Miguel Rapela - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Miguel Rapela
Social Science Research Network, Dec 31, 2023
La interacción entre los derechos de propiedad intelectual y los procesos de innovación abierta a... more La interacción entre los derechos de propiedad intelectual y los procesos de innovación abierta aplicados en el mejoramiento... alternativa (hipótesis 3) es que el marco legal para fomentar el desarrollo deba reformularse de forma integral para adecuarlo a los desarrollos del mejoramiento vegetal moderno bajo procesos de innovación abierta. La decisión para una u otra alternativa es crítica, dado que de ella dependerá la tasa de innovación resultante de los cultivos. Palabras clave: mejoramiento vegetal, innovación abierta, derechos de propiedad intelectual.
Springer eBooks, 2019
This chapter contains an exhaustive description and evolution of the main international treaties ... more This chapter contains an exhaustive description and evolution of the main international treaties on patents, breeder’s rights, genetic resources, and biosafety. The difficulties of adapting these frameworks to the development of new technologies, especially gene editing, are considered. Five real gene-editing cases are analyzed in the current scenario of separate treaties and regulations.
La Tesis plantea la hipótesis que si el Principio Precautorio del Protocolo de Bioseguridad de Ca... more La Tesis plantea la hipótesis que si el Principio Precautorio del Protocolo de Bioseguridad de Cartagena fuese incorporado y aplicado al proceso de regulación para la liberación al medio de plantas transgénicas en Argentina mediante una interpretación positiva del mismo y una clara explicitación de su definición, alcance, limitaciones y operabilidad y de los límites de la evaluación del riesgo manteniendo inalterable el fundamento científico de la Bioseguridad, el resultado podría responder con la mayor rigurosidad científica y ética a la evaluación de los nuevos productos transgénicos, respetando el derecho de opinión de la sociedad y afianzar el rol del país como proveedor de alimentos a escala mundial. La Tesis presenta un análisis del marco agroalimentario de Argentina, el Protocolo de Bioseguridad de Cartagena, el análisis de riesgo de plantas y alimentos transgénicos, el marco internacional y nacional de bioseguridad ambiental, alimenticia y de mercados, la historia y desarrollo del Principio Precautorio, y las aplicaciones del Principio Precautorio para, finalmente, presentar un diagnóstico en la forma de un modelo de sistema de bioseguridad aplicado a la situación de Argentina con la integración de una etapa inédita, denominada "evaluación precautoria". En la Tesis se analiza por medio de un ejemplo teórico un proceso de aplicación de las técnicas participativas. Se argumenta que a diferencia de la evaluación de riesgo, el resultado final de la evaluación precautoria es la consecuencia de analizar en conjunto a todo el rango de opciones posibles junto al producto foco, y la atención no solo está direccionada al resultado alcanzado, sino también a la naturaleza, dependencia del contexto y defensa de las premisas determinantes cruciales y objetivos que llevaron a obtener ese valor. Aunque el resultado puede no ser una única conclusión "discreta, precisa y/o definitiva" y también puede incluir un rango de opciones, el mismo será el reflejo de las dudas y temores de la sociedad frente a los beneficios potenciales y la incertidumbre, indeterminancia e ignorancia. El resultado es también el reflejo de haber explorado la importancia relativa de las interacciones entre los objetivos, opciones, juicios de valor, criterios y ponderaciones. Basado en la ética deontologista, teoría de la decisión, y fundamentado en la aplicación del procedimiento deliberativo de Grupos Focales y las técnicas participativas del Análisis de Criterios Múltiples, Árbol de Valores, Árbol de Decisiones y Análisis de Sensibilidad, se plantea que el Principio Precautorio puede ser introducido en el sistema de bioseguridad de Argentina mediante una combinación de dichos procedimientos y técnicas, a fin de constituir un sólido marco de naturaleza transparente, sistemática, escéptica, factible de ser examinada mediante juicio por pares, independiente, responsable y erudito, y que mantiene inalterable el fundamento científico del mismo.
Revista iberoamericana de la propiedad intelectual, Jun 30, 2021
COVID-19 y suspensión de patentes. Entre la fábula y la historia productos, licenciar sus invenci... more COVID-19 y suspensión de patentes. Entre la fábula y la historia productos, licenciar sus invenciones a quienes quisieran y aplicar mínimas regalías para redireccionarlas a círculos virtuosos de invención, desarrollo e innovación.
Social Science Research Network, 2020
Spanish Abstract: En el marco de la pandemia global causada por Covid-19 hay preocupacion de que ... more Spanish Abstract: En el marco de la pandemia global causada por Covid-19 hay preocupacion de que los derechos de propiedad intelectual puedan impedir el acceso publico a los medicamentos y/o alimentos necesarios para contrarrestar la emergencia. Algunos gobiernos, han dispuesto disposiciones de licencias obligatorias para sortear estos potenciales obstaculos. Sin embargo, el analisis de la situacion no demuestra que los supuestos necesarios para la aplicacion de licencias obligatorias se hayan cumplido y, por lo tanto, no resulta justificable ni necesaria la aplicacion de estas. En sentido opuesto, el analisis indica que el sistema de derechos de propiedad intelectual constituye una concreta y eficaz herramienta para el incentivo de mas y mejores invenciones que luego pueden transferirse y convertirse en innovaciones para la solucion de tan graves problemas mediante licencias voluntarias. En un plano inclusivo, la pandemia de Covid-19 esta generando un incipiente y alentador fenomeno de “pragmatismo combinado”, en el cual los incentivos que generan los derechos de propiedad intelectual se perfeccionan a traves de la solidaridad y la subsidiariedad. Se presta especial atencion a los consorcios de investigacion y otras estructuras de open innovation. English Abstract: In the context of the global pandemic caused by the COVID-19 virus, a concern is emerging that the exclusivities of the holders of intellectual property rights may impede public access to the medicines and / or food necessary to counter the emergency in quantity, quality and affordable prices. This is the apparent reason why some governments have put in place compulsory licensing provisions to overcome possible obstacles to intellectual property rights. The analysis of the situation at the time of writing this article does not demonstrate in any case that the assumptions necessary for the application of compulsory licenses have been met. Therefore, the application of such licenses on a product or procedure protected by an intellectual property right is not justifiable or necessary. In the opposite direction, the analysis shows that the international system of intellectual property rights constitutes a concrete and at the same time effective tool for the incentive of more and better inventions that can later be transferred and become critical innovations for the solution of such serious problems. through voluntary licenses. On an inclusive level, the COVID-19 pandemic is generating an encouraging phenomenon of “combined pragmatism”, in which the incentives generated by intellectual property rights are perfected though solidarity and subsidiarity. Open innovation is a more efficient tool.
Springer eBooks, 2019
This chapter contains the complete development of the Plant Germplasm Integrated System, based on... more This chapter contains the complete development of the Plant Germplasm Integrated System, based on a binding treaty with 21 articles. Almost all articles have a footnote call in order to expand or argue each point. In many cases, specific mention is made that the point is a "governing principle" of the "System." When a "governing principle" is mentioned, it responds to the Table of Balance and Transfer, from Chap. 3, and to a cooperative game.
Social Science Research Network, Mar 17, 2020
Social Science Research Network, Jul 17, 2020
The seed industry and public institutions dedicated to the improvement of crops have done an extr... more The seed industry and public institutions dedicated to the improvement of crops have done an extraordinary job in the last 80 years. Thanks to their efforts and achievements, we have possibilities to feed a world with more than 7,000 million people. But in a few years, we will be many more to feed, in a planet that no longer tolerates more challenges to its sustainability. The difficulties in the next 20 years will be higher than in the past 80 years. The challenge ahead it is neither just a question to overcome such technological difficulties nor to demonstrate that the new plant varieties have best performance than the previous ones. Working together, the seed industry and the academy, must also convince the public that they can do it, and do it well, attending extremely sensitive social and environment externalities.
Social Science Research Network, 2019
Social Science Research Network, Dec 22, 2020
Social Science Research Network, 2019
Social Science Research Network, Dec 14, 2020
The modern plant breeding to obtain new plant varieties is based on genomic and phenomic selectio... more The modern plant breeding to obtain new plant varieties is based on genomic and phenomic selection generated through big data with millions of information points. In the face of such a quantity of data, it is necessary to use artificial intelligence to combine a complete vision and analysis of the problem through a human-computer interaction never addressed. The use of artificial intelligence has already created interpretive challenges in patents and copyrights. To a greater extent, modern plant breeding with the assistance of artificial intelligence is exposing major disarticulations and anachronisms in the Plant Breeder’s Rights and patent systems for biotechnological inventions. The challenges may even extend to the question of who would be entitled to the right in the case of products obtained without human intervention. The analysis of the situation indicates, on the one hand, that it would be necessary a review of the international framework of intellectual property rights in plant living matter which is based on independent treaties and conventions that apply to an indivisible organism as is a new plant variety. A more logical proposal would be to have a single, modern, and up-to-date comprehensive sui generis protection system for all types of plant germplasm. On the other hand, it is proposed that, even in the case of products obtained through complete artificial intelligence processes, there must always be a human person legally responsible of the consequences of their actions, whether positive or negative
Social Science Research Network, 2019
This chapter contains an exhaustive description of the changes that occurred in the steps of agri... more This chapter contains an exhaustive description of the changes that occurred in the steps of agriculture 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 to 4.0, and the general claim of the work, which is, that “Agriculture 4.0” requires adhering to a different regulatory paradigm. An analysis is presented showing that the current network of separate sums of regulatory treaties is not the adequate tool that can answer to the demand of this new scenario.
Springer eBooks, 2019
This chapter contains an exhaustive description of the changes that occurred in the steps of agri... more This chapter contains an exhaustive description of the changes that occurred in the steps of agriculture 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 to 4.0, and the general claim of the work, which is, that “Agriculture 4.0” requires adhering to a different regulatory paradigm. An analysis is presented showing that the current network of separate sums of regulatory treaties is not the adequate tool that can answer to the demand of this new scenario.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Feb 7, 2023
This work proposes the developing of a blockchain smart contract and the formal creation of Non-F... more This work proposes the developing of a blockchain smart contract and the formal creation of Non-Fungible Plant Variety (NFPV) by tokenizing such a real-world asset. The NFPV enables complete transparency of the seed market by establishing an unprecedented relationship between the breeder of the plant variety and the acquirer of the seed of such plant variety. Each digital token of an NFPV is backed by a seed unit of the same real-world variety produced that year by the breeder. A digital token of an NFPV cannot exist without the backing of a seed unit of the same variety, nor vice versa. Purchasers of the NFPV will have the opportunity to bid in the ICO (initial coin offering) for the purpose of determining the valuation price of the NFPV and its copy in case of seed save and use, the base price of which will be the real-world production value of the seed containing the variety. The transaction will be made through the standard for non-fungible tokens (NFT) in the Ethereum ERC-721 network using the Solidity language, the transaction being credited with the network's cryptocurrency Ether (ETH) and the MetaMask virtual wallet or digital purse. The work described here is the creation and commercialization of the seed of an NFPV, a concept that is perfectly in line with the obligations of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs) and the system of intellectual protection of the Union internationale pour la Protection des Obtentions Végétales (UPOV). NFPVs may be particularly relevant in the case of specialty crops.
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this p... more The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.
Social Science Research Network, Dec 31, 2023
La interacción entre los derechos de propiedad intelectual y los procesos de innovación abierta a... more La interacción entre los derechos de propiedad intelectual y los procesos de innovación abierta aplicados en el mejoramiento... alternativa (hipótesis 3) es que el marco legal para fomentar el desarrollo deba reformularse de forma integral para adecuarlo a los desarrollos del mejoramiento vegetal moderno bajo procesos de innovación abierta. La decisión para una u otra alternativa es crítica, dado que de ella dependerá la tasa de innovación resultante de los cultivos. Palabras clave: mejoramiento vegetal, innovación abierta, derechos de propiedad intelectual.
Springer eBooks, 2019
This chapter contains an exhaustive description and evolution of the main international treaties ... more This chapter contains an exhaustive description and evolution of the main international treaties on patents, breeder’s rights, genetic resources, and biosafety. The difficulties of adapting these frameworks to the development of new technologies, especially gene editing, are considered. Five real gene-editing cases are analyzed in the current scenario of separate treaties and regulations.
La Tesis plantea la hipótesis que si el Principio Precautorio del Protocolo de Bioseguridad de Ca... more La Tesis plantea la hipótesis que si el Principio Precautorio del Protocolo de Bioseguridad de Cartagena fuese incorporado y aplicado al proceso de regulación para la liberación al medio de plantas transgénicas en Argentina mediante una interpretación positiva del mismo y una clara explicitación de su definición, alcance, limitaciones y operabilidad y de los límites de la evaluación del riesgo manteniendo inalterable el fundamento científico de la Bioseguridad, el resultado podría responder con la mayor rigurosidad científica y ética a la evaluación de los nuevos productos transgénicos, respetando el derecho de opinión de la sociedad y afianzar el rol del país como proveedor de alimentos a escala mundial. La Tesis presenta un análisis del marco agroalimentario de Argentina, el Protocolo de Bioseguridad de Cartagena, el análisis de riesgo de plantas y alimentos transgénicos, el marco internacional y nacional de bioseguridad ambiental, alimenticia y de mercados, la historia y desarrollo del Principio Precautorio, y las aplicaciones del Principio Precautorio para, finalmente, presentar un diagnóstico en la forma de un modelo de sistema de bioseguridad aplicado a la situación de Argentina con la integración de una etapa inédita, denominada "evaluación precautoria". En la Tesis se analiza por medio de un ejemplo teórico un proceso de aplicación de las técnicas participativas. Se argumenta que a diferencia de la evaluación de riesgo, el resultado final de la evaluación precautoria es la consecuencia de analizar en conjunto a todo el rango de opciones posibles junto al producto foco, y la atención no solo está direccionada al resultado alcanzado, sino también a la naturaleza, dependencia del contexto y defensa de las premisas determinantes cruciales y objetivos que llevaron a obtener ese valor. Aunque el resultado puede no ser una única conclusión "discreta, precisa y/o definitiva" y también puede incluir un rango de opciones, el mismo será el reflejo de las dudas y temores de la sociedad frente a los beneficios potenciales y la incertidumbre, indeterminancia e ignorancia. El resultado es también el reflejo de haber explorado la importancia relativa de las interacciones entre los objetivos, opciones, juicios de valor, criterios y ponderaciones. Basado en la ética deontologista, teoría de la decisión, y fundamentado en la aplicación del procedimiento deliberativo de Grupos Focales y las técnicas participativas del Análisis de Criterios Múltiples, Árbol de Valores, Árbol de Decisiones y Análisis de Sensibilidad, se plantea que el Principio Precautorio puede ser introducido en el sistema de bioseguridad de Argentina mediante una combinación de dichos procedimientos y técnicas, a fin de constituir un sólido marco de naturaleza transparente, sistemática, escéptica, factible de ser examinada mediante juicio por pares, independiente, responsable y erudito, y que mantiene inalterable el fundamento científico del mismo.
Revista iberoamericana de la propiedad intelectual, Jun 30, 2021
COVID-19 y suspensión de patentes. Entre la fábula y la historia productos, licenciar sus invenci... more COVID-19 y suspensión de patentes. Entre la fábula y la historia productos, licenciar sus invenciones a quienes quisieran y aplicar mínimas regalías para redireccionarlas a círculos virtuosos de invención, desarrollo e innovación.
Social Science Research Network, 2020
Spanish Abstract: En el marco de la pandemia global causada por Covid-19 hay preocupacion de que ... more Spanish Abstract: En el marco de la pandemia global causada por Covid-19 hay preocupacion de que los derechos de propiedad intelectual puedan impedir el acceso publico a los medicamentos y/o alimentos necesarios para contrarrestar la emergencia. Algunos gobiernos, han dispuesto disposiciones de licencias obligatorias para sortear estos potenciales obstaculos. Sin embargo, el analisis de la situacion no demuestra que los supuestos necesarios para la aplicacion de licencias obligatorias se hayan cumplido y, por lo tanto, no resulta justificable ni necesaria la aplicacion de estas. En sentido opuesto, el analisis indica que el sistema de derechos de propiedad intelectual constituye una concreta y eficaz herramienta para el incentivo de mas y mejores invenciones que luego pueden transferirse y convertirse en innovaciones para la solucion de tan graves problemas mediante licencias voluntarias. En un plano inclusivo, la pandemia de Covid-19 esta generando un incipiente y alentador fenomeno de “pragmatismo combinado”, en el cual los incentivos que generan los derechos de propiedad intelectual se perfeccionan a traves de la solidaridad y la subsidiariedad. Se presta especial atencion a los consorcios de investigacion y otras estructuras de open innovation. English Abstract: In the context of the global pandemic caused by the COVID-19 virus, a concern is emerging that the exclusivities of the holders of intellectual property rights may impede public access to the medicines and / or food necessary to counter the emergency in quantity, quality and affordable prices. This is the apparent reason why some governments have put in place compulsory licensing provisions to overcome possible obstacles to intellectual property rights. The analysis of the situation at the time of writing this article does not demonstrate in any case that the assumptions necessary for the application of compulsory licenses have been met. Therefore, the application of such licenses on a product or procedure protected by an intellectual property right is not justifiable or necessary. In the opposite direction, the analysis shows that the international system of intellectual property rights constitutes a concrete and at the same time effective tool for the incentive of more and better inventions that can later be transferred and become critical innovations for the solution of such serious problems. through voluntary licenses. On an inclusive level, the COVID-19 pandemic is generating an encouraging phenomenon of “combined pragmatism”, in which the incentives generated by intellectual property rights are perfected though solidarity and subsidiarity. Open innovation is a more efficient tool.
Springer eBooks, 2019
This chapter contains the complete development of the Plant Germplasm Integrated System, based on... more This chapter contains the complete development of the Plant Germplasm Integrated System, based on a binding treaty with 21 articles. Almost all articles have a footnote call in order to expand or argue each point. In many cases, specific mention is made that the point is a "governing principle" of the "System." When a "governing principle" is mentioned, it responds to the Table of Balance and Transfer, from Chap. 3, and to a cooperative game.
Social Science Research Network, Mar 17, 2020
Social Science Research Network, Jul 17, 2020
The seed industry and public institutions dedicated to the improvement of crops have done an extr... more The seed industry and public institutions dedicated to the improvement of crops have done an extraordinary job in the last 80 years. Thanks to their efforts and achievements, we have possibilities to feed a world with more than 7,000 million people. But in a few years, we will be many more to feed, in a planet that no longer tolerates more challenges to its sustainability. The difficulties in the next 20 years will be higher than in the past 80 years. The challenge ahead it is neither just a question to overcome such technological difficulties nor to demonstrate that the new plant varieties have best performance than the previous ones. Working together, the seed industry and the academy, must also convince the public that they can do it, and do it well, attending extremely sensitive social and environment externalities.
Social Science Research Network, 2019
Social Science Research Network, Dec 22, 2020
Social Science Research Network, 2019
Social Science Research Network, Dec 14, 2020
The modern plant breeding to obtain new plant varieties is based on genomic and phenomic selectio... more The modern plant breeding to obtain new plant varieties is based on genomic and phenomic selection generated through big data with millions of information points. In the face of such a quantity of data, it is necessary to use artificial intelligence to combine a complete vision and analysis of the problem through a human-computer interaction never addressed. The use of artificial intelligence has already created interpretive challenges in patents and copyrights. To a greater extent, modern plant breeding with the assistance of artificial intelligence is exposing major disarticulations and anachronisms in the Plant Breeder’s Rights and patent systems for biotechnological inventions. The challenges may even extend to the question of who would be entitled to the right in the case of products obtained without human intervention. The analysis of the situation indicates, on the one hand, that it would be necessary a review of the international framework of intellectual property rights in plant living matter which is based on independent treaties and conventions that apply to an indivisible organism as is a new plant variety. A more logical proposal would be to have a single, modern, and up-to-date comprehensive sui generis protection system for all types of plant germplasm. On the other hand, it is proposed that, even in the case of products obtained through complete artificial intelligence processes, there must always be a human person legally responsible of the consequences of their actions, whether positive or negative
Social Science Research Network, 2019
This chapter contains an exhaustive description of the changes that occurred in the steps of agri... more This chapter contains an exhaustive description of the changes that occurred in the steps of agriculture 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 to 4.0, and the general claim of the work, which is, that “Agriculture 4.0” requires adhering to a different regulatory paradigm. An analysis is presented showing that the current network of separate sums of regulatory treaties is not the adequate tool that can answer to the demand of this new scenario.
Springer eBooks, 2019
This chapter contains an exhaustive description of the changes that occurred in the steps of agri... more This chapter contains an exhaustive description of the changes that occurred in the steps of agriculture 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 to 4.0, and the general claim of the work, which is, that “Agriculture 4.0” requires adhering to a different regulatory paradigm. An analysis is presented showing that the current network of separate sums of regulatory treaties is not the adequate tool that can answer to the demand of this new scenario.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Feb 7, 2023
This work proposes the developing of a blockchain smart contract and the formal creation of Non-F... more This work proposes the developing of a blockchain smart contract and the formal creation of Non-Fungible Plant Variety (NFPV) by tokenizing such a real-world asset. The NFPV enables complete transparency of the seed market by establishing an unprecedented relationship between the breeder of the plant variety and the acquirer of the seed of such plant variety. Each digital token of an NFPV is backed by a seed unit of the same real-world variety produced that year by the breeder. A digital token of an NFPV cannot exist without the backing of a seed unit of the same variety, nor vice versa. Purchasers of the NFPV will have the opportunity to bid in the ICO (initial coin offering) for the purpose of determining the valuation price of the NFPV and its copy in case of seed save and use, the base price of which will be the real-world production value of the seed containing the variety. The transaction will be made through the standard for non-fungible tokens (NFT) in the Ethereum ERC-721 network using the Solidity language, the transaction being credited with the network's cryptocurrency Ether (ETH) and the MetaMask virtual wallet or digital purse. The work described here is the creation and commercialization of the seed of an NFPV, a concept that is perfectly in line with the obligations of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs) and the system of intellectual protection of the Union internationale pour la Protection des Obtentions Végétales (UPOV). NFPVs may be particularly relevant in the case of specialty crops.
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this p... more The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.