Karakter Produksi Dan Heritabilitas Beberapa Mutan Kedelai Hitam Pada Generasi M6 (original) (raw)

Keragaman Genetik dan Heritabilitas Beberapa Karakter Agronomi Populasi Galur F4 Padi Beras Hitam

Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Tanaman Pangan, 2017

The F4 black rice progenies and their two parents’ varieties were evaluated for their heritability and genetic variability at Padasan, Pakembinangun, Pakem, Sleman, Yogyakarta from May until September 2016. The purpose of this study is to determine genetic diversity, heritability estimates and genetic advance.The genetic materials used in this study consisted of 48 lines of F4 with their parents, local black rice and Situbagendit. The experiment was arranged in a randomized block designed with two replications. Seeds of each F4 progenies and their parents were sown 1 m × 2 m length of plot with 20 cm × 20 cm plant spacing. Genetic parameters estimatesd were calculated for heritability and genetic advance. Plant population of each F4 progenies and their parents were 40 plants in each replication. The result showed that there were 11 progenies had an early day to maturity potential, 21 F4 progenies had a moderate plant height (60-95 cm), 13 progenies had a potential number of tillers...

Nilai Duga Heritabilitas Galur-Galur Mutan Kacang Hijau (Vigna radiata)

Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pangan 2012, 2012

"Abstrak Teknik pemuliaan kacang hijau pada umumnya memanfaatkan ketersediaan keragaman genetik tanaman pada populasi hasil persilangan dua atau lebih tetua. Mutasi genetik melalui iradiasi bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keragaman genetik yang ada. Sembilan galur mutan kacang hijau dan tetuanya (varietas Gelatik) dievaluasi di KP Muneng, Probolinggo dan KP Kendalpayak, Malang pada MK I tahun 2011. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok dengan empat ulangan. Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap karakter umur berbunga, tinggi tanaman saat berbunga, umur panen, tinggi tanaman saat panen, jumlah polong, panjang polong, dan berat 100 biji. Nilai heritabilitas diduga dengan menggunakan pendugaan komponen ragam hasil analisis ragam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semua karakter yang diamati memiliki nilai duga heritabilitas yang tinggi, berkisar antara 41,30 – 88,96%. Nilai duga heritabilitas masing-masing karakter tersebut yaitu sebesar : umur berbunga (68,81%), tinggi tanaman saat berbunga (41,30%), umur panen (61,79%), tinggi tanaman saat panen (82,88%), jumlah polong (63,29%), panjang polong (57,14%), dan berat 100 biji (88,96%)." Kata kunci : galur mutan, heritabilitas, kacang hijau, komponen ragam Abstract Mungbean breeding techniques generally exploit the availability of plant genetic diversity in populations from crosses of two or more parents. Genetic mutations by irradiation aims to increase the genetic diversity that exists. Nine mutant lines and their parent (Gelatik variety) was evaluated at KP Muneng, Probolinggo and KP Kendalpayak, Malang on dry season in 2011. The study used a randomized block design with four replications in each location. Observations were made of the character : days to flowering, plant height at flowering, days to harvesting, plant height at harvesting, number of pods, pod length, and weight of 100 seeds. Heritability expected by using the estimation of variance components from the analysis of variance. The results showed that all characters were observed have a high value of heritability (broad sense), ranging from 41.30 to 88.96%. Heritabilty of each characters : days to flowering (68.81%), plant height at flowering (41.30%), days to harvesting (61.79%), plant height at harvesting (82.88%), number of pods (63.29%), pod length (57.14%), and weight of 100 seeds (88.96%). Keywords : mutant lines, heritability, mungbean, a variance components

Generasi Tunas Kudus

Generasi Tunas kudus menjelaskan mengenai suatu generasi baru yang dimunculkan Tuhan sebagai generasi yang berbeda dengan generasi sebelumnya. Generasi ini adalah generasi yang berbeda hidupnya. Ia mempunyai pemahaman akan Allah yang kudus, yang sadar akan dosanya dan siap dikuduskan oleh Tuhan dan generasi yang mendengar panggil Allah dan siap melaksanakan panggilan itu.

Analisis Keragaman Genetik Kentang Hitam


Kentang hitam [Plectranthus rotundifolius (Poiret) Sprengel] of family Lamiaceae is a minor root crop known only for people living in some parts of Java, Bali and Madura. It was rarely found in its natural habitat, thus it was assumed to have low level of genetic diversity. This present study aimed to assess genetic diversity of 63 accessions of kentang hitam from provenances of Java based on Inter Simple Sequence Repeats (ISSR) and Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) fingerprints. Ten primers of ISSR and RAPD were initially screened and eight were selected for the analysis. These eight primers (OPA13, OPB10, OPB13, OPD8, OPN14, UBC 807, 834 and 835) generated 61 bands with an average of 7.63 polymorphic fragment per primer. Percentage of polymorphism ranged from 8.20% (UBC 807 and 834) to 16.39% (OPB 10) with an average of 12.50%polymorphism.Clustering analysis was performed based on ISSR and RAPD profiles using the neighbour joining method and Principle Coordinate Analysis (PC...