentation. Data obtained through interviews and observations were analyzed using the analytical method described by Miles & Huberman, there are data reduction, data data display, and conclusion drawing/verification. The results showed that the ethnomathematical investigation in the Kebyok Anting-Anting dance floor patterns for learning the concept of geometry were horizontal lines, vertical lines, squares, rectangles, isosceles trapezoids, isosceles triangles, and pa...

Research paper thumbnail of Problem-Based Learning Assisted by Scrolling Picture Media to Improve the Third-Grade Elementary Students’ Skills in Writing Expression

Primary: Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar

This paper describes the improvement of third-grade elementary students’ writing skills of expres... more This paper describes the improvement of third-grade elementary students’ writing skills of expression (instruction, announcement, appreciation, and invitation) of grade 3 elementary students by applying a problem-based learning model assisted by Scrolling Picture media. The research method used was classroom action research. The research was conducted in two cycles. Each consists of four stages, namely planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The results indicate an increasing average of students' skills in writing expressions (instruction, announcement, appreciation, and invitation) in class. An increasing average score of writing expression skills was 71 when the pre-test results increased to 93 in the post-test of cycle I. In this cycle, the average score increased to 22 or 31%. Meanwhile, students who have reached the Minimum Completeness Criteria have also increased from 46% to 89%. In cycle II, otherwise, the student’s skills to write expressions increased compared to ...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka pada Sekolah Penggerak di SDN 1 Selorejo Kecamatan Dau Kabupaten Malang

Jurnal Simki Pedagogia

Kurikulum Merdeka ialah kurikulum dengan ruang lingkup pendidikan intrakurikuler yang materinya h... more Kurikulum Merdeka ialah kurikulum dengan ruang lingkup pendidikan intrakurikuler yang materinya hendak lebih dimaksimalkan sehingga siswa mempunyai waktu yang lebih guna meningkatkan konsep pembelajaran serta menaikkan kompetensinya. Tugas Sekolah Penggerak dalam mengimplementasikan Kurikulum Merdeka ialah menyediakan kurikulum operasional yang memenuhi kebutuhan belajar siswa. Sekolah juga menawarkan infrastruktur serta sumber daya manusia guna menunjang implementasi Kurikulum merdeka. Metode deskriptif kualitatif digunakan dalam penelitian ini guna memaparkan subjek tentang kondisi serta informasi yang dikumpulkan sepanjang observasi serta permasalahan yang terjadi sehingga menjadi pengetahuan yang relevan serta masukan kepada para pemangku kebijakan dalam melakukan pergantian kurikulum. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka pada Sekolah Penggerak ini sudah dilakukan secara maksimal serta berkelanjutan, walaupun masih banyak kekurangan serta hambata...

Research paper thumbnail of Differences in the Effectiveness of Utilizing Whatsapp Group in Synchronous and Asynchronous Class III Online Learning at SDN Ardimulyo 01

KnE Social Sciences

This study aims to describe: (1) Whether the use of WhatsApp groups in online learning can improv... more This study aims to describe: (1) Whether the use of WhatsApp groups in online learning can improve student learning outcomes. (2) What is the level of effectiveness of online learning by utilizing the WhatsApp group conducted at SDN Ardimulyo 01? This research was conducted using an experimental method. Data were collected through test, questionnaire, and documentation. The population in this study were students of class III SDN Ardimulyo 01 and the sample of this study were the students of class III A. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling technique. The experimental results showed (1) an increase in intermediate learning outcomes. The pre-test and post-test after being given the treatment with the gain score data for the experimental class was 54.5%, while the control class was 45.5%, so it can be said that the gain score for the experimental class was higher than the control class. (2) The average overall data in the student questionnaire was 74.5 which is included i...

Research paper thumbnail of Ethnomathematics: Mathematics in Batik Turonggo Yakso from Trenggalek

AKSIOMA: Jurnal Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika

Culture is something that is unique and can be a characteristic or identity of an area that is fo... more Culture is something that is unique and can be a characteristic or identity of an area that is formed from daily habits. Without realizing it, culture is closely related to education, one of which is mathematics. Because culture can be used as a learning media associated with realistic learning styles, culture as a learning medium can be used by educators in the learning process, especially in mathematical concepts. Learning mathematics that is done with a cultural approach is called ethnomathematics. Ethnomathematics is a realistic mathematics learning approach that bridges mathematics learning through local culture. The purpose of this research is to explore Trenggalek's Turonggo Yakso Batik Motif and to describe the mathematical concepts in Turonggo Yakso's Typical Batik elements Trenggalek. This research is a type of qualitative research using an ethnographic approach. The results of this study indicate that the characteristics of the Turanggo Yakso Typical Trenggalek Ba...


SENTRI: Jurnal Riset Ilmiah, Jan 5, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Digital Literacy in Thematic Learning of Elementary School Students with the Assistance of Flipbook Media

Jurnal Konseling Pendidikan Islam, Jan 31, 2023

This study aims to analyze digital literacy in thematic learning of elementary school students wi... more This study aims to analyze digital literacy in thematic learning of elementary school students with the help of Flipbook media. To obtain data about digital literacy of elementary school students using questionnaires, observation sheets and in-depth interviews. Questionnaires were given to 23 grade VI elementary school students at SDN Trawas 1 who had operated flipbook media. For the validity and validity of the data conducted intensive interviews with students. Data analysis by reducing data in questionnaire tables, observation sheets and interviews. Then present it in narrative form to draw conclusions. The results of this study indicate that students' digital literacy in Thematic learning with the help of flipbook media is in the high category. Therefore thematic learning assisted by flipbook media needs to be developed and implemented so that elementary school students' digital literacy increases.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Penggunaan Media Headbelt terhadap Hasil Belajar Materi Keragaman Suku Budaya di Indonesia pada Siswa Kelas IV SDIT Ahmad Yani Kota Malang

JIIP - Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pendidikan

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan Media Headbelt terhadap hasil b... more Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan Media Headbelt terhadap hasil belajar materi keragaman suku budaya di Indonesia pada siswa kelas IV SDIT Ahmad Yani Kota Malang. Metode dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Pre Eksperiment dimana tidak adanya kontrol penuh pada variabel penelitian dan tidak adanya kelompok pembanding. Instrumen penelitian hasil belajar menggunakan tes yang telah divalidasi. Perlakuan yang diberikan adalah penggunaan media headbelt dalam pembelajaran keragaman suku bangsa, kemudian analisis data menggunakan uji beda sampel paired t test dengan software SPSS versi 26.0. Hasil nilai sig menujukan 0.001 < 0,05, maka dengan begitu hasil pretest dan posttest hasil belajar siswa kelas IV SDIT Ahmad Yani pada materi pembelajaran keragaman suku budaya Indonesia terdapat peningkatan yang signifikan sebelum dan sesudah diberikan perlakuan pembelajaran menggunakan media pengembangan headbelt, dengan begitu media headbelt terbukti memberikan kontri...

Research paper thumbnail of Utilization of Media GELIBO (Gemar Literasi dengan Flipbook) for Fourth Grader at Elementary School

JIIP - Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pendidikan

The lack of motivation for students in fourth grader of SDN Dinoyo 3 Malang is the lack of motiv... more The lack of motivation for students in fourth grader of SDN Dinoyo 3 Malang is the lack of motivation to read, the low understanding of students about the content of reading, and the lack of existing literacy reading books. GELIBO (Gemar Literasi dengan Flipbook) is one of the media to convey information in digital form, where digital information is the impact of technological advances based on the industrial revolution 4.0. This research purpose to analyze the reading and writing literacy ability of elementary school students. The type of research used in this study is qualitative descriptive research. The data were got from the headmaster and teacher by interview, observation, and documentation studies. This research used analysis techniques from Miles, and described Huberman that contained of Data Collection; Data Reduction; Data View; and conclusion drawing/verification. The results showed that the activity of making Mind Mapping is one of the activities that the author want...

Research paper thumbnail of Review Empowerment 21st Century Skills in Elementary School Science Learning through Need for Flipbook based Digital Teaching Materials

Formosa Journal of Sustainable Research

Strengthening efforts power competitive especially in the field source power man demand mastered ... more Strengthening efforts power competitive especially in the field source power man demand mastered skills life 21st century. Based teaching materials technology be one _ source necessary study _ developed for expedite the learning process. For that teaching materials used the digital aspect is necessary optimized. One of them with using flipbooks. Expected with competency flipbook _ student could developing, learning can fun and get studied anywhere student is at through internet network and gadgets. Study this aim for study need to development teaching materials with technology flipbook based for competency literacy read student could develop through science learning. Study done with use descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques using questionnaire through google forms for study need flipbook -based teaching materials. Research results give information that the teacher still is use printed teaching materials available at the institution. The research results also show that ...

Research paper thumbnail of Implementation of Asi (Auditory Visual Self Improvement) Model Through Digital Visualization Media for Learning to Read Poetry in Elementary Schools

Primary: Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar

This article describes the effect of the ASI (Auditory Visual Self Improvement) model through You... more This article describes the effect of the ASI (Auditory Visual Self Improvement) model through YouTube digital visualization media to improve students’ poetry reading skills in elementary schools. This research is a classroom action research method, which consisted of two cycles. Each cycle consists of planning, action, observation, and reflection. The results of research in each cycle indicate an improvement. Classically, students were declared to have completed 100% of learning in cycle II, because all students in reading poetry achieved 80 or above. This learning completeness is above the KKM target of 80%. Based on these proportions, the criteria for qualitative data assessment are classified as "very good". It shows that ASI (Auditory Visual Self Improvement) learning model assisted by digital visualization media in general can be used as alternative learning to improve students’ poetry reading skills in elementary schools.

Research paper thumbnail of Implementation of Mind Mapping in Improving Sixth-Grade Students’ Descriptive Writing Ability at SDN Blimbing 2 Malang

Primary: Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar

This article analyzes the influence of mind mapping in improving sixth-grade elementary school st... more This article analyzes the influence of mind mapping in improving sixth-grade elementary school students’ descriptive writing ability. The type of research is qualitative research with a problem-solving research design. Problem-solving is an approach that indicates the data in the form of words or statements obtained through interviews, documentation, observations, and so on. Classroom action research is conducted to solve problems in learning in the classroom or to improve learning quality. The research subjects involved 24 students of class VI at SDN Blimbing 2. The test results before implementing the class research action indicate that the average value is 54. In cycle I, the average value is 68.7 with a completeness percentage of 42%. It shows that between the pretest and cycle 1 there is an increasing value of 14.7. In cycle 2, the average value increases to 75.2 with a completeness percentage of 100%. The observation results of students’ activity in cycle 1 achieve 71% while i...

Research paper thumbnail of Use of Google Sites Fractional Materials to Improve Learning Effectiveness of Elementary School Students

SENTRI: Jurnal Riset Ilmiah

This study aims to analyze the use of media google sites to increase the effectiveness of learnin... more This study aims to analyze the use of media google sites to increase the effectiveness of learning mathematics fraction material in elementary schools. This research is quantitative and descriptive. The research subjects were 17 grade 4 elementary school students. Data collection is done by observation and interviews. The instrument was pre-tested and post-tested. Three tests were carried out, namely individual tests, small group tests, and field tests. There are results of comparisons of student activities before and during the learning process without using Google Sites media and using Google Sites media. The results of the pre-test and post test were analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. The result of the analysis is that the use of google sites media can increase the effectiveness of learning mathematics fraction subject matter..

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Role Playing Method on Citizension Education Learning in SDN Kauman 2 Blitar City

SENTRI: Jurnal Riset Ilmiah

This research is motivated by observations carried out in Class 4 at SDN Kauman 2, it is explaine... more This research is motivated by observations carried out in Class 4 at SDN Kauman 2, it is explained that in Civics Education learning teachers still apply the lecture method and students are only smart in cognitive terms, it has an impact on the quality of one-way learning and student behavior which is still not reflected. good behavior that is not in accordance with the practice of Pancasila. The purpose of this study is to describe the effect of the role playing method on the learning process of civic education and to explain the planning of learning civics education with the application of the role playing method to first grade students at SDN Kauman 2. This study uses a qualitative approach with four stages, namely planning, implementation, observation. , and contemplation. The subjects taken in this study were the first grade students of SDN Kauman 2, Blitar City. From the research that has been done, it is obtained data that the role playing method can improve the quality Citiz...

Research paper thumbnail of Problems with the Implementation of Inclusive Education Policies for Students with Special Needs in Public Schools

SENTRI: Jurnal Riset Ilmiah

The implementation of inclusive education is based on a belief that all people are part of societ... more The implementation of inclusive education is based on a belief that all people are part of society regardless of their differences. So that education can be accessed easily by all people, including Children with Special Needs (ABK). With this inclusive education, it will have an impact on them so they don't feel marginalized by those who are normal. This study aims to determine the implementation of inclusive education services in public schools after the issuance of central and local government policies in Indonesia regarding the implementation of inclusive education including problems in the management of inclusive education and school efforts to overcome problems in managing inclusive education from the aspect of school management, education personnel, facilities. and infrastructure, curriculum, learning process and cooperation in the management of inclusive education in Blitar City State Elementary Schools. This research used descriptive method and the data were analyzed usi...

Research paper thumbnail of Using Flipbook to Enhance the Students Performance in Speaking

SENTRI: Jurnal Riset Ilmiah

This study aims to analyze the using of the flipbook to enhance the English speaking ability of 1... more This study aims to analyze the using of the flipbook to enhance the English speaking ability of 1st grade elementary school students. This study was a descriptive quantitative. The research subjects were 21 grade 1 elementary school students. Data were collected by observation and interview. The instruments were pre-test and post-test with 2 (two) criterion being assessed, namely vocabulary and comprehension. They were divided into 4 (four) elements such as accuracy of word, understanding the meaning, speaking easily, and intonation. The result of pre test and post test was analyzed by using statistics descriptive and statistics inferential. The result of analysis is using flipbook can enhance the students performance in speaking English.

Research paper thumbnail of Quantum Learning Model to Increase Science Learning Activities

SENTRI: Jurnal Riset Ilmiah

Based on the observation of student activity in grade 6 of elementary school as a whole during th... more Based on the observation of student activity in grade 6 of elementary school as a whole during the process of learning science activities, there was a problem that science learning activities were still low. This is evidenced by observational data which shows that science learning activities only reach 40%. The low science learning activity is caused by several factors, including; (1) learning is still centered on the teacher (teacher center), (2) the model used by the teacher is the lecture model. The appropriate solution to this problem is to apply the Quantum Learning model . The teacher has applied the Quantum Learning model in science learning for 3 years. As long as using the Quantum Learning model in science learning, science learning activities are consistently obtained.

Research paper thumbnail of Application of Fractional Domino Media to Improve Student Activities and Learning Outcomes in Elementary Schools

SENTRI: Jurnal Riset Ilmiah, Nov 3, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Increasing Learning Outcomes and Activity of Class V Students Upt SD Negeri Binangun 01 Through the Implementation of Problem Based Learning on Factors Numbers for the Academic Year 2022/2023

SENTRI: Jurnal Riset Ilmiah, Nov 10, 2022

This study aims to determine the improvement of student learning outcomes and activeness by apply... more This study aims to determine the improvement of student learning outcomes and activeness by applying the Problem Based Learning (PBL) model. The teacher conveys the objectives, main points of learning, conducts group discussions, exercises questions, provides learning motivation and conclusions on the subject of fractional mathematics for class V UPT SD Negeri Binangun 01. This research is CAR (classroom action research) which contains 2 cycles. Each cycle is carried out once in a meeting. Each cycle begins with the stages of action planning, implementing the Problem Based Learning (PBL) model of action and reflection. The method of data collection is done by means of observation. Data analysis was carried out by comparing the test results in pre-cycle 1 and cycle 2 with descriptive techniques. The data obtained are presented naturally and then analyzed descriptively to get an overview of the facts. To measure student achievement using the class average value on the evaluation results of each cycle. The results showed that the achievement and learning activities of the fifth grade students of UPT SD Negeri Binangun 01 in learning mathematics had increased, this was indicated by the results of observations and results of English learning achievement tests. With these results, it is concluded that the application of the problem based learning model can increase the activity and learning outcomes of fifth grade students at UPT SD Negeri Binangun 01.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Kesulitan Guru Sekolah Dasar dalam Menerapkan Pembelajaran Tematik berdasarkan Kurikulum 2013

JIIP (Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pendidikan), Nov 1, 2022