Radmila Markovic - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Radmila Markovic
Krmiva, 2010
In this paper effects of broiler meal supplementation with organic and inorganic selenium as well... more In this paper effects of broiler meal supplementation with organic and inorganic selenium as well as with different amounts of vitamin E on productive results and meat quality were investigated. Experiment was made on the total number of...
Veterinarski glasnik, 2018
Background. Mycotoxins are toxic secondary metabolites, which are synthesized from a large number... more Background. Mycotoxins are toxic secondary metabolites, which are synthesized from a large number of intermediates from the primary metabolism of saprophytic molds. Aflatoxins, due to their genotoxic and carcinogenic effects, are the most important group of mycotoxins from the aspect of their impact on human and animal health. Of all known aflatoxins, AFB1 is the most frequent, with the most harmful impact on human and animal health. Scope and Approach. Due to their prevalence and toxicity, monitoring the presence of aflatoxins in the food chain is required. The scope of this paper is to provide information on the presence of aflatoxins in animal feed and in milk. This paper describes temperature increases in Europe that are contributing to the increased presence of aflatoxins in food, as well as aflatoxin prevention and protection measures. Key Findings and Conclusions. During the last decade, serious contamination of corn with aflatoxins was recorded in southern Europe. In the summer of 2012, Serbia recorded high concentrations of aflatoxins in corn and milk. Based on climate change data, it is expected that aflatoxin contamination in corn will become more frequent.
Archivos de medicina veterinaria, 2009
Un total de 240 pollos broiler Hybro de 1 día de edad se dividieron en cuatro grupos. Estos grupo... more Un total de 240 pollos broiler Hybro de 1 día de edad se dividieron en cuatro grupos. Estos grupos fueron alimentados con una dieta completa basada en maíz/soya, con y sin la adición de antibiótico promotor del crecimiento (AGP, Flavomycin ® , 15 PPM, Intervet), alimento microbiano dirigido (DFM, All-Lac ® 0,1%, Alltech Inc. USA) y Manano Oligosacárido (MOS) (Bio-MOS ® 2 kg/T, Alltech Inc. USA). Los pollos fueron introducidos en el experimento después de nacer. En el día 42 de ensayo todas las aves fueron sacrificadas en una planta de faenamiento y sus rendimientos al sacrificio fueron medidos. Muestras de intestinos con su contenido de 6 aves promedio, seleccionadas al azar de cada grupo (n = 24), fueron tomadas para su examen. Al final del ensayo, el peso corporal (BW) y la ganancia diaria promedio (ADG) de los pollos alimentados con las raciones que contenían
Acta veterinaria, 2008
The aim of this experiment was to determine the effects of broiler meal supplementation with diff... more The aim of this experiment was to determine the effects of broiler meal supplementation with different forms of selenium (as Na-selenite or selenized yeast) and different amounts of vitamin E on selenium and vitamin E status in broiler tissues. A total number of 240 broilers (Cobb 500) were divided in four experimental groups supplemented with Se and vitamin E for a period of 42 days: group SS+E20-0.3 mg/kg sodium selenite and 20 IU of vitamin E; group SY+E20-0.3 mg/kg selenized yeast and 20 IU of vitamin E; group SS+E100-0.3 mg/kg sodium selenite and 100 IU of vitamin E; group SY+E100-0.3 mg/kg selenized yeast and 100 IU of vitamin E. Blood plasma Se and MDA concetrations and Se dependent GSH-Px were determined on days 1, 21 and 42, wheras content of Se and vitamin E in breast muscle and liver were measured on days 21 and 42 of the experiment. Highest blood plasma glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activities were detected in groups SS+E20 and SS+E100. Supplementation with selenium enriched yeast did not result in a significant increase in plasma GSH-Px activity. Selenium and vitamin E concentrations in breast meat and liver were significantly higher in groups supplemented selenized yeast compared to those receiving Na-selenite. Selenium and vitamin E supplementation did not alter plasma MDA concentrations, but in tissues, selenized yeast provided a consistant, athough not significant, reduction in MDA content. The increased dose of vitamin E suplemented in broiler meal was not justifiable on the basis of vitamin E tissue content and antioxidative effect.
Parazitska oboljenja koja se prenose mesom ribe dugo vremena nisu dobijala zasluženu pažnju, pre ... more Parazitska oboljenja koja se prenose mesom ribe dugo vremena nisu dobijala zasluženu pažnju, pre svega jer su ove zoonoze bile vezane za zemlje tropskog i suptropskog pojasa, naročito azijske zemlje u kojima riba predstavlja veoma značajan izvor proteina za stanovništvo ruralnih sredina. Međutim, kao posledica globalnog zagrevanja dolazi do promena u ekosistemima voda i širenja geografskih granica u kojima se određeni paraziti pojavljuju. Širenju parazita doprinosi i fenomen globalizacije, razvijene saobraćajne mreže, komercijalni internacionalni hipermarketi, ali i demografske promene stanovništva od kojih najveći značaj imaju migracije. Na povećanje populacije pod rizikom utiču i promene kulturoloških navika i kulinarske prakse, naročito sve češća konzumacija sirove, marinirane, sušene ili na drugi način temperaturno nedovoljno obrađene ribe i proizvoda od ribe. Tokom poslednje decenija zabeležen je progresivan rast broja ljudi koji se hrane u restoranima, kioscima brze hrane ili ...
Riba predstavlja važan deo ljudske ishrane, a takođe, riba je dobar pokazatelj kontaminacije živo... more Riba predstavlja važan deo ljudske ishrane, a takođe, riba je dobar pokazatelj kontaminacije životne sredine od strane jednog broja supstanci, uključujući i tragove metala u slatkovodnim sistemima, posebno zbog toga što se ribe, kao tercijelni potrošači, nalaze na vrhu lanca ishrane u vodenom ekosistemu (Noël i sar., 2013). Mnogo pažnje posvećeno je elementima kao što su olovo (Pb), kadmijum (Cd), Živa (Hg) i Arsen (As) i efekti izloženosti ovim elementima su sveobuhvatno istraženi (Castro-González and Méndez-Armenta, 2008; Has-Schön et al., 2008). Zbog svoje toksičnosti, otpornosti i bioakumulacije u vodi i sedimentima, kada se nalaze u visokim koncentracijama, ovi elementi predstavljaju opasnost za sve žive organizme. U pogledu bezbednosti javnog zdravlja, kod riba, prate se koncentracije olova, kadmijuma i žive, gde postoje jasno definisani maksimalni nivoi teških metala u namirnicama koji su određeni od strane Evropske Komisije, br. 1881/2006 (EC, 2006), izmenjena i dopunjena EC...
Scientific journal "Meat Technology", 2009
Uvod Selen je rasprostranjen svuda u svetu, ali nije jednako rasporeÿen. Postoje podruþja koja su... more Uvod Selen je rasprostranjen svuda u svetu, ali nije jednako rasporeÿen. Postoje podruþja koja su de¿citarna u selenu i u kojima je koncentracija selena u zemljištu i biljkama niska (Old¿ eld, 2002). Srbija, kao i þitav region Balkanskog poluostrva, smatraju se de¿ citarnim podruþjem selena (Mihailoviü, 1996). Mnogobrojna ispitivanja se bave otkrivanjem moguünosti da se putem hrane (biljne ili životinjske) ishrana ljudi obogati selenom. Organski selen se apsorbuje kroz epitelne üelije creva na isti naþin kao i amino-kiseline putem selektivnog transportovanja. On se skladišti u metaboliþkim tkivima u obliku selenoproteina, pa su jetra, mišiüi i tkiva srca bogati se lenom. Pokazalo se da je relativno lako da se po-Originalni nauþni rad Original scienti¿ c paper
This trial was designed in order to evaluate the incidence of subacute rumen acidosis (SARA) duri... more This trial was designed in order to evaluate the incidence of subacute rumen acidosis (SARA) during early lactation and to investigate the possibilities for its prevention by use of a buffering mineral mixture. On the beginning of the trial it was found that the pH value of rumen fluid in 4 animals was lower than normal (pH < 6.0) and that 20% of animals have had SARA. The control and the experimental group of cows were fed the same meal with exception of concentrated feed which in the experimental group contained the mineral mix with buffering activity in amount of 1%. Continuous addition of buffering mineral mixture in the amount of 1% in concentrated feed for early lactation cows successfully prevents SARA formation and leads to increased milk production, as well as increased milk fat and protein content.
Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Chemia, 2021
Bor, Krivelj, and Bela Rivers in Eastern Serbia belong to the watershed of Timok River, which is ... more Bor, Krivelj, and Bela Rivers in Eastern Serbia belong to the watershed of Timok River, which is a tributary of Danube River. These Rivers flow near to the largest mining complex in Republic of Serbia. Rivers Bosneag, Radimna and Nera from the Romanian side in Caras Severin County near to Moldova Noua are also tributary of Danube and flow in area which is affected by spreading of dust from the abandoned flotation tailing of copper mine. This study includes environmental monitoring of the surface waters in considered Romania-Serbia cross border area during 2019-2020. Chemical analyses confirmed pollution mostly with heavy metals (Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, As, Ni, Pb, Cd) closer to mines while with larger distance pollution decrease. The measured values were compared with Serbian and Romanian legislation which confirmed moderate and high pollution depending on category of surface waters. Measured Cd concentrations were of 9.51-5375 μg L-1 for the IV category of River water close to Bor mine. The main anthropogenic source in Eastern Serbia was Bor mine and smelter.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019
The attention of the scientific and professional communities, as well as of food consumers, has a... more The attention of the scientific and professional communities, as well as of food consumers, has always been directed towards finding adequate nutritional strategies that could improve food production and safety. By using antibiotics as feed additives, farmers gained increased profits based on higher growth rates with better feed conversion and lower costs of therapeutic treatment. The quantities of antibiotics used as growth promoters for farm animals have been increasing constantly, but at the same time, the frequency of bacterial resistance to antibiotics and the presence of antibiotic residues in food have become a global problem. To eliminate or minimize these risks, on 1 January 2006, antibiotics were banned from use as additives in animal nutrition in the European Union. Accordingly, there is interest in developing new nutritional strategies that would support the function of the autochthonous microbiota in the animal gastrointestinal tract to control pathogenic bacteria. Probiotics, prebiotics, phytobiotics and feed enzymes are a new generation of growth promoters and largely achieve their effects by using the physiological mechanisms of animals and/or their intestinal microbiomes, enabling animals to completely fulfil their genetic potential with respect to production properties.
Veterinarski glasnik, 2015
The objective of this work was to investigate the scope of production, export and import of honey... more The objective of this work was to investigate the scope of production, export and import of honey in the Republic of Serbia from 2004. to 2014. The results are based on the report of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia. The observed period is characterized primarily by the increase in the number of beehives as well as an incresed honey production, followed by honey price growth and minor changes honey yield per hive. In this period, honey production ranged from 2,561 tons (in 2008) to 8,554 tons (in 2013). The largest volume of honey exports was in 2013. (3,367.7 tons, worth 14,881.4 thousand USD), and the largest import of honey into Serbia was in the same year (60.6 tons, worth 240.3 thousand USD). In the monitored period, Germany imported the largest quantities of honey from Serbia, about 4,611.0 tons (worth about 19,546.9 thousand USD), and somewhat smaller amounts of honey were imported by Italy and Montenegro. On the other hand, in the same period, Serbia imported...
Tehnologija mesa, 2013
Although food industry has improved production techniques and slaughter hygiene, pathogens found ... more Although food industry has improved production techniques and slaughter hygiene, pathogens found in meat, such as Salmonella spp., Campylobacter spp. and E. coli still cause a number of foodborne illness outbreaks yearly all over the world. The overuse of antibiotics and disinfectants in both veterinary and human medicine practice has led to phenomenon of multi-drugresistance of bacteria, which highlights the research needs on new antimicrobial agents. One of the alternatives is use of essential oils, which are aromatic oily liquids obtained from plant material by different methods. It has been proved that essential oils exhibit variable antibacterial activity, depending on the type of bacteria as well as on the chemical composition of essential oil being used. Essential oils (Eos) have antioxidant role, and inhibitory role not only to pathogens, but also to the spoilage microorganisms, which subsequently affects quality and extends meat shelf-life in order to produce safer and healthier product.
Riba predstavlja znatan deo ishrane ljudi u svetu. Pre svega, riba je značajan izvor proteina (15... more Riba predstavlja znatan deo ishrane ljudi u svetu. Pre svega, riba je značajan izvor proteina (15-24%) visoke biološke vrednosti, bogata je mineralima, vitaminima, a posebno esencijalnim masnim kiselinama za koje je dokazano da pogoduju u prevenciji mnogobrojnih oboljenja. Zbog velikog značaja polinezasićenih masnih kiselina n-3 klase, u Evropi su date i preporuke o optimalnom dnevnom unosu. Međutim, pored hranljivih svojstava koje ima, riba može biti i izvor različitih bioloških i hemijskih opasnosti. Od bioloških opasnosti posebno su značajni paraziti (Trematodae, Nematodae, Cestodae), bakterije (Salmonella spp, E. coli, Vibrio parahemolyticus, Vibrio vulnificus, Listeria monocytogenes, Clostridium botulinum, Staphyloccocus aureus), virusi (Norwalk virus, Entero virusi, Hepatitis A, Rotavirus) i biotoksini. Najznačajnije hemijske opasnosti su policiklična aromatična jedinjenja, histamin i teški metali (živa, olovo, kadmijum, arsen, gvožđe). Alergije usled konzumiranja pojedinih vr...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
Given the fact that the law on animal feed in Serbia has long been expected and that the current ... more Given the fact that the law on animal feed in Serbia has long been expected and that the current Regulation on the quality of animal feed, which includes microbiological criteria, requires improvement over the years, it is time to choose the best new solutions. The recommendable change that would bring the categorization of animal feed according to more objective and comprehensive criteria is based on the use of the VDLUFA (Verbands Deutscher Landwirdschaftlicher Untersuchungs und Forschungsanstalten) method. In several European countries, it has become routine, due to the great interest of feed producers and animal breeders in good knowledge of microbiological quality of feed as a guarantee of a wholesome final product. It involves determination of the contents of moulds, yeasts and bacteria while taking into account their potential pathogenicity. Based on the number of microorganisms, divided into seven groups, feed and feedingstuffs are classified into four categories. Classes I ...
Meat Technology, 2018
The aim of this study was to determine arsenic and heavy metal concentrations (lead, mercury, cop... more The aim of this study was to determine arsenic and heavy metal concentrations (lead, mercury, copper, cadmium, zinc, iron and manganese) in snail tissues (foot and digestive gland) obtained from snail farms in Serbia (near urban areas). Snail samples were analysed using atomic absorption spectrophotometry. A total of 730 individual snail samples were included in this study. Snails were packed into plastic bags and transported to the laboratory at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Belgrade. The levels of arsenic and mercury in the examined snail tissues were below the detection limit of the analytical method. Concentrations of heavy metals were higher in digestive gland tissues than in foot tissues.
Tehnologija mesa, 2012
Osnivač i izdavač: Institut za hihijenu i tehnologiju mesa, Beograd Originalni naučni rad Origina... more Osnivač i izdavač: Institut za hihijenu i tehnologiju mesa, Beograd Originalni naučni rad Original scientifi c paper Uvod Nutritivni i zdravstveni značaj mesa ribe jedan je od razloga za neprestani rast potražnje ribe, posebno ribe iz akvakulture (Burger i Gochfeld, 2009). Kalifornijska pastrmka (Oncorhynchus mykiss) je jedna od najvažnijih salmonidnih vrsta ribe i spada u ribe hladnih voda. Jedna je od najpoznatijih vrsta ribe u prirodi (Tikeogly, 2000), ali je u mnogim zemljama poznata i prihvaćena kao uzgajana vrsta, zbog brzog rasta i odličnog nutritivnog kvaliteta. U mesu ove ribe prosečan sadržaj proteina je 18,
Veterinarski glasnik, 2013
Poultry meat production has doubled in past 40 years in the world, with the tendency of constant ... more Poultry meat production has doubled in past 40 years in the world, with the tendency of constant growth, and its production volume exceeds beef, but is behind pork production. For poultry meat production it is typical that its annual increase exceeds pork as well as beef production. The biggest producers of poultry meat are Asia, North and South America and Europe. The most significant category of poultry is meat of young chicken (broilers). Cobb, Ross and Hubbard broiler provenance are most common in Serbia. The objective of this investigation was to analyse poultry meat production volume in Serbia, observed during three six-years periods - A (1984-1989), B (1994-1999) i C (2004-2009). For data processing there were used the data obtained from Statistical Yearbooks of Serbia from 1984. to 2009. It was found out that average poultry meat production in period A was 108,33 ? 7,00 thousand tonnes, than it statistically significantly decreased and in period B it was 76,67?5,54 thousand ...
Veterinarski glasnik, 2013
Proizvodnja i ulov ribe u Srbiji raste iz godine u godinu, dok je u svetu dostigao svoj maksimum ... more Proizvodnja i ulov ribe u Srbiji raste iz godine u godinu, dok je u svetu dostigao svoj maksimum po~etkom ovog veka. Srbija ima povoljne prirodne i privredne uslove za dalji razvoj doma}eg ribarstva. Od ukupne proizvodnje odnosno godi{njeg ulova ribe u Srbiji najve}i deo se organizovano otkupi, manji deo se izveze, a ostalo ide u promet putem maloprodaje na pijacama. Poznato je da potro{nja namirnica za ishranu ljudi, pa time i ribe, zavisi od nivoa proizvodnje, maloprodajne cene, kupovne mo}i potro{a~a i navika potro{a~a. Stoga, prilikom analiziranja tendencije kretanja proizvodnje i potro{nje ribe u Srbiji, veoma je zna~ajno ispitati uticaj proizvodnje, cena i kupovne mo}i potro{a~a na potro{nju ribe u na{oj zemlji. Za ispitivanje postavljenog cilja kori{}eni su odgovaraju}i kvantitativni podaci koje vodi Statisti~ki zavod Srbije. Na osnovu izvornih podataka utvr|eni su odre|eni parametri koji su poslu`ili kao varijable za izra~unavanje korelaciono-regresione i marginalne analize za utvr|ivanje elasticiteta tra`nje i potro{nje ribe po stanovniku u Srbiji. Proizvodnja i ulov ribe u Srbiji bele`i tendenciju rasta tokom posmatranog perioda sa godi{njom stopom rasta od 17,4%. Pored toga {to ima godi{nju stopu rasta od 4,8%, potro{nje ribe po stanovniku u na{oj zemlji je dosta mala (X=4,89kg) i posledica je navike potro{a~a da vi{e tro{e meso doma}ih`ivotinja. U na{im istra`ivanjima utvrdili smo da potro{nja ribe u Srbiji u najve}oj meri zavisi od proizvodnje ribe po stanovniku (r xy =0,6364), kao i od bruto (r xy = 417 PREGLEDNI RAD-REVIEW PAPER * Rad primljen za {tampu 27. 11. 2012. godine ** Dr sc. vet. med. Milan Te{i}, redovni profesor; dr sc. vet. med. Milan @. Balti}, redovni profesor; dr sc. vet. med. Vlado Teodorovi}, redovni profesor; dr sc. vet. med. Milorad Mirilovi}, docent; dr sc. vet. med. Drago Nedi}, vanredni profesor; dr sc. med. vet. Radmila Markovi}, docent; Aleksandra Aleksi} Agelidis, DVM, asistent saradnik Fakultet veterinarske medicine,
Krmiva, 2010
In this paper effects of broiler meal supplementation with organic and inorganic selenium as well... more In this paper effects of broiler meal supplementation with organic and inorganic selenium as well as with different amounts of vitamin E on productive results and meat quality were investigated. Experiment was made on the total number of...
Veterinarski glasnik, 2018
Background. Mycotoxins are toxic secondary metabolites, which are synthesized from a large number... more Background. Mycotoxins are toxic secondary metabolites, which are synthesized from a large number of intermediates from the primary metabolism of saprophytic molds. Aflatoxins, due to their genotoxic and carcinogenic effects, are the most important group of mycotoxins from the aspect of their impact on human and animal health. Of all known aflatoxins, AFB1 is the most frequent, with the most harmful impact on human and animal health. Scope and Approach. Due to their prevalence and toxicity, monitoring the presence of aflatoxins in the food chain is required. The scope of this paper is to provide information on the presence of aflatoxins in animal feed and in milk. This paper describes temperature increases in Europe that are contributing to the increased presence of aflatoxins in food, as well as aflatoxin prevention and protection measures. Key Findings and Conclusions. During the last decade, serious contamination of corn with aflatoxins was recorded in southern Europe. In the summer of 2012, Serbia recorded high concentrations of aflatoxins in corn and milk. Based on climate change data, it is expected that aflatoxin contamination in corn will become more frequent.
Archivos de medicina veterinaria, 2009
Un total de 240 pollos broiler Hybro de 1 día de edad se dividieron en cuatro grupos. Estos grupo... more Un total de 240 pollos broiler Hybro de 1 día de edad se dividieron en cuatro grupos. Estos grupos fueron alimentados con una dieta completa basada en maíz/soya, con y sin la adición de antibiótico promotor del crecimiento (AGP, Flavomycin ® , 15 PPM, Intervet), alimento microbiano dirigido (DFM, All-Lac ® 0,1%, Alltech Inc. USA) y Manano Oligosacárido (MOS) (Bio-MOS ® 2 kg/T, Alltech Inc. USA). Los pollos fueron introducidos en el experimento después de nacer. En el día 42 de ensayo todas las aves fueron sacrificadas en una planta de faenamiento y sus rendimientos al sacrificio fueron medidos. Muestras de intestinos con su contenido de 6 aves promedio, seleccionadas al azar de cada grupo (n = 24), fueron tomadas para su examen. Al final del ensayo, el peso corporal (BW) y la ganancia diaria promedio (ADG) de los pollos alimentados con las raciones que contenían
Acta veterinaria, 2008
The aim of this experiment was to determine the effects of broiler meal supplementation with diff... more The aim of this experiment was to determine the effects of broiler meal supplementation with different forms of selenium (as Na-selenite or selenized yeast) and different amounts of vitamin E on selenium and vitamin E status in broiler tissues. A total number of 240 broilers (Cobb 500) were divided in four experimental groups supplemented with Se and vitamin E for a period of 42 days: group SS+E20-0.3 mg/kg sodium selenite and 20 IU of vitamin E; group SY+E20-0.3 mg/kg selenized yeast and 20 IU of vitamin E; group SS+E100-0.3 mg/kg sodium selenite and 100 IU of vitamin E; group SY+E100-0.3 mg/kg selenized yeast and 100 IU of vitamin E. Blood plasma Se and MDA concetrations and Se dependent GSH-Px were determined on days 1, 21 and 42, wheras content of Se and vitamin E in breast muscle and liver were measured on days 21 and 42 of the experiment. Highest blood plasma glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activities were detected in groups SS+E20 and SS+E100. Supplementation with selenium enriched yeast did not result in a significant increase in plasma GSH-Px activity. Selenium and vitamin E concentrations in breast meat and liver were significantly higher in groups supplemented selenized yeast compared to those receiving Na-selenite. Selenium and vitamin E supplementation did not alter plasma MDA concentrations, but in tissues, selenized yeast provided a consistant, athough not significant, reduction in MDA content. The increased dose of vitamin E suplemented in broiler meal was not justifiable on the basis of vitamin E tissue content and antioxidative effect.
Parazitska oboljenja koja se prenose mesom ribe dugo vremena nisu dobijala zasluženu pažnju, pre ... more Parazitska oboljenja koja se prenose mesom ribe dugo vremena nisu dobijala zasluženu pažnju, pre svega jer su ove zoonoze bile vezane za zemlje tropskog i suptropskog pojasa, naročito azijske zemlje u kojima riba predstavlja veoma značajan izvor proteina za stanovništvo ruralnih sredina. Međutim, kao posledica globalnog zagrevanja dolazi do promena u ekosistemima voda i širenja geografskih granica u kojima se određeni paraziti pojavljuju. Širenju parazita doprinosi i fenomen globalizacije, razvijene saobraćajne mreže, komercijalni internacionalni hipermarketi, ali i demografske promene stanovništva od kojih najveći značaj imaju migracije. Na povećanje populacije pod rizikom utiču i promene kulturoloških navika i kulinarske prakse, naročito sve češća konzumacija sirove, marinirane, sušene ili na drugi način temperaturno nedovoljno obrađene ribe i proizvoda od ribe. Tokom poslednje decenija zabeležen je progresivan rast broja ljudi koji se hrane u restoranima, kioscima brze hrane ili ...
Riba predstavlja važan deo ljudske ishrane, a takođe, riba je dobar pokazatelj kontaminacije živo... more Riba predstavlja važan deo ljudske ishrane, a takođe, riba je dobar pokazatelj kontaminacije životne sredine od strane jednog broja supstanci, uključujući i tragove metala u slatkovodnim sistemima, posebno zbog toga što se ribe, kao tercijelni potrošači, nalaze na vrhu lanca ishrane u vodenom ekosistemu (Noël i sar., 2013). Mnogo pažnje posvećeno je elementima kao što su olovo (Pb), kadmijum (Cd), Živa (Hg) i Arsen (As) i efekti izloženosti ovim elementima su sveobuhvatno istraženi (Castro-González and Méndez-Armenta, 2008; Has-Schön et al., 2008). Zbog svoje toksičnosti, otpornosti i bioakumulacije u vodi i sedimentima, kada se nalaze u visokim koncentracijama, ovi elementi predstavljaju opasnost za sve žive organizme. U pogledu bezbednosti javnog zdravlja, kod riba, prate se koncentracije olova, kadmijuma i žive, gde postoje jasno definisani maksimalni nivoi teških metala u namirnicama koji su određeni od strane Evropske Komisije, br. 1881/2006 (EC, 2006), izmenjena i dopunjena EC...
Scientific journal "Meat Technology", 2009
Uvod Selen je rasprostranjen svuda u svetu, ali nije jednako rasporeÿen. Postoje podruþja koja su... more Uvod Selen je rasprostranjen svuda u svetu, ali nije jednako rasporeÿen. Postoje podruþja koja su de¿citarna u selenu i u kojima je koncentracija selena u zemljištu i biljkama niska (Old¿ eld, 2002). Srbija, kao i þitav region Balkanskog poluostrva, smatraju se de¿ citarnim podruþjem selena (Mihailoviü, 1996). Mnogobrojna ispitivanja se bave otkrivanjem moguünosti da se putem hrane (biljne ili životinjske) ishrana ljudi obogati selenom. Organski selen se apsorbuje kroz epitelne üelije creva na isti naþin kao i amino-kiseline putem selektivnog transportovanja. On se skladišti u metaboliþkim tkivima u obliku selenoproteina, pa su jetra, mišiüi i tkiva srca bogati se lenom. Pokazalo se da je relativno lako da se po-Originalni nauþni rad Original scienti¿ c paper
This trial was designed in order to evaluate the incidence of subacute rumen acidosis (SARA) duri... more This trial was designed in order to evaluate the incidence of subacute rumen acidosis (SARA) during early lactation and to investigate the possibilities for its prevention by use of a buffering mineral mixture. On the beginning of the trial it was found that the pH value of rumen fluid in 4 animals was lower than normal (pH < 6.0) and that 20% of animals have had SARA. The control and the experimental group of cows were fed the same meal with exception of concentrated feed which in the experimental group contained the mineral mix with buffering activity in amount of 1%. Continuous addition of buffering mineral mixture in the amount of 1% in concentrated feed for early lactation cows successfully prevents SARA formation and leads to increased milk production, as well as increased milk fat and protein content.
Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Chemia, 2021
Bor, Krivelj, and Bela Rivers in Eastern Serbia belong to the watershed of Timok River, which is ... more Bor, Krivelj, and Bela Rivers in Eastern Serbia belong to the watershed of Timok River, which is a tributary of Danube River. These Rivers flow near to the largest mining complex in Republic of Serbia. Rivers Bosneag, Radimna and Nera from the Romanian side in Caras Severin County near to Moldova Noua are also tributary of Danube and flow in area which is affected by spreading of dust from the abandoned flotation tailing of copper mine. This study includes environmental monitoring of the surface waters in considered Romania-Serbia cross border area during 2019-2020. Chemical analyses confirmed pollution mostly with heavy metals (Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, As, Ni, Pb, Cd) closer to mines while with larger distance pollution decrease. The measured values were compared with Serbian and Romanian legislation which confirmed moderate and high pollution depending on category of surface waters. Measured Cd concentrations were of 9.51-5375 μg L-1 for the IV category of River water close to Bor mine. The main anthropogenic source in Eastern Serbia was Bor mine and smelter.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019
The attention of the scientific and professional communities, as well as of food consumers, has a... more The attention of the scientific and professional communities, as well as of food consumers, has always been directed towards finding adequate nutritional strategies that could improve food production and safety. By using antibiotics as feed additives, farmers gained increased profits based on higher growth rates with better feed conversion and lower costs of therapeutic treatment. The quantities of antibiotics used as growth promoters for farm animals have been increasing constantly, but at the same time, the frequency of bacterial resistance to antibiotics and the presence of antibiotic residues in food have become a global problem. To eliminate or minimize these risks, on 1 January 2006, antibiotics were banned from use as additives in animal nutrition in the European Union. Accordingly, there is interest in developing new nutritional strategies that would support the function of the autochthonous microbiota in the animal gastrointestinal tract to control pathogenic bacteria. Probiotics, prebiotics, phytobiotics and feed enzymes are a new generation of growth promoters and largely achieve their effects by using the physiological mechanisms of animals and/or their intestinal microbiomes, enabling animals to completely fulfil their genetic potential with respect to production properties.
Veterinarski glasnik, 2015
The objective of this work was to investigate the scope of production, export and import of honey... more The objective of this work was to investigate the scope of production, export and import of honey in the Republic of Serbia from 2004. to 2014. The results are based on the report of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia. The observed period is characterized primarily by the increase in the number of beehives as well as an incresed honey production, followed by honey price growth and minor changes honey yield per hive. In this period, honey production ranged from 2,561 tons (in 2008) to 8,554 tons (in 2013). The largest volume of honey exports was in 2013. (3,367.7 tons, worth 14,881.4 thousand USD), and the largest import of honey into Serbia was in the same year (60.6 tons, worth 240.3 thousand USD). In the monitored period, Germany imported the largest quantities of honey from Serbia, about 4,611.0 tons (worth about 19,546.9 thousand USD), and somewhat smaller amounts of honey were imported by Italy and Montenegro. On the other hand, in the same period, Serbia imported...
Tehnologija mesa, 2013
Although food industry has improved production techniques and slaughter hygiene, pathogens found ... more Although food industry has improved production techniques and slaughter hygiene, pathogens found in meat, such as Salmonella spp., Campylobacter spp. and E. coli still cause a number of foodborne illness outbreaks yearly all over the world. The overuse of antibiotics and disinfectants in both veterinary and human medicine practice has led to phenomenon of multi-drugresistance of bacteria, which highlights the research needs on new antimicrobial agents. One of the alternatives is use of essential oils, which are aromatic oily liquids obtained from plant material by different methods. It has been proved that essential oils exhibit variable antibacterial activity, depending on the type of bacteria as well as on the chemical composition of essential oil being used. Essential oils (Eos) have antioxidant role, and inhibitory role not only to pathogens, but also to the spoilage microorganisms, which subsequently affects quality and extends meat shelf-life in order to produce safer and healthier product.
Riba predstavlja znatan deo ishrane ljudi u svetu. Pre svega, riba je značajan izvor proteina (15... more Riba predstavlja znatan deo ishrane ljudi u svetu. Pre svega, riba je značajan izvor proteina (15-24%) visoke biološke vrednosti, bogata je mineralima, vitaminima, a posebno esencijalnim masnim kiselinama za koje je dokazano da pogoduju u prevenciji mnogobrojnih oboljenja. Zbog velikog značaja polinezasićenih masnih kiselina n-3 klase, u Evropi su date i preporuke o optimalnom dnevnom unosu. Međutim, pored hranljivih svojstava koje ima, riba može biti i izvor različitih bioloških i hemijskih opasnosti. Od bioloških opasnosti posebno su značajni paraziti (Trematodae, Nematodae, Cestodae), bakterije (Salmonella spp, E. coli, Vibrio parahemolyticus, Vibrio vulnificus, Listeria monocytogenes, Clostridium botulinum, Staphyloccocus aureus), virusi (Norwalk virus, Entero virusi, Hepatitis A, Rotavirus) i biotoksini. Najznačajnije hemijske opasnosti su policiklična aromatična jedinjenja, histamin i teški metali (živa, olovo, kadmijum, arsen, gvožđe). Alergije usled konzumiranja pojedinih vr...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
Given the fact that the law on animal feed in Serbia has long been expected and that the current ... more Given the fact that the law on animal feed in Serbia has long been expected and that the current Regulation on the quality of animal feed, which includes microbiological criteria, requires improvement over the years, it is time to choose the best new solutions. The recommendable change that would bring the categorization of animal feed according to more objective and comprehensive criteria is based on the use of the VDLUFA (Verbands Deutscher Landwirdschaftlicher Untersuchungs und Forschungsanstalten) method. In several European countries, it has become routine, due to the great interest of feed producers and animal breeders in good knowledge of microbiological quality of feed as a guarantee of a wholesome final product. It involves determination of the contents of moulds, yeasts and bacteria while taking into account their potential pathogenicity. Based on the number of microorganisms, divided into seven groups, feed and feedingstuffs are classified into four categories. Classes I ...
Meat Technology, 2018
The aim of this study was to determine arsenic and heavy metal concentrations (lead, mercury, cop... more The aim of this study was to determine arsenic and heavy metal concentrations (lead, mercury, copper, cadmium, zinc, iron and manganese) in snail tissues (foot and digestive gland) obtained from snail farms in Serbia (near urban areas). Snail samples were analysed using atomic absorption spectrophotometry. A total of 730 individual snail samples were included in this study. Snails were packed into plastic bags and transported to the laboratory at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Belgrade. The levels of arsenic and mercury in the examined snail tissues were below the detection limit of the analytical method. Concentrations of heavy metals were higher in digestive gland tissues than in foot tissues.
Tehnologija mesa, 2012
Osnivač i izdavač: Institut za hihijenu i tehnologiju mesa, Beograd Originalni naučni rad Origina... more Osnivač i izdavač: Institut za hihijenu i tehnologiju mesa, Beograd Originalni naučni rad Original scientifi c paper Uvod Nutritivni i zdravstveni značaj mesa ribe jedan je od razloga za neprestani rast potražnje ribe, posebno ribe iz akvakulture (Burger i Gochfeld, 2009). Kalifornijska pastrmka (Oncorhynchus mykiss) je jedna od najvažnijih salmonidnih vrsta ribe i spada u ribe hladnih voda. Jedna je od najpoznatijih vrsta ribe u prirodi (Tikeogly, 2000), ali je u mnogim zemljama poznata i prihvaćena kao uzgajana vrsta, zbog brzog rasta i odličnog nutritivnog kvaliteta. U mesu ove ribe prosečan sadržaj proteina je 18,
Veterinarski glasnik, 2013
Poultry meat production has doubled in past 40 years in the world, with the tendency of constant ... more Poultry meat production has doubled in past 40 years in the world, with the tendency of constant growth, and its production volume exceeds beef, but is behind pork production. For poultry meat production it is typical that its annual increase exceeds pork as well as beef production. The biggest producers of poultry meat are Asia, North and South America and Europe. The most significant category of poultry is meat of young chicken (broilers). Cobb, Ross and Hubbard broiler provenance are most common in Serbia. The objective of this investigation was to analyse poultry meat production volume in Serbia, observed during three six-years periods - A (1984-1989), B (1994-1999) i C (2004-2009). For data processing there were used the data obtained from Statistical Yearbooks of Serbia from 1984. to 2009. It was found out that average poultry meat production in period A was 108,33 ? 7,00 thousand tonnes, than it statistically significantly decreased and in period B it was 76,67?5,54 thousand ...
Veterinarski glasnik, 2013
Proizvodnja i ulov ribe u Srbiji raste iz godine u godinu, dok je u svetu dostigao svoj maksimum ... more Proizvodnja i ulov ribe u Srbiji raste iz godine u godinu, dok je u svetu dostigao svoj maksimum po~etkom ovog veka. Srbija ima povoljne prirodne i privredne uslove za dalji razvoj doma}eg ribarstva. Od ukupne proizvodnje odnosno godi{njeg ulova ribe u Srbiji najve}i deo se organizovano otkupi, manji deo se izveze, a ostalo ide u promet putem maloprodaje na pijacama. Poznato je da potro{nja namirnica za ishranu ljudi, pa time i ribe, zavisi od nivoa proizvodnje, maloprodajne cene, kupovne mo}i potro{a~a i navika potro{a~a. Stoga, prilikom analiziranja tendencije kretanja proizvodnje i potro{nje ribe u Srbiji, veoma je zna~ajno ispitati uticaj proizvodnje, cena i kupovne mo}i potro{a~a na potro{nju ribe u na{oj zemlji. Za ispitivanje postavljenog cilja kori{}eni su odgovaraju}i kvantitativni podaci koje vodi Statisti~ki zavod Srbije. Na osnovu izvornih podataka utvr|eni su odre|eni parametri koji su poslu`ili kao varijable za izra~unavanje korelaciono-regresione i marginalne analize za utvr|ivanje elasticiteta tra`nje i potro{nje ribe po stanovniku u Srbiji. Proizvodnja i ulov ribe u Srbiji bele`i tendenciju rasta tokom posmatranog perioda sa godi{njom stopom rasta od 17,4%. Pored toga {to ima godi{nju stopu rasta od 4,8%, potro{nje ribe po stanovniku u na{oj zemlji je dosta mala (X=4,89kg) i posledica je navike potro{a~a da vi{e tro{e meso doma}ih`ivotinja. U na{im istra`ivanjima utvrdili smo da potro{nja ribe u Srbiji u najve}oj meri zavisi od proizvodnje ribe po stanovniku (r xy =0,6364), kao i od bruto (r xy = 417 PREGLEDNI RAD-REVIEW PAPER * Rad primljen za {tampu 27. 11. 2012. godine ** Dr sc. vet. med. Milan Te{i}, redovni profesor; dr sc. vet. med. Milan @. Balti}, redovni profesor; dr sc. vet. med. Vlado Teodorovi}, redovni profesor; dr sc. vet. med. Milorad Mirilovi}, docent; dr sc. vet. med. Drago Nedi}, vanredni profesor; dr sc. med. vet. Radmila Markovi}, docent; Aleksandra Aleksi} Agelidis, DVM, asistent saradnik Fakultet veterinarske medicine,