Ratka Jurkovic - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Ratka Jurkovic
Analitički menadžment (ur. Kopal, Robert; Korkut, Darija), str. 619-642, 2020
U radu se predstavljaju temeljni pojmovi i analitičke tehnike u ocjenjivanju snage zarađivanjaiI ... more U radu se predstavljaju temeljni pojmovi i analitičke tehnike u ocjenjivanju snage zarađivanjaiI kreditne sposobnosti organizacije uz primjere.
The paper presents basic concepts and analytical techniques in evaluating the earning power and creditworthiness of the organization with examples.
FIP - Financije i Pravo, 2023
Cilj ovog rada je pojmovno odrediti organizacijsku kulturu, tipologiju i parametre važnosti organ... more Cilj ovog rada je pojmovno odrediti organizacijsku kulturu, tipologiju i parametre važnosti organizacijske kulture za uspješnost organizacija te provesti istraživanje određenih aspekata organizacijske kulture na Organizaciji X. Pri istraživanju organizacijske kulture Organizacije X uzeto je da je organizacijska kultura skup vrijednosti, normi i uvjerenja koje dijele zaposleni u Organizaciji X. U tom smislu, izdvojeno je devet karakterističnih pokazatelja koji bi zajedno trebali stvoriti sliku o organizacijskoj kulturi Organizacije X. Ti su pokazatelji stavovi o inicijativi i samostalnosti u poslu, potpori nadređenih, kontroli, nagrađivanju (promaknuću), identitetu (sigurnosti), toleranciji, jasnoći ciljeva, integraciji, komunikaciji i motiviranosti za posao. Cilj istraživanja bio je na temelju dobivenih rezultata odrediti organizacijsku kulturu Organizacije X te utvrditi može li ona i na koji način biti doprinos poboljšanju rezultata rada.
“Kontroling u praksi: Menadžment I kontroling” (ur. Mladen Meter), Poslovna učinkovitost, , 2018
The traditional process of management begins with the managerial function of planning and ends w... more The traditional process of management begins with the managerial function of planning and ends with the managerial function of controlling. In both phases, the budget is a basic (although not the only) tool. The planning process ends with budgeting, which essentially reflects the allocation of financial resources to those resources that are needed to achieve business goals. The control process begins with budget control, that is, by checking whether the financial resources have been allocated to the planned resources and whether these resources have brought the expected results. Sometimes in companies, meeting the budget becomes more important than the quality of operations, and this pressure to respect the budget grows stronger at the same time as the competition increases. This led to more and more criticism of budget-based management and the development of new business approaches. One of such approaches is the beyond budgeting approach. It is about abandoning (completely or for the most part) the budgeting process and the classical steps of managerial control. New principles of leadership and performance management are being introduced, which enable decentralized operations, empowerment of employees and teamwork. In doing so, it is particularly important to emphasize the empowerment of employees, one of the managerial tools that can contribute to the company's performance.
Analitički menadžment, 2020
Kvaerne (1995: 17), suggests that although the name Tazik implies the land of Tajiks in Central A... more Kvaerne (1995: 17), suggests that although the name Tazik implies the land of Tajiks in Central Asia, it is not possible to get exact identification of its location. However, Tazik is not just a geographical area, it is also a hidden land (sbas yul) in which one enters after being completely purified, similar to Shambala. For the latest discussion see Kvaerne in
The paper presents some antecedents to individual ethical judgment, a crucial component of ethica... more The paper presents some antecedents to individual ethical judgment, a crucial component of ethical behaviour and ethical decision making in general and in particular within business context. The model of ethical judgment is presented, comprised of individual’s evaluative ethical framework and the institutions that shape it. The purpose of the paper is to elucidate on the components of the model and its use in shaping the ethical behaviour in business.
zogchen (rDzogs pa chen po or in short rDzogs chen), the Great Perfection represents the highest ... more zogchen (rDzogs pa chen po or in short rDzogs chen), the Great Perfection represents the highest system of spiritual practice for both the Nyingma and Bon schools, which maintain that it leads to recognition of the state of absolute knowledge, the so called Natural State (gnas lugs), that exists in all sentient beings. It is also considered to be the essential nature of all phenomena. The Natural State represents the primordial, intrinsic purity of Buddha-nature (bodhicitta) in every individual, the condition to which the practitioner becomes directly introduced by an accomplished Dzogchen master. The accomplished master is the one who has experienced and stabilized in himself (or herself) the Natural State i.e., who has not only mastered the doctrine, but has become Dzogchen itself. Each individual possesses the intrinsic purity or bodhicitta; instead of turning outside for answers, one should turn inside to find them, and
This paper addresses holistic management process and the idea of holism, pertained in certain asp... more This paper addresses holistic management process and the idea of holism, pertained in certain aspects of Western management through the ideas of green marketing and sustainable agriculture. The idea of holism, i.e. consideration for how and in what ways, the sum of all the parts in the company impacts the environment plays especially important role in the companies from the Eastern hemisphere, especially Japan. Since the concept of holistic management is grounded in the Eastern philosophical theories, with profound influence of Buddhism on it, we believe that there might be obstacles in trying to translate it in the so called Western rational management based on the premise of Homo economicus. By outlining the historical development of the Western management thought and the philosophical origins of the holistic management process in the Japanese business, this paper presents some thoughts on the paradigm shift necessary for holism to take full part in the West.
The purpose of this paper is to examine the characteristics of decision making in the entrepreneu... more The purpose of this paper is to examine the characteristics of decision making in the entrepreneurial networking practices through different phases of establishing a novel innovation firm characterised with high level of product or service innovativeness and lack of resources. The paper first presents different stages of establishing a firm and its’ distinctive characteristic. Then we explain the characteristics of networking in different stages of the establishment of the firm by the means of two analytical models – that of March’s “Exchange power model” and Burt’s “Structural holes model” in the terms we have called “soft” and “hard” networking. We end with the proposal of sequential use of various networking practices for the purpose of better resource orchestration and leverage of power.
Analitički menadžment (ur. Kopal, Robert; Korkut, Darija), str. 619-642, 2020
U radu se predstavljaju temeljni pojmovi i analitičke tehnike u ocjenjivanju snage zarađivanjaiI ... more U radu se predstavljaju temeljni pojmovi i analitičke tehnike u ocjenjivanju snage zarađivanjaiI kreditne sposobnosti organizacije uz primjere.
The paper presents basic concepts and analytical techniques in evaluating the earning power and creditworthiness of the organization with examples.
FIP - Financije i Pravo, 2023
Cilj ovog rada je pojmovno odrediti organizacijsku kulturu, tipologiju i parametre važnosti organ... more Cilj ovog rada je pojmovno odrediti organizacijsku kulturu, tipologiju i parametre važnosti organizacijske kulture za uspješnost organizacija te provesti istraživanje određenih aspekata organizacijske kulture na Organizaciji X. Pri istraživanju organizacijske kulture Organizacije X uzeto je da je organizacijska kultura skup vrijednosti, normi i uvjerenja koje dijele zaposleni u Organizaciji X. U tom smislu, izdvojeno je devet karakterističnih pokazatelja koji bi zajedno trebali stvoriti sliku o organizacijskoj kulturi Organizacije X. Ti su pokazatelji stavovi o inicijativi i samostalnosti u poslu, potpori nadređenih, kontroli, nagrađivanju (promaknuću), identitetu (sigurnosti), toleranciji, jasnoći ciljeva, integraciji, komunikaciji i motiviranosti za posao. Cilj istraživanja bio je na temelju dobivenih rezultata odrediti organizacijsku kulturu Organizacije X te utvrditi može li ona i na koji način biti doprinos poboljšanju rezultata rada.
“Kontroling u praksi: Menadžment I kontroling” (ur. Mladen Meter), Poslovna učinkovitost, , 2018
The traditional process of management begins with the managerial function of planning and ends w... more The traditional process of management begins with the managerial function of planning and ends with the managerial function of controlling. In both phases, the budget is a basic (although not the only) tool. The planning process ends with budgeting, which essentially reflects the allocation of financial resources to those resources that are needed to achieve business goals. The control process begins with budget control, that is, by checking whether the financial resources have been allocated to the planned resources and whether these resources have brought the expected results. Sometimes in companies, meeting the budget becomes more important than the quality of operations, and this pressure to respect the budget grows stronger at the same time as the competition increases. This led to more and more criticism of budget-based management and the development of new business approaches. One of such approaches is the beyond budgeting approach. It is about abandoning (completely or for the most part) the budgeting process and the classical steps of managerial control. New principles of leadership and performance management are being introduced, which enable decentralized operations, empowerment of employees and teamwork. In doing so, it is particularly important to emphasize the empowerment of employees, one of the managerial tools that can contribute to the company's performance.
Analitički menadžment, 2020
Kvaerne (1995: 17), suggests that although the name Tazik implies the land of Tajiks in Central A... more Kvaerne (1995: 17), suggests that although the name Tazik implies the land of Tajiks in Central Asia, it is not possible to get exact identification of its location. However, Tazik is not just a geographical area, it is also a hidden land (sbas yul) in which one enters after being completely purified, similar to Shambala. For the latest discussion see Kvaerne in
The paper presents some antecedents to individual ethical judgment, a crucial component of ethica... more The paper presents some antecedents to individual ethical judgment, a crucial component of ethical behaviour and ethical decision making in general and in particular within business context. The model of ethical judgment is presented, comprised of individual’s evaluative ethical framework and the institutions that shape it. The purpose of the paper is to elucidate on the components of the model and its use in shaping the ethical behaviour in business.
zogchen (rDzogs pa chen po or in short rDzogs chen), the Great Perfection represents the highest ... more zogchen (rDzogs pa chen po or in short rDzogs chen), the Great Perfection represents the highest system of spiritual practice for both the Nyingma and Bon schools, which maintain that it leads to recognition of the state of absolute knowledge, the so called Natural State (gnas lugs), that exists in all sentient beings. It is also considered to be the essential nature of all phenomena. The Natural State represents the primordial, intrinsic purity of Buddha-nature (bodhicitta) in every individual, the condition to which the practitioner becomes directly introduced by an accomplished Dzogchen master. The accomplished master is the one who has experienced and stabilized in himself (or herself) the Natural State i.e., who has not only mastered the doctrine, but has become Dzogchen itself. Each individual possesses the intrinsic purity or bodhicitta; instead of turning outside for answers, one should turn inside to find them, and
This paper addresses holistic management process and the idea of holism, pertained in certain asp... more This paper addresses holistic management process and the idea of holism, pertained in certain aspects of Western management through the ideas of green marketing and sustainable agriculture. The idea of holism, i.e. consideration for how and in what ways, the sum of all the parts in the company impacts the environment plays especially important role in the companies from the Eastern hemisphere, especially Japan. Since the concept of holistic management is grounded in the Eastern philosophical theories, with profound influence of Buddhism on it, we believe that there might be obstacles in trying to translate it in the so called Western rational management based on the premise of Homo economicus. By outlining the historical development of the Western management thought and the philosophical origins of the holistic management process in the Japanese business, this paper presents some thoughts on the paradigm shift necessary for holism to take full part in the West.
The purpose of this paper is to examine the characteristics of decision making in the entrepreneu... more The purpose of this paper is to examine the characteristics of decision making in the entrepreneurial networking practices through different phases of establishing a novel innovation firm characterised with high level of product or service innovativeness and lack of resources. The paper first presents different stages of establishing a firm and its’ distinctive characteristic. Then we explain the characteristics of networking in different stages of the establishment of the firm by the means of two analytical models – that of March’s “Exchange power model” and Burt’s “Structural holes model” in the terms we have called “soft” and “hard” networking. We end with the proposal of sequential use of various networking practices for the purpose of better resource orchestration and leverage of power.
Zbornik radova 5. Hrvatskog iseljeničkog kongresa u Mostaru 30. lipnja - 3. srpnja 2022, 2023
Svrha rada je dati kratki pregled teoretskih promišljanja o fenomenu eksploatacije migrantskog ra... more Svrha rada je dati kratki pregled teoretskih promišljanja o fenomenu eksploatacije migrantskog rada sa strane ekonomije i etike. Rad se osobito fokusira na pojam "sweatshopova", povijesnu odrednicu pojma te primjere iz moderne prakse. Ekonomski teoretski pregled temelji se na neoklasičnim postavkama homo oeconomicusa i interpretaciji tržišta rada te bihevioralnoj kritici i nadopuni. S druge strane razmatraju se raznovrsni etički elementi deontološke perspektive, teorije pravednosti i ekonomske filozofske misli.