Tutus Rully - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Tutus Rully
Utsaha, Nov 24, 2023
One factor that significantly affects job satisfaction among lecturers is compensation. Compensat... more One factor that significantly affects job satisfaction among lecturers is compensation. Compensation is categorized into three dimensions, such as direct financial, indirect financial, and non-financial. This research is descriptive-verification type, and the approach used is explanatory survey. The objective of this research is to determine the effect of compensation on job satisfaction. The sampling technique used cluster sampling proportionally at five private colleges in Bogor, which led to a total sample size of 233 respondents, including Head Lectors, Lectors, and Assistant Lectors. Descriptive and quantitative analysis was conducted based on primary data obtained from field respondents, and hypothesis testing was conducted using SEM-Lisrel 8.8 method. The results indicated that the t-statistic value was greater than the t-value (t-statistic > 1.64), and the highest loading factor was found on the non-financial compensation variable (NFIN) which had a loading factor of 1.00 with a standard factor loading (SFL) of 0.5. It indicated that compensation has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction of lecturers in private colleges in Bogor. From the 3 dimensions that affect lecturer compensation, the non-financial dimension is the dominant dimension in forming the compensation variable construct by contributing the highest standard loading factor value.
Higher education institutions are a crucial support and play a vital role in promoting sustainabi... more Higher education institutions are a crucial support and play a vital role in promoting sustainability (Žalėnienė, 2021). Specifically, the contribution of lecturers within higher education institutions greatly influences the excellence of both education and research (Budiharso, 2020). The job satisfaction of lecturers is a critical factor in ensuring that they can make a maximum contribution to achieving higher education goals (Subarto, 2021). Therefore, understanding various factors that influence faculty job satisfaction, including individual personality characteristics, becomes highly crucial (Mugira, 2022). Personality is a unique psychological aspect possessed by each individual and describes how the individual communicates with his environment (Wahyuningsih, 2020). In the context of this research, we will focus on the five main dimensions of personality that are often considered, namely extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, and openness to experience (Ernst-Linke, 2023). Understanding how these five personality dimensions can influence lecturer job satisfaction can provide valuable insights for the management and development of human resources in higher education (Faher, 2021). Research on the influence of personality on job satisfaction has become an increasingly popular topic in psychology and management literature. Job satisfaction is a positive feeling related to one's job and is an important indicator of the quality of work life (Suryani, 2021). Lecturers who are satisfied with their work tend to be more motivated, productive, and contribute better to achieving higher education goals (Pramono, 2020). Therefore, a better understanding of the factors that influence lecturers' job satisfaction can help universities develop strategies to improve the quality of their education and research (Nurtjahjani, 2022).
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Forum Manajemen Indonesia - e-ISSN 3026-4499, Nov 20, 2023
The purpose of this study is to determine the factors that affect UMKM in Bogor. Competitiveness ... more The purpose of this study is to determine the factors that affect UMKM in Bogor. Competitiveness factors are measured using product advantages, human resources, and product marketing using IT. The sample in this research is the leading sector of UMKM in Bogor such as footwear, leather craft, and food sector. Sampling method using purposive sampling with the number of research respondents is 100 respondents. Data collection techniques with interviews, observations, and questionnaires. Data analysis method by conducting instrument test (validity test and reliability test), data analysis technique (multiple linear regression test, test of determination, and t-test). Validity and reliability test is done with 30 respondents which are all valid and reliable results. Result of t-test proves that independent variable consisting of product superiority, human resources, and product marketing by using IT have a significant positive effect to competitiveness of UMKM. In F test, get result of significance value smaller than 0,05. This proves that simultaneously the independent variables affect the dependent variable. Determination test proves that product superiority, human resources, and marketing of products using IT affect the competitiveness of 56%, while the rest is influenced by factors outside the independent variable in this study.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengendaliaan persediaan bahan baku menggunakan m... more Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengendaliaan persediaan bahan baku menggunakan metode Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) di Departemen Spinning PT. Unitex untuk memperlancar proses produksi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif, dengan metode pengumpulan data yaitu dengan wawancara dan observasi langsung ke dalam perusahaan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan dengan metode Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) dapat membantu perusahaan Departemen Spinning PT. Unitex dalam melakukan pengendalian persediaan bahan baku yang optimal yaitu sebesar 135.521,3 Kg Cotton dalam setiap satu kali pemesanan dengan frekuensi pemesanan sebanyak 10 kali pemesanan dalam satu periode. Dan untuk bahan baku Polyester sebanyak 620,97 Kg dalam setiap satu kali pemesanan dengan frekuensi pemesanan sebanyak 9 kali pemesanan dalam satu periode. Kelancaran proses produksi pun meningkat 11,6% dari 88,4% menjadi 100%, maka proses produksi dapat dikatakan lancar. Dalam penelitian ini diketahui persediaan bahan baku yang tepat akan mendukung kelancaran proses produksi sehingga tidak terjadi kekurangan dan kelebihan bahan baku. Kata kunci: bahan baku; economic order quantity; manajemen operasi; persediaan; produksi ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to analyze the control of raw material inventory using the Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) method in the Spinning Department of PT. Unitex to streamline the production process. This study uses a quantitative approach, with data collection methods, namely interviews and direct observation into the company. The method used in this research is descriptive analysis. The results of this study indicate that the Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) method can help the Spinning Department company PT. Unitex in controlling the optimal raw material inventory is 135,521.3 Kg Cotton in every one order with an order frequency of 10 orders in one period. And for Polyester raw materials as much as 620.97 Kg in each order with a frequency of 9 orders in one period. The smoothness of the production process also increased 11.6% from 88.4% to 100%, so the production process can be said to be smooth. In this study, it is known that the right supply of raw materials will support the smooth production process so that there is no shortage and excess of raw materials.
IJEBD (International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Business Development)
Purpose: Promoting digital education, the SDG Fund is convening partnerships between UN Agencies,... more Purpose: Promoting digital education, the SDG Fund is convening partnerships between UN Agencies, governments and the telecommunications industry to better use information technologies to advance SDG4. Affordable, reliable and context-sensitive digital education, can promote equal opportunities for girls and boys and reduce inequalities by ensuring every child has access to high quality content. Digital education technologies improves fundamental skills such as collaboration, problem solving and global awareness. Design/methodology/approach: Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Digital Education Documents by funding sponsor, Compare the document counts for up to 15 funding sponsors, first European Commission, followed by National Natural Science Foundation of China, and Horizon 2020 Framework Programme. Documents by affiliation, Compare the document counts for up to 15 affiliations, first University College London, followed by University of Oxford and University of Washington. Subj...
Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara yang menjadikan sektor peternakan sebagai salah satu tumpua... more Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara yang menjadikan sektor peternakan sebagai salah satu tumpuan perekonomian masyarakat. Sebagai salah satu sektor yang menjadi adalan perekonomian bagi masyarakat, sektor peternakan harus mampu menjadi sandaran ekonomi dan memiliki kontribusi yang cukup besar dalam pencapaian tujuan pembangunan perekonomian. Salah satu komoditi sub sektor peternakan yang sangat potensial dan sedang gandrung diusahakan oleh masyarakat di Jawa Barat khususnya masyarakat di kabupaten Bogor adalah peternakan puyuh. Puyuh adalah salah satu sub sektor peternakan yang saat ini mulai digemari, dimana yang diternakan adalah puyuh petelur, karena tingginya permintaan Indonesia is one of the countries that makes the livestock sector one of the cornerstones of the people's economy. As one of the sectors that is the mainstay of the economy for the community, the livestock sector must be able to become an economic backrest and have a considerable contribution in achievin...
ABSTRAK Analisis waktu standar merupakan salah satu analisis yang sering dipakai perusahaan untuk... more ABSTRAK Analisis waktu standar merupakan salah satu analisis yang sering dipakai perusahaan untuk mengetahui kinerja pegawai. Dalam analisis waktu standar digunakan metode studi waktu untuk menentukan waktu rata-rata per elemen kerja, menghitung waktu normal dan menghitung waktu standar dalam proses produksi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelancaran proses produksi pada PT. Aqua Golden Mississippi. Menggunakan jenis penelitian deskriptif eksploratif, metode yang digunakan studi kasus, adapun metode analisis yang digunakan adalah metode studi waktu dan tingkat produktivitas. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian maka dapat disimpulkan kelancaran proses produksi berjalan dengan lancar setelah dihitung waktu standar menggunakan metode analisis studi waktu. Analisis waktu standar sangat baik digunakan untuk mengetahui kinerja pegawai, untuk selanjutnya dapat dihitung tingkat produktivitasnya. Sehingga proses produksi dapat berjalan dengan lancar. Kata Kunci : Analisis waktu standar, ...
ABSTRAK Menurut data terbaru Biro Pusat Statistik (2000) diperkirakan terdapat ±37,8 juta pengusa... more ABSTRAK Menurut data terbaru Biro Pusat Statistik (2000) diperkirakan terdapat ±37,8 juta pengusaha kecil baik formal maupun informal. Jumlah ini mencapai sekitar 99 % lebih dari pengusaha Indonesia, tetapi pengusaha kecil ini menghadapi jumlah persoalan atau kendala baik di tingkat mikro maupun makro. Pada tingkat mikro, usaha kecil masih bergulat dengan berbagai persoalan, misalnya akses terhadap pasar, sumber daya fisik, pasar, sumber permodalan, terbatasnya penguasaan teknologi serta persoalan manajemen dan organisasi. Di tingkat makro , usaha kecil menghadapi suatu iklim yang belum sepenuhnya kondusif, adanya arus globalisasi, mekanisme pasar yang semakin nyata. Individu- individu usaha kecil perlu diberikan bantuan penguatan dengan berbagai kegiatan pendidikan, latihan dan berbagai bimbingan guna meningkatkan profesionalisme Sumber Daya Manusia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif survey dengan tujuan (1) untuk mengetahui gambaran dan keadaan usaha kecil di Kota Bogor...
JIMFE (Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi), 2013
ABSTRAKOzi Aircraft Models adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang manufaktur, denganberkembanga... more ABSTRAKOzi Aircraft Models adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang manufaktur, denganberkembangannya teknologi dan informasi dijamanin membuat perusaahaan sulitmempertahankan stabilitas perusahaannya dengan persaingan perusahaan yang sejenis.Tujuan penelitian ini dilakukan adalah untuk mengatasi masalah produk cacat, makadibutuhkannya pengendalian mutu terhadap proses produksi untuk mengetahui seberapabesar produk cacat yang dihasilkan kemudian untuk melihat dimana letak kesalahan disaatproses pruksi saat berlangsung.Berdasarkan uraian di atas penulis melakukan penelitian pada Ozi Aircraft Models, makadidapatlah tingkat-tingkat kerusakan produk sebesar 1.63% CL, 3,37% UCL dan -0,10%LCL. Seta jumlah produk cacat berdasarkan jenisnya keropos 27, 12%, permukaan masihkasar 16,95%, lecet 22,88%, warna pudar 16,10% dan patah 16,95%. Hal ini disebabkan olehpemilihan bahan baku yang kurang selektif hingga produk yang dihasilkan kurang baik, umurmein yang sudah tua sehingga banyak komponen ...
JIMFE (Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi), 2015
ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study was to determine the workers planning work measurement, to dete... more ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study was to determine the workers planning work measurement, to determine the productivity of the workers, and to determine the measurement of work in improving the productivity of workers. The method used is a case study and one of measurement method used is a work time study. Results and discussion of this research is a discrepancy between theory and phenomena that occur in the company, that there are some workers who use idle time and personal time more than 20% (96 minutes) of total working time. Lack supervision on the discipline of working time and standard time greatly affect the productivity levels of workers. With the use of a good standard time, labor productivity increased as indicated by the number of units produced of two workers from 11 units to 14 units.Keyword: Measurement of work, time standards and work productivity standards
JIMFE (Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi), 2018
ABSTRAKPT Elangperdana Tyre Industry adalah perusahaan yang memproduksi ban untuk semua kendaraan... more ABSTRAKPT Elangperdana Tyre Industry adalah perusahaan yang memproduksi ban untuk semua kendaraan besar maupun kecil. Kegiatan penelitian pada PT. Elangperdana Tyre Industry bertujuan untuk mengetahui dengan adanya gudang di Bogor memperlihatkan adanya biaya transportasi yang dikeluarkan perusahaan sangat besar, dikarenakan adanya jarak yang jauh antar gudang dengan para distributor. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah dengan menggunakan metode center of gravity. Dari hasil perhitungan dengan menggunakan metode center of gravity maka dapat di tentukan lokasi gudang baru dengan titik koordinat X = 122, Y = 22, yang berlokasi di Solo. Dengan lokasi gudang baru tersebut maka akan meminimkan jarak tempuh dan biaya transportasi dari gudang awal di Bogor terhadap gudang baru yang berlokasi di Solo.Kata kunci : jarak, gudang, center of gravity, biaya.
JIMFE (Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi), 2018
ABSTRACTThis study aimed to describe how the engine maintenance performed by PT Indonesia Paramou... more ABSTRACTThis study aimed to describe how the engine maintenance performed by PT Indonesia Paramount Bed inminimizing the cost of maintenance pasa press machine. The Research was about on engine maintenance inminimizing the cost of maintenance at PT. Paramount Bed Indonesia by using quantitative data and datasources that used are primary and secondary. The method of analysis that used in the study is the case studymethod. The company has been doing engine maintenance in accordance with the existing theory. But themaintenance of the company is not optimal because pasa production process still occurs frequently stopedengine suddenly. Therefore, companies should evaluate the maintenance periodically to the next productionrun properly and damage to the product that occurs can be less.Keywords: Maintenance of the machine and the Minimum Cost
JIMFE (Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi), 2018
ABSTRAKKeputusan perancangan tata letak (plan layout) merupakan keputusan penting yang menentukan... more ABSTRAKKeputusan perancangan tata letak (plan layout) merupakan keputusan penting yang menentukan kapasitas produksi sebuah operasi dalam jangka panjang. Dari beberapa perusahaan yang ada di Indonesia, penulis memilih PT. S Coil Indonesia sebagai objek penelitian. Jenis layout pada perusahaan ini adalah layout garis atau produk dimana alur proses produksinya dikerjakan berdasarkan urutan proses proses. Namun dalam kenyataannya PT. S Coil Indonesia sudah melaksanakan penentuan tata letak dengan cukup baik akan tetapi kapasitas produksi masih rendah. Seperti yang terjadi pada bagian pengerjaan varnish yang mengalami keterlambatan karena mesin diletakan sedikit berjauhan dengan mesin produksi. Dengan sering terjadinya keterlambatan pengerjaan pada bagian produksi tersebut mengakibatkan keterlambatan pemindahan barang pada departemen lainnya. Tujuan penelitian secara umum dapat mengetahui hasil analisis keterkaitan variabel yang teliti, adapun tujuan dari penelitian yang dilakukan pada ...
The increasing number of MSME in Indonesia is followed by the increasing of competitiveness, part... more The increasing number of MSME in Indonesia is followed by the increasing of competitiveness, particularly in online sales. Community Service to MSME which has been conducted by a team from the Faculty of Economics Universitas Pakuan, aims to provide an understanding of online Product Marketing Strategies through E-Commerce. The method used consist of transfer knowledge, coaching, monitoring and evaluation and have been done gradually. The result of this Community Service is expected to increase knowledge and to be applied in their business which in turn rise the sales number of MSME products. This paper can be a reference for other MSME.
Utsaha, Nov 24, 2023
One factor that significantly affects job satisfaction among lecturers is compensation. Compensat... more One factor that significantly affects job satisfaction among lecturers is compensation. Compensation is categorized into three dimensions, such as direct financial, indirect financial, and non-financial. This research is descriptive-verification type, and the approach used is explanatory survey. The objective of this research is to determine the effect of compensation on job satisfaction. The sampling technique used cluster sampling proportionally at five private colleges in Bogor, which led to a total sample size of 233 respondents, including Head Lectors, Lectors, and Assistant Lectors. Descriptive and quantitative analysis was conducted based on primary data obtained from field respondents, and hypothesis testing was conducted using SEM-Lisrel 8.8 method. The results indicated that the t-statistic value was greater than the t-value (t-statistic > 1.64), and the highest loading factor was found on the non-financial compensation variable (NFIN) which had a loading factor of 1.00 with a standard factor loading (SFL) of 0.5. It indicated that compensation has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction of lecturers in private colleges in Bogor. From the 3 dimensions that affect lecturer compensation, the non-financial dimension is the dominant dimension in forming the compensation variable construct by contributing the highest standard loading factor value.
Higher education institutions are a crucial support and play a vital role in promoting sustainabi... more Higher education institutions are a crucial support and play a vital role in promoting sustainability (Žalėnienė, 2021). Specifically, the contribution of lecturers within higher education institutions greatly influences the excellence of both education and research (Budiharso, 2020). The job satisfaction of lecturers is a critical factor in ensuring that they can make a maximum contribution to achieving higher education goals (Subarto, 2021). Therefore, understanding various factors that influence faculty job satisfaction, including individual personality characteristics, becomes highly crucial (Mugira, 2022). Personality is a unique psychological aspect possessed by each individual and describes how the individual communicates with his environment (Wahyuningsih, 2020). In the context of this research, we will focus on the five main dimensions of personality that are often considered, namely extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, and openness to experience (Ernst-Linke, 2023). Understanding how these five personality dimensions can influence lecturer job satisfaction can provide valuable insights for the management and development of human resources in higher education (Faher, 2021). Research on the influence of personality on job satisfaction has become an increasingly popular topic in psychology and management literature. Job satisfaction is a positive feeling related to one's job and is an important indicator of the quality of work life (Suryani, 2021). Lecturers who are satisfied with their work tend to be more motivated, productive, and contribute better to achieving higher education goals (Pramono, 2020). Therefore, a better understanding of the factors that influence lecturers' job satisfaction can help universities develop strategies to improve the quality of their education and research (Nurtjahjani, 2022).
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Forum Manajemen Indonesia - e-ISSN 3026-4499, Nov 20, 2023
The purpose of this study is to determine the factors that affect UMKM in Bogor. Competitiveness ... more The purpose of this study is to determine the factors that affect UMKM in Bogor. Competitiveness factors are measured using product advantages, human resources, and product marketing using IT. The sample in this research is the leading sector of UMKM in Bogor such as footwear, leather craft, and food sector. Sampling method using purposive sampling with the number of research respondents is 100 respondents. Data collection techniques with interviews, observations, and questionnaires. Data analysis method by conducting instrument test (validity test and reliability test), data analysis technique (multiple linear regression test, test of determination, and t-test). Validity and reliability test is done with 30 respondents which are all valid and reliable results. Result of t-test proves that independent variable consisting of product superiority, human resources, and product marketing by using IT have a significant positive effect to competitiveness of UMKM. In F test, get result of significance value smaller than 0,05. This proves that simultaneously the independent variables affect the dependent variable. Determination test proves that product superiority, human resources, and marketing of products using IT affect the competitiveness of 56%, while the rest is influenced by factors outside the independent variable in this study.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengendaliaan persediaan bahan baku menggunakan m... more Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengendaliaan persediaan bahan baku menggunakan metode Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) di Departemen Spinning PT. Unitex untuk memperlancar proses produksi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif, dengan metode pengumpulan data yaitu dengan wawancara dan observasi langsung ke dalam perusahaan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan dengan metode Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) dapat membantu perusahaan Departemen Spinning PT. Unitex dalam melakukan pengendalian persediaan bahan baku yang optimal yaitu sebesar 135.521,3 Kg Cotton dalam setiap satu kali pemesanan dengan frekuensi pemesanan sebanyak 10 kali pemesanan dalam satu periode. Dan untuk bahan baku Polyester sebanyak 620,97 Kg dalam setiap satu kali pemesanan dengan frekuensi pemesanan sebanyak 9 kali pemesanan dalam satu periode. Kelancaran proses produksi pun meningkat 11,6% dari 88,4% menjadi 100%, maka proses produksi dapat dikatakan lancar. Dalam penelitian ini diketahui persediaan bahan baku yang tepat akan mendukung kelancaran proses produksi sehingga tidak terjadi kekurangan dan kelebihan bahan baku. Kata kunci: bahan baku; economic order quantity; manajemen operasi; persediaan; produksi ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to analyze the control of raw material inventory using the Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) method in the Spinning Department of PT. Unitex to streamline the production process. This study uses a quantitative approach, with data collection methods, namely interviews and direct observation into the company. The method used in this research is descriptive analysis. The results of this study indicate that the Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) method can help the Spinning Department company PT. Unitex in controlling the optimal raw material inventory is 135,521.3 Kg Cotton in every one order with an order frequency of 10 orders in one period. And for Polyester raw materials as much as 620.97 Kg in each order with a frequency of 9 orders in one period. The smoothness of the production process also increased 11.6% from 88.4% to 100%, so the production process can be said to be smooth. In this study, it is known that the right supply of raw materials will support the smooth production process so that there is no shortage and excess of raw materials.
IJEBD (International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Business Development)
Purpose: Promoting digital education, the SDG Fund is convening partnerships between UN Agencies,... more Purpose: Promoting digital education, the SDG Fund is convening partnerships between UN Agencies, governments and the telecommunications industry to better use information technologies to advance SDG4. Affordable, reliable and context-sensitive digital education, can promote equal opportunities for girls and boys and reduce inequalities by ensuring every child has access to high quality content. Digital education technologies improves fundamental skills such as collaboration, problem solving and global awareness. Design/methodology/approach: Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Digital Education Documents by funding sponsor, Compare the document counts for up to 15 funding sponsors, first European Commission, followed by National Natural Science Foundation of China, and Horizon 2020 Framework Programme. Documents by affiliation, Compare the document counts for up to 15 affiliations, first University College London, followed by University of Oxford and University of Washington. Subj...
Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara yang menjadikan sektor peternakan sebagai salah satu tumpua... more Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara yang menjadikan sektor peternakan sebagai salah satu tumpuan perekonomian masyarakat. Sebagai salah satu sektor yang menjadi adalan perekonomian bagi masyarakat, sektor peternakan harus mampu menjadi sandaran ekonomi dan memiliki kontribusi yang cukup besar dalam pencapaian tujuan pembangunan perekonomian. Salah satu komoditi sub sektor peternakan yang sangat potensial dan sedang gandrung diusahakan oleh masyarakat di Jawa Barat khususnya masyarakat di kabupaten Bogor adalah peternakan puyuh. Puyuh adalah salah satu sub sektor peternakan yang saat ini mulai digemari, dimana yang diternakan adalah puyuh petelur, karena tingginya permintaan Indonesia is one of the countries that makes the livestock sector one of the cornerstones of the people's economy. As one of the sectors that is the mainstay of the economy for the community, the livestock sector must be able to become an economic backrest and have a considerable contribution in achievin...
ABSTRAK Analisis waktu standar merupakan salah satu analisis yang sering dipakai perusahaan untuk... more ABSTRAK Analisis waktu standar merupakan salah satu analisis yang sering dipakai perusahaan untuk mengetahui kinerja pegawai. Dalam analisis waktu standar digunakan metode studi waktu untuk menentukan waktu rata-rata per elemen kerja, menghitung waktu normal dan menghitung waktu standar dalam proses produksi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelancaran proses produksi pada PT. Aqua Golden Mississippi. Menggunakan jenis penelitian deskriptif eksploratif, metode yang digunakan studi kasus, adapun metode analisis yang digunakan adalah metode studi waktu dan tingkat produktivitas. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian maka dapat disimpulkan kelancaran proses produksi berjalan dengan lancar setelah dihitung waktu standar menggunakan metode analisis studi waktu. Analisis waktu standar sangat baik digunakan untuk mengetahui kinerja pegawai, untuk selanjutnya dapat dihitung tingkat produktivitasnya. Sehingga proses produksi dapat berjalan dengan lancar. Kata Kunci : Analisis waktu standar, ...
ABSTRAK Menurut data terbaru Biro Pusat Statistik (2000) diperkirakan terdapat ±37,8 juta pengusa... more ABSTRAK Menurut data terbaru Biro Pusat Statistik (2000) diperkirakan terdapat ±37,8 juta pengusaha kecil baik formal maupun informal. Jumlah ini mencapai sekitar 99 % lebih dari pengusaha Indonesia, tetapi pengusaha kecil ini menghadapi jumlah persoalan atau kendala baik di tingkat mikro maupun makro. Pada tingkat mikro, usaha kecil masih bergulat dengan berbagai persoalan, misalnya akses terhadap pasar, sumber daya fisik, pasar, sumber permodalan, terbatasnya penguasaan teknologi serta persoalan manajemen dan organisasi. Di tingkat makro , usaha kecil menghadapi suatu iklim yang belum sepenuhnya kondusif, adanya arus globalisasi, mekanisme pasar yang semakin nyata. Individu- individu usaha kecil perlu diberikan bantuan penguatan dengan berbagai kegiatan pendidikan, latihan dan berbagai bimbingan guna meningkatkan profesionalisme Sumber Daya Manusia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif survey dengan tujuan (1) untuk mengetahui gambaran dan keadaan usaha kecil di Kota Bogor...
JIMFE (Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi), 2013
ABSTRAKOzi Aircraft Models adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang manufaktur, denganberkembanga... more ABSTRAKOzi Aircraft Models adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang manufaktur, denganberkembangannya teknologi dan informasi dijamanin membuat perusaahaan sulitmempertahankan stabilitas perusahaannya dengan persaingan perusahaan yang sejenis.Tujuan penelitian ini dilakukan adalah untuk mengatasi masalah produk cacat, makadibutuhkannya pengendalian mutu terhadap proses produksi untuk mengetahui seberapabesar produk cacat yang dihasilkan kemudian untuk melihat dimana letak kesalahan disaatproses pruksi saat berlangsung.Berdasarkan uraian di atas penulis melakukan penelitian pada Ozi Aircraft Models, makadidapatlah tingkat-tingkat kerusakan produk sebesar 1.63% CL, 3,37% UCL dan -0,10%LCL. Seta jumlah produk cacat berdasarkan jenisnya keropos 27, 12%, permukaan masihkasar 16,95%, lecet 22,88%, warna pudar 16,10% dan patah 16,95%. Hal ini disebabkan olehpemilihan bahan baku yang kurang selektif hingga produk yang dihasilkan kurang baik, umurmein yang sudah tua sehingga banyak komponen ...
JIMFE (Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi), 2015
ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study was to determine the workers planning work measurement, to dete... more ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study was to determine the workers planning work measurement, to determine the productivity of the workers, and to determine the measurement of work in improving the productivity of workers. The method used is a case study and one of measurement method used is a work time study. Results and discussion of this research is a discrepancy between theory and phenomena that occur in the company, that there are some workers who use idle time and personal time more than 20% (96 minutes) of total working time. Lack supervision on the discipline of working time and standard time greatly affect the productivity levels of workers. With the use of a good standard time, labor productivity increased as indicated by the number of units produced of two workers from 11 units to 14 units.Keyword: Measurement of work, time standards and work productivity standards
JIMFE (Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi), 2018
ABSTRAKPT Elangperdana Tyre Industry adalah perusahaan yang memproduksi ban untuk semua kendaraan... more ABSTRAKPT Elangperdana Tyre Industry adalah perusahaan yang memproduksi ban untuk semua kendaraan besar maupun kecil. Kegiatan penelitian pada PT. Elangperdana Tyre Industry bertujuan untuk mengetahui dengan adanya gudang di Bogor memperlihatkan adanya biaya transportasi yang dikeluarkan perusahaan sangat besar, dikarenakan adanya jarak yang jauh antar gudang dengan para distributor. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah dengan menggunakan metode center of gravity. Dari hasil perhitungan dengan menggunakan metode center of gravity maka dapat di tentukan lokasi gudang baru dengan titik koordinat X = 122, Y = 22, yang berlokasi di Solo. Dengan lokasi gudang baru tersebut maka akan meminimkan jarak tempuh dan biaya transportasi dari gudang awal di Bogor terhadap gudang baru yang berlokasi di Solo.Kata kunci : jarak, gudang, center of gravity, biaya.
JIMFE (Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi), 2018
ABSTRACTThis study aimed to describe how the engine maintenance performed by PT Indonesia Paramou... more ABSTRACTThis study aimed to describe how the engine maintenance performed by PT Indonesia Paramount Bed inminimizing the cost of maintenance pasa press machine. The Research was about on engine maintenance inminimizing the cost of maintenance at PT. Paramount Bed Indonesia by using quantitative data and datasources that used are primary and secondary. The method of analysis that used in the study is the case studymethod. The company has been doing engine maintenance in accordance with the existing theory. But themaintenance of the company is not optimal because pasa production process still occurs frequently stopedengine suddenly. Therefore, companies should evaluate the maintenance periodically to the next productionrun properly and damage to the product that occurs can be less.Keywords: Maintenance of the machine and the Minimum Cost
JIMFE (Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi), 2018
ABSTRAKKeputusan perancangan tata letak (plan layout) merupakan keputusan penting yang menentukan... more ABSTRAKKeputusan perancangan tata letak (plan layout) merupakan keputusan penting yang menentukan kapasitas produksi sebuah operasi dalam jangka panjang. Dari beberapa perusahaan yang ada di Indonesia, penulis memilih PT. S Coil Indonesia sebagai objek penelitian. Jenis layout pada perusahaan ini adalah layout garis atau produk dimana alur proses produksinya dikerjakan berdasarkan urutan proses proses. Namun dalam kenyataannya PT. S Coil Indonesia sudah melaksanakan penentuan tata letak dengan cukup baik akan tetapi kapasitas produksi masih rendah. Seperti yang terjadi pada bagian pengerjaan varnish yang mengalami keterlambatan karena mesin diletakan sedikit berjauhan dengan mesin produksi. Dengan sering terjadinya keterlambatan pengerjaan pada bagian produksi tersebut mengakibatkan keterlambatan pemindahan barang pada departemen lainnya. Tujuan penelitian secara umum dapat mengetahui hasil analisis keterkaitan variabel yang teliti, adapun tujuan dari penelitian yang dilakukan pada ...
The increasing number of MSME in Indonesia is followed by the increasing of competitiveness, part... more The increasing number of MSME in Indonesia is followed by the increasing of competitiveness, particularly in online sales. Community Service to MSME which has been conducted by a team from the Faculty of Economics Universitas Pakuan, aims to provide an understanding of online Product Marketing Strategies through E-Commerce. The method used consist of transfer knowledge, coaching, monitoring and evaluation and have been done gradually. The result of this Community Service is expected to increase knowledge and to be applied in their business which in turn rise the sales number of MSME products. This paper can be a reference for other MSME.