Roberto V Bonilla-Nunez - (original) (raw)

Papers by Roberto V Bonilla-Nunez

Research paper thumbnail of Adizes Graduates School

On Leading the Leaders and other stakeholders: The Awakening Path for Designing an Evolving and Pacific Change, 2012

The globalization of the world has brought both benefits and liabilities to different countries o... more The globalization of the world has brought both benefits and liabilities to different countries or societies, this paper explore the particular case of Mexico, as a society which is degrading the quality of life of its inhabitants and also explore potential paths to provoke a designed change to transform the whole society and increase the odds to develop better futures.

Research paper thumbnail of The Logistic Curve Or the Limits to Growth

Roberto Bonilla-Núñez, 2012

After reading Wang (2011) it was equivalent to find a final piece of an unconscious puzzle, which... more After reading Wang (2011) it was equivalent to find a final piece of an unconscious puzzle, which allow me to value the importance of modeling a problem using systems dynamics concepts, as Gharajedaghi (2011) suggest in chapter six. The same author on figure 8.1 (p. 160) defines an Iterative process for inquiry, where includes three kinds of inquiry:
1. Systems Analysis
2. Obstruction Analysis and
3. Systems Dynamics

Research paper thumbnail of Adizes Graduates School

Personal Insights on Formulating the Mess, 2012

The purpose of this essay is to generate for the author a mental space to reflect on new elements... more The purpose of this essay is to generate for the author a mental space to reflect on new elements
that could be added to a model for transforming societies. This space is flexible and with no boundaries
by design, and could be a little messy for readers.

Research paper thumbnail of resilience by Design

Roberto Bonilla N, 2012

One phrase that impacted me was the title of one of the recommended readings. I think this phrase... more One phrase that impacted me was the title of one of the recommended readings. I think this
phrase synthetize the spirit of this short essay: Joshua C. Ramo (2009) argues that “in an era defined
by instability, society must remain imminently flexible and turn disruption into a force for good”, if we see
carefully this statement, we could derive as conclusion, Mr. Ramo is talking –in fact- about Resilience of a

Research paper thumbnail of Saber Hacer por Enrique Canales Dic 2004

Saber que hacer, 2004

Articulo de Canales Escalera del saber Llega un momento en que ya no podemos depender tanto ni de... more Articulo de Canales Escalera del saber Llega un momento en que ya no podemos depender tanto ni de la gente que nos rodea, ni de las circunstancias que nos abrazan. No hay ayuda, no hay camino, ...

Research paper thumbnail of Metas de orden superior

La diversidad es parte de la naturaleza, los ecosistemas se caraterizan por ello, diversidad en f... more La diversidad es parte de la naturaleza, los ecosistemas se caraterizan por ello, diversidad en flora y fauna, que coexisten de manera interdependiente y finalmente co-evolucionan con el paso del tiempo.

Las fronteras entre los países, en realidad no existen en la naturaleza, son creaciones de los seres humanos para delimitar territorios, zonas, regiones, y propiedades, y eso nos crea la falsa percepción de que podemos establecer leyes que impidan que personas con diferente forma de vivir y de ver el mundo entren a “nuestro” territorio.

Claro esta, pueden existir personas que lejos de sumar y multiplicar en las posibilidades de progreso, actuen de manera contraria y afecten negativamente la co-existencia de los habitantes, y en estos casos se deberán tomar acciones preventivas y correctivas en aras de mantener un equilibro sano dentro de la diversidad.

Research paper thumbnail of Democracia a la mexicana

El 23 de noviembre de 1983 Enrique Krauze escribió: Por una democracia sin adjetivos, pronto se c... more El 23 de noviembre de 1983 Enrique Krauze escribió: Por una democracia sin adjetivos, pronto se cumplirán 35 años de este documento que recapitula la evolución de la democracia en México desde el golpe de estado de Porfirio Días en 1876 y cien años después que nuestro país -incluso- fue reconocido como “El milagro mexicano” por su desempeño económico

Hoy es claro que la democracia requiere de adjetivos, ya que es evidente que cada país la “cocina” de manera diferente, y con múltiples especias y aderezos

Research paper thumbnail of Circo de tres pistas

México 2018, se activa un gran circo de tres pistas que se se entrelazan: 1. El proceso pre-elec... more México 2018, se activa un gran circo de tres pistas que se se entrelazan:

1. El proceso pre-electoral y electoral
2. Las elecciones
3. Y la gestión del Presidente saliente.

Ahora, el “chapulineo” se ha sofisticado, no solo es pasar de un puesto en alguna secretaría, al senado o la cámara de diputados o una presidencia municipal o gobernar algun estado, sino que también emerge la modalidad de “chapulinear”entre partidos, los del PAN, al PRI; del PRI al PRD, los del PRD a Morena, y así cualquier combinación imaginable.

¿Qué dice esto de la democracia a la mexicana?

Research paper thumbnail of System thinking and complexity theory

“The absence of evidence of an effect is not evidence of the absence of the effect” David C. Aron... more “The absence of evidence of an effect is not evidence of the absence of the effect” David C. Aron
When the sum of the parts of a certain system is not equal to the whole (could be less or more than
the whole) such system is say, to exhibit emergent properties, ( Aron, 2010) due mainly of three
1. Interconnectedness among the parts
2. Interdependent parts
3. Feedback
These traits of a system also correspond to what Gharajedaghi calls a Multi-minded System with
interdependent variables, while Aron (2010) calls it as a Complex System.

Research paper thumbnail of From a Critical Mass to a critical Mess

Corruption… is the result of structural defects in more than one dimension of social systems incl... more Corruption… is the result of structural defects in more than one dimension of social systems including
generation of power, wealth and knowledge… In this context a social pathology is produced when an
obstruction to development benefits those who are responsible for removing it” Gharajedaghi (2011, p.81)
The initial quote of this essay, describes in precise way the state of affairs in Mexico. Among other
social pathologies, corruptions has a preeminent presence in many social and economic activities, also
deriving benefits to a small group of people in different levels, both in public and private organizations.
During this course I have mentioned several times my purpose to design a model or template to
start and sustain the transformation of a society. Meaning by society, any group of people interacting in a
common geographical space. This concept can include from a tiny village of no more than 300 people till
a country like Mexico with a population of more the 112 million.
In order to design a purposeful transformation Dr. Beck (2011) stress the importance to define
and describe and initial and a final state, that could answer with great precision the question: “Change?:
From What to What?”. Related to this question, Gharajedaghi (2011) describes the nature of Interactive
Design which should include a Decision System and a Learning and Control loop. These elements are
graphically described on page 145, and represent a dynamic way to continuously questioning and
answering the change question: “From what to what?”

Research paper thumbnail of Designed development of social systems

According to Gharajedaghi (2011) social systems are information bonded. Accepting this postulate ... more According to Gharajedaghi (2011) social systems are information bonded. Accepting this postulate
as a valid one, could imply that -by definition- any social systems are more close to a kind of non-
boundary system, since the information “boundary” –metaphorically speaking- is more like a “living”
entity, i.e. imagine a sea of information which ebb and flow continuously.
On the other hand, social systems are also multi-minded and purposeful, representing these two
traits the effect of being a collection of human-beings which also create –mostly- in an unintentionally
way, what could be called as an ethical system (Valdesuso, 2011)

Research paper thumbnail of Systems Thinking

Research paper thumbnail of Notes from the Field: Orchestrating a New Meshwork for Mexico: a Natural Designs Approach

Roberto BonillaSince January 2007 when formally we started the Integral Mexico Project, we focuse... more Roberto BonillaSince January 2007 when formally we started the Integral Mexico Project, we focused on identify key leaders both in government and Mexican NGO’s. What we have found in the case of government leaders, is their focus in the next election, rather in the next generation (at least!). On the other hand, the NGO’s leaders are so committed with their mission that find hard to integrate efforts with other NGO’s, leading in both cases—government and NGO’s—to fragmented actions.

Research paper thumbnail of Madrid, a New opportunity to improve a  social reality

Last October 2012, Dr. Don Beck was invited by a chapter of the Spanish Integral Association to ... more Last October 2012, Dr. Don Beck was invited by a chapter of the Spanish Integral Association to deliver a Spiral Dynamics Integral workshop (certification level 1). This invitation was issued thanks to the diligent efforts of Catia Bernaldo de Quirós who several months before started exchanging emails with Dr. Beck and at the same time looking for funds to make this event a reality

Research paper thumbnail of ¿Qué son los vMemes?

Descripción del origen y aplicación de la vMemética, aplicada a cambios organizacionales y sociales

Research paper thumbnail of Mexico, from economic miracle to potential failed state

Back in the 70´s mexico was considered worldwide an economic miracle, but later since to 80´s to ... more Back in the 70´s mexico was considered worldwide an economic miracle, but later since to 80´s to nowadays the reality has changed a lot. Several factors have combined to affect in a negative way the social and economic evolution of Mexico

Teaching Documents by Roberto V Bonilla-Nunez

Research paper thumbnail of How to promote integral development of societies?

Adizes Graduates School, 2011

The purpose of Social Research is to have a better understanding of social realities, and from th... more The purpose of Social Research is to have a better understanding of social realities, and from that understanding derive new meanings regarding the way human beings live in society. Polanyi and Prosch (1977) at the beginning of their book: Meaning, stress the relationship between Meaning and Intellectual Freedom. If we rely on this perspective, we could derive that the Social Research is way to develop healthy societies that could aspire at the same time the integral development of both: individuals and societies. Also Crotty (1998. P11) states that “Meaning without a mind is not”, a fact that blended with the idea of intellectual freedom lead us to build open and “free” societies, “frees” as much as the laws and rules permit in a democratic society.

Research paper thumbnail of Criterios para medir el desempeño de sistemas

Si aceptamos como válida la siguiente definición para un sistema: “Conjunto de partes afines que ... more Si aceptamos como válida la siguiente definición para un sistema: “Conjunto de partes afines que interactúan entre si, para lograr un fin (o meta) común”, podemos reconocer como Sistemas de Actividad Humana (SAH), a una familia, una comunidad, una ciudad, una organización, un gobierno y también una empresa.

Partiendo de la definición de un sistema, todos esos ejemplos de Sistemas de Actividad Humana deberían contar con un propósito o fin común. ¿Por qué es importante esto?, porque de esta forma es posible medir el desempeño de un sistema.

Artículo completo:

Research paper thumbnail of Resumen Espirales Dinámicas Integrales v 5 2018.pdf

Este es realmente un libro fascinante una vez que se han leído las primeras páginas y entendido e... more Este es realmente un libro fascinante una vez que se han leído las primeras páginas y entendido el esquema del código de colores, nos presenta, en increíble detalle un modelo de desarrollo espiral que nos ayuda a ver al mundo de una forma completamente diferente. Beck y Cowan se refieren a estos patrones de pensamiento como vMemes. El concepto de vMeme fue acuñado haciendo un paralelo con los Genes. Los genes del ser humano están estrechamente vinculados con su DNA, de igual forma podemos hablar que en los grupos humanos existen vMemes los cuales a su vez definen un DNA social. Lo que nos divide en la sociedad, no son nuestros genes, sino nuestros vMemes. Nos parecemos diferentes debido a nuestros genes; Pensamos y actuamos diferente debido a nuestros vMemes. Se puede pensar en los vMemes como amplios paradigmas orientadores, un esquema a través del cual interpretamos el mundo. Estos vMemes se dividen en ocho niveles, con la posibilidad de que unos más avanzados estén emergiendo en este preciso momento. A su vez, cada nivel tiene fases de entrada, clímax y declive.

Research paper thumbnail of Teoría del Zopilote, por RVBN

Por :Roberto Bonilla Núñez. En las empresas con las que tengo contacto a través de la consultoría... more Por :Roberto Bonilla Núñez.
En las empresas con las que tengo contacto a través de la consultoría, no es extraño que después de un diagnóstico inicial, entre otros muchos síntomas se repita una y otra vez la falta de planeación.
Y claro una vez reconocida la carencia de planeación en la empresa, viene la reflexión, ¿Realmente es necesario planeare después de todo "hemos vivido mucho tiempo sin darle importancia a la planeación", y si el empresario percibe que si es necesario planear, se presenta una pregunta más, ¿En que consiste la planeación?, o dicho en palabras más sencillas, ¿Cómo le hago para planear en mi empresa?.

Research paper thumbnail of Adizes Graduates School

On Leading the Leaders and other stakeholders: The Awakening Path for Designing an Evolving and Pacific Change, 2012

The globalization of the world has brought both benefits and liabilities to different countries o... more The globalization of the world has brought both benefits and liabilities to different countries or societies, this paper explore the particular case of Mexico, as a society which is degrading the quality of life of its inhabitants and also explore potential paths to provoke a designed change to transform the whole society and increase the odds to develop better futures.

Research paper thumbnail of The Logistic Curve Or the Limits to Growth

Roberto Bonilla-Núñez, 2012

After reading Wang (2011) it was equivalent to find a final piece of an unconscious puzzle, which... more After reading Wang (2011) it was equivalent to find a final piece of an unconscious puzzle, which allow me to value the importance of modeling a problem using systems dynamics concepts, as Gharajedaghi (2011) suggest in chapter six. The same author on figure 8.1 (p. 160) defines an Iterative process for inquiry, where includes three kinds of inquiry:
1. Systems Analysis
2. Obstruction Analysis and
3. Systems Dynamics

Research paper thumbnail of Adizes Graduates School

Personal Insights on Formulating the Mess, 2012

The purpose of this essay is to generate for the author a mental space to reflect on new elements... more The purpose of this essay is to generate for the author a mental space to reflect on new elements
that could be added to a model for transforming societies. This space is flexible and with no boundaries
by design, and could be a little messy for readers.

Research paper thumbnail of resilience by Design

Roberto Bonilla N, 2012

One phrase that impacted me was the title of one of the recommended readings. I think this phrase... more One phrase that impacted me was the title of one of the recommended readings. I think this
phrase synthetize the spirit of this short essay: Joshua C. Ramo (2009) argues that “in an era defined
by instability, society must remain imminently flexible and turn disruption into a force for good”, if we see
carefully this statement, we could derive as conclusion, Mr. Ramo is talking –in fact- about Resilience of a

Research paper thumbnail of Saber Hacer por Enrique Canales Dic 2004

Saber que hacer, 2004

Articulo de Canales Escalera del saber Llega un momento en que ya no podemos depender tanto ni de... more Articulo de Canales Escalera del saber Llega un momento en que ya no podemos depender tanto ni de la gente que nos rodea, ni de las circunstancias que nos abrazan. No hay ayuda, no hay camino, ...

Research paper thumbnail of Metas de orden superior

La diversidad es parte de la naturaleza, los ecosistemas se caraterizan por ello, diversidad en f... more La diversidad es parte de la naturaleza, los ecosistemas se caraterizan por ello, diversidad en flora y fauna, que coexisten de manera interdependiente y finalmente co-evolucionan con el paso del tiempo.

Las fronteras entre los países, en realidad no existen en la naturaleza, son creaciones de los seres humanos para delimitar territorios, zonas, regiones, y propiedades, y eso nos crea la falsa percepción de que podemos establecer leyes que impidan que personas con diferente forma de vivir y de ver el mundo entren a “nuestro” territorio.

Claro esta, pueden existir personas que lejos de sumar y multiplicar en las posibilidades de progreso, actuen de manera contraria y afecten negativamente la co-existencia de los habitantes, y en estos casos se deberán tomar acciones preventivas y correctivas en aras de mantener un equilibro sano dentro de la diversidad.

Research paper thumbnail of Democracia a la mexicana

El 23 de noviembre de 1983 Enrique Krauze escribió: Por una democracia sin adjetivos, pronto se c... more El 23 de noviembre de 1983 Enrique Krauze escribió: Por una democracia sin adjetivos, pronto se cumplirán 35 años de este documento que recapitula la evolución de la democracia en México desde el golpe de estado de Porfirio Días en 1876 y cien años después que nuestro país -incluso- fue reconocido como “El milagro mexicano” por su desempeño económico

Hoy es claro que la democracia requiere de adjetivos, ya que es evidente que cada país la “cocina” de manera diferente, y con múltiples especias y aderezos

Research paper thumbnail of Circo de tres pistas

México 2018, se activa un gran circo de tres pistas que se se entrelazan: 1. El proceso pre-elec... more México 2018, se activa un gran circo de tres pistas que se se entrelazan:

1. El proceso pre-electoral y electoral
2. Las elecciones
3. Y la gestión del Presidente saliente.

Ahora, el “chapulineo” se ha sofisticado, no solo es pasar de un puesto en alguna secretaría, al senado o la cámara de diputados o una presidencia municipal o gobernar algun estado, sino que también emerge la modalidad de “chapulinear”entre partidos, los del PAN, al PRI; del PRI al PRD, los del PRD a Morena, y así cualquier combinación imaginable.

¿Qué dice esto de la democracia a la mexicana?

Research paper thumbnail of System thinking and complexity theory

“The absence of evidence of an effect is not evidence of the absence of the effect” David C. Aron... more “The absence of evidence of an effect is not evidence of the absence of the effect” David C. Aron
When the sum of the parts of a certain system is not equal to the whole (could be less or more than
the whole) such system is say, to exhibit emergent properties, ( Aron, 2010) due mainly of three
1. Interconnectedness among the parts
2. Interdependent parts
3. Feedback
These traits of a system also correspond to what Gharajedaghi calls a Multi-minded System with
interdependent variables, while Aron (2010) calls it as a Complex System.

Research paper thumbnail of From a Critical Mass to a critical Mess

Corruption… is the result of structural defects in more than one dimension of social systems incl... more Corruption… is the result of structural defects in more than one dimension of social systems including
generation of power, wealth and knowledge… In this context a social pathology is produced when an
obstruction to development benefits those who are responsible for removing it” Gharajedaghi (2011, p.81)
The initial quote of this essay, describes in precise way the state of affairs in Mexico. Among other
social pathologies, corruptions has a preeminent presence in many social and economic activities, also
deriving benefits to a small group of people in different levels, both in public and private organizations.
During this course I have mentioned several times my purpose to design a model or template to
start and sustain the transformation of a society. Meaning by society, any group of people interacting in a
common geographical space. This concept can include from a tiny village of no more than 300 people till
a country like Mexico with a population of more the 112 million.
In order to design a purposeful transformation Dr. Beck (2011) stress the importance to define
and describe and initial and a final state, that could answer with great precision the question: “Change?:
From What to What?”. Related to this question, Gharajedaghi (2011) describes the nature of Interactive
Design which should include a Decision System and a Learning and Control loop. These elements are
graphically described on page 145, and represent a dynamic way to continuously questioning and
answering the change question: “From what to what?”

Research paper thumbnail of Designed development of social systems

According to Gharajedaghi (2011) social systems are information bonded. Accepting this postulate ... more According to Gharajedaghi (2011) social systems are information bonded. Accepting this postulate
as a valid one, could imply that -by definition- any social systems are more close to a kind of non-
boundary system, since the information “boundary” –metaphorically speaking- is more like a “living”
entity, i.e. imagine a sea of information which ebb and flow continuously.
On the other hand, social systems are also multi-minded and purposeful, representing these two
traits the effect of being a collection of human-beings which also create –mostly- in an unintentionally
way, what could be called as an ethical system (Valdesuso, 2011)

Research paper thumbnail of Systems Thinking

Research paper thumbnail of Notes from the Field: Orchestrating a New Meshwork for Mexico: a Natural Designs Approach

Roberto BonillaSince January 2007 when formally we started the Integral Mexico Project, we focuse... more Roberto BonillaSince January 2007 when formally we started the Integral Mexico Project, we focused on identify key leaders both in government and Mexican NGO’s. What we have found in the case of government leaders, is their focus in the next election, rather in the next generation (at least!). On the other hand, the NGO’s leaders are so committed with their mission that find hard to integrate efforts with other NGO’s, leading in both cases—government and NGO’s—to fragmented actions.

Research paper thumbnail of Madrid, a New opportunity to improve a  social reality

Last October 2012, Dr. Don Beck was invited by a chapter of the Spanish Integral Association to ... more Last October 2012, Dr. Don Beck was invited by a chapter of the Spanish Integral Association to deliver a Spiral Dynamics Integral workshop (certification level 1). This invitation was issued thanks to the diligent efforts of Catia Bernaldo de Quirós who several months before started exchanging emails with Dr. Beck and at the same time looking for funds to make this event a reality

Research paper thumbnail of ¿Qué son los vMemes?

Descripción del origen y aplicación de la vMemética, aplicada a cambios organizacionales y sociales

Research paper thumbnail of Mexico, from economic miracle to potential failed state

Back in the 70´s mexico was considered worldwide an economic miracle, but later since to 80´s to ... more Back in the 70´s mexico was considered worldwide an economic miracle, but later since to 80´s to nowadays the reality has changed a lot. Several factors have combined to affect in a negative way the social and economic evolution of Mexico

Research paper thumbnail of How to promote integral development of societies?

Adizes Graduates School, 2011

The purpose of Social Research is to have a better understanding of social realities, and from th... more The purpose of Social Research is to have a better understanding of social realities, and from that understanding derive new meanings regarding the way human beings live in society. Polanyi and Prosch (1977) at the beginning of their book: Meaning, stress the relationship between Meaning and Intellectual Freedom. If we rely on this perspective, we could derive that the Social Research is way to develop healthy societies that could aspire at the same time the integral development of both: individuals and societies. Also Crotty (1998. P11) states that “Meaning without a mind is not”, a fact that blended with the idea of intellectual freedom lead us to build open and “free” societies, “frees” as much as the laws and rules permit in a democratic society.

Research paper thumbnail of Criterios para medir el desempeño de sistemas

Si aceptamos como válida la siguiente definición para un sistema: “Conjunto de partes afines que ... more Si aceptamos como válida la siguiente definición para un sistema: “Conjunto de partes afines que interactúan entre si, para lograr un fin (o meta) común”, podemos reconocer como Sistemas de Actividad Humana (SAH), a una familia, una comunidad, una ciudad, una organización, un gobierno y también una empresa.

Partiendo de la definición de un sistema, todos esos ejemplos de Sistemas de Actividad Humana deberían contar con un propósito o fin común. ¿Por qué es importante esto?, porque de esta forma es posible medir el desempeño de un sistema.

Artículo completo:

Research paper thumbnail of Resumen Espirales Dinámicas Integrales v 5 2018.pdf

Este es realmente un libro fascinante una vez que se han leído las primeras páginas y entendido e... more Este es realmente un libro fascinante una vez que se han leído las primeras páginas y entendido el esquema del código de colores, nos presenta, en increíble detalle un modelo de desarrollo espiral que nos ayuda a ver al mundo de una forma completamente diferente. Beck y Cowan se refieren a estos patrones de pensamiento como vMemes. El concepto de vMeme fue acuñado haciendo un paralelo con los Genes. Los genes del ser humano están estrechamente vinculados con su DNA, de igual forma podemos hablar que en los grupos humanos existen vMemes los cuales a su vez definen un DNA social. Lo que nos divide en la sociedad, no son nuestros genes, sino nuestros vMemes. Nos parecemos diferentes debido a nuestros genes; Pensamos y actuamos diferente debido a nuestros vMemes. Se puede pensar en los vMemes como amplios paradigmas orientadores, un esquema a través del cual interpretamos el mundo. Estos vMemes se dividen en ocho niveles, con la posibilidad de que unos más avanzados estén emergiendo en este preciso momento. A su vez, cada nivel tiene fases de entrada, clímax y declive.

Research paper thumbnail of Teoría del Zopilote, por RVBN

Por :Roberto Bonilla Núñez. En las empresas con las que tengo contacto a través de la consultoría... more Por :Roberto Bonilla Núñez.
En las empresas con las que tengo contacto a través de la consultoría, no es extraño que después de un diagnóstico inicial, entre otros muchos síntomas se repita una y otra vez la falta de planeación.
Y claro una vez reconocida la carencia de planeación en la empresa, viene la reflexión, ¿Realmente es necesario planeare después de todo "hemos vivido mucho tiempo sin darle importancia a la planeación", y si el empresario percibe que si es necesario planear, se presenta una pregunta más, ¿En que consiste la planeación?, o dicho en palabras más sencillas, ¿Cómo le hago para planear en mi empresa?.

Research paper thumbnail of Systems Thinking: Resilience by Design

“In resilience thinking, systems are understood to be in constant flux, highly unpredictable, and... more “In resilience thinking, systems are understood to be in constant flux, highly unpredictable, and self-
organizing with feedbacks across multiple scales in time and space” Carl Folk

Research paper thumbnail of World Success Model by RVBN

In order to create a better world, we need to start being Integral persons and help each other to... more In order to create a better world, we need to start being Integral persons and help each other to thrive and achieve common goals

Research paper thumbnail of On Adizes Methodology

This essay consists of three parts 1. Description of the first three stages on a Life Cycle curve... more This essay consists of three parts
1. Description of the first three stages on a Life Cycle curve derived from
Adizes methodology: Courtship, Infancy and Go-Go
2. Description of similarities between organic systems and aging
3. Considerations con the PAEI codes and their relation to stages on the Life
Cycle according to Adizes Methodology

Research paper thumbnail of On Leading the Leaders and other stakeholders:  The Awakening Path for Designing an Evolving and Pacific Change

The globalization of the world has brought both benefits and liabilities to different countries o... more The globalization of the world has brought both benefits and liabilities to different countries or societies, this paper explore the particular case of Mexico, as a society which is degrading the quality of life of its inhabitants and also explore potential paths to provoke a designed change to transform the whole society and increase the odds to develop better futures.

Research paper thumbnail of The Logistic Curve or the limits to growth

There always will be limits to Growth. They can be self-imposed. If they aren´t, they will be sys... more There always will be limits to Growth. They can be self-imposed. If they aren´t, they will be system-
imposed” Meadows (2008)
After reading Wang (2011) it was equivalent to find a final piece of an unconscious puzzle, which
allow me to value the importance of modeling a problem using systems dynamics concepts, as
Gharajedaghi (2011) suggest in chapter six. The same author on figure 8.1 (p. 160) defines an Iterative
process for inquiry, where includes three kinds of inquiry:
1. Systems Analysis
2. Obstruction Analysis and
3. Systems Dynamics
These and other findings and readings derived in a deep conclusion regarding the importance to
find a way to “Define a problem” but in a dynamic way, since in a VUCA environment embracing complex
systems, could be on one hand very difficult to take a “picture” to a problematic situation and freeze it as
the definition of the problem and in the other hand could be very naïve to think such problem definition
will allow the system designer or problem solver to grasp the current reality and derive alternatives for solutions.

Research paper thumbnail of Personal Insights on formulating the mess

We are arrived in an age, -finally- where the unthinkable has become frankly inevitable” Ramo (20... more We are arrived in an age, -finally- where the unthinkable has become frankly inevitable” Ramo
The purpose of this essay is to generate for the author a mental space to reflect on new elements
that could be added to a model for transforming societies. This space is flexible and with no boundaries
by design, and could be a little messy for readers.
The author wrote several rhetorical questions in order to look for ways to bring to the surface his own
assumptions and increase the odds to enrich the model he is developing without (or the less possible)
preconceive mental models.

Research paper thumbnail of Awakening of Mexico presented on The 5th Annual Shirley Schwaller Memorial Lecture

This document was presented at a Spiral Dynamics Confab on September 2008. Describes what Mexico ... more This document was presented at a Spiral Dynamics Confab on September 2008. Describes what Mexico was living as a country on that year

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluación de tus Ventajas Competitivas

RESUMEN La evaluación de las Ventajas Competitivas de una empresa (o de una persona) es un ejerci... more RESUMEN La evaluación de las Ventajas Competitivas de una empresa (o de una persona) es un ejercicio que tiene sentido siempre y cuando la empresa (o la persona) estén enfrentando una lucha por un mercado (o empleo). De no existir dicha condición, como sería el caso de un exceso de demanda o de proteccionismo tendría poco sentido a menos que se derive de un plan estratégico a través del cual se identifique un futuro altamente competido. Las empresas en nuestro país por años no tuvieron la necesidad de competir abiertamente en un mercado global, hoy las condiciones han cambiado de tal forma que el evaluar las ventajas competitivas ha dejado de ser una opción para convertirse en una verdadera necesidad: La necesidad de sobrevivir.

Research paper thumbnail of Mensaje Amlo al recibir constancia 180808

El texto en negro es tal cual lo traía impreso tomado de la fuente; https:// more El texto en negro es tal cual lo traía impreso tomado de la fuente; https:// y en color rojo lo que realmente dijo sin que lo tuviera escrito, tomado de: https:// y pongo en color verde los textos que si coinciden enfatizo, lo que está en negro no lo leyó o no lo dijo tal cuál está en el texto original