SUDIRMAN SUPARMIN - (original) (raw)
The big point of this research is how does the role of advising council and preservation of marri... more The big point of this research is how does the role of advising council and preservation of marriage as the council of advising and preservation of marriage at regency of Labuhanbatu Raya contribute. The purpose of this research to analyze about the role of advising council and preservation of marriage as the council of advising and preservation of marriage at regency of Labuhanbatu Raya which did provide the government.The result of this research (qualitative method) is to decide that program plan of BP4 on the affordable to oppress the enlarging of divorce rates at regency of Labuhanbatu Raya is programmed and rolled section law BP4 decision, and the formulation of BP4, based on Islamic law as the running all at Pancasila as the ideology based on socialization about honesty marriage, mawaddah, wa rahma and takwa. And the affordable of BP4 to oppress the divorce rates at regency of Labuhanbatu Raya is going spirit to do national movement, this program is running well as the founding honesty marriage for every months based on frame work and reformation agenda on social custom and affordable to create the highest communities' moral, faithful, worship and honorable attitude. Meanwhile the obstruction factor divided to internal and external. And the support factor is the communities hope and support toward being on have honesty marriage.
Journal Analytica Islamica, May 6, 2014
Sumber hukum Islam adalah sebagai landasan dan rujukan bagi para pakar hukum Islam untuk menetapk... more Sumber hukum Islam adalah sebagai landasan dan rujukan bagi para pakar hukum Islam untuk menetapkan suatu hukum, namun sumber hukum Islam ada yang sudah menjadi kesepakatan dan ada pula yang belum mendapatkan kesepakatan, dan di atara sumber hukum yang telah disepakati adalah al-Qiyas. Al-Qiyas adalah mengukur atau menyamakan sesuatu yang belum ada hukumnya dengan sesuatu yang sudah ada ketetapan hukumnya. Karenanya keberadaan al-Qiyas sangat penting dalam peroses pembentukan hukum Islam (al-Istinbat al-Ahkam).Apalagi banyak sekali di era globalisasi bermunculan masalah-masalah hukum yang belum mendapat kejelasan hukumnya, sehingga keberadaan qiyas menjadi sangat penting dalam penerapannya. Karna dengan menggunakan metode al-Qiyas suatu masalah hukum akan dapat kita temukan jawabannya.
AT-TIJARAH: Jurnal Penelitian Keuangan dan Perbankan Syariah
Urf is a habit that has been practiced by society and is considered good, it can be in the form o... more Urf is a habit that has been practiced by society and is considered good, it can be in the form of words or actions that do not violate Islamic law. Many behaviors or habits in people's lives have become traditions in everyday life. The tradition can be in the form of words or actions of general application. This study used qualitative research methods. Qualitative method is a method with understanding and extracting meaning to what happens to various individuals or groups, originating from humanitarian or social problems. While the type of research used in this research is library research. Based on the results of the analysis, it was found that the application of 'urf in Islamic economics includes activities or buying and selling greetings, bay al wafa contracts, providing guarantees for the purchase of electronic goods, handovers in foreign exchange transactions (taqabuth).
This study aims to analyze the effect of trust and knowledge towards farmer’s decision for paying... more This study aims to analyze the effect of trust and knowledge towards farmer’s decision for paying zakat in Baitul Mal with religiosity as moderating variable. This study used quantitative method. Total population of this study is 2185. With random sampling technique, the sample for this study produce 100 respondents. Analysis method that was used is Moderate Regression Analysis (MRA). Data processed with SPSS 22. The result of this study show that partially trust have positive and significant effects towards farmer’s decision for paying zakat (71,5%) dan partially knowledge have no effects towards farmer’s decision for paying zakat (0,9%). Trust and knowledge simultaneously have positive and significant effects towards farmer’s decision for paying zakat with significant value 0,000 2,47. Trust and knowledge have positive effects towards farmer’s decision for paying zakat in Baitul Mal with religiosity as moderating variable.
Madania: Jurnal Kajian Keislaman
In Indonesia, the crime rate still reaches 1.01% in 2020, but crime still exists and is a state c... more In Indonesia, the crime rate still reaches 1.01% in 2020, but crime still exists and is a state concern. The purpose of this study is aimed to analyze the offer of maqâshid al-syarî`ah as a solution in overcoming crime in Indonesia. This study is qualitative research in nature with a literature review approach. The object analyzed is Article 29 of UUD 1945 which is analyzed with the concept of maqâshid al-syarî`ah in the study of Islamic law. The results of this study describe that the maqashid sharia concept can be a solution to overcome crime in Indonesia as its concept regulates various things including God's purposes (qashdu al-syâri') and mukallâf goals (qashdu al-mukallâf) as well as the perspective of constitutional law in the crime in Indonesia. The state regulates matters contained in the state of the fundamental norm, namely the constitution contained in Article 29 of UUD 1945. This article uses a religious approach as a basic rule to regulate the life of the Indon...
Al-Mutharahah: Jurnal Penelitian dan Kajian Sosial Keagamaan
Fatwa merupakan jawaban mufti atas persoalan-persoalan yang ditanyakan oleh individu, kelompok at... more Fatwa merupakan jawaban mufti atas persoalan-persoalan yang ditanyakan oleh individu, kelompok ataupun oleh organisasi/lembaga terkait dengan masalah yang mereka hadapi. Seorang mufti atau ulama yang menetapkan fatwa wajib orang-orang yang memiliki ilmu tinggi, mengerti ilmu ushul fiqih, mengerti ilmu tafsir dan hadits, bisa berbahasa arab, terjaga pandangannya, sedikit bicaranya atas masalah-masalah yang kurang penting dan terbebas dari kepentingan. Pertanyaannya fatwa yang dikeluarkan oleh mufti atau orang-orang terpercaya tersebut bagaimana kedudukannya dalam hukum Islam? Hal ini mengingat fatwa tidak menjadi bagian dalam sruktur hukum Islam, ditambah lagi fatwa yang dikeluarkan mufti tidak bersifat memaksa. Untuk menjawab pertanyaan ini, peneliti melakukan analisis atau kajian menggunakan metode penelitian kepustakaan dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pada masa sekarang di tengah kemajuan zaman, persoalan muncul dengan beraneka ragam. Ker...
State Islamic University of North Sumatra, Jul 1, 2017
Journal of Management and Business Innovations, Jun 30, 2021
his study has a direction to explain the impact of BI Rate, FED Rate, and Inflation simultaneousl... more his study has a direction to explain the impact of BI Rate, FED Rate, and Inflation simultaneously, partially, and potentially dominant variable influence on the Composite Stock Price Index by conducting a multiple linear regression analysis. The data is conducted monthly from January 2013 to December 2020 with a sample of 96time series data for each free and bound variable. The analysis shows that BI Rate, FED Rate, and Inflation simultaneously significantly affect the Composite Stock Price Index. As the analysis results describe the first, BI Rate partially shows the negative influence on the Composite Stock Price Index; second, the FED Rate does not affect the Composite Stock Price Index; third, inflation represents a negative influence on the Composite Stock Price Index. In the end, variables that affect the dominant potential of the Composite Stock Price Index are variables of the Rupiah Exchange Rate. The results in this study explain the diversity of news on changes in the FED Rate so that investors are confident in their self-assessment to provide results in investing in stocks.
TANSIQ: Jurnal Manajemen Dan Bisnis Islam, Dec 20, 2019
So far many people have assumed that debt is the only way to start a business, so assessing the n... more So far many people have assumed that debt is the only way to start a business, so assessing the normal rate for debt which is mediocre, in other words this mindset will make the person live accustomed to debt without regard to the long-term impact long due to debt interest. Therefore, the existence of the community without usury (MTR) in the city of Medan has the aim to change the information and mindset of the people to no longer owe and free from the bondage of interest/usury. This study aims to address the issue of how to understand interest/usury according to the MTR community and want to find out what strategies MTR uses to socialize the anti-usury movement. This research is a qualitative study using field research methods in the MTR community. The data source used is the primary data obtained from the interview and documentation process. The results of this study are: first, according to the MTR community, usury is taking additional assets that are oppressive. Riba is an act that violates the commands of Allah SWT which at this time many people practice it. This usury practice is inseparable from the lack of public knowledge about usury and interest law. Second, there are several strategies used to socialize the anti-usury movement, namely programs that include consultation, assistance and study.
TAZKIR: Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu-ilmu Sosial dan Keislaman, 2020
Economic activity has existed since the time of the Prophet Muhammad. The basic foundation has ac... more Economic activity has existed since the time of the Prophet Muhammad. The basic foundation has actually been made with his own practice as a trader in his youth, besides al-Quran and al-Al-Sunnah also mention the limits of economic activity. In line with the increasingly widespread development of Muslims, various economic model activities have also emerged, so that sometimes it is not uncommon to find activities that develop in society that were never carried out during the time of the Prophet Muhammad and in the text we also do not find in the Al-qur’an or al-Sunnah. But on the basis of human needs, these activities are justified on the basis of the method of al-Mashlahaht. This is because the law of Allah SWT always depends on the increase of His Supremacy. Basic economic methods al-ibahah (allowed) to do so long as there is no argument that prohibits it. What the companions of the Prophet (PBUH) did like Abu Bakr, Umar ibn Khattab was not uncommon based on al-Mashlahah.
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences, 2021
Financial performance as a measuring instrument to know the process of implementing financial res... more Financial performance as a measuring instrument to know the process of implementing financial resources owned by the company. The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted the banking sector, resulting in poor financing due to debtors' disbursements as a result of the large number of people losing their jobs and difficulties in financing payments. This research aims to analyze the financial performance of Islamic Banks during the Covid-19 pandemic, using records of annual financial statements from 2011 to 2020 through Multiple Linear Regression testing and linearity testing of the model used ramsey test. As a result of this study, the results of the t test found that the Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Operating Costs to Operating Income (BOPO), Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR) had a positive and significant effect on financial performance (ROA) while Not Performing Financing (NPF) had a negative and insignificant effect on financial performance (ROA). Furthermore, simultaneously capital ade...
Sumber hukum Islam adalah sebagai landasan dan rujukan bagi para pakar hukum Islam untuk menetap... more Sumber hukum Islam adalah sebagai landasan dan rujukan bagi para pakar hukum Islam untuk menetapkan suatu hukum, namun sumber hukum Islam ada yang sudah menjadi kesepakatan dan ada pula yang belum mendapatkan kesepakatan, dan di atara sumber hukum yang telah disepakati adalah al-Qiyas. Al-Qiyas adalah mengukur atau menyamakan sesuatu yang belum ada hukumnya dengan sesuatu yang sudah ada ketetapan hukumnya. Karenanya keberadaan al-Qiyas sangat penting dalam peroses pembentukan hukum Islam ( al-Istinbat al-Ahkam ).Apalagi banyak sekali di era globalisasi bermunculan masalah-masalah hukum yang belum mendapat kejelasan hukumnya, sehingga keberadaan qiyas menjadi sangat penting dalam penerapannya. Karna dengan menggunakan metode al-Qiyas suatu masalah hukum akan dapat kita temukan jawabannya.
Abstrak: Hukuman cambuk terhadap non muslim pelaku jarimah yang berada di wilayah Nangro Aceh Dar... more Abstrak: Hukuman cambuk terhadap non muslim pelaku jarimah yang berada di wilayah Nangro Aceh Darussalam. Sebuah ketentuan yang berlaku dalam wilayah yang mendapat keistimewaan untuk memberlakukan Syariat Islam, Qanun Jarimah akan mengikat bagi yang berdomisili di daerah istimewah Aceh Darussalam baik muslim sendiri maupun bagi non muslim. Qanun Aceh tahun 2014 yang mengatur tentang pelaksanaanya. Ada sepuluh jenis-jenis Jarimah yang diberlakukan di daerah istimewah aceh darussalam yang masuk dalam Qanun Hukum Jinayat dan kitab Undangundang Hukum Pidana. Pemberlakuan Qanun Jinayah meskipun terhadap non muslim tentunya hal ini sesuai dengan kemashlahatan bersama dan untuk menciptakan ketentraman masyarakatanya, sehingga tujuan dalam penerapan qanun jinayat dapat akan terlaksana dengan bai dan sempurna. Kata Kunci: Hukuman, Cambuk, Jarimah, Nangro Aceh Darussalam.
Keeping the concept of Sharia Maqasid human benefit. A concept that takes into account the object... more Keeping the concept of Sharia Maqasid human benefit. A concept that takes into account the objectives to safeguard welfare and human needs in general. The presence of sharia Maqasid certainly be needed in formulating laws that will be footing and become a benchmark for the survival of a law. The objectives of Islamic law also always be relevant where and whenever its existence in terms of dynamic and elastic. And also the concept of maqasid syariah kemashlahatan certainly not just as a human being, but as a Mercy for all creatures of the universe universe
Usul fiqh is a sharia research method used to analyze various fiqh laws relating to contemporary ... more Usul fiqh is a sharia research method used to analyze various fiqh laws relating to contemporary Sharia Economic activities. This paper explains the position of Usul Fiqh as a sharia learning method. This paper also outlines the relationship between ushul fiqh and Sharia Economics research methods. The results of the study showed that usul fiqh was an important aspect of analyzing contemporary legal fiqh, especially in Sharia economic activities. This mechanism is referred as the Qur'an and Sunnah texts, the argumentation of Ijma and Qiyas, and the use of the Mashlahah and 'Urf methods in an effort to achieve the results of in-depth analysis related to economic cases that arise at the present time.
Abstract: The big point of this research is how does the role of advising council and preservatio... more Abstract: The big point of this research is how does the role of advising council and preservation of marriage as the council of advising and preservation of marriage at regency of Labuhanbatu Raya contribute. The purpose of this research to analyze about the role of advising council and preservation of marriage as the council of advising and preservation of marriage at regency of Labuhanbatu Raya which did provide the government.The result of this research (qualitative method) is to decide that program plan of BP4 on the affordable to oppress the enlarging of divorce rates at regency of Labuhanbatu Raya is programmed and rolled section law BP4 decision, and the formulation of BP4, based on Islamic law as the running all at Pancasila as the ideology based on socialization about honesty marriage, mawaddah, wa rahma and takwa. And the affordable of BP4 to oppress the divorce rates at regency of Labuhanbatu Raya is going spirit to do national movement, this program is running well as t...
The big point of this research is how does the role of advising council and preservation of marri... more The big point of this research is how does the role of advising council and preservation of marriage as the council of advising and preservation of marriage at regency of Labuhanbatu Raya contribute. The purpose of this research to analyze about the role of advising council and preservation of marriage as the council of advising and preservation of marriage at regency of Labuhanbatu Raya which did provide the government.The result of this research (qualitative method) is to decide that program plan of BP4 on the affordable to oppress the enlarging of divorce rates at regency of Labuhanbatu Raya is programmed and rolled section law BP4 decision, and the formulation of BP4, based on Islamic law as the running all at Pancasila as the ideology based on socialization about honesty marriage, mawaddah, wa rahma and takwa. And the affordable of BP4 to oppress the divorce rates at regency of Labuhanbatu Raya is going spirit to do national movement, this program is running well as the founding honesty marriage for every months based on frame work and reformation agenda on social custom and affordable to create the highest communities' moral, faithful, worship and honorable attitude. Meanwhile the obstruction factor divided to internal and external. And the support factor is the communities hope and support toward being on have honesty marriage.
Journal Analytica Islamica, May 6, 2014
Sumber hukum Islam adalah sebagai landasan dan rujukan bagi para pakar hukum Islam untuk menetapk... more Sumber hukum Islam adalah sebagai landasan dan rujukan bagi para pakar hukum Islam untuk menetapkan suatu hukum, namun sumber hukum Islam ada yang sudah menjadi kesepakatan dan ada pula yang belum mendapatkan kesepakatan, dan di atara sumber hukum yang telah disepakati adalah al-Qiyas. Al-Qiyas adalah mengukur atau menyamakan sesuatu yang belum ada hukumnya dengan sesuatu yang sudah ada ketetapan hukumnya. Karenanya keberadaan al-Qiyas sangat penting dalam peroses pembentukan hukum Islam (al-Istinbat al-Ahkam).Apalagi banyak sekali di era globalisasi bermunculan masalah-masalah hukum yang belum mendapat kejelasan hukumnya, sehingga keberadaan qiyas menjadi sangat penting dalam penerapannya. Karna dengan menggunakan metode al-Qiyas suatu masalah hukum akan dapat kita temukan jawabannya.
AT-TIJARAH: Jurnal Penelitian Keuangan dan Perbankan Syariah
Urf is a habit that has been practiced by society and is considered good, it can be in the form o... more Urf is a habit that has been practiced by society and is considered good, it can be in the form of words or actions that do not violate Islamic law. Many behaviors or habits in people's lives have become traditions in everyday life. The tradition can be in the form of words or actions of general application. This study used qualitative research methods. Qualitative method is a method with understanding and extracting meaning to what happens to various individuals or groups, originating from humanitarian or social problems. While the type of research used in this research is library research. Based on the results of the analysis, it was found that the application of 'urf in Islamic economics includes activities or buying and selling greetings, bay al wafa contracts, providing guarantees for the purchase of electronic goods, handovers in foreign exchange transactions (taqabuth).
This study aims to analyze the effect of trust and knowledge towards farmer’s decision for paying... more This study aims to analyze the effect of trust and knowledge towards farmer’s decision for paying zakat in Baitul Mal with religiosity as moderating variable. This study used quantitative method. Total population of this study is 2185. With random sampling technique, the sample for this study produce 100 respondents. Analysis method that was used is Moderate Regression Analysis (MRA). Data processed with SPSS 22. The result of this study show that partially trust have positive and significant effects towards farmer’s decision for paying zakat (71,5%) dan partially knowledge have no effects towards farmer’s decision for paying zakat (0,9%). Trust and knowledge simultaneously have positive and significant effects towards farmer’s decision for paying zakat with significant value 0,000 2,47. Trust and knowledge have positive effects towards farmer’s decision for paying zakat in Baitul Mal with religiosity as moderating variable.
Madania: Jurnal Kajian Keislaman
In Indonesia, the crime rate still reaches 1.01% in 2020, but crime still exists and is a state c... more In Indonesia, the crime rate still reaches 1.01% in 2020, but crime still exists and is a state concern. The purpose of this study is aimed to analyze the offer of maqâshid al-syarî`ah as a solution in overcoming crime in Indonesia. This study is qualitative research in nature with a literature review approach. The object analyzed is Article 29 of UUD 1945 which is analyzed with the concept of maqâshid al-syarî`ah in the study of Islamic law. The results of this study describe that the maqashid sharia concept can be a solution to overcome crime in Indonesia as its concept regulates various things including God's purposes (qashdu al-syâri') and mukallâf goals (qashdu al-mukallâf) as well as the perspective of constitutional law in the crime in Indonesia. The state regulates matters contained in the state of the fundamental norm, namely the constitution contained in Article 29 of UUD 1945. This article uses a religious approach as a basic rule to regulate the life of the Indon...
Al-Mutharahah: Jurnal Penelitian dan Kajian Sosial Keagamaan
Fatwa merupakan jawaban mufti atas persoalan-persoalan yang ditanyakan oleh individu, kelompok at... more Fatwa merupakan jawaban mufti atas persoalan-persoalan yang ditanyakan oleh individu, kelompok ataupun oleh organisasi/lembaga terkait dengan masalah yang mereka hadapi. Seorang mufti atau ulama yang menetapkan fatwa wajib orang-orang yang memiliki ilmu tinggi, mengerti ilmu ushul fiqih, mengerti ilmu tafsir dan hadits, bisa berbahasa arab, terjaga pandangannya, sedikit bicaranya atas masalah-masalah yang kurang penting dan terbebas dari kepentingan. Pertanyaannya fatwa yang dikeluarkan oleh mufti atau orang-orang terpercaya tersebut bagaimana kedudukannya dalam hukum Islam? Hal ini mengingat fatwa tidak menjadi bagian dalam sruktur hukum Islam, ditambah lagi fatwa yang dikeluarkan mufti tidak bersifat memaksa. Untuk menjawab pertanyaan ini, peneliti melakukan analisis atau kajian menggunakan metode penelitian kepustakaan dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pada masa sekarang di tengah kemajuan zaman, persoalan muncul dengan beraneka ragam. Ker...
State Islamic University of North Sumatra, Jul 1, 2017
Journal of Management and Business Innovations, Jun 30, 2021
his study has a direction to explain the impact of BI Rate, FED Rate, and Inflation simultaneousl... more his study has a direction to explain the impact of BI Rate, FED Rate, and Inflation simultaneously, partially, and potentially dominant variable influence on the Composite Stock Price Index by conducting a multiple linear regression analysis. The data is conducted monthly from January 2013 to December 2020 with a sample of 96time series data for each free and bound variable. The analysis shows that BI Rate, FED Rate, and Inflation simultaneously significantly affect the Composite Stock Price Index. As the analysis results describe the first, BI Rate partially shows the negative influence on the Composite Stock Price Index; second, the FED Rate does not affect the Composite Stock Price Index; third, inflation represents a negative influence on the Composite Stock Price Index. In the end, variables that affect the dominant potential of the Composite Stock Price Index are variables of the Rupiah Exchange Rate. The results in this study explain the diversity of news on changes in the FED Rate so that investors are confident in their self-assessment to provide results in investing in stocks.
TANSIQ: Jurnal Manajemen Dan Bisnis Islam, Dec 20, 2019
So far many people have assumed that debt is the only way to start a business, so assessing the n... more So far many people have assumed that debt is the only way to start a business, so assessing the normal rate for debt which is mediocre, in other words this mindset will make the person live accustomed to debt without regard to the long-term impact long due to debt interest. Therefore, the existence of the community without usury (MTR) in the city of Medan has the aim to change the information and mindset of the people to no longer owe and free from the bondage of interest/usury. This study aims to address the issue of how to understand interest/usury according to the MTR community and want to find out what strategies MTR uses to socialize the anti-usury movement. This research is a qualitative study using field research methods in the MTR community. The data source used is the primary data obtained from the interview and documentation process. The results of this study are: first, according to the MTR community, usury is taking additional assets that are oppressive. Riba is an act that violates the commands of Allah SWT which at this time many people practice it. This usury practice is inseparable from the lack of public knowledge about usury and interest law. Second, there are several strategies used to socialize the anti-usury movement, namely programs that include consultation, assistance and study.
TAZKIR: Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu-ilmu Sosial dan Keislaman, 2020
Economic activity has existed since the time of the Prophet Muhammad. The basic foundation has ac... more Economic activity has existed since the time of the Prophet Muhammad. The basic foundation has actually been made with his own practice as a trader in his youth, besides al-Quran and al-Al-Sunnah also mention the limits of economic activity. In line with the increasingly widespread development of Muslims, various economic model activities have also emerged, so that sometimes it is not uncommon to find activities that develop in society that were never carried out during the time of the Prophet Muhammad and in the text we also do not find in the Al-qur’an or al-Sunnah. But on the basis of human needs, these activities are justified on the basis of the method of al-Mashlahaht. This is because the law of Allah SWT always depends on the increase of His Supremacy. Basic economic methods al-ibahah (allowed) to do so long as there is no argument that prohibits it. What the companions of the Prophet (PBUH) did like Abu Bakr, Umar ibn Khattab was not uncommon based on al-Mashlahah.
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences, 2021
Financial performance as a measuring instrument to know the process of implementing financial res... more Financial performance as a measuring instrument to know the process of implementing financial resources owned by the company. The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted the banking sector, resulting in poor financing due to debtors' disbursements as a result of the large number of people losing their jobs and difficulties in financing payments. This research aims to analyze the financial performance of Islamic Banks during the Covid-19 pandemic, using records of annual financial statements from 2011 to 2020 through Multiple Linear Regression testing and linearity testing of the model used ramsey test. As a result of this study, the results of the t test found that the Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Operating Costs to Operating Income (BOPO), Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR) had a positive and significant effect on financial performance (ROA) while Not Performing Financing (NPF) had a negative and insignificant effect on financial performance (ROA). Furthermore, simultaneously capital ade...
Sumber hukum Islam adalah sebagai landasan dan rujukan bagi para pakar hukum Islam untuk menetap... more Sumber hukum Islam adalah sebagai landasan dan rujukan bagi para pakar hukum Islam untuk menetapkan suatu hukum, namun sumber hukum Islam ada yang sudah menjadi kesepakatan dan ada pula yang belum mendapatkan kesepakatan, dan di atara sumber hukum yang telah disepakati adalah al-Qiyas. Al-Qiyas adalah mengukur atau menyamakan sesuatu yang belum ada hukumnya dengan sesuatu yang sudah ada ketetapan hukumnya. Karenanya keberadaan al-Qiyas sangat penting dalam peroses pembentukan hukum Islam ( al-Istinbat al-Ahkam ).Apalagi banyak sekali di era globalisasi bermunculan masalah-masalah hukum yang belum mendapat kejelasan hukumnya, sehingga keberadaan qiyas menjadi sangat penting dalam penerapannya. Karna dengan menggunakan metode al-Qiyas suatu masalah hukum akan dapat kita temukan jawabannya.
Abstrak: Hukuman cambuk terhadap non muslim pelaku jarimah yang berada di wilayah Nangro Aceh Dar... more Abstrak: Hukuman cambuk terhadap non muslim pelaku jarimah yang berada di wilayah Nangro Aceh Darussalam. Sebuah ketentuan yang berlaku dalam wilayah yang mendapat keistimewaan untuk memberlakukan Syariat Islam, Qanun Jarimah akan mengikat bagi yang berdomisili di daerah istimewah Aceh Darussalam baik muslim sendiri maupun bagi non muslim. Qanun Aceh tahun 2014 yang mengatur tentang pelaksanaanya. Ada sepuluh jenis-jenis Jarimah yang diberlakukan di daerah istimewah aceh darussalam yang masuk dalam Qanun Hukum Jinayat dan kitab Undangundang Hukum Pidana. Pemberlakuan Qanun Jinayah meskipun terhadap non muslim tentunya hal ini sesuai dengan kemashlahatan bersama dan untuk menciptakan ketentraman masyarakatanya, sehingga tujuan dalam penerapan qanun jinayat dapat akan terlaksana dengan bai dan sempurna. Kata Kunci: Hukuman, Cambuk, Jarimah, Nangro Aceh Darussalam.
Keeping the concept of Sharia Maqasid human benefit. A concept that takes into account the object... more Keeping the concept of Sharia Maqasid human benefit. A concept that takes into account the objectives to safeguard welfare and human needs in general. The presence of sharia Maqasid certainly be needed in formulating laws that will be footing and become a benchmark for the survival of a law. The objectives of Islamic law also always be relevant where and whenever its existence in terms of dynamic and elastic. And also the concept of maqasid syariah kemashlahatan certainly not just as a human being, but as a Mercy for all creatures of the universe universe
Usul fiqh is a sharia research method used to analyze various fiqh laws relating to contemporary ... more Usul fiqh is a sharia research method used to analyze various fiqh laws relating to contemporary Sharia Economic activities. This paper explains the position of Usul Fiqh as a sharia learning method. This paper also outlines the relationship between ushul fiqh and Sharia Economics research methods. The results of the study showed that usul fiqh was an important aspect of analyzing contemporary legal fiqh, especially in Sharia economic activities. This mechanism is referred as the Qur'an and Sunnah texts, the argumentation of Ijma and Qiyas, and the use of the Mashlahah and 'Urf methods in an effort to achieve the results of in-depth analysis related to economic cases that arise at the present time.
Abstract: The big point of this research is how does the role of advising council and preservatio... more Abstract: The big point of this research is how does the role of advising council and preservation of marriage as the council of advising and preservation of marriage at regency of Labuhanbatu Raya contribute. The purpose of this research to analyze about the role of advising council and preservation of marriage as the council of advising and preservation of marriage at regency of Labuhanbatu Raya which did provide the government.The result of this research (qualitative method) is to decide that program plan of BP4 on the affordable to oppress the enlarging of divorce rates at regency of Labuhanbatu Raya is programmed and rolled section law BP4 decision, and the formulation of BP4, based on Islamic law as the running all at Pancasila as the ideology based on socialization about honesty marriage, mawaddah, wa rahma and takwa. And the affordable of BP4 to oppress the divorce rates at regency of Labuhanbatu Raya is going spirit to do national movement, this program is running well as t...