Riki Saputra - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Riki Saputra
WARAQAT : Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman
Arabic as a foreign language for Indonesians is an important part, but in reality learning Arabic... more Arabic as a foreign language for Indonesians is an important part, but in reality learning Arabic as L2 is faced with various serious problems, this is further exacerbated by the learning carried out in Covid-19. This research aims to reveal the impact of online learning on learners' Arabic language skills particularly on aspects of speaking skills. This research is carried out with a qualitative approach, data collection techniques are carried out with observations, interviews and documentation studies. Based on the results of the study, it was found that online learning greatly impacted the speaking competence Arabic language. Learning Arabic as L2 in boarding schools that are carried out online causes many learners who do not hear both arabic words and sentences spoken by teachers, the desire to repeat the teacher's speech and students are afraid because it is not clear what will be said. This reality may be due to inadequate and inaccuracy in the selection of media, but ...
Quantum Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
This study aims to determine the strategies used by Islamic Religious Education teachers in incre... more This study aims to determine the strategies used by Islamic Religious Education teachers in increasing the interest of students in SMA Negeri 1 Sungai Aur during the covid 19 pandemic, and the factors that affect student learning interests, and how the strategies used by Islamic religious teachers (PAI) at SMA Negeri 1 Sungai Aur. The method that the researcher uses is the descriptive qualitative research method. While the data sources of this study were taken from Islamic Religious Education teachers, school principals, and students who were determined by the researchers. The results of the study showed that teachers carried out various strategies in increasing interest in learning Islamic Religious Education for students of SMA Negeri 1 Sungai Aur during the covid 19 pandemic, namely using the WhatsApp application both in online assignments and in collecting assignments. In addition, the teacher gives praise, prizes for students who are fast and precise in spelling out the tasks g...
European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, Nov 23, 2020
This research aimed to show the unpreparedness of Islamic Education (PAI) teachers in planning, i... more This research aimed to show the unpreparedness of Islamic Education (PAI) teachers in planning, implementing, and assessing the learning based on The Revised 2013 Curriculum at the elementary school. This type of research was descriptive qualitative. Data collection was conducted with purposive and snowball. The data source of the study consisted of school principals, Islamic Education (PAI) teachers, and students in three primary schools, namely SDN 08 , SDN 12, and SDN 04 in Lembah Melintang District, West Pasaman Regency, West Sumatra Province, Indonesia. Data collection techniques were done through observation, interviews, and documentation. Then the data analysis procedure was carried out in three levels, namely data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. This research also found two notable things: first, generally teachers were not ready to teach Islamic Education in the aspects of planning, implementing, and evaluating student learning outcomes. Second, the unpreparedness of the teacher to teach Islamic Education is caused by internal factors, namely the teacher itself and externally, the lack of the supporting facilities of the school where the teacher carries out his work. More fundamentally, the readiness to implement Islamic Education learning in accordance with the The revised 2013 curriculum that is caused by internal factors. PAI teachers are not well supported by external factors.
Al-Muaddib : jurnal ilmu-ilmu sosial dan keislaman, Nov 30, 2021
Kinerja setiap orang yang professional tidak akan berbeda dalam kondisi apapun, walaupun kondisi ... more Kinerja setiap orang yang professional tidak akan berbeda dalam kondisi apapun, walaupun kondisi sulit. Masa pandemic covid-19 dipandang sebagai masa yang sulit bagi semua pihak tanpa terkecuali guru pendidikan agama Islam. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan bagaimana kinerja guru pendidikan agama Islam dimasa covid-19, informasi yang disajikan dalam artikel ini berupa verifikasi terhadap data yang ditemukan di lapangan. Pendekatan yang digunakan ialah berupa pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis verifikasi. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi, wawancara dan studi dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data ialah berupa interaktif. Hasil penelitian ialah kinerja guru pendidikan agama Islam di kecamatan Padang Utara, pertama guru pendidikan agama Islam memiliki kinerja yang sama dalam aspek akademik dibuktikan dengan ketercapaian ketuntasan minimal peserta didik yang lulus 100% dalam mata pelajaran agama di Kecamatan Padang Utara. Hasil ini dapat diverifikasi dengan berbagai dokumen dan data wawancara terhadap semua pihak yang memiliki hubungan dengan SD Negeri se Kecamatan Padang Utara. Kedua, guru pendidikan agama Islam memiliki kinerja yang bagus dalam aspek administrator, seperti kepemilikian silabus, RPP, kalender pendidikan serta media pembelajaran yang digunakan selama pembelajaran PAI di masa Covid-19.
Pegem Journal of Education and Instruction, 2022
The fact that an educational institution is closed temporarily as one of the government's efforts... more The fact that an educational institution is closed temporarily as one of the government's efforts and participation of education to withstand the pace of the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic. In line with that learning is diverted from the face-to-face system to online learning, in reality online learning the social presence of learners not as expected, on the other hand, learners who are usually active on offline learning both from affective and cognitive aspects are invisible to online learning. The research findings are learners who have an active social presence showing high affective and cognitive involvement in the study online, while students whose sociability passive involvement indicates that they do not engage both affective and cognitive studies during their studies. Researchers have concluded that students who are social and active in affective and cognitive involvement in offline learning do not guarantee the same conditions found online learning.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2020
This research aimed to analyse the Internet usage in the management of pesantren educational buil... more This research aimed to analyse the Internet usage in the management of pesantren educational building. This research uses qualitative methods of descriptive. Data sources were obtained through observation, field notes, documentation, and interviews. Data were analyzed using three levels: data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The findings of this research are: 1) The strategy of Pesantren in the educational building management through the Internet, divided into two strategies, namely: direct and indirect. The first was derived from the initiation of the Kyai (Islamic Priest) and then communicated and realized together with the stakeholder of pesantren. Secondly, through cooperation with external parties, such as the government via the Minister of Communication and Informatics, Telecommunication (public corporation), colleges and non-governmental organizations where they have a role to provide socialization activities, training, and mentoring Internet utilization to the pesantren. 2) The role of internal boarding stakeholders, such as Kyai who act as a culture broker and as well as a mediator that is simultaneously supported by the Ustadz (Religion teacher), caregivers, and other executives of Pesantren trying to, first, increase the capacity of individuals through participation in the socialization and training of Internet literacy both internally and externally implemented. Secondly, conduct the supervision and awareness of Internet utilization to the citizens of Pesantren as much as possible as effort to support pesantren educational building.
Menara Ilmu, Jul 24, 2018
The dimension of religion can not be separated from the events of natural disasters. Placing the ... more The dimension of religion can not be separated from the events of natural disasters. Placing the approach of religious mysticism as one of the most important approaches in disaster recovery process. Research focusing on the actions of religious groups on disasters or disaster victims is minimal. Religious groups are an important part in assisting the recovery of victims of natural disasters, especially in Padang. One moderate Islamic group like Muhammadiyah has provided significant relief assistance in Padang. Religion provides and teaches messages that can make people or disaster victims feel strong and accept disaster as part of their life processes in the world. Informants in this study are Muhammadiyah residents spread across several districts. Data collection in the study using interviews and documentation.
Fikrah: jurnal ilmu aqidah dan studi keagamaan, Jun 23, 2021
This study aims to explain the moderation of Islam in Ahmad Syafii Maarif's view which has contri... more This study aims to explain the moderation of Islam in Ahmad Syafii Maarif's view which has contributed to the plurality of religions in Indonesia. This research is library research using descriptive-analytical methods and deductive reasoning. In Ahmad Syafii Maarif's view, Islamic moderation is about providing a reinterpretation of religious texts (Islam) with the aim that adherents can understand religion in essence and substance, which will lead to healthier tolerance among religious communities. To realize the moderation of Islam, Ahmad Syafii Maarif made various efforts including; active in various interfaith forums, voicing messages of moderation through writings, also initiated the establishment of the Maarif Institute, institution engaged in the humanitarian and cultural sector. Meanwhile, Ahmad Syafii Maarif's contribution of Islamic moderation to the plurality of religions in Indonesia is that it has sparked the enthusiasm of young people to hold a dialogue in various interfaith forums.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2020
This research aimed to analyse the Internet usage in the management of pesantren educational buil... more This research aimed to analyse the Internet usage in the management of pesantren educational building. This research uses qualitative methods of descriptive. Data sources were obtained through observation, field notes, documentation, and interviews. Data were analyzed using three levels: data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The findings of this research are: 1) The strategy of Pesantren in the educational building management through the Internet, divided into two strategies, namely: direct and indirect. The first was derived from the initiation of the Kyai (Islamic Priest) and then communicated and realized together with the stakeholder of pesantren. Secondly, through cooperation with external parties, such as the government via the Minister of Communication and Informatics, Telecommunication (public corporation), colleges and non-governmental organizations where they have a role to provide socialization activities, training, and mentoring Internet utilization to the pesantren. 2) The role of internal boarding stakeholders, such as Kyai who act as a culture broker and as well as a mediator that is simultaneously supported by the Ustadz (Religion teacher), caregivers, and other executives of Pesantren trying to, first, increase the capacity of individuals through participation in the socialization and training of Internet literacy both internally and externally implemented. Secondly, conduct the supervision and awareness of Internet utilization to the citizens of Pesantren as much as possible as effort to support pesantren educational building.
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Education, Humanities, Health and Agriculture, ICEHHA 2021, 3-4 June 2021, Ruteng, Flores, Indonesia
WARAQAT : Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman
Moral learning has a more specific purpose to form the behavior of learners, therefore the main a... more Moral learning has a more specific purpose to form the behavior of learners, therefore the main aspects expected of moral learning are related to attitudes, while for the formation of attitudes require exampleal examples by learners. Learning in the covid-19 period the presence of teachers as figures that are commonly examined by learners' words and actions are very minimal. Therefore, this study wants to reveal how moral learning for students in high school during covid-19. This research was conducted using a quantitative approach, the research sample was a student of Sma Negeri 1 Senta Raya taken with cluster techniques, research data collected with questionnaire techniques. The planning carried out by the teacher has no difference with moral learning planning in normal times. The implementation of learning is done online using the media of the teacher's room. Moral learning outcomes are more dominated by cognitive aspects. This is because the presence of teachers directly...
This research was conducted to determine the implementation of Islamic Education learning using l... more This research was conducted to determine the implementation of Islamic Education learning using learning house media for fifth grade students at SD Plus Marhamah Padang. This study was motivated by the widespread use of electronic media such as; cellphones, laptops, and computers as well as a higher tendency of students to electronic media compared to books and also the implementation of online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study is intended to see the impact of the implementation of Islamic Education learning using learning house media, especially by using the main features available in learning house media such as learning resource features, virtual class features, question banks and virtual laboratories during the Covid-19 pandemic. The results of the use of learning house media show several things including; The use of learning resource features on learning home media can be used as an effective medium and also a solution to educational problems that occurred durin...
Prayer is the main obligation for Muslims, in carrying it out sometimes many people feel heavy wi... more Prayer is the main obligation for Muslims, in carrying it out sometimes many people feel heavy without the exception of students in educational institutions. Along with the problem, strong cooperation between various parties is needed in fostering an avid generation of worship. This research will illustrate the cooperation between Islamic religious education teachers and parents of students in improving the prayer of students. To get the intended purpose, this research was designed in the form of qualitative research, while the place of research was conducted in Junior High School 2 Talamau West Pasaman Regency, the source of this research is teachers, parents and some students who are selected purposively. The data collection techniques used are observation, interview and study documentation. Based on the results of the study it is known that the cooperation between teachers and parents of students in conducting supervision to improve student worship is still running less smoothly,...
In the midst of faltering studies of al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan within the faculty of Muhammad... more In the midst of faltering studies of al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan within the faculty of Muhammadiyah University of West Sumatra, it is necessary to echo a picture of the development of science in general which is very revolutionary. Changes and paradigm changes are very common, while among Islamic religious scientists it looks rather slow. That is because the paradigm that was built by a scientist was later sacred by the next generation of scientists. Consequently, something that should be profane becomes sacred, which should be open-ended to be closed, which should be the object of study being an ideology and so on. This also happened in the design of Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan studies. For the further development of the AIK study, the question remains needed is whether the new paradigm to be offered later is then followed by changes to the next paradigms or re-stuck to the stagnation of science. Researchers try to apply the theory of Soroush and Lakatos about the development o...
Permasalahan utama penelitian ini ialah bahwa pemahaman guru al-Islam dan Kemuhammadiyahan tentan... more Permasalahan utama penelitian ini ialah bahwa pemahaman guru al-Islam dan Kemuhammadiyahan tentang integrasi pendidikan karakter dengan pembelajaran AIK belum merata, sehingga keberadaan pendidikan karakter dalam kurikulum AIK yang sebenarnya sudah ada sejak lama belum terimplementasikan secara merata oleh guru. Untuk itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pelaksanaan pendidikan karakter dalam pembelajaran al-Islam dan Kemuhammadiyahan di SMA Muhammadiyah Kota Padang. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah kualitatif, teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan ialah wawancara, observasi dan studi dokumentasi. Analisis data yang digunakan ialah deskriptif dengan teknik pencermatan keabsahan data triangulasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwap elaksanaan pendidikan karakter dalam pembelajaran al-Islam dan Kemuhammadiyahan di SMA Muhammadiyah Kota Padang ialah dalam pembelajaran al-Islam dan Kemuhammadiyahan guru menggunakan strategi, metode, serta media yang turut ...
This study aims to explain the moderation of Islam in Ahmad Syafii Maarif's view which has co... more This study aims to explain the moderation of Islam in Ahmad Syafii Maarif's view which has contributed to the plurality of religions in Indonesia. This research is library research using descriptive-analytical methods and deductive reasoning. In Ahmad Syafii Maarif's view, Islamic moderation is about providing a reinterpretation of religious texts (Islam) with the aim that adherents can understand religion in essence and substance, which will lead to healthier tolerance among religious communities. To realize the moderation of Islam, Ahmad Syafii Maarif made various efforts including; active in various interfaith forums, voicing messages of moderation through writings, also initiated the establishment of the Maarif Institute , institution engaged in the humanitarian and cultural sector. Meanwhile, Ahmad Syafii Maarif's contribution of Islamic moderation to the plurality of religions in Indonesia is that it has sparked the enthusiasm of young people to hold a dialogue in ...
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Education, Humanities, Health and Agriculture, ICEHHA 2021, 3-4 June 2021, Ruteng, Flores, Indonesia
TAJDID : Jurnal Ilmu Keislaman dan Ushuluddin
Wacana perennialisme muncul dalam kajian filsafat agama. Filsafat agama memilikijenis pendekatan ... more Wacana perennialisme muncul dalam kajian filsafat agama. Filsafat agama memilikijenis pendekatan filsafat analitik agama, filsafat konstruksi agama, dan filsafat religius.Perennialisme Huston Smith dengan pendekatan filsafat analitik agama, tidak terjebakmenjelaskan agama secara historis dengan mempertanyakan apakah agama itu benar atau salahdan kapan munculnya agama-agama yang dianut manusia. Perennialisme Huston Smith denganpendekatan filsafat konstruksi agama dalam menganalisis makna ajaran agama secara mendalamdengan mempertanyakan apakah agama itu–di samping bersifat Ilahiyah–bermanfaat bagi manusiadalam kehidupannya, dan bagaimana membumikan pemahaman manusia terhadap Tuhan kepadakehidupan sosialnya. Perennialisme Huston Smith dengan pendekatan filsafat religius, manusiaakan sampai pada tahap tingkat tertinggi dalam beragama yakni, pemahaman agama yang semakindalam dengan menjadi sosok yang taat dan konsisten dalam beragama. Filsafat Perennial HustonSmith terbentuk seperti seb...
Al-Albab, 2016
This work is based on the assumption that modern human has undergone a multidimensional crisis. T... more This work is based on the assumption that modern human has undergone a multidimensional crisis. This crisis needs a timely response and an urgent solution, for if we neglect it, it will become worse and can destabilize the life of mankind globally. I refer to the work of Huston Smith on perennial philosophy to find its essence as an attempt to find solution for overcoming the modern men`s crisis. This is a library research using the philosophical hermeneutics method. The paper shows that, firstly, perennial philosophy has a characteristic of metaphysics, which try to find a fundamental basis for both immanent and transcendent of all things, psychology which depicts the common sameness in human and ethics as a goal in human life. Secondly, what is meant by human spiritual crisis is a condition where human neglected even destroyed the godhead character within themselves. Thirdly, the answer made by Huston smith`s Perennial Philosophy concerning human spiritual crisis include that the ...
WARAQAT : Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman
Arabic as a foreign language for Indonesians is an important part, but in reality learning Arabic... more Arabic as a foreign language for Indonesians is an important part, but in reality learning Arabic as L2 is faced with various serious problems, this is further exacerbated by the learning carried out in Covid-19. This research aims to reveal the impact of online learning on learners' Arabic language skills particularly on aspects of speaking skills. This research is carried out with a qualitative approach, data collection techniques are carried out with observations, interviews and documentation studies. Based on the results of the study, it was found that online learning greatly impacted the speaking competence Arabic language. Learning Arabic as L2 in boarding schools that are carried out online causes many learners who do not hear both arabic words and sentences spoken by teachers, the desire to repeat the teacher's speech and students are afraid because it is not clear what will be said. This reality may be due to inadequate and inaccuracy in the selection of media, but ...
Quantum Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
This study aims to determine the strategies used by Islamic Religious Education teachers in incre... more This study aims to determine the strategies used by Islamic Religious Education teachers in increasing the interest of students in SMA Negeri 1 Sungai Aur during the covid 19 pandemic, and the factors that affect student learning interests, and how the strategies used by Islamic religious teachers (PAI) at SMA Negeri 1 Sungai Aur. The method that the researcher uses is the descriptive qualitative research method. While the data sources of this study were taken from Islamic Religious Education teachers, school principals, and students who were determined by the researchers. The results of the study showed that teachers carried out various strategies in increasing interest in learning Islamic Religious Education for students of SMA Negeri 1 Sungai Aur during the covid 19 pandemic, namely using the WhatsApp application both in online assignments and in collecting assignments. In addition, the teacher gives praise, prizes for students who are fast and precise in spelling out the tasks g...
European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, Nov 23, 2020
This research aimed to show the unpreparedness of Islamic Education (PAI) teachers in planning, i... more This research aimed to show the unpreparedness of Islamic Education (PAI) teachers in planning, implementing, and assessing the learning based on The Revised 2013 Curriculum at the elementary school. This type of research was descriptive qualitative. Data collection was conducted with purposive and snowball. The data source of the study consisted of school principals, Islamic Education (PAI) teachers, and students in three primary schools, namely SDN 08 , SDN 12, and SDN 04 in Lembah Melintang District, West Pasaman Regency, West Sumatra Province, Indonesia. Data collection techniques were done through observation, interviews, and documentation. Then the data analysis procedure was carried out in three levels, namely data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. This research also found two notable things: first, generally teachers were not ready to teach Islamic Education in the aspects of planning, implementing, and evaluating student learning outcomes. Second, the unpreparedness of the teacher to teach Islamic Education is caused by internal factors, namely the teacher itself and externally, the lack of the supporting facilities of the school where the teacher carries out his work. More fundamentally, the readiness to implement Islamic Education learning in accordance with the The revised 2013 curriculum that is caused by internal factors. PAI teachers are not well supported by external factors.
Al-Muaddib : jurnal ilmu-ilmu sosial dan keislaman, Nov 30, 2021
Kinerja setiap orang yang professional tidak akan berbeda dalam kondisi apapun, walaupun kondisi ... more Kinerja setiap orang yang professional tidak akan berbeda dalam kondisi apapun, walaupun kondisi sulit. Masa pandemic covid-19 dipandang sebagai masa yang sulit bagi semua pihak tanpa terkecuali guru pendidikan agama Islam. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan bagaimana kinerja guru pendidikan agama Islam dimasa covid-19, informasi yang disajikan dalam artikel ini berupa verifikasi terhadap data yang ditemukan di lapangan. Pendekatan yang digunakan ialah berupa pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis verifikasi. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi, wawancara dan studi dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data ialah berupa interaktif. Hasil penelitian ialah kinerja guru pendidikan agama Islam di kecamatan Padang Utara, pertama guru pendidikan agama Islam memiliki kinerja yang sama dalam aspek akademik dibuktikan dengan ketercapaian ketuntasan minimal peserta didik yang lulus 100% dalam mata pelajaran agama di Kecamatan Padang Utara. Hasil ini dapat diverifikasi dengan berbagai dokumen dan data wawancara terhadap semua pihak yang memiliki hubungan dengan SD Negeri se Kecamatan Padang Utara. Kedua, guru pendidikan agama Islam memiliki kinerja yang bagus dalam aspek administrator, seperti kepemilikian silabus, RPP, kalender pendidikan serta media pembelajaran yang digunakan selama pembelajaran PAI di masa Covid-19.
Pegem Journal of Education and Instruction, 2022
The fact that an educational institution is closed temporarily as one of the government's efforts... more The fact that an educational institution is closed temporarily as one of the government's efforts and participation of education to withstand the pace of the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic. In line with that learning is diverted from the face-to-face system to online learning, in reality online learning the social presence of learners not as expected, on the other hand, learners who are usually active on offline learning both from affective and cognitive aspects are invisible to online learning. The research findings are learners who have an active social presence showing high affective and cognitive involvement in the study online, while students whose sociability passive involvement indicates that they do not engage both affective and cognitive studies during their studies. Researchers have concluded that students who are social and active in affective and cognitive involvement in offline learning do not guarantee the same conditions found online learning.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2020
This research aimed to analyse the Internet usage in the management of pesantren educational buil... more This research aimed to analyse the Internet usage in the management of pesantren educational building. This research uses qualitative methods of descriptive. Data sources were obtained through observation, field notes, documentation, and interviews. Data were analyzed using three levels: data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The findings of this research are: 1) The strategy of Pesantren in the educational building management through the Internet, divided into two strategies, namely: direct and indirect. The first was derived from the initiation of the Kyai (Islamic Priest) and then communicated and realized together with the stakeholder of pesantren. Secondly, through cooperation with external parties, such as the government via the Minister of Communication and Informatics, Telecommunication (public corporation), colleges and non-governmental organizations where they have a role to provide socialization activities, training, and mentoring Internet utilization to the pesantren. 2) The role of internal boarding stakeholders, such as Kyai who act as a culture broker and as well as a mediator that is simultaneously supported by the Ustadz (Religion teacher), caregivers, and other executives of Pesantren trying to, first, increase the capacity of individuals through participation in the socialization and training of Internet literacy both internally and externally implemented. Secondly, conduct the supervision and awareness of Internet utilization to the citizens of Pesantren as much as possible as effort to support pesantren educational building.
Menara Ilmu, Jul 24, 2018
The dimension of religion can not be separated from the events of natural disasters. Placing the ... more The dimension of religion can not be separated from the events of natural disasters. Placing the approach of religious mysticism as one of the most important approaches in disaster recovery process. Research focusing on the actions of religious groups on disasters or disaster victims is minimal. Religious groups are an important part in assisting the recovery of victims of natural disasters, especially in Padang. One moderate Islamic group like Muhammadiyah has provided significant relief assistance in Padang. Religion provides and teaches messages that can make people or disaster victims feel strong and accept disaster as part of their life processes in the world. Informants in this study are Muhammadiyah residents spread across several districts. Data collection in the study using interviews and documentation.
Fikrah: jurnal ilmu aqidah dan studi keagamaan, Jun 23, 2021
This study aims to explain the moderation of Islam in Ahmad Syafii Maarif's view which has contri... more This study aims to explain the moderation of Islam in Ahmad Syafii Maarif's view which has contributed to the plurality of religions in Indonesia. This research is library research using descriptive-analytical methods and deductive reasoning. In Ahmad Syafii Maarif's view, Islamic moderation is about providing a reinterpretation of religious texts (Islam) with the aim that adherents can understand religion in essence and substance, which will lead to healthier tolerance among religious communities. To realize the moderation of Islam, Ahmad Syafii Maarif made various efforts including; active in various interfaith forums, voicing messages of moderation through writings, also initiated the establishment of the Maarif Institute, institution engaged in the humanitarian and cultural sector. Meanwhile, Ahmad Syafii Maarif's contribution of Islamic moderation to the plurality of religions in Indonesia is that it has sparked the enthusiasm of young people to hold a dialogue in various interfaith forums.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2020
This research aimed to analyse the Internet usage in the management of pesantren educational buil... more This research aimed to analyse the Internet usage in the management of pesantren educational building. This research uses qualitative methods of descriptive. Data sources were obtained through observation, field notes, documentation, and interviews. Data were analyzed using three levels: data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The findings of this research are: 1) The strategy of Pesantren in the educational building management through the Internet, divided into two strategies, namely: direct and indirect. The first was derived from the initiation of the Kyai (Islamic Priest) and then communicated and realized together with the stakeholder of pesantren. Secondly, through cooperation with external parties, such as the government via the Minister of Communication and Informatics, Telecommunication (public corporation), colleges and non-governmental organizations where they have a role to provide socialization activities, training, and mentoring Internet utilization to the pesantren. 2) The role of internal boarding stakeholders, such as Kyai who act as a culture broker and as well as a mediator that is simultaneously supported by the Ustadz (Religion teacher), caregivers, and other executives of Pesantren trying to, first, increase the capacity of individuals through participation in the socialization and training of Internet literacy both internally and externally implemented. Secondly, conduct the supervision and awareness of Internet utilization to the citizens of Pesantren as much as possible as effort to support pesantren educational building.
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Education, Humanities, Health and Agriculture, ICEHHA 2021, 3-4 June 2021, Ruteng, Flores, Indonesia
WARAQAT : Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman
Moral learning has a more specific purpose to form the behavior of learners, therefore the main a... more Moral learning has a more specific purpose to form the behavior of learners, therefore the main aspects expected of moral learning are related to attitudes, while for the formation of attitudes require exampleal examples by learners. Learning in the covid-19 period the presence of teachers as figures that are commonly examined by learners' words and actions are very minimal. Therefore, this study wants to reveal how moral learning for students in high school during covid-19. This research was conducted using a quantitative approach, the research sample was a student of Sma Negeri 1 Senta Raya taken with cluster techniques, research data collected with questionnaire techniques. The planning carried out by the teacher has no difference with moral learning planning in normal times. The implementation of learning is done online using the media of the teacher's room. Moral learning outcomes are more dominated by cognitive aspects. This is because the presence of teachers directly...
This research was conducted to determine the implementation of Islamic Education learning using l... more This research was conducted to determine the implementation of Islamic Education learning using learning house media for fifth grade students at SD Plus Marhamah Padang. This study was motivated by the widespread use of electronic media such as; cellphones, laptops, and computers as well as a higher tendency of students to electronic media compared to books and also the implementation of online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study is intended to see the impact of the implementation of Islamic Education learning using learning house media, especially by using the main features available in learning house media such as learning resource features, virtual class features, question banks and virtual laboratories during the Covid-19 pandemic. The results of the use of learning house media show several things including; The use of learning resource features on learning home media can be used as an effective medium and also a solution to educational problems that occurred durin...
Prayer is the main obligation for Muslims, in carrying it out sometimes many people feel heavy wi... more Prayer is the main obligation for Muslims, in carrying it out sometimes many people feel heavy without the exception of students in educational institutions. Along with the problem, strong cooperation between various parties is needed in fostering an avid generation of worship. This research will illustrate the cooperation between Islamic religious education teachers and parents of students in improving the prayer of students. To get the intended purpose, this research was designed in the form of qualitative research, while the place of research was conducted in Junior High School 2 Talamau West Pasaman Regency, the source of this research is teachers, parents and some students who are selected purposively. The data collection techniques used are observation, interview and study documentation. Based on the results of the study it is known that the cooperation between teachers and parents of students in conducting supervision to improve student worship is still running less smoothly,...
In the midst of faltering studies of al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan within the faculty of Muhammad... more In the midst of faltering studies of al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan within the faculty of Muhammadiyah University of West Sumatra, it is necessary to echo a picture of the development of science in general which is very revolutionary. Changes and paradigm changes are very common, while among Islamic religious scientists it looks rather slow. That is because the paradigm that was built by a scientist was later sacred by the next generation of scientists. Consequently, something that should be profane becomes sacred, which should be open-ended to be closed, which should be the object of study being an ideology and so on. This also happened in the design of Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan studies. For the further development of the AIK study, the question remains needed is whether the new paradigm to be offered later is then followed by changes to the next paradigms or re-stuck to the stagnation of science. Researchers try to apply the theory of Soroush and Lakatos about the development o...
Permasalahan utama penelitian ini ialah bahwa pemahaman guru al-Islam dan Kemuhammadiyahan tentan... more Permasalahan utama penelitian ini ialah bahwa pemahaman guru al-Islam dan Kemuhammadiyahan tentang integrasi pendidikan karakter dengan pembelajaran AIK belum merata, sehingga keberadaan pendidikan karakter dalam kurikulum AIK yang sebenarnya sudah ada sejak lama belum terimplementasikan secara merata oleh guru. Untuk itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pelaksanaan pendidikan karakter dalam pembelajaran al-Islam dan Kemuhammadiyahan di SMA Muhammadiyah Kota Padang. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah kualitatif, teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan ialah wawancara, observasi dan studi dokumentasi. Analisis data yang digunakan ialah deskriptif dengan teknik pencermatan keabsahan data triangulasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwap elaksanaan pendidikan karakter dalam pembelajaran al-Islam dan Kemuhammadiyahan di SMA Muhammadiyah Kota Padang ialah dalam pembelajaran al-Islam dan Kemuhammadiyahan guru menggunakan strategi, metode, serta media yang turut ...
This study aims to explain the moderation of Islam in Ahmad Syafii Maarif's view which has co... more This study aims to explain the moderation of Islam in Ahmad Syafii Maarif's view which has contributed to the plurality of religions in Indonesia. This research is library research using descriptive-analytical methods and deductive reasoning. In Ahmad Syafii Maarif's view, Islamic moderation is about providing a reinterpretation of religious texts (Islam) with the aim that adherents can understand religion in essence and substance, which will lead to healthier tolerance among religious communities. To realize the moderation of Islam, Ahmad Syafii Maarif made various efforts including; active in various interfaith forums, voicing messages of moderation through writings, also initiated the establishment of the Maarif Institute , institution engaged in the humanitarian and cultural sector. Meanwhile, Ahmad Syafii Maarif's contribution of Islamic moderation to the plurality of religions in Indonesia is that it has sparked the enthusiasm of young people to hold a dialogue in ...
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Education, Humanities, Health and Agriculture, ICEHHA 2021, 3-4 June 2021, Ruteng, Flores, Indonesia
TAJDID : Jurnal Ilmu Keislaman dan Ushuluddin
Wacana perennialisme muncul dalam kajian filsafat agama. Filsafat agama memilikijenis pendekatan ... more Wacana perennialisme muncul dalam kajian filsafat agama. Filsafat agama memilikijenis pendekatan filsafat analitik agama, filsafat konstruksi agama, dan filsafat religius.Perennialisme Huston Smith dengan pendekatan filsafat analitik agama, tidak terjebakmenjelaskan agama secara historis dengan mempertanyakan apakah agama itu benar atau salahdan kapan munculnya agama-agama yang dianut manusia. Perennialisme Huston Smith denganpendekatan filsafat konstruksi agama dalam menganalisis makna ajaran agama secara mendalamdengan mempertanyakan apakah agama itu–di samping bersifat Ilahiyah–bermanfaat bagi manusiadalam kehidupannya, dan bagaimana membumikan pemahaman manusia terhadap Tuhan kepadakehidupan sosialnya. Perennialisme Huston Smith dengan pendekatan filsafat religius, manusiaakan sampai pada tahap tingkat tertinggi dalam beragama yakni, pemahaman agama yang semakindalam dengan menjadi sosok yang taat dan konsisten dalam beragama. Filsafat Perennial HustonSmith terbentuk seperti seb...
Al-Albab, 2016
This work is based on the assumption that modern human has undergone a multidimensional crisis. T... more This work is based on the assumption that modern human has undergone a multidimensional crisis. This crisis needs a timely response and an urgent solution, for if we neglect it, it will become worse and can destabilize the life of mankind globally. I refer to the work of Huston Smith on perennial philosophy to find its essence as an attempt to find solution for overcoming the modern men`s crisis. This is a library research using the philosophical hermeneutics method. The paper shows that, firstly, perennial philosophy has a characteristic of metaphysics, which try to find a fundamental basis for both immanent and transcendent of all things, psychology which depicts the common sameness in human and ethics as a goal in human life. Secondly, what is meant by human spiritual crisis is a condition where human neglected even destroyed the godhead character within themselves. Thirdly, the answer made by Huston smith`s Perennial Philosophy concerning human spiritual crisis include that the ...