Ranny Rastati - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Ranny Rastati

Research paper thumbnail of A Multimodal Text Analysis of K-Pop Fans Representation on Indonesia Film Television

Jurnal Komunikasi Global

K-Pop has become a global phenomenon that affects Indonesian pop culture. K-Pop contributes vario... more K-Pop has become a global phenomenon that affects Indonesian pop culture. K-Pop contributes various inspirations for Indonesian pop culture products, including television shows. In January 2021, Indonesian film television (FTV) entitled Bagaimana Menyadarkan Istriku yang Terlalu Terobsesi K-Pop (How to Remind My K-Pop-Obsessed Wife) went viral on social media. The FTV received criticism for its depiction of K-Pop fans which was considered excessive and incorrect. The study examines how Indonesian-made FTV represents K-Pop fans in the FTV. The research was conducted with multimodal text analysis. The scene that includes K-Pop fan activity was selected based on the five levels of fan activities by Henry Jenkins. Those scenes indicated four fan activities: modes of reception, critical and interpretive practice, consumer activism, and alternative social community. The scenes were then analyzed by seeing the relation between visual (image) and audio (dialog) modes using the relation betw...

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Research paper thumbnail of Chasing Dream and Change Destiny: Understanding Gender Gap in Film Ali & Ratu-Ratu Queens

Proceedings of the 2nd World Conference on Gender Studies (WCGS 2021)

Being a wife and mother are two words that become the ultimate weapon to label women and their ro... more Being a wife and mother are two words that become the ultimate weapon to label women and their role in Indonesia. A woman's life will be considered perfect if she is married and has children. If a woman has achieved all that, she will be questioned if she still wants something else. This study will discuss the gender gap in chasing dream and aspiration between woman and man that portrayed in the Indonesian film Ali & Ratu-Ratu Queens (2021). This study uses a multimodal discourse analysis method, an approach that looks at multiple modes of communication such as text, colour, images, and interaction with one another to create semiotic meaning. The result showed that, even though both Mia (female character) and Ali (male symbol) went to the United States to pursue the American Dream, but it was easier for Ali to conquer his aspiration. Meanwhile, the complexity raised when Mia willing to chase her dream. As a married woman with child, Mia was faced with a choice between family or plan. Meanwhile, Ali tends to have the privilege to leave his family without stigma. Social message that showed in the film is, a part of woman's social identity of being a wife and mother, she still has personal identity (self) to embrace.

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Research paper thumbnail of MEDIA BARU DAN PERUBAHAN MASYARAKAT DI INDONESIA PASCA ORDE BARU: Studi Kasus Adopsi dan Pola Penggunaan Telepon Pintar

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Research paper thumbnail of Media dan Identitas: Cultural Imperialism Jepang Melalui Cosplay (Studi terhadap Cosplayer yang Melakukan Crossdress)

Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of The Influence of Sailor Moon for Indonesian Girls in the 90s

Border Crossings: The Journal of Japanese-Language Literature Studies, 2021

Sailor Moon is one of the most iconic classic anime for Indonesian audiences, especially the gene... more Sailor Moon is one of the most iconic classic anime for Indonesian audiences, especially the generation whose childhood was in the 90s. After more than two decades since its premiere, Sailor Moon still has loyal fans today. Although it has not been broadcast on Indonesian national television since the late 90s, the distribution of Sailor Moon products, both original and fake, still happen, such as clothes, bags, makeup, and knick-knacks. The question is, how does the Sailor Moon influence Indonesian girls in the 90s, so its popularity still lasts today? Based on observation and several in-depth interviews, this paper finds several arguments. First, Sailor Moon appears amid many male superheroes, giving an insight that female can be the hero of the world. Second, the audience finds the alter ego in the Sailor Moon character. Three, the values of Sailor Moon that provide understanding in shaping one’s character, such as friendship, the importance of teamwork, and pursue a dream. In ad...

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Research paper thumbnail of The Influence of Sailor Moon for Indonesian Girls in the 90s

Border Crossings: The Journal of Japanese-Language Literature Study., 2021

Sailor Moon is one of the most iconic classic anime for Indonesian audiences, especially the gene... more Sailor Moon is one of the most iconic classic anime for Indonesian audiences, especially the generation whose childhood was in the 90s. After more than two decades since its premiere, Sailor Moon still has loyal fans today. Although it has not been broadcast on Indonesian national television since the late 90s, the distribution of Sailor Moon products, both original and fake, still happen, such as clothes, bags, makeup, and knick-knacks. The question is, how does the Sailor Moon influence Indonesian girls in the 90s, so its popularity still lasts today? Based on observation and several in-depth interviews, this paper finds several arguments. First, Sailor Moon appears amid many male superheroes, giving an insight that female can be the hero of the world. Second, the audience finds the alter ego in the Sailor Moon character. Three, the values of Sailor Moon that provide understanding in shaping one's character, such as friendship, the importance of teamwork, and pursue a dream. In addition, Sailor Moon also introduced several issues such as sexual orientation, gender identity, and portrayal of body image. Nevertheless, Sailor Moon is considered a "childhood friend," which shapes a girl's childhood dreams; believed that everyone can be anything and found "the moon power" in themselves.

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Research paper thumbnail of Dari Soft Power Jepang Hingga Hijab Cosplay from Japanese Soft Power to Cosplay Hijab

Abstrak Tulisan ini membahas tentang penggunaan soft power Jepang di Indonesia, salah satunya mel... more Abstrak Tulisan ini membahas tentang penggunaan soft power Jepang di Indonesia, salah satunya melalui cosplay. Tulisan ini juga merupakan identifikasi awal mengenai fenomena hijab cosplay di Indonesia. Menggunakan konsep S. Nye. Jr, soft power didefinisikan sebagai kemampuan suatu negara untuk mencapai tujuannya dengan lebih menggunakan daya tarik budaya daripada paksaan dan kekerasan. Setelah Perang Dunia II, Jepang berupaya mengubah citra buruk negaranya melalui budaya populer yang dimiliki, seperti anime, manga, dan cosplay yang disebarkan ke seluruh dunia. Menurut Nye, Jepang memiliki sumber-sumber soft power yang lebih potensial dibandingkan dengan negara lain di Asia. Penelitian ini berfokus pada cosplay, terutama para anak muda yang hobi ber-cosplay tetapi tetap ingin mengikuti nilainilai Islam dengan menutup aurat. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa ketiga informan cosplayer memiliki kesamaan dalam memaknai hijab cosplay, yaitu (1) boleh dilakukan selama sesuai dengan aturan d...

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Research paper thumbnail of 9. Indonesian Cosplay Tourism

Contents Tourism and Pop Culture Fandom

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Research paper thumbnail of Charisma and Social Media in Indonesian Politics Karisma Dan Media Sosial Dalam Politik Indonesia

The ability to exploit social media for political charisma is essential for aspiring Indonesian p... more The ability to exploit social media for political charisma is essential for aspiring Indonesian politicians. Social media is even more crucial for those who compete in urban areas, where its citizens have better access on digital technology. Nevertheless, study on the function of social media to develop political charisma is still relatively nascent. In this regards, the article explores the way politicians employ social media to get and maintain their power. How do social media affordances enable politicians to manufacture political charisma? To what extent, political charisma developed on social media enables politicians to influence their followers? To answer these problems, the article draws from the political trajectory of Ridwan Kamil, Governor of West Java, whose political persona relies heavily on his personal use of social media. Based on digital observation and several in­depth interviews, the article proposes three arguments. First, social media affordances enabled politi...

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Research paper thumbnail of Media dan Identitas: Cultural Imperialism Jepang Melalui Cosplay (Studi terhadap Cosplayer yang Melakukan Crossdress

Abstrak Tulisan ini membahas mengenai bagaimana peran media dalam membentuk identitas cosplayer d... more Abstrak Tulisan ini membahas mengenai bagaimana peran media dalam membentuk identitas cosplayer dan bagaimana identitas cosplayer yang melakukan crossdress. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif, menggunakan paradigma critical-constructionism, metode studi kasus dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara mendalam, observasi langsung, dan observasi terlibat. Konsep yang digunakan adalah konsep budaya populer termasuk di dalamnya cosplay yang merupakan salah satu bentuk soft power Jepang untuk menyebarkan budayanya ke seluruh dunia. Selain itu dilihat juga bagaimana peran media dalam pembentukan identitas, konsep identitas, konsep anak muda, serta gender dalam pakaian dan fesyen. Berdasarkan analisis yang telah dilakukan, ditemukan bahwa identitas seorang cosplayer dipengaruhi oleh media, komunitas, dan sosok yang menjadi idola atau seseorang yang dikagumi. This paper looks at the media's role in shaping the identities of cosplayer and how their identity relates to ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Virtual Tour: Tourism in the Time of Corona

Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Social and Political Sciences (ICOSAPS 2020)

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Research paper thumbnail of Media Literasi Bagi Digital Natives: Perspektif Generasi Z DI Jakarta

Jurnal Kwangsan

In 2017 the majority of internet users are 19-34 years old or 49.52% (APJI, 2017). Almost half of... more In 2017 the majority of internet users are 19-34 years old or 49.52% (APJI, 2017). Almost half of the internet users in Indonesia are digital natives who were born after 1980: Generation Y (1980-1995) and Generation Z (1996-2009). This research will be focused on Generation Z as the true generation of the internet. Generation Z was born when the internet is available, a contrast to Generation Y who is still experiencing the transition of the internet. The purpose of this research is to find an effective way of providing information about media literacy to Generation Z. Through descriptive qualitative, the study was conducted with in-depth interview and observation toward 12 university students in Jakarta. The results showed that there are four effective ways of providing information about media literacy which is i) videos distributed to social media such as Youtube and Instagram, ii) interesting memes in communicative style, iii) through selebgram or micro-celebrity in Instagram who...

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Research paper thumbnail of Bentuk Perundungan Siber DI Media Sosial Dan Pencegahannya Bagi Korban Dan Pelaku

Jurnal Sosioteknologi, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Media Literasi Bagi Digital Natives: Perspektif Generasi Z DI Jakarta

Jurnal Kwangsan

In 2017 the majority of internet users are 19-34 years old or 49.52% (APJI, 2017). Almost half of... more In 2017 the majority of internet users are 19-34 years old or 49.52% (APJI, 2017). Almost half of the internet users in Indonesia are digital natives who were born after 1980: Generation Y (1980-1995) and Generation Z (1996-2009). This research will be focused on Generation Z as the true generation of the internet. Generation Z was born when the internet is available, a contrast to Generation Y who is still experiencing the transition of the internet. The purpose of this research is to find an effective way of providing information about media literacy to Generation Z. Through descriptive qualitative, the study was conducted with in-depth interview and observation toward 12 university students in Jakarta. The results showed that there are four effective ways of providing information about media literacy which is i) videos distributed to social media such as Youtube and Instagram, ii) interesting memes in communicative style, iii) through selebgram or micro-celebrity in Instagram who...

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Jurnal Masyarakat & Budaya, 2020

The ability to exploit social media for political charisma is essential for aspiring Indonesian p... more The ability to exploit social media for political charisma is essential for aspiring Indonesian politicians. Social media is even more crucial for those who compete in urban areas, where its citizens have better access on digital technology. Nevertheless, study on the function of social media to develop political charisma is still relatively nascent. In this regards, the article explores the way politicians employ social media to get and maintain their power. How do social media affordances enable politicians to manufacture political charisma? To what extent, political charisma developed on social media enables politicians to influence their followers? To answer these problems, the article draws from the political trajectory of Ridwan Kamil, Governor of West Java, whose political persona relies heavily on his personal use of social media. Based on digital observation and several indepth interviews, the article proposes three arguments. First, social media affordances enabled politician to construct political charisma based on multiple representations within a short period of time. Second, the infrastructure of social media has reinforced the blurry lines between personal and public matters in politics. Third, the influence of charisma developed through social media is constrained by social and political contexts.

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Research paper thumbnail of A Multimodal Text Analysis of K-Pop Fans Representation on Indonesia Film Television

Jurnal Komunikasi Global

K-Pop has become a global phenomenon that affects Indonesian pop culture. K-Pop contributes vario... more K-Pop has become a global phenomenon that affects Indonesian pop culture. K-Pop contributes various inspirations for Indonesian pop culture products, including television shows. In January 2021, Indonesian film television (FTV) entitled Bagaimana Menyadarkan Istriku yang Terlalu Terobsesi K-Pop (How to Remind My K-Pop-Obsessed Wife) went viral on social media. The FTV received criticism for its depiction of K-Pop fans which was considered excessive and incorrect. The study examines how Indonesian-made FTV represents K-Pop fans in the FTV. The research was conducted with multimodal text analysis. The scene that includes K-Pop fan activity was selected based on the five levels of fan activities by Henry Jenkins. Those scenes indicated four fan activities: modes of reception, critical and interpretive practice, consumer activism, and alternative social community. The scenes were then analyzed by seeing the relation between visual (image) and audio (dialog) modes using the relation betw...

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Research paper thumbnail of Chasing Dream and Change Destiny: Understanding Gender Gap in Film Ali & Ratu-Ratu Queens

Proceedings of the 2nd World Conference on Gender Studies (WCGS 2021)

Being a wife and mother are two words that become the ultimate weapon to label women and their ro... more Being a wife and mother are two words that become the ultimate weapon to label women and their role in Indonesia. A woman's life will be considered perfect if she is married and has children. If a woman has achieved all that, she will be questioned if she still wants something else. This study will discuss the gender gap in chasing dream and aspiration between woman and man that portrayed in the Indonesian film Ali & Ratu-Ratu Queens (2021). This study uses a multimodal discourse analysis method, an approach that looks at multiple modes of communication such as text, colour, images, and interaction with one another to create semiotic meaning. The result showed that, even though both Mia (female character) and Ali (male symbol) went to the United States to pursue the American Dream, but it was easier for Ali to conquer his aspiration. Meanwhile, the complexity raised when Mia willing to chase her dream. As a married woman with child, Mia was faced with a choice between family or plan. Meanwhile, Ali tends to have the privilege to leave his family without stigma. Social message that showed in the film is, a part of woman's social identity of being a wife and mother, she still has personal identity (self) to embrace.

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Research paper thumbnail of MEDIA BARU DAN PERUBAHAN MASYARAKAT DI INDONESIA PASCA ORDE BARU: Studi Kasus Adopsi dan Pola Penggunaan Telepon Pintar

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Research paper thumbnail of Media dan Identitas: Cultural Imperialism Jepang Melalui Cosplay (Studi terhadap Cosplayer yang Melakukan Crossdress)

Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of The Influence of Sailor Moon for Indonesian Girls in the 90s

Border Crossings: The Journal of Japanese-Language Literature Studies, 2021

Sailor Moon is one of the most iconic classic anime for Indonesian audiences, especially the gene... more Sailor Moon is one of the most iconic classic anime for Indonesian audiences, especially the generation whose childhood was in the 90s. After more than two decades since its premiere, Sailor Moon still has loyal fans today. Although it has not been broadcast on Indonesian national television since the late 90s, the distribution of Sailor Moon products, both original and fake, still happen, such as clothes, bags, makeup, and knick-knacks. The question is, how does the Sailor Moon influence Indonesian girls in the 90s, so its popularity still lasts today? Based on observation and several in-depth interviews, this paper finds several arguments. First, Sailor Moon appears amid many male superheroes, giving an insight that female can be the hero of the world. Second, the audience finds the alter ego in the Sailor Moon character. Three, the values of Sailor Moon that provide understanding in shaping one’s character, such as friendship, the importance of teamwork, and pursue a dream. In ad...

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Research paper thumbnail of The Influence of Sailor Moon for Indonesian Girls in the 90s

Border Crossings: The Journal of Japanese-Language Literature Study., 2021

Sailor Moon is one of the most iconic classic anime for Indonesian audiences, especially the gene... more Sailor Moon is one of the most iconic classic anime for Indonesian audiences, especially the generation whose childhood was in the 90s. After more than two decades since its premiere, Sailor Moon still has loyal fans today. Although it has not been broadcast on Indonesian national television since the late 90s, the distribution of Sailor Moon products, both original and fake, still happen, such as clothes, bags, makeup, and knick-knacks. The question is, how does the Sailor Moon influence Indonesian girls in the 90s, so its popularity still lasts today? Based on observation and several in-depth interviews, this paper finds several arguments. First, Sailor Moon appears amid many male superheroes, giving an insight that female can be the hero of the world. Second, the audience finds the alter ego in the Sailor Moon character. Three, the values of Sailor Moon that provide understanding in shaping one's character, such as friendship, the importance of teamwork, and pursue a dream. In addition, Sailor Moon also introduced several issues such as sexual orientation, gender identity, and portrayal of body image. Nevertheless, Sailor Moon is considered a "childhood friend," which shapes a girl's childhood dreams; believed that everyone can be anything and found "the moon power" in themselves.

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Research paper thumbnail of Dari Soft Power Jepang Hingga Hijab Cosplay from Japanese Soft Power to Cosplay Hijab

Abstrak Tulisan ini membahas tentang penggunaan soft power Jepang di Indonesia, salah satunya mel... more Abstrak Tulisan ini membahas tentang penggunaan soft power Jepang di Indonesia, salah satunya melalui cosplay. Tulisan ini juga merupakan identifikasi awal mengenai fenomena hijab cosplay di Indonesia. Menggunakan konsep S. Nye. Jr, soft power didefinisikan sebagai kemampuan suatu negara untuk mencapai tujuannya dengan lebih menggunakan daya tarik budaya daripada paksaan dan kekerasan. Setelah Perang Dunia II, Jepang berupaya mengubah citra buruk negaranya melalui budaya populer yang dimiliki, seperti anime, manga, dan cosplay yang disebarkan ke seluruh dunia. Menurut Nye, Jepang memiliki sumber-sumber soft power yang lebih potensial dibandingkan dengan negara lain di Asia. Penelitian ini berfokus pada cosplay, terutama para anak muda yang hobi ber-cosplay tetapi tetap ingin mengikuti nilainilai Islam dengan menutup aurat. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa ketiga informan cosplayer memiliki kesamaan dalam memaknai hijab cosplay, yaitu (1) boleh dilakukan selama sesuai dengan aturan d...

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Research paper thumbnail of 9. Indonesian Cosplay Tourism

Contents Tourism and Pop Culture Fandom

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Research paper thumbnail of Charisma and Social Media in Indonesian Politics Karisma Dan Media Sosial Dalam Politik Indonesia

The ability to exploit social media for political charisma is essential for aspiring Indonesian p... more The ability to exploit social media for political charisma is essential for aspiring Indonesian politicians. Social media is even more crucial for those who compete in urban areas, where its citizens have better access on digital technology. Nevertheless, study on the function of social media to develop political charisma is still relatively nascent. In this regards, the article explores the way politicians employ social media to get and maintain their power. How do social media affordances enable politicians to manufacture political charisma? To what extent, political charisma developed on social media enables politicians to influence their followers? To answer these problems, the article draws from the political trajectory of Ridwan Kamil, Governor of West Java, whose political persona relies heavily on his personal use of social media. Based on digital observation and several in­depth interviews, the article proposes three arguments. First, social media affordances enabled politi...

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Research paper thumbnail of Media dan Identitas: Cultural Imperialism Jepang Melalui Cosplay (Studi terhadap Cosplayer yang Melakukan Crossdress

Abstrak Tulisan ini membahas mengenai bagaimana peran media dalam membentuk identitas cosplayer d... more Abstrak Tulisan ini membahas mengenai bagaimana peran media dalam membentuk identitas cosplayer dan bagaimana identitas cosplayer yang melakukan crossdress. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif, menggunakan paradigma critical-constructionism, metode studi kasus dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara mendalam, observasi langsung, dan observasi terlibat. Konsep yang digunakan adalah konsep budaya populer termasuk di dalamnya cosplay yang merupakan salah satu bentuk soft power Jepang untuk menyebarkan budayanya ke seluruh dunia. Selain itu dilihat juga bagaimana peran media dalam pembentukan identitas, konsep identitas, konsep anak muda, serta gender dalam pakaian dan fesyen. Berdasarkan analisis yang telah dilakukan, ditemukan bahwa identitas seorang cosplayer dipengaruhi oleh media, komunitas, dan sosok yang menjadi idola atau seseorang yang dikagumi. This paper looks at the media's role in shaping the identities of cosplayer and how their identity relates to ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Virtual Tour: Tourism in the Time of Corona

Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Social and Political Sciences (ICOSAPS 2020)

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Research paper thumbnail of Media Literasi Bagi Digital Natives: Perspektif Generasi Z DI Jakarta

Jurnal Kwangsan

In 2017 the majority of internet users are 19-34 years old or 49.52% (APJI, 2017). Almost half of... more In 2017 the majority of internet users are 19-34 years old or 49.52% (APJI, 2017). Almost half of the internet users in Indonesia are digital natives who were born after 1980: Generation Y (1980-1995) and Generation Z (1996-2009). This research will be focused on Generation Z as the true generation of the internet. Generation Z was born when the internet is available, a contrast to Generation Y who is still experiencing the transition of the internet. The purpose of this research is to find an effective way of providing information about media literacy to Generation Z. Through descriptive qualitative, the study was conducted with in-depth interview and observation toward 12 university students in Jakarta. The results showed that there are four effective ways of providing information about media literacy which is i) videos distributed to social media such as Youtube and Instagram, ii) interesting memes in communicative style, iii) through selebgram or micro-celebrity in Instagram who...

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Research paper thumbnail of Bentuk Perundungan Siber DI Media Sosial Dan Pencegahannya Bagi Korban Dan Pelaku

Jurnal Sosioteknologi, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Media Literasi Bagi Digital Natives: Perspektif Generasi Z DI Jakarta

Jurnal Kwangsan

In 2017 the majority of internet users are 19-34 years old or 49.52% (APJI, 2017). Almost half of... more In 2017 the majority of internet users are 19-34 years old or 49.52% (APJI, 2017). Almost half of the internet users in Indonesia are digital natives who were born after 1980: Generation Y (1980-1995) and Generation Z (1996-2009). This research will be focused on Generation Z as the true generation of the internet. Generation Z was born when the internet is available, a contrast to Generation Y who is still experiencing the transition of the internet. The purpose of this research is to find an effective way of providing information about media literacy to Generation Z. Through descriptive qualitative, the study was conducted with in-depth interview and observation toward 12 university students in Jakarta. The results showed that there are four effective ways of providing information about media literacy which is i) videos distributed to social media such as Youtube and Instagram, ii) interesting memes in communicative style, iii) through selebgram or micro-celebrity in Instagram who...

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Jurnal Masyarakat & Budaya, 2020

The ability to exploit social media for political charisma is essential for aspiring Indonesian p... more The ability to exploit social media for political charisma is essential for aspiring Indonesian politicians. Social media is even more crucial for those who compete in urban areas, where its citizens have better access on digital technology. Nevertheless, study on the function of social media to develop political charisma is still relatively nascent. In this regards, the article explores the way politicians employ social media to get and maintain their power. How do social media affordances enable politicians to manufacture political charisma? To what extent, political charisma developed on social media enables politicians to influence their followers? To answer these problems, the article draws from the political trajectory of Ridwan Kamil, Governor of West Java, whose political persona relies heavily on his personal use of social media. Based on digital observation and several indepth interviews, the article proposes three arguments. First, social media affordances enabled politician to construct political charisma based on multiple representations within a short period of time. Second, the infrastructure of social media has reinforced the blurry lines between personal and public matters in politics. Third, the influence of charisma developed through social media is constrained by social and political contexts.

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