Regis Gomes - (original) (raw)

Papers by Regis Gomes

Research paper thumbnail of The early inflammatory response to bites of Leishmania major infected Phlebotomus duboscqi sand flies in naïve and pre-exposed mice. (94.15)

The Journal of Immunology

Pre-exposure to uninfected sand fly bites (USFB) protects against Leishmania major infection. Lit... more Pre-exposure to uninfected sand fly bites (USFB) protects against Leishmania major infection. Little is known about the initial immune response responsible for this protection. During blood feeding, the insect sand fly inoculates Leishmania parasites into the skin alongside saliva. Here, we explore the early inflammatory response in the skin of pre-exposed (PE) mice challenged with L. major-infected P. duboscqi flies. The relative expression of cytokines and chemokines by skin cells were investigated 2- 48h post-infection using a macroarray (Oligo GEArray®). There is a rapid and strong early expression of inflammatory genes in PE compared to naive mice following challenge. Two to twelve hours post-infection, naïve mice showed an increased expression of MCP-1, MCP-3 and eotaxin that attract macrophages and granulocytes while PE mice upregulated TCA-3, BRAK and I-TAC related to migration of NK cells, macrophages, granulocytes and activated T cells. Characterization of leukocytes by F...

Research paper thumbnail of Pre-exposure to uninfected sand fly bites protects rhesus monkeys against cutaneous leishmaniasis (94.14)

The Journal of Immunology

Leishmaniasis is a vector-borne disease that distresses millions in the poorest regions of the gl... more Leishmaniasis is a vector-borne disease that distresses millions in the poorest regions of the globe. There are no anti-Leishmania vaccines approved for human use. Mice pre-exposed to uninfected sand fly bites (USFB) are protected against cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL). To test if pre-exposure to USFB protects rhesus monkeys against CL, we first developed a model where monkeys challenged with 50 L. major-infected Phlebotomus duboscqi sand flies developed self-healing cutaneous lesions mimicking human CL. In a following experiment, we exposed animals 3 times, every 21 days, to 20 uninfected P. duboscqi. We found that 70% of the monkeys reacted to USFB(DTH reaction and antibodies). Twenty-one days after the last exposure to USFB naïve, pre-exposed reactive (PE-R) and pre-exposed non-reactive monkeys were challenged with 50 L. major-infected P. duboscqi. We observed a reduction in disease burden and healing time in the PE-R group. This protection correlated with a two log reduction in p...

Research paper thumbnail of Different inoculum ofLeishmania braziliensisconcentrations influence immunopathogenesis and clinical evolution in the ear dermis hamster model of cutaneous leishmaniasis

Research paper thumbnail of Immunization with CDNA from Lutzomyia Longipalpis salivary protein protects hamsters from infection by Leishmania Chagasi

Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical, 2006

Research paper thumbnail of Aspectos moleculares e epidemiológicos para o entendimento da transmissão da leishmaniose

Research paper thumbnail of A saliva de Lutzomyia Longipalpis induz o recrutamento de macrófagos dependente de CCL2/MCP-1 e é capaz de modificar a resposta inflamatória induzida pela Leishmania chagasi

Research paper thumbnail of Avaliação da resposta imune humoral e celular em camundongos Balb/c sensibilizados com saliva de Lutzomyia Longipalpis após exposição natural

Research paper thumbnail of Identifying Febrile Humans Using Infrared Thermography Screening: Possible Applications During COVID-19 Outbreak

Revista Contexto & Saúde, 2020

Since the first case of COVID-19 reported at late 2019, it has quickly spread throughout the worl... more Since the first case of COVID-19 reported at late 2019, it has quickly spread throughout the world and became a pandemic. Because of its high transmission rate, COVID-19 is a huge threat to public health worldwide. Fever is a common symptom of patients with severe acute respiratory syndromes (SARS), including the COVID-19 disease. Infrared thermography (IT) is widely used to mass-screen the skin temperature of people in crowded places, such as hospitals and airports. This is of importance for patients and health professionals as it drastically decreases the risk of transmission due to the minimal contact between the evaluator and the subject. Infrared thermography strategy has already been widely used for the screening of febrile people during the outbreak of other pandemics such as H1N1 and Ebola. We here describe the potential of IT to identify febrile people who may be infected with COVID-19 and provide recommendations for their monitoring and management during this pandemic bas...

Research paper thumbnail of A follow-up of Beagle dogs intradermally infected with Leishmania chagasi in the presence or absence of sand fly saliva

Veterinary Parasitology, 2003

Research paper thumbnail of Historia Natural Da Infecção Causada Por Leishmania Chagasi Em Cães (Canis Familiares) Domiciliados Em Área Endêmica Da Ilha De São Luis–Maranhão, Brasil

Realizou-se um estudo de coorte prospectivo com 350 cães com idades variadas nas localidades de V... more Realizou-se um estudo de coorte prospectivo com 350 cães com idades variadas nas localidades de Vila Nova e Bom Viver no município da Raposa-MA no período de março de 2002 a janeiro de 2003, com o objetivo de avaliar o comportamento da evolução natural da infecção por L. (L.) chagasi em cães domiciliados. As áreas escolhidas são resultantes do processo de ocupação desordenada, contribuindo em média com 60% dos casos notificados de LVH e LVC pelo município. Procedeu-se inicialmente com o inquérito populacional nas duas localidades por meio do censo canino. O estudo ocorreu em duas fases, com intervalo de 7 meses entre as mesmas. Na primeira fase participaram do estudo 350 cães, e por meio de visita nas casas aplicou-se um questionário com dados epidemiológicos, demográficos, clínicos e comportamentais dos cães. Realizou-se o teste de intradermorreação de Montenegro (IDRM) com antígeno de L. amazonensis adequado para cães e o teste sorológico Enzyme Linked Immunsorbent Assay (ELISA) para a detecção da infecção bem como o exame clínico e parasitológico dos animais positivos para os testes IDRM e/ou ELISA. A partir de parâmetros clínico e imunológico já referido na literatura, foram definidas quatro categorias de diagnóstico, classificando os cães segundo o seu curso evolutivo em cães não infectados (195), infectados ou assintomáticos (100), doente oligossintomático (41) e doente polissintomático (14). A segunda fase foi realizada com aplicação dos mesmos testes da primeira fase com 230 cães, essa redução deveu-se em função das perdas (36,28%) ocasionadas por óbitos, mudança de endereço e desaparecidos. Os cães positivos para um ou ambos os testes foram acompanhados bimestralmente com reavaliação dos exames clínicos. A evolução natural da infecção demonstrou aumento do grupo de animais não infectados (55,71%/64,58%), de doentes (15,71%/17,04%) e a redução do grupo de infectados ou assintomáticos, face a cura espontânea de 39% dos animais nesse estágio. A prevalência inicial, final e incidência da infecção foram 8,57%, 6,52% e 8% por IDRM; por ELISA 39,71%, 32,6% e 16%; por ELISA e IDRM 44,29%, 37,39% e 21,6% respectivamente. A taxa de prevalência inicial, final e incidência detectados por Elisa foram mais significativos do que por IDRM. Quanto à forma clínica, os resultados dos cães positivos apresentaram-se da seguinte maneira: infectados ou assintomáticos (64,53%), doente oligossintomático (26,47%) e doente polissintomático (9%). Os achados permitiu-nos inferir que, na área endêmica estudada a infecção canina ocorre inicialmente com maior intensidade que a infecção humana, entretanto após sete meses da infecção canina instalada, o risco de desenvolvimento da infecção humana foi bem maior que a canina, e após o convívio entre ambos infectados, observou-se semelhança de comportamento, contudo chamou-nos a atenção o processo de adoecimento dos cães, a sua ocorrência se deu quatro vezes mais que a doença no homem. Os dados foram analisados pelo programa EPI-INFO versão 6.4 da Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS). Palavras-chave: leishmaniose visceral canina, infectados, prevalência, incidência, infecção. A prospective cohort study was happened with 350 dogs, ages varied, in the localities of Vila Nova and Bom Viver, municipality of Raposa-Ma, since March 2002 to January 2003, with the objective to value the behaviour of the natural evolution of the infection for L. (L.) chagasi provided with a domicile dogs. The chosen areas are resultant of the process of disordered occupation, contributing on average 60% of the notified cases of human visceral leishmaniasis (HVL) and canine visceral leishmaniasis (CVL) of this municipality. The study started with the population inquiry in the two localities through the canine census-after, in two phases, with interval of 7 months between the same. In the first phase participated 350 dogs, and through visit at the home a questionnaire was applied with epidemiologics data, demographic, clinical and comportamentals of the dogs. We realized leishmanin skin test with L. amazonensis antigen adapted for dogs and serologic test Enzyme Linked Immunsorbent Assay (ELISA) for infection detection, as well as, clinical and parasitologic exams of the positive animals for tests (skin test ELISA). From clinical and immunologic parameters, four categories of diagnosis were defined, classifying the dogs according to their evolutive course in: not infected dogs (195), infected or not Gaz. méd. Bahia 2009;79 (Supl.3):147-155 Jackson M.L. Costa, et al. symptomatic (100), oligosymptomatic dog (41) and polysimptomatic dog (14). The second phase was carried out by application of the same tests with 230 dogs, this reduction should in function of the losses (36.28%) deaths, change of address and disappeared. The positive dogs for one or both tests were accompanied two-monthly with revaluation of clinical examinations. The natural evolution of the infection demonstrated increase of the group of not infected animals (55.71%/64.58%), of sick dogs (15.71%/17.04%) and reduction of the group of infected or not symptomatic, face to spontaneous cure of 39% of the animals in this stage. The initial, final and incidence of the infection were 8,57%, 6,52% and 8% for skin test; for ELISA 39.71%, 32.6% and 16%; for ELISA and skin test 44.29%, 37.39% and 21.6% respectively. The initial, final prevalence and incidence detected by Elisa were more significant than for skin test. As clinical form, the results of positive dogs showed up in the next way: infected or not symptomatic (64.53%), oligosymptomatic dog (26.47%) and polisymptomatic (9%). The founds allowed to infer that, in the endemic area studied, the canine infection takes place initially with bigger intensity than human infection, meantime, after seven months of the canine installed infection, the risk of development human infection was bigger than canine one, and after the familiarity between both infected, similarity of behaviour was observed, nevertheless the process attracted us attention of disease of the dogs, the occurrence was happened four times more than the disease in man. The data were analysed by the program EPI-INFO version 6.4 of the World Health Organization (WHO).

Research paper thumbnail of Editorial: Hematophagous arthropod saliva: a multifunctional tool

Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology

Research paper thumbnail of Padrões de fonte alimentar dos Flebotomíneos (Diptera: Psychodidae) vetores das Leishmanioses: uma revisão bibliográfica

Revista Eletrônica Acervo Saúde, 2021

Objetivo: Realizar levantamento da literatura de artigos sobre hábito e comportamento alimentar d... more Objetivo: Realizar levantamento da literatura de artigos sobre hábito e comportamento alimentar de flebotomíneos no Brasil. Métodos: Foram escolhidos nas bases de dados National Library of Medicine (NIH-Pub Med) e a biblioteca Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), por meio das palavras chave “feeding preference”; “sandflies”, “blood food sources” e “feeding behavior”. Das quais, dos 290 trabalhos pesquisados, 20 foram escolhidos após análise dos critérios de inclusão. Resultados: O maior número de artigos publicados foi o ano 2005, onde foi possível observar diversos tipos de testes, tanto genéticos quanto imunoenzimáticos. as fontes de alimentação mais encontradas foram: aves, gambás, roedores, humanos, cavalos, cães, bovinos e gatos Considerações Finais: Foi possível observar que existem vários métodos de avaliação para identificar a fonte alimentar de flebotomíneos. Além disso, a análise dos artigos demonstrou que existe uma propensão dos insetos em se alimentar em anima...

Research paper thumbnail of and Exhibits Therapeutic Potential to Treat Severe Malaria Defibrotide Interferes With Several Steps of the Coagulation-Inflammation Cycle

Research paper thumbnail of Estudo Comparativo Entre Metodologias Para O Diagnóstico Da Leishmaniose Visceral Humana: Uma Revisão Integrativa / Comparative Study Methodologies for the Diagnosis of Human Visceral Leishmaniasis: An Integrative Review

Estudo comparativo entre metodologias para o diagnóstico da leishmaniose visceral humana: uma rev... more Estudo comparativo entre metodologias para o diagnóstico da leishmaniose visceral humana: uma revisão integrativa Comparative study methodologies for the diagnosis of human visceral leishmaniasis: an integrative review

Research paper thumbnail of Household structure and urban services: neglected targets in the control of visceral leishmaniasis

Annals of Tropical Medicine & Parasitology, 2005

Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) caused by Leishmania chagasi is a growing public-health problem in ma... more Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) caused by Leishmania chagasi is a growing public-health problem in many parts of the New World. Although several studies have focused on the consequences of environmental damage, human migration and land occupation on the incidence of VL, the effects on the disease of the substandard living conditions that often result from the process of urbanization have not been investigated in detail. The present study was based in the Brazilian city of Teresina, where, since 1980, there have been two large outbreaks of VL (one in 1981-1985 and the other in 1993-1996), each involving at least 1000 newly reported cases. The role of household structure and the provision of urban services in the city, as predictors of the occurrence of VL, was studied in a case-control investigation. After controlling for age, crowding, and the background incidence of VL in the area where the subjects lived, the risk of acquiring the disease was found to be significantly higher for those who lived in houses with an inadequate sewage system and those who had no regular rubbish collection. Improving household structure and providing basic urban services might be effective strategies for controlling the spread of VL in urban areas.

Research paper thumbnail of The burden of Leishmania chagasi infection during an urban outbreak of visceral leishmaniasis in Brazil

Research paper thumbnail of Lutzomyia Longipalpis polypeptides and methods of use

Research paper thumbnail of Influência da Saliva de Flebotomímeos na Leishmaniose Experimental e Humana

A leishmaniose é transmitida pela picada do vetor flebotomíneo infectado. A saliva deste flebótom... more A leishmaniose é transmitida pela picada do vetor flebotomíneo infectado. A saliva deste flebótomo possui um repertório de moléculas que modulam as respostas hemostática, inflamatória e imunológica do hospedeiro. Os eventos iniciais entre a leishmania e o sistema imune do hospedeiro estão diretamente relacionados ao desenvolvimento da infecção ou à proteção contra o parasita. Os componentes da saliva influenciam diretamente essas interações. Estes componentes têm sido bastante explorados e vários trabalhos na literatura têm estudado estes aspectos. Nesta revisão, discutimos as contribuições da literatura, que procuram esclarecer a influência da saliva na resposta imune inicial anti-leishmania do hospedeiro e no estabelecimento da infecção, trazendo novas perspectivas para o tratamento, controle e profilaxia da doença. Palavras-chave: Vetor, saliva, Leishmania, infecção. Leishmaniases are transmitted to their vertebrate host by infected phlebotomine sand fly. The saliva from these insects contains a repertoire of pharmacologically active molecules that are able to interfere with the host's haemostatic, inflammatory and immune responses. The initial events between Leishmania and the host's immune response are directly related to disease progression or protection against the parasite, and saliva contributes directly to these interactions. Recent work in the literature has described these aspects, and these interactions have been extensively investigated. In this literature review, we have identified reports that explain the role of saliva in the initial immune response against Leishmania in the host and against infection, bringing new perspectives for treatment, prophylaxis and disease control.

Research paper thumbnail of Antibody Responses to Phlebotomus papatasi Saliva in American Soldiers With Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Versus Controls

Leishmania major, transmitted in Iraq by the bite of a sand fly Phlebotomus papatasi, causes cuta... more Leishmania major, transmitted in Iraq by the bite of a sand fly Phlebotomus papatasi, causes cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL). The sand fly saliva is immunogenic, with both systemic humoral and cellular human immune responses resulting from natural exposure. 248 Americans who developed L. major infection in Iraq were sex, race/ethnicity, year of Iraq deployment-matched to controls without CL. Using a case-control study design, we compared sand fly saliva-specific human IgG levels and recognized antigens between the two groups. Serologic responses to Ph. papatasi salivary gland homogenate were studied with ELISA and Western blot, using serial samples obtained from before travel, during CL treatment (CL) or at time of return to US (controls), as well as (for CL cases) six to 24 months after return to non-endemic US. The mean change in optical density (MCOD), reflecting the change in sand fly saliva-specific IgG before and after exposure in Iraq, was 0.296 (range -0.138 to 2.057) in cases ...

Research paper thumbnail of Antibodies anti-saliva of Lutzomyia Longipalpis among dogs and the crab-eating fox cerdocyon thous captured in a highly endemic area of transmission of Leishmania Chagasi

Research paper thumbnail of The early inflammatory response to bites of Leishmania major infected Phlebotomus duboscqi sand flies in naïve and pre-exposed mice. (94.15)

The Journal of Immunology

Pre-exposure to uninfected sand fly bites (USFB) protects against Leishmania major infection. Lit... more Pre-exposure to uninfected sand fly bites (USFB) protects against Leishmania major infection. Little is known about the initial immune response responsible for this protection. During blood feeding, the insect sand fly inoculates Leishmania parasites into the skin alongside saliva. Here, we explore the early inflammatory response in the skin of pre-exposed (PE) mice challenged with L. major-infected P. duboscqi flies. The relative expression of cytokines and chemokines by skin cells were investigated 2- 48h post-infection using a macroarray (Oligo GEArray®). There is a rapid and strong early expression of inflammatory genes in PE compared to naive mice following challenge. Two to twelve hours post-infection, naïve mice showed an increased expression of MCP-1, MCP-3 and eotaxin that attract macrophages and granulocytes while PE mice upregulated TCA-3, BRAK and I-TAC related to migration of NK cells, macrophages, granulocytes and activated T cells. Characterization of leukocytes by F...

Research paper thumbnail of Pre-exposure to uninfected sand fly bites protects rhesus monkeys against cutaneous leishmaniasis (94.14)

The Journal of Immunology

Leishmaniasis is a vector-borne disease that distresses millions in the poorest regions of the gl... more Leishmaniasis is a vector-borne disease that distresses millions in the poorest regions of the globe. There are no anti-Leishmania vaccines approved for human use. Mice pre-exposed to uninfected sand fly bites (USFB) are protected against cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL). To test if pre-exposure to USFB protects rhesus monkeys against CL, we first developed a model where monkeys challenged with 50 L. major-infected Phlebotomus duboscqi sand flies developed self-healing cutaneous lesions mimicking human CL. In a following experiment, we exposed animals 3 times, every 21 days, to 20 uninfected P. duboscqi. We found that 70% of the monkeys reacted to USFB(DTH reaction and antibodies). Twenty-one days after the last exposure to USFB naïve, pre-exposed reactive (PE-R) and pre-exposed non-reactive monkeys were challenged with 50 L. major-infected P. duboscqi. We observed a reduction in disease burden and healing time in the PE-R group. This protection correlated with a two log reduction in p...

Research paper thumbnail of Different inoculum ofLeishmania braziliensisconcentrations influence immunopathogenesis and clinical evolution in the ear dermis hamster model of cutaneous leishmaniasis

Research paper thumbnail of Immunization with CDNA from Lutzomyia Longipalpis salivary protein protects hamsters from infection by Leishmania Chagasi

Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical, 2006

Research paper thumbnail of Aspectos moleculares e epidemiológicos para o entendimento da transmissão da leishmaniose

Research paper thumbnail of A saliva de Lutzomyia Longipalpis induz o recrutamento de macrófagos dependente de CCL2/MCP-1 e é capaz de modificar a resposta inflamatória induzida pela Leishmania chagasi

Research paper thumbnail of Avaliação da resposta imune humoral e celular em camundongos Balb/c sensibilizados com saliva de Lutzomyia Longipalpis após exposição natural

Research paper thumbnail of Identifying Febrile Humans Using Infrared Thermography Screening: Possible Applications During COVID-19 Outbreak

Revista Contexto & Saúde, 2020

Since the first case of COVID-19 reported at late 2019, it has quickly spread throughout the worl... more Since the first case of COVID-19 reported at late 2019, it has quickly spread throughout the world and became a pandemic. Because of its high transmission rate, COVID-19 is a huge threat to public health worldwide. Fever is a common symptom of patients with severe acute respiratory syndromes (SARS), including the COVID-19 disease. Infrared thermography (IT) is widely used to mass-screen the skin temperature of people in crowded places, such as hospitals and airports. This is of importance for patients and health professionals as it drastically decreases the risk of transmission due to the minimal contact between the evaluator and the subject. Infrared thermography strategy has already been widely used for the screening of febrile people during the outbreak of other pandemics such as H1N1 and Ebola. We here describe the potential of IT to identify febrile people who may be infected with COVID-19 and provide recommendations for their monitoring and management during this pandemic bas...

Research paper thumbnail of A follow-up of Beagle dogs intradermally infected with Leishmania chagasi in the presence or absence of sand fly saliva

Veterinary Parasitology, 2003

Research paper thumbnail of Historia Natural Da Infecção Causada Por Leishmania Chagasi Em Cães (Canis Familiares) Domiciliados Em Área Endêmica Da Ilha De São Luis–Maranhão, Brasil

Realizou-se um estudo de coorte prospectivo com 350 cães com idades variadas nas localidades de V... more Realizou-se um estudo de coorte prospectivo com 350 cães com idades variadas nas localidades de Vila Nova e Bom Viver no município da Raposa-MA no período de março de 2002 a janeiro de 2003, com o objetivo de avaliar o comportamento da evolução natural da infecção por L. (L.) chagasi em cães domiciliados. As áreas escolhidas são resultantes do processo de ocupação desordenada, contribuindo em média com 60% dos casos notificados de LVH e LVC pelo município. Procedeu-se inicialmente com o inquérito populacional nas duas localidades por meio do censo canino. O estudo ocorreu em duas fases, com intervalo de 7 meses entre as mesmas. Na primeira fase participaram do estudo 350 cães, e por meio de visita nas casas aplicou-se um questionário com dados epidemiológicos, demográficos, clínicos e comportamentais dos cães. Realizou-se o teste de intradermorreação de Montenegro (IDRM) com antígeno de L. amazonensis adequado para cães e o teste sorológico Enzyme Linked Immunsorbent Assay (ELISA) para a detecção da infecção bem como o exame clínico e parasitológico dos animais positivos para os testes IDRM e/ou ELISA. A partir de parâmetros clínico e imunológico já referido na literatura, foram definidas quatro categorias de diagnóstico, classificando os cães segundo o seu curso evolutivo em cães não infectados (195), infectados ou assintomáticos (100), doente oligossintomático (41) e doente polissintomático (14). A segunda fase foi realizada com aplicação dos mesmos testes da primeira fase com 230 cães, essa redução deveu-se em função das perdas (36,28%) ocasionadas por óbitos, mudança de endereço e desaparecidos. Os cães positivos para um ou ambos os testes foram acompanhados bimestralmente com reavaliação dos exames clínicos. A evolução natural da infecção demonstrou aumento do grupo de animais não infectados (55,71%/64,58%), de doentes (15,71%/17,04%) e a redução do grupo de infectados ou assintomáticos, face a cura espontânea de 39% dos animais nesse estágio. A prevalência inicial, final e incidência da infecção foram 8,57%, 6,52% e 8% por IDRM; por ELISA 39,71%, 32,6% e 16%; por ELISA e IDRM 44,29%, 37,39% e 21,6% respectivamente. A taxa de prevalência inicial, final e incidência detectados por Elisa foram mais significativos do que por IDRM. Quanto à forma clínica, os resultados dos cães positivos apresentaram-se da seguinte maneira: infectados ou assintomáticos (64,53%), doente oligossintomático (26,47%) e doente polissintomático (9%). Os achados permitiu-nos inferir que, na área endêmica estudada a infecção canina ocorre inicialmente com maior intensidade que a infecção humana, entretanto após sete meses da infecção canina instalada, o risco de desenvolvimento da infecção humana foi bem maior que a canina, e após o convívio entre ambos infectados, observou-se semelhança de comportamento, contudo chamou-nos a atenção o processo de adoecimento dos cães, a sua ocorrência se deu quatro vezes mais que a doença no homem. Os dados foram analisados pelo programa EPI-INFO versão 6.4 da Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS). Palavras-chave: leishmaniose visceral canina, infectados, prevalência, incidência, infecção. A prospective cohort study was happened with 350 dogs, ages varied, in the localities of Vila Nova and Bom Viver, municipality of Raposa-Ma, since March 2002 to January 2003, with the objective to value the behaviour of the natural evolution of the infection for L. (L.) chagasi provided with a domicile dogs. The chosen areas are resultant of the process of disordered occupation, contributing on average 60% of the notified cases of human visceral leishmaniasis (HVL) and canine visceral leishmaniasis (CVL) of this municipality. The study started with the population inquiry in the two localities through the canine census-after, in two phases, with interval of 7 months between the same. In the first phase participated 350 dogs, and through visit at the home a questionnaire was applied with epidemiologics data, demographic, clinical and comportamentals of the dogs. We realized leishmanin skin test with L. amazonensis antigen adapted for dogs and serologic test Enzyme Linked Immunsorbent Assay (ELISA) for infection detection, as well as, clinical and parasitologic exams of the positive animals for tests (skin test ELISA). From clinical and immunologic parameters, four categories of diagnosis were defined, classifying the dogs according to their evolutive course in: not infected dogs (195), infected or not Gaz. méd. Bahia 2009;79 (Supl.3):147-155 Jackson M.L. Costa, et al. symptomatic (100), oligosymptomatic dog (41) and polysimptomatic dog (14). The second phase was carried out by application of the same tests with 230 dogs, this reduction should in function of the losses (36.28%) deaths, change of address and disappeared. The positive dogs for one or both tests were accompanied two-monthly with revaluation of clinical examinations. The natural evolution of the infection demonstrated increase of the group of not infected animals (55.71%/64.58%), of sick dogs (15.71%/17.04%) and reduction of the group of infected or not symptomatic, face to spontaneous cure of 39% of the animals in this stage. The initial, final and incidence of the infection were 8,57%, 6,52% and 8% for skin test; for ELISA 39.71%, 32.6% and 16%; for ELISA and skin test 44.29%, 37.39% and 21.6% respectively. The initial, final prevalence and incidence detected by Elisa were more significant than for skin test. As clinical form, the results of positive dogs showed up in the next way: infected or not symptomatic (64.53%), oligosymptomatic dog (26.47%) and polisymptomatic (9%). The founds allowed to infer that, in the endemic area studied, the canine infection takes place initially with bigger intensity than human infection, meantime, after seven months of the canine installed infection, the risk of development human infection was bigger than canine one, and after the familiarity between both infected, similarity of behaviour was observed, nevertheless the process attracted us attention of disease of the dogs, the occurrence was happened four times more than the disease in man. The data were analysed by the program EPI-INFO version 6.4 of the World Health Organization (WHO).

Research paper thumbnail of Editorial: Hematophagous arthropod saliva: a multifunctional tool

Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology

Research paper thumbnail of Padrões de fonte alimentar dos Flebotomíneos (Diptera: Psychodidae) vetores das Leishmanioses: uma revisão bibliográfica

Revista Eletrônica Acervo Saúde, 2021

Objetivo: Realizar levantamento da literatura de artigos sobre hábito e comportamento alimentar d... more Objetivo: Realizar levantamento da literatura de artigos sobre hábito e comportamento alimentar de flebotomíneos no Brasil. Métodos: Foram escolhidos nas bases de dados National Library of Medicine (NIH-Pub Med) e a biblioteca Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), por meio das palavras chave “feeding preference”; “sandflies”, “blood food sources” e “feeding behavior”. Das quais, dos 290 trabalhos pesquisados, 20 foram escolhidos após análise dos critérios de inclusão. Resultados: O maior número de artigos publicados foi o ano 2005, onde foi possível observar diversos tipos de testes, tanto genéticos quanto imunoenzimáticos. as fontes de alimentação mais encontradas foram: aves, gambás, roedores, humanos, cavalos, cães, bovinos e gatos Considerações Finais: Foi possível observar que existem vários métodos de avaliação para identificar a fonte alimentar de flebotomíneos. Além disso, a análise dos artigos demonstrou que existe uma propensão dos insetos em se alimentar em anima...

Research paper thumbnail of and Exhibits Therapeutic Potential to Treat Severe Malaria Defibrotide Interferes With Several Steps of the Coagulation-Inflammation Cycle

Research paper thumbnail of Estudo Comparativo Entre Metodologias Para O Diagnóstico Da Leishmaniose Visceral Humana: Uma Revisão Integrativa / Comparative Study Methodologies for the Diagnosis of Human Visceral Leishmaniasis: An Integrative Review

Estudo comparativo entre metodologias para o diagnóstico da leishmaniose visceral humana: uma rev... more Estudo comparativo entre metodologias para o diagnóstico da leishmaniose visceral humana: uma revisão integrativa Comparative study methodologies for the diagnosis of human visceral leishmaniasis: an integrative review

Research paper thumbnail of Household structure and urban services: neglected targets in the control of visceral leishmaniasis

Annals of Tropical Medicine & Parasitology, 2005

Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) caused by Leishmania chagasi is a growing public-health problem in ma... more Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) caused by Leishmania chagasi is a growing public-health problem in many parts of the New World. Although several studies have focused on the consequences of environmental damage, human migration and land occupation on the incidence of VL, the effects on the disease of the substandard living conditions that often result from the process of urbanization have not been investigated in detail. The present study was based in the Brazilian city of Teresina, where, since 1980, there have been two large outbreaks of VL (one in 1981-1985 and the other in 1993-1996), each involving at least 1000 newly reported cases. The role of household structure and the provision of urban services in the city, as predictors of the occurrence of VL, was studied in a case-control investigation. After controlling for age, crowding, and the background incidence of VL in the area where the subjects lived, the risk of acquiring the disease was found to be significantly higher for those who lived in houses with an inadequate sewage system and those who had no regular rubbish collection. Improving household structure and providing basic urban services might be effective strategies for controlling the spread of VL in urban areas.

Research paper thumbnail of The burden of Leishmania chagasi infection during an urban outbreak of visceral leishmaniasis in Brazil

Research paper thumbnail of Lutzomyia Longipalpis polypeptides and methods of use

Research paper thumbnail of Influência da Saliva de Flebotomímeos na Leishmaniose Experimental e Humana

A leishmaniose é transmitida pela picada do vetor flebotomíneo infectado. A saliva deste flebótom... more A leishmaniose é transmitida pela picada do vetor flebotomíneo infectado. A saliva deste flebótomo possui um repertório de moléculas que modulam as respostas hemostática, inflamatória e imunológica do hospedeiro. Os eventos iniciais entre a leishmania e o sistema imune do hospedeiro estão diretamente relacionados ao desenvolvimento da infecção ou à proteção contra o parasita. Os componentes da saliva influenciam diretamente essas interações. Estes componentes têm sido bastante explorados e vários trabalhos na literatura têm estudado estes aspectos. Nesta revisão, discutimos as contribuições da literatura, que procuram esclarecer a influência da saliva na resposta imune inicial anti-leishmania do hospedeiro e no estabelecimento da infecção, trazendo novas perspectivas para o tratamento, controle e profilaxia da doença. Palavras-chave: Vetor, saliva, Leishmania, infecção. Leishmaniases are transmitted to their vertebrate host by infected phlebotomine sand fly. The saliva from these insects contains a repertoire of pharmacologically active molecules that are able to interfere with the host's haemostatic, inflammatory and immune responses. The initial events between Leishmania and the host's immune response are directly related to disease progression or protection against the parasite, and saliva contributes directly to these interactions. Recent work in the literature has described these aspects, and these interactions have been extensively investigated. In this literature review, we have identified reports that explain the role of saliva in the initial immune response against Leishmania in the host and against infection, bringing new perspectives for treatment, prophylaxis and disease control.

Research paper thumbnail of Antibody Responses to Phlebotomus papatasi Saliva in American Soldiers With Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Versus Controls

Leishmania major, transmitted in Iraq by the bite of a sand fly Phlebotomus papatasi, causes cuta... more Leishmania major, transmitted in Iraq by the bite of a sand fly Phlebotomus papatasi, causes cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL). The sand fly saliva is immunogenic, with both systemic humoral and cellular human immune responses resulting from natural exposure. 248 Americans who developed L. major infection in Iraq were sex, race/ethnicity, year of Iraq deployment-matched to controls without CL. Using a case-control study design, we compared sand fly saliva-specific human IgG levels and recognized antigens between the two groups. Serologic responses to Ph. papatasi salivary gland homogenate were studied with ELISA and Western blot, using serial samples obtained from before travel, during CL treatment (CL) or at time of return to US (controls), as well as (for CL cases) six to 24 months after return to non-endemic US. The mean change in optical density (MCOD), reflecting the change in sand fly saliva-specific IgG before and after exposure in Iraq, was 0.296 (range -0.138 to 2.057) in cases ...

Research paper thumbnail of Antibodies anti-saliva of Lutzomyia Longipalpis among dogs and the crab-eating fox cerdocyon thous captured in a highly endemic area of transmission of Leishmania Chagasi