Slobodan Pavlović - (original) (raw)
Papers by Slobodan Pavlović
Zbornik radova, 2019
Cilj rada je da se prikažu i jasnije definišu ekspertni sistemi u sprintu, tj. načini kontrole i... more Cilj rada je da se prikažu i jasnije definišu ekspertni sistemi u sprintu, tj. načini kontrole i ocenjivanje sprinta kao i evaluacija postignutih rezultata, kod dece selektovane za atletiku školskog uzrasta. U atletici još nije modelovan ni jedan ekspertni sistem koji bi omogućio trenerima sistematsko praćenje rezultata sportista različitog uzrasta, kao i predikciju njihovih rezultata u budućnosti. Brz razvoj tehnologije omogućava nam dobijanje sve većeg broja objektivnih podataka na osnovu kojih možemo da dobijemo vernu sliku tehnike kretanja. Moramo ipak, naglasiti, da je većina metoda za ocenu tehnike atletskih disciplina dosta komplikovana, zahteva posebne aparature i posebno obučen kadar. Predloženi kriterijumi za kontrolu i ocenu sprinta predstavljaju sponu između naučnih istraživanja i prakse. Implementacija izloženih kriterijuma je primenjiva kako u školsko obrazovnom sistemu, kao kolevci mladih talenata, tako i u sportskim klubovima, kao kolevci svetskih rekordera.
Journal Plus Education, 2019
The research was carried out with the objective of establishing statistically significant differe... more The research was carried out with the objective of establishing statistically significant differences between football players of FC “Novi Sad” (N=21) from Novi Sad and students who are not active in sports (N=23) also from Novi Sad, in order to point out the positive effects of training processes on the explosive strength of legs. The battery of 5 motor tests has been applied: Counter Movement Jump - CMJ – the height of bounce, Squat Jump - SJ- the height of bounce, Running for 10 m from a high start, Running for 15 m from a high start and Running for 20 m from a high start. Applying this multivariate analysis of variance, the existence of statistically significant difference (P=0.00) in motor space has been established. With individual analysis of the difference the following differences in variables have been detected: Counter Movement Jump – the height of bounce (p=0.00), Squat Jump - the height of bounce (p=0.03) and Running for 10 m from a high start (p=0.05) in favour of foot...
Journal Plus Education, 2017
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of the sports activity polygon application ... more The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of the sports activity polygon application on motor coordination of children. The participants (aged: 10.5±0.5 years; body mass: 38.2±7.1 kg; body height: 145.7±6.1 cm) were randomly assigned to the experimental (EG; n= 35) and control group (CG; n= 30). Motor coordination was assessed by the complex movement task polygon . After initial testing, 10-week sports activity polygon program was implemented. At the end of the treatment the final testing took place. The results of the paired T-test indicated that the EG improved significantly (p=.000) in measured motor coordination abilities. The sports activity polygon appears to be an effective way of improving children’s coordination performance. Teachers could use this information to plan and improve the process of physical education.
Facta universitatis. Series physical education and sport, 2021
The main purpose of this article is to determine which motivational orientation (MO) of primary s... more The main purpose of this article is to determine which motivational orientation (MO) of primary school students (n=240) and their physical self-concept (PSC) contribute to the intensity of students' physical activity and volume of physical activity in a physical education (PE) class. They were estimated using the pedometer and heart rate sensor. MO is measured using a modified Self-Regulation Questionnaire. PSC was measured using subscales of the Self-perception Profile for Children. In boys, PSC and motivation present better predictors of physical activity in PE elementary school classes (p<0.01), than in girls. Intrinsic Motivation and Athletic Competence have a high predictive function. Boys with a higher level of sport competence and intrinsic motivation are physically more active in a PE classes. PE classes could enhance MO and PSC by supporting basic different psychological aspect of children.
Zbornik radova Pedagoskog fakulteta, Uzice, 2020
Physical education, from the earliest age in preschool institutions, and then through primary and... more Physical education, from the earliest age in preschool institutions, and then through primary and secondary schools, is the only place where children can, in the right way, acquire the knowledge on sports, skills, behaviour, necessary in order to get the continuity of physical activities in the adulthood. Primary school is a period when the students experience great changes in the overall developing status. Therefore, Physical Education has a fundamental role in the development of psychosomatic characteristics of children. While planning lessons of Physical Education, there is a special emphasis on the development of motor skills. The goal of this research refers to the establishing of the existing differences in the motor space of primary school children in relation to age. The sample consisted of 231 examinees who attended 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th grade (age 11 ± 1.6 years), out of which there were (N = 109; TV = 147.6 ± 7; TM = 39.6 ± 7.1) boys, and (N = 122; TV = 148.3 ± 5.9; TM = ...
Спортске науке и здравље - АПЕИРОН, 2020
The purpose of this study is to establish the existence of gender differences in motor skills in ... more The purpose of this study is to establish the existence of gender differences in motor skills in the preschool period as well as to check their nutritional status. The classification of their nutritional status has been performed based on their body mass index (BMI), based on the percentile values according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, (2000). Total sample consisted of 188 examinees with average values of body height (BH=124.59 cm±5.76) and body weight (BW=24.32 kg±3.11) with average age of 6.39±0.44 years, out which boys (N=107) and girls (N=81). Non-experimental research design, ex post facto correlation research plan, has been used. The battery with seven motor tests according to Bala and Popović (2007), has been used in this research. The study results show that the prevalence of malnourished children is 10.64%, well nourished 72.34%, tending to become obese 9.57% and obese children 7.44%, also with the existing gender difference in motor abilities in favour of...
Nastava i vaspitanje, 2018
Циљ истраживања које је представљено у овом раду био је да се утврде ефекти примене полигона као ... more Циљ истраживања које је представљено у овом раду био је да се утврде ефекти примене полигона као наставне методе у настави физичког васпитања. Узорак испитаника чинило је 95 ученика (узраст 7,7±0,7 година), који су подељени у две групе. Експериментална група (N=49) је примењивала полигон у настави током осам недеља, док је контролна група (N=46) изводила часове физичког васпитања према редовном наставном програму. Сви испитаници су били тестирани помоћу четири моторичка теста за процену: брзине, координације, експлозивне снаге и репетитивне снаге. Мултивариатном анализом коваријансе утврђено је да су испитаници експерименталне групе на крају поступка били статистички значајно бољи од контролне групе, док је Т-тестом упарених узорака утврђено да постоји ефекат поступка на статистички значајном нивоу (p=0,00). Ово истраживање је указало на значај примене полигона као oрганизационог облика рада у физичког васпитања са циљем побољшања моторичких способности деце млађег школског узраста. полигон, организациони облик рада, моторичке способности, млађи школски узраст Увод Институционално организован облик физичког вежбања је процес који траје од предшколског до завршетка средњошколског образовања, мада може трајати и током студирања. Развој моторичких способности у млађем школском узрасту условљен је квалитетом наставе физичког васпитања (Piek, Dawson, Smith & Gasson, 2008). Осим квалитета наставе, адекватне програме физичког вежбања потребно је повезати са сензитивним периодима и претходним искуством деце, како би се остварио што бољи ефекат вежбања на моторичке способности (
Journal Plus Education, 2017
Maximal oxygen consumption is one of the best indicators of aerobic power and the most widely use... more Maximal oxygen consumption is one of the best indicators of aerobic power and the most widely used parameter of functional capacity of an athlete. The task of this study is to discover whether there is a statistically significant difference between university basketball players in different playing positions (guard, wing, center) in terms of aerobic capacity. The study sample consisted of 30 basketball players, who have been categorized as guards (n = 11), wings (n = 11) and centers (n = 8). The overall sample consisted of players of the basketball team of the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education in Novi Sad, aged 20-26. With a laboratory on-line, breath-by-breath (CPET) system their relatively maximal oxygen consumption – Vo2max (ml • kg-1 • min-1) was diagnosed. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) was applied to the analysis of differences between participants in different playing positions. According to the results, it was determined that there was a difference (p <0.05) in th...
Glasnik Antropoloskog drustva Srbije, 2014
Zadatak ovog istraživanja je da se utvrde razlike u uhranjenosti između mladih košarkaša različit... more Zadatak ovog istraživanja je da se utvrde razlike u uhranjenosti između mladih košarkaša različitog uzrasta. Uzorak ispitanih košarkaša su predstavljali dečaci (N=379) različitih košarkaških selekcija iz deset opština Republike Srbije, uzrasta od 9 do 14 (±0,5) godina. Za procenu uhranjenosti primenjivan je Indeks telesne mase (ITM) kao odnos telesne visine i telesne mase ispitanika. Za utvrđivanje razlika između košarkaša različitog uzrasta u pogledu uhranjenosti, primenjivana je univarijatna analiza varijanse (ANOVA). Dobijeni rezultati jasno ukazuju da postoji statistički značajna razlika (p=0,05) između mladih košarkaša u pogledu njihove uhranjenosti. Kroz rezultate ovog istraživanja se može uvideti tendencija porasta indeksa telesne mase sa godinama.
BioMed Research International
Rotator cuff disease, external and internal impingement syndromes, low shoulder stability, variou... more Rotator cuff disease, external and internal impingement syndromes, low shoulder stability, various types of trauma, and overuse injuries are all related to sports activities. In order to check symptoms in patients with disability and shoulder pain, clinicians use different methods and diagnostic imaging assessment. The research is aimed at evaluating whether there is a difference between provocation function tests (PFT) and ultrasonographic (US) testing of muscles within the rotator cuff in elite collegiate athletes. Patients ( n = 184 ) were recruited from university team sports selections and tested with a standardized US examination of the shoulder and five PFTs (Speed’s test, Neer’s test, Hawkins test, lift-off test, Yergason’s test). Based on the VAS pain assessment scale, 60 subjects had some pain, which was taken for further processing in the work (124 subjects did not have the presence of pain and were excluded from further processing). The US examination was conducted using...
Inovacije u nastavi, 2018
Универзитет у Крагујевцу, Педагошки факултет у Ужицу Кратки научни прилог Индекс телесне масе (ИТ... more Универзитет у Крагујевцу, Педагошки факултет у Ужицу Кратки научни прилог Индекс телесне масе (ИТМ) као значајан фактор у испољавању моторичких способности деце млађег школског узраста Резиме: Циљ овог истраживања је био да се утврде разлике у моторичким способ ностима деце млађег школског узраста у зависности од вредности индекса телесне масе (ИТМ). Узорак испитаника су сачињавала сто седамдесет четири ученика млађег школског узраста на територији Ужица, узраста 10 ± 0,65 година. Анализирано је седам моторичких варијабли ради утврђивања квантитативних разлика у просторима моторичког функ ционирања деце. Деца су подељена на три групе на основу индекса телесне масе (потхрање ни, нормално ухрањени и прекомерно ухрањени). Резултати добијени у овом истраживању указују на постојање разлика у моторичком простору између група испитаника. Највећа разлика између група се показала у подручју брзине кретања, координације целог тела, ста тичке снаге руку и раменог појаса и гипкости. Дефинисана је разлика и у репетитивној снази, с нешто мањим нивоом значајности. Овакав ре зул тат наводи на за кљу чак да де ца ко ја су ухрањена поседују боље моторичке способности у односу на потхрањене и прекомер но ухрањене. То је у индиректној вези са квалитетом наставе физичког васпитања, јер се ученици са бољим моторичким способностима више крећу и више се залажу на часу. Кључне речи: индекс телесне масе (ИТМ), моторичке способности, ниво ухрање ности, млађи школски узраст. Увод 1 Прекомерна тежина и гојазност су проширене последњих деценија широм света и попримиле су карактеристике епидемије, а све као последица модерног начина живота. Постоји мно
Inovacije u nastavi, 2020
Универзитет у Новом Саду, Факултет спорта и физичког васпитања, Нови Сад, Република Србија Оригин... more Универзитет у Новом Саду, Факултет спорта и физичког васпитања, Нови Сад, Република Србија Оригинални научни рад Разлике у мотивацији и физичком селф-концепту у односу на ниво физичке активности ученика млађег школског узраста Резиме: Одржавање квалитетне наставе физичког васпитања, каква је предвиђена наставним планом и програмом, свакодневно се сусреће са бројним проблемима и потешкоћама у реализацији. Важан предуслов да физичко васпитање заиста буде у функцији здравог одрастања и припреме ученика за активан животни стил јесте њихова пуна ангажованост и активност на часу физичког васпитања. Циљ овог истраживања био је утврђивање разлика у мотивацији и физичком селф-концепту ученика у односу на ниво њихове физичке активности на часу физичког васпитања. Истраживањем су обухваћена 423 ученика са територије града Ужица (старости 10±1,3 година), од чега 227 дечака и 196 девојчица, подељених у три групе према нивоу физичке активности на часу физичког васпитања (А-низак; Б-средњи; Ц-висок). За процену мотивационих оријентација ученика коришћен је модификовани Упитник саморегулације (енг. Self-Regulation Questionnaire) (Ryan
Facta universitatis. Series physical education and sport, 2018
The aim of this research was to determine the influence of certain morphological characteristics ... more The aim of this research was to determine the influence of certain morphological characteristics and motor skills on the volume and intensity of activities in physical education (PE) classes. A total of 208 (107 boys and 101 girls) primary school children aged 10±1.4 years old participated in this study. Physical activity was estimated by a pedometer and pulse meter. The physical fitness of the children was estimated by 7 motor skills tests and morphological characteristic by bioelectrical impedance and an anthropometer. A multiple regression analysis indicates that both predictor models had a significant influence on physical activity during classes (p<0.01). For the group of boys, physical fitness had a greater prediction value while in for the girls it was the morphological characteristics. At the level of individual morphological variables, body weight and muscle mass as components have the greatest predictive power in both sexes. Explosive strength of the lower extremities, ...
Collegium antropologicum
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of an additional, organized, and more inten... more The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of an additional, organized, and more intensive kinesiological treatment on »pure« motor abilities in preschool children. In the present study an xperimental treatment was carried out on a sample of 37 preschool boys by applying kinesiological activities. The 60 minute treatment was applied over a period of one school year (9 months), twice a week. A control group of 31 boys were trained according to the regular program for preschool institutions. Treatment effects were assessed by 8 motor ability tests and 5 anthropometric measures. The signifi cant differences between the groups, which were observed after the fi nal measurement and compared to the initial one, proved that the kinesiological treatment had a positive impact on the general development of »pure« motor abilities. The most signifi cant effect of experimental kinesiological treatment was the improvement in whole body force, fl exibility and coordination of preschool b...
Collegium antropologicum, 2015
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of an additional, organized, and more inten... more The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of an additional, organized, and more intensive kinesiological treatment on "pure" motor abilities in preschool children. In the present study an experimental treatment was carried out on a sample of 37 preschool boys by applying kinesiological activities. The 60 minute treatment was applied over a period of one school year (9 months), twice a week. A control group of 31 boys were trained according to the regular program for preschool institutions. Treatment effects were assessed by 8 motor ability tests and 5 anthropometric measures. The significant differences between the groups, which were observed after the final measurement and compared to the initial one, proved that the kinesiological treatment had a positive impact on the general development of "pure" motor abilities. The most significant effect of experimental kinesiological treatment was the improvement in whole body force, flexibility and coordinati...
The aim of this research was to determine the influence of certain morphological characteristics ... more The aim of this research was to determine the influence of certain morphological characteristics and motor skills on the volume and intensity of activities in physical education (PE) classes. A total of 208 (107 boys and 101 girls) primary school children aged 10±1.4 years old participated in this study. Physical activity was estimated by a pedometer and pulse meter. The physical fitness of the children was estimated by 7 motor skills tests and morphological characteristic by bioelectrical impedance and an anthropometer. A multiple regression analysis indicates that both predictor models had a significant influence on physical activity during classes (p<0.01). For the group of boys, physical fitness had a greater prediction value while in for the girls it was the morphological characteristics. At the level of individual morphological variables, body weight and muscle mass as components have the greatest predictive power in both sexes. Explosive strength of the lower extremities, ...
Facta Universitatis, Series: Physical Education and Sport
The aim of the research is to determine whether there are gender differences between younger scho... more The aim of the research is to determine whether there are gender differences between younger school-age children, and whether those differences within the sub-sample are influenced by the state of mass and motor skills. The whole sample included 285 respondents age 7.27±0.43, of which 144 boys (50.52%), and 141 girls (49.48%) who attended the first grade on the territory of the Province of Vojvodina (Republic of Serbia). The Eurofit battery of tests was used. The research results show that the prevalence of children with severe thinness in the whole sample is low 3.87%; children with normal mass 65.26%; pre-obese children only 18.59% and obese children only 12.28%, so that gender differences in motor skills considering the whole sample, apart from the mass, are between average values for boys considering explosive strength of the lower extremities, repetitive strength of the body and agility. Statistically significant differences within the sub-sample considering motor abilities wer...
Facta Universitatis, Series: Physical Education and Sport
The aim of the research is to determine whether there are gender differences between younger scho... more The aim of the research is to determine whether there are gender differences between younger school-age children, and whether those differences within the sub-sample are influenced by the state of mass and motor skills. The whole sample included 285 respondents age 7.27±0.43, of which 144 boys (50.52%), and 141 girls (49.48%) who attended the first grade on the territory of the Province of Vojvodina (Republic of Serbia). The Eurofit battery of tests was used. The research results show that the prevalence of children with severe thinness in the whole sample is low 3.87%; children with normal mass 65.26%; pre-obese children only 18.59% and obese children only 12.28%, so that gender differences in motor skills considering the whole sample, apart from the mass, are between average values for boys considering explosive strength of the lower extremities, repetitive strength of the body and agility. Statistically significant differences within the sub-sample considering motor abilities wer...
Collegium antropologicum, 2015
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of an additional, organized, and more inten... more The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of an additional, organized, and more intensive kinesiological treatment on "pure" motor abilities in preschool children. In the present study an experimental treatment was carried out on a sample of 37 preschool boys by applying kinesiological activities. The 60 minute treatment was applied over a period of one school year (9 months), twice a week. A control group of 31 boys were trained according to the regular program for preschool institutions. Treatment effects were assessed by 8 motor ability tests and 5 anthropometric measures. The significant differences between the groups, which were observed after the final measurement and compared to the initial one, proved that the kinesiological treatment had a positive impact on the general development of "pure" motor abilities. The most significant effect of experimental kinesiological treatment was the improvement in whole body force, flexibility and coordinati...
Zbornik radova, 2019
Cilj rada je da se prikažu i jasnije definišu ekspertni sistemi u sprintu, tj. načini kontrole i... more Cilj rada je da se prikažu i jasnije definišu ekspertni sistemi u sprintu, tj. načini kontrole i ocenjivanje sprinta kao i evaluacija postignutih rezultata, kod dece selektovane za atletiku školskog uzrasta. U atletici još nije modelovan ni jedan ekspertni sistem koji bi omogućio trenerima sistematsko praćenje rezultata sportista različitog uzrasta, kao i predikciju njihovih rezultata u budućnosti. Brz razvoj tehnologije omogućava nam dobijanje sve većeg broja objektivnih podataka na osnovu kojih možemo da dobijemo vernu sliku tehnike kretanja. Moramo ipak, naglasiti, da je većina metoda za ocenu tehnike atletskih disciplina dosta komplikovana, zahteva posebne aparature i posebno obučen kadar. Predloženi kriterijumi za kontrolu i ocenu sprinta predstavljaju sponu između naučnih istraživanja i prakse. Implementacija izloženih kriterijuma je primenjiva kako u školsko obrazovnom sistemu, kao kolevci mladih talenata, tako i u sportskim klubovima, kao kolevci svetskih rekordera.
Journal Plus Education, 2019
The research was carried out with the objective of establishing statistically significant differe... more The research was carried out with the objective of establishing statistically significant differences between football players of FC “Novi Sad” (N=21) from Novi Sad and students who are not active in sports (N=23) also from Novi Sad, in order to point out the positive effects of training processes on the explosive strength of legs. The battery of 5 motor tests has been applied: Counter Movement Jump - CMJ – the height of bounce, Squat Jump - SJ- the height of bounce, Running for 10 m from a high start, Running for 15 m from a high start and Running for 20 m from a high start. Applying this multivariate analysis of variance, the existence of statistically significant difference (P=0.00) in motor space has been established. With individual analysis of the difference the following differences in variables have been detected: Counter Movement Jump – the height of bounce (p=0.00), Squat Jump - the height of bounce (p=0.03) and Running for 10 m from a high start (p=0.05) in favour of foot...
Journal Plus Education, 2017
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of the sports activity polygon application ... more The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of the sports activity polygon application on motor coordination of children. The participants (aged: 10.5±0.5 years; body mass: 38.2±7.1 kg; body height: 145.7±6.1 cm) were randomly assigned to the experimental (EG; n= 35) and control group (CG; n= 30). Motor coordination was assessed by the complex movement task polygon . After initial testing, 10-week sports activity polygon program was implemented. At the end of the treatment the final testing took place. The results of the paired T-test indicated that the EG improved significantly (p=.000) in measured motor coordination abilities. The sports activity polygon appears to be an effective way of improving children’s coordination performance. Teachers could use this information to plan and improve the process of physical education.
Facta universitatis. Series physical education and sport, 2021
The main purpose of this article is to determine which motivational orientation (MO) of primary s... more The main purpose of this article is to determine which motivational orientation (MO) of primary school students (n=240) and their physical self-concept (PSC) contribute to the intensity of students' physical activity and volume of physical activity in a physical education (PE) class. They were estimated using the pedometer and heart rate sensor. MO is measured using a modified Self-Regulation Questionnaire. PSC was measured using subscales of the Self-perception Profile for Children. In boys, PSC and motivation present better predictors of physical activity in PE elementary school classes (p<0.01), than in girls. Intrinsic Motivation and Athletic Competence have a high predictive function. Boys with a higher level of sport competence and intrinsic motivation are physically more active in a PE classes. PE classes could enhance MO and PSC by supporting basic different psychological aspect of children.
Zbornik radova Pedagoskog fakulteta, Uzice, 2020
Physical education, from the earliest age in preschool institutions, and then through primary and... more Physical education, from the earliest age in preschool institutions, and then through primary and secondary schools, is the only place where children can, in the right way, acquire the knowledge on sports, skills, behaviour, necessary in order to get the continuity of physical activities in the adulthood. Primary school is a period when the students experience great changes in the overall developing status. Therefore, Physical Education has a fundamental role in the development of psychosomatic characteristics of children. While planning lessons of Physical Education, there is a special emphasis on the development of motor skills. The goal of this research refers to the establishing of the existing differences in the motor space of primary school children in relation to age. The sample consisted of 231 examinees who attended 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th grade (age 11 ± 1.6 years), out of which there were (N = 109; TV = 147.6 ± 7; TM = 39.6 ± 7.1) boys, and (N = 122; TV = 148.3 ± 5.9; TM = ...
Спортске науке и здравље - АПЕИРОН, 2020
The purpose of this study is to establish the existence of gender differences in motor skills in ... more The purpose of this study is to establish the existence of gender differences in motor skills in the preschool period as well as to check their nutritional status. The classification of their nutritional status has been performed based on their body mass index (BMI), based on the percentile values according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, (2000). Total sample consisted of 188 examinees with average values of body height (BH=124.59 cm±5.76) and body weight (BW=24.32 kg±3.11) with average age of 6.39±0.44 years, out which boys (N=107) and girls (N=81). Non-experimental research design, ex post facto correlation research plan, has been used. The battery with seven motor tests according to Bala and Popović (2007), has been used in this research. The study results show that the prevalence of malnourished children is 10.64%, well nourished 72.34%, tending to become obese 9.57% and obese children 7.44%, also with the existing gender difference in motor abilities in favour of...
Nastava i vaspitanje, 2018
Циљ истраживања које је представљено у овом раду био је да се утврде ефекти примене полигона као ... more Циљ истраживања које је представљено у овом раду био је да се утврде ефекти примене полигона као наставне методе у настави физичког васпитања. Узорак испитаника чинило је 95 ученика (узраст 7,7±0,7 година), који су подељени у две групе. Експериментална група (N=49) је примењивала полигон у настави током осам недеља, док је контролна група (N=46) изводила часове физичког васпитања према редовном наставном програму. Сви испитаници су били тестирани помоћу четири моторичка теста за процену: брзине, координације, експлозивне снаге и репетитивне снаге. Мултивариатном анализом коваријансе утврђено је да су испитаници експерименталне групе на крају поступка били статистички значајно бољи од контролне групе, док је Т-тестом упарених узорака утврђено да постоји ефекат поступка на статистички значајном нивоу (p=0,00). Ово истраживање је указало на значај примене полигона као oрганизационог облика рада у физичког васпитања са циљем побољшања моторичких способности деце млађег школског узраста. полигон, организациони облик рада, моторичке способности, млађи школски узраст Увод Институционално организован облик физичког вежбања је процес који траје од предшколског до завршетка средњошколског образовања, мада може трајати и током студирања. Развој моторичких способности у млађем школском узрасту условљен је квалитетом наставе физичког васпитања (Piek, Dawson, Smith & Gasson, 2008). Осим квалитета наставе, адекватне програме физичког вежбања потребно је повезати са сензитивним периодима и претходним искуством деце, како би се остварио што бољи ефекат вежбања на моторичке способности (
Journal Plus Education, 2017
Maximal oxygen consumption is one of the best indicators of aerobic power and the most widely use... more Maximal oxygen consumption is one of the best indicators of aerobic power and the most widely used parameter of functional capacity of an athlete. The task of this study is to discover whether there is a statistically significant difference between university basketball players in different playing positions (guard, wing, center) in terms of aerobic capacity. The study sample consisted of 30 basketball players, who have been categorized as guards (n = 11), wings (n = 11) and centers (n = 8). The overall sample consisted of players of the basketball team of the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education in Novi Sad, aged 20-26. With a laboratory on-line, breath-by-breath (CPET) system their relatively maximal oxygen consumption – Vo2max (ml • kg-1 • min-1) was diagnosed. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) was applied to the analysis of differences between participants in different playing positions. According to the results, it was determined that there was a difference (p <0.05) in th...
Glasnik Antropoloskog drustva Srbije, 2014
Zadatak ovog istraživanja je da se utvrde razlike u uhranjenosti između mladih košarkaša različit... more Zadatak ovog istraživanja je da se utvrde razlike u uhranjenosti između mladih košarkaša različitog uzrasta. Uzorak ispitanih košarkaša su predstavljali dečaci (N=379) različitih košarkaških selekcija iz deset opština Republike Srbije, uzrasta od 9 do 14 (±0,5) godina. Za procenu uhranjenosti primenjivan je Indeks telesne mase (ITM) kao odnos telesne visine i telesne mase ispitanika. Za utvrđivanje razlika između košarkaša različitog uzrasta u pogledu uhranjenosti, primenjivana je univarijatna analiza varijanse (ANOVA). Dobijeni rezultati jasno ukazuju da postoji statistički značajna razlika (p=0,05) između mladih košarkaša u pogledu njihove uhranjenosti. Kroz rezultate ovog istraživanja se može uvideti tendencija porasta indeksa telesne mase sa godinama.
BioMed Research International
Rotator cuff disease, external and internal impingement syndromes, low shoulder stability, variou... more Rotator cuff disease, external and internal impingement syndromes, low shoulder stability, various types of trauma, and overuse injuries are all related to sports activities. In order to check symptoms in patients with disability and shoulder pain, clinicians use different methods and diagnostic imaging assessment. The research is aimed at evaluating whether there is a difference between provocation function tests (PFT) and ultrasonographic (US) testing of muscles within the rotator cuff in elite collegiate athletes. Patients ( n = 184 ) were recruited from university team sports selections and tested with a standardized US examination of the shoulder and five PFTs (Speed’s test, Neer’s test, Hawkins test, lift-off test, Yergason’s test). Based on the VAS pain assessment scale, 60 subjects had some pain, which was taken for further processing in the work (124 subjects did not have the presence of pain and were excluded from further processing). The US examination was conducted using...
Inovacije u nastavi, 2018
Универзитет у Крагујевцу, Педагошки факултет у Ужицу Кратки научни прилог Индекс телесне масе (ИТ... more Универзитет у Крагујевцу, Педагошки факултет у Ужицу Кратки научни прилог Индекс телесне масе (ИТМ) као значајан фактор у испољавању моторичких способности деце млађег школског узраста Резиме: Циљ овог истраживања је био да се утврде разлике у моторичким способ ностима деце млађег школског узраста у зависности од вредности индекса телесне масе (ИТМ). Узорак испитаника су сачињавала сто седамдесет четири ученика млађег школског узраста на територији Ужица, узраста 10 ± 0,65 година. Анализирано је седам моторичких варијабли ради утврђивања квантитативних разлика у просторима моторичког функ ционирања деце. Деца су подељена на три групе на основу индекса телесне масе (потхрање ни, нормално ухрањени и прекомерно ухрањени). Резултати добијени у овом истраживању указују на постојање разлика у моторичком простору између група испитаника. Највећа разлика између група се показала у подручју брзине кретања, координације целог тела, ста тичке снаге руку и раменог појаса и гипкости. Дефинисана је разлика и у репетитивној снази, с нешто мањим нивоом значајности. Овакав ре зул тат наводи на за кљу чак да де ца ко ја су ухрањена поседују боље моторичке способности у односу на потхрањене и прекомер но ухрањене. То је у индиректној вези са квалитетом наставе физичког васпитања, јер се ученици са бољим моторичким способностима више крећу и више се залажу на часу. Кључне речи: индекс телесне масе (ИТМ), моторичке способности, ниво ухрање ности, млађи школски узраст. Увод 1 Прекомерна тежина и гојазност су проширене последњих деценија широм света и попримиле су карактеристике епидемије, а све као последица модерног начина живота. Постоји мно
Inovacije u nastavi, 2020
Универзитет у Новом Саду, Факултет спорта и физичког васпитања, Нови Сад, Република Србија Оригин... more Универзитет у Новом Саду, Факултет спорта и физичког васпитања, Нови Сад, Република Србија Оригинални научни рад Разлике у мотивацији и физичком селф-концепту у односу на ниво физичке активности ученика млађег школског узраста Резиме: Одржавање квалитетне наставе физичког васпитања, каква је предвиђена наставним планом и програмом, свакодневно се сусреће са бројним проблемима и потешкоћама у реализацији. Важан предуслов да физичко васпитање заиста буде у функцији здравог одрастања и припреме ученика за активан животни стил јесте њихова пуна ангажованост и активност на часу физичког васпитања. Циљ овог истраживања био је утврђивање разлика у мотивацији и физичком селф-концепту ученика у односу на ниво њихове физичке активности на часу физичког васпитања. Истраживањем су обухваћена 423 ученика са територије града Ужица (старости 10±1,3 година), од чега 227 дечака и 196 девојчица, подељених у три групе према нивоу физичке активности на часу физичког васпитања (А-низак; Б-средњи; Ц-висок). За процену мотивационих оријентација ученика коришћен је модификовани Упитник саморегулације (енг. Self-Regulation Questionnaire) (Ryan
Facta universitatis. Series physical education and sport, 2018
The aim of this research was to determine the influence of certain morphological characteristics ... more The aim of this research was to determine the influence of certain morphological characteristics and motor skills on the volume and intensity of activities in physical education (PE) classes. A total of 208 (107 boys and 101 girls) primary school children aged 10±1.4 years old participated in this study. Physical activity was estimated by a pedometer and pulse meter. The physical fitness of the children was estimated by 7 motor skills tests and morphological characteristic by bioelectrical impedance and an anthropometer. A multiple regression analysis indicates that both predictor models had a significant influence on physical activity during classes (p<0.01). For the group of boys, physical fitness had a greater prediction value while in for the girls it was the morphological characteristics. At the level of individual morphological variables, body weight and muscle mass as components have the greatest predictive power in both sexes. Explosive strength of the lower extremities, ...
Collegium antropologicum
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of an additional, organized, and more inten... more The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of an additional, organized, and more intensive kinesiological treatment on »pure« motor abilities in preschool children. In the present study an xperimental treatment was carried out on a sample of 37 preschool boys by applying kinesiological activities. The 60 minute treatment was applied over a period of one school year (9 months), twice a week. A control group of 31 boys were trained according to the regular program for preschool institutions. Treatment effects were assessed by 8 motor ability tests and 5 anthropometric measures. The signifi cant differences between the groups, which were observed after the fi nal measurement and compared to the initial one, proved that the kinesiological treatment had a positive impact on the general development of »pure« motor abilities. The most signifi cant effect of experimental kinesiological treatment was the improvement in whole body force, fl exibility and coordination of preschool b...
Collegium antropologicum, 2015
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of an additional, organized, and more inten... more The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of an additional, organized, and more intensive kinesiological treatment on "pure" motor abilities in preschool children. In the present study an experimental treatment was carried out on a sample of 37 preschool boys by applying kinesiological activities. The 60 minute treatment was applied over a period of one school year (9 months), twice a week. A control group of 31 boys were trained according to the regular program for preschool institutions. Treatment effects were assessed by 8 motor ability tests and 5 anthropometric measures. The significant differences between the groups, which were observed after the final measurement and compared to the initial one, proved that the kinesiological treatment had a positive impact on the general development of "pure" motor abilities. The most significant effect of experimental kinesiological treatment was the improvement in whole body force, flexibility and coordinati...
The aim of this research was to determine the influence of certain morphological characteristics ... more The aim of this research was to determine the influence of certain morphological characteristics and motor skills on the volume and intensity of activities in physical education (PE) classes. A total of 208 (107 boys and 101 girls) primary school children aged 10±1.4 years old participated in this study. Physical activity was estimated by a pedometer and pulse meter. The physical fitness of the children was estimated by 7 motor skills tests and morphological characteristic by bioelectrical impedance and an anthropometer. A multiple regression analysis indicates that both predictor models had a significant influence on physical activity during classes (p<0.01). For the group of boys, physical fitness had a greater prediction value while in for the girls it was the morphological characteristics. At the level of individual morphological variables, body weight and muscle mass as components have the greatest predictive power in both sexes. Explosive strength of the lower extremities, ...
Facta Universitatis, Series: Physical Education and Sport
The aim of the research is to determine whether there are gender differences between younger scho... more The aim of the research is to determine whether there are gender differences between younger school-age children, and whether those differences within the sub-sample are influenced by the state of mass and motor skills. The whole sample included 285 respondents age 7.27±0.43, of which 144 boys (50.52%), and 141 girls (49.48%) who attended the first grade on the territory of the Province of Vojvodina (Republic of Serbia). The Eurofit battery of tests was used. The research results show that the prevalence of children with severe thinness in the whole sample is low 3.87%; children with normal mass 65.26%; pre-obese children only 18.59% and obese children only 12.28%, so that gender differences in motor skills considering the whole sample, apart from the mass, are between average values for boys considering explosive strength of the lower extremities, repetitive strength of the body and agility. Statistically significant differences within the sub-sample considering motor abilities wer...
Facta Universitatis, Series: Physical Education and Sport
The aim of the research is to determine whether there are gender differences between younger scho... more The aim of the research is to determine whether there are gender differences between younger school-age children, and whether those differences within the sub-sample are influenced by the state of mass and motor skills. The whole sample included 285 respondents age 7.27±0.43, of which 144 boys (50.52%), and 141 girls (49.48%) who attended the first grade on the territory of the Province of Vojvodina (Republic of Serbia). The Eurofit battery of tests was used. The research results show that the prevalence of children with severe thinness in the whole sample is low 3.87%; children with normal mass 65.26%; pre-obese children only 18.59% and obese children only 12.28%, so that gender differences in motor skills considering the whole sample, apart from the mass, are between average values for boys considering explosive strength of the lower extremities, repetitive strength of the body and agility. Statistically significant differences within the sub-sample considering motor abilities wer...
Collegium antropologicum, 2015
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of an additional, organized, and more inten... more The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of an additional, organized, and more intensive kinesiological treatment on "pure" motor abilities in preschool children. In the present study an experimental treatment was carried out on a sample of 37 preschool boys by applying kinesiological activities. The 60 minute treatment was applied over a period of one school year (9 months), twice a week. A control group of 31 boys were trained according to the regular program for preschool institutions. Treatment effects were assessed by 8 motor ability tests and 5 anthropometric measures. The significant differences between the groups, which were observed after the final measurement and compared to the initial one, proved that the kinesiological treatment had a positive impact on the general development of "pure" motor abilities. The most significant effect of experimental kinesiological treatment was the improvement in whole body force, flexibility and coordinati...