Saiful Azam - (original) (raw)

Papers by Saiful Azam

Research paper thumbnail of 奥运场馆我参观 水立方 篇

红蜻蜓, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Features of using gas turbine units as a source of electricity and heat at mini - thermal power plants


This article discusses the problem of introducing more resource-intensive methods of generating e... more This article discusses the problem of introducing more resource-intensive methods of generating electricity and heat, the main of which is the use of small-sized gas turbine units (GTU). The creation of a Mini-Thermal Power Plant on the basis of the GTU allows solving the problem of the shortage of heat and electric energy in certain regions, ensuring uninterrupted power supply to the housing and communal sector and industrial enterprises. This is due to the possibility of combined production of heat and electric energy, as well as products and services required in the municipal services of the city. This article presents ways to improve the energy efficiency of thermal power plants through the use of GTU.

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Research paper thumbnail of Accounting development in Bangladesh

The Routledge Handbook of Accounting in Asia, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Informations Transports Scolaires a Destination De Bourg Argental

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a prevalent and burdensome condition that is typically ass... more Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a prevalent and burdensome condition that is typically assessed using in-depth interviews or lengthy self-report measures. Accordingly, routine screening in busy non-mental health settings is impractical, and OCD is often under- (or mis-) recognized. We evaluated an ultra-brief version of a widely used self-report measure, the Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory-Revised (OCI-R), which may be employed as a routine screener for OCD. A total of 1087 adults diagnosed with OCD, 1306 unselected adults from the community, and 423 adults with anxiety related disorders completed the OCI-R along with measures of anxiety and mood. Analyses were conducted to reduce the number of items and examine evidence for sensitivity and specificity to OCD clinical status, test-retest reliability, sensitivity to treatment, and convergent and discriminant validity. Four items that optimally assess different dimensions of OCD (washing, checking, ordering, obsessing) were identified. Psychometric evaluation revealed good to excellent test-retest reliability, validity, prediction of clinical OCD status, and sensitivity to treatment. A 4-item version of the OCI-R, called the OCI-4, shows promise as an ultra-brief screening tool for identifying likely OCD in settings where in-depth assessment is impractical. Patients with a positive screen may be referred for further evaluation and appropriate treatment.

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Research paper thumbnail of Neuropsychological Research in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Current Status and Future Directions

Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2021

Neuropsychological functions in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) have been extensively investi... more Neuropsychological functions in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) have been extensively investigated. Despite some common findings across studies indicating deficient test performance across cognitive domains with small to medium effect sizes, results remain inconsistent and heterogeneous. However, multiple past attempts to identify moderators that may account for such variability have been unrewarding. Typical moderators including symptom severity, age at onset, medication status, and comorbid conditions failed to provide sufficient explanatory power. It has then been posited that these inconsistencies may be attributed to the inherent heterogeneous nature of the disorder (i.e., symptom dimensions), or to the natural fluctuation in symptom severity. However, recent meta-analyses suggest that these factors may not account for the persistent unexplained variability. Other potential factors—some of which are unique to neuropsychological testing—received scarce research attention, in...

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Research paper thumbnail of Karakter Produksi Dan Heritabilitas Beberapa Mutan Kedelai Hitam Pada Generasi M6

Jurnal Agrotech, 2021

Peningkatan produksi kedelai dengan induksi mutasi pada pemuliaan tanaman diharapkan dapat mengha... more Peningkatan produksi kedelai dengan induksi mutasi pada pemuliaan tanaman diharapkan dapat menghasilkan kedelai yang berdaya hasil tinggi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengkaji karakter produksi dan heritabilitas dari beberapa mutan tanaman kedelai hitam generasi M6. Rancangan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) non faktorial. Penelitian ini menggunakan 4 genotipe benih kedelai hitam generasi M5 hasil iradiasi sinar gamma dan 3 varietas pembanding yaitu Detam 1, Detam 3 Prida, dan Detam 4 Prida. Parameter yang diamati meliputi umur berbunga, umur panen, bobot polong, jumlah biji tanaman, bobot 100 biji dan bobot biji per tanaman. Data dianalisis dengan uji F dan uji lanjut DMRT taraf 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan umur berbunga dan umur panen genotipe mutan 400/1-2-2-6 dan 256/1-2-9-29 lebih cepat dibandingkan genotipe lain. Bobot polong per tanaman, bobot 100 biji, bobot biji setiap tanaman, dan jumlah biji per tanaman pada genotipe mutan kedela...

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Research paper thumbnail of Tahap Kemahiran Sosial Murid-Murid Autisme Bagi Program Pendidikan Khas Integrasi Bermasalah Pembelajaran - Saiful Azam

Kajian ini bertujuan mengenal pasti tahap kemahiran sosial murid-murid autisme di enam buah sekol... more Kajian ini bertujuan mengenal pasti tahap kemahiran sosial murid-murid autisme di enam buah sekolah rendah di daerah Klang, Selangor. Kajian ini dapat memberikan maklumat tentang tahap penguasaan kemahiran sosial kanak-kanak autisme supaya intervensi yang sesuai bagi meningkatkan kemahiran sosial mereka dapat dirancang dan dilaksanakan. Kemahiran sosial yang dikaji adalah kemahiran interaksi sosial; kemahiran penyesuaian diri; memulakan perhubungan; dan penglibatan di dalam bilik darjah. Kajian ini juga mengkaji hubungan antara tempoh persekolahan dengan bilangan adik beradik terhadap tahap kemahiran sosial mereka. Kajian ini menggunakan senarai semak yang diisi oleh guru dan dapatan kajian dianalisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif secara min dan analisis inferensi secara kolerasi. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa murid-murid autisme mempunyai tahap kemahiran sosial yang rendah di sekolah. Dapatan kajian juga menunjukkan terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara kemahiran sosial dengan bilangan adik beradik dengan tempoh persekolahan. Ini menunjukkan bahawa tahap kemahiran sosial murid-murid autisme meningkat setelah lama mengikuti persekolahan. Oleh sebab itu, guru perlu menyediakan sesi pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang dapat membantu murid autisme bagi meningkatkan tahap kemahiran sosial mereka di sekolah.

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Research paper thumbnail of Child-Centred Dentistry: Engaging and Protecting Children

Pediatric Dentistry, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Microsoft Word - Azam&Taylor2011.doc

The medium for processing and reporting corporate financial and business information through the ... more The medium for processing and reporting corporate financial and business information through the supply chain from the manager-preparer to government regulators and to external users has been evolving. In Australia, some major regulatory agencies of federal and state governments recently went 'live' with a coordinated on-line reporting facility called Standard Business Reporting (SBR), based on XBRL taxonomies for electronic data exchange. The take up by businesses of this medium compliance reporting of financial, tax and other business data to government regulators, is initially voluntarily. The objective of this paper is to assess SBR's prospects of widespread adoption by businesses, users and regulators in Australia. An assessment is provided of the normative arguments in support and against the implementation of XBRL from the viewpoints of corporate financial and business information stakeholder users, management preparers and government regulators. The limited ex...

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Research paper thumbnail of Hubungan variasi jenis pasir cetak terhadap sifat mekanik dan fisis pada proses pengecoran besi cor kelabu

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan variasi jenis pasir cetak terhadap sifat mekan... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan variasi jenis pasir cetak terhadap sifat mekanik dan fisis pada pengecoran besi cor kelabu. Karena pasir cetak yang digunakan memiliki permeabilitas dan konduktivitas thermal yang berbeda-beda yang akan mempengaruhi laju pendinginan pada proses pengecoran besi cor kelabu, dimana laju pendinginan mempengaruhi sifat mekanik dari benda cor. Metoda penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi pustaka dan pengujian-pengujian yang meliputi : pengujian permeabilitas pasir, impak, bending dan kekerasan. Adapun data yang didapatkan adalah permeabilitas pasir, foto struktur mikro, kekuatan impak, foto makro hasil pengujian impak, tegangan bending dan kekerasan. Pasir cetak yang digunakan adalah pasir green sand (pasir silika, bentonit dan air), pasir tetes (pasir silika, bentonit dan tetes tebu) dan pasir kali (pasir kali Ceper dan air). Permeabilitas pasir tertinggi diperoleh pada spesimen pasir green sand sebesar 19,5 cm3/menit sedangkan permeabi...

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Research paper thumbnail of New Normal' Requires New Ways to Support Social and 'Human' Recovery

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Research paper thumbnail of Carbonate Pore Systems: New Developments and Case Studies

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Research paper thumbnail of Hubungan Variasi Jenis Pasir Cetak Terhadap Sifat Mekanik Besi Cor Kelabu

: The research is to investigate the correlation between variation types of sandcasting on mechan... more : The research is to investigate the correlation between variation types of sandcasting on mechanic characteristic in grey cast iron casting process. The sandcastings that used in this research was consist of green sand (silica sand, bentonite and water combination), molasses sand (combined from silica sand, bentonite and molasses) and also river sand (river Ceper sand, with water addition). The applied observation methods were conducted by some related testing ,as sand’s permeability testing, impact testing and also hardness testing.As the rsult, the highest sand permeability was obtained by green sand speciment (19,5 cm 3 /minute). Those three types of sand casting have some impact strength that value about 0,05 J/mm 2 . The highest bending tension is green sand speciment (128 MN/m 2 ) and the lowest one is molasses speciment (114 MN/m 2 ). Molasses sand speciment has the highest hardness of speciment characteristic (93,8 HRB), and the lowest one is the green sand spesimen...

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Research paper thumbnail of Stigma management in waste management: An investigation into the interactions of 'waste pickers' on the streets of Cape Town and the consequences for agency

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Research paper thumbnail of Centro de capacitación para la incorporación social infantil, en el Hogar de la Niña, Santa Rosa de Lima, Las Américas, Cuilapa, Santa Rosa, Guatemala

Planea una propuesta arquitectonica, con los colores las dimensiones, la ventilacion y la ilumina... more Planea una propuesta arquitectonica, con los colores las dimensiones, la ventilacion y la iluminacion adecuada, para la realizacion de las funciones, las educativas y las relacionadas con la inclusion social. Sugiere el uso de sistemas de marcos estructurales de hormigon, block de pomez, el molde ik y el bambu. Cuida de los elementos que integrados proporcionaran los ambientes mas confortables

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Research paper thumbnail of Rohinga Stateless Persons: Role of Unhcr in Refugee Protection and Lack of Adequate Legal Protection in Indonesia

This article aimed to study about h ow role of UNHCR in refugee protection and the legal protect... more This article aimed to study about h ow role of UNHCR in refugee protection and the legal protection for Rohingya refugees in Medan municipality . According to data from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (hereinafter abbreviated to UNHCR) since January 2012, there were 3275 asylum seekers and 1052 refugees . Most refugees come to Indonesia with the hope of being permanently resettled elsewhere, often in America or Australia, but increasingly stringent immigration policies, massive underfunding and a lack of resources to sustain the influx of newcomers have left them stuck here. This research uses a sosio-legal research with statute approach, conceptual approach, and case approach. There are several provisions regarding refugees, but none have specifically discussed the handling of refugees in Indonesia. The positive law of immigration in Indonesia does not contain any special provisions (lex specialis) for asylum seekers and refugees. Because Indonesia has not ratifi...

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Research paper thumbnail of The role of characteristics of 'upper echelons' and demographics of organizations in predicting the likelihood of SBR adoption in Australia

The Australian government's XBRL-derived reporting facility called Standard Business Reportin... more The Australian government's XBRL-derived reporting facility called Standard Business Reporting (SBR) went 'live' to listed companies in 2010. This paper investigates the demographic factors of both the mangers and the organizations that affect the likelihood of SBR adoption in Australia. Drawing primarily on Upper Echelons theory (UET), six characteristics or demographic factors of the managers and their organizations are identified and tested to provide insights to likely adopters of SBR and unlikely adopters of SBR. Self-administered questionnaire method was used to collect data on the respondents from top 500 listed companies in Australia. It is found that demographic factors are not useful in explaining likelihood of SBR adoption in Australia; only one factor, namely experience of the upper echelons, passed the significance test. Implications of such finding are discussed.

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Research paper thumbnail of Thermogravimetric and kinetic studies on palm shells

Thermogravimetric and kinetic studies on palm shells. Ani, Farid Nasir and Darus, Amer Nordin and... more Thermogravimetric and kinetic studies on palm shells. Ani, Farid Nasir and Darus, Amer Nordin and Hussain, Ahmad and Mokhtar, Hamdan and Azam, Saiful (2006) Thermogravimetric and kinetic studies on palm shells. Journal of Industrial Technology, 15 (1). pp. 87-99. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Parametric Study of Cavity Leading-Edge Rod Spoilers by Advanced Hybrid RANS-LES Methods

Improved delayed detached-eddy simulation is performed to explore the control mechanism of the tr... more Improved delayed detached-eddy simulation is performed to explore the control mechanism of the transverse rod spoiler near the leading-edge of an open-type cavity at Ma = 0.9. The rod induces vertical velocity and lifts up the shear layer, significantly reducing the pressure fluctuation inside the cavity. Rossiter peaks are damped and energy is redistributed to the high frequency components near the cavity leading-edge. Vortex shedding after the rod generates high frequency peaks. Then three rod spoilers of different diameters and gap distances are numerically evaluated and compared. A narrow gap between the rod and the wall tends to weaken the lifting-up of the shear layer. Large rod diameter enhances the lifting-up, but also generates excessive perturbation, which is also the case for the gap distance.

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Research paper thumbnail of Bernard Madoff's 'Ponzi scheme': Fraudulent behaviour and the role of auditors

A Ponzi scheme is a serious financial crime where an individual or organisation pays returns to i... more A Ponzi scheme is a serious financial crime where an individual or organisation pays returns to its financiers from new capital paid by new financiers, rather than from profit earned. This paper explains the world's largest and longest Ponzi scheme, Bernard Madoff's Scandal. The study applies the Fraud Triangle concept to examine the famous scandal involving Bernard Madoff. It explains the underlying opportunity, motivation and rationalisation behind Madoff's fraudulent behaviour followed by identifying the auditor's role and expected responsibility. The study corroborates that it might be a combination of Madoff's desire to maintain his fame and luxurious lifestyle, self-deceiving belief, and his seizure of the opportunity - as the primary cause of this scandal. Additionally, the failure to conduct fundamental audit procedures by the auditor further fuelled this scheme. Auditors may be able to detect fraud at an early stage by becoming sceptical when performing ...

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Research paper thumbnail of 奥运场馆我参观 水立方 篇

红蜻蜓, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Features of using gas turbine units as a source of electricity and heat at mini - thermal power plants


This article discusses the problem of introducing more resource-intensive methods of generating e... more This article discusses the problem of introducing more resource-intensive methods of generating electricity and heat, the main of which is the use of small-sized gas turbine units (GTU). The creation of a Mini-Thermal Power Plant on the basis of the GTU allows solving the problem of the shortage of heat and electric energy in certain regions, ensuring uninterrupted power supply to the housing and communal sector and industrial enterprises. This is due to the possibility of combined production of heat and electric energy, as well as products and services required in the municipal services of the city. This article presents ways to improve the energy efficiency of thermal power plants through the use of GTU.

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Research paper thumbnail of Accounting development in Bangladesh

The Routledge Handbook of Accounting in Asia, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Informations Transports Scolaires a Destination De Bourg Argental

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a prevalent and burdensome condition that is typically ass... more Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a prevalent and burdensome condition that is typically assessed using in-depth interviews or lengthy self-report measures. Accordingly, routine screening in busy non-mental health settings is impractical, and OCD is often under- (or mis-) recognized. We evaluated an ultra-brief version of a widely used self-report measure, the Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory-Revised (OCI-R), which may be employed as a routine screener for OCD. A total of 1087 adults diagnosed with OCD, 1306 unselected adults from the community, and 423 adults with anxiety related disorders completed the OCI-R along with measures of anxiety and mood. Analyses were conducted to reduce the number of items and examine evidence for sensitivity and specificity to OCD clinical status, test-retest reliability, sensitivity to treatment, and convergent and discriminant validity. Four items that optimally assess different dimensions of OCD (washing, checking, ordering, obsessing) were identified. Psychometric evaluation revealed good to excellent test-retest reliability, validity, prediction of clinical OCD status, and sensitivity to treatment. A 4-item version of the OCI-R, called the OCI-4, shows promise as an ultra-brief screening tool for identifying likely OCD in settings where in-depth assessment is impractical. Patients with a positive screen may be referred for further evaluation and appropriate treatment.

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Research paper thumbnail of Neuropsychological Research in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Current Status and Future Directions

Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2021

Neuropsychological functions in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) have been extensively investi... more Neuropsychological functions in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) have been extensively investigated. Despite some common findings across studies indicating deficient test performance across cognitive domains with small to medium effect sizes, results remain inconsistent and heterogeneous. However, multiple past attempts to identify moderators that may account for such variability have been unrewarding. Typical moderators including symptom severity, age at onset, medication status, and comorbid conditions failed to provide sufficient explanatory power. It has then been posited that these inconsistencies may be attributed to the inherent heterogeneous nature of the disorder (i.e., symptom dimensions), or to the natural fluctuation in symptom severity. However, recent meta-analyses suggest that these factors may not account for the persistent unexplained variability. Other potential factors—some of which are unique to neuropsychological testing—received scarce research attention, in...

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Research paper thumbnail of Karakter Produksi Dan Heritabilitas Beberapa Mutan Kedelai Hitam Pada Generasi M6

Jurnal Agrotech, 2021

Peningkatan produksi kedelai dengan induksi mutasi pada pemuliaan tanaman diharapkan dapat mengha... more Peningkatan produksi kedelai dengan induksi mutasi pada pemuliaan tanaman diharapkan dapat menghasilkan kedelai yang berdaya hasil tinggi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengkaji karakter produksi dan heritabilitas dari beberapa mutan tanaman kedelai hitam generasi M6. Rancangan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) non faktorial. Penelitian ini menggunakan 4 genotipe benih kedelai hitam generasi M5 hasil iradiasi sinar gamma dan 3 varietas pembanding yaitu Detam 1, Detam 3 Prida, dan Detam 4 Prida. Parameter yang diamati meliputi umur berbunga, umur panen, bobot polong, jumlah biji tanaman, bobot 100 biji dan bobot biji per tanaman. Data dianalisis dengan uji F dan uji lanjut DMRT taraf 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan umur berbunga dan umur panen genotipe mutan 400/1-2-2-6 dan 256/1-2-9-29 lebih cepat dibandingkan genotipe lain. Bobot polong per tanaman, bobot 100 biji, bobot biji setiap tanaman, dan jumlah biji per tanaman pada genotipe mutan kedela...

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Research paper thumbnail of Tahap Kemahiran Sosial Murid-Murid Autisme Bagi Program Pendidikan Khas Integrasi Bermasalah Pembelajaran - Saiful Azam

Kajian ini bertujuan mengenal pasti tahap kemahiran sosial murid-murid autisme di enam buah sekol... more Kajian ini bertujuan mengenal pasti tahap kemahiran sosial murid-murid autisme di enam buah sekolah rendah di daerah Klang, Selangor. Kajian ini dapat memberikan maklumat tentang tahap penguasaan kemahiran sosial kanak-kanak autisme supaya intervensi yang sesuai bagi meningkatkan kemahiran sosial mereka dapat dirancang dan dilaksanakan. Kemahiran sosial yang dikaji adalah kemahiran interaksi sosial; kemahiran penyesuaian diri; memulakan perhubungan; dan penglibatan di dalam bilik darjah. Kajian ini juga mengkaji hubungan antara tempoh persekolahan dengan bilangan adik beradik terhadap tahap kemahiran sosial mereka. Kajian ini menggunakan senarai semak yang diisi oleh guru dan dapatan kajian dianalisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif secara min dan analisis inferensi secara kolerasi. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa murid-murid autisme mempunyai tahap kemahiran sosial yang rendah di sekolah. Dapatan kajian juga menunjukkan terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara kemahiran sosial dengan bilangan adik beradik dengan tempoh persekolahan. Ini menunjukkan bahawa tahap kemahiran sosial murid-murid autisme meningkat setelah lama mengikuti persekolahan. Oleh sebab itu, guru perlu menyediakan sesi pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang dapat membantu murid autisme bagi meningkatkan tahap kemahiran sosial mereka di sekolah.

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Research paper thumbnail of Child-Centred Dentistry: Engaging and Protecting Children

Pediatric Dentistry, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Microsoft Word - Azam&Taylor2011.doc

The medium for processing and reporting corporate financial and business information through the ... more The medium for processing and reporting corporate financial and business information through the supply chain from the manager-preparer to government regulators and to external users has been evolving. In Australia, some major regulatory agencies of federal and state governments recently went 'live' with a coordinated on-line reporting facility called Standard Business Reporting (SBR), based on XBRL taxonomies for electronic data exchange. The take up by businesses of this medium compliance reporting of financial, tax and other business data to government regulators, is initially voluntarily. The objective of this paper is to assess SBR's prospects of widespread adoption by businesses, users and regulators in Australia. An assessment is provided of the normative arguments in support and against the implementation of XBRL from the viewpoints of corporate financial and business information stakeholder users, management preparers and government regulators. The limited ex...

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Research paper thumbnail of Hubungan variasi jenis pasir cetak terhadap sifat mekanik dan fisis pada proses pengecoran besi cor kelabu

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan variasi jenis pasir cetak terhadap sifat mekan... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan variasi jenis pasir cetak terhadap sifat mekanik dan fisis pada pengecoran besi cor kelabu. Karena pasir cetak yang digunakan memiliki permeabilitas dan konduktivitas thermal yang berbeda-beda yang akan mempengaruhi laju pendinginan pada proses pengecoran besi cor kelabu, dimana laju pendinginan mempengaruhi sifat mekanik dari benda cor. Metoda penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi pustaka dan pengujian-pengujian yang meliputi : pengujian permeabilitas pasir, impak, bending dan kekerasan. Adapun data yang didapatkan adalah permeabilitas pasir, foto struktur mikro, kekuatan impak, foto makro hasil pengujian impak, tegangan bending dan kekerasan. Pasir cetak yang digunakan adalah pasir green sand (pasir silika, bentonit dan air), pasir tetes (pasir silika, bentonit dan tetes tebu) dan pasir kali (pasir kali Ceper dan air). Permeabilitas pasir tertinggi diperoleh pada spesimen pasir green sand sebesar 19,5 cm3/menit sedangkan permeabi...

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Research paper thumbnail of New Normal' Requires New Ways to Support Social and 'Human' Recovery

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Research paper thumbnail of Carbonate Pore Systems: New Developments and Case Studies

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Research paper thumbnail of Hubungan Variasi Jenis Pasir Cetak Terhadap Sifat Mekanik Besi Cor Kelabu

: The research is to investigate the correlation between variation types of sandcasting on mechan... more : The research is to investigate the correlation between variation types of sandcasting on mechanic characteristic in grey cast iron casting process. The sandcastings that used in this research was consist of green sand (silica sand, bentonite and water combination), molasses sand (combined from silica sand, bentonite and molasses) and also river sand (river Ceper sand, with water addition). The applied observation methods were conducted by some related testing ,as sand’s permeability testing, impact testing and also hardness testing.As the rsult, the highest sand permeability was obtained by green sand speciment (19,5 cm 3 /minute). Those three types of sand casting have some impact strength that value about 0,05 J/mm 2 . The highest bending tension is green sand speciment (128 MN/m 2 ) and the lowest one is molasses speciment (114 MN/m 2 ). Molasses sand speciment has the highest hardness of speciment characteristic (93,8 HRB), and the lowest one is the green sand spesimen...

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Research paper thumbnail of Stigma management in waste management: An investigation into the interactions of 'waste pickers' on the streets of Cape Town and the consequences for agency

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Research paper thumbnail of Centro de capacitación para la incorporación social infantil, en el Hogar de la Niña, Santa Rosa de Lima, Las Américas, Cuilapa, Santa Rosa, Guatemala

Planea una propuesta arquitectonica, con los colores las dimensiones, la ventilacion y la ilumina... more Planea una propuesta arquitectonica, con los colores las dimensiones, la ventilacion y la iluminacion adecuada, para la realizacion de las funciones, las educativas y las relacionadas con la inclusion social. Sugiere el uso de sistemas de marcos estructurales de hormigon, block de pomez, el molde ik y el bambu. Cuida de los elementos que integrados proporcionaran los ambientes mas confortables

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Research paper thumbnail of Rohinga Stateless Persons: Role of Unhcr in Refugee Protection and Lack of Adequate Legal Protection in Indonesia

This article aimed to study about h ow role of UNHCR in refugee protection and the legal protect... more This article aimed to study about h ow role of UNHCR in refugee protection and the legal protection for Rohingya refugees in Medan municipality . According to data from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (hereinafter abbreviated to UNHCR) since January 2012, there were 3275 asylum seekers and 1052 refugees . Most refugees come to Indonesia with the hope of being permanently resettled elsewhere, often in America or Australia, but increasingly stringent immigration policies, massive underfunding and a lack of resources to sustain the influx of newcomers have left them stuck here. This research uses a sosio-legal research with statute approach, conceptual approach, and case approach. There are several provisions regarding refugees, but none have specifically discussed the handling of refugees in Indonesia. The positive law of immigration in Indonesia does not contain any special provisions (lex specialis) for asylum seekers and refugees. Because Indonesia has not ratifi...

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Research paper thumbnail of The role of characteristics of 'upper echelons' and demographics of organizations in predicting the likelihood of SBR adoption in Australia

The Australian government's XBRL-derived reporting facility called Standard Business Reportin... more The Australian government's XBRL-derived reporting facility called Standard Business Reporting (SBR) went 'live' to listed companies in 2010. This paper investigates the demographic factors of both the mangers and the organizations that affect the likelihood of SBR adoption in Australia. Drawing primarily on Upper Echelons theory (UET), six characteristics or demographic factors of the managers and their organizations are identified and tested to provide insights to likely adopters of SBR and unlikely adopters of SBR. Self-administered questionnaire method was used to collect data on the respondents from top 500 listed companies in Australia. It is found that demographic factors are not useful in explaining likelihood of SBR adoption in Australia; only one factor, namely experience of the upper echelons, passed the significance test. Implications of such finding are discussed.

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Research paper thumbnail of Thermogravimetric and kinetic studies on palm shells

Thermogravimetric and kinetic studies on palm shells. Ani, Farid Nasir and Darus, Amer Nordin and... more Thermogravimetric and kinetic studies on palm shells. Ani, Farid Nasir and Darus, Amer Nordin and Hussain, Ahmad and Mokhtar, Hamdan and Azam, Saiful (2006) Thermogravimetric and kinetic studies on palm shells. Journal of Industrial Technology, 15 (1). pp. 87-99. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Parametric Study of Cavity Leading-Edge Rod Spoilers by Advanced Hybrid RANS-LES Methods

Improved delayed detached-eddy simulation is performed to explore the control mechanism of the tr... more Improved delayed detached-eddy simulation is performed to explore the control mechanism of the transverse rod spoiler near the leading-edge of an open-type cavity at Ma = 0.9. The rod induces vertical velocity and lifts up the shear layer, significantly reducing the pressure fluctuation inside the cavity. Rossiter peaks are damped and energy is redistributed to the high frequency components near the cavity leading-edge. Vortex shedding after the rod generates high frequency peaks. Then three rod spoilers of different diameters and gap distances are numerically evaluated and compared. A narrow gap between the rod and the wall tends to weaken the lifting-up of the shear layer. Large rod diameter enhances the lifting-up, but also generates excessive perturbation, which is also the case for the gap distance.

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Research paper thumbnail of Bernard Madoff's 'Ponzi scheme': Fraudulent behaviour and the role of auditors

A Ponzi scheme is a serious financial crime where an individual or organisation pays returns to i... more A Ponzi scheme is a serious financial crime where an individual or organisation pays returns to its financiers from new capital paid by new financiers, rather than from profit earned. This paper explains the world's largest and longest Ponzi scheme, Bernard Madoff's Scandal. The study applies the Fraud Triangle concept to examine the famous scandal involving Bernard Madoff. It explains the underlying opportunity, motivation and rationalisation behind Madoff's fraudulent behaviour followed by identifying the auditor's role and expected responsibility. The study corroborates that it might be a combination of Madoff's desire to maintain his fame and luxurious lifestyle, self-deceiving belief, and his seizure of the opportunity - as the primary cause of this scandal. Additionally, the failure to conduct fundamental audit procedures by the auditor further fuelled this scheme. Auditors may be able to detect fraud at an early stage by becoming sceptical when performing ...

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