Selma ÖNCEL - (original) (raw)
Papers by Selma ÖNCEL
BACKGROUND/AIMS Sexual health is one of the bases of physical, social and emotional health of ind... more BACKGROUND/AIMS Sexual health is one of the bases of physical, social and emotional health of individuals, couples, families and, therefore, societies. MATERIAL and METHODS This was a qualitative study which employed a in-depth interview 25 (Lezbiyen Gey Biseksüel Transgender) individuals in Turkey. Criterion sampling, one of the techniques of purposive sampling, was used as a qualitative sampling technique in the research. All participants were 18 years of age or older defined themselves as (Lezbiyen Gey Biseksüel Transgender) individuals, agreed to participate in the study, and completed all of the interview to set up the sampling. Participants were asked six open-ended questions. The interviews were, voice-recorded by the researcher. The technique of content analysis was used in data analysis. In this analysis, it was aimed to organize and interpret the qualitative data by means of specific categories and concepts. All information received from individuals were kept confidential to used as scientific data only. Before starting the study, written approval was obtained from the Scientific Ethics Committee and written consent from the participants. RESULTS As a result of the content analysis, nine major themes emerged: In this study, it has been determined that (Lezbiyen Gey Biseksüel Transgender) individuals have problems related to their sexual orientation or identity, they cannot express their wishes, feelings and thoughts easily, they have no freedom of life and they have to hide their sexual orientation or identity. CONCLUSION Challenges faced by (Lezbiyen Gey Biseksüel Transgender) people are associated with social norms, prejudice and discrimination. Nurses have a responsibility to serve as a change agent in the fight against discrimination and prejudice in society.
Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi hemşirelik fakültesi elektronik dergisi, Jul 15, 2022
Background: Determining the smoking frequency of young people and their exposure to cigarette pac... more Background: Determining the smoking frequency of young people and their exposure to cigarette pack warnings is important in terms of developing new policies for smoking cessation. Objectives: This study was conducted to determine the smoking frequency of nursing students, their nicotine dependence, the extent to which they were affected by textual/graphic warning labels on cigarette packs, and the factors affecting them. Methods: The research is cross-sectional type. According to the sample calculation formula in cases where the universe is known, the universe was accepted as 855, the sample was calculated with 95% confidence interval and 0.05 error, and the number of people to be sampled was found to be 195. A total of 240 people were selected for the study, considering that there may be data losses. The students to be sampled were determined by the stratified sampling method. The data were collected via the survey created by the researchers and the Fagerstrom Test for Nicotine Dependence (FTND). Chi-squared test were used for statistical analysis. Results: The average age of the students was 20.95 ± 1.70. 22.5% of the participants smoked. 68.5% of students had a low addiction level, while 57.1% were affected by warnings on a cigarette packs. It was observed that the effect of textual warnings on the cigarette packs did not differ by gender. Graphics showing a person in intensive care and a dead person's foot in the morgue evoked higher levels of negative affect on women than on men. When the written warnings on the cigarette package and some variables are compared; It was found that there was a statistically significant difference between smoking status, presence of smokers in the family, level of smoking addiction and smoking status. No statistically significant difference was found when being affected by written warnings and gender were compared. Conclusion: In order to prevent early youth smoking initiation, preventive studies should be carried out on young people from childhood. Particularly male students should be observed more carefully. Nurses; should develop strategies that can be effective in smoking-related youth and conduct qualitative research on them.
European journal of therapeutics, 2017
Journal of diabetes & metabolism, Sep 30, 2016
Türkiye Klinikleri Halk Sağlığı Hemşireliği - Özel Konular, 2016
Ege üniversitesi hemşirelik fakültesi dergisi, 1999
Türkiye Klinikleri Halk Sağlığı Hemşireliği - Özel Konular, 2019
Mevzu – Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi
Bu çalışma Antalya merkezde sokaklarda evsiz olarak yaşayan bireylerin kendileri ve aileleri hakk... more Bu çalışma Antalya merkezde sokaklarda evsiz olarak yaşayan bireylerin kendileri ve aileleri hakkında bilgi edinmek, evsiz olmadan önceki yaşamları, evsizliğin nedenleri ve nasıl başladığı, evsiz olarak yaşadıkları süreçteki deneyimleri, karşılaştıkları sorunları ve beklentilerini ortaya çıkarmak amacıyla yapılmıştır. Çalışmada nitel araştırma teknikleri kullanılmıştır. Amaçlı örnekleme yöntemi kullanılarak 20 evsize ulaşılmıştır. Veriler odak grup görüşmesi, anket formu ve gözlem yoluyla toplanmıştır. Verilerin değerlendirilmesinde tematik ve betimsel analiz yöntemleri kullanılmıştır. Araştırmada; (1) evsizlerin bireysel özellikleri ve sosyal durumları; (2) evsizlerin sokakta yaşamaya başlamadan önceki durumları; (3) evden/aileden ayrılma nedenleri; (4) evsizlerin sokaktaki yaşam deneyimleri ve (5) geleceğe ilişkin beklentileri, olmak üzere beş ana tema belirlenmiştir. Evsizlerden biri hariç nüfus kayıtları Türkiye’nin değişik şehirlerindedir. Evsiz olma nedenlerinin başında aile i...
Kuwait Medical Journal, 2010
Journal of Asthma, Dec 21, 2011
To investigate asthmatic patients' perceptions of their disease. ... more To investigate asthmatic patients' perceptions of their disease. The study was done with the participation of 23 patients among the asthmatics whose progress is monitored regularly in a university hospital. Phenomenological methodology was used, and the first step was to determine the socio-demographic characteristics of the participants. Then, in order to determine their feelings and opinions on the subject of their asthma, each participant was asked to write a letter to answer the following question: "If asthma were a friend of yours, what would you like to say to it in a letter?" Data were analyzed using the continuous comparative method of Colaizzi (1978; "Psychological research as a phenomenologist views it", in Valle, R. And King, M. (Eds), Existential Phenomenological Alternatives for Psychology, Oxford University Press, New York, NY.). For this purpose, each researcher read the letters separately and identified the important thoughts, and similar statements were classified under the same theme groups. The mean age of the patients was 41.43 ± 6.23 years, and 69.6% of them were female, 73.9% were married, 34.8% were primary school graduates, and 34.7% were civil servants (with no social security problems). The statements of the asthmatics in the study were grouped according to the following themes: "The Most Important Factor in Accepting Asthma Is Time," "It's So Hard to Be Asthmatic," "Being Asthmatic Means Understanding the Value of Life," "I Don't Like Asthma, so I Can't Make Friends with It," "Learning to Live with Asthma," "One Day I May Recover from Asthma," "Feeling Anger," and "Suffering from Continuous Worry and Fear." Asthmatic patients need psychosocial support since they believe that there is no certain treatment for asthma, and attacks are inevitable.
Journal of Education and Research in Nursing, Oct 8, 2021
Aim: This study was conducted to evaluate the postgraduate nursing theses made using Social Cogni... more Aim: This study was conducted to evaluate the postgraduate nursing theses made using Social Cognitive Theory (SBT) in Turkey. Methods: This descriptive study based on the literature was carried out using master's and Ph.D. theses in nursing. In July 2019, 51 theses were accessed by selecting the field of medicine from the detailed search bar of the database of the National Thesis Center and typing the search terms: social cognitive, social learning, social cognitive learning, model, hypothesis and theory. The titles and abstracts of these theses were analyzed using purposeful sampling. Number and percentage calculation, which are among the descriptive statistics, were used in the evaluation of the data. Results: A total of 15 SCT-based nursing theses between the years of 2003 and 2015 were used. Of them, 14 of the theses are doctorate and one is a master's thesis. With six studies, it was determined that SBT was used mostly in the department of public health nursing. Of the studies, 40% was experimental, and 53.3% was quasi-experimental. It was determined that students constituted the sample in more than half of the studies (64.2%) and that the implemented programs were effective. Of the theses, seven used the primary sources where Bandura explains his theory, and three used SCT and provided similar results. Of the remainder, three formed the conceptual-theoretical-empirical structure and were conducted accordingly, and four were associated SCT concepts with their results and discussed them. Conclusion: It can be said that the rate of SCT use in nursing theses in Turkey is low compared to the international literature. SCT should be used in nursing practices and research due to the positive effects of several nursing programs that use it.
TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin, 2016
Schaffer tarafından ortaya atılmıştır. Müdahale Çarkı, toplum/nüfus tabanlı, uygulamaya dayalı ve... more Schaffer tarafından ortaya atılmıştır. Müdahale Çarkı, toplum/nüfus tabanlı, uygulamaya dayalı ve kanıt temelli bir uygulama modelidir. Müdahale Çarkı tüm toplumlar üzerine odaklanır, toplum değerlendirmesi temellidir, sağlık belirleyicilerini dikkate alır, önlemeyi vurgular ve çoklu seviyelerde müdahale eder. Model uygulamanın üç seviyesini kapsar ve 17 halk sağlığı müdahalesini belirler. Müdahaleler sağlık durumlarının geliştirilmesi veya korunması için toplumlar, sistemler, bireyler ve aileler adına atılan adımlardır. Bireysel/aile odağı; bireylerin ve hane halkının bilgi, tutum, inanç, uygulamalar ve davranışlarını; Topluluk odağı; normlar, tutumlar, farkındalık, uygulamalar ve davranışlarını; Sistemler odağı ise; politikaları, yasaları ve güç yapılarını değiştirir. 17 halk sağlığı müdahalesi ise;
Sigara kullanımı önemli bir halk sağlığı sorunu olup sağlığa zararlıdır. Sigara içme sıklığı Türk... more Sigara kullanımı önemli bir halk sağlığı sorunu olup sağlığa zararlıdır. Sigara içme sıklığı Türkiye'de %25.7'dir. Transteoretik model (TTM) ve TTM temelli motivasyonel görüşme sigara bıraktırmak için kullanılan bilişsel davranışçı yöntemlerden biridir. Bu araştırmada sigara içen bireylerde transteoretik modele dayalı uygulanan eğitim ve motivasyonel görüşmenin sigara bıraktırmaya etkisinin ortaya konulduğu randomize kontrollü çalışmaların sonuçlarının analiz edilmesi amaçlanmıştır. İlgili veri tabanları taranıp elde edilen makaleler dahil etme ve dışlama ölçütlerine göre incelenmiştir. Bu ölçütlere uyan çalışmalar PRISMA akış şemasına göre oluşturulmuş olup dokuz çalışma incelenmeye alınmıştır. Çalışmaların dört tanesinde motivasyonel görüşme, bir tanesinde bireysel danışmanlık, dört tanesinde ise TTM'ye temelli olarak hazırlanan eğitim uygulanmıştır. İnceleme sonucunda TTM'nin sigara bıraktırmada etkili bir yöntem olduğu anlaşılmıştır. Çalışmalarda öz yeterlik, karar alma, davranış değiştirme, karbonmonoksit oranı, değişim aşamaları gibi ölçütlere bakılmıştır. TTM sigara bıraktırmada etkili bir yöntemdir. TTM ve/veya TTM temelli motivasyonel görüşme kullanılarak daha farklı gruplarda çalışma yapılması önerilir.
DergiPark (Istanbul University), 1999
Türk jinekoloji ve obstetrik derneği dergisi, 2010
BACKGROUND/AIMS Sexual health is one of the bases of physical, social and emotional health of ind... more BACKGROUND/AIMS Sexual health is one of the bases of physical, social and emotional health of individuals, couples, families and, therefore, societies. MATERIAL and METHODS This was a qualitative study which employed a in-depth interview 25 (Lezbiyen Gey Biseksüel Transgender) individuals in Turkey. Criterion sampling, one of the techniques of purposive sampling, was used as a qualitative sampling technique in the research. All participants were 18 years of age or older defined themselves as (Lezbiyen Gey Biseksüel Transgender) individuals, agreed to participate in the study, and completed all of the interview to set up the sampling. Participants were asked six open-ended questions. The interviews were, voice-recorded by the researcher. The technique of content analysis was used in data analysis. In this analysis, it was aimed to organize and interpret the qualitative data by means of specific categories and concepts. All information received from individuals were kept confidential to used as scientific data only. Before starting the study, written approval was obtained from the Scientific Ethics Committee and written consent from the participants. RESULTS As a result of the content analysis, nine major themes emerged: In this study, it has been determined that (Lezbiyen Gey Biseksüel Transgender) individuals have problems related to their sexual orientation or identity, they cannot express their wishes, feelings and thoughts easily, they have no freedom of life and they have to hide their sexual orientation or identity. CONCLUSION Challenges faced by (Lezbiyen Gey Biseksüel Transgender) people are associated with social norms, prejudice and discrimination. Nurses have a responsibility to serve as a change agent in the fight against discrimination and prejudice in society.
Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi hemşirelik fakültesi elektronik dergisi, Jul 15, 2022
Background: Determining the smoking frequency of young people and their exposure to cigarette pac... more Background: Determining the smoking frequency of young people and their exposure to cigarette pack warnings is important in terms of developing new policies for smoking cessation. Objectives: This study was conducted to determine the smoking frequency of nursing students, their nicotine dependence, the extent to which they were affected by textual/graphic warning labels on cigarette packs, and the factors affecting them. Methods: The research is cross-sectional type. According to the sample calculation formula in cases where the universe is known, the universe was accepted as 855, the sample was calculated with 95% confidence interval and 0.05 error, and the number of people to be sampled was found to be 195. A total of 240 people were selected for the study, considering that there may be data losses. The students to be sampled were determined by the stratified sampling method. The data were collected via the survey created by the researchers and the Fagerstrom Test for Nicotine Dependence (FTND). Chi-squared test were used for statistical analysis. Results: The average age of the students was 20.95 ± 1.70. 22.5% of the participants smoked. 68.5% of students had a low addiction level, while 57.1% were affected by warnings on a cigarette packs. It was observed that the effect of textual warnings on the cigarette packs did not differ by gender. Graphics showing a person in intensive care and a dead person's foot in the morgue evoked higher levels of negative affect on women than on men. When the written warnings on the cigarette package and some variables are compared; It was found that there was a statistically significant difference between smoking status, presence of smokers in the family, level of smoking addiction and smoking status. No statistically significant difference was found when being affected by written warnings and gender were compared. Conclusion: In order to prevent early youth smoking initiation, preventive studies should be carried out on young people from childhood. Particularly male students should be observed more carefully. Nurses; should develop strategies that can be effective in smoking-related youth and conduct qualitative research on them.
European journal of therapeutics, 2017
Journal of diabetes & metabolism, Sep 30, 2016
Türkiye Klinikleri Halk Sağlığı Hemşireliği - Özel Konular, 2016
Ege üniversitesi hemşirelik fakültesi dergisi, 1999
Türkiye Klinikleri Halk Sağlığı Hemşireliği - Özel Konular, 2019
Mevzu – Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi
Bu çalışma Antalya merkezde sokaklarda evsiz olarak yaşayan bireylerin kendileri ve aileleri hakk... more Bu çalışma Antalya merkezde sokaklarda evsiz olarak yaşayan bireylerin kendileri ve aileleri hakkında bilgi edinmek, evsiz olmadan önceki yaşamları, evsizliğin nedenleri ve nasıl başladığı, evsiz olarak yaşadıkları süreçteki deneyimleri, karşılaştıkları sorunları ve beklentilerini ortaya çıkarmak amacıyla yapılmıştır. Çalışmada nitel araştırma teknikleri kullanılmıştır. Amaçlı örnekleme yöntemi kullanılarak 20 evsize ulaşılmıştır. Veriler odak grup görüşmesi, anket formu ve gözlem yoluyla toplanmıştır. Verilerin değerlendirilmesinde tematik ve betimsel analiz yöntemleri kullanılmıştır. Araştırmada; (1) evsizlerin bireysel özellikleri ve sosyal durumları; (2) evsizlerin sokakta yaşamaya başlamadan önceki durumları; (3) evden/aileden ayrılma nedenleri; (4) evsizlerin sokaktaki yaşam deneyimleri ve (5) geleceğe ilişkin beklentileri, olmak üzere beş ana tema belirlenmiştir. Evsizlerden biri hariç nüfus kayıtları Türkiye’nin değişik şehirlerindedir. Evsiz olma nedenlerinin başında aile i...
Kuwait Medical Journal, 2010
Journal of Asthma, Dec 21, 2011
To investigate asthmatic patients' perceptions of their disease. ... more To investigate asthmatic patients' perceptions of their disease. The study was done with the participation of 23 patients among the asthmatics whose progress is monitored regularly in a university hospital. Phenomenological methodology was used, and the first step was to determine the socio-demographic characteristics of the participants. Then, in order to determine their feelings and opinions on the subject of their asthma, each participant was asked to write a letter to answer the following question: "If asthma were a friend of yours, what would you like to say to it in a letter?" Data were analyzed using the continuous comparative method of Colaizzi (1978; "Psychological research as a phenomenologist views it", in Valle, R. And King, M. (Eds), Existential Phenomenological Alternatives for Psychology, Oxford University Press, New York, NY.). For this purpose, each researcher read the letters separately and identified the important thoughts, and similar statements were classified under the same theme groups. The mean age of the patients was 41.43 ± 6.23 years, and 69.6% of them were female, 73.9% were married, 34.8% were primary school graduates, and 34.7% were civil servants (with no social security problems). The statements of the asthmatics in the study were grouped according to the following themes: "The Most Important Factor in Accepting Asthma Is Time," "It's So Hard to Be Asthmatic," "Being Asthmatic Means Understanding the Value of Life," "I Don't Like Asthma, so I Can't Make Friends with It," "Learning to Live with Asthma," "One Day I May Recover from Asthma," "Feeling Anger," and "Suffering from Continuous Worry and Fear." Asthmatic patients need psychosocial support since they believe that there is no certain treatment for asthma, and attacks are inevitable.
Journal of Education and Research in Nursing, Oct 8, 2021
Aim: This study was conducted to evaluate the postgraduate nursing theses made using Social Cogni... more Aim: This study was conducted to evaluate the postgraduate nursing theses made using Social Cognitive Theory (SBT) in Turkey. Methods: This descriptive study based on the literature was carried out using master's and Ph.D. theses in nursing. In July 2019, 51 theses were accessed by selecting the field of medicine from the detailed search bar of the database of the National Thesis Center and typing the search terms: social cognitive, social learning, social cognitive learning, model, hypothesis and theory. The titles and abstracts of these theses were analyzed using purposeful sampling. Number and percentage calculation, which are among the descriptive statistics, were used in the evaluation of the data. Results: A total of 15 SCT-based nursing theses between the years of 2003 and 2015 were used. Of them, 14 of the theses are doctorate and one is a master's thesis. With six studies, it was determined that SBT was used mostly in the department of public health nursing. Of the studies, 40% was experimental, and 53.3% was quasi-experimental. It was determined that students constituted the sample in more than half of the studies (64.2%) and that the implemented programs were effective. Of the theses, seven used the primary sources where Bandura explains his theory, and three used SCT and provided similar results. Of the remainder, three formed the conceptual-theoretical-empirical structure and were conducted accordingly, and four were associated SCT concepts with their results and discussed them. Conclusion: It can be said that the rate of SCT use in nursing theses in Turkey is low compared to the international literature. SCT should be used in nursing practices and research due to the positive effects of several nursing programs that use it.
TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin, 2016
Schaffer tarafından ortaya atılmıştır. Müdahale Çarkı, toplum/nüfus tabanlı, uygulamaya dayalı ve... more Schaffer tarafından ortaya atılmıştır. Müdahale Çarkı, toplum/nüfus tabanlı, uygulamaya dayalı ve kanıt temelli bir uygulama modelidir. Müdahale Çarkı tüm toplumlar üzerine odaklanır, toplum değerlendirmesi temellidir, sağlık belirleyicilerini dikkate alır, önlemeyi vurgular ve çoklu seviyelerde müdahale eder. Model uygulamanın üç seviyesini kapsar ve 17 halk sağlığı müdahalesini belirler. Müdahaleler sağlık durumlarının geliştirilmesi veya korunması için toplumlar, sistemler, bireyler ve aileler adına atılan adımlardır. Bireysel/aile odağı; bireylerin ve hane halkının bilgi, tutum, inanç, uygulamalar ve davranışlarını; Topluluk odağı; normlar, tutumlar, farkındalık, uygulamalar ve davranışlarını; Sistemler odağı ise; politikaları, yasaları ve güç yapılarını değiştirir. 17 halk sağlığı müdahalesi ise;
Sigara kullanımı önemli bir halk sağlığı sorunu olup sağlığa zararlıdır. Sigara içme sıklığı Türk... more Sigara kullanımı önemli bir halk sağlığı sorunu olup sağlığa zararlıdır. Sigara içme sıklığı Türkiye'de %25.7'dir. Transteoretik model (TTM) ve TTM temelli motivasyonel görüşme sigara bıraktırmak için kullanılan bilişsel davranışçı yöntemlerden biridir. Bu araştırmada sigara içen bireylerde transteoretik modele dayalı uygulanan eğitim ve motivasyonel görüşmenin sigara bıraktırmaya etkisinin ortaya konulduğu randomize kontrollü çalışmaların sonuçlarının analiz edilmesi amaçlanmıştır. İlgili veri tabanları taranıp elde edilen makaleler dahil etme ve dışlama ölçütlerine göre incelenmiştir. Bu ölçütlere uyan çalışmalar PRISMA akış şemasına göre oluşturulmuş olup dokuz çalışma incelenmeye alınmıştır. Çalışmaların dört tanesinde motivasyonel görüşme, bir tanesinde bireysel danışmanlık, dört tanesinde ise TTM'ye temelli olarak hazırlanan eğitim uygulanmıştır. İnceleme sonucunda TTM'nin sigara bıraktırmada etkili bir yöntem olduğu anlaşılmıştır. Çalışmalarda öz yeterlik, karar alma, davranış değiştirme, karbonmonoksit oranı, değişim aşamaları gibi ölçütlere bakılmıştır. TTM sigara bıraktırmada etkili bir yöntemdir. TTM ve/veya TTM temelli motivasyonel görüşme kullanılarak daha farklı gruplarda çalışma yapılması önerilir.
DergiPark (Istanbul University), 1999
Türk jinekoloji ve obstetrik derneği dergisi, 2010