Sibel Güler - (original) (raw)

Papers by Sibel Güler

Research paper thumbnail of Iron Deficiency Anemia: A Rare Etiology of Cerebral Venous Thrombosis in Adults

Cerebral venous thrombosis has variable and nonspesific presentation and this makes it relatively... more Cerebral venous thrombosis has variable and nonspesific presentation and this makes it relatively hard to diagnose. Dehydratation, hypercoagulable state, tumour invasion of sinus venosus, oral contraceptive usage, pregnancy, puerperium,head trauma, vasculitis, otitis ,sinusitis, infections such as; chronic meningitis and subdural empyema, hematologic and connective tissue diseases are the known risk factors for development of cerebral venous thrombosis. However, in literature, cerebral venous thrombosis associated with iron deficiency anemia is very rare, especially in adults. We aimed to present one case of transverse sinus thrombosis with intracranial hypertension symptoms, which has no underlying cause other than severe hypochromic microcytic anemia due to iron deficiency. We present two other cases with cerebral venous thrombosis caused by iron deficiency anemia followed in our clinic, too.

Research paper thumbnail of Serum Fe, Cu, ZN Düzeyleri̇ni̇n Ve Cu/ZN Oraninin Mi̇gren Hastaliği Geli̇şi̇mi̇ndeki̇ Etki̇leri̇ni̇n Beli̇rlenmesi̇

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Nov 30, 2022

Bu çalışmanın amacı, serum Fe, Cu, Zn düzeyleri, Cu / Zn oranı ve migren patogenezi ile ilgili pa... more Bu çalışmanın amacı, serum Fe, Cu, Zn düzeyleri, Cu / Zn oranı ve migren patogenezi ile ilgili parametreler arasındaki ilişkilerin migren hastalığı gelişimindeki etkilerinin belirlenmesidir. Gereç ve Yöntem: Serum Fe, Cu ve Zn eser element düzeyleri atomik absorpsiyon spektrofotometre yöntemi kullanılarak belirlenmiştir. Bulgular: Migrenli hasta grubunda serum Cu düzeyleri (p<0.001), serum Zn düzeyleri (p=0.019) kontrol grubuna göre anlamlı derecede yüksek belirlenmiştir. Çalışmamızda serum Zn değeri ile Cu / Zn değeri (r=-0.755; p<0.001) arasında negatif yönlü güçlü düzeyde ilişki olduğu belirlenmiştir. Sonuç: Çalışmamızda migren gelişiminde serum Fe, Cu ve Zn homeostazındaki bozuklukların etkili olabileceği belirlenmiştir. Bu yüzden migren patogenezinde serum Fe, Cu, Zn düzeyleri ile migren gelişimine katkı sağlayabilecek mekanizmalar ile ilişkili parametrelerin birlikte değerlendirilmesi, migren tanısı ve tedavisi için önemli biyobelirteçlerin elde edilebilmesi açısından oldukça önemlidir.

Research paper thumbnail of Validation Turkish version of the simple screening vehicle for early diagnosis of advanced Parkinson’s disease in daily practice: The CDEPA questionnaire

Journal of the Neurological Sciences, Oct 1, 2019

Background and purpose We aimed was to modify to validate a simple screening tool, the CDEPA ques... more Background and purpose We aimed was to modify to validate a simple screening tool, the CDEPA questionnaire ("Cuestionario De Enfermedad de Parkinson Avanzada" [Questionnaire for Advanced Parkinson's Disease (APD)]), for the identification of APD in daily practice and to analyse the validity and reliability of the questionnaire.

Research paper thumbnail of Bellek Zayıflığı ve Baş Ağrısı ile Başvuran Perikallozal Lipom Olgusu

In trac ra ni al li po mas are usu ally mid li ne le si ons lo ca ted at pe ri cal lo sal re gi o... more In trac ra ni al li po mas are usu ally mid li ne le si ons lo ca ted at pe ri cal lo sal re gi on. Sympto ma tic in trac ra ni al li po mas are very ra re. Symptoms vary de pen ding on the lo ca li za ti on of the li - po ma. Ref rac tory he a dac he, se i zu res, psycho mo tor re tar da ti on and cra ni al ner ve de fi cits ha ve be en re por ted in the li te ra tu re. A 29-ye ar-old ma le pa ti ent with symptoms of he a dac he, diz zi ness, and me mory im pa ir ment was eva lu a ted. On cra ni al T1-we igh ted magnetic resonance imaging a mass lesi on com pa tib le with a li po ma was iden ti fi ed as hype rin ten sity bet we en the third ven tric le and the pi ne al gland, lo ca ted at the sple ni um of the cor pus cal lo sum and ex ten ding along the pe ri cal lo sal re gi on. In pos te ro me di al re gi ons of the tha la mus and the in ter nal ce reb ral ve ins the re we re bi la te - ral evi den ce of com pres si on. Comp le te sup pres si on of the li po ma was se en on axi ...

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of activity-based training versus strengthening exercises on upper extremity functions in Parkinson's patients; A randomized controlled, single blind, superiority trial

Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery

Research paper thumbnail of Fabry Disease Frequency Among Young Cryptogenic Stroke Patients in the City of Edirne, Turkey

The Neurologist, 2021

Background: We sought to determine the incidence of Fabry disease (FD) in young cryptogenic strok... more Background: We sought to determine the incidence of Fabry disease (FD) in young cryptogenic stroke patients who lived in the City of Edirne, Turkey, and to define the clinical features helping to recognize patients with FD. Methods: Acute ischemic stroke patients aged 18 to 55 years who were admitted to our hospital between January 2017 and September 2019 were evaluated for inclusion. The screening was performed for α-galactosidase A activity on dried blood spot, and DNA was sequenced for GLA mutation in patients with low-plasma α-galactosidase A activity. Results: Two proband cases were detected. The first proband patient was identified as having a 427G>A (rs 104894845) (p.A143T) hemizygous mutation along with his family; 3 patients were identified as having the same hemizygous mutation; and 6 patients were identified as having the same heterozygous mutations. The second proband patient was identified as having a c.352C>T (rs 148158093) (p.R118C) heterozygote mutation along with her family; 5 patients were identified as having the same heterozygote mutation; and 1 patient was identified as having the same hemizygous mutation. Our study identified the FD incidence as 3.27%. Conclusions: This research is just one of a few studies conducted on FD screening studies in Turkish stroke patients. Our results underlined the importance of considering FD during the etiologic evaluation of young cryptogenic stroke patients, as it is a rare but potentially treatable entity.

Research paper thumbnail of Atipik kranial MRG ve klinik bulguları ile nörosjögren olgusu

Türk Beyin Damar Hastalıkları Dergisi, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Ailesel myastenik sendromlu olgular

38 ve 43 yasindaki iki kardesile benzer klinik bulgular gosteren aile bireylerinden olusan ailese... more 38 ve 43 yasindaki iki kardesile benzer klinik bulgular gosteren aile bireylerinden olusan ailesel myastenik sendrom taniliolgular sunuldu. Klinik ve elektrofizyolojik bulgular postsinaptik ozellikte noromuskuler bileske hastaligitanisinidestekliyordu. Genetik gecisli myastenilerin baziformlarinda gozlendigi gibi mandibuler prognatizm, yuksek kemerli damak ve uzun bir yuz gorunumu tipik olarak mevcut idi. Her olguda asimetrik pitoz sonrasinda sirasiyla; oftalmoparezi, bulber tutulum ve solunum aslarietkilenmekte; hastalik sureci fluktuasyonlu seyretmekte idi. Myastenia gravis'in ailesel formu literaturde nadiren bildirilmektedir. Aile oykusu ve tipik yuz gorunusu taniya yardimcidir. Kolinesteraz inhibitorlerine alinan yanit orta duzeydedir.

Research paper thumbnail of Turkish Version Quality of Life in Essential Tremor Questionnaire (Quest): Validity and Reliability Study

Ideggyogyaszati szemle, 2015

BACKGROUND Our aim was to translate the Quality of Life in Essential Tremor Questionnaire (QUEST)... more BACKGROUND Our aim was to translate the Quality of Life in Essential Tremor Questionnaire (QUEST) advanced by Troster (2005) and to analyse the validity and reliability of this questionnaire. METHODS Two hundred twelve consecutive patients with essential tremor (ET) and forty-three control subjects were included in the study. Permission for the translation and validation of the QUEST scale was obtained. The translation was performed according to the guidelines provided by the publisher. After the translation, the final version of the scale was administered to both groups to determine its reliability and validity. RESULTS The QUEST Physical, Psychosocial, communication, Hobbies/leisure and Work/finance scores were 0.967, 0.968, 0.933, 0.964 and 0.925, respectively. There were good correlations between each of the QUEST scores that were indicative of good internal consistency. Additionally, we observed that all of the QUEST scores were most strongly related to the right and left arms ...

Research paper thumbnail of Az ischaemiás stroke kockázati tényezői és a stroke jellemző altípusai krónikus vesebetegeknél

Ideggyógyászati szemle, 2019

Háttér-A vizsgálat célja az volt, hogy összehasonlítsuk, milyen kockázati tényezôk jellemzôek a k... more Háttér-A vizsgálat célja az volt, hogy összehasonlítsuk, milyen kockázati tényezôk jellemzôek a különbözô ischaemiás stroke altípusokban, különbözô súlyosságú krónikus vesebetegségben szenvedôknél. Módszerek-A retrospektív vizsgálatot ischaemiás stroke miatt kórházi kezelésben részesült betegek adatait felhasználva végeztük. A vizsgálatba olyan krónikus vesebetegeket vontunk be (n = 198 fô), akiket 3-as vagy magasabb stádiumú ischaemiás stroke-kal diagnosztizáltak. Eredmények-A cardioemboliás eredetû ischaemiás stroke hátterében leggyakrabban az idôskor, coronariabetegség, mérsékelt vesebetegség állt. A nagy artériákat érintô betegség leggyakoribb kockázati tényezôi a hipertenzió, a hyperlipidaemia, a dohányzás és az alkoholfogyasztás voltak. A kis artériákat érintô betegség leggyakoribb kockázati tényezôi a nôi nem és az anaemia voltak. Ismeretlen etiológiájú ischaemiás stroke a leggyakrabban dialízisben részesülô és súlyos vesebetegségben szenvedô betegeknél fordult elô. Az egyéb etiológiájú stroke-ok hátterében leggyakrabban a következôk álltak: férfi nem, diabetes mellitus, korábbi stroke, enyhe vesebetegség. Az egyéb etiológiájú stroke-okkal összehasonlítva, a kis artériákat érintô betegség következtében kialakuló stroke esetén statisztikailag szignifikáns mértékben (p = 0,002) alacsonyabb National Institute of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS-) pontszámokat kaptunk. Következtetés-A krónikus vesebetegeknél jelentkezô ischaemiás stroke prognózisának javítása érdekében fel kell ismernünk a háttérben álló kockázati tényezôket, és a kezelést ezek figyelembevételével kell kialakítanunk.

Research paper thumbnail of The prevalence of essential tremor in Edirne and its counties accompanied comorbid conditions

Neurological Research, 2019

Objective: We aimed to determine the prevalence and risk factors of Essential Tremor (ET) in Edir... more Objective: We aimed to determine the prevalence and risk factors of Essential Tremor (ET) in Edirne and its districts, located in Western Thrace, which is the most western part of Turkey. Methods: In this study, 3008 individuals who could communicate and agreed to participate in the study were evaluated. To obtain the data from the applicants in 30 Family Health Centres in Edirne and its districts, a face-to-face questionnaire that consisted of 37 questions was prepared by the researchers. The questionnaire included general information, questions to evaluate potential concomitant comorbid conditions and questions regarding the symptomatology used in ET diagnosis, as well as questions to evaluate ET severity, was examined with the spiral test. Patients were classified by using the Washington Heights-Inwood Genetic Study of Essential Tremor (WHIGET) diagnostic and clinical evaluation scale. According to the diagnostic criteria for ET (used in participants who were examined and in those whose medical records were reviewed) were similar to those used in astudy conducted in Turkey. Results: Of 3008 individuals, 173 were diagnosed with ET according to the questionnaire results from Edirne and its districts, and the prevalence of ET was 5.8%. Approximately, 43.4% of the patients with ET were male, and 56.6% were female, which was not significantly different (p > 0.05). Participants with tremor related to alcohol withdrawal, hyperthyroidism, anxiety, depression other known causes of tremor were not considered to have ET. Thyroid disease was identified in 0.0% of the cases, and the control group was detected in 1.4%, which was not significantly different (p = 0.170). Psychiatric disease was identified in 0.0% of the cases, and the control group was detected in 1.3%, which was not significantly different (p = 0.271). Conclusions: ET prevalence studies will increase the awareness of the community and provide early diagnosis and treatment, as well as serve as a basis to reduce morbidity and improve the quality of life.

Research paper thumbnail of Hereditary Geniospasm: Two Cases of Hereditary Geniospasm One Treated with Btx TypeA

Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Neurology, 2009

52 ereditary geniospasm (HG), also known as hereditary chin trembling/ tremor, is a rare autosoma... more 52 ereditary geniospasm (HG), also known as hereditary chin trembling/ tremor, is a rare autosomal, dominantly inherited disease with involuntary spasms localized to the chin. Researchers have also proposed that it is a kind of essential myoclonus. Attacks generally begin in early childhood and sometimes just after birth. Stress, concentration, and emotional situations can aggravate the symptoms.1,2 In a study, the responsible gene locus were demonstrated on the long arm of chromosome 9q13q21.3 The gender ratio was reported as 1.3/1 (male/female).2

Research paper thumbnail of Restless Legs Syndrome Quality of Life Questionnaire—Turkish version

Research paper thumbnail of Yetişkinlerde Serebral Venöz Trombozun Nadir Nedeni: Demir Eksikliği Anemisi

Fırat Tıp Dergisi, 2012

Cerebral venous thrombosis has variable and nonspesific presentation and this makes it relatively... more Cerebral venous thrombosis has variable and nonspesific presentation and this makes it relatively hard to diagnose. Dehydratation, hypercoagulable state, tumour invasion of sinus venosus, oral contraceptive usage, pregnancy, puerperium,head trauma, vasculitis, otitis ,sinusitis, infections such as; chronic meningitis and subdural empyema, hematologic and connective tissue diseases are the known risk factors for development of cerebral venous thrombosis. However, in literature, cerebral venous thrombosis associated with iron deficiency anemia is very rare, especially in adults. We aimed to present one case of transverse sinus thrombosis with intracranial hypertension symptoms, which has no underlying cause other than severe hypochro-mic microcytic anemia due to iron deficiency. We present two other cases with cerebral venous thrombosis caused by iron deficiency anemia followed in our clinic, too.

Research paper thumbnail of A Quality of Life in Essential Tremor Questionnaire (QUEST) török verziója: a validitás és a megbízhatóság vizsgálata

Ideggyógyászati szemle, 2015

BACKGROUND Our aim was to translate the Quality of Life in Essential Tremor Questionnaire (QUEST)... more BACKGROUND Our aim was to translate the Quality of Life in Essential Tremor Questionnaire (QUEST) advanced by Troster (2005) and to analyse the validity and reliability of this questionnaire. METHODS Two hundred twelve consecutive patients with essential tremor (ET) and forty-three control subjects were included in the study. Permission for the translation and validation of the QUEST scale was obtained. The translation was performed according to the guidelines provided by the publisher. After the translation, the final version of the scale was administered to both groups to determine its reliability and validity. RESULTS The QUEST Physical, Psychosocial, communication, Hobbies/leisure and Work/finance scores were 0.967, 0.968, 0.933, 0.964 and 0.925, respectively. There were good correlations between each of the QUEST scores that were indicative of good internal consistency. Additionally, we observed that all of the QUEST scores were most strongly related to the right and left arms (p=0.0001). However, we observed that all of the QUEST scores were weakly related to the voice, head and right leg (p=0.0001). DISCUSSION These findings support the notion that the Turkish version of the Quality of Life in Essential Tremor (QUEST) questionnaire is a valid and reliable tool for the assessment of the quality of life of patients with ET.

Research paper thumbnail of Restless Legs Syndrome and Insomnia Frequency in Patients with Psoriasis

Ideggyógyászati szemle, 2015

To assess the prevalence and severity of RLS in psoriasis patients and to investigate its effects... more To assess the prevalence and severity of RLS in psoriasis patients and to investigate its effects on sleep and quality of life. Seventy patients with psoriasis in Trakya University Medical Faculty Dermatology Department and also applied to Neurology Department in the same center and 70 volunteer controls were enrolled in the study. Severity of the Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) was determined using International Restless Legs Syndrome Study Group (IRLSSG) criteria among the patients who have been diagnosed with RLS based on IRLSSG criteria. The presence of insomnia in patients was detected using International Classification of Sleep Disorders (ICSD-II) criteria. Additionally, to evaluate the severity of the disease and quality of life, Psoriasis Area Severity Index (PASI) and Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) tests were applied to the patients with psoriasis. RLS frequency in patients with psoriasis was 28 (40%) compared to the control group 10 (14.2%), and the difference was statistically significant (p&lt;0.001). IRLSSG severity scores were higher in patients with psoriasis who had insomnia secondary to RLS compared to those who did not have insomnia (p&lt;0.001). The mean values of PASI were 7.54 +/- 6.52 in the presence of insomnia and 3.27 +/- 2.69 in the absence of insomnia. The difference was statistically significant (p&lt;0.001). No significant difference was found in DLQI scores between patients with RLS and without RLS or between patients with and without insomnia (p&gt;0.05). RLS frequency in patients with psoriasis was significantly higher than in the control group. In addition, we found that RLS is more common but RLS severity was mildly high in patients with psoriasis relative to controls. However, there was a correlation between the increase in severity of RLS with secondary insomnia patients who were diagnosed with RLS. It may be beneficial to consider RLS and insomnia for each patient diagnosed with psoriasis.

Research paper thumbnail of An Investigation of the Relationship Between the Enos Gene Polymorphism and Diagnosed Migraine

Balkan Journal of Medical Genetics, 2014

We investigated the phenotype-genotype association of the following endothelial nitric oxide synt... more We investigated the phenotype-genotype association of the following endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) gene polymorphisms, rs743506, rs2070744, rs1799983, rs180079, rs3918226, rs207468799 and rs148554851, in patients suffering from migraine living in Edirne, Turkey. A total of 175 individuals, who had been diagnosed with migraine between April 2013 and December 2013, at the Neurology Department, Trakya University Medical Faculty, Edirne, Turkey, and 125 healthy controls were recruited. The above gene polymorphisms were analyzed from genomic DNA in both patient and control groups, using the pyro-sequencing method. The eNOS rs1799983 TT genotype frequency in migraine patients who had a headache duration of longer than 24 hours was statistically significantly higher than in patients who had migraine attacks that lasted under 24 hours (p = 0.047). In terms of the AGGTGGA haplotype, the severity of headache was statistically significant, and was found to be severe in 61.0% (p = 0.0...

Research paper thumbnail of Manyetik Rezonans Spektroskopi ve Nörolojik Hastalıklardaki Yeri

ABS TRACT Mag ne tic re so nan ce spec tros copy is a non-in va si ve tech ni qu e for the in vi ... more ABS TRACT Mag ne tic re so nan ce spec tros copy is a non-in va si ve tech ni qu e for the in vi vo me a su re of me ta bo li tes in cer ta in tis su es, this tech ni qu e, which gi ve che mi cal in for ma ti on abo ut me ta bo li -tes in tis su es. Pro ton con ta i ning me ta bo li tes in the tis su es are me a su red by sup res si on of wa ter andli po id sig nals. Mag ne tic re so nan ce spec tra can be ob ta i ned wit hin a short pe ri od of ti me, such as 10- 15 min. The re fo re, it can be ad ded to the mag ne tic re so nan ce ima ging stu di es with no ne ed for special ti me re qu i re ment. Furt her mo re, mag ne tic re so nan ce spec tros copy alo ne gi ves mo re in for ma ti onthan mag ne tic re so nan ce ima ging stu di es, from de fi ning the cha rac te ris tics of the tis su e po int of vi - ew. In the exa mi ned are a, the me ta bo lic si tu a ti on of the pat ho lo gi cal pro cess is ref lec ted ac cor ding to the spec tra for med by the se me ta bo li tes whet her t...

Research paper thumbnail of A Case with Symmetrical Intracranial Calcifications and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Presenting with Optic Neuropathy

Türk Nöroloi Dergisi, 2012

Elli üç yaşında kadın hasta sağ gözde ani olarak başlayan görme azlığı yakınmaları ile değerlendi... more Elli üç yaşında kadın hasta sağ gözde ani olarak başlayan görme azlığı yakınmaları ile değerlendirildi. Nörolojik muayenesinde sağ gözde 2/20 olan görme keskinliği, optik diskte belirgin hiperemi ve ödem bulguları dışında özellik yoktu. Kranial BT'de bilateral serebellar pedinküllerde, serebral hemisferlerde, dentat nukleusta, her iki putamende ve talamusta simetrik olarak kalsifikasyonlar izlendi. Laboratuar tetkiklerinde ANA pozitifliğinin yanısıra anti-DNA pozitifliği ve lenfopeni saptanan olgu sistemik lupus eritematozus (SLE) tanısı aldı. Burada bilateral yaygın simetrik serebral kalsifikasyon gösteren SLE olgusu ayrıca, unilateral optik nöropati kliniği ile prezentasyon göstermiştir. Literatürde bu iki nadir birlikteliğin lupus dolayısıyla gözlendiği ilk vaka olan olgumuzu çok daha dikkat çekici hale getirmesinden dolayı bildirilmiştir. (Türk Nöroloji Dergisi 2012; 18:67-71) Anah tar Ke li me ler: Sistemik lupus eritematozus, serebral kalsifikasyon, iskemik optik nöropati Sum mary 53 years old female patient presented with sudden loss of sight of her right eye. The patient's neurological examination revealed a decrease in visual acuity (2/20) in her right eye. Her optical disc was hyperemic with edema. The patient's brain CT scans showed symmetrical calcifications in cerebellar peduncles, cerebral hemispheres, putamens and thalamus bilateraly. Laboratory examinations showed positive ANA, positive anti-DNA antibodies and lymphopenia leading to the diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). We report this case with SLE because of the rare comorbity of optic neuropathy with bilateral calcifacitions.

Research paper thumbnail of Conduction in ulnar nerve bundles that innervate the proximal and distal muscles: a clinical trial

BMC neurology, Jan 13, 2010

This study aims to investigate and compare the conduction parameters of nerve bundles in the ulna... more This study aims to investigate and compare the conduction parameters of nerve bundles in the ulnar nerve that innervates the forearm muscles and hand muscles; routine electromyography study merely evaluates the nerve segment of distal (hand) muscles. An electrophysiological evaluation, consisting of velocities, amplitudes, and durations of ulnar nerve bundles to 2 forearm muscles and the hypothenar muscles was performed on the same humeral segment. The velocities and durations of the compound muscle action potential (CMAP) of the ulnar nerve bundle to the proximal muscles were greater than to distal muscles, but the amplitudes were smaller. Bundles in the ulnar nerve of proximal muscles have larger neuronal bodies and thicker nerve fibers than those in the same nerve in distal muscles, and their conduction velocities are higher. The CMAPs of proximal muscles also have smaller amplitudes and greater durations. These findings can be attributed to the desynchronization that is caused b...

Research paper thumbnail of Iron Deficiency Anemia: A Rare Etiology of Cerebral Venous Thrombosis in Adults

Cerebral venous thrombosis has variable and nonspesific presentation and this makes it relatively... more Cerebral venous thrombosis has variable and nonspesific presentation and this makes it relatively hard to diagnose. Dehydratation, hypercoagulable state, tumour invasion of sinus venosus, oral contraceptive usage, pregnancy, puerperium,head trauma, vasculitis, otitis ,sinusitis, infections such as; chronic meningitis and subdural empyema, hematologic and connective tissue diseases are the known risk factors for development of cerebral venous thrombosis. However, in literature, cerebral venous thrombosis associated with iron deficiency anemia is very rare, especially in adults. We aimed to present one case of transverse sinus thrombosis with intracranial hypertension symptoms, which has no underlying cause other than severe hypochromic microcytic anemia due to iron deficiency. We present two other cases with cerebral venous thrombosis caused by iron deficiency anemia followed in our clinic, too.

Research paper thumbnail of Serum Fe, Cu, ZN Düzeyleri̇ni̇n Ve Cu/ZN Oraninin Mi̇gren Hastaliği Geli̇şi̇mi̇ndeki̇ Etki̇leri̇ni̇n Beli̇rlenmesi̇

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Nov 30, 2022

Bu çalışmanın amacı, serum Fe, Cu, Zn düzeyleri, Cu / Zn oranı ve migren patogenezi ile ilgili pa... more Bu çalışmanın amacı, serum Fe, Cu, Zn düzeyleri, Cu / Zn oranı ve migren patogenezi ile ilgili parametreler arasındaki ilişkilerin migren hastalığı gelişimindeki etkilerinin belirlenmesidir. Gereç ve Yöntem: Serum Fe, Cu ve Zn eser element düzeyleri atomik absorpsiyon spektrofotometre yöntemi kullanılarak belirlenmiştir. Bulgular: Migrenli hasta grubunda serum Cu düzeyleri (p<0.001), serum Zn düzeyleri (p=0.019) kontrol grubuna göre anlamlı derecede yüksek belirlenmiştir. Çalışmamızda serum Zn değeri ile Cu / Zn değeri (r=-0.755; p<0.001) arasında negatif yönlü güçlü düzeyde ilişki olduğu belirlenmiştir. Sonuç: Çalışmamızda migren gelişiminde serum Fe, Cu ve Zn homeostazındaki bozuklukların etkili olabileceği belirlenmiştir. Bu yüzden migren patogenezinde serum Fe, Cu, Zn düzeyleri ile migren gelişimine katkı sağlayabilecek mekanizmalar ile ilişkili parametrelerin birlikte değerlendirilmesi, migren tanısı ve tedavisi için önemli biyobelirteçlerin elde edilebilmesi açısından oldukça önemlidir.

Research paper thumbnail of Validation Turkish version of the simple screening vehicle for early diagnosis of advanced Parkinson’s disease in daily practice: The CDEPA questionnaire

Journal of the Neurological Sciences, Oct 1, 2019

Background and purpose We aimed was to modify to validate a simple screening tool, the CDEPA ques... more Background and purpose We aimed was to modify to validate a simple screening tool, the CDEPA questionnaire ("Cuestionario De Enfermedad de Parkinson Avanzada" [Questionnaire for Advanced Parkinson's Disease (APD)]), for the identification of APD in daily practice and to analyse the validity and reliability of the questionnaire.

Research paper thumbnail of Bellek Zayıflığı ve Baş Ağrısı ile Başvuran Perikallozal Lipom Olgusu

In trac ra ni al li po mas are usu ally mid li ne le si ons lo ca ted at pe ri cal lo sal re gi o... more In trac ra ni al li po mas are usu ally mid li ne le si ons lo ca ted at pe ri cal lo sal re gi on. Sympto ma tic in trac ra ni al li po mas are very ra re. Symptoms vary de pen ding on the lo ca li za ti on of the li - po ma. Ref rac tory he a dac he, se i zu res, psycho mo tor re tar da ti on and cra ni al ner ve de fi cits ha ve be en re por ted in the li te ra tu re. A 29-ye ar-old ma le pa ti ent with symptoms of he a dac he, diz zi ness, and me mory im pa ir ment was eva lu a ted. On cra ni al T1-we igh ted magnetic resonance imaging a mass lesi on com pa tib le with a li po ma was iden ti fi ed as hype rin ten sity bet we en the third ven tric le and the pi ne al gland, lo ca ted at the sple ni um of the cor pus cal lo sum and ex ten ding along the pe ri cal lo sal re gi on. In pos te ro me di al re gi ons of the tha la mus and the in ter nal ce reb ral ve ins the re we re bi la te - ral evi den ce of com pres si on. Comp le te sup pres si on of the li po ma was se en on axi ...

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of activity-based training versus strengthening exercises on upper extremity functions in Parkinson's patients; A randomized controlled, single blind, superiority trial

Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery

Research paper thumbnail of Fabry Disease Frequency Among Young Cryptogenic Stroke Patients in the City of Edirne, Turkey

The Neurologist, 2021

Background: We sought to determine the incidence of Fabry disease (FD) in young cryptogenic strok... more Background: We sought to determine the incidence of Fabry disease (FD) in young cryptogenic stroke patients who lived in the City of Edirne, Turkey, and to define the clinical features helping to recognize patients with FD. Methods: Acute ischemic stroke patients aged 18 to 55 years who were admitted to our hospital between January 2017 and September 2019 were evaluated for inclusion. The screening was performed for α-galactosidase A activity on dried blood spot, and DNA was sequenced for GLA mutation in patients with low-plasma α-galactosidase A activity. Results: Two proband cases were detected. The first proband patient was identified as having a 427G>A (rs 104894845) (p.A143T) hemizygous mutation along with his family; 3 patients were identified as having the same hemizygous mutation; and 6 patients were identified as having the same heterozygous mutations. The second proband patient was identified as having a c.352C>T (rs 148158093) (p.R118C) heterozygote mutation along with her family; 5 patients were identified as having the same heterozygote mutation; and 1 patient was identified as having the same hemizygous mutation. Our study identified the FD incidence as 3.27%. Conclusions: This research is just one of a few studies conducted on FD screening studies in Turkish stroke patients. Our results underlined the importance of considering FD during the etiologic evaluation of young cryptogenic stroke patients, as it is a rare but potentially treatable entity.

Research paper thumbnail of Atipik kranial MRG ve klinik bulguları ile nörosjögren olgusu

Türk Beyin Damar Hastalıkları Dergisi, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Ailesel myastenik sendromlu olgular

38 ve 43 yasindaki iki kardesile benzer klinik bulgular gosteren aile bireylerinden olusan ailese... more 38 ve 43 yasindaki iki kardesile benzer klinik bulgular gosteren aile bireylerinden olusan ailesel myastenik sendrom taniliolgular sunuldu. Klinik ve elektrofizyolojik bulgular postsinaptik ozellikte noromuskuler bileske hastaligitanisinidestekliyordu. Genetik gecisli myastenilerin baziformlarinda gozlendigi gibi mandibuler prognatizm, yuksek kemerli damak ve uzun bir yuz gorunumu tipik olarak mevcut idi. Her olguda asimetrik pitoz sonrasinda sirasiyla; oftalmoparezi, bulber tutulum ve solunum aslarietkilenmekte; hastalik sureci fluktuasyonlu seyretmekte idi. Myastenia gravis'in ailesel formu literaturde nadiren bildirilmektedir. Aile oykusu ve tipik yuz gorunusu taniya yardimcidir. Kolinesteraz inhibitorlerine alinan yanit orta duzeydedir.

Research paper thumbnail of Turkish Version Quality of Life in Essential Tremor Questionnaire (Quest): Validity and Reliability Study

Ideggyogyaszati szemle, 2015

BACKGROUND Our aim was to translate the Quality of Life in Essential Tremor Questionnaire (QUEST)... more BACKGROUND Our aim was to translate the Quality of Life in Essential Tremor Questionnaire (QUEST) advanced by Troster (2005) and to analyse the validity and reliability of this questionnaire. METHODS Two hundred twelve consecutive patients with essential tremor (ET) and forty-three control subjects were included in the study. Permission for the translation and validation of the QUEST scale was obtained. The translation was performed according to the guidelines provided by the publisher. After the translation, the final version of the scale was administered to both groups to determine its reliability and validity. RESULTS The QUEST Physical, Psychosocial, communication, Hobbies/leisure and Work/finance scores were 0.967, 0.968, 0.933, 0.964 and 0.925, respectively. There were good correlations between each of the QUEST scores that were indicative of good internal consistency. Additionally, we observed that all of the QUEST scores were most strongly related to the right and left arms ...

Research paper thumbnail of Az ischaemiás stroke kockázati tényezői és a stroke jellemző altípusai krónikus vesebetegeknél

Ideggyógyászati szemle, 2019

Háttér-A vizsgálat célja az volt, hogy összehasonlítsuk, milyen kockázati tényezôk jellemzôek a k... more Háttér-A vizsgálat célja az volt, hogy összehasonlítsuk, milyen kockázati tényezôk jellemzôek a különbözô ischaemiás stroke altípusokban, különbözô súlyosságú krónikus vesebetegségben szenvedôknél. Módszerek-A retrospektív vizsgálatot ischaemiás stroke miatt kórházi kezelésben részesült betegek adatait felhasználva végeztük. A vizsgálatba olyan krónikus vesebetegeket vontunk be (n = 198 fô), akiket 3-as vagy magasabb stádiumú ischaemiás stroke-kal diagnosztizáltak. Eredmények-A cardioemboliás eredetû ischaemiás stroke hátterében leggyakrabban az idôskor, coronariabetegség, mérsékelt vesebetegség állt. A nagy artériákat érintô betegség leggyakoribb kockázati tényezôi a hipertenzió, a hyperlipidaemia, a dohányzás és az alkoholfogyasztás voltak. A kis artériákat érintô betegség leggyakoribb kockázati tényezôi a nôi nem és az anaemia voltak. Ismeretlen etiológiájú ischaemiás stroke a leggyakrabban dialízisben részesülô és súlyos vesebetegségben szenvedô betegeknél fordult elô. Az egyéb etiológiájú stroke-ok hátterében leggyakrabban a következôk álltak: férfi nem, diabetes mellitus, korábbi stroke, enyhe vesebetegség. Az egyéb etiológiájú stroke-okkal összehasonlítva, a kis artériákat érintô betegség következtében kialakuló stroke esetén statisztikailag szignifikáns mértékben (p = 0,002) alacsonyabb National Institute of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS-) pontszámokat kaptunk. Következtetés-A krónikus vesebetegeknél jelentkezô ischaemiás stroke prognózisának javítása érdekében fel kell ismernünk a háttérben álló kockázati tényezôket, és a kezelést ezek figyelembevételével kell kialakítanunk.

Research paper thumbnail of The prevalence of essential tremor in Edirne and its counties accompanied comorbid conditions

Neurological Research, 2019

Objective: We aimed to determine the prevalence and risk factors of Essential Tremor (ET) in Edir... more Objective: We aimed to determine the prevalence and risk factors of Essential Tremor (ET) in Edirne and its districts, located in Western Thrace, which is the most western part of Turkey. Methods: In this study, 3008 individuals who could communicate and agreed to participate in the study were evaluated. To obtain the data from the applicants in 30 Family Health Centres in Edirne and its districts, a face-to-face questionnaire that consisted of 37 questions was prepared by the researchers. The questionnaire included general information, questions to evaluate potential concomitant comorbid conditions and questions regarding the symptomatology used in ET diagnosis, as well as questions to evaluate ET severity, was examined with the spiral test. Patients were classified by using the Washington Heights-Inwood Genetic Study of Essential Tremor (WHIGET) diagnostic and clinical evaluation scale. According to the diagnostic criteria for ET (used in participants who were examined and in those whose medical records were reviewed) were similar to those used in astudy conducted in Turkey. Results: Of 3008 individuals, 173 were diagnosed with ET according to the questionnaire results from Edirne and its districts, and the prevalence of ET was 5.8%. Approximately, 43.4% of the patients with ET were male, and 56.6% were female, which was not significantly different (p > 0.05). Participants with tremor related to alcohol withdrawal, hyperthyroidism, anxiety, depression other known causes of tremor were not considered to have ET. Thyroid disease was identified in 0.0% of the cases, and the control group was detected in 1.4%, which was not significantly different (p = 0.170). Psychiatric disease was identified in 0.0% of the cases, and the control group was detected in 1.3%, which was not significantly different (p = 0.271). Conclusions: ET prevalence studies will increase the awareness of the community and provide early diagnosis and treatment, as well as serve as a basis to reduce morbidity and improve the quality of life.

Research paper thumbnail of Hereditary Geniospasm: Two Cases of Hereditary Geniospasm One Treated with Btx TypeA

Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Neurology, 2009

52 ereditary geniospasm (HG), also known as hereditary chin trembling/ tremor, is a rare autosoma... more 52 ereditary geniospasm (HG), also known as hereditary chin trembling/ tremor, is a rare autosomal, dominantly inherited disease with involuntary spasms localized to the chin. Researchers have also proposed that it is a kind of essential myoclonus. Attacks generally begin in early childhood and sometimes just after birth. Stress, concentration, and emotional situations can aggravate the symptoms.1,2 In a study, the responsible gene locus were demonstrated on the long arm of chromosome 9q13q21.3 The gender ratio was reported as 1.3/1 (male/female).2

Research paper thumbnail of Restless Legs Syndrome Quality of Life Questionnaire—Turkish version

Research paper thumbnail of Yetişkinlerde Serebral Venöz Trombozun Nadir Nedeni: Demir Eksikliği Anemisi

Fırat Tıp Dergisi, 2012

Cerebral venous thrombosis has variable and nonspesific presentation and this makes it relatively... more Cerebral venous thrombosis has variable and nonspesific presentation and this makes it relatively hard to diagnose. Dehydratation, hypercoagulable state, tumour invasion of sinus venosus, oral contraceptive usage, pregnancy, puerperium,head trauma, vasculitis, otitis ,sinusitis, infections such as; chronic meningitis and subdural empyema, hematologic and connective tissue diseases are the known risk factors for development of cerebral venous thrombosis. However, in literature, cerebral venous thrombosis associated with iron deficiency anemia is very rare, especially in adults. We aimed to present one case of transverse sinus thrombosis with intracranial hypertension symptoms, which has no underlying cause other than severe hypochro-mic microcytic anemia due to iron deficiency. We present two other cases with cerebral venous thrombosis caused by iron deficiency anemia followed in our clinic, too.

Research paper thumbnail of A Quality of Life in Essential Tremor Questionnaire (QUEST) török verziója: a validitás és a megbízhatóság vizsgálata

Ideggyógyászati szemle, 2015

BACKGROUND Our aim was to translate the Quality of Life in Essential Tremor Questionnaire (QUEST)... more BACKGROUND Our aim was to translate the Quality of Life in Essential Tremor Questionnaire (QUEST) advanced by Troster (2005) and to analyse the validity and reliability of this questionnaire. METHODS Two hundred twelve consecutive patients with essential tremor (ET) and forty-three control subjects were included in the study. Permission for the translation and validation of the QUEST scale was obtained. The translation was performed according to the guidelines provided by the publisher. After the translation, the final version of the scale was administered to both groups to determine its reliability and validity. RESULTS The QUEST Physical, Psychosocial, communication, Hobbies/leisure and Work/finance scores were 0.967, 0.968, 0.933, 0.964 and 0.925, respectively. There were good correlations between each of the QUEST scores that were indicative of good internal consistency. Additionally, we observed that all of the QUEST scores were most strongly related to the right and left arms (p=0.0001). However, we observed that all of the QUEST scores were weakly related to the voice, head and right leg (p=0.0001). DISCUSSION These findings support the notion that the Turkish version of the Quality of Life in Essential Tremor (QUEST) questionnaire is a valid and reliable tool for the assessment of the quality of life of patients with ET.

Research paper thumbnail of Restless Legs Syndrome and Insomnia Frequency in Patients with Psoriasis

Ideggyógyászati szemle, 2015

To assess the prevalence and severity of RLS in psoriasis patients and to investigate its effects... more To assess the prevalence and severity of RLS in psoriasis patients and to investigate its effects on sleep and quality of life. Seventy patients with psoriasis in Trakya University Medical Faculty Dermatology Department and also applied to Neurology Department in the same center and 70 volunteer controls were enrolled in the study. Severity of the Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) was determined using International Restless Legs Syndrome Study Group (IRLSSG) criteria among the patients who have been diagnosed with RLS based on IRLSSG criteria. The presence of insomnia in patients was detected using International Classification of Sleep Disorders (ICSD-II) criteria. Additionally, to evaluate the severity of the disease and quality of life, Psoriasis Area Severity Index (PASI) and Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) tests were applied to the patients with psoriasis. RLS frequency in patients with psoriasis was 28 (40%) compared to the control group 10 (14.2%), and the difference was statistically significant (p&lt;0.001). IRLSSG severity scores were higher in patients with psoriasis who had insomnia secondary to RLS compared to those who did not have insomnia (p&lt;0.001). The mean values of PASI were 7.54 +/- 6.52 in the presence of insomnia and 3.27 +/- 2.69 in the absence of insomnia. The difference was statistically significant (p&lt;0.001). No significant difference was found in DLQI scores between patients with RLS and without RLS or between patients with and without insomnia (p&gt;0.05). RLS frequency in patients with psoriasis was significantly higher than in the control group. In addition, we found that RLS is more common but RLS severity was mildly high in patients with psoriasis relative to controls. However, there was a correlation between the increase in severity of RLS with secondary insomnia patients who were diagnosed with RLS. It may be beneficial to consider RLS and insomnia for each patient diagnosed with psoriasis.

Research paper thumbnail of An Investigation of the Relationship Between the Enos Gene Polymorphism and Diagnosed Migraine

Balkan Journal of Medical Genetics, 2014

We investigated the phenotype-genotype association of the following endothelial nitric oxide synt... more We investigated the phenotype-genotype association of the following endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) gene polymorphisms, rs743506, rs2070744, rs1799983, rs180079, rs3918226, rs207468799 and rs148554851, in patients suffering from migraine living in Edirne, Turkey. A total of 175 individuals, who had been diagnosed with migraine between April 2013 and December 2013, at the Neurology Department, Trakya University Medical Faculty, Edirne, Turkey, and 125 healthy controls were recruited. The above gene polymorphisms were analyzed from genomic DNA in both patient and control groups, using the pyro-sequencing method. The eNOS rs1799983 TT genotype frequency in migraine patients who had a headache duration of longer than 24 hours was statistically significantly higher than in patients who had migraine attacks that lasted under 24 hours (p = 0.047). In terms of the AGGTGGA haplotype, the severity of headache was statistically significant, and was found to be severe in 61.0% (p = 0.0...

Research paper thumbnail of Manyetik Rezonans Spektroskopi ve Nörolojik Hastalıklardaki Yeri

ABS TRACT Mag ne tic re so nan ce spec tros copy is a non-in va si ve tech ni qu e for the in vi ... more ABS TRACT Mag ne tic re so nan ce spec tros copy is a non-in va si ve tech ni qu e for the in vi vo me a su re of me ta bo li tes in cer ta in tis su es, this tech ni qu e, which gi ve che mi cal in for ma ti on abo ut me ta bo li -tes in tis su es. Pro ton con ta i ning me ta bo li tes in the tis su es are me a su red by sup res si on of wa ter andli po id sig nals. Mag ne tic re so nan ce spec tra can be ob ta i ned wit hin a short pe ri od of ti me, such as 10- 15 min. The re fo re, it can be ad ded to the mag ne tic re so nan ce ima ging stu di es with no ne ed for special ti me re qu i re ment. Furt her mo re, mag ne tic re so nan ce spec tros copy alo ne gi ves mo re in for ma ti onthan mag ne tic re so nan ce ima ging stu di es, from de fi ning the cha rac te ris tics of the tis su e po int of vi - ew. In the exa mi ned are a, the me ta bo lic si tu a ti on of the pat ho lo gi cal pro cess is ref lec ted ac cor ding to the spec tra for med by the se me ta bo li tes whet her t...

Research paper thumbnail of A Case with Symmetrical Intracranial Calcifications and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Presenting with Optic Neuropathy

Türk Nöroloi Dergisi, 2012

Elli üç yaşında kadın hasta sağ gözde ani olarak başlayan görme azlığı yakınmaları ile değerlendi... more Elli üç yaşında kadın hasta sağ gözde ani olarak başlayan görme azlığı yakınmaları ile değerlendirildi. Nörolojik muayenesinde sağ gözde 2/20 olan görme keskinliği, optik diskte belirgin hiperemi ve ödem bulguları dışında özellik yoktu. Kranial BT'de bilateral serebellar pedinküllerde, serebral hemisferlerde, dentat nukleusta, her iki putamende ve talamusta simetrik olarak kalsifikasyonlar izlendi. Laboratuar tetkiklerinde ANA pozitifliğinin yanısıra anti-DNA pozitifliği ve lenfopeni saptanan olgu sistemik lupus eritematozus (SLE) tanısı aldı. Burada bilateral yaygın simetrik serebral kalsifikasyon gösteren SLE olgusu ayrıca, unilateral optik nöropati kliniği ile prezentasyon göstermiştir. Literatürde bu iki nadir birlikteliğin lupus dolayısıyla gözlendiği ilk vaka olan olgumuzu çok daha dikkat çekici hale getirmesinden dolayı bildirilmiştir. (Türk Nöroloji Dergisi 2012; 18:67-71) Anah tar Ke li me ler: Sistemik lupus eritematozus, serebral kalsifikasyon, iskemik optik nöropati Sum mary 53 years old female patient presented with sudden loss of sight of her right eye. The patient's neurological examination revealed a decrease in visual acuity (2/20) in her right eye. Her optical disc was hyperemic with edema. The patient's brain CT scans showed symmetrical calcifications in cerebellar peduncles, cerebral hemispheres, putamens and thalamus bilateraly. Laboratory examinations showed positive ANA, positive anti-DNA antibodies and lymphopenia leading to the diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). We report this case with SLE because of the rare comorbity of optic neuropathy with bilateral calcifacitions.

Research paper thumbnail of Conduction in ulnar nerve bundles that innervate the proximal and distal muscles: a clinical trial

BMC neurology, Jan 13, 2010

This study aims to investigate and compare the conduction parameters of nerve bundles in the ulna... more This study aims to investigate and compare the conduction parameters of nerve bundles in the ulnar nerve that innervates the forearm muscles and hand muscles; routine electromyography study merely evaluates the nerve segment of distal (hand) muscles. An electrophysiological evaluation, consisting of velocities, amplitudes, and durations of ulnar nerve bundles to 2 forearm muscles and the hypothenar muscles was performed on the same humeral segment. The velocities and durations of the compound muscle action potential (CMAP) of the ulnar nerve bundle to the proximal muscles were greater than to distal muscles, but the amplitudes were smaller. Bundles in the ulnar nerve of proximal muscles have larger neuronal bodies and thicker nerve fibers than those in the same nerve in distal muscles, and their conduction velocities are higher. The CMAPs of proximal muscles also have smaller amplitudes and greater durations. These findings can be attributed to the desynchronization that is caused b...