Sabit Oymael - (original) (raw)

Papers by Sabit Oymael

Research paper thumbnail of Investigation of the Facts on the Development of Historical Urban and Architectural Places

Humanities and sciences, May 1, 2011

In this study, urban-environmental planning and architectural design principles from the first si... more In this study, urban-environmental planning and architectural design principles from the first sight, explaining today's problems of applications and issues are observed to create a solid vision and the future of the work. While the basic characteristics of this ancient Turkish cities and architecture of today's contemporary, we tried to establish a relationship between theory and practice.

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Sulphate on Length Change of Concrete

Oil Shale

Sulphates usually affect calcium aluminates in cements. Sulphate ions might have negative effects... more Sulphates usually affect calcium aluminates in cements. Sulphate ions might have negative effects on cement hydration and it would be a reason of decrease in cement strength. In this study, the effects of Na 2 SO 4 solution on the concretes made from OPC with oil shale ash (OSA) addition (0, 15 and 30%) were investigated. Concretes with 15% OSA gave the lowest value of Length Change Factor (LCF). Addition of an optimum amount of superplasticizer increases positive properties of the concrete with 15% OSA addition, binds free Ca(OH) 2 in OPC, makes its composition more effective, prevents massive alkali-aggregates reactions showing that this addition rate is proper.

Research paper thumbnail of Fire safety strategies on high-rise buildings

Conference: 9. Uluslararası Sinan Sempozyumu, Edirne: Trakya Üniversitesi, 21-22 Nisan 2015. --- ... more Conference: 9. Uluslararası Sinan Sempozyumu, Edirne: Trakya Üniversitesi, 21-22 Nisan 2015. --- Oymael, Sabit (Arel Author)Gökdelenlerin gelişimini, bilim ve teknoloji alanındaki ilerlemelerden ziyade, toplumsal ve ekonomik gelişmelerin etkilediği ifade edilebilir. Yangın konusu, Dünya’da ve buna paralel olarak Türkiye’de inşa edilen yüksek yapı uygulamalarında birinci öncelikli konulardandır. Bilim ve teknikte meydana gelen gelişmelere paralel olarak yangına dayanıklı malzemeler üretilmekte ve yangına karşı teknolojik önlemler alınabiliyor ise de, bina duvar kesitlerinin incelmesi, bina yüksekliklerinin artması, binaların yangına dayanımı açısından ek tedbirlerin alınmasını gerektirmektedir. İtfaiye araçlarının çok yüksek ve çok büyük hacimli binalara ulaşabilmesinin problem arz etmesi (en yüksek yangın merdiveninin genellikle 24-30 m civarında olduğu dikkate alındığında) 8 kattan fazla binalarda kaçış seçeneği yanında alarm ve otomatik söndürme tesisatı ile yangın merdiveninden b...

Research paper thumbnail of Güneydoğu Anadolu Projesi içinde Şanlıurfa-Bozovada yapısal tasarım önerileri / null

Research paper thumbnail of Suitability of Oil Shale Ash as a Constituent of Cement

Oil Shale, 2007

Physical and chemical characteristics of ashes formed at burning oil shale at temperatures 500, 6... more Physical and chemical characteristics of ashes formed at burning oil shale at temperatures 500, 600, 700, 800, 900 and 1030 °C were studied. Standard procedures were used to determine both pozzolanic activity and binding parameters. The most suitable characteristics were provided with oil shale ash formed at 700 °C. Ashes (15 and 30%) were added to ordinary Portland cement. The optimum pozzolanic characteristics and performances were provided by the mixture containing 15% ashes. The mixes meet the corresponding Turkish standards, and therefore, this oil shale can be used as an admixture in Portland cement.

Research paper thumbnail of EFFECTS OF MgSO4 AND Na2SO4 SOLUTIONS ON CONCRETE MORTARS FROM CEMENT TYPES PKC 32.5 AND PC 42.5 ABSTRACT Hydration products of various types of cement differ in both

Hydration products of various types of cement differ in both quantitative and qualitative aspects... more Hydration products of various types of cement differ in both quantitative and qualitative aspects. This study aims to determine the nature and severity of such difference under certain Sulphate conditions. Investigated to this end were changes at intervals in physical and chemical behaviors of standard sand mortars from cement types PKC 32.5/B and PC 42.5 in Na2SO4 and MgSO4 sulphate conditions. Mortar specimens cast in 40x40x160 mm mould were let to cure for 14 and 28 days in fresh water in addition to medium containing 5% and 10% Na2SO4 and MgSO4 sulphate solutions. Several physical and chemical analyses and measurements with XRD and SEM instruments revealed that solution with MgSO4 had a more detrimental effect than did Na2SO4 solution and that specimens in MgSO4 solution had relatively lower compressive strength. In the study mortars from cement type KPC 32.5/B proved higher resistance to Sulphate medium than did mortars from cement type PC 42.5.

Research paper thumbnail of Oil Shale Ash Addition Effect in Concrete to Freezing-Thawing

Sustainable Construction and Building Materials, 2019

Modifying the properties of cement by including mineral-based additives into cement ensures benef... more Modifying the properties of cement by including mineral-based additives into cement ensures benefits such as preventing environmental hazards of waste additives and providing increase in cement amount. Based on these main considerations, as a part of the study in which contribution of ash, obtained as a result of the burning of oil shale rocks in fluidized bed thermal plants, to Portland cement (PC) in 15% ratio is chemically proven, this study is performed in order to understand the direction and severity of the effects that oil shale ash (OSA) might have on the properties of cements. For this purpose, freezingthawing experiments were performed on cement samples produced with PC 42.5 cement, which has 0, 10, 20, and 30% of OSA additions. It is desired to make a conclusion by finding weight loss factor (AF w) and relative elasticity module (E) loss related with press and ultrasonic test methods based on given experiments. As a result, it was observed that durability of concretes obtained by addition of oil shale rocks in 15% ratio to PC 42.5 cements against freezing/thawing effects is greater than that of PC 42.5 control sample.

Research paper thumbnail of Yüksek binalarda yangın güvenliği stratejileri

Conference: 9. Uluslararasi Sinan Sempozyumu, Edirne: Trakya Universitesi, 21-22 Nisan 2015. --- ... more Conference: 9. Uluslararasi Sinan Sempozyumu, Edirne: Trakya Universitesi, 21-22 Nisan 2015. --- Oymael, Sabit (Arel Author)

Research paper thumbnail of Examinations of the Internal Structure of Zeolite-Blended Cements

Pozzolans are mineral-based materials that are not cementitious on their own, but gain cementitio... more Pozzolans are mineral-based materials that are not cementitious on their own, but gain cementitious properties when they are combined with lime and cement and react with water. Studies are in rapid progress to enhance performance in concrete made with pozzolanic cements. In this experimental study, cement paste specimens of 40x40x160 mm were cured in water and then kept in MgSO4 solution to examine their 7- and 28-day compressive strengths and XRD and SEM images. An examination of the chemical and physical changes in the specimens cured in water and MgSO4 solution revealed that the specimens blended with 15% zeolite and containing superplasticizers had a slightly higher compressive strength than the specimens cured in MgSO4 solution. This points out to the high pozzolanic activity and to the fact that 15% admixture rate made zeolite-blended specimens resistant against MgSO4 solution. Consequently, zeolite is converted into Calcium Silicate Hydrate (C-S-H) composites after binding th...

Research paper thumbnail of Zeolit Katkili Çimentolarin Özelli̇kleri̇ni̇n İncelenmesi̇

Dogal puzolanlar yonunden son derece zengin olan ulkemizde cok yonlu kazanimlar saglanmaktadir. B... more Dogal puzolanlar yonunden son derece zengin olan ulkemizde cok yonlu kazanimlar saglanmaktadir. Bu kazanimlarin basinda, cimento uretiminde enerji tasarrufu saglanmasi ve bu yolla cevre kirliliginin azaltilmasi gelir. Klinkerin azaltilarak yerine puzolanik katki malzemelerinin kullanilmasi ile cimento uretimi sirasinda ortaya cikan CO2 gazi azaltilabilmekte ve enerji tasarrufu saglanmaktadir. Bu calismada Portland cimentosuna %0, %5, %10, %15 ve %20 oranlarinda zeolit katkisinin cimento harc ozelliklerine etkisi incelenmistir. Arastirmada zeolit katkili cimento harc numunelerinin, fiziksel ve kimyasal analizleri, 2, 7 ve 28 gunluk basinc dayanimlari ile SEM goruntuleri incelenmistir. Calismada, katkili cimento ozellikleri bakimindan en uygun degerler %10 zeolit katkili cimento harclarindan elde edilmistir.


This study comparatively examines the effects of MgSO4 in terms of the rate of zeolite admixture ... more This study comparatively examines the effects of MgSO4 in terms of the rate of zeolite admixture in paste specimens produced with PC42.5 R cement substituted with different ratios of zeolite. An examination of the chemical and physical changes of the specimens cured in water and MgSO4 solution reveals that 15% zeolite admixture is appropriate. Compression strength of control specimens, 15% zeolite-substituted superplasticizers cured in water, was slightly higher than that of the specimens cured in MgSO4 solution. This indicates that the pozzolanic activity was high and 15% admixture rate made the zeolite-substituted specimens resistant against MgSO4 solution. Consequently, zeolite binds the portlandite, Ca(OH)2, in cement and subsequently, is converted into Calcium Silicate Hydrate (C-S-H) composites; thereby, it prevents corrosion in cements, decreases permeability of concrete, and gives resistance against sulfate environments.

Research paper thumbnail of Yapı Bilgisi-1

#nofulltext#Bu kitap, inşaat mühendisliği ve mimarlık alanında öğrenim gören öğrencilerle Meslek ... more #nofulltext#Bu kitap, inşaat mühendisliği ve mimarlık alanında öğrenim gören öğrencilerle Meslek Yüksekokulları İnşaat Bölümü öğrencilerine ve meslekî teknik eğitim alanındaki tüm orta öğretim öğrencilerine temel kaynak niteliğindedir. Yapı bilgisi, binalarda yapı elemanlarının teknik kurallara uygun olarak yapılması için gerekli bilgileri içeren bir bilim dalıdır. Burada verilen bilgilerin standartlarla genel kabul görmüş uygulama yöntem ve tekniklerine uygun olmasına dikkat edilmiştir. Bu yapılırken modern yapı malzemeleri ihmal edilmemiştir. Yapı Bilgisi-I, Yapı Bilgisi-II ve Yapı Bilgisi-III olarak hazırlanan üç ciltlik çalışmanın birincisini oluşturan bu cilt içinde; yapının tanımı ve çeşitleri, yapı gereçleri, duvarlar, bacalar, sıvalar, temel zemini, temel yapılan, istinat duvarları, beton teknolojisi, kalıplar, yalıtım işleri ile boyalar ve badanalar gibi konular yer almaktadır

Research paper thumbnail of MgSO4 VE Na2SO4 ORTAMLARIN PKÇ 32.5 VE PÇ 42.5

Engineering Sciences, 2008

Cimentolarin hidratasyon urunleri miktar ve ozellikleri bakimindan birbirinden farklidir. Bu fark... more Cimentolarin hidratasyon urunleri miktar ve ozellikleri bakimindan birbirinden farklidir. Bu farkliligin sulfatli ortamlarda yonunu ve siddetini ortaya koymak bu calismanin amacini olusturmaktadir. Bu calismada, PKC 32.5/B ve PC 42.5 cimentolarla uretilen standart kumlu harclarin Na2SO4 ve MgSO4 cozeltileri icindeki zamana bagli fiziksel ve kimyasal degisimleri incelenmistir. Soz konusu harc numuneler, 40x40x160 mm'lik prizmatik kaliplarla hazirlanmis olup 14 ve 28 gun sureyle icilebilir su ortami yaninda %5 ve %10'luk Na2SO4 ile MgSO4 cozeltilerinde kur edilmislerdir. Arastirmada, MgSO4'li cozeltinin zararli etkisinin Na2SO4'li cozeltilere gore daha fazla oldugu ve MgSO4 cozeltisindeki numunelerde basinc dayanimlarinin daha dusuk ciktigi, PKC 32.5/B cimentolarin PC 42.5'tan daha fazla sulfatlara dayanikli oldugu, yapilan fiziksel, kimyasal, XRD ve SEM analizlerle saptanmistir.

Research paper thumbnail of Türki̇ye’De Kamu Bi̇nalarinin Deprem Ri̇ski̇ Ve Yapisal Hasar Durumlarinin İncelenmesi̇: Edi̇rne Örneği̇

Turkiye yapi stogunun buyuk bir kisminin imar mevzuatina aykiri olmasi nedeniyle, basta deprem ol... more Turkiye yapi stogunun buyuk bir kisminin imar mevzuatina aykiri olmasi nedeniyle, basta deprem olmak uzere surekli afet riski ile tehdit ve tehlike altindadir. Edirne, Canakkale ve Saroz Korfezi gibi potansiyel deprem risk bolgelerine oldukca yakindir. Tarihi gelisim icinde Trakya Bolgesi’nde ozellikle Edirne’de cesitli buyuklukte depremler meydana gelmistir. Bu nedenle Edirne deprem acisindan dikkate alinacak merkez ozelligindedir. Bu calismanin amaci 2007 Deprem Yonetmeligi’ne (DBYBHY-2007) gore Edirne’de “onem katsayilari 1 olan kamu binalarindan okullarin ve hastanelerin” olasi bir deprem oncesi yapisal (hasar) durumlarina, yapisal performanslarina iliskin genel degerlendirmeleri yapmaktir. Bunun icin Edirne il merkezinden ornek secilen binalara teknik anketler uygulanmis ve gozlem yapilmistir. Boylece olasi bir depremde okul ve hastane gibi kamu binalarinda meydana gelebilecek hasarlarin tespit edilmesi amaclanmistir. Arastirma sonuclarinda incelenen binalarin %16’sinda catlak...


Hazrr beton uretirru yurtici ve yurtdisi pazarlarda yogun bir rekabet yasanmaktadir, Bu rek... more Hazrr beton uretirru yurtici ve yurtdisi pazarlarda yogun bir rekabet yasanmaktadir, Bu rekabette kuruluslar acismdan en onemli unsur, istenilen kalitede urun ve hizmeti ilk defasmda, zamanmda ve uygunluk kalitesinde teslim etmektir. Bu hedefi yerine getirebilmek icin; rnusteri ihtiyac ve beklentilerinin tam ve dogru olarak anlasilmasr, degerlendirilmesi, kurulusun ilgili fonksiyonlanna tam ve dogru olarak aktanlmasi, gerekli prosesler ve urunler icin cahsma kriterlerinin, metotIannm izlenmesi, urun ve hizmetin rnusteriye talep ettigi sekilde teslim edilmesi gerekir. "Kalite yonetim sistemi"nin esasi, bir maim veya hizmetin kalitesini olcmek ve rnusterilere "kalite guvencesi" vermektir. Bu ~all~mada, ham beton firmalanmn beton uretimlerinde kalite mUkemmeliyetine erismek icin malzeme temini ve beton uretimi esnasmda standartlann ongordugu kalite kontrol tekniklerinin TS EN 206-1 esaslan dahilinde ortaya konulmasi amaclanrmsnr. Mart 2004 tarihinde...

Research paper thumbnail of Yapı Bilgisi-3

#nofulltext#Bu kitap, inşaat mühendisliği ve mimarlık alanında öğrenim gören öğrencilerle Meslek ... more #nofulltext#Bu kitap, inşaat mühendisliği ve mimarlık alanında öğrenim gören öğrencilerle Meslek Yüksekokulları İnşaat Bölümü öğrencilerine ve meslekî teknik eğitim alanındaki tüm orta öğretim öğrencilerine temel kaynak niteliğindedir. Yapı bilgisi, binalarda yapı elemanlarının teknik kurallara uygun olarak yapılması için gerekli bilgileri içeren bir bilim dalıdır. Burada verilen bilgilerin standartlarla genel kabul görmüş uygulama yöntem ve tekniklerine uygun olmasına dikkat edilmiştir. Bu yapılırken modern yapı malzemeleri ihmal edilmemiştir. Yapı Bilgisi-I, Yapı Bilgisi-II ve Yapı Bilgisi-III olarak hazırlanan üç ciltlik çalışmanın birincisini oluşturan bu cilt içinde; yapının tanımı ve çeşitleri, yapı gereçleri, duvarlar, bacalar, sıvalar, temel zemini, temel yapılan, istinat duvarları, beton teknolojisi, kalıplar, yalıtım işleri ile boyalar ve badanalar gibi konular yer almaktadı

Research paper thumbnail of Performance Study on Cements

E-journal of New World Sciences Academy, 2019

Protection of concrete against physical, chemical and mechanical effects is directly associated w... more Protection of concrete against physical, chemical and mechanical effects is directly associated with the properties of materials mixed into its compound and mixture. Among them, cement has a distinctive role. When cement is investigated both as a compound of the concrete and the paste, it is quite significant in terms of durability, service life and aesthetics. The greatest problem of cement usages is cracks negatively affecting both the subjective properties and the properties of aggregate used with it. The type and amount of cement used in a concrete, physical and chemical properties, hydration process, mixing method and technique, its relation with aggregate and water and additives depending on the time factor, have an effect both on functionality and visual performance. In this study, key words such as adherence, workability and cracking were taken into the center by dwelling on the cement subject, and the possible problems were offered a solution in terms of cause and effect relationship.

Research paper thumbnail of Permeability features of concretes produced with aggregates coated with colemanite

Computers and Concrete, 2015

In the world total boron reserve rating, Turkey is taken place on the first rank, meeting the dem... more In the world total boron reserve rating, Turkey is taken place on the first rank, meeting the demand of refined mineral and main boron chemicals. Development of the new boron products and production technologies, spreading the using area of the boron are the study topics which must be finically discussed. In this study, with the help of colemanite taken in ratio as (0%, 7.5%, 12.5%, and 17.5%) by being mixed by the cement, surfaces of the pumice aggregates have been covered. Permeability of the samples has been investigated by producing lightweight concrete with 400 dose with the help of aggregates covered with colemanite. For this, the experiments of water absorption, capillary water absorption, depth of penetration of water under pressure and rapid chloride permeability have been performed. In addition, analyses of the thin section of covered and uncovered pumice aggregates and SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) have been investigated. When the control samples produced with the covered aggregates and concretes produced with colemanite covered aggregates are compared each other, it has been determined that special lightweight concretes whose values of capillary water absorption experiment, depth of penetration of water under pressure experiment and rapid chloride permeability are low can be produced.

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of shrinkage and creep behaviors in polymer-coated lightweight concretes

Science and Engineering of Composite Materials, 2016

The creep and shrinkage properties of polymer-coated lightweight concretes were examined. Five-hu... more The creep and shrinkage properties of polymer-coated lightweight concretes were examined. Five-hundred-dose lightweight concretes were produced by coating pumice aggregates with three different polymers (Sonomeric1: SNMC, KB Pur 214: KBP, and Polipol3455: PLP). The 3-, 7-, and 28-day compressive strength values of the obtained lightweight concrete samples were determined, and the 840-h and 12-month creep and shrinkage deformations were measured. It was found that the ductility of the SNMC- and KBP-coated concrete samples increased, while their shrinkage deformation results decreased when compared with the control samples. In contrast, the ductility of PLP concrete samples decreased and the shrinkage deformation became higher. In conclusion, the use of SNMC- and KBP-coated pumice aggregates had a positive effect on the creep and shrinkage properties of the concrete. Furthermore, it was observed that the compressive strength values of the lightweight concretes made of the coated sampl...

Research paper thumbnail of Examination of Creep and Shrinkage Behavior of Concretes with Oil Shale Ash Substituted Cements

Oil Shale, 2009

Two types of deformation-creep and shrinkage-occurring in cements and concretes are caused by com... more Two types of deformation-creep and shrinkage-occurring in cements and concretes are caused by compression and time. They lead to the loss of compressive strength. In the present study both deformation types were experimentally examined using concrete samples made from ordinary Portland cement OPC 32.5 containing 0; 15 and 30% oil shale ash (OSA). Tests made during months showed that concretes produced using Portland cement with 15% OSA shrank less than samples containing no OSA (OPC contr.). This finding agrees with the condition that concrete samples produced using 15% OSA-added cement are not to display a deformation rate higher than 0.1% within six months and 0.5% within three months.

Research paper thumbnail of Investigation of the Facts on the Development of Historical Urban and Architectural Places

Humanities and sciences, May 1, 2011

In this study, urban-environmental planning and architectural design principles from the first si... more In this study, urban-environmental planning and architectural design principles from the first sight, explaining today's problems of applications and issues are observed to create a solid vision and the future of the work. While the basic characteristics of this ancient Turkish cities and architecture of today's contemporary, we tried to establish a relationship between theory and practice.

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Sulphate on Length Change of Concrete

Oil Shale

Sulphates usually affect calcium aluminates in cements. Sulphate ions might have negative effects... more Sulphates usually affect calcium aluminates in cements. Sulphate ions might have negative effects on cement hydration and it would be a reason of decrease in cement strength. In this study, the effects of Na 2 SO 4 solution on the concretes made from OPC with oil shale ash (OSA) addition (0, 15 and 30%) were investigated. Concretes with 15% OSA gave the lowest value of Length Change Factor (LCF). Addition of an optimum amount of superplasticizer increases positive properties of the concrete with 15% OSA addition, binds free Ca(OH) 2 in OPC, makes its composition more effective, prevents massive alkali-aggregates reactions showing that this addition rate is proper.

Research paper thumbnail of Fire safety strategies on high-rise buildings

Conference: 9. Uluslararası Sinan Sempozyumu, Edirne: Trakya Üniversitesi, 21-22 Nisan 2015. --- ... more Conference: 9. Uluslararası Sinan Sempozyumu, Edirne: Trakya Üniversitesi, 21-22 Nisan 2015. --- Oymael, Sabit (Arel Author)Gökdelenlerin gelişimini, bilim ve teknoloji alanındaki ilerlemelerden ziyade, toplumsal ve ekonomik gelişmelerin etkilediği ifade edilebilir. Yangın konusu, Dünya’da ve buna paralel olarak Türkiye’de inşa edilen yüksek yapı uygulamalarında birinci öncelikli konulardandır. Bilim ve teknikte meydana gelen gelişmelere paralel olarak yangına dayanıklı malzemeler üretilmekte ve yangına karşı teknolojik önlemler alınabiliyor ise de, bina duvar kesitlerinin incelmesi, bina yüksekliklerinin artması, binaların yangına dayanımı açısından ek tedbirlerin alınmasını gerektirmektedir. İtfaiye araçlarının çok yüksek ve çok büyük hacimli binalara ulaşabilmesinin problem arz etmesi (en yüksek yangın merdiveninin genellikle 24-30 m civarında olduğu dikkate alındığında) 8 kattan fazla binalarda kaçış seçeneği yanında alarm ve otomatik söndürme tesisatı ile yangın merdiveninden b...

Research paper thumbnail of Güneydoğu Anadolu Projesi içinde Şanlıurfa-Bozovada yapısal tasarım önerileri / null

Research paper thumbnail of Suitability of Oil Shale Ash as a Constituent of Cement

Oil Shale, 2007

Physical and chemical characteristics of ashes formed at burning oil shale at temperatures 500, 6... more Physical and chemical characteristics of ashes formed at burning oil shale at temperatures 500, 600, 700, 800, 900 and 1030 °C were studied. Standard procedures were used to determine both pozzolanic activity and binding parameters. The most suitable characteristics were provided with oil shale ash formed at 700 °C. Ashes (15 and 30%) were added to ordinary Portland cement. The optimum pozzolanic characteristics and performances were provided by the mixture containing 15% ashes. The mixes meet the corresponding Turkish standards, and therefore, this oil shale can be used as an admixture in Portland cement.

Research paper thumbnail of EFFECTS OF MgSO4 AND Na2SO4 SOLUTIONS ON CONCRETE MORTARS FROM CEMENT TYPES PKC 32.5 AND PC 42.5 ABSTRACT Hydration products of various types of cement differ in both

Hydration products of various types of cement differ in both quantitative and qualitative aspects... more Hydration products of various types of cement differ in both quantitative and qualitative aspects. This study aims to determine the nature and severity of such difference under certain Sulphate conditions. Investigated to this end were changes at intervals in physical and chemical behaviors of standard sand mortars from cement types PKC 32.5/B and PC 42.5 in Na2SO4 and MgSO4 sulphate conditions. Mortar specimens cast in 40x40x160 mm mould were let to cure for 14 and 28 days in fresh water in addition to medium containing 5% and 10% Na2SO4 and MgSO4 sulphate solutions. Several physical and chemical analyses and measurements with XRD and SEM instruments revealed that solution with MgSO4 had a more detrimental effect than did Na2SO4 solution and that specimens in MgSO4 solution had relatively lower compressive strength. In the study mortars from cement type KPC 32.5/B proved higher resistance to Sulphate medium than did mortars from cement type PC 42.5.

Research paper thumbnail of Oil Shale Ash Addition Effect in Concrete to Freezing-Thawing

Sustainable Construction and Building Materials, 2019

Modifying the properties of cement by including mineral-based additives into cement ensures benef... more Modifying the properties of cement by including mineral-based additives into cement ensures benefits such as preventing environmental hazards of waste additives and providing increase in cement amount. Based on these main considerations, as a part of the study in which contribution of ash, obtained as a result of the burning of oil shale rocks in fluidized bed thermal plants, to Portland cement (PC) in 15% ratio is chemically proven, this study is performed in order to understand the direction and severity of the effects that oil shale ash (OSA) might have on the properties of cements. For this purpose, freezingthawing experiments were performed on cement samples produced with PC 42.5 cement, which has 0, 10, 20, and 30% of OSA additions. It is desired to make a conclusion by finding weight loss factor (AF w) and relative elasticity module (E) loss related with press and ultrasonic test methods based on given experiments. As a result, it was observed that durability of concretes obtained by addition of oil shale rocks in 15% ratio to PC 42.5 cements against freezing/thawing effects is greater than that of PC 42.5 control sample.

Research paper thumbnail of Yüksek binalarda yangın güvenliği stratejileri

Conference: 9. Uluslararasi Sinan Sempozyumu, Edirne: Trakya Universitesi, 21-22 Nisan 2015. --- ... more Conference: 9. Uluslararasi Sinan Sempozyumu, Edirne: Trakya Universitesi, 21-22 Nisan 2015. --- Oymael, Sabit (Arel Author)

Research paper thumbnail of Examinations of the Internal Structure of Zeolite-Blended Cements

Pozzolans are mineral-based materials that are not cementitious on their own, but gain cementitio... more Pozzolans are mineral-based materials that are not cementitious on their own, but gain cementitious properties when they are combined with lime and cement and react with water. Studies are in rapid progress to enhance performance in concrete made with pozzolanic cements. In this experimental study, cement paste specimens of 40x40x160 mm were cured in water and then kept in MgSO4 solution to examine their 7- and 28-day compressive strengths and XRD and SEM images. An examination of the chemical and physical changes in the specimens cured in water and MgSO4 solution revealed that the specimens blended with 15% zeolite and containing superplasticizers had a slightly higher compressive strength than the specimens cured in MgSO4 solution. This points out to the high pozzolanic activity and to the fact that 15% admixture rate made zeolite-blended specimens resistant against MgSO4 solution. Consequently, zeolite is converted into Calcium Silicate Hydrate (C-S-H) composites after binding th...

Research paper thumbnail of Zeolit Katkili Çimentolarin Özelli̇kleri̇ni̇n İncelenmesi̇

Dogal puzolanlar yonunden son derece zengin olan ulkemizde cok yonlu kazanimlar saglanmaktadir. B... more Dogal puzolanlar yonunden son derece zengin olan ulkemizde cok yonlu kazanimlar saglanmaktadir. Bu kazanimlarin basinda, cimento uretiminde enerji tasarrufu saglanmasi ve bu yolla cevre kirliliginin azaltilmasi gelir. Klinkerin azaltilarak yerine puzolanik katki malzemelerinin kullanilmasi ile cimento uretimi sirasinda ortaya cikan CO2 gazi azaltilabilmekte ve enerji tasarrufu saglanmaktadir. Bu calismada Portland cimentosuna %0, %5, %10, %15 ve %20 oranlarinda zeolit katkisinin cimento harc ozelliklerine etkisi incelenmistir. Arastirmada zeolit katkili cimento harc numunelerinin, fiziksel ve kimyasal analizleri, 2, 7 ve 28 gunluk basinc dayanimlari ile SEM goruntuleri incelenmistir. Calismada, katkili cimento ozellikleri bakimindan en uygun degerler %10 zeolit katkili cimento harclarindan elde edilmistir.


This study comparatively examines the effects of MgSO4 in terms of the rate of zeolite admixture ... more This study comparatively examines the effects of MgSO4 in terms of the rate of zeolite admixture in paste specimens produced with PC42.5 R cement substituted with different ratios of zeolite. An examination of the chemical and physical changes of the specimens cured in water and MgSO4 solution reveals that 15% zeolite admixture is appropriate. Compression strength of control specimens, 15% zeolite-substituted superplasticizers cured in water, was slightly higher than that of the specimens cured in MgSO4 solution. This indicates that the pozzolanic activity was high and 15% admixture rate made the zeolite-substituted specimens resistant against MgSO4 solution. Consequently, zeolite binds the portlandite, Ca(OH)2, in cement and subsequently, is converted into Calcium Silicate Hydrate (C-S-H) composites; thereby, it prevents corrosion in cements, decreases permeability of concrete, and gives resistance against sulfate environments.

Research paper thumbnail of Yapı Bilgisi-1

#nofulltext#Bu kitap, inşaat mühendisliği ve mimarlık alanında öğrenim gören öğrencilerle Meslek ... more #nofulltext#Bu kitap, inşaat mühendisliği ve mimarlık alanında öğrenim gören öğrencilerle Meslek Yüksekokulları İnşaat Bölümü öğrencilerine ve meslekî teknik eğitim alanındaki tüm orta öğretim öğrencilerine temel kaynak niteliğindedir. Yapı bilgisi, binalarda yapı elemanlarının teknik kurallara uygun olarak yapılması için gerekli bilgileri içeren bir bilim dalıdır. Burada verilen bilgilerin standartlarla genel kabul görmüş uygulama yöntem ve tekniklerine uygun olmasına dikkat edilmiştir. Bu yapılırken modern yapı malzemeleri ihmal edilmemiştir. Yapı Bilgisi-I, Yapı Bilgisi-II ve Yapı Bilgisi-III olarak hazırlanan üç ciltlik çalışmanın birincisini oluşturan bu cilt içinde; yapının tanımı ve çeşitleri, yapı gereçleri, duvarlar, bacalar, sıvalar, temel zemini, temel yapılan, istinat duvarları, beton teknolojisi, kalıplar, yalıtım işleri ile boyalar ve badanalar gibi konular yer almaktadır

Research paper thumbnail of MgSO4 VE Na2SO4 ORTAMLARIN PKÇ 32.5 VE PÇ 42.5

Engineering Sciences, 2008

Cimentolarin hidratasyon urunleri miktar ve ozellikleri bakimindan birbirinden farklidir. Bu fark... more Cimentolarin hidratasyon urunleri miktar ve ozellikleri bakimindan birbirinden farklidir. Bu farkliligin sulfatli ortamlarda yonunu ve siddetini ortaya koymak bu calismanin amacini olusturmaktadir. Bu calismada, PKC 32.5/B ve PC 42.5 cimentolarla uretilen standart kumlu harclarin Na2SO4 ve MgSO4 cozeltileri icindeki zamana bagli fiziksel ve kimyasal degisimleri incelenmistir. Soz konusu harc numuneler, 40x40x160 mm'lik prizmatik kaliplarla hazirlanmis olup 14 ve 28 gun sureyle icilebilir su ortami yaninda %5 ve %10'luk Na2SO4 ile MgSO4 cozeltilerinde kur edilmislerdir. Arastirmada, MgSO4'li cozeltinin zararli etkisinin Na2SO4'li cozeltilere gore daha fazla oldugu ve MgSO4 cozeltisindeki numunelerde basinc dayanimlarinin daha dusuk ciktigi, PKC 32.5/B cimentolarin PC 42.5'tan daha fazla sulfatlara dayanikli oldugu, yapilan fiziksel, kimyasal, XRD ve SEM analizlerle saptanmistir.

Research paper thumbnail of Türki̇ye’De Kamu Bi̇nalarinin Deprem Ri̇ski̇ Ve Yapisal Hasar Durumlarinin İncelenmesi̇: Edi̇rne Örneği̇

Turkiye yapi stogunun buyuk bir kisminin imar mevzuatina aykiri olmasi nedeniyle, basta deprem ol... more Turkiye yapi stogunun buyuk bir kisminin imar mevzuatina aykiri olmasi nedeniyle, basta deprem olmak uzere surekli afet riski ile tehdit ve tehlike altindadir. Edirne, Canakkale ve Saroz Korfezi gibi potansiyel deprem risk bolgelerine oldukca yakindir. Tarihi gelisim icinde Trakya Bolgesi’nde ozellikle Edirne’de cesitli buyuklukte depremler meydana gelmistir. Bu nedenle Edirne deprem acisindan dikkate alinacak merkez ozelligindedir. Bu calismanin amaci 2007 Deprem Yonetmeligi’ne (DBYBHY-2007) gore Edirne’de “onem katsayilari 1 olan kamu binalarindan okullarin ve hastanelerin” olasi bir deprem oncesi yapisal (hasar) durumlarina, yapisal performanslarina iliskin genel degerlendirmeleri yapmaktir. Bunun icin Edirne il merkezinden ornek secilen binalara teknik anketler uygulanmis ve gozlem yapilmistir. Boylece olasi bir depremde okul ve hastane gibi kamu binalarinda meydana gelebilecek hasarlarin tespit edilmesi amaclanmistir. Arastirma sonuclarinda incelenen binalarin %16’sinda catlak...


Hazrr beton uretirru yurtici ve yurtdisi pazarlarda yogun bir rekabet yasanmaktadir, Bu rek... more Hazrr beton uretirru yurtici ve yurtdisi pazarlarda yogun bir rekabet yasanmaktadir, Bu rekabette kuruluslar acismdan en onemli unsur, istenilen kalitede urun ve hizmeti ilk defasmda, zamanmda ve uygunluk kalitesinde teslim etmektir. Bu hedefi yerine getirebilmek icin; rnusteri ihtiyac ve beklentilerinin tam ve dogru olarak anlasilmasr, degerlendirilmesi, kurulusun ilgili fonksiyonlanna tam ve dogru olarak aktanlmasi, gerekli prosesler ve urunler icin cahsma kriterlerinin, metotIannm izlenmesi, urun ve hizmetin rnusteriye talep ettigi sekilde teslim edilmesi gerekir. "Kalite yonetim sistemi"nin esasi, bir maim veya hizmetin kalitesini olcmek ve rnusterilere "kalite guvencesi" vermektir. Bu ~all~mada, ham beton firmalanmn beton uretimlerinde kalite mUkemmeliyetine erismek icin malzeme temini ve beton uretimi esnasmda standartlann ongordugu kalite kontrol tekniklerinin TS EN 206-1 esaslan dahilinde ortaya konulmasi amaclanrmsnr. Mart 2004 tarihinde...

Research paper thumbnail of Yapı Bilgisi-3

#nofulltext#Bu kitap, inşaat mühendisliği ve mimarlık alanında öğrenim gören öğrencilerle Meslek ... more #nofulltext#Bu kitap, inşaat mühendisliği ve mimarlık alanında öğrenim gören öğrencilerle Meslek Yüksekokulları İnşaat Bölümü öğrencilerine ve meslekî teknik eğitim alanındaki tüm orta öğretim öğrencilerine temel kaynak niteliğindedir. Yapı bilgisi, binalarda yapı elemanlarının teknik kurallara uygun olarak yapılması için gerekli bilgileri içeren bir bilim dalıdır. Burada verilen bilgilerin standartlarla genel kabul görmüş uygulama yöntem ve tekniklerine uygun olmasına dikkat edilmiştir. Bu yapılırken modern yapı malzemeleri ihmal edilmemiştir. Yapı Bilgisi-I, Yapı Bilgisi-II ve Yapı Bilgisi-III olarak hazırlanan üç ciltlik çalışmanın birincisini oluşturan bu cilt içinde; yapının tanımı ve çeşitleri, yapı gereçleri, duvarlar, bacalar, sıvalar, temel zemini, temel yapılan, istinat duvarları, beton teknolojisi, kalıplar, yalıtım işleri ile boyalar ve badanalar gibi konular yer almaktadı

Research paper thumbnail of Performance Study on Cements

E-journal of New World Sciences Academy, 2019

Protection of concrete against physical, chemical and mechanical effects is directly associated w... more Protection of concrete against physical, chemical and mechanical effects is directly associated with the properties of materials mixed into its compound and mixture. Among them, cement has a distinctive role. When cement is investigated both as a compound of the concrete and the paste, it is quite significant in terms of durability, service life and aesthetics. The greatest problem of cement usages is cracks negatively affecting both the subjective properties and the properties of aggregate used with it. The type and amount of cement used in a concrete, physical and chemical properties, hydration process, mixing method and technique, its relation with aggregate and water and additives depending on the time factor, have an effect both on functionality and visual performance. In this study, key words such as adherence, workability and cracking were taken into the center by dwelling on the cement subject, and the possible problems were offered a solution in terms of cause and effect relationship.

Research paper thumbnail of Permeability features of concretes produced with aggregates coated with colemanite

Computers and Concrete, 2015

In the world total boron reserve rating, Turkey is taken place on the first rank, meeting the dem... more In the world total boron reserve rating, Turkey is taken place on the first rank, meeting the demand of refined mineral and main boron chemicals. Development of the new boron products and production technologies, spreading the using area of the boron are the study topics which must be finically discussed. In this study, with the help of colemanite taken in ratio as (0%, 7.5%, 12.5%, and 17.5%) by being mixed by the cement, surfaces of the pumice aggregates have been covered. Permeability of the samples has been investigated by producing lightweight concrete with 400 dose with the help of aggregates covered with colemanite. For this, the experiments of water absorption, capillary water absorption, depth of penetration of water under pressure and rapid chloride permeability have been performed. In addition, analyses of the thin section of covered and uncovered pumice aggregates and SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) have been investigated. When the control samples produced with the covered aggregates and concretes produced with colemanite covered aggregates are compared each other, it has been determined that special lightweight concretes whose values of capillary water absorption experiment, depth of penetration of water under pressure experiment and rapid chloride permeability are low can be produced.

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of shrinkage and creep behaviors in polymer-coated lightweight concretes

Science and Engineering of Composite Materials, 2016

The creep and shrinkage properties of polymer-coated lightweight concretes were examined. Five-hu... more The creep and shrinkage properties of polymer-coated lightweight concretes were examined. Five-hundred-dose lightweight concretes were produced by coating pumice aggregates with three different polymers (Sonomeric1: SNMC, KB Pur 214: KBP, and Polipol3455: PLP). The 3-, 7-, and 28-day compressive strength values of the obtained lightweight concrete samples were determined, and the 840-h and 12-month creep and shrinkage deformations were measured. It was found that the ductility of the SNMC- and KBP-coated concrete samples increased, while their shrinkage deformation results decreased when compared with the control samples. In contrast, the ductility of PLP concrete samples decreased and the shrinkage deformation became higher. In conclusion, the use of SNMC- and KBP-coated pumice aggregates had a positive effect on the creep and shrinkage properties of the concrete. Furthermore, it was observed that the compressive strength values of the lightweight concretes made of the coated sampl...

Research paper thumbnail of Examination of Creep and Shrinkage Behavior of Concretes with Oil Shale Ash Substituted Cements

Oil Shale, 2009

Two types of deformation-creep and shrinkage-occurring in cements and concretes are caused by com... more Two types of deformation-creep and shrinkage-occurring in cements and concretes are caused by compression and time. They lead to the loss of compressive strength. In the present study both deformation types were experimentally examined using concrete samples made from ordinary Portland cement OPC 32.5 containing 0; 15 and 30% oil shale ash (OSA). Tests made during months showed that concretes produced using Portland cement with 15% OSA shrank less than samples containing no OSA (OPC contr.). This finding agrees with the condition that concrete samples produced using 15% OSA-added cement are not to display a deformation rate higher than 0.1% within six months and 0.5% within three months.