Ratno Lukito - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Ratno Lukito
Introduction Part 1: State Law Versus Popular Law in Historical Retrospect 1. Law and Colonialism... more Introduction Part 1: State Law Versus Popular Law in Historical Retrospect 1. Law and Colonialism in Indonesia 2. Pluralism and the Ideal of Legal Nationalism 3. A Strong Regime and "State Law Pluralism" Part 2: Conflicts of Law as a Result of Pluralism and the State's Attempt of Resolution 4. Interpersonal Law and the Mission of Legal Uniformity 5. Resolution of Interpersonal Cases in the Courts: The Works of National Legal Postulates 6. Conclusion
Undang, Dec 30, 2022
Discussing the study of comparative law in Indonesia, this paper is interested in focusing on the... more Discussing the study of comparative law in Indonesia, this paper is interested in focusing on the issue of why comparative law studies are declining both in quantity and quality. Using Charles Tilly's theory of social history, this paper concludes that comparative law studies in Indonesia are currently in a stagnant position and fewer people are concerned with the quality of this academic study. This paper reveals that the comparative law that began during the Dutch Rechtshoogeschool in Batavia in 1924 basically did not develop until the present day. Both in terms of epistemology, subject of the study, postulate to method and approach illustrate how comparative law studies have stagnated when compared to the development of this study abroad. Comparative law in Indonesia is only focused on substantive studies without paying attention to this scientific development on the epistemological and methodological side. Improvements can thus be proposed in dealing with this situation, namely by increasing the number of sources of writing and discussion of comparative law from outside, especially those in English, and making this comparative study a core science in legal studies.
This thesis showed the correlation between the influence of Evangelical values and politics in th... more This thesis showed the correlation between the influence of Evangelical values and politics in the Presidential election. Same marriage, guy and lesbian movement, and abortion were considered as bad values for Evangelical. George Walker Bush and his team in 2004 Presidential election used those issues to get the sympathy from voters. They used those issues as the effective ways to reach voters to appoint G.W Bush as their President. Evangelical as a part of religious group could not be separated from its members. It means that the political issues that had been connected with the moral and religious values and it is became the effective issues to influence the members. If the leaders of this group gave the sermons related to the moral values and politics, those members who attend to churches more would be easy in getting the information and then executing their decision in politics. If the president candidate was concerned more about the moral and religion values, those members would tend to appoint him. This happened to George Walker Bush as the president candidate in 2004 presidential election. Based on the history and values from this group of religion, United States of America can be considered as a secular country which separates country and religion but the country still can be considered as a consistent country which keeps the tradition in religious values based on the Scripture. As a member of Evangelical, Bush was eligible and smart enough to use those issues rather than to use other issues such as Iraq and Afghanistan War, Economics, and also unemployment issues in America for reaching his goal in his candidacy. Bush get sympathy especially from Evangelical in which the population of this group was almost 25 % from the whole American population. As a result, George Walker Bush became the president in 2004 presidential election because of his ideas about those issues.
Studia Islamika, Aug 31, 2007
This book is a collection of articles presented at an International conference held at Internatio... more This book is a collection of articles presented at an International conference held at International Islamic University Malaysia in September 2014 under the cooperation between the Faculty of Sharia and Law, State [slamic University (UIN), SunanKalijaga, Yogyakarta, and Harun M. Hashim Law Center, IIUM Gombak Malaysia. The article, discuss various issues of law and Islamization in Indonesia. The publication of this book is reali.:led thanks to the financial support of the Faculty of Sharia and Law, UIN Yogyakarta, and to the hard effort of the staffs and the members or lecturers of the Department of legal studies of the faculty. The Dean of the faculty deserves special thanks and appreciation for his fullsupport to the projects of this book publication and of the joint conference in Malaysia. Special thanks also go to all the staffs of the faculty for having facilitated and made the arrangement of the travel of the members of the Department of legal studies to Malaysia and for having extended their helpful hands to bring the two activities of holding conference and of publishing the presented articles to a success. Sincere thanks are also awarded to the director of Harun M. Hashim Law Center, IIUM, Prof. Dr. Ainul Jaria Maidin, and her secretary, Dr. Farid Suhaib, for having agreed to hold the jointconference and made it well accomplished.The audience of the International conference in which the papers were presented deserves also our gratitude. This book is not a perfect piece of work and still needs considerable review and improvement. However, we do hope that this book will contribute to the development of Islamic legal discourse in Indonesia and give good understanding for readers of how Islam has become since its adoption by Indonesians an inspiration, source, and base for the development of lawin Indonesia.
Pena Justisia: Media Komunikasi dan Kajian Hukum (edisi elektronik), Dec 31, 2022
The fatwa in response to questions about Islamic law at Nahdlatul Ulama was discussed at the NU B... more The fatwa in response to questions about Islamic law at Nahdlatul Ulama was discussed at the NU Bahsul Masail Institute. The methodology used in exploring the law was initially still using the classical fiqh paradigm. However, recently many decisions made by the institution imply a new paradigm that leads to a progressive Islamic approach. The paradigm underlying the decision is not only based on subjectivity ('ulum ad-dien) but also involves a dimension of objectivity (social sciences and humanities). This is reflected in the decision of the Bahtsul Masail ad-Diniyyah al-Maudlu'iyyah PBNU LBMNU forum at the Banjar West Java National Conference on 27 February-1 March 2019 regarding point A: State, Citizenship and State Law. Non-Muslim Żimmy in the context of the nation state according to NU is referred to as muwathinīn, namely citizens of equal status. The intersubjectivity of the fatwa in the decision is a transformation of the methodology of the new legal approach at Nahdlatul Ulama in responding to current contextual problems.
Oñati socio-legal series, Dec 22, 2022
Sukma, Jun 20, 2020
Pluralisme merupakan kosa kata baru bagi orang Indonesia, meskipun pengalaman dalam hal pluralism... more Pluralisme merupakan kosa kata baru bagi orang Indonesia, meskipun pengalaman dalam hal pluralisme ini sudah lama ada. Kosa kata ini semakin menjadi asing di tengah masyarakat, terlebih sejak keluarnya fatwa MUI tahun 2005 yang menolak ide pluralisme keagamaan. Indonesia dengan ribuan pulaunya tentu saja menganut pluralisme karena perbedaan kultur dan nilai budaya yang ada. Pluralistic state adalah sebuah kenyataan. Bagaimana Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam (PTKI) di Indonesia menghadapi problem pluralisme ini? Bagaimana pula posisi pergu
Musawa: Jurnal Studi Gender dan Islam, Apr 30, 2007
University of Malaya Press eBooks, Nov 1, 2013
The state's attitude towards legal pluralism in Indonesia has remained basically unchanged si... more The state's attitude towards legal pluralism in Indonesia has remained basically unchanged since independence. For the last six decades the state has been the dominant force in regulating legal pluralism. This may be a logical consequence of the civil law system embraced so far- the Dutch colonial civil law system inherited from the Dutch East Indies - which renders the institution of law inseparable from the state. As a result, the creation and establishment of law are understood more as a process that occurs through state legislation, while creative processes that take place beyond the state are certain to be rejected. Although in practical terms dialogue between state and society is necessary in the process of law-making the final decision is the prerogative of the state. This is the teaching behind the ideology of state positivism. The government of Indonesia has prescribed that while the state upholds the principle of legal pluralism it will always be the sole institution in the process of legal catalization and legislation. Seen from the framework of legal pluralism this strategy is known as "state law pluralism", whereby legal pluralism in a nation-state is possible as long as the state is the sole agent of law-making (Griffiths 1986: 1; Woodman 1999: 3-5).
Asy-Syir'ah: Jurnal Ilmu Syari'ah dan Hukum, Jun 1, 2015
As one of the Asian countries substantiating Islam as the official state religion, Malaysia alway... more As one of the Asian countries substantiating Islam as the official state religion, Malaysia always faces a dilemma in its encounter with international law, amid the dominance of municipal (national) and Islamic laws. Until now, many norms of international law seem to be apprehensively accepted. In fact, the existence of Islamic law, constitutionally recognized as having an equal position with Common Law, often works as a barrier to the influence of international norms. Here, the segregation between British Common Law and Islamic law has played a major role in building the country's behavior in facing international law. Particularly, in redressing hard cases, international legal norms (such as international human rights law) are still difficult to get in and provide a positive influence in the national legal system. This paper focuses on the interaction between these three legal traditions of international, municipal and Islam in the face of rising Islamic conservatism supported by Malaysian Islamic parties in recent decades. Because legal segregation and compartmentalization between British common law and Islamic law had been chosen as the framework of legal pluralism in this country, the redress of the hard cases involving the meeting among the three laws-such as the case of apostasy, divorce due to apostasy, purdah etc.-, more often than not has led to the marginalization of international norms. This brings the consequence of the need to review the pattern of legal pluralism in this country, where relationship between different legal traditions is analyzed using bottom-up and non-state oriented perspectives. And it can only be done if the jurisprudence of legal pluralism in Malaysia can benefit the principles of Higher Law in its legal orientation; namely, the principles of universal justice, morality, and fairness, and not in the mere proximity to the character and the logic of official state law. Abstrak: Sebagai salah satu negara di Asia yang menempatkan Islam sebagai agama resmi negara, Malaysia selalu saja menghadapi dilema dalam penghadapannya dengan eksistensi hukum internasional, ditengah dominasi hukum municipal (nasional) dan Islam. Hingga kini, norma-norma hukum internasional senantiasa ditanggapi secara hati-hati (preserved). Dalam kenyataannya, keberadaan hukum Islam yang secara konstitusional diakui mempunyai kedudukan yang seimbang dengan hukum Common Law justru sering menjadi penghalang bagi masuknya pengaruh norma-norma internasional tersebut. Sistem segregasi antara hukum Common Law Inggris dan hukum Islam tampaknya berperan besar dalam membangun perilaku negara dalam menghadapi hukum internasional. Khususnya, dalam kasus
Buku di hadapan pembaca ini berkisar tentang perdebatan teoretis keilmuan perbandingan hukum. Sej... more Buku di hadapan pembaca ini berkisar tentang perdebatan teoretis keilmuan perbandingan hukum. Sejak perkembangannya pada awal paruh kedua abad dua puluh, ilmu perbandingan hukum dibayangi oleh perdebatan yang sangat intens dari para ahli tentang kedudukan ilmu ini dalam lingkup kajian teori hukum (jurisprudence) maupun hubungan hukum dengan impact sosialnya. Utamanya dalam lingkup epistemologi, perbandingan hukum dipertanyakan kevalidannya sebagai sebuah ilmu: adakah kajian ini absah disebut sebagai sebuah kajian yang memiliki sistem keilmuan sendiri, atau barangkali hanya merupakan cabang dari keilmuan hukum secara umum, sebagaimana cabang-cabang area kajian lain? Kemudian pertanyaan juga berkembang berkenaan dengan kemanfaatan kajian perbandingan hukum itu, terutama jika dihubungkan dengan aspek praksis dari keilmuan ini. Perdebatan ini meski bermula dari pertanyaan sederhana tentang basis keilmuan kajian perbandingan hukum, pada perkembangannya menyentuh hal-hal yang lebih praksis dan fungsionalis. Pandangan yang idealis terhadap ilmu perbandingan hukum menghasilkan metodologi yang sifatnya juga idealis dalam praktik perbandingan itu, dan ini tentu saja berbeda dengan metodologi kajian terhadapnya yang pragmatis dan berorientasi pada sisi praktis. Oleh karena itu, fungsi ilmu perbandingan hukum itu dapat dilihat dari dua dimensi yang berbeda, baik itu “theoretic-idealistmacro oriented” maupun “practical-pragmatic-micro oriented”. Dalam buku ini, pembaca akan dapat melihat betapa teori dan metode itu saling bertali-berkelindan, yang karenanya fungsi aktivitas perbandingan hukum itu harus disesuaikan dengan basis teoretis yang dipakai sebagai acuan keilmuannya.
Journal of Legal Pluralism, 2006
... of the Compilation of Islamic Law: "A daughter, if she is the only one, will... more ... of the Compilation of Islamic Law: "A daughter, if she is the only one, will get half of the portion, if two or more altogether they will get two third, and if there is also a son, the portion of the son is twice the size of the ... 'an ibn 'Abba s: "Li al-binti al-nis fu wa laysa li al-ukhti shayun, wa ...
Introduction Part 1: State Law Versus Popular Law in Historical Retrospect 1. Law and Colonialism... more Introduction Part 1: State Law Versus Popular Law in Historical Retrospect 1. Law and Colonialism in Indonesia 2. Pluralism and the Ideal of Legal Nationalism 3. A Strong Regime and "State Law Pluralism" Part 2: Conflicts of Law as a Result of Pluralism and the State's Attempt of Resolution 4. Interpersonal Law and the Mission of Legal Uniformity 5. Resolution of Interpersonal Cases in the Courts: The Works of National Legal Postulates 6. Conclusion
Undang, Dec 30, 2022
Discussing the study of comparative law in Indonesia, this paper is interested in focusing on the... more Discussing the study of comparative law in Indonesia, this paper is interested in focusing on the issue of why comparative law studies are declining both in quantity and quality. Using Charles Tilly's theory of social history, this paper concludes that comparative law studies in Indonesia are currently in a stagnant position and fewer people are concerned with the quality of this academic study. This paper reveals that the comparative law that began during the Dutch Rechtshoogeschool in Batavia in 1924 basically did not develop until the present day. Both in terms of epistemology, subject of the study, postulate to method and approach illustrate how comparative law studies have stagnated when compared to the development of this study abroad. Comparative law in Indonesia is only focused on substantive studies without paying attention to this scientific development on the epistemological and methodological side. Improvements can thus be proposed in dealing with this situation, namely by increasing the number of sources of writing and discussion of comparative law from outside, especially those in English, and making this comparative study a core science in legal studies.
This thesis showed the correlation between the influence of Evangelical values and politics in th... more This thesis showed the correlation between the influence of Evangelical values and politics in the Presidential election. Same marriage, guy and lesbian movement, and abortion were considered as bad values for Evangelical. George Walker Bush and his team in 2004 Presidential election used those issues to get the sympathy from voters. They used those issues as the effective ways to reach voters to appoint G.W Bush as their President. Evangelical as a part of religious group could not be separated from its members. It means that the political issues that had been connected with the moral and religious values and it is became the effective issues to influence the members. If the leaders of this group gave the sermons related to the moral values and politics, those members who attend to churches more would be easy in getting the information and then executing their decision in politics. If the president candidate was concerned more about the moral and religion values, those members would tend to appoint him. This happened to George Walker Bush as the president candidate in 2004 presidential election. Based on the history and values from this group of religion, United States of America can be considered as a secular country which separates country and religion but the country still can be considered as a consistent country which keeps the tradition in religious values based on the Scripture. As a member of Evangelical, Bush was eligible and smart enough to use those issues rather than to use other issues such as Iraq and Afghanistan War, Economics, and also unemployment issues in America for reaching his goal in his candidacy. Bush get sympathy especially from Evangelical in which the population of this group was almost 25 % from the whole American population. As a result, George Walker Bush became the president in 2004 presidential election because of his ideas about those issues.
Studia Islamika, Aug 31, 2007
This book is a collection of articles presented at an International conference held at Internatio... more This book is a collection of articles presented at an International conference held at International Islamic University Malaysia in September 2014 under the cooperation between the Faculty of Sharia and Law, State [slamic University (UIN), SunanKalijaga, Yogyakarta, and Harun M. Hashim Law Center, IIUM Gombak Malaysia. The article, discuss various issues of law and Islamization in Indonesia. The publication of this book is reali.:led thanks to the financial support of the Faculty of Sharia and Law, UIN Yogyakarta, and to the hard effort of the staffs and the members or lecturers of the Department of legal studies of the faculty. The Dean of the faculty deserves special thanks and appreciation for his fullsupport to the projects of this book publication and of the joint conference in Malaysia. Special thanks also go to all the staffs of the faculty for having facilitated and made the arrangement of the travel of the members of the Department of legal studies to Malaysia and for having extended their helpful hands to bring the two activities of holding conference and of publishing the presented articles to a success. Sincere thanks are also awarded to the director of Harun M. Hashim Law Center, IIUM, Prof. Dr. Ainul Jaria Maidin, and her secretary, Dr. Farid Suhaib, for having agreed to hold the jointconference and made it well accomplished.The audience of the International conference in which the papers were presented deserves also our gratitude. This book is not a perfect piece of work and still needs considerable review and improvement. However, we do hope that this book will contribute to the development of Islamic legal discourse in Indonesia and give good understanding for readers of how Islam has become since its adoption by Indonesians an inspiration, source, and base for the development of lawin Indonesia.
Pena Justisia: Media Komunikasi dan Kajian Hukum (edisi elektronik), Dec 31, 2022
The fatwa in response to questions about Islamic law at Nahdlatul Ulama was discussed at the NU B... more The fatwa in response to questions about Islamic law at Nahdlatul Ulama was discussed at the NU Bahsul Masail Institute. The methodology used in exploring the law was initially still using the classical fiqh paradigm. However, recently many decisions made by the institution imply a new paradigm that leads to a progressive Islamic approach. The paradigm underlying the decision is not only based on subjectivity ('ulum ad-dien) but also involves a dimension of objectivity (social sciences and humanities). This is reflected in the decision of the Bahtsul Masail ad-Diniyyah al-Maudlu'iyyah PBNU LBMNU forum at the Banjar West Java National Conference on 27 February-1 March 2019 regarding point A: State, Citizenship and State Law. Non-Muslim Żimmy in the context of the nation state according to NU is referred to as muwathinīn, namely citizens of equal status. The intersubjectivity of the fatwa in the decision is a transformation of the methodology of the new legal approach at Nahdlatul Ulama in responding to current contextual problems.
Oñati socio-legal series, Dec 22, 2022
Sukma, Jun 20, 2020
Pluralisme merupakan kosa kata baru bagi orang Indonesia, meskipun pengalaman dalam hal pluralism... more Pluralisme merupakan kosa kata baru bagi orang Indonesia, meskipun pengalaman dalam hal pluralisme ini sudah lama ada. Kosa kata ini semakin menjadi asing di tengah masyarakat, terlebih sejak keluarnya fatwa MUI tahun 2005 yang menolak ide pluralisme keagamaan. Indonesia dengan ribuan pulaunya tentu saja menganut pluralisme karena perbedaan kultur dan nilai budaya yang ada. Pluralistic state adalah sebuah kenyataan. Bagaimana Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam (PTKI) di Indonesia menghadapi problem pluralisme ini? Bagaimana pula posisi pergu
Musawa: Jurnal Studi Gender dan Islam, Apr 30, 2007
University of Malaya Press eBooks, Nov 1, 2013
The state's attitude towards legal pluralism in Indonesia has remained basically unchanged si... more The state's attitude towards legal pluralism in Indonesia has remained basically unchanged since independence. For the last six decades the state has been the dominant force in regulating legal pluralism. This may be a logical consequence of the civil law system embraced so far- the Dutch colonial civil law system inherited from the Dutch East Indies - which renders the institution of law inseparable from the state. As a result, the creation and establishment of law are understood more as a process that occurs through state legislation, while creative processes that take place beyond the state are certain to be rejected. Although in practical terms dialogue between state and society is necessary in the process of law-making the final decision is the prerogative of the state. This is the teaching behind the ideology of state positivism. The government of Indonesia has prescribed that while the state upholds the principle of legal pluralism it will always be the sole institution in the process of legal catalization and legislation. Seen from the framework of legal pluralism this strategy is known as "state law pluralism", whereby legal pluralism in a nation-state is possible as long as the state is the sole agent of law-making (Griffiths 1986: 1; Woodman 1999: 3-5).
Asy-Syir'ah: Jurnal Ilmu Syari'ah dan Hukum, Jun 1, 2015
As one of the Asian countries substantiating Islam as the official state religion, Malaysia alway... more As one of the Asian countries substantiating Islam as the official state religion, Malaysia always faces a dilemma in its encounter with international law, amid the dominance of municipal (national) and Islamic laws. Until now, many norms of international law seem to be apprehensively accepted. In fact, the existence of Islamic law, constitutionally recognized as having an equal position with Common Law, often works as a barrier to the influence of international norms. Here, the segregation between British Common Law and Islamic law has played a major role in building the country's behavior in facing international law. Particularly, in redressing hard cases, international legal norms (such as international human rights law) are still difficult to get in and provide a positive influence in the national legal system. This paper focuses on the interaction between these three legal traditions of international, municipal and Islam in the face of rising Islamic conservatism supported by Malaysian Islamic parties in recent decades. Because legal segregation and compartmentalization between British common law and Islamic law had been chosen as the framework of legal pluralism in this country, the redress of the hard cases involving the meeting among the three laws-such as the case of apostasy, divorce due to apostasy, purdah etc.-, more often than not has led to the marginalization of international norms. This brings the consequence of the need to review the pattern of legal pluralism in this country, where relationship between different legal traditions is analyzed using bottom-up and non-state oriented perspectives. And it can only be done if the jurisprudence of legal pluralism in Malaysia can benefit the principles of Higher Law in its legal orientation; namely, the principles of universal justice, morality, and fairness, and not in the mere proximity to the character and the logic of official state law. Abstrak: Sebagai salah satu negara di Asia yang menempatkan Islam sebagai agama resmi negara, Malaysia selalu saja menghadapi dilema dalam penghadapannya dengan eksistensi hukum internasional, ditengah dominasi hukum municipal (nasional) dan Islam. Hingga kini, norma-norma hukum internasional senantiasa ditanggapi secara hati-hati (preserved). Dalam kenyataannya, keberadaan hukum Islam yang secara konstitusional diakui mempunyai kedudukan yang seimbang dengan hukum Common Law justru sering menjadi penghalang bagi masuknya pengaruh norma-norma internasional tersebut. Sistem segregasi antara hukum Common Law Inggris dan hukum Islam tampaknya berperan besar dalam membangun perilaku negara dalam menghadapi hukum internasional. Khususnya, dalam kasus
Buku di hadapan pembaca ini berkisar tentang perdebatan teoretis keilmuan perbandingan hukum. Sej... more Buku di hadapan pembaca ini berkisar tentang perdebatan teoretis keilmuan perbandingan hukum. Sejak perkembangannya pada awal paruh kedua abad dua puluh, ilmu perbandingan hukum dibayangi oleh perdebatan yang sangat intens dari para ahli tentang kedudukan ilmu ini dalam lingkup kajian teori hukum (jurisprudence) maupun hubungan hukum dengan impact sosialnya. Utamanya dalam lingkup epistemologi, perbandingan hukum dipertanyakan kevalidannya sebagai sebuah ilmu: adakah kajian ini absah disebut sebagai sebuah kajian yang memiliki sistem keilmuan sendiri, atau barangkali hanya merupakan cabang dari keilmuan hukum secara umum, sebagaimana cabang-cabang area kajian lain? Kemudian pertanyaan juga berkembang berkenaan dengan kemanfaatan kajian perbandingan hukum itu, terutama jika dihubungkan dengan aspek praksis dari keilmuan ini. Perdebatan ini meski bermula dari pertanyaan sederhana tentang basis keilmuan kajian perbandingan hukum, pada perkembangannya menyentuh hal-hal yang lebih praksis dan fungsionalis. Pandangan yang idealis terhadap ilmu perbandingan hukum menghasilkan metodologi yang sifatnya juga idealis dalam praktik perbandingan itu, dan ini tentu saja berbeda dengan metodologi kajian terhadapnya yang pragmatis dan berorientasi pada sisi praktis. Oleh karena itu, fungsi ilmu perbandingan hukum itu dapat dilihat dari dua dimensi yang berbeda, baik itu “theoretic-idealistmacro oriented” maupun “practical-pragmatic-micro oriented”. Dalam buku ini, pembaca akan dapat melihat betapa teori dan metode itu saling bertali-berkelindan, yang karenanya fungsi aktivitas perbandingan hukum itu harus disesuaikan dengan basis teoretis yang dipakai sebagai acuan keilmuannya.
Journal of Legal Pluralism, 2006
... of the Compilation of Islamic Law: "A daughter, if she is the only one, will... more ... of the Compilation of Islamic Law: "A daughter, if she is the only one, will get half of the portion, if two or more altogether they will get two third, and if there is also a son, the portion of the son is twice the size of the ... 'an ibn 'Abba s: "Li al-binti al-nis fu wa laysa li al-ukhti shayun, wa ...