Raul Flores-Fernandez - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Raul Flores-Fernandez

Research paper thumbnail of Fortines de la Mata Espesa (Hortaleza). Trabajos arqueológicos, traslado, restauración y musealización

Actas de la Reunión de Arqueología Madrileña 2022, 2023

Los fortines de la Mata Espesa y su entorno (distrito de Hortaleza) han sido objeto de diversas a... more Los fortines de la Mata Espesa y su entorno (distrito de Hortaleza) han sido objeto de diversas actuaciones arqueológicas y de restauración entre los años 2019 y 2021. Los trabajos han culminado con el traslado de las fortificaciones a un nuevo emplazamiento situado a 240 metros de distancia junto a la calle Francisco Umbral, lo que ha facilitado su musealización. Los fortines han sido ubicados con la misma orientación que tenían. Se han recreado asimismo las trincheras de comunicación documentadas durante la intervención arqueológica. El traslado de los fortines ha sido una tarea compleja, pionera en España en este tipo de elementos adscritos a la Guerra Civil.

Research paper thumbnail of Atlantic Halberds as Bell Beaker Weapons in Iberia: Tomb 1 of Humanejos (Parla, Madrid, Spain)

Oxford Journal of Archaeology

The recent discovery of an Atlantic halberd among other abundant and rich grave goods in the Bell... more The recent discovery of an Atlantic halberd among other abundant and rich grave goods in the Bell Beaker double tomb 1 of Humanejos (Parla, Madrid) demonstrates that this type of weapon was part of the Beaker panoply. It is the first example of an Atlantic halberd in a Beaker burial context in Iberia and only the second one in Europe. The remaining halberds come from old and isolated finds in Early Bronze Age deposits that were usually interpreted as post-Beaker votive deposits. In this paper the Humanejos halberd and its archaeological context (human remains, burial structure, radiocarbon dates) are carefully examined. The study includes the technical analysis of the halberd (metal composition, lead isotopes, use-wear traces), together with the other metallic weapons and tools recovered with it (Palmela points, tanged dagger, awl) as well as the rest of the offerings (Beaker pottery, ivory and bone adornments). All these data suggest that this exceptionally rich grave could have held a woman and a man of the social elite, with the power to concentrate important amounts of precious raw materials (copper, gold, ivory, cinnabar) in few hands, especially when compared to other contemporary graves in the same site and region.


Oxford Journal of Archaeology, 2022

The recent discovery of an Atlantic halberd among other abundant and rich grave goods in the Bell... more The recent discovery of an Atlantic halberd among other abundant
and rich grave goods in the Bell Beaker double tomb 1 of Humanejos (Parla, Madrid) demonstrates that this type of weapon was part of the Beaker panoply.
It is the first example of an Atlantic halberd in a Beaker burial context in Iberia and only the second one in Europe. The remaining halberds come from old and isolated finds in Early Bronze Age deposits that were usually interpreted as post-Beaker votive deposits. In this paper the Humanejos halberd and its archaeological context (human remains, burial structure, radiocarbon dates) are carefully examined. The study includes the technical analysis of the halberd (metal composition, lead isotopes, use-wear traces), together with the other metallic weapons and tools recovered with it (Palmela points, tanged dagger, awl) as well as the rest of the offerings (Beaker pottery, ivory and bone adornments). All these data suggest that this exceptionally rich grave could have held a woman and a man of the social elite, with the power to concentrate important amounts of precious raw materials (copper, gold, ivory, cinnabar) in few hands, especially when compared to other contemporary graves in the same site and region.

Research paper thumbnail of Excavaciones arqueológicas en fortines, refugios, trincheras y caminos de comunicación de la Guerra Civil en el término de Las Rozas de Madrid. aspectos metodológicos

Actas RAM 2018: Reunión de Arqueología Madrileña, 2018, ISBN 978-84-09-16074-7, págs. 271-282, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Bell Beaker funerary copper objects from the center of the Iberian Peninsula in the context of the Atlantic connections

Research paper thumbnail of Las sepulturas campaniformes de Humanejos (Parla, Madrid)

This monograph shows the results of the investigation of the nine Bell Beaker graves uncovered in... more This monograph shows the results of the investigation of the nine Bell Beaker graves uncovered in the site of Humanejos (Parla, Madrid, Spain). They are 5 single tombs, two double and one multiple (5 individuals). 13 of them are adults (6 males and 3 females) and 3 non-adults. Those graves contained a very important amount of grave goods: 56 complete ceramic vessels (31 decorated in both Maritime and Late Beaker Ciempozuelos styles), 34 metallic objects (18 gold plaquettes and 16 copper elements: 7 Palmela points, 4 tanged daggers, 3 awls, one flat axe and one atlantic halberd), 4 stone wrist-guards, 8 ivory V-perforated buttons and 62 ivory necklace beads.

Research paper thumbnail of Intervenciones arqueológicas en el hospital de incurables de Ntra. Sra. del Carmen (calle Atocha - Madrid)

espanolLa peritacion arqueologica realizada en el patio de la Sociedad Cervantina (calle Atocha n... more espanolLa peritacion arqueologica realizada en el patio de la Sociedad Cervantina (calle Atocha no 87 de Madrid) en el ano 2017 ha permitido documentar los restos de un gran edificio correspondiente, en su ultima fase de ocupacion, al hospital de incurables de Ntra. Sra. del Carmen fundado en 1852. En una de las habitaciones del hospital se hallo una galeria con boveda de ladrillo y escaleras descendentes correspondiente a uno de los accesos a un refugio antiaereo comenzado a construir en abril del ano 1938. EnglishThe archeological expert’s report made at the Cervantine Society’s patio (Atocha st. n.87 Madrid) in 2017 has made possible to document the remains of a corresponding building on it’s last occupation phase to the Ntra. Sra. del Carmen incurable hospital, founded in 1852. A brick vault gallery and descending stairs were found in one of the hospital rooms, corresponding to one of the anti-aircraft refugees accesses, which was built in April 1938.

Research paper thumbnail of La ‘pars fructuaria’ en el yacimiento de Humanejos (Parla, Madrid)

espanolLa intervencion arqueologica realizada en los ultimos anos en el yacimiento de Humanejos (... more espanolLa intervencion arqueologica realizada en los ultimos anos en el yacimiento de Humanejos (Parla) ha documentado toda una serie de estructuras y subestructuras de cronologia romana que se pueden situar, por los materiales aparecidos, entre los siglos I-III d. C. Los hallazgos estan relacionados tanto con la “pars fructuaria” de un asentamiento romano como con una pequena necropolis con tumbas realizadas mediante tejas. Los vestigios exhumados mas relevantes dentro del espacio productivo corresponden a los restos de cuatro “horrea” y un horno de produccion ceramica. Asimismo, se ha hallado una zona destinada a cantera para la extraccion de arenas, pequenas construcciones con cubierta de tejas, subestructuras con restos de combustion y una posible zanja de drenaje EnglishThe archaeological excavations carried out in recent years in the site of Humanejos (Parla) have been documented a series of structures and substructures of Roman chronology, dated, by the materials appeared, be...

Research paper thumbnail of Late Prehistory body ornaments: exchange and social dynamics in the Middle Tagus basin

The Iberian Peninsula displays extreme geographic and climatic differences, resulting in very dif... more The Iberian Peninsula displays extreme geographic and climatic differences, resulting in very different local preconditions. To what extent are these responsible for the heterogeneous social and cultural development in different regions observable during the 3 rd mill. BC? To answer this question it is necessary to identify what was considered to be a resource and to determine how these resources were valuated. This book aims at investigating and reconstructing the dynamics and the diversity of the sociocultural manifestations on the Iberian Peninsula in relation to the use of resources in a comprehensive way during the Chalcolithic. In general regional overviews and detailed studies of the use of infrastructure, raw materials or social relations the possibilities to identify key resources as factors in these processes are explored.

Research paper thumbnail of La maqbara de Humanejos (Parla, Madrid)

El presente artículo muestra los primeros resultados arqueológicos y antropológicos de la excavac... more El presente artículo muestra los primeros resultados arqueológicos y antropológicos de la excavación realizada en la maqbara de Humanejos (Parla). La necrópolis fue excavada en su totalidad y consta de 66 fosas con al menos dos tipos diferenciados de orientaciones, para las que se proponen diferentes fases cronológicas. Provenientes de esas estructuras se han analizado 64 individuos, de los cuales 50 son adultos, 13 no-adultos y uno indeterminado. Se reconstruye la composición paleodemográfica del grupo así como su estado de salud a partir de la observación de los caracteres de interés patológico.

Research paper thumbnail of Enterramientos infantiles en las necrópolis tardoantiguas y medievales de Humanejos (Parla, Madrid)

Munibe Antropologia-Arkeologia, 2019

RESUMEN A continuación se presentan los resultados relativos a las tumbas con individuos no-adult... more RESUMEN A continuación se presentan los resultados relativos a las tumbas con individuos no-adultos halladas en tres necrópolis del yacimiento de Humanejos (Parla, Madrid): la más antigua datada en época tardoantigua, otra medieval islámica y una tercera bajomedieval cristiana. La cronología abarca aproximadamente desde la segunda mitad del siglo VI hasta el siglo XVI. Se han excavado un total de 121 estructuras funerarias que contenían los restos de 154 individuos de los cuales 36 eran no-adultos. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar las tumbas infantiles desde una perspectiva arqueológica y bioantropológica, para conocer cuáles eran las prácticas funerarias hacia este grupo social, así como observar las posibles diferencias existentes entre ambos ritos. LABURPENA Hemen aurkeztuko ditugu Humanejosko (Parla, Madril) aztarnategiko hiru nekropolitan aurkitutako banako ez-helduen hilobiei lotutako emaitzak: antzinakoena Antzinaro Berantiarrekoa, beste bat Erdi Aroko islamikoa eta hirugarrena berant Erdi Aroko kristaua. Kronologia, gutxi gorabehera, VI. mendearen bigarren erditik XVI. menderainokoa da. Guztira, 121 hileta-egitura zulatu dira eta horietan aurkitu dira 154 banakoren hondakinak. Horietatik 36 ez-helduak ziren. Lan honen helburua umeen hilobiak ikuspegi arkeologikotik eta bioantropologikotik aztertzea da, hala, jakiteko, zer hileta-praktika egiten zituzten talde sozial horri lotuta. Horrez gain, bi errituen artean izan litezkeen aldeak ere behatu nahi ditugu.

Research paper thumbnail of The maternal genetic make-up of the Iberian Peninsula between the Neolithic and the Early Bronze Age

Agriculture first reached the Iberian Peninsula around 5700 BCE. However, little is known about t... more Agriculture first reached the Iberian Peninsula around 5700 BCE. However, little is known about the genetic structure and changes of prehistoric populations in different geographic areas of Iberia. In our study, we focused on the maternal genetic makeup of the Neolithic (~ 5500-3000 BCE), Chalcolithic (~ 3000-2200 BCE) and Early Bronze Age (~ 2200-1500 BCE). We report ancient mitochondrial DNA results of 213 individuals (151 HVS-I sequences) from the northeast, central, southeast and southwest regions and thus on the largest archaeogenetic dataset from the Peninsula to date. Similar to other parts of Europe, we observe a discontinuity between hunter-gatherers and the first farmers of the Neolithic. During the subsequent periods, we detect regional continuity of Early Neolithic lineages across Iberia, however the genetic contribution of hunter-gatherers is generally higher than in other parts of Europe and varies regionally. In contrast to ancient DNA findings from Central Europe, we...

Research paper thumbnail of La Cuesta, Torrejón de Velasco (Madrid): un hábitat singular en la Primera Edad del Hierro

El Primer Milenio a C En La Meseta Central De La Longhouse Al Oppidum Vol 1 2012 Isbn 84 616 0349 4 Pag 6, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Actividades productivas en La Cuesta (Torrejón de Velasco, Madrid)

1Er Simposio Sobre Los Carpetanos Arqueologia E Historia De Un Pueblo De La Edad Del Hierro 2014 Isbn 978 84 451 3497 9 Pags 201 210, 2014

La intervención arqueológica realizada en el Sector 13 del P.G.O.U. de Torrejón de Velasco ha sac... more La intervención arqueológica realizada en el Sector 13 del P.G.O.U. de Torrejón de Velasco ha sacado a la luz parte de un poblado carpetano, así como un área donde se realizaron actividades de tipo industrial y de procesamiento. Entre las actividades detectadas se encuentra la extracción de tierra para la construcción, así como la necesidad de almacenaje mediante varios sistemas. Entre éstos destacan los denominados pozos-silos, aunque también hay ejemplos de subestructuras que se han interpretado como silos y zonas de almacenaje diverso, incluyendo una que se ha considerado como un posible sótano. Finalmente, hay que destacar la presencia de un horno para fabricar cerámica y su zona inmediata donde se tiraron las cenizas producidas por las labores realizadas en él.

Research paper thumbnail of Materiales campaniformes en “La Cuesta”, Torrejón de Velasco (Madrid)

Research paper thumbnail of Campaniforme y conflicto social: Evidencias del yacimiento de Humanejos (Parla, Madrid)

Durante el campaniforme surgen importantes transformaciones sociales y conflictos en torno al lid... more Durante el campaniforme surgen importantes transformaciones sociales y conflictos en torno al liderazgo. La necrópolis campaniforme de Humanejos ha proporcionado evidencias sobre estos aspectos, así como otros fenómenos que podrían relacionarse también con la existencia de un contexto social conflictivo.

Research paper thumbnail of El Primer Milenio a.C. en la Meseta Central.: De la "longhouse al oppidum" (Segundo Simposio AUDEMA)

Research paper thumbnail of The Beaker Phenomenon and the Genomic Transformation of Northwest Europe

Bell Beaker pottery spread across western and central Europe beginning around 2750 BCE before dis... more Bell Beaker pottery spread across western and central Europe beginning around 2750 BCE before disappearing between 2200–1800 BCE. The mechanism of its expansion is a topic of long-standing debate, with support for both cultural diffusion and human migration. We present new genome-wide ancient DNA data from 170 Neolithic, Copper Age and Bronze Age Europeans, including 100 Beaker-associated individuals. In contrast to the Corded Ware Complex, which has previously been identified as arriving in central Europe following migration from the east, we observe limited genetic affinity between Iberian and central European Beaker Complex-associated individuals, and thus exclude migration as a significant mechanism of spread between these two regions. However, human migration did have an important role in the further dissemination of the Beaker Complex, which we document most clearly in Britain using data from 80 newly reported individuals dating to 3900–1200 BCE. British Neolithic farmers were...

Research paper thumbnail of The Inheritors: Bell Beaker Children’s Tombs in Iberia and Their Social Context (2500–2000 Cal BC)

Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology

For the most part, children have been overlooked in the archaeological literature. However, in re... more For the most part, children have been overlooked in the archaeological literature. However, in recent decades, numerous studies have pointed out the relevance of this social group and the necessity of including children in any attempt to reconstruct past societies. This study reports on an investigation of the main Bell Beaker child burial sites on the Iberian Peninsula and in a wider European perspective. It includes recent important discoveries in central Iberia, some of which are published here for the first time. Burial treatment of various age categories is examined to determine when individuals reach adulthood, regardless of their biological age, and when they may be considered full members of the social group. We have also noted special miniature versions of adult grave goods that were specifically made for children’s graves; it is also possible that some objects had been made by children working as apprentices. These are crucial issues for analysing the social contexts of Bell Beakers, including for understanding the key problem of inherited status in Iberia during the second half of the third millennium cal bc, which was a period of significant social changes.

Research paper thumbnail of Actividades económicas en Numancia

Xxiv Congreso Nacional De Arqueologia Celebrado En Cartagena 1997 Vol 4 1999 Isbn 84 88570 23 6 Pags 799 808, 1999

Research paper thumbnail of Fortines de la Mata Espesa (Hortaleza). Trabajos arqueológicos, traslado, restauración y musealización

Actas de la Reunión de Arqueología Madrileña 2022, 2023

Los fortines de la Mata Espesa y su entorno (distrito de Hortaleza) han sido objeto de diversas a... more Los fortines de la Mata Espesa y su entorno (distrito de Hortaleza) han sido objeto de diversas actuaciones arqueológicas y de restauración entre los años 2019 y 2021. Los trabajos han culminado con el traslado de las fortificaciones a un nuevo emplazamiento situado a 240 metros de distancia junto a la calle Francisco Umbral, lo que ha facilitado su musealización. Los fortines han sido ubicados con la misma orientación que tenían. Se han recreado asimismo las trincheras de comunicación documentadas durante la intervención arqueológica. El traslado de los fortines ha sido una tarea compleja, pionera en España en este tipo de elementos adscritos a la Guerra Civil.

Research paper thumbnail of Atlantic Halberds as Bell Beaker Weapons in Iberia: Tomb 1 of Humanejos (Parla, Madrid, Spain)

Oxford Journal of Archaeology

The recent discovery of an Atlantic halberd among other abundant and rich grave goods in the Bell... more The recent discovery of an Atlantic halberd among other abundant and rich grave goods in the Bell Beaker double tomb 1 of Humanejos (Parla, Madrid) demonstrates that this type of weapon was part of the Beaker panoply. It is the first example of an Atlantic halberd in a Beaker burial context in Iberia and only the second one in Europe. The remaining halberds come from old and isolated finds in Early Bronze Age deposits that were usually interpreted as post-Beaker votive deposits. In this paper the Humanejos halberd and its archaeological context (human remains, burial structure, radiocarbon dates) are carefully examined. The study includes the technical analysis of the halberd (metal composition, lead isotopes, use-wear traces), together with the other metallic weapons and tools recovered with it (Palmela points, tanged dagger, awl) as well as the rest of the offerings (Beaker pottery, ivory and bone adornments). All these data suggest that this exceptionally rich grave could have held a woman and a man of the social elite, with the power to concentrate important amounts of precious raw materials (copper, gold, ivory, cinnabar) in few hands, especially when compared to other contemporary graves in the same site and region.


Oxford Journal of Archaeology, 2022

The recent discovery of an Atlantic halberd among other abundant and rich grave goods in the Bell... more The recent discovery of an Atlantic halberd among other abundant
and rich grave goods in the Bell Beaker double tomb 1 of Humanejos (Parla, Madrid) demonstrates that this type of weapon was part of the Beaker panoply.
It is the first example of an Atlantic halberd in a Beaker burial context in Iberia and only the second one in Europe. The remaining halberds come from old and isolated finds in Early Bronze Age deposits that were usually interpreted as post-Beaker votive deposits. In this paper the Humanejos halberd and its archaeological context (human remains, burial structure, radiocarbon dates) are carefully examined. The study includes the technical analysis of the halberd (metal composition, lead isotopes, use-wear traces), together with the other metallic weapons and tools recovered with it (Palmela points, tanged dagger, awl) as well as the rest of the offerings (Beaker pottery, ivory and bone adornments). All these data suggest that this exceptionally rich grave could have held a woman and a man of the social elite, with the power to concentrate important amounts of precious raw materials (copper, gold, ivory, cinnabar) in few hands, especially when compared to other contemporary graves in the same site and region.

Research paper thumbnail of Excavaciones arqueológicas en fortines, refugios, trincheras y caminos de comunicación de la Guerra Civil en el término de Las Rozas de Madrid. aspectos metodológicos

Actas RAM 2018: Reunión de Arqueología Madrileña, 2018, ISBN 978-84-09-16074-7, págs. 271-282, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Bell Beaker funerary copper objects from the center of the Iberian Peninsula in the context of the Atlantic connections

Research paper thumbnail of Las sepulturas campaniformes de Humanejos (Parla, Madrid)

This monograph shows the results of the investigation of the nine Bell Beaker graves uncovered in... more This monograph shows the results of the investigation of the nine Bell Beaker graves uncovered in the site of Humanejos (Parla, Madrid, Spain). They are 5 single tombs, two double and one multiple (5 individuals). 13 of them are adults (6 males and 3 females) and 3 non-adults. Those graves contained a very important amount of grave goods: 56 complete ceramic vessels (31 decorated in both Maritime and Late Beaker Ciempozuelos styles), 34 metallic objects (18 gold plaquettes and 16 copper elements: 7 Palmela points, 4 tanged daggers, 3 awls, one flat axe and one atlantic halberd), 4 stone wrist-guards, 8 ivory V-perforated buttons and 62 ivory necklace beads.

Research paper thumbnail of Intervenciones arqueológicas en el hospital de incurables de Ntra. Sra. del Carmen (calle Atocha - Madrid)

espanolLa peritacion arqueologica realizada en el patio de la Sociedad Cervantina (calle Atocha n... more espanolLa peritacion arqueologica realizada en el patio de la Sociedad Cervantina (calle Atocha no 87 de Madrid) en el ano 2017 ha permitido documentar los restos de un gran edificio correspondiente, en su ultima fase de ocupacion, al hospital de incurables de Ntra. Sra. del Carmen fundado en 1852. En una de las habitaciones del hospital se hallo una galeria con boveda de ladrillo y escaleras descendentes correspondiente a uno de los accesos a un refugio antiaereo comenzado a construir en abril del ano 1938. EnglishThe archeological expert’s report made at the Cervantine Society’s patio (Atocha st. n.87 Madrid) in 2017 has made possible to document the remains of a corresponding building on it’s last occupation phase to the Ntra. Sra. del Carmen incurable hospital, founded in 1852. A brick vault gallery and descending stairs were found in one of the hospital rooms, corresponding to one of the anti-aircraft refugees accesses, which was built in April 1938.

Research paper thumbnail of La ‘pars fructuaria’ en el yacimiento de Humanejos (Parla, Madrid)

espanolLa intervencion arqueologica realizada en los ultimos anos en el yacimiento de Humanejos (... more espanolLa intervencion arqueologica realizada en los ultimos anos en el yacimiento de Humanejos (Parla) ha documentado toda una serie de estructuras y subestructuras de cronologia romana que se pueden situar, por los materiales aparecidos, entre los siglos I-III d. C. Los hallazgos estan relacionados tanto con la “pars fructuaria” de un asentamiento romano como con una pequena necropolis con tumbas realizadas mediante tejas. Los vestigios exhumados mas relevantes dentro del espacio productivo corresponden a los restos de cuatro “horrea” y un horno de produccion ceramica. Asimismo, se ha hallado una zona destinada a cantera para la extraccion de arenas, pequenas construcciones con cubierta de tejas, subestructuras con restos de combustion y una posible zanja de drenaje EnglishThe archaeological excavations carried out in recent years in the site of Humanejos (Parla) have been documented a series of structures and substructures of Roman chronology, dated, by the materials appeared, be...

Research paper thumbnail of Late Prehistory body ornaments: exchange and social dynamics in the Middle Tagus basin

The Iberian Peninsula displays extreme geographic and climatic differences, resulting in very dif... more The Iberian Peninsula displays extreme geographic and climatic differences, resulting in very different local preconditions. To what extent are these responsible for the heterogeneous social and cultural development in different regions observable during the 3 rd mill. BC? To answer this question it is necessary to identify what was considered to be a resource and to determine how these resources were valuated. This book aims at investigating and reconstructing the dynamics and the diversity of the sociocultural manifestations on the Iberian Peninsula in relation to the use of resources in a comprehensive way during the Chalcolithic. In general regional overviews and detailed studies of the use of infrastructure, raw materials or social relations the possibilities to identify key resources as factors in these processes are explored.

Research paper thumbnail of La maqbara de Humanejos (Parla, Madrid)

El presente artículo muestra los primeros resultados arqueológicos y antropológicos de la excavac... more El presente artículo muestra los primeros resultados arqueológicos y antropológicos de la excavación realizada en la maqbara de Humanejos (Parla). La necrópolis fue excavada en su totalidad y consta de 66 fosas con al menos dos tipos diferenciados de orientaciones, para las que se proponen diferentes fases cronológicas. Provenientes de esas estructuras se han analizado 64 individuos, de los cuales 50 son adultos, 13 no-adultos y uno indeterminado. Se reconstruye la composición paleodemográfica del grupo así como su estado de salud a partir de la observación de los caracteres de interés patológico.

Research paper thumbnail of Enterramientos infantiles en las necrópolis tardoantiguas y medievales de Humanejos (Parla, Madrid)

Munibe Antropologia-Arkeologia, 2019

RESUMEN A continuación se presentan los resultados relativos a las tumbas con individuos no-adult... more RESUMEN A continuación se presentan los resultados relativos a las tumbas con individuos no-adultos halladas en tres necrópolis del yacimiento de Humanejos (Parla, Madrid): la más antigua datada en época tardoantigua, otra medieval islámica y una tercera bajomedieval cristiana. La cronología abarca aproximadamente desde la segunda mitad del siglo VI hasta el siglo XVI. Se han excavado un total de 121 estructuras funerarias que contenían los restos de 154 individuos de los cuales 36 eran no-adultos. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar las tumbas infantiles desde una perspectiva arqueológica y bioantropológica, para conocer cuáles eran las prácticas funerarias hacia este grupo social, así como observar las posibles diferencias existentes entre ambos ritos. LABURPENA Hemen aurkeztuko ditugu Humanejosko (Parla, Madril) aztarnategiko hiru nekropolitan aurkitutako banako ez-helduen hilobiei lotutako emaitzak: antzinakoena Antzinaro Berantiarrekoa, beste bat Erdi Aroko islamikoa eta hirugarrena berant Erdi Aroko kristaua. Kronologia, gutxi gorabehera, VI. mendearen bigarren erditik XVI. menderainokoa da. Guztira, 121 hileta-egitura zulatu dira eta horietan aurkitu dira 154 banakoren hondakinak. Horietatik 36 ez-helduak ziren. Lan honen helburua umeen hilobiak ikuspegi arkeologikotik eta bioantropologikotik aztertzea da, hala, jakiteko, zer hileta-praktika egiten zituzten talde sozial horri lotuta. Horrez gain, bi errituen artean izan litezkeen aldeak ere behatu nahi ditugu.

Research paper thumbnail of The maternal genetic make-up of the Iberian Peninsula between the Neolithic and the Early Bronze Age

Agriculture first reached the Iberian Peninsula around 5700 BCE. However, little is known about t... more Agriculture first reached the Iberian Peninsula around 5700 BCE. However, little is known about the genetic structure and changes of prehistoric populations in different geographic areas of Iberia. In our study, we focused on the maternal genetic makeup of the Neolithic (~ 5500-3000 BCE), Chalcolithic (~ 3000-2200 BCE) and Early Bronze Age (~ 2200-1500 BCE). We report ancient mitochondrial DNA results of 213 individuals (151 HVS-I sequences) from the northeast, central, southeast and southwest regions and thus on the largest archaeogenetic dataset from the Peninsula to date. Similar to other parts of Europe, we observe a discontinuity between hunter-gatherers and the first farmers of the Neolithic. During the subsequent periods, we detect regional continuity of Early Neolithic lineages across Iberia, however the genetic contribution of hunter-gatherers is generally higher than in other parts of Europe and varies regionally. In contrast to ancient DNA findings from Central Europe, we...

Research paper thumbnail of La Cuesta, Torrejón de Velasco (Madrid): un hábitat singular en la Primera Edad del Hierro

El Primer Milenio a C En La Meseta Central De La Longhouse Al Oppidum Vol 1 2012 Isbn 84 616 0349 4 Pag 6, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Actividades productivas en La Cuesta (Torrejón de Velasco, Madrid)

1Er Simposio Sobre Los Carpetanos Arqueologia E Historia De Un Pueblo De La Edad Del Hierro 2014 Isbn 978 84 451 3497 9 Pags 201 210, 2014

La intervención arqueológica realizada en el Sector 13 del P.G.O.U. de Torrejón de Velasco ha sac... more La intervención arqueológica realizada en el Sector 13 del P.G.O.U. de Torrejón de Velasco ha sacado a la luz parte de un poblado carpetano, así como un área donde se realizaron actividades de tipo industrial y de procesamiento. Entre las actividades detectadas se encuentra la extracción de tierra para la construcción, así como la necesidad de almacenaje mediante varios sistemas. Entre éstos destacan los denominados pozos-silos, aunque también hay ejemplos de subestructuras que se han interpretado como silos y zonas de almacenaje diverso, incluyendo una que se ha considerado como un posible sótano. Finalmente, hay que destacar la presencia de un horno para fabricar cerámica y su zona inmediata donde se tiraron las cenizas producidas por las labores realizadas en él.

Research paper thumbnail of Materiales campaniformes en “La Cuesta”, Torrejón de Velasco (Madrid)

Research paper thumbnail of Campaniforme y conflicto social: Evidencias del yacimiento de Humanejos (Parla, Madrid)

Durante el campaniforme surgen importantes transformaciones sociales y conflictos en torno al lid... more Durante el campaniforme surgen importantes transformaciones sociales y conflictos en torno al liderazgo. La necrópolis campaniforme de Humanejos ha proporcionado evidencias sobre estos aspectos, así como otros fenómenos que podrían relacionarse también con la existencia de un contexto social conflictivo.

Research paper thumbnail of El Primer Milenio a.C. en la Meseta Central.: De la "longhouse al oppidum" (Segundo Simposio AUDEMA)

Research paper thumbnail of The Beaker Phenomenon and the Genomic Transformation of Northwest Europe

Bell Beaker pottery spread across western and central Europe beginning around 2750 BCE before dis... more Bell Beaker pottery spread across western and central Europe beginning around 2750 BCE before disappearing between 2200–1800 BCE. The mechanism of its expansion is a topic of long-standing debate, with support for both cultural diffusion and human migration. We present new genome-wide ancient DNA data from 170 Neolithic, Copper Age and Bronze Age Europeans, including 100 Beaker-associated individuals. In contrast to the Corded Ware Complex, which has previously been identified as arriving in central Europe following migration from the east, we observe limited genetic affinity between Iberian and central European Beaker Complex-associated individuals, and thus exclude migration as a significant mechanism of spread between these two regions. However, human migration did have an important role in the further dissemination of the Beaker Complex, which we document most clearly in Britain using data from 80 newly reported individuals dating to 3900–1200 BCE. British Neolithic farmers were...

Research paper thumbnail of The Inheritors: Bell Beaker Children’s Tombs in Iberia and Their Social Context (2500–2000 Cal BC)

Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology

For the most part, children have been overlooked in the archaeological literature. However, in re... more For the most part, children have been overlooked in the archaeological literature. However, in recent decades, numerous studies have pointed out the relevance of this social group and the necessity of including children in any attempt to reconstruct past societies. This study reports on an investigation of the main Bell Beaker child burial sites on the Iberian Peninsula and in a wider European perspective. It includes recent important discoveries in central Iberia, some of which are published here for the first time. Burial treatment of various age categories is examined to determine when individuals reach adulthood, regardless of their biological age, and when they may be considered full members of the social group. We have also noted special miniature versions of adult grave goods that were specifically made for children’s graves; it is also possible that some objects had been made by children working as apprentices. These are crucial issues for analysing the social contexts of Bell Beakers, including for understanding the key problem of inherited status in Iberia during the second half of the third millennium cal bc, which was a period of significant social changes.

Research paper thumbnail of Actividades económicas en Numancia

Xxiv Congreso Nacional De Arqueologia Celebrado En Cartagena 1997 Vol 4 1999 Isbn 84 88570 23 6 Pags 799 808, 1999

Research paper thumbnail of El Primer Milenio a.C. en la Meseta Central. De la "longhouse al oppidum". VOL. 1

APERTURA * El Primer Milenio en la Meseta Central. Jorge Morín y Dionisio Urbina PRIMERA ED... more APERTURA
* El Primer Milenio en la Meseta Central.
Jorge Morín y Dionisio Urbina


*Bronce Final - en el Tajo superior .
Rosa Barroso

*Las Primeras Necrópolis de incineración en tierras de Madrid.
María Concepción Blasco, José Chamón y Joaquín Barrio

*El final de Cogotas I y los inicios de la Edad del Hierro en el Centro de la Península Ibérica (1200- 800 a.C.)
Alfredo Mederos


*El Yacimiento de Las Camas (Villaverde, Madrid) Longhouses en la Meseta Central.
Ernesto Agustí, Jorge Morín, Dionisio Urbina, Francisco José López, Primitivo J. Sanabria, Germán López, Mario López, José Manuel Illán, José
Yravedra Sainz de los Terreros e Ignacio Montero

*La Cuesta, Torrejón de Velasco (Madrid): un hábitat singular en la Primera Edad del Hierro.
Primitivo J. Sanabria y Raúl Flores

*El Yacimiento de Las Lunas, Yuncler (Toledo): una ciudad de cabañas.
Dionisio Urbina

*Las cabañas de la I Edad del Hierro del yacimiento de Dehesa de Ahín (Toledo).
Juan Manuel Rojas Rodriguez Malo y Antonio J. Gómez Laguna

*Palomar de Pintado, Villafranca de los Caballeros (Toledo): territorialización y sociedades del primer hierro en la Mancha toledana.
Jesús Carrobles


*La cerámica de transición del Bronce al Hierro y del Hierro Antiguo en el Área de Madrid y Norte de Toledo (850/800- 500/400 a.C.)
Juan Francisco Blanco

*Metalurgia en la meseta sur: síntesis sobre el primer milenio ac.
Ignacio Montero Ruiz y Martina Renzi

*Conjuntos líticos de la Edad del Hierro en la Meseta Central.
Germán López

*Industria lítica del yacimiento de Las Camas”(Villaverde, Madrid)
Germán López

*Un brazalete de marfil del yacimiento de Las Camas (Villaverde, Madrid)
Thomas X. Schuhmacher

*Grafitos fenicios en el centro peninsular
Luis Alberto Ruiz Cabrero

Research paper thumbnail of Bell Beaker funerary copper objects from the center of the Iberian Peninsula in the context of the Atlantic connections

Research paper thumbnail of PARQUE DEHESA DE NAVALCARBÓN. Las Rozas de Madrid. Excavación e investigación arqueológica en los fortines de la Guerra Civil

Guía de los fortines de la Guerra Civil existentes en la Dehesa de Navalcarbón. Se describen las... more Guía de los fortines de la Guerra Civil existentes en la Dehesa de Navalcarbón. Se describen las fortificaciones y su contexto en relación con la intervención arqueológica desarrollada en el año 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Las sepulturas campaniformes de Humanejos (Parla, Madrid).

This monograph shows the results of the investigation of the nine Bell Beaker graves uncovered in... more This monograph shows the results of the investigation of the nine Bell Beaker graves uncovered in the site of Humanejos (Parla, Madrid, Spain). They are 5 single tombs, two double and one multiple (5 individuals). 13 of them are adults (6 males and 3 females) and 3 non-adults. Those graves contained a very important amount of grave goods: 56 complete ceramic vessels (31 decorated in both Maritime and Late Beaker Ciempozuelos styles), 34 metallic objects (18 gold plaquettes and 16 copper elements: 7 Palmela points, 4 tanged daggers, 3 awls, one flat axe and one atlantic halberd), 4 stone wrist-guards, 8 ivory V-perforated buttons and 62 ivory necklace beads.

Research paper thumbnail of El Primer Milenio a.C. en la meseta central. De la longhouse al oppidum. Volumen I. La Iª Edad del Hierro

In recent years there have been significant developments in the archaeological record of the Iron... more In recent years there have been significant developments in the archaeological record of the Iron Age in central Spanish, incineration necropolis have been excavated, walled enclosures, plain villages, large oppidum, mud huts and postholes longhuose unparalleled in the Iberian Peninsula, hut settlements of not previously known extension, while there have been developed analytical methods of the latest technology applied to chronological debates, technological and environmental aspects, etc.
Many of these findings have not yet incorporated into scientific historiography discourse in spanish, so we believe that contributions presented here came to fill a void and help us in understanding the phenomena of the beginning and developed of the Iron Age in central Spain.
This first volume contains contributions from the transition from the Late Bronze Age to Iron and some examples (mostly unpublished) of the Early Iron Age.

Research paper thumbnail of The maternal genetic make-up of the Iberian Peninsula between the Neolithic and the Early Bronze Age

by Anna Szécsényi-Nagy, Juan Carlos Mejías-García, Corina Liesau von Lettow-Vorbeck, Rosario Cruz-Auñon, Sandra Pichler, Vicente Lull Santiago, Eszter Banffy, José Ignacio Royo Guillén, Elena Morán, Patricia Ríos Mendoza, Raul Flores-Fernandez, and Rui Parreira

Scientific Reports, 2017

Agriculture first reached the Iberian Peninsula around 5700 BCE. However, little is known about t... more Agriculture first reached the Iberian Peninsula around 5700 BCE. However, little is known about the genetic structure and changes of prehistoric populations in different geographic areas of Iberia. In our study, we focus on the maternal genetic makeup of the Neolithic (~ 5500–3000 BCE), Chalcolithic (~ 3000–2200 BCE) and Early Bronze Age (~ 2200–1500 BCE). We report ancient mitochondrial DNA results of 213 individuals (151 HVS-I sequences) from the northeast, central, southeast and southwest regions and thus on the largest archaeogenetic dataset from the Peninsula to date. Similar to other parts of Europe, we observe a discontinuity between hunter-gatherers and the first farmers of the Neolithic. During the subsequent periods, we detect regional continuity of Early Neolithic lineages across Iberia, however the genetic contribution of hunter-gatherers is generally higher than in other parts of Europe and varies regionally. In contrast to ancient DNA findings from Central Europe, we do not observe a major turnover in the mtDNA record of the Iberian Late Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age, suggesting that the population history of the Iberian Peninsula is distinct in character.

Research paper thumbnail of The maternal genetic make-up of the Iberian Peninsula between the Neolithic and the Early Bronze Age

by Roberto Risch, Cristina Tejedor-Rodríguez, Vicente Lull Santiago, Eni Soriano, María Inés F Fregeiro Morador, Francisco Javier Jover Maestre, JOAQUÍN LOMBA MAURANDI, Manolo Rojo Guerra, Mimi Bueno, Héctor Arcusa Magallón, José Ignacio Royo Guillén, Raul Flores-Fernandez, Eszter Banffy, Juan Carlos Mejías-García, and Carmen Alonso Fernández


Agriculture first reached the Iberian Peninsula around 5700 BCE. However, little is known about t... more Agriculture first reached the Iberian Peninsula around 5700 BCE. However, little is known about the genetic structure and changes of prehistoric populations in different geographic areas of Iberia. In our study, we focused on the maternal genetic make-up of the Neolithic (~ 5500-3000 BCE), Chalcolithic (~ 3000-2200 BCE) and Early Bronze Age (~ 2200-1500 BCE). We report ancient mitochondrial DNA results of 213 individuals (151 HVS-I sequences) from the northeast, middle Ebro Valley, central, southeast and southwest regions and thus on the largest archaeogenetic dataset from the Peninsula to date. Similar to other parts of Europe, we observe a discontinuity between hunter-gatherers and the first farmers of the Neolithic, however the genetic contribution of hunter-gatherers is generally higher and varies regionally, being most pronounced in the inland middle Ebro Valley and in southwest Iberia. During the subsequent periods, we detect regional continuity of Early Neolithic lineages across Iberia, parallel to an increase of hunter-gatherer genetic ancestry. In contrast to ancient DNA findings from Central Europe, we do not observe a major turnover in the mtDNA record of the Iberian Late Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age, suggesting that the population history of the Iberian Peninsula is distinct in character.

Research paper thumbnail of Liderazgos efímeros. Poder y desigualdad en las tumbas campaniformes de Humanejos (Parla, Madrid)

Juan A. López Padilla, Roberto Risch, János Dani (eds). Dinastías. Los primeros reinos de la Europa prehistórica, 2024

This chapter deals with the social and ideological context of the Bell Beaker tombs of Humanejos ... more This chapter deals with the social and ideological context of the Bell Beaker tombs of Humanejos and it is especially focused on grave number 1. During this period in this cemetery these graves display clear signs of social hierarchisation, moreover if we compare them with other contemporaneous lacking any grave goods and also showing more pathological traits in the skeletons. We even have two examples of infantile Beaker tombs, perhaps as an indication that those elites were trying to perpetuate their power through the next generation. Nevertheless, the rest of the archaeological record (especially the settlements) does not suggest that the degree of social hierarchisation or structural complexity was so important. It is more likely then that those leaderships were ephimeral and this process of conflict and increasing social emulation and fighting for power developed during the entire Bell Beaker period in the interior of Iberia.

Research paper thumbnail of La necrópolis prehistórica de Humanejos (Parla, Madrid)/The prehistoric cemetery of Humanejos (Parla, Madrid)


Humanejos es un extenso yacimiento prehistórico con más de 1700 estructuras arqueológicas, en su ... more Humanejos es un extenso yacimiento prehistórico con más de 1700 estructuras arqueológicas, en su mayoría domésticas, pero también funerarias, situado en el municipio de Parla, al sur de Madrid. Más de 100 tumbas excavadas en él han ofrecido una información muy valiosa sobre la transformación de las sociedades que habitaron el interior de la península ibérica desde fines del IV a fines del II milenio cal AC. Se analizan los cambios producidos en los rituales funerarios durante este periodo, no solo mediante el estudio de los ajuares funerarios, sino también de los restos humanos recuperados en las tumbas. Todo ello nos permite ofrecer nuevos datos sobre los procesos de jerarquización y los cambios en la organización social y el mundo simbólico, a lo largo de 2000 años de ocupación de este asentamiento y cementerio. Partiendo de incipientes diferencias detectadas en la fase precampaniforme, que ha ofrecido una inusual riqueza de ajuares, sobre todo cerámicos y metálicos, estas alcanzan su cenit durante el Campaniforme. A este último periodo pertenece una necrópolis de 9 tumbas, con uno de los conjuntos más ricos y espectaculares de ofrendas funerarias documentados en Europa. La trayectoria de creciente jerarquización social parece truncarse a comienzos del II milenio cal AC, cuando tanto el hábitat como la necrópolis concentran sus hallazgos espacialmente.

Humanejos is an extensive prehistoric site with more than 1700 archaeological structures, mainly domestic but also funerary in the town of Parla, south of Madrid (Spain). In fact, more than 100 burials offered significant information about the transformation of the societies living in the interior of Iberia from the late IVth millennium cal BC to the late IInd.
Those changes in the burial rituals during that period are analysed, not only through the study of the grave goods but also of the human remains discovered with them. They both give significant data about the processes of social hierarchisation and the transformations in the social organization and the symbolic world through 2000 years of occupation of this habitat and cemetery. After the first testimonies of initial differences documented in the pre-Beaker phase, where unusually rich grave goods were discovered (mainly pottery and copper tools), the zenith is reached during the Bell Beaker period. To this phase belong nine tombs who offered one of the richest and most spectacular assemblages of grave goods documented in Europe. This trajectory towards social ranking seems to abruptly end at the beginning of the IInd millennium cal BC, when both the settlement and the tombs appear spatially concentrated in the site.