Raphael dos Santos Miguelez Perez (original) (raw)
Papers by Raphael dos Santos Miguelez Perez
Journal for Japanese Studies, 2023
2005 年の世界サミットで、ブラジル、ドイツ、日本、インドは、国連安全保障理事会 ( 安保理 ) の改革を求めるG4というグループを設立した。ブラジル、ドイツ、日本の各外務省は、改革に向ける独... more 2005 年の世界サミットで、ブラジル、ドイツ、日本、インドは、国連安全保障理事会 ( 安保理 ) の改革を求めるG4というグループを設立した。ブラジル、ドイツ、日本の各外務省は、改革に向ける独自の公式サイトを作成した。これらのページでは、「より代表的で、正当で、効率的な」安保理のための改革の重要性が正当化されている。本稿では、三つのサイトの言説の比較に焦点を当てている。分析は、批判的言説分析のアプローチ、特に Fairclough (2015) の 三次元の枠組み、および Bendel Larcher (2015) の画像分析の要約された提案を応用して実行した。
結果として、ブラジルのテキストで短い文が優先されており(ほとんど能動態で)、等位節や表現的なモダリティの出現が多い。それに、多くの主張的な言語行為も見られる。ドイツのテキストは客観的で、ブラジルのテキストのように短い文も優先されているが、最上級や多くの宣言的な言語行為 (遂行動詞)の例が見られる。また、Q&Aセクションも含まれている。一方、日本のテキストでは、多くの従属節や表現的なモダリティ、宣言的な言語行為の例が提示されている。ドイツのサイトのように、Q&A も含まれている。ブラジルのホームページにある写真は照明強度が不均一で人のいない安保理会議場を示しているが、ドイツのサイトにある写真は人のいる会議場での人間の活動に焦点を当てている。日本のサイトでは図表などの抽象的な画像が表示され、科学的な言説と説諭的な効果を生んでいる。
両国の経済力や国連への財政負担であり、したがってG4は経済力をもつドイツと日本、発展途上国を代表するブラジルとインドとが組み合わさった戦略的なものと見ることができるだろう。グループの改革提案によって強化されるのは、グローバルに広がる資本主義的な実践である。G4 の改革案の問題とはいえ、その言説の説諭的な性質や論理的議論などを通じて、読者の間に真実性と信頼性の効果が生み出されており、グループの言説が正当化および規範化されている。
DaF e Aprendizagem Intercultural / DaF und interkulturelles Lernen, 2021
Within the scope of the Portuguese-German undergraduate course at UERJ, efforts have been made in... more Within the scope of the Portuguese-German undergraduate course at UERJ, efforts have been made in the last decade to expand the internationalization fronts, not only of the institution as a whole, through major international partnership agreements, but also at the undergraduate level. Among the initiatives, we highlight the use of technologies in virtual exchange projects, in order to improve the teaching-learning opportunities of the German language and culture. This article presents the results of a virtual linguistic-literary exchange project carried out between undergraduate students of the Portuguese-German course from UERJ, and students of the Portuguese as a foreign language course, from the Institute for Romance Studies at JLU Gießen, Germany. The project consisted of a virtual email exchange activity, in which intercultural aspects of the book Um Brasileiro em Berlim, by João Ubaldo Ribeiro, were discussed by students from both institutions, the JLU students writing in Portuguese and the UERJ students writing in German. The aim of this project was to allow an exchange not only at the linguistic level, enhancing the students’ competence in the targeted foreign language, but also at the intercultural level, focusing on cultural sensitivity and the critical discussion of stereotypes. At the end of the project, a survey was applied, in which students from both institutions evaluated the carried out activities. The corpus of this study is composed of the answers given to this questionnaire. The theoretical-methodological framework used for the analysis of the expressions of affection regarding the activity was the Appraisal Theory (Martin 2015), a development of the Systemic Functional Linguistics (Halliday 2014). The results point to the strong potential of this type of project for intercultural practice in foreign language learning, mediated by technology. In addition, it is possible to state that the participants’ different learning goals directly influence the development of the proposed activities.
Re-Memorando Murilo Rubião: 20 Anos de sua Morte, 2013
O romance Genji Monogatari (O Romance do Genji, na tradução portuguesa de Carlos Correia Monteiro... more O romance Genji Monogatari (O Romance do Genji, na tradução portuguesa de Carlos Correia Monteiro de Oliveira) é a obra literária clássica mais famosa do Japão, tendo sido traduzida para diversas línguas, entre elas o português. Dentre os diversos aspectos que se pode analisar na obra, como os costumes característicos da era Heian, os papéis sociais na vida da corte imperial, a influência do budismo no Japão ou mesmo a questão da valorização do belo e da natureza,
entre outros, um dos temas mais presentes, sem dúvida, é a questão do Insólito. Comum a diversas narrativas da época, seja na literatura, nos mitos ou nas lendas japonesas, o Sobrenatural faz parte do imaginário do povo japonês até hoje. Além disso, a presença da figura feminina no Sobrenatural também é bastante forte na cultura japonesa. Sendo assim, o presente artigo pretende apresentar o caráter sobrenatural de Genji Monogatari, mais especificamente a figura feminina da personagem Rokujô no Miyasudokoro, cujo espírito (tanto enquanto viva quanto
depois de morta), por ciúmes, possui o corpo de algumas das mulheres da vida do príncipe conhecido pelo nome Hikaru Genji, protagonista da história.
Palavras-chave: Genji Monogatari, Rokujô no Miyasudokoro, Insólito, Possessão, Feminismo; Era Heian
Travessias, deslocamentos, diásporas : os entrelaces nos estudos clássicos e orientais, volume 2, 2021
This paper seeks to identify discursive similarities and differences on the official websites of ... more This paper seeks to identify discursive similarities and differences on the official websites of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Brazil and Japan in
favor of the reform of the UN Security Council. For this purpose, the
theoretical framework of Critical Discourse Analysis (Fairclough, 2015) is
used. In terms of textual and discursive practices, Brazilian texts show the use of short and objective sentences, mostly in the active voice, a high degree of coordinated sentences and expressive modalities, in addition to a higher frequency of assertive speech acts. Japanese texts, on the other hand, also have a high degree of modalization, but present rhetorical questions, more subordinate clauses, in addition to a higher frequency of declarative speech acts. With regard to the analysis of social practice, both sites focus on their own national interests, especially in the case
of Japan, which presents its high financial contribution to the UN as one
of the main arguments in favor of the reform.
Keywords: UN Security Council Reform; Critical Discourse Analysis;
National interest; Brazil; Japan
Projekt, 2015
Os contos de fadas são objetos de interesse mundial, tanto como entretenimento, quanto como instr... more Os contos de fadas são objetos de interesse mundial, tanto como
entretenimento, quanto como instrumento pedagógico e de análise
acadêmica. Configuram-se em narrativas cujas características principais
são o elemento fantástico e os valores morais que delas se pode apreender. Levando em consideração essas características, fundamentadas em teóricos como Todorov e Nelly Novaes Coelho, o presente trabalho busca realizar uma análise comparativa entre dois contos de fadas populares em seus países de origem: Frau Holle (Senhora
Holle), conto alemão coletado pelos Irmãos Grimm, e Shitakiri Suzume (O pardal da língua cortada), conto japonês coletado por Masao Kusuyama. Tem-se como objetivo traçar semelhanças e diferenças entre as duas narrativas, considerando concepções culturais e valores morais ocidentais e orientais, de forma a possibilitar uma abordagem intercultural dos dois contos, partindo do pressuposto que se pode conhecer melhor a si mesmo a partir da comparação com o outro.
Palavras-chave: Contos de fadas; Valores morais; Frau Holle; Shitakiri Suzume.
Bornistik: Sprach- und kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf die Romania und die Welt, 2021
O G4 é um grupo formado em 2004 por Brasil, Alemanha, Japão e Índia visando propor uma reforma do... more O G4 é um grupo formado em 2004 por Brasil, Alemanha, Japão e Índia visando propor uma reforma do Conselho de Segurança da Organização das Nações Unidas. O grupo defende uma ampliação dos assentos permanentes e não-permanentes, tornando o Conselho de Segurança mais representativo, uma vez que se mantém inalterado desde o fim da Segunda Guerra Mundial, embora o número de países no mundo quase tenha quadruplicado. Desse modo, o presente artigo propõe uma análise discursiva das modalidades (Fairclough 2001, 2003, 2015; Resende e Ramalho 2006) em duas Declarações de Cúpula do G4, emitidas em forma de comunicado conjunto à imprensa. Analiso aqui a construção discursiva do etos do grupo em dois momentos específicos de sua história.
Revista Philologus, 2014
A crescente popularidade da cultura japonesa no Brasil tem aumentado a busca por cursos de gradua... more A crescente popularidade da cultura japonesa no Brasil tem aumentado a busca por cursos de graduação em letras ou em cursos na área das ciências humanas nos quais se possa tomar o Japão como foco. Consequentemente, forma-se um novo mercado de trabalho para esses profissionais especialistas em língua ou cultura japonesa. No entanto, devido às diferenças entre os idiomas japonês e português e entre as culturas brasileira e japonesa, julga-se importante que os brasileiros que assumam esse papel de "representantes nipônicos" tenham domínio das sutilezas linguísticoculturais desse universo. Tendo como foco o ensino de japonês como língua estrangeira, busca-se aqui chamar atenção para a necessidade de um processo de ensinoaprendizagem do idioma associado ao modo de pensar e de significar do povo japonês. Sem isso, diversos vícios do português acabam permeando o processo de produção de sentidos em japonês. Dessa forma, o presente artigo busca destacar certas especificidades da língua japonesa que, aprendidas apenas em sua forma gramatical e desvinculadas de noções culturais, podem acabar não tendo o efeito esperado. Para tal, tomam-se como arcabouço teórico alguns conceitos de Maingueneau (2011), de Schumann (apud BEZERRA, 2003), de Kramsch (2004) e de Kaplan (1966).
Palavras-chave: Aquisição de língua estrangeira. Cultura japonesa. Língua japonesa.
Estudos Japoneses, 2011
O presente artigo procura mostrar que modos de operação da ideologia podem ser en contrados no di... more O presente artigo procura mostrar que modos de operação da ideologia podem ser en contrados no discurso de Akihito, Imperador do Japão. Para tal, utiliza-se o arcabouço teórico da Análise Crítica do Discurso, mais precisamente o conceito de ideologia e os modos de operação da ideologia de Thompson. Sendo assim, a análise crítica de alocuções de Akihito mostra que, por mais que atualmente o Imperador do Japão não governe de fato, de acordo com a Constituição vigente desde o pós-guerra, a posição que ocupa como símbolo da nação e da união do povo confere a ele influência sobre esse povo, exercida por meio da ideologia.
Palavras-chave: Imperador do Japão; Akihito; ideologia; Análise Crítica do Discurso; Thompson.
e-scrita: Revista do Curso de Letras da UNIABEU, 2012
O presente artigo busca traçar qual é a imagem de fiel construída por meio da música gospel brasi... more O presente artigo busca traçar qual é a imagem de fiel construída por meio da música gospel brasileira, bem como refletir sobre como a análise do processo de transitividade contribui para a construção dessa imagem. Para tal, faz-se uso do arcabouço teórico da Linguística Sistêmico-Funcional, proposto por Halliday. A análise se baseia em dez canções de amplo alcance no mundo gospel.
Palavras-chave: Música gospel brasileira; Transitividade; Linguística Sistêmico-Funcional.
Books by Raphael dos Santos Miguelez Perez
O etos de Akihito: uma análise discursiva de alocuções do Imperador do Japão, 2013
After the Second World War, the Emperor of Japan lost his sovereignty and became symbol of the na... more After the Second World War, the Emperor of Japan lost his sovereignty and became symbol of the nation and of the unity of the Japanese people, according to the Constitution promulgated in 1947, being his functions basically ceremonials and diplomatics. Thinking of this Emperor as symbol and of the future of the imperial institution in Japan, the present dissertation tried to analyze what image Emperor Akihito creates of himself through his allocutions. Such allocutions are available on Imperial Household Agency s website in both Japanese and English. Therefore, considering that the availability of the texts in Japanese predicates Japanese coenunciators and that of the texts in English predicates the international community as coenunciators, the images created in both cases were analyzed, searching for signs of possible differences in the creation of the ethos of Akihito in both versions of his allocutions. Furthermore, one also tried to think the power relations, according to Foucault (1995, 2010), in the research corpus. For theoretical basis, concepts of the enunciative Discourse Analysis were used, more specifically the concept of ethos in Maingueneau s view (1997, 2011b). The collected material of analysis comprehends press conferences occurred in the occasion of celebrations for ten and twenty years of the enthronement of Akihito, in the years of 1999 and 2009, respectively. The methodology of research consisted in analyzing in a comparative way the texts in Japanese with the ones in English, focusing the occurrences of the Japanese verb omou, which expresses sentiment and judgment, recurrent in the Emperor s allocutions. One has also analyzed the occurrences of deontic modalities in both versions of the text, considering that their few occurrences also contribute to think the Emperor s image. As a result, significative differences between the two versions of the allocutions were observed. The ethos of Akihito in the allocutions in Japanese suggests an emperor that is friend and closer to the people, with a soft and moderate tone, in a way that creates identification between people and him. The ethos apprehended in the English version, on the other hand, suggests an Emperor who is stronger in his convictions, sometimes emphasizing more his feelings and opinions, sometimes less, leading to some westernization of his image. Thinking in terms of power relation, which characterize control and disclosure, one has also concluded that, being Japan the biggest capitalist ally in the East and its Emperor, symbolic representative of this country, it seems relevant that his allocutions are available in such a way that it becomes possible for the international community to exercise continuous control, ensuring the capitalist order.
Palavras-chave: Discurso; Poder; Etos; Imperador do Japão; Akihito
Keywords: Discourse; Power; Ethos; Emperor of Japan; Akihito
Brasilien, Deutschland und Japan für die UN-Sicherheitsratsreform: eine Kritische Diskursanalyse der Online-Reformvorschläge, 2022
At the 2005 World Summit, Brazil, Germany, Japan and India established the Group of Four (G4), a ... more At the 2005 World Summit, Brazil, Germany, Japan and India established the Group of Four (G4), a group of countries seeking the reform of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). Of the four members, the
Ministries of External Affairs of Brazil, Germany, and Japan created their own web pages for the reform. On these pages, they justify the need and importance of the reform, for the UNSC to become "more representative, legitimate and efficient". The present doctoral study focused on the comparison of the discursive treatment of the same questions on the reform of the UNSC in different languages, i.e. Portuguese, German and Japanese. Texts and images on the aforementioned websites compose the corpus. The analysis was carried out using the approach of Critical Discourse Analysis, in particular Fairclough's (2015) method introduced in Language and Power, and Bendel Larcher's (2015) image analysis summarized in Linguistische Diskursanalyse. The results show that the Brazilian texts present short sentences, most active, and a frequency of coordination. Many occurrences of expressive modalities are also noteworthy. The German texts seem very objective and show some instances of superlative, which emphasizes the urgency of the reform and
the advantages of a permanent seat for Germany. The Japanese texts, on the other hand, present many subordinate clauses and, like the Brazilian ones, many expressive modalities. Since the German and Japanese
websites have a Q&A section, interrogative sentences occur, which is not noticeable in the case of the Brazilian website. Moreover, more assertive speech acts can be seen in the Brazilian texts, whereas declarative (performative) speech acts are more frequent in the German and the Japanese texts, which highlights the active participation of these countries in the UN. In terms of image analysis, the photo on the Brazilian homepage is large and appears quite subjective, with an empty Security Council chamber portrayed with uneven lighting intensity. The German picture on the homepage is smaller and appears more objective as it focuses on the human activities in a full UNSC chamber. Japan, on the other hand, shows abstract images such as diagrams, which appear more scientific and didactic. Furthermore, it could be noted that Brazil's discourse emphasizes the under-representativeness of developing countries in the UNSC, whereas Germany and Japan often emphasize their financial contributions to the UN. The emergence of the G4 countries can therefore be interpreted as strategic, with Brazil and India bringing representativeness to developing countries, whereas Germany and Japan bring their status as economic powers. In this sense, the national interests of these countries appear in the foreground, while the solution to practical problems such as the right of veto is not addressed in the G4 reform proposal. Nevertheless, the informative and partly didactic nature of the texts and images on the three websites shows a certain argumentative strength that generates truth and reliability among the readership. This legitimizes and normalizes these discourses.
Keywords: United Nations Security Council Reform; G4; Critical Discourse Analysis; Representativeness; Legitimacy
Journal articles by Raphael dos Santos Miguelez Perez
FuLiA/UFMG, 2024
The modern editions of the Olympic Games convey international values, with sports being considere... more The modern editions of the Olympic Games convey international values, with sports being considered a tool to negotiate geopolitical issues. Particularly, the Opening and Closing Ceremonies can be seen as solemn events with an important visual aspect. Basedon a discursive perspective through the lens of Bendel Larcher, Kress and Heller, this paper analyzes the shapes and the colors of the sartorial items used by artists during the Opening and Closing Ceremonies from 2000 until 2020. It focuses on the artists invited to perform during the occasions, and on their role to communicate different messages concerning the international conjuncture.
Journal for Japanese Studies, 2023
2005 年の世界サミットで、ブラジル、ドイツ、日本、インドは、国連安全保障理事会 ( 安保理 ) の改革を求めるG4というグループを設立した。ブラジル、ドイツ、日本の各外務省は、改革に向ける独... more 2005 年の世界サミットで、ブラジル、ドイツ、日本、インドは、国連安全保障理事会 ( 安保理 ) の改革を求めるG4というグループを設立した。ブラジル、ドイツ、日本の各外務省は、改革に向ける独自の公式サイトを作成した。これらのページでは、「より代表的で、正当で、効率的な」安保理のための改革の重要性が正当化されている。本稿では、三つのサイトの言説の比較に焦点を当てている。分析は、批判的言説分析のアプローチ、特に Fairclough (2015) の 三次元の枠組み、および Bendel Larcher (2015) の画像分析の要約された提案を応用して実行した。
結果として、ブラジルのテキストで短い文が優先されており(ほとんど能動態で)、等位節や表現的なモダリティの出現が多い。それに、多くの主張的な言語行為も見られる。ドイツのテキストは客観的で、ブラジルのテキストのように短い文も優先されているが、最上級や多くの宣言的な言語行為 (遂行動詞)の例が見られる。また、Q&Aセクションも含まれている。一方、日本のテキストでは、多くの従属節や表現的なモダリティ、宣言的な言語行為の例が提示されている。ドイツのサイトのように、Q&A も含まれている。ブラジルのホームページにある写真は照明強度が不均一で人のいない安保理会議場を示しているが、ドイツのサイトにある写真は人のいる会議場での人間の活動に焦点を当てている。日本のサイトでは図表などの抽象的な画像が表示され、科学的な言説と説諭的な効果を生んでいる。
両国の経済力や国連への財政負担であり、したがってG4は経済力をもつドイツと日本、発展途上国を代表するブラジルとインドとが組み合わさった戦略的なものと見ることができるだろう。グループの改革提案によって強化されるのは、グローバルに広がる資本主義的な実践である。G4 の改革案の問題とはいえ、その言説の説諭的な性質や論理的議論などを通じて、読者の間に真実性と信頼性の効果が生み出されており、グループの言説が正当化および規範化されている。
DaF e Aprendizagem Intercultural / DaF und interkulturelles Lernen, 2021
Within the scope of the Portuguese-German undergraduate course at UERJ, efforts have been made in... more Within the scope of the Portuguese-German undergraduate course at UERJ, efforts have been made in the last decade to expand the internationalization fronts, not only of the institution as a whole, through major international partnership agreements, but also at the undergraduate level. Among the initiatives, we highlight the use of technologies in virtual exchange projects, in order to improve the teaching-learning opportunities of the German language and culture. This article presents the results of a virtual linguistic-literary exchange project carried out between undergraduate students of the Portuguese-German course from UERJ, and students of the Portuguese as a foreign language course, from the Institute for Romance Studies at JLU Gießen, Germany. The project consisted of a virtual email exchange activity, in which intercultural aspects of the book Um Brasileiro em Berlim, by João Ubaldo Ribeiro, were discussed by students from both institutions, the JLU students writing in Portuguese and the UERJ students writing in German. The aim of this project was to allow an exchange not only at the linguistic level, enhancing the students’ competence in the targeted foreign language, but also at the intercultural level, focusing on cultural sensitivity and the critical discussion of stereotypes. At the end of the project, a survey was applied, in which students from both institutions evaluated the carried out activities. The corpus of this study is composed of the answers given to this questionnaire. The theoretical-methodological framework used for the analysis of the expressions of affection regarding the activity was the Appraisal Theory (Martin 2015), a development of the Systemic Functional Linguistics (Halliday 2014). The results point to the strong potential of this type of project for intercultural practice in foreign language learning, mediated by technology. In addition, it is possible to state that the participants’ different learning goals directly influence the development of the proposed activities.
Re-Memorando Murilo Rubião: 20 Anos de sua Morte, 2013
O romance Genji Monogatari (O Romance do Genji, na tradução portuguesa de Carlos Correia Monteiro... more O romance Genji Monogatari (O Romance do Genji, na tradução portuguesa de Carlos Correia Monteiro de Oliveira) é a obra literária clássica mais famosa do Japão, tendo sido traduzida para diversas línguas, entre elas o português. Dentre os diversos aspectos que se pode analisar na obra, como os costumes característicos da era Heian, os papéis sociais na vida da corte imperial, a influência do budismo no Japão ou mesmo a questão da valorização do belo e da natureza,
entre outros, um dos temas mais presentes, sem dúvida, é a questão do Insólito. Comum a diversas narrativas da época, seja na literatura, nos mitos ou nas lendas japonesas, o Sobrenatural faz parte do imaginário do povo japonês até hoje. Além disso, a presença da figura feminina no Sobrenatural também é bastante forte na cultura japonesa. Sendo assim, o presente artigo pretende apresentar o caráter sobrenatural de Genji Monogatari, mais especificamente a figura feminina da personagem Rokujô no Miyasudokoro, cujo espírito (tanto enquanto viva quanto
depois de morta), por ciúmes, possui o corpo de algumas das mulheres da vida do príncipe conhecido pelo nome Hikaru Genji, protagonista da história.
Palavras-chave: Genji Monogatari, Rokujô no Miyasudokoro, Insólito, Possessão, Feminismo; Era Heian
Travessias, deslocamentos, diásporas : os entrelaces nos estudos clássicos e orientais, volume 2, 2021
This paper seeks to identify discursive similarities and differences on the official websites of ... more This paper seeks to identify discursive similarities and differences on the official websites of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Brazil and Japan in
favor of the reform of the UN Security Council. For this purpose, the
theoretical framework of Critical Discourse Analysis (Fairclough, 2015) is
used. In terms of textual and discursive practices, Brazilian texts show the use of short and objective sentences, mostly in the active voice, a high degree of coordinated sentences and expressive modalities, in addition to a higher frequency of assertive speech acts. Japanese texts, on the other hand, also have a high degree of modalization, but present rhetorical questions, more subordinate clauses, in addition to a higher frequency of declarative speech acts. With regard to the analysis of social practice, both sites focus on their own national interests, especially in the case
of Japan, which presents its high financial contribution to the UN as one
of the main arguments in favor of the reform.
Keywords: UN Security Council Reform; Critical Discourse Analysis;
National interest; Brazil; Japan
Projekt, 2015
Os contos de fadas são objetos de interesse mundial, tanto como entretenimento, quanto como instr... more Os contos de fadas são objetos de interesse mundial, tanto como
entretenimento, quanto como instrumento pedagógico e de análise
acadêmica. Configuram-se em narrativas cujas características principais
são o elemento fantástico e os valores morais que delas se pode apreender. Levando em consideração essas características, fundamentadas em teóricos como Todorov e Nelly Novaes Coelho, o presente trabalho busca realizar uma análise comparativa entre dois contos de fadas populares em seus países de origem: Frau Holle (Senhora
Holle), conto alemão coletado pelos Irmãos Grimm, e Shitakiri Suzume (O pardal da língua cortada), conto japonês coletado por Masao Kusuyama. Tem-se como objetivo traçar semelhanças e diferenças entre as duas narrativas, considerando concepções culturais e valores morais ocidentais e orientais, de forma a possibilitar uma abordagem intercultural dos dois contos, partindo do pressuposto que se pode conhecer melhor a si mesmo a partir da comparação com o outro.
Palavras-chave: Contos de fadas; Valores morais; Frau Holle; Shitakiri Suzume.
Bornistik: Sprach- und kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf die Romania und die Welt, 2021
O G4 é um grupo formado em 2004 por Brasil, Alemanha, Japão e Índia visando propor uma reforma do... more O G4 é um grupo formado em 2004 por Brasil, Alemanha, Japão e Índia visando propor uma reforma do Conselho de Segurança da Organização das Nações Unidas. O grupo defende uma ampliação dos assentos permanentes e não-permanentes, tornando o Conselho de Segurança mais representativo, uma vez que se mantém inalterado desde o fim da Segunda Guerra Mundial, embora o número de países no mundo quase tenha quadruplicado. Desse modo, o presente artigo propõe uma análise discursiva das modalidades (Fairclough 2001, 2003, 2015; Resende e Ramalho 2006) em duas Declarações de Cúpula do G4, emitidas em forma de comunicado conjunto à imprensa. Analiso aqui a construção discursiva do etos do grupo em dois momentos específicos de sua história.
Revista Philologus, 2014
A crescente popularidade da cultura japonesa no Brasil tem aumentado a busca por cursos de gradua... more A crescente popularidade da cultura japonesa no Brasil tem aumentado a busca por cursos de graduação em letras ou em cursos na área das ciências humanas nos quais se possa tomar o Japão como foco. Consequentemente, forma-se um novo mercado de trabalho para esses profissionais especialistas em língua ou cultura japonesa. No entanto, devido às diferenças entre os idiomas japonês e português e entre as culturas brasileira e japonesa, julga-se importante que os brasileiros que assumam esse papel de "representantes nipônicos" tenham domínio das sutilezas linguísticoculturais desse universo. Tendo como foco o ensino de japonês como língua estrangeira, busca-se aqui chamar atenção para a necessidade de um processo de ensinoaprendizagem do idioma associado ao modo de pensar e de significar do povo japonês. Sem isso, diversos vícios do português acabam permeando o processo de produção de sentidos em japonês. Dessa forma, o presente artigo busca destacar certas especificidades da língua japonesa que, aprendidas apenas em sua forma gramatical e desvinculadas de noções culturais, podem acabar não tendo o efeito esperado. Para tal, tomam-se como arcabouço teórico alguns conceitos de Maingueneau (2011), de Schumann (apud BEZERRA, 2003), de Kramsch (2004) e de Kaplan (1966).
Palavras-chave: Aquisição de língua estrangeira. Cultura japonesa. Língua japonesa.
Estudos Japoneses, 2011
O presente artigo procura mostrar que modos de operação da ideologia podem ser en contrados no di... more O presente artigo procura mostrar que modos de operação da ideologia podem ser en contrados no discurso de Akihito, Imperador do Japão. Para tal, utiliza-se o arcabouço teórico da Análise Crítica do Discurso, mais precisamente o conceito de ideologia e os modos de operação da ideologia de Thompson. Sendo assim, a análise crítica de alocuções de Akihito mostra que, por mais que atualmente o Imperador do Japão não governe de fato, de acordo com a Constituição vigente desde o pós-guerra, a posição que ocupa como símbolo da nação e da união do povo confere a ele influência sobre esse povo, exercida por meio da ideologia.
Palavras-chave: Imperador do Japão; Akihito; ideologia; Análise Crítica do Discurso; Thompson.
e-scrita: Revista do Curso de Letras da UNIABEU, 2012
O presente artigo busca traçar qual é a imagem de fiel construída por meio da música gospel brasi... more O presente artigo busca traçar qual é a imagem de fiel construída por meio da música gospel brasileira, bem como refletir sobre como a análise do processo de transitividade contribui para a construção dessa imagem. Para tal, faz-se uso do arcabouço teórico da Linguística Sistêmico-Funcional, proposto por Halliday. A análise se baseia em dez canções de amplo alcance no mundo gospel.
Palavras-chave: Música gospel brasileira; Transitividade; Linguística Sistêmico-Funcional.
O etos de Akihito: uma análise discursiva de alocuções do Imperador do Japão, 2013
After the Second World War, the Emperor of Japan lost his sovereignty and became symbol of the na... more After the Second World War, the Emperor of Japan lost his sovereignty and became symbol of the nation and of the unity of the Japanese people, according to the Constitution promulgated in 1947, being his functions basically ceremonials and diplomatics. Thinking of this Emperor as symbol and of the future of the imperial institution in Japan, the present dissertation tried to analyze what image Emperor Akihito creates of himself through his allocutions. Such allocutions are available on Imperial Household Agency s website in both Japanese and English. Therefore, considering that the availability of the texts in Japanese predicates Japanese coenunciators and that of the texts in English predicates the international community as coenunciators, the images created in both cases were analyzed, searching for signs of possible differences in the creation of the ethos of Akihito in both versions of his allocutions. Furthermore, one also tried to think the power relations, according to Foucault (1995, 2010), in the research corpus. For theoretical basis, concepts of the enunciative Discourse Analysis were used, more specifically the concept of ethos in Maingueneau s view (1997, 2011b). The collected material of analysis comprehends press conferences occurred in the occasion of celebrations for ten and twenty years of the enthronement of Akihito, in the years of 1999 and 2009, respectively. The methodology of research consisted in analyzing in a comparative way the texts in Japanese with the ones in English, focusing the occurrences of the Japanese verb omou, which expresses sentiment and judgment, recurrent in the Emperor s allocutions. One has also analyzed the occurrences of deontic modalities in both versions of the text, considering that their few occurrences also contribute to think the Emperor s image. As a result, significative differences between the two versions of the allocutions were observed. The ethos of Akihito in the allocutions in Japanese suggests an emperor that is friend and closer to the people, with a soft and moderate tone, in a way that creates identification between people and him. The ethos apprehended in the English version, on the other hand, suggests an Emperor who is stronger in his convictions, sometimes emphasizing more his feelings and opinions, sometimes less, leading to some westernization of his image. Thinking in terms of power relation, which characterize control and disclosure, one has also concluded that, being Japan the biggest capitalist ally in the East and its Emperor, symbolic representative of this country, it seems relevant that his allocutions are available in such a way that it becomes possible for the international community to exercise continuous control, ensuring the capitalist order.
Palavras-chave: Discurso; Poder; Etos; Imperador do Japão; Akihito
Keywords: Discourse; Power; Ethos; Emperor of Japan; Akihito
Brasilien, Deutschland und Japan für die UN-Sicherheitsratsreform: eine Kritische Diskursanalyse der Online-Reformvorschläge, 2022
At the 2005 World Summit, Brazil, Germany, Japan and India established the Group of Four (G4), a ... more At the 2005 World Summit, Brazil, Germany, Japan and India established the Group of Four (G4), a group of countries seeking the reform of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). Of the four members, the
Ministries of External Affairs of Brazil, Germany, and Japan created their own web pages for the reform. On these pages, they justify the need and importance of the reform, for the UNSC to become "more representative, legitimate and efficient". The present doctoral study focused on the comparison of the discursive treatment of the same questions on the reform of the UNSC in different languages, i.e. Portuguese, German and Japanese. Texts and images on the aforementioned websites compose the corpus. The analysis was carried out using the approach of Critical Discourse Analysis, in particular Fairclough's (2015) method introduced in Language and Power, and Bendel Larcher's (2015) image analysis summarized in Linguistische Diskursanalyse. The results show that the Brazilian texts present short sentences, most active, and a frequency of coordination. Many occurrences of expressive modalities are also noteworthy. The German texts seem very objective and show some instances of superlative, which emphasizes the urgency of the reform and
the advantages of a permanent seat for Germany. The Japanese texts, on the other hand, present many subordinate clauses and, like the Brazilian ones, many expressive modalities. Since the German and Japanese
websites have a Q&A section, interrogative sentences occur, which is not noticeable in the case of the Brazilian website. Moreover, more assertive speech acts can be seen in the Brazilian texts, whereas declarative (performative) speech acts are more frequent in the German and the Japanese texts, which highlights the active participation of these countries in the UN. In terms of image analysis, the photo on the Brazilian homepage is large and appears quite subjective, with an empty Security Council chamber portrayed with uneven lighting intensity. The German picture on the homepage is smaller and appears more objective as it focuses on the human activities in a full UNSC chamber. Japan, on the other hand, shows abstract images such as diagrams, which appear more scientific and didactic. Furthermore, it could be noted that Brazil's discourse emphasizes the under-representativeness of developing countries in the UNSC, whereas Germany and Japan often emphasize their financial contributions to the UN. The emergence of the G4 countries can therefore be interpreted as strategic, with Brazil and India bringing representativeness to developing countries, whereas Germany and Japan bring their status as economic powers. In this sense, the national interests of these countries appear in the foreground, while the solution to practical problems such as the right of veto is not addressed in the G4 reform proposal. Nevertheless, the informative and partly didactic nature of the texts and images on the three websites shows a certain argumentative strength that generates truth and reliability among the readership. This legitimizes and normalizes these discourses.
Keywords: United Nations Security Council Reform; G4; Critical Discourse Analysis; Representativeness; Legitimacy
FuLiA/UFMG, 2024
The modern editions of the Olympic Games convey international values, with sports being considere... more The modern editions of the Olympic Games convey international values, with sports being considered a tool to negotiate geopolitical issues. Particularly, the Opening and Closing Ceremonies can be seen as solemn events with an important visual aspect. Basedon a discursive perspective through the lens of Bendel Larcher, Kress and Heller, this paper analyzes the shapes and the colors of the sartorial items used by artists during the Opening and Closing Ceremonies from 2000 until 2020. It focuses on the artists invited to perform during the occasions, and on their role to communicate different messages concerning the international conjuncture.