Sima Pouya - (original) (raw)
Books by Sima Pouya
Kamu hastaneleri aşırı kalabalık olma özelliği gösterir, dolayısıyla hastaların psikolojilerini i... more Kamu hastaneleri aşırı kalabalık olma özelliği gösterir, dolayısıyla hastaların psikolojilerini iyileştirebilecekleri, streslerinin azaltabilecekleri mekanlara gereksinim duyarlar.
Nowadays, English language is the common language among researchers. New findings in each scienti... more Nowadays, English language is the common language among researchers.
New findings in each scientific domain are typically published in English.
Furthermore, articles presented in international conferences or published in
scientific journals, valid university textbooks, scientific data and documents,
etc. might attract more audience when published in English language. That is
why most of researchers and authors regard English language as priority in
their manuscripts.
Students and researchers of different scientific domains should not only be
familiar with English language, but also they need to know about their
technical texts so that they would be able to make use of the wide sources
published in English language and make a more efficient relationship with the
borderless scientific world.
The "Landscape technical language" has been regarded as a scientific
source for three fields of green space engineering, environmental desig, and
architecture. The main purpose of compiling and preparing this book is both
familiarizing readers with technical and common terms and also enhancing
their skills to comprehend the scientific texts of the above-mentioned fields.
To achieve the purpose, it includes main topics such as: principles of desig,
ornamental trees, history of architecture and green space engineering, park
designing, lawning, flowering, apartment plants, green space management,
urban space designing, special parks and areas designing, use of computer in
green space, etc .
The texts of each lesson were selected from sources whose authors were
native in English. In this way, this book helps the readers with some
background information about specific topics besides improving their
knowldge of English. Moreover, a variety of exercises has been considered for
each lesson to make the comprehensive understanding of the texts. Although
different texts have been selected for the book, the wide nature of this domain
makes it possible to add further texts with different issues in next editions of
the book .
Since no textbook and scientific writings might be found that are
immaculate, all students, professors, and colleagues are deeply requested to
share their valuable standpoints with the authors of the book.
In the end, the authors of the book would like to express their deepest
gratitude to Mr. Derakhshan, manager of Ideh Derakhshan publications, for
his cooperation and the opportunity that he provided for us to publish the
book. The authors also thank Mr. Aghlmand for providing us with
constructive comments and also preparing a channel to offer and sell the book
Sima Pouya (Ph.D) & Mohammad Reza Taheri (Ph.D), 2017
Papers by Sima Pouya
The different activity areas located in school garden should to be felt accessible and available... more The different
activity areas located in school garden should to
be felt accessible and available by all children.
All of elements, roads and facilities stablished in
the garden it must be designed in accordance with
orthopedic disabilities children.
SimaPOUYA 1984 yılında İran'da doğdu. 2006 senesinde Tebriz Üniversitesi Peyzaj Mimarlığı bölümde... more SimaPOUYA 1984 yılında İran'da doğdu. 2006 senesinde Tebriz Üniversitesi Peyzaj Mimarlığı bölümden mezun oldu. 2012 senesinde K.T.Ü Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Peyzaj Mimarlığı Anabilim Dalı'ndan yüksek lisans ve 2016 Kasım ayında aynı okuldan doktora öğrenimini tamamladı. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Tahran'daki binaların çatısında iyileştirici bahçeler oluşturmak için gerekli olan bazı faktörlerin ve kriterlerin belirlenmesidir. Bu doğrultuda, çatı bahçeleri ve iyileştirme bahçelerinin entegrasyonu analiz edilip değerlendirilmiştir. Bu çalışma sonucunda, Tahran gibi mega kentlerde, bu tür alanların tasarlanması ileriye dönük bir adım olabilir. Bu alanlar, şehir ve bölge planlamacıları ve peyzaj mimarları için çatı alanlarında iyileştirme bahçelerinin oluşturulmasına yönelik planlama ve tasarım özellikleri sunarak, bir yol gösterici olabilir. Mega Kentlerde iyileştirme bahçeleri; Tahran Örneği ÖZ Yapılan araştırmalar, iyileştirme bahçelerinin sadece hastaneler ve sağlık merkezlerinde değil, kentsel alanlarda da vatandaşlar için özel bir yeri olduğunu göstermektedir. Kentsel alanlardaki araştırmalar, vejetasyona sahip kentsel yerleşim sakinlerinin daha fazla sosyal temasta bulunduğunu vurgulamaktadır. Özellikle Tahran (Iran başkentı) gibi mega kentlerde nüfus ve yapıların artmasından dolayı, iyileştirme bahçeleri oluşturmak için açık ve uygun yer belirleme oranı daha düşüktür. Tahran'da genelikle bahçeler şehir merkezlerinden uzakta tasarlandığından, bu alanların kullanılabilirliği ve kullanımı, özellikle yaşlılar ve çocuklar için sınırlıdır. Bu kentte en hızlı büyüyen yapılanmalardan biri, çıplak çatı alanlarında huzurlu mekanlar oluşturmak için yeşil çatılar veya çatı bahçelerinin tasarlanmasıdır. Ayrıca peyzaj tasarımcıları yeşil alanların eksikliğini azaltmak için binanın çatısını yeşilendirmektedir. Çatı ve iyileştirme bahçeleri göz önünde bulundurulursa, bu iki bahçenin binaların çatıları ile birleşmesi halkın iyileşmesi ve sağlık problemlerine yardımcı olmasının yanı sıra çevreye ve ekolojik sisteme katkısı büyüktür. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Tahran'daki binaların çatısında iyileştirici bahçeler oluşturmak için gerekli olan bazı faktörlerin ve kriterlerin belirlenmesidir. Bu doğrultuda, çatı bahçeleri ve iyileştirme bahçelerinin entegrasyonu analiz edilip değerlendirilmiştir. Bu çalışma sonucunda, Tahran gibi mega kentlerde, bu tür alanların tasarlanması ileriye dönük bir adım olabilir. Bu alanlar, şehir ve bölge planlamacıları ve Peyzaj mimarları için çatı alanlarında iyileştirme bahçelerinin oluşturulmasına yönelik planlama ve tasarım özellikleri sunarak, bir yol gösterici olabilir. Abstract Studies showed about healing gardens have confirmed obligation and specific place of these gardens not only in hospitals and health centers, but in urban spaces for various ages of citizens. Research in urban settings indicates that residents of urban settings with more vegetation have higher social contact too. With growing population and building structures especially in Tehran (capital city of Iran), it is less likely to designate open and suitable place for to create the healing gardens. In most cases, as the gardens are designed far from the city centers, the availability and utilization of the healing gardens are limited specially for elderly people and children. One of the fastest growing tendency in Tehran is the designs of green roofs, or roof gardens, to create peaceful places on otherwise barren rooftop places. Landscape designers used to create the roof of building in order to decrease the lack of green spaces in Tehran. In this research, with regard to benefits and advantages roof garden and healing garden, the integration of these two garden in the rooftop buildings, can contribute to the health problems of the residents as well as providing ecological profits and ecosystem services. The goal of this article is to provide some factors and criteria which are essential to create healing gardens in the roof of the buildings in Tehran. To do so, roof gardens and their integration with healing gardens are analyzed and evaluated. The result of this article can be an initiative step for creating these kinds of spaces in the mega cities such as Tehran. Appropriate characteristics of these spaces planning and designing can be a valuable guide for landscape and urban planners to create roof healing gardens.
Öz Savaşların ve terör saldırılarının sanat ve kültür üzerinde önemli etkisi olduğu ve özellikle ... more Öz Savaşların ve terör saldırılarının sanat ve kültür üzerinde önemli etkisi olduğu ve özellikle birinci ve ikinci dünya savaşları dünya mimarisini ve kent kimliğini olumsuz yönde etkilediği görülmüştür. Son zamanlarda gerçekleşen terör saldırıları toplumda bazı sosyal ve kültürel değerlerin ortaya çıkmasına neden olmuş ve bu değerlerin vurgulanmasına yönelik olarak da anı bahçeleri tasarlanmaya başlanmıştır. Anı bahçeleri savaş ya da saldırılarda ölenlerin hatıralarını canlı tutmak, arda kalan savaş ve saldırı izi taşıyan yapıları ve eserleri korumak, kayıp verme duygusundan kaçınarak yaşananları kayıt altına tutmak ve barışı yaymayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu bağlamda ele alınan bu çalışmada savaşların ve saldırıların etkisi ile ortaya çıkan dünyada bilinen anı bahçeleri örnekleri ile bunların tasarım ilkeleri incelenmiştir. Abstract Wars and terrorist attacks always have affected cultures and arts of the nations. Especially the first and second world war has been a negative impact on the world of architecture and urban identity. Terrorist attacks happened the last decades have triggered some values in the society and consequently attempt at keeping those values caused the memorials gardens are created. In this article, it is tried to take a total look at global art formed by war effects. Furthermore, there are evaluated some well-known universal memorial gardens to put forward some instructions and concepts available to the planner and designers of the memorial gardens. In this context, this study dealt with the effects of wars and attacks occurring in the world well-known example memories of gardens and their design principles have been examined.
Özet Dünyanın farklı coğrafyalarında bahçe tasarımı ve uygulamaları, eskiden beri çağlara ve zama... more Özet Dünyanın farklı coğrafyalarında bahçe tasarımı ve uygulamaları, eskiden beri çağlara ve zamana göre toplumların ve medeniyetlerin ürünü olarak süregelen bir sanattır. İran'da bahçe sanatı, uzun geçmişe sahiptir ve tüm dönemlerde ve özellikle İslam'dan sonra büyük ilgi görmüştür. İran Bahçeleri hakkında dünya üzerinde farklı dillerde birçok yazılı kaynak olmasına rağmen, maalesef Türkiye'de İran Bahçelerinin tarihsel gelişimini, tasarımlarını ve tasarım kurallarını bilimsel olarak anlatan kaynak eser eksikliği bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışma ile İran Bahçe Sanatını tarihi sürecinde, tasarım değişiklikleri açısından incelemek ve İran Bahçelerini biçimlendiren asıl öğeleri ortaya koymak amaçlanmıştır. Abstract The design and construction of gardens have long been considered an art in various parts of the world. In Iran, the art of gardening has a long past and has been regarded as an important art throughout its history, especially the Islamic period. Although there are many resources in different languages about Iranian Gardens, unfortunately, there are the lack of resources that explains the historical development of Iranian gardens and design rules in Turkey. In this study the history of Iranian Garden from the viewpoint of design changes has review and aimed to reveal the original elements that have shaped the Iranian garden.
In Iran, the art of gardening has a long past and has been regarded as an important art throughou... more In Iran, the art of gardening has a long past and
has been regarded as an important art throughout its history,
especially the Islamic period. Tabriz, Isfahan, Kazvin and
then Tehran, Shiraz, Kerman and Yazd became the cities
that mostly developed the art. Tabriz geographically due
to the altitude of 1,700 meters compared to other cities in
Iran has different climates. This study was carried out in
order to determine the place of historical gardens in Tabriz
City within Iranian garden art. In the study, information was
provided on historical gardens of Tabriz city which have
not reached the present day such as ‘Saheb Abad’ Garden,
‘North’ Garden, ‘Sefa’ Gerdan, ‘Amir Kabir’ Garden, and
‘Saheb Divan’ Garden and four historical maps belonging
to the Kaçar Period of Tabriz city were used. In addition,
in the historic gardens, natural elements (water, vegetation,
topography etc.), Artificial elements (main buildings and
prefabricated buildings) and their interrelated structures
which formed by the merger were examined.
The idea of modernity as to architecture and urban planning entered with the acts of foreign arch... more The idea of modernity as to architecture and urban planning entered with the acts of foreign architects in Turkey. Despite eighteenth and nineteenth century, In the 20th century, recreational gardens or practical gardens were created because gardens had responsible for meeting new needs which arising with the multiplicity of urban residents. In this period, parks in city of Trabzon turned into a topic which fully discusses the media. At first, " Atapark " was located in a public cemetery near the city center and then it became the most important park of the 20th century built in city of Trabzon. Atapark has been changed over time in every aspects and the analysis of this changes is the main purpose of this research as an interpretative-historical research. The interpretation is Medicare composed of three stages included; the data collection, organization, and evaluation. By putting together the date of events, rational interpretation, and connecting events together, it is derived complete history of the park finally. As a result, in the first years, Atapark was a green space which led people to enter the mosque. Over time, it became the park with its actual true meaning and function. The main aim of this research is to indicate and substantiate various factors which can influence in creating, changing forms, and using spaces of a park, in particular. In creation of this park, sociopolitical issues have had fundamental impacts and over time the park has undergone culture and needs of visitors. In this research, it is tried to illustrate how much important is process of designing which designers might give less attention to.
The purpose of present research is memorial garden design of war. In this design we used concepts... more The purpose of present research is memorial garden design of war. In this design we used concepts, elements, symbols and signs which are related to art after the war between Iran and Iraq. The war between Iran and Iraq is aimed to many culture results. It had many influences on literature, paining, photography and movie making arts that these were created for representing and preserving Islamic and idealistic values relevant to the war in Iran. In the proposed design plan, aside from the implication of symbols, the composition, texture, color and form of the elements and plants in particular, have been used to imply the abstract concept in the creation of spaces. The results of this research introduce a process for using mental and sensorial perceptions of elements. This process can be applied for implying of special concepts in the environmental.
Istanbul city as a mega city bears strong background and concepts of history, tradition, culture,... more Istanbul city as a mega city bears strong background and concepts of history, tradition, culture, and art of Turkish community. Every year, Istanbul with unique traits is able to absorb too many tourists attention all around the world. However, in the recent years, it is under pressure of some projects which are executing or planning to be performed. Construction the third bridge, Istanbul canal, and third airport are examples of those controversial schemes which are still vague and indefinite in some aspects. Even though there are various discussions on the projects from different scientific views, it seems to be necessary to make a general analysis with strict decision on the possibilities of their executions. This article tries to give an image of Istanbul future with consideration to all what the plans are following. With putting together separate comments of researches and university professors on the project, it is attempting to predict the threats and effect in the future situation of Istanbul. Therefore, with regard to differently economic, social, political, ecological surveys of project together, it is summarised the effect of them as a table. Finally this article evaluates how much those projects make sense and meet the primary need of plans.
This study, which was conducted on the only surviving garden of the historic gardens in the city ... more This study, which was conducted on the only surviving garden of the historic
gardens in the city of Tabriz in Iran (i.e. the garden of El-Goli), closely examines its importance
and place in the Iranian art of gardening. El-Goli garden is considered as an important place in
the city by foreign and local tourists. However, in recent years, with the development of Tabriz
and consequently the increased need for green space and recreational areas for citizens, this
historic garden has become a public promenade and park. This paper examines the risks and
threats posed by the change in land use. Since visitors are the main threats, a questionnaire was
developed to identify their reasons for visiting the garden, their behaviour in the garden and how
they use this historic garden. The questionnaire was completed by 100 visitors who were
randomly selected. The table of frequency for each variable was prepared using SPSS software.
Finally, the results show that most visitors not only are unaware of the historical value, but also
come to the garden for other purposes such as recreation, leisure and use of facilities and so on.
Thus, their attitudes and behaviours will pave the way for the destruction of the garden.
this study was conducted to determine the place of historic gardens in the city of Tabriz vis-a-v... more this study was conducted to determine the place of historic gardens in the city of
Tabriz vis-a-vis Iranian garden arts. It provides information on the historic gardens of Tabriz,
which are no longer in existence, for example, ‘Saheb Abad’ Garden, ‘North’ Garden, ‘Sefa’
Garden, ‘Amir Kabir’ Garden, ‘Saheb Divan’Garden and ‘Fath Abad’ Garden, as well as four
historical maps belonging to the Qajar era in the city of Tabriz. In this research, the factors influencing
the design of El-Goli Garden were studied, which can be grouped into three major categories:
physical, biological and cultural. After a brief study of the above factors in the city of
Tabriz and its different microclimates, the types of similarities that exist relating to Iranian garden
art were determined.
The stress and disorders of the urban life and the pollutions in the large cities such as Istanbu... more The stress and disorders of the urban life and the pollutions in the large cities such as Istanbul, have made the social and individual health decrease, and therefore it is necessary that some tact be considered in order to diminish these negative effects. The aim of this study is to examine whether there is a relation between restorative gardens in the city and stress. In other words, can restorative gardens surrounding residential homes in cities help to create a less stressful everyday environment? This paper will begin with a cursory overview of a broad concept of stress, health and wellness and proceed to examine in detail Ulrich's Theory of Restorative Garden Design and its implications for gardens in cities. Research shows that benefits would accrue to society as a whole if these design features were implemented on a wide scale. ÖZET Kentsel yaşamdan kaynaklanan stres ve hava kirliliği özellikle İstanbul gibi büyük şehirlerde toplumsal ve bireysel olarak insan sağlığını olumsuz yönde etkilemektedir. Bu sebeple son zamanlarda bu olumsuz etkileri azaltmak amacıyla bazı uygulamalar gündeme gelmiştir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, kentsel alanlarda restoratif bahçeler ve stres arasında bir ilişki olup olmadığını araştırmaktır. Diğer bir değişle konut evlerini çevreleyen restorafif bahçeler şehirlerde daha az stresli olan günlük bir ortam yaratmak için yardımcı ve etkin olabilirmi? Çalışmada stres, sağlık ve iyileşme kavramları geniş bir alanda incelenip, restoratif bahçelerin tasarımı ile ilgili araştırılmıştır. Ulrich'in teorisinin detayını ve onun kent bahçeleri üzerine etkileri incelenmiştir. Araştırmanın sonucu olarak tasarım özelliklerinin detaylı olarak uygulanması halinde kent kullanıcılarına bir bütün olarak yararlı olacağı belirtilmiştir.
The last decade has witnessed a groundswell of enthusiasm for children's gardens and the educatio... more The last decade has witnessed a groundswell of enthusiasm for children's gardens and the educational programs that are closely integrated with them. Children can learn new skills, have fun, play and develop self-confidence by spending time in the garden tending plants. Most children enjoy being outdoors and love digging in the soil, getting dirty, creating things and watching plants grow. Nevertheless today's children lack experience with gardening complexity. The purpose of this article is to review benefits of the gardening for children not only in the school but also in the urban parks and landscape settings. In addition providing design principles of this place in order to gardening for landscape architecture is another purpose of this research. Children's gardens and gardening programmes have long been seen as beneficial for children physically, psychologically, educationally and socially. The garden and contents should be specifically designed and scaled for children. ÖZET Son on yıldır çocuk bahçeleri ve onlarla yakından bütünleşen eğitim programları için ilgi çeken konu olmuştur. Çocuklar bahçede bitki bakımı ile vakit geçirerek yeni beceriler öğrenir, eğlenir, oynar ve özgüvenlerini geliştirebilirler. Çocukların çoğu açık havada olmaktan hoşlanır ve toprak kazmayı, kirlenmeyi, bir şeyler oluşturmayı ve bitkiler büyürken izlemeyi sever. Buna rağmen bugünün çocukları bahçelerden ve bahçecilik işleri deneyiminden yoksundurlar. Bu araştırmanın amacı, çocuklar için sadece okulda değil aynı zamanda kentsel park ve peyzaj alanlarında bahçe ve bahçe işlerinin faydalarını araştırmaktır. Ayrıca araştırmanın başka bir amacı ise peyzaj mimarlığında bahçe işleri için yer seçimi ve tasarımı ilkelerini belirlemektir. Çocuk bahçeleri ve bahçe programlarının çocuklar için fiziksel, psikolojik, eğitimsel ve sosyal olarak uzun süreli fayda sağladığı görülmüştür. Bahçe ve içeriklerinin özellikle çocuklar için tasarlanmış ve ölçeklendirilmiş olması gereklidir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Bahçecilik, Eğitim Programları, Çocuk Bahçeleri. .
The interest in healing gardens has increased around the world. Several research disciplines and ... more The interest in healing gardens has increased around the world. Several research disciplines and professions deal today in different ways with healing gardens. What determines whether or not a garden is a ‘healing garden?’ The idea that particular gardens are beneficial to human health was the spark that began this investigation to find if there were certain qualities that distinguish a ‘healing garden’ from any other garden type. If there are particular qualities that make up a healing garden, then what are they and could a list of guidelines be created to aide in the design of a healing garden? There are some important scattered researches about healing garden that had conducted in this subject by famous and professional researchers like Clare Cooper Marcus, Roger Ulrich, Rachel and Stephen Kaplan. The purpose of this research is definition of healing gardens, features of design and benefits of it for visitors in a clear and compact way with help of recent significant researches on healing gardens. As a result, detect a clear image of healing garden for landscape architects in designing.
Öz Yoğun kentleşme ile birlikte çocukların oyun alanları kentler arasında sıkıştırılmıştır. Çocuk... more Öz Yoğun kentleşme ile birlikte çocukların oyun alanları kentler arasında sıkıştırılmıştır. Çocuklar için tasarlanmış çocuk oyun alanları engelli çocukların ihtiyaç ve gereksinimlerine yönelik tasarlanmalıdır. Çünkü engelli çocukların sosyal hayata katılımları ve diğer çocuklarla sosyalleşme imkânları ancak oyun alanlarında gerçekleşir. Bu sebeple çocuk oyun alanları tüm çocuklara hizmet verecek biçimde doğa ile uyumlu tasarlanmalıdır. Bu çalışmanın amacı; açık yeşil alan tasarımlarından çocuk oyun alanları ve uygulamalarında fiziksel engelli çocuklara yönelik tasarım ilkelerini tespit etmektir. Çalışma " bedensel engelli bireyler için ulaşılabilir ve kullanılabilir olmak " düşüncesi ile öncelikle çocuklara yönelik olarak hazırlanmıştır. Çocuk oyun olanaklarının engelli çocuklar açısından tasarım ilkeleri belirlenerek araştırma sonuçları ortaya konulmuştur. Engelli çocuk oyun alanlarında doğal elemanlarla (topoğrafya, hayvanlar, bitkiler, su, toprak ve kum) düzenlenen oyun aktivitelerinin çocuklar üzerinde ruhsal açıdan olumlu etkileri olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır. Abstract With intensive urbanization children's play areas have become compressed playgrounds across the city. Children's playground which design for children should be designed according to disabled children's needs and requirements. Because it just takes place in the playgrounds, disabled children's participation in social life and it is opportunity to socialize with other children too. For this reason, children's playgrounds should be designed in harmony with nature and they will serve all children. The purpose of this study, to identify design principles of children's play areas and open green space under consideration orthopedic disabled children. This study also considers that "be available and accessible for the physically disabled individual" with the thought that is intended primarily for children.. With determining the design principles of children's playground for disabled children has revealed in the results of this research. Playing activities that regulated with natural elements (topography, animals, plants, water, soil and sand) in the children's playground have positive psychological effects on disabled children.
Özet Günümüzde kentsel gelişim yaklaşımı insanlar açısından olumlu etkiler yaratmaktadır. Ancak b... more Özet Günümüzde kentsel gelişim yaklaşımı insanlar açısından olumlu etkiler yaratmaktadır. Ancak bu olumlu etkilerin yanında gelişen şehir hayatının beraberinde getirdiği sıkıntılar, kişisel ve toplumsal açıdan sağlığı olumsuz yönde etkilemektedir. Bu olumsuzlukları azaltmak için gerekli önlemlerin dikkatle ele alınması gerekmektedir. Son yıllarda, insan sağlığı üzerinde yapısal çevrenin etkisi konusunda yapılan araştırmalar dünya kamuoyunda çok ilgi çekmiş, bu durum beraberinde " sağlık tasarımı " yaklaşımının ortaya çıkmasına sebep olmuştur. Peyzaj mimarisinde de bu hareketin etkisi " Şifa Bahçesi " kavramı ile gündeme gelmiştir. Şifa bahçesi tasarımcıları doğal ve yapay elemanlarla mekânlar oluşturarak kullanıcılar üzerinde olumlu etkiler yaratmaktadır. Oluşturulan mekanlar insanların fiziksel ve ruhsal açıdan sağlıklı olmalarını sağlamaktadır. Şifa bahçeleri tasarımı günümüzde oldukça yeni bir konu olup detaylı olarak araştırmalar bulunmamaktadır. Ancak yurt dışında konu ile ilgili çalışmaları hızla artmıştır. Bu araştırmada dünyadaki şifa bahçelerinin tasarım ilkelerine göre araştırma ve analiz rolü tanımlanmaktadır. Yapılan araştırmalar dünyada uygulanan örneklerin birçoğunun hastane alanlarında ve tedavi merkezlerinde yapıldığını göstermektedir. Ancak " şifa konsepti " ile tasarlanan mekanlara daha çok kentin yoğun olarak kullanıldığı ortamlarda ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Bu şekilde tasarlanan bahçelerde; insanların birbirleriyle yakın ilişkilerde bulunarak günlük hayatlarında daha fazla etkileşim halinde olmaları beklenmektedir. Anahtar kelimeler: Şifa Bahçesi (Terapi bahçesi), sağlık tasarım, şifa konsepti Abstract The witness, of the urbanization increase besides profits which it can have for the habitants in the cities has brought some problems. Besides the problems associated with urban life for citizens it also has a negative impact on individual and community health. It is obligatory that some policy be considered for reduce these negative agents. In the recent years the results which have evidenced the physical environment's effect on human health are accompanied and caused to emerge of approach called " Health Design ". Influence of this action in the landscape architecture have been raised in forms of " Healing Garden ". The designers of these gardens attempt to design places with complementing the natural and artifical elements that has positive effects on users and supply them with mental and physical health. Today Healing Garden design is a relatively new research topic that is researched in detail. However, studies on this subject in abroad has increased rapidly.This research is based on the healing garden design principles in the world and it identifies the role of analysis and research. The results of this articles show that most of the global cases of the healing garden are related to the medical spaces and the hospitals. However, the need of spaces with the function of healing is felt in the public spaces of cities, too. In this way, designed the gardens causes close communıcation of people with each other so this will lead to more interaction in daily life.
Even though there is noticeable size of disabled populations in Turkey, there are no comprehensiv... more Even though there is noticeable size of disabled populations in Turkey, there are no comprehensive studies about socioeconomic characteristics, problems, and expectations of those communities. According to the Education Ministry, there are 1 million and 100 thousand disabled children between ages of 4–1; 45 thousand with vision impairment. The main objective of this study is to evaluate the condition of this group of children and evaluation their circumstance. All children, including disabled children, have the right to play, have fun and take part in recreational activities that is important for their development. This article tried to put light on characteristics of disabled children, their needs, and conditions they have in Turkey. With regard to all statistic data and analyses, this paper makes attempt to give a clear image of this amount of population for designers, urban planners, instructors, and other experts who want to accomplish an action for their sake in Turkey. Finally, it emphasises the urgent need of peculiar green areas for those communities, so that they will be able to enjoy and entertain in the free green places as much as other ordinary persons have.
Kamu hastaneleri aşırı kalabalık olma özelliği gösterir, dolayısıyla hastaların psikolojilerini i... more Kamu hastaneleri aşırı kalabalık olma özelliği gösterir, dolayısıyla hastaların psikolojilerini iyileştirebilecekleri, streslerinin azaltabilecekleri mekanlara gereksinim duyarlar.
Nowadays, English language is the common language among researchers. New findings in each scienti... more Nowadays, English language is the common language among researchers.
New findings in each scientific domain are typically published in English.
Furthermore, articles presented in international conferences or published in
scientific journals, valid university textbooks, scientific data and documents,
etc. might attract more audience when published in English language. That is
why most of researchers and authors regard English language as priority in
their manuscripts.
Students and researchers of different scientific domains should not only be
familiar with English language, but also they need to know about their
technical texts so that they would be able to make use of the wide sources
published in English language and make a more efficient relationship with the
borderless scientific world.
The "Landscape technical language" has been regarded as a scientific
source for three fields of green space engineering, environmental desig, and
architecture. The main purpose of compiling and preparing this book is both
familiarizing readers with technical and common terms and also enhancing
their skills to comprehend the scientific texts of the above-mentioned fields.
To achieve the purpose, it includes main topics such as: principles of desig,
ornamental trees, history of architecture and green space engineering, park
designing, lawning, flowering, apartment plants, green space management,
urban space designing, special parks and areas designing, use of computer in
green space, etc .
The texts of each lesson were selected from sources whose authors were
native in English. In this way, this book helps the readers with some
background information about specific topics besides improving their
knowldge of English. Moreover, a variety of exercises has been considered for
each lesson to make the comprehensive understanding of the texts. Although
different texts have been selected for the book, the wide nature of this domain
makes it possible to add further texts with different issues in next editions of
the book .
Since no textbook and scientific writings might be found that are
immaculate, all students, professors, and colleagues are deeply requested to
share their valuable standpoints with the authors of the book.
In the end, the authors of the book would like to express their deepest
gratitude to Mr. Derakhshan, manager of Ideh Derakhshan publications, for
his cooperation and the opportunity that he provided for us to publish the
book. The authors also thank Mr. Aghlmand for providing us with
constructive comments and also preparing a channel to offer and sell the book
Sima Pouya (Ph.D) & Mohammad Reza Taheri (Ph.D), 2017
The different activity areas located in school garden should to be felt accessible and available... more The different
activity areas located in school garden should to
be felt accessible and available by all children.
All of elements, roads and facilities stablished in
the garden it must be designed in accordance with
orthopedic disabilities children.
SimaPOUYA 1984 yılında İran'da doğdu. 2006 senesinde Tebriz Üniversitesi Peyzaj Mimarlığı bölümde... more SimaPOUYA 1984 yılında İran'da doğdu. 2006 senesinde Tebriz Üniversitesi Peyzaj Mimarlığı bölümden mezun oldu. 2012 senesinde K.T.Ü Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Peyzaj Mimarlığı Anabilim Dalı'ndan yüksek lisans ve 2016 Kasım ayında aynı okuldan doktora öğrenimini tamamladı. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Tahran'daki binaların çatısında iyileştirici bahçeler oluşturmak için gerekli olan bazı faktörlerin ve kriterlerin belirlenmesidir. Bu doğrultuda, çatı bahçeleri ve iyileştirme bahçelerinin entegrasyonu analiz edilip değerlendirilmiştir. Bu çalışma sonucunda, Tahran gibi mega kentlerde, bu tür alanların tasarlanması ileriye dönük bir adım olabilir. Bu alanlar, şehir ve bölge planlamacıları ve peyzaj mimarları için çatı alanlarında iyileştirme bahçelerinin oluşturulmasına yönelik planlama ve tasarım özellikleri sunarak, bir yol gösterici olabilir. Mega Kentlerde iyileştirme bahçeleri; Tahran Örneği ÖZ Yapılan araştırmalar, iyileştirme bahçelerinin sadece hastaneler ve sağlık merkezlerinde değil, kentsel alanlarda da vatandaşlar için özel bir yeri olduğunu göstermektedir. Kentsel alanlardaki araştırmalar, vejetasyona sahip kentsel yerleşim sakinlerinin daha fazla sosyal temasta bulunduğunu vurgulamaktadır. Özellikle Tahran (Iran başkentı) gibi mega kentlerde nüfus ve yapıların artmasından dolayı, iyileştirme bahçeleri oluşturmak için açık ve uygun yer belirleme oranı daha düşüktür. Tahran'da genelikle bahçeler şehir merkezlerinden uzakta tasarlandığından, bu alanların kullanılabilirliği ve kullanımı, özellikle yaşlılar ve çocuklar için sınırlıdır. Bu kentte en hızlı büyüyen yapılanmalardan biri, çıplak çatı alanlarında huzurlu mekanlar oluşturmak için yeşil çatılar veya çatı bahçelerinin tasarlanmasıdır. Ayrıca peyzaj tasarımcıları yeşil alanların eksikliğini azaltmak için binanın çatısını yeşilendirmektedir. Çatı ve iyileştirme bahçeleri göz önünde bulundurulursa, bu iki bahçenin binaların çatıları ile birleşmesi halkın iyileşmesi ve sağlık problemlerine yardımcı olmasının yanı sıra çevreye ve ekolojik sisteme katkısı büyüktür. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Tahran'daki binaların çatısında iyileştirici bahçeler oluşturmak için gerekli olan bazı faktörlerin ve kriterlerin belirlenmesidir. Bu doğrultuda, çatı bahçeleri ve iyileştirme bahçelerinin entegrasyonu analiz edilip değerlendirilmiştir. Bu çalışma sonucunda, Tahran gibi mega kentlerde, bu tür alanların tasarlanması ileriye dönük bir adım olabilir. Bu alanlar, şehir ve bölge planlamacıları ve Peyzaj mimarları için çatı alanlarında iyileştirme bahçelerinin oluşturulmasına yönelik planlama ve tasarım özellikleri sunarak, bir yol gösterici olabilir. Abstract Studies showed about healing gardens have confirmed obligation and specific place of these gardens not only in hospitals and health centers, but in urban spaces for various ages of citizens. Research in urban settings indicates that residents of urban settings with more vegetation have higher social contact too. With growing population and building structures especially in Tehran (capital city of Iran), it is less likely to designate open and suitable place for to create the healing gardens. In most cases, as the gardens are designed far from the city centers, the availability and utilization of the healing gardens are limited specially for elderly people and children. One of the fastest growing tendency in Tehran is the designs of green roofs, or roof gardens, to create peaceful places on otherwise barren rooftop places. Landscape designers used to create the roof of building in order to decrease the lack of green spaces in Tehran. In this research, with regard to benefits and advantages roof garden and healing garden, the integration of these two garden in the rooftop buildings, can contribute to the health problems of the residents as well as providing ecological profits and ecosystem services. The goal of this article is to provide some factors and criteria which are essential to create healing gardens in the roof of the buildings in Tehran. To do so, roof gardens and their integration with healing gardens are analyzed and evaluated. The result of this article can be an initiative step for creating these kinds of spaces in the mega cities such as Tehran. Appropriate characteristics of these spaces planning and designing can be a valuable guide for landscape and urban planners to create roof healing gardens.
Öz Savaşların ve terör saldırılarının sanat ve kültür üzerinde önemli etkisi olduğu ve özellikle ... more Öz Savaşların ve terör saldırılarının sanat ve kültür üzerinde önemli etkisi olduğu ve özellikle birinci ve ikinci dünya savaşları dünya mimarisini ve kent kimliğini olumsuz yönde etkilediği görülmüştür. Son zamanlarda gerçekleşen terör saldırıları toplumda bazı sosyal ve kültürel değerlerin ortaya çıkmasına neden olmuş ve bu değerlerin vurgulanmasına yönelik olarak da anı bahçeleri tasarlanmaya başlanmıştır. Anı bahçeleri savaş ya da saldırılarda ölenlerin hatıralarını canlı tutmak, arda kalan savaş ve saldırı izi taşıyan yapıları ve eserleri korumak, kayıp verme duygusundan kaçınarak yaşananları kayıt altına tutmak ve barışı yaymayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu bağlamda ele alınan bu çalışmada savaşların ve saldırıların etkisi ile ortaya çıkan dünyada bilinen anı bahçeleri örnekleri ile bunların tasarım ilkeleri incelenmiştir. Abstract Wars and terrorist attacks always have affected cultures and arts of the nations. Especially the first and second world war has been a negative impact on the world of architecture and urban identity. Terrorist attacks happened the last decades have triggered some values in the society and consequently attempt at keeping those values caused the memorials gardens are created. In this article, it is tried to take a total look at global art formed by war effects. Furthermore, there are evaluated some well-known universal memorial gardens to put forward some instructions and concepts available to the planner and designers of the memorial gardens. In this context, this study dealt with the effects of wars and attacks occurring in the world well-known example memories of gardens and their design principles have been examined.
Özet Dünyanın farklı coğrafyalarında bahçe tasarımı ve uygulamaları, eskiden beri çağlara ve zama... more Özet Dünyanın farklı coğrafyalarında bahçe tasarımı ve uygulamaları, eskiden beri çağlara ve zamana göre toplumların ve medeniyetlerin ürünü olarak süregelen bir sanattır. İran'da bahçe sanatı, uzun geçmişe sahiptir ve tüm dönemlerde ve özellikle İslam'dan sonra büyük ilgi görmüştür. İran Bahçeleri hakkında dünya üzerinde farklı dillerde birçok yazılı kaynak olmasına rağmen, maalesef Türkiye'de İran Bahçelerinin tarihsel gelişimini, tasarımlarını ve tasarım kurallarını bilimsel olarak anlatan kaynak eser eksikliği bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışma ile İran Bahçe Sanatını tarihi sürecinde, tasarım değişiklikleri açısından incelemek ve İran Bahçelerini biçimlendiren asıl öğeleri ortaya koymak amaçlanmıştır. Abstract The design and construction of gardens have long been considered an art in various parts of the world. In Iran, the art of gardening has a long past and has been regarded as an important art throughout its history, especially the Islamic period. Although there are many resources in different languages about Iranian Gardens, unfortunately, there are the lack of resources that explains the historical development of Iranian gardens and design rules in Turkey. In this study the history of Iranian Garden from the viewpoint of design changes has review and aimed to reveal the original elements that have shaped the Iranian garden.
In Iran, the art of gardening has a long past and has been regarded as an important art throughou... more In Iran, the art of gardening has a long past and
has been regarded as an important art throughout its history,
especially the Islamic period. Tabriz, Isfahan, Kazvin and
then Tehran, Shiraz, Kerman and Yazd became the cities
that mostly developed the art. Tabriz geographically due
to the altitude of 1,700 meters compared to other cities in
Iran has different climates. This study was carried out in
order to determine the place of historical gardens in Tabriz
City within Iranian garden art. In the study, information was
provided on historical gardens of Tabriz city which have
not reached the present day such as ‘Saheb Abad’ Garden,
‘North’ Garden, ‘Sefa’ Gerdan, ‘Amir Kabir’ Garden, and
‘Saheb Divan’ Garden and four historical maps belonging
to the Kaçar Period of Tabriz city were used. In addition,
in the historic gardens, natural elements (water, vegetation,
topography etc.), Artificial elements (main buildings and
prefabricated buildings) and their interrelated structures
which formed by the merger were examined.
The idea of modernity as to architecture and urban planning entered with the acts of foreign arch... more The idea of modernity as to architecture and urban planning entered with the acts of foreign architects in Turkey. Despite eighteenth and nineteenth century, In the 20th century, recreational gardens or practical gardens were created because gardens had responsible for meeting new needs which arising with the multiplicity of urban residents. In this period, parks in city of Trabzon turned into a topic which fully discusses the media. At first, " Atapark " was located in a public cemetery near the city center and then it became the most important park of the 20th century built in city of Trabzon. Atapark has been changed over time in every aspects and the analysis of this changes is the main purpose of this research as an interpretative-historical research. The interpretation is Medicare composed of three stages included; the data collection, organization, and evaluation. By putting together the date of events, rational interpretation, and connecting events together, it is derived complete history of the park finally. As a result, in the first years, Atapark was a green space which led people to enter the mosque. Over time, it became the park with its actual true meaning and function. The main aim of this research is to indicate and substantiate various factors which can influence in creating, changing forms, and using spaces of a park, in particular. In creation of this park, sociopolitical issues have had fundamental impacts and over time the park has undergone culture and needs of visitors. In this research, it is tried to illustrate how much important is process of designing which designers might give less attention to.
The purpose of present research is memorial garden design of war. In this design we used concepts... more The purpose of present research is memorial garden design of war. In this design we used concepts, elements, symbols and signs which are related to art after the war between Iran and Iraq. The war between Iran and Iraq is aimed to many culture results. It had many influences on literature, paining, photography and movie making arts that these were created for representing and preserving Islamic and idealistic values relevant to the war in Iran. In the proposed design plan, aside from the implication of symbols, the composition, texture, color and form of the elements and plants in particular, have been used to imply the abstract concept in the creation of spaces. The results of this research introduce a process for using mental and sensorial perceptions of elements. This process can be applied for implying of special concepts in the environmental.
Istanbul city as a mega city bears strong background and concepts of history, tradition, culture,... more Istanbul city as a mega city bears strong background and concepts of history, tradition, culture, and art of Turkish community. Every year, Istanbul with unique traits is able to absorb too many tourists attention all around the world. However, in the recent years, it is under pressure of some projects which are executing or planning to be performed. Construction the third bridge, Istanbul canal, and third airport are examples of those controversial schemes which are still vague and indefinite in some aspects. Even though there are various discussions on the projects from different scientific views, it seems to be necessary to make a general analysis with strict decision on the possibilities of their executions. This article tries to give an image of Istanbul future with consideration to all what the plans are following. With putting together separate comments of researches and university professors on the project, it is attempting to predict the threats and effect in the future situation of Istanbul. Therefore, with regard to differently economic, social, political, ecological surveys of project together, it is summarised the effect of them as a table. Finally this article evaluates how much those projects make sense and meet the primary need of plans.
This study, which was conducted on the only surviving garden of the historic gardens in the city ... more This study, which was conducted on the only surviving garden of the historic
gardens in the city of Tabriz in Iran (i.e. the garden of El-Goli), closely examines its importance
and place in the Iranian art of gardening. El-Goli garden is considered as an important place in
the city by foreign and local tourists. However, in recent years, with the development of Tabriz
and consequently the increased need for green space and recreational areas for citizens, this
historic garden has become a public promenade and park. This paper examines the risks and
threats posed by the change in land use. Since visitors are the main threats, a questionnaire was
developed to identify their reasons for visiting the garden, their behaviour in the garden and how
they use this historic garden. The questionnaire was completed by 100 visitors who were
randomly selected. The table of frequency for each variable was prepared using SPSS software.
Finally, the results show that most visitors not only are unaware of the historical value, but also
come to the garden for other purposes such as recreation, leisure and use of facilities and so on.
Thus, their attitudes and behaviours will pave the way for the destruction of the garden.
this study was conducted to determine the place of historic gardens in the city of Tabriz vis-a-v... more this study was conducted to determine the place of historic gardens in the city of
Tabriz vis-a-vis Iranian garden arts. It provides information on the historic gardens of Tabriz,
which are no longer in existence, for example, ‘Saheb Abad’ Garden, ‘North’ Garden, ‘Sefa’
Garden, ‘Amir Kabir’ Garden, ‘Saheb Divan’Garden and ‘Fath Abad’ Garden, as well as four
historical maps belonging to the Qajar era in the city of Tabriz. In this research, the factors influencing
the design of El-Goli Garden were studied, which can be grouped into three major categories:
physical, biological and cultural. After a brief study of the above factors in the city of
Tabriz and its different microclimates, the types of similarities that exist relating to Iranian garden
art were determined.
The stress and disorders of the urban life and the pollutions in the large cities such as Istanbu... more The stress and disorders of the urban life and the pollutions in the large cities such as Istanbul, have made the social and individual health decrease, and therefore it is necessary that some tact be considered in order to diminish these negative effects. The aim of this study is to examine whether there is a relation between restorative gardens in the city and stress. In other words, can restorative gardens surrounding residential homes in cities help to create a less stressful everyday environment? This paper will begin with a cursory overview of a broad concept of stress, health and wellness and proceed to examine in detail Ulrich's Theory of Restorative Garden Design and its implications for gardens in cities. Research shows that benefits would accrue to society as a whole if these design features were implemented on a wide scale. ÖZET Kentsel yaşamdan kaynaklanan stres ve hava kirliliği özellikle İstanbul gibi büyük şehirlerde toplumsal ve bireysel olarak insan sağlığını olumsuz yönde etkilemektedir. Bu sebeple son zamanlarda bu olumsuz etkileri azaltmak amacıyla bazı uygulamalar gündeme gelmiştir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, kentsel alanlarda restoratif bahçeler ve stres arasında bir ilişki olup olmadığını araştırmaktır. Diğer bir değişle konut evlerini çevreleyen restorafif bahçeler şehirlerde daha az stresli olan günlük bir ortam yaratmak için yardımcı ve etkin olabilirmi? Çalışmada stres, sağlık ve iyileşme kavramları geniş bir alanda incelenip, restoratif bahçelerin tasarımı ile ilgili araştırılmıştır. Ulrich'in teorisinin detayını ve onun kent bahçeleri üzerine etkileri incelenmiştir. Araştırmanın sonucu olarak tasarım özelliklerinin detaylı olarak uygulanması halinde kent kullanıcılarına bir bütün olarak yararlı olacağı belirtilmiştir.
The last decade has witnessed a groundswell of enthusiasm for children's gardens and the educatio... more The last decade has witnessed a groundswell of enthusiasm for children's gardens and the educational programs that are closely integrated with them. Children can learn new skills, have fun, play and develop self-confidence by spending time in the garden tending plants. Most children enjoy being outdoors and love digging in the soil, getting dirty, creating things and watching plants grow. Nevertheless today's children lack experience with gardening complexity. The purpose of this article is to review benefits of the gardening for children not only in the school but also in the urban parks and landscape settings. In addition providing design principles of this place in order to gardening for landscape architecture is another purpose of this research. Children's gardens and gardening programmes have long been seen as beneficial for children physically, psychologically, educationally and socially. The garden and contents should be specifically designed and scaled for children. ÖZET Son on yıldır çocuk bahçeleri ve onlarla yakından bütünleşen eğitim programları için ilgi çeken konu olmuştur. Çocuklar bahçede bitki bakımı ile vakit geçirerek yeni beceriler öğrenir, eğlenir, oynar ve özgüvenlerini geliştirebilirler. Çocukların çoğu açık havada olmaktan hoşlanır ve toprak kazmayı, kirlenmeyi, bir şeyler oluşturmayı ve bitkiler büyürken izlemeyi sever. Buna rağmen bugünün çocukları bahçelerden ve bahçecilik işleri deneyiminden yoksundurlar. Bu araştırmanın amacı, çocuklar için sadece okulda değil aynı zamanda kentsel park ve peyzaj alanlarında bahçe ve bahçe işlerinin faydalarını araştırmaktır. Ayrıca araştırmanın başka bir amacı ise peyzaj mimarlığında bahçe işleri için yer seçimi ve tasarımı ilkelerini belirlemektir. Çocuk bahçeleri ve bahçe programlarının çocuklar için fiziksel, psikolojik, eğitimsel ve sosyal olarak uzun süreli fayda sağladığı görülmüştür. Bahçe ve içeriklerinin özellikle çocuklar için tasarlanmış ve ölçeklendirilmiş olması gereklidir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Bahçecilik, Eğitim Programları, Çocuk Bahçeleri. .
The interest in healing gardens has increased around the world. Several research disciplines and ... more The interest in healing gardens has increased around the world. Several research disciplines and professions deal today in different ways with healing gardens. What determines whether or not a garden is a ‘healing garden?’ The idea that particular gardens are beneficial to human health was the spark that began this investigation to find if there were certain qualities that distinguish a ‘healing garden’ from any other garden type. If there are particular qualities that make up a healing garden, then what are they and could a list of guidelines be created to aide in the design of a healing garden? There are some important scattered researches about healing garden that had conducted in this subject by famous and professional researchers like Clare Cooper Marcus, Roger Ulrich, Rachel and Stephen Kaplan. The purpose of this research is definition of healing gardens, features of design and benefits of it for visitors in a clear and compact way with help of recent significant researches on healing gardens. As a result, detect a clear image of healing garden for landscape architects in designing.
Öz Yoğun kentleşme ile birlikte çocukların oyun alanları kentler arasında sıkıştırılmıştır. Çocuk... more Öz Yoğun kentleşme ile birlikte çocukların oyun alanları kentler arasında sıkıştırılmıştır. Çocuklar için tasarlanmış çocuk oyun alanları engelli çocukların ihtiyaç ve gereksinimlerine yönelik tasarlanmalıdır. Çünkü engelli çocukların sosyal hayata katılımları ve diğer çocuklarla sosyalleşme imkânları ancak oyun alanlarında gerçekleşir. Bu sebeple çocuk oyun alanları tüm çocuklara hizmet verecek biçimde doğa ile uyumlu tasarlanmalıdır. Bu çalışmanın amacı; açık yeşil alan tasarımlarından çocuk oyun alanları ve uygulamalarında fiziksel engelli çocuklara yönelik tasarım ilkelerini tespit etmektir. Çalışma " bedensel engelli bireyler için ulaşılabilir ve kullanılabilir olmak " düşüncesi ile öncelikle çocuklara yönelik olarak hazırlanmıştır. Çocuk oyun olanaklarının engelli çocuklar açısından tasarım ilkeleri belirlenerek araştırma sonuçları ortaya konulmuştur. Engelli çocuk oyun alanlarında doğal elemanlarla (topoğrafya, hayvanlar, bitkiler, su, toprak ve kum) düzenlenen oyun aktivitelerinin çocuklar üzerinde ruhsal açıdan olumlu etkileri olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır. Abstract With intensive urbanization children's play areas have become compressed playgrounds across the city. Children's playground which design for children should be designed according to disabled children's needs and requirements. Because it just takes place in the playgrounds, disabled children's participation in social life and it is opportunity to socialize with other children too. For this reason, children's playgrounds should be designed in harmony with nature and they will serve all children. The purpose of this study, to identify design principles of children's play areas and open green space under consideration orthopedic disabled children. This study also considers that "be available and accessible for the physically disabled individual" with the thought that is intended primarily for children.. With determining the design principles of children's playground for disabled children has revealed in the results of this research. Playing activities that regulated with natural elements (topography, animals, plants, water, soil and sand) in the children's playground have positive psychological effects on disabled children.
Özet Günümüzde kentsel gelişim yaklaşımı insanlar açısından olumlu etkiler yaratmaktadır. Ancak b... more Özet Günümüzde kentsel gelişim yaklaşımı insanlar açısından olumlu etkiler yaratmaktadır. Ancak bu olumlu etkilerin yanında gelişen şehir hayatının beraberinde getirdiği sıkıntılar, kişisel ve toplumsal açıdan sağlığı olumsuz yönde etkilemektedir. Bu olumsuzlukları azaltmak için gerekli önlemlerin dikkatle ele alınması gerekmektedir. Son yıllarda, insan sağlığı üzerinde yapısal çevrenin etkisi konusunda yapılan araştırmalar dünya kamuoyunda çok ilgi çekmiş, bu durum beraberinde " sağlık tasarımı " yaklaşımının ortaya çıkmasına sebep olmuştur. Peyzaj mimarisinde de bu hareketin etkisi " Şifa Bahçesi " kavramı ile gündeme gelmiştir. Şifa bahçesi tasarımcıları doğal ve yapay elemanlarla mekânlar oluşturarak kullanıcılar üzerinde olumlu etkiler yaratmaktadır. Oluşturulan mekanlar insanların fiziksel ve ruhsal açıdan sağlıklı olmalarını sağlamaktadır. Şifa bahçeleri tasarımı günümüzde oldukça yeni bir konu olup detaylı olarak araştırmalar bulunmamaktadır. Ancak yurt dışında konu ile ilgili çalışmaları hızla artmıştır. Bu araştırmada dünyadaki şifa bahçelerinin tasarım ilkelerine göre araştırma ve analiz rolü tanımlanmaktadır. Yapılan araştırmalar dünyada uygulanan örneklerin birçoğunun hastane alanlarında ve tedavi merkezlerinde yapıldığını göstermektedir. Ancak " şifa konsepti " ile tasarlanan mekanlara daha çok kentin yoğun olarak kullanıldığı ortamlarda ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Bu şekilde tasarlanan bahçelerde; insanların birbirleriyle yakın ilişkilerde bulunarak günlük hayatlarında daha fazla etkileşim halinde olmaları beklenmektedir. Anahtar kelimeler: Şifa Bahçesi (Terapi bahçesi), sağlık tasarım, şifa konsepti Abstract The witness, of the urbanization increase besides profits which it can have for the habitants in the cities has brought some problems. Besides the problems associated with urban life for citizens it also has a negative impact on individual and community health. It is obligatory that some policy be considered for reduce these negative agents. In the recent years the results which have evidenced the physical environment's effect on human health are accompanied and caused to emerge of approach called " Health Design ". Influence of this action in the landscape architecture have been raised in forms of " Healing Garden ". The designers of these gardens attempt to design places with complementing the natural and artifical elements that has positive effects on users and supply them with mental and physical health. Today Healing Garden design is a relatively new research topic that is researched in detail. However, studies on this subject in abroad has increased rapidly.This research is based on the healing garden design principles in the world and it identifies the role of analysis and research. The results of this articles show that most of the global cases of the healing garden are related to the medical spaces and the hospitals. However, the need of spaces with the function of healing is felt in the public spaces of cities, too. In this way, designed the gardens causes close communıcation of people with each other so this will lead to more interaction in daily life.
Even though there is noticeable size of disabled populations in Turkey, there are no comprehensiv... more Even though there is noticeable size of disabled populations in Turkey, there are no comprehensive studies about socioeconomic characteristics, problems, and expectations of those communities. According to the Education Ministry, there are 1 million and 100 thousand disabled children between ages of 4–1; 45 thousand with vision impairment. The main objective of this study is to evaluate the condition of this group of children and evaluation their circumstance. All children, including disabled children, have the right to play, have fun and take part in recreational activities that is important for their development. This article tried to put light on characteristics of disabled children, their needs, and conditions they have in Turkey. With regard to all statistic data and analyses, this paper makes attempt to give a clear image of this amount of population for designers, urban planners, instructors, and other experts who want to accomplish an action for their sake in Turkey. Finally, it emphasises the urgent need of peculiar green areas for those communities, so that they will be able to enjoy and entertain in the free green places as much as other ordinary persons have.