Rasa Braslauskiene - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Rasa Braslauskiene
Klaipėdos universiteto leidykla eBooks, 2005
Lietuvos žemės ūkio universiteto Leidybos centras eBooks, 2001
The article deals with problems of communication between pupils of the risk group and pedagogues,... more The article deals with problems of communication between pupils of the risk group and pedagogues, presents guidelines for solving them. The article aims to reveal the possibilities for improving relations between pedagogues and pupils of the risk group at a school of general education. The article presents the results of the investigation into relations between pupils of the 6th – 10th forms belonging to the risk group and pedagogues at schools of general education of Lithuania. The analysis of the investigation results showed that pedagogues have a negative attitude to the children belonging to the risk group. Relations between pedagogues and children of said group are rather conflicting. Conflicts arise due to the following reasons: pedagogues devote little attention to children whose performance results are bad, disrespect the pupils and assess their knowledge and abilities subjectively. Success of pedagogical interaction depends on the pedagogue’s communicative competence. Most pedagogues admit that they are not trained to communicate and co-operate with pupils of the risk group, they lack knowledge of how to manage conflicts. Not only children of the risk group but also pedagogues need help in improving their relations. Seeking to achieve positive relations between pedagogues and pupils of the risk group it is proposed that they should be improved in the following directions: the analysis of relations between pedagogues and pupils and providing information about them, the implementation of programmes of developing social skills for children in the risk group, constant cooperation of pedagogues with all specialists at school, upgrading of pedagogues’ qualifications
Learning opportunities allow life-long improvement of teacher competence related to expressing pr... more Learning opportunities allow life-long improvement of teacher competence related to expressing professional activity. This article presents qualitative and quantitative competence improvement research results for educators working at children’s care residences and engaged in sexual abuse prevention. The summary of the research results discloses educator attitude to competence self-improvement opportunities and needs
The society and the state should ensure conditions for the development of the children without a ... more The society and the state should ensure conditions for the development of the children without a family that would enable them to support the society in a physical, moral and material way in the future. Therefore, the research of problems of children without families is a topical problem today and will remain topical in the future. An analysis of results of the survey and conclusions supplement the science of education with new results of social, psychological and pedagogic peculiarities of the education of children in foster institutions. The results of the survey are significant for the institutions training social personnel and teachers and improving the curriculum and are interested in improving the qualification of pedagogues. Asylum is the main socialisation institute of a child without a family. The child comes with definite experience of social life and cultural basis. However, teachers still fail to make efforts to acknowledge that children have equal rights as partners in general activities. The foster institutions should attempt to provide the children without families with conditions for communication with adults and other children of the same age. The research proved that children placed with families with favourable environment reach the same level of other children of their age
With the entry into force of the principles of democracy in modern society, inclusive education t... more With the entry into force of the principles of democracy in modern society, inclusive education that means the right of all people to education, ensuring the presence, participation and progress and, above all, equal opportunities of all pupils, is becoming important. There are more and more children in the country who are being diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, but their fate is determined not by the disorder itself, but by psychological, social and pedagogical rehabilitation. It is necessary to provide a child with special educational needs with the opportunity to use the services of specialists, help one constructively so that (s)he becomes as involved in the life of society as possible, could develop one's personality and improve spiritually (Convention on the Rights of the Child, 1989; Lithuania's Progress Strategy "Lithuania 2030" 2012). The aim is to reveal teachers' attitude about the possibilities of the implementation of equal opportunities for children with autism spectrum disorder in the preschool education institution. To achieve the aim, a qualitative study using an in-depth interview method, was conducted. The qualitative content analysis was used to process the research data. The findings of the research revealed that teachers believe that opportunities to ensure equal rights for children with autism are limited: it is difficult to ensure the safety of children; teachers do not have assistants; premises are not fully adapted; it is hard to change the established negative attitude of other people. Nevertheless, teachers provide individualized education opportunities for children with autism spectrum disorder; provide them with appropriate and safe means of education; create a separate space in the group, communicate and cooperate with children's parents, thus ensuring more effective education; involve the child in social activities.
Klaipėdos universiteto leidykla eBooks, 2005
Social Work, 2002
Įvaikinimas-legalus socialinis procesas, nustatantis tėvų ir vaikų, nesusijusių giminystės ryšiai... more Įvaikinimas-legalus socialinis procesas, nustatantis tėvų ir vaikų, nesusijusių giminystės ryšiais, santykius. Tai vaiko, gimusio vienai porai (biologiniams tėvams), tapimas kitos poros (įtėvių, turinčių tas pačias teises ir pareigas) vaiku, lyg jie būtų biologiškai susiję. Įvaikinimas-ilgalaikis liekamasis (permanentinis) pasikeitimas šeimoje, leidžiantis vaikams pajusti nuolatinių šeimos ryšių privalumus, kurių kitaip jie nepajustų. Įvaikinimas priimtinas tada, kai vaiko biologiniai tėvai dėl įvairių priežasčių nenori ar negali juo rūpintis, o kiti suaugusieji nori ir gali teisiškai prisiimti tėvystės pareigas (Volkovas, 1997). Daugelyje užsienio šalių jau seniai nėra valstybės išlaikomų vaikų globos įstaigų, tačiau ne todėl, kad ten geresni tėvai ir niekas "neatsikrato" vaikų. Esmė ta, kad tose šalyse nustatyta įvaikinimo ir globos tvarka-vaikai iš karto patenka iš vienos šeimos į kitą. Vaikų psichiatro, Universitetinės sutrikusio vystymosi vaikų centro poliklinikos direktoriaus, medicinos mokslų daktaro D. Pužo (1997) nuomone, "daug Lietuvos našlaičių galėtų augti šeimose. Į tai turėtų būti nukreipta valstybės socialinė politika. Šiuo metu beveik nesistengiama sudaryti galimybių, kad kuo daugiau vaikų galėtų augti natūralioje šeimos aplinkoje" (Eisenberg, Murkoff, 1990). Įvaikinimo teorija ir praktika rodo, kad įvaikinimas yra mažiausiai nuo biologinės tėvystės nutolusi vaiko globos forma. Sėkmingai įvaikintas vaikas mažiausiai pajus biologinių tėvų nebuvimo padarinius, ir bus visos reikiamos sąlygos brandžiai asmenybei formuotis. Įvaikinimas-labai atsakingas žingsnis, reikalaujantis parengimo, tačiau Lietuvoje nėra įvaikinimo centrų, kuriuose būsimuosius įtėvius psichologai, socialiniai darbuotojai ir kiti specialistai parengtų tėvystei ar motinystei, todėl neretai įtėviai susiduria su įvairiausio pobūdžio problemomis, kurias priversti spręsti patys. Šio straipsnio tikslas-atskleisti įvaikinimo klausimus ir nuostatas Lietuvoje. Uždaviniai: 1. Išanalizuoti pedagoginę, psichologinę, teisinę, sociologinę literatūrą įvaikinimo proceso klausimais. 2. Atskleisti įvaikinimo socialinius, pedagoginius ir psichologinius aspektus. Tyrimo metodai: literatūros šaltinių analizė, ekspertų apklausa, anketinė apklausa.
Tiltai, Dec 28, 2022
Šiame straipsnyje pristatomas atvejo vadybininkų požiūris dėl bendradarbiavimo su socialiniais pe... more Šiame straipsnyje pristatomas atvejo vadybininkų požiūris dėl bendradarbiavimo su socialiniais pedagogais galimybių, teikiant pagalbą mokyklos nelankantiems paaugliams. Straipsnis parengtas, remiantis mokslinės ir normatyvinės literatūros analize, autorių atlikto kokybinio tyrimo radiniais. Kokybinio tyrimo duomenų analizė išryškino šiuos radinius: atvejo vadybininkų nuomone, bendradarbiavimą su socialiniais pedagogais sustiprintų bendri susitikimai, praktiniai užsiėmimai, bendros supervizijos, sukurtas nuoseklaus bendradarbiavimo algoritmas, kartu užtikrinti vaiko gerovę vykdant pokyčius ir siekiant teigiamų rezultatų. PAGRINDINIAI ŽODŽIAI: bendradarbiavimas, atvejo vadybos procesas, mokyklos nelankantys paaugliai.
Regional Formation and Development Studies, Jul 18, 2022
Strategic documents (Description of Preschool Children's Achievements, 2014; State Strategy for E... more Strategic documents (Description of Preschool Children's Achievements, 2014; State Strategy for Education in 2013-2022, 2014; Concept of Good School, 2015; Methodological Recommendations for Preschool Education, 2015; etc) state the need to create conditions for children to actively work, investigate, create, discuss, and learn to solve problems, etc. This changes the classic approach to the quality and outcomes of preschool education. The article analyses teachers' attitudes towards the possibilities for applying active learning methods in developing children's language skills at preschool age. The findings of the qualitative research have revealed that preschool teachers look for the most effective, child-friendly education methods and tools in order to ensure the success of children's language education and their optimal achievements according to the children's abilities. From a teacher's point of view, preschool children whose teachers apply active learning methods have the following opportunities for language education: to think creatively, experience the joy of education, take responsibility, investigate and solve problems, work in pairs and/or groups, learn to believe in themselves, use media, develop responsible media usage habits, etc. The findings of the research reveal that children's language education possibilities using active learning methods are highly dependent on the teacher's competencies, creativity and willingness to work in a different, non-traditional way.
Education in a Changing Society, May 29, 2014
Children's rights and responsibilities are equally important; each right of the child is related ... more Children's rights and responsibilities are equally important; each right of the child is related to a responsibility and the state is responsible for the determination and implementation thereof. Today children's rights are protected by laws, regulated in various documents; public educational programmes are being created, institutions are being established not only in Lithuania but also abroad. The objective of this article is to disclose possibilities of implementation of children's rights in a preschool educational institution. Theoretic aspects of implementation of children's rights in a preschool educational institution are discussed, peculiarities of children's rights implementation possibilities in preschool educational institutions are analysed in the article. A research is presented in the article wherein 240 preschool education pedagogues participated. The research results show that possibilities of implementation of the rights of the child in a preschool education institution are maximum: application of proper measures; cooperation of parents whose children attend preschool educational institutions and pedagogues; solution of problems emerged by using the help of children's rights experts. It was discovered that implementation of children's rights in preschool educational institutions is taking place smoothly, no major problems and violations are noticed and the problems emerged are being solved.
Regional Formation and Development Studies, Jul 10, 2023
Processes of inclusiveness in the implementation of education, trends, and the prevailing experie... more Processes of inclusiveness in the implementation of education, trends, and the prevailing experiences of creating inclusion in educational institutions, in the life of an institution's community, and in educational practice, have created new challenges and opportunities for teachers. The following article shows preschool teachers' experiences of inclusive education in developing children's communication competence. A qualitative research strategy was chosen for the empirical study. Preschool teachers, who work in the inclusive education group and have experience of working with children with autism spectrum disorders, participated in a semistructured interview. Teachers' experience of inclusive education has been analysed on the basis of the following aspects: an assessment of the situation in the context of inclusive education; the organisation of children's communication competence activities in inclusive education; preschool teachers' feelings and their experiences; and the advantages and disadvantages of inclusive education experiences in developing children's communication competence. The research findings show that it is difficult for teachers to work in inclusive education groups, because educational institutions lack specialists, teachers lack competencies, motivation and educational tools, and parents are not satisfied with the educational situation.
Sabiedrība, integrācija, izglītība, May 19, 2022
Klaipėdos universiteto leidykla eBooks, 2005
Lietuvos žemės ūkio universiteto Leidybos centras eBooks, 2001
The article deals with problems of communication between pupils of the risk group and pedagogues,... more The article deals with problems of communication between pupils of the risk group and pedagogues, presents guidelines for solving them. The article aims to reveal the possibilities for improving relations between pedagogues and pupils of the risk group at a school of general education. The article presents the results of the investigation into relations between pupils of the 6th – 10th forms belonging to the risk group and pedagogues at schools of general education of Lithuania. The analysis of the investigation results showed that pedagogues have a negative attitude to the children belonging to the risk group. Relations between pedagogues and children of said group are rather conflicting. Conflicts arise due to the following reasons: pedagogues devote little attention to children whose performance results are bad, disrespect the pupils and assess their knowledge and abilities subjectively. Success of pedagogical interaction depends on the pedagogue’s communicative competence. Most pedagogues admit that they are not trained to communicate and co-operate with pupils of the risk group, they lack knowledge of how to manage conflicts. Not only children of the risk group but also pedagogues need help in improving their relations. Seeking to achieve positive relations between pedagogues and pupils of the risk group it is proposed that they should be improved in the following directions: the analysis of relations between pedagogues and pupils and providing information about them, the implementation of programmes of developing social skills for children in the risk group, constant cooperation of pedagogues with all specialists at school, upgrading of pedagogues’ qualifications
Learning opportunities allow life-long improvement of teacher competence related to expressing pr... more Learning opportunities allow life-long improvement of teacher competence related to expressing professional activity. This article presents qualitative and quantitative competence improvement research results for educators working at children’s care residences and engaged in sexual abuse prevention. The summary of the research results discloses educator attitude to competence self-improvement opportunities and needs
The society and the state should ensure conditions for the development of the children without a ... more The society and the state should ensure conditions for the development of the children without a family that would enable them to support the society in a physical, moral and material way in the future. Therefore, the research of problems of children without families is a topical problem today and will remain topical in the future. An analysis of results of the survey and conclusions supplement the science of education with new results of social, psychological and pedagogic peculiarities of the education of children in foster institutions. The results of the survey are significant for the institutions training social personnel and teachers and improving the curriculum and are interested in improving the qualification of pedagogues. Asylum is the main socialisation institute of a child without a family. The child comes with definite experience of social life and cultural basis. However, teachers still fail to make efforts to acknowledge that children have equal rights as partners in general activities. The foster institutions should attempt to provide the children without families with conditions for communication with adults and other children of the same age. The research proved that children placed with families with favourable environment reach the same level of other children of their age
With the entry into force of the principles of democracy in modern society, inclusive education t... more With the entry into force of the principles of democracy in modern society, inclusive education that means the right of all people to education, ensuring the presence, participation and progress and, above all, equal opportunities of all pupils, is becoming important. There are more and more children in the country who are being diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, but their fate is determined not by the disorder itself, but by psychological, social and pedagogical rehabilitation. It is necessary to provide a child with special educational needs with the opportunity to use the services of specialists, help one constructively so that (s)he becomes as involved in the life of society as possible, could develop one's personality and improve spiritually (Convention on the Rights of the Child, 1989; Lithuania's Progress Strategy "Lithuania 2030" 2012). The aim is to reveal teachers' attitude about the possibilities of the implementation of equal opportunities for children with autism spectrum disorder in the preschool education institution. To achieve the aim, a qualitative study using an in-depth interview method, was conducted. The qualitative content analysis was used to process the research data. The findings of the research revealed that teachers believe that opportunities to ensure equal rights for children with autism are limited: it is difficult to ensure the safety of children; teachers do not have assistants; premises are not fully adapted; it is hard to change the established negative attitude of other people. Nevertheless, teachers provide individualized education opportunities for children with autism spectrum disorder; provide them with appropriate and safe means of education; create a separate space in the group, communicate and cooperate with children's parents, thus ensuring more effective education; involve the child in social activities.
Klaipėdos universiteto leidykla eBooks, 2005
Social Work, 2002
Įvaikinimas-legalus socialinis procesas, nustatantis tėvų ir vaikų, nesusijusių giminystės ryšiai... more Įvaikinimas-legalus socialinis procesas, nustatantis tėvų ir vaikų, nesusijusių giminystės ryšiais, santykius. Tai vaiko, gimusio vienai porai (biologiniams tėvams), tapimas kitos poros (įtėvių, turinčių tas pačias teises ir pareigas) vaiku, lyg jie būtų biologiškai susiję. Įvaikinimas-ilgalaikis liekamasis (permanentinis) pasikeitimas šeimoje, leidžiantis vaikams pajusti nuolatinių šeimos ryšių privalumus, kurių kitaip jie nepajustų. Įvaikinimas priimtinas tada, kai vaiko biologiniai tėvai dėl įvairių priežasčių nenori ar negali juo rūpintis, o kiti suaugusieji nori ir gali teisiškai prisiimti tėvystės pareigas (Volkovas, 1997). Daugelyje užsienio šalių jau seniai nėra valstybės išlaikomų vaikų globos įstaigų, tačiau ne todėl, kad ten geresni tėvai ir niekas "neatsikrato" vaikų. Esmė ta, kad tose šalyse nustatyta įvaikinimo ir globos tvarka-vaikai iš karto patenka iš vienos šeimos į kitą. Vaikų psichiatro, Universitetinės sutrikusio vystymosi vaikų centro poliklinikos direktoriaus, medicinos mokslų daktaro D. Pužo (1997) nuomone, "daug Lietuvos našlaičių galėtų augti šeimose. Į tai turėtų būti nukreipta valstybės socialinė politika. Šiuo metu beveik nesistengiama sudaryti galimybių, kad kuo daugiau vaikų galėtų augti natūralioje šeimos aplinkoje" (Eisenberg, Murkoff, 1990). Įvaikinimo teorija ir praktika rodo, kad įvaikinimas yra mažiausiai nuo biologinės tėvystės nutolusi vaiko globos forma. Sėkmingai įvaikintas vaikas mažiausiai pajus biologinių tėvų nebuvimo padarinius, ir bus visos reikiamos sąlygos brandžiai asmenybei formuotis. Įvaikinimas-labai atsakingas žingsnis, reikalaujantis parengimo, tačiau Lietuvoje nėra įvaikinimo centrų, kuriuose būsimuosius įtėvius psichologai, socialiniai darbuotojai ir kiti specialistai parengtų tėvystei ar motinystei, todėl neretai įtėviai susiduria su įvairiausio pobūdžio problemomis, kurias priversti spręsti patys. Šio straipsnio tikslas-atskleisti įvaikinimo klausimus ir nuostatas Lietuvoje. Uždaviniai: 1. Išanalizuoti pedagoginę, psichologinę, teisinę, sociologinę literatūrą įvaikinimo proceso klausimais. 2. Atskleisti įvaikinimo socialinius, pedagoginius ir psichologinius aspektus. Tyrimo metodai: literatūros šaltinių analizė, ekspertų apklausa, anketinė apklausa.
Tiltai, Dec 28, 2022
Šiame straipsnyje pristatomas atvejo vadybininkų požiūris dėl bendradarbiavimo su socialiniais pe... more Šiame straipsnyje pristatomas atvejo vadybininkų požiūris dėl bendradarbiavimo su socialiniais pedagogais galimybių, teikiant pagalbą mokyklos nelankantiems paaugliams. Straipsnis parengtas, remiantis mokslinės ir normatyvinės literatūros analize, autorių atlikto kokybinio tyrimo radiniais. Kokybinio tyrimo duomenų analizė išryškino šiuos radinius: atvejo vadybininkų nuomone, bendradarbiavimą su socialiniais pedagogais sustiprintų bendri susitikimai, praktiniai užsiėmimai, bendros supervizijos, sukurtas nuoseklaus bendradarbiavimo algoritmas, kartu užtikrinti vaiko gerovę vykdant pokyčius ir siekiant teigiamų rezultatų. PAGRINDINIAI ŽODŽIAI: bendradarbiavimas, atvejo vadybos procesas, mokyklos nelankantys paaugliai.
Regional Formation and Development Studies, Jul 18, 2022
Strategic documents (Description of Preschool Children's Achievements, 2014; State Strategy for E... more Strategic documents (Description of Preschool Children's Achievements, 2014; State Strategy for Education in 2013-2022, 2014; Concept of Good School, 2015; Methodological Recommendations for Preschool Education, 2015; etc) state the need to create conditions for children to actively work, investigate, create, discuss, and learn to solve problems, etc. This changes the classic approach to the quality and outcomes of preschool education. The article analyses teachers' attitudes towards the possibilities for applying active learning methods in developing children's language skills at preschool age. The findings of the qualitative research have revealed that preschool teachers look for the most effective, child-friendly education methods and tools in order to ensure the success of children's language education and their optimal achievements according to the children's abilities. From a teacher's point of view, preschool children whose teachers apply active learning methods have the following opportunities for language education: to think creatively, experience the joy of education, take responsibility, investigate and solve problems, work in pairs and/or groups, learn to believe in themselves, use media, develop responsible media usage habits, etc. The findings of the research reveal that children's language education possibilities using active learning methods are highly dependent on the teacher's competencies, creativity and willingness to work in a different, non-traditional way.
Education in a Changing Society, May 29, 2014
Children's rights and responsibilities are equally important; each right of the child is related ... more Children's rights and responsibilities are equally important; each right of the child is related to a responsibility and the state is responsible for the determination and implementation thereof. Today children's rights are protected by laws, regulated in various documents; public educational programmes are being created, institutions are being established not only in Lithuania but also abroad. The objective of this article is to disclose possibilities of implementation of children's rights in a preschool educational institution. Theoretic aspects of implementation of children's rights in a preschool educational institution are discussed, peculiarities of children's rights implementation possibilities in preschool educational institutions are analysed in the article. A research is presented in the article wherein 240 preschool education pedagogues participated. The research results show that possibilities of implementation of the rights of the child in a preschool education institution are maximum: application of proper measures; cooperation of parents whose children attend preschool educational institutions and pedagogues; solution of problems emerged by using the help of children's rights experts. It was discovered that implementation of children's rights in preschool educational institutions is taking place smoothly, no major problems and violations are noticed and the problems emerged are being solved.
Regional Formation and Development Studies, Jul 10, 2023
Processes of inclusiveness in the implementation of education, trends, and the prevailing experie... more Processes of inclusiveness in the implementation of education, trends, and the prevailing experiences of creating inclusion in educational institutions, in the life of an institution's community, and in educational practice, have created new challenges and opportunities for teachers. The following article shows preschool teachers' experiences of inclusive education in developing children's communication competence. A qualitative research strategy was chosen for the empirical study. Preschool teachers, who work in the inclusive education group and have experience of working with children with autism spectrum disorders, participated in a semistructured interview. Teachers' experience of inclusive education has been analysed on the basis of the following aspects: an assessment of the situation in the context of inclusive education; the organisation of children's communication competence activities in inclusive education; preschool teachers' feelings and their experiences; and the advantages and disadvantages of inclusive education experiences in developing children's communication competence. The research findings show that it is difficult for teachers to work in inclusive education groups, because educational institutions lack specialists, teachers lack competencies, motivation and educational tools, and parents are not satisfied with the educational situation.
Sabiedrība, integrācija, izglītība, May 19, 2022