Stephan Pretorius - (original) (raw)

Papers by Stephan Pretorius

Research paper thumbnail of The diverted spirituality of "False Christ cults"

Journal of Christian Scholarship, 2024

Spirituality is a general term used to refer to one's belief system and lived expression. It is a... more Spirituality is a general term used to refer to one's belief system and lived expression. It is a broad term and has been used to formulate different forms of spiritual expression. In the Christian context spirituality is defined as a life based on biblical faith that originates from a trust in and personal relationship with Christ. Pseudo-Christian groups especially False Christ cults presume, based on the claim of the leader being "Christ", that they are Christian and therefore their spirituality is also Christian. This study investigates the spirituality of False Christ cults compared to Christian spirituality to find the resemblances and differences and found them lacking since the presence of the persona of a so-called "Christ" inevitably changes the essential faith aspect of Christian spirituality namely faith in the redemptive work of Christ. Salvation through Christ is replaced with some manmade religious system of the "modern-day Christ".

Research paper thumbnail of The 'love' that religious cults offer and its effects on members

It seems evident that, despite developments in the postmodern world, human beings still need lovi... more It seems evident that, despite developments in the postmodern world, human beings still need loving care and a place where they believe their need for spiritual well-being will be met. When dealing with people, much can be achieved by following the correct approach. One way to obtain results is by showing love, attention, appreciation and a sense of belonging, in other words, by 'love bombing' a person. The love bombing technique is also employed by cults to lure and eventually retain members. Love bombing is nothing more than a means to an end - a charade to enlist new members. Even after leaving the group, cult members remain challenged by the after effects of this technique and consequences thereof. This article points at how a strong emotional attachment between cult members and a cult develops. This emotional attachment is set to control a former cult member's behaviour, long after they leave the group. The negative impact of this emotional control on the person&#39...

Research paper thumbnail of Establishing mutual ground that enables counselling of religious cult victims

Verskillende modelle van berading vir verskillende tipes mishandeling word in literatuur aangedui... more Verskillende modelle van berading vir verskillende tipes mishandeling word in literatuur aangedui. 'n Model vir slagoffers van geestelike mishandeling aan die hand van godsdienstige kultes is egter nog in gebreke. Alvorens hierdie slagoffers berading kan ontvang moet 'n gemeenskaplike grond gevestig word. In hierdie artikel word eerstens gepoog om aan te dui hoe godsdienstige kultes 'n ander wereld vir hulle volgelinge skep, deur die bestaande stelsel van beinvloeding te vervang met 'n kultestelsel en sodoende 'n verandering in die identiteit en persoonlikheid van die volgeling teweeg te bring. Met die tot- standkoming van 'n ander identiteit en persoonlikheid word gedrags- verandering bewerkstellig. In die proses word volgelinge emosioneel afhanklik van die groep en antagonisties teenoor die buitewereld. Hierdie gedrag kompliseer die beradingsproses. In hierdie artikel word aangevoer aan dat een metode om hierdie slagoffers te bereik is deur hulle na 'n ...

Research paper thumbnail of Family alienation is presented as a requirement for total commitment in some new religious groups

Jong gelowiges in sommige alternatiewe godsdienstige groepe word subtiel deur die aanhaal van sek... more Jong gelowiges in sommige alternatiewe godsdienstige groepe word subtiel deur die aanhaal van sekere skrifgedeeltes oortuig dat vervreemding van hulle familie 'n bewys is van hulle heelhartige toewyding aan God. Gaandeweg word lede meer betrek by die aktiwiteite van hierdie godsdiensgroepe wat daartoe lei dat die eens gesonde sterk verhoudings met hulle ouers en vriende skade ly en later selfs verbreek word. Ouers en vriende word onverwags deur hierdie verandering betrap. Verder is hulle nie bekend met die dinamiek en werkswyse van hierdie groepe nie en weet dus nie hoe om hierdie situasie te hanteer nie. Hierdie vervreemding tussen geliefdes sorg vir hartseer en verslaenheid veral wanneer Skrifgedeeltes aangehaal word om hulle gedrag te regverdig. Die artikel argumenteer dat die rede vir die vervreemding tussen jongmense en hulle ouers en familie te wyte is aan die misbruik van sekere Bybelse gedeeltes deur hierdie groepe. Die aangehaalde skrifgedeeltes word nie gebruik om die ...

Research paper thumbnail of The Toronto Blessing and the Kundalini Experience : a comparative perspective

Hedendaags word die korrekte benadering jeens ander godsdienste gepropageer as die van verdraagsa... more Hedendaags word die korrekte benadering jeens ander godsdienste gepropageer as die van verdraagsaamheid. Daarmee word gepoog om aan elke godsdiens bestaansreg te verleen. Verder word gepoog om elke godsdiens in eie reg te verstaan, dus sonder vooroordele. Die benadering het egter 'n ander moontlik onverwagte aspek na die voorgrond gebring, naamlik dat daar ook ooreenkomste tussen verskillende godsdienste bestaan. Wat die saak meer interessant maak is dat van hierdie ooreenkomste sake is wat vroeer as eksklusief behorende tot die Christendom beskou is. Een so 'n interessante ooreenkoms word aangetref wanneer die sogenaamde geestelike ervarings wat gepaard gaan met die 'Toronto Blessing' in die Charismatiese beweging vergelyk word met die gepaardgaande ervarings van die 'Kundalini Awakening' in Hinduisme. Hierdie ooreenkoms bring onvermydelik 'n skaduwee oor die aanspraak van sommige van die Charismate dat die ervarings van die 'Toronto Blessing' ve...

Research paper thumbnail of Opposing abuse in religious high-demand groups in South Africa: the case study of the “prophet” of Hertzogville

Verbum et Ecclesia, 2007

Since the new Constitution came into force, there has been an increase in the number of high-dema... more Since the new Constitution came into force, there has been an increase in the number of high-demand religious groups. The more accommodating and tolerant approach towards religions brought about by the Constitution has created a fertile environment for the development of alternative religious groups. In certain cases, unfortunately, this has resulted in the violation of other basic human rights within the confines of these groups. There is very little monitoring of the various religions in South Africa and these violations seem to be on the increase. A need arose to oppose the infringement of human rights in high-demand religious groups. The organisation RIGH (Rights of Individuals Grant Honour To) was established to address this need. This article aims, first, to point out how the exercising of one basic human right, in this particular case the right to freedom of religion as exercised in Hertzogville, led to the violation of other basic human rights. Secondly, it suggests ways of ...

Research paper thumbnail of Framework of communication needed to protect against human rights violations of individuals who exercise their right to religious freedom in minority religions

Verbum et Ecclesia, 2012

The right to religious freedom is generally believed to be the solution to religious intolerance ... more The right to religious freedom is generally believed to be the solution to religious intolerance and discrimination and to ensure world peace amongst world citizens. On an international level, the United Nations, through the appointment of a special rapporteur for freedom of religion and belief, has introduced a tool to monitor violations of this right. This tool is known as �the framework of communications� and is focused mainly on the relationship between governments and religions. Unfortunately, religion is not excluded from the violation of human rights within its own ranks. This article pointed out that however pure the intention of freedom of religion, no real measures are in place to address violations of human rights in minority religions. Therefore, a tool is needed to investigate and address alleged violations within minority religions.

Research paper thumbnail of The contribution of usability to the self-help enrolment system at Unisa

This article focuses on the effectiveness of the self-help enrolment facility at the University o... more This article focuses on the effectiveness of the self-help enrolment facility at the University of South Africa (Unisa) that forms an important part of the open and distance learning (ODL) model. Unisa officially introduced the self-help enrolment model in December 2008. The goal of the self-help enrolment system is to speed up personal enrolment and at the same time to create an environment that will be more accessible to the students - thus turning enrolment into a pleasant experience. This shift aimed to achieve the self-management of enrolment and administration. Feedback on the effectiveness and overall experience of the self-help system gathered from students and staff over a period of time has, however, indicated some weak areas. These results emphasised the need for a scientific usability evaluation of the self-help enrolment system, which was conducted in October 2009. As will be indicated in the article, the results obtained from the usability and eye tracking evaluation n...

Research paper thumbnail of Word volgelinge van sommige hedendaagse �profete� mislei en van hulle regte ontneem onder die dekmantel van profesie?

Verbum et Ecclesia, 2005

Prophets and their prophecies seem to form an integral part of the spirituality of some believers... more Prophets and their prophecies seem to form an integral part of the spirituality of some believers.� A small group of believers in Hertzogville are clinging wholeheartedly to the prediction uttered by their �prophet�, a certain David Francis. According to Francis, God gave him a message on 1 July 2004 that the deceased, Paul Meintjies, should not be buried because he would rise from the dead. Francis gave no specific date for the resurrection � God will speak to him when the time is right.� Although Francis could give no specific date, rumours amongst the people in Hertzogville had it that the resurrection would take place on 29 July 2004. This date was later changed to 5 and then to 8 August 2004. Nothing happened on any of these dates. In spite of everything, the followers of Francis still believe that Meintjies will rise from the dead. � In this article the claim of modern day �prophet�� and their so-called godly messages are evaluated.� This is done in light of the Biblical proph...

Research paper thumbnail of Mind control: The secret weapon utilised by religious cults to control their followers

Koers - Bulletin for Christian Scholarship, 2004

Mind control: The secret weapon utilised by religious cults to control their followers The aim of... more Mind control: The secret weapon utilised by religious cults to control their followers The aim of this article is to create awareness of the dangers of religious cults. The process utilised by these cults to recruit members and to control their lives is so subtle that members are led to believe that they joined out of their own free will. A brief discussion of what religious cults are as well as how they function is followed by an explanation of mind control and how it is utilised by cults. This article maintains that mind control is the secret weapon with which leaders of cults lure their followers under false pretences to mislead, control and make them dependent on the cult. Opsomming Psigiese beheer: die geheime wapen wat deur godsdienstige kultes aangewend word om hulle volgelinge te beheer Die doel van hierdie artikel is om 'n bewustheid vir die gevare van godsdienstige kultes te kweek. Die proses wat deur hierdie kultes aangewend word om lede te werf en uiteindelik te beheer is so subtiel dat dit die oortuiging by die lede laat dat hulle uit vrye wil betrokke is. 'n Oorsigtelike bespreking van wat godsdienstige kultes is asook hoe hulle funksioneer word gevolg deur 'n uiteensetting van "mind control" en die wyse waarop dit deur die kultes aangewend word. Hierdie artikel handhaaf die beskouing dat "mind control" die geheime wapen is waarmee die leiers van kultes hulle volgelinge onder valse voorwensels lok, mislei, beheer en uiteindelik afhanklik maak van die kulte.

Research paper thumbnail of The concept “salvation” in the Church of Scientology

HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies, 2006

In one of its publications the Church of Scientology (COSI), a well-established religious movemen... more In one of its publications the Church of Scientology (COSI), a well-established religious movement in South Africa, claims to be not only the fastest growing religious movement, but also to be an active force for positive change in the world. The Church of Scientology’s utilization of familiar terms such as “church” and “religion” can be misleading. It can create the understanding with some that Scientology might be related to, or even be an extension of the Christian tradition. This understanding is further enhanced by their assurance to Christians that joining the church will not distance them from, but instead, strengthen their own faith. This article, however, concludes that closer investigation of the philosophy of Scientology indicates that there is a distinct difference between the salvations offered by Scientology and that of the Christian tradition.

Research paper thumbnail of Spiritual abuse under the banner of the right to freedom of religion in religious cults can be addressed

Research paper thumbnail of Correspondence to

How to cite this article: Pretorius, S.P., 2014, ‘The effect of misapplied religious practices in... more How to cite this article: Pretorius, S.P., 2014, ‘The effect of misapplied religious practices in some alternative religious groups’, HTS Teologiese Studies/ Theological Studies 70(3),

Research paper thumbnail of Is 'divine healing' in the 'faith movement' founded on the principles of healing in the Bible or based on the power of the mind? : original research

Hts Teologiese Studies-theological Studies, 2009

Many people plagued with incurable diseases or diseases that seem to be resistant to medical trea... more Many people plagued with incurable diseases or diseases that seem to be resistant to medical treatment, in desperation turn to preachers who claim to administer divine healing. These divine healers make certain claims, based on their interpretation of the Scriptures and a so-called revelation of God's will. They furthermore preach that healing and health are included in atonement and that nobody should be sick. Illness is an indication of a lack of faith on the part of the believer. It could also be attributed to an attack from the devil. In order to obtain healing, a process of ignoring the symptoms, followed by an unyielding and repeated confession of the healing needed, based on selected verses from the Scriptures, is proposed. This article is based on the contention that the healing practised by these divine healers is nothing more than a 'mind-over-matter' approach, leading people into confessing over and over that they have been healed. These practices are reminiscent of the utilisation of affi rmations that lead to positive thinking, which will evidently result in a change of behaviour on the part of the confessor. No indication of Godly intervention seems to be evident in this healing ministry, and neither is any submission to the will and purpose of God.

Research paper thumbnail of The risk of overestimating and underestimating “religious cults” in South Africa

In South Africa on a number of occasions the media and other groups have referred to some religio... more In South Africa on a number of occasions the media and other groups have referred to some religious groups as “cults”. The word “cult” is a loaded term which has positive, negative and neutral connotations. Unfortunately, the term has often been used not to describe a phenomenon but to classify groups that are not in line with the standards of society. This has lead to tension between such groups and churches, and members of society. This article reveals that the study of cults is a complex one and one to be pursued with caution. Measures are proposed for the studying of cults in order to provide a balanced overview. In order to provide balanced information on new religions and cults an Information centre associated with an academic institution needs to be established.

Research paper thumbnail of Coercion in new religious movements

The South African Constitution, in line with international standards, upholds the condition that ... more The South African Constitution, in line with international standards, upholds the condition that participation in any religious practice must be free and voluntary. The belief in other countries that some religious groups (generally referred to as "new religious movements") are in violation of this condition seems to have been accepted in South Africa. This view became evident through the number of media reports over the past few years indicating that some alternative religious groups utilise unethical coercion methods to proselytise and maintain members. A means to address this issue is through a legal approach relying on the condition of religious freedom that no coercion may be used in religion. Other means such as dialogue with and information about these groups are proposed in order to resolve this issue. An ideal platform has been created for this by the South African Charter for Religious Rights and Freedoms.

Research paper thumbnail of Best practice for society in dealing with cults

Nederduitse Gereformeerde Teologiese Tydskrif, Dec 19, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of The effect of misapplied religious practices in some alternative religious groups

HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies, 2014

The positive impact that religion generally has on human beings has been suggested by different s... more The positive impact that religion generally has on human beings has been suggested by different studies. However, it cannot be assumed that religion always contributes to the well-being of believers. Religious systems can be misused, resulting in people being spiritually and even physically hurt and harmed. This study investigates certain aspects of some alternative religious group in order to determine the impact it has on the well-being of the members of these groups. It was found that people are drawn to these groups because of the challenges they present, the display of true love amongst members and the ‘message’ of an authoritative charismatic leader that resonates with them and convinces them to become part. As time pass, members were challenged with questionable aspects that appear in the activities and teaching of these groups. Obtaining clarity on these concerns was strongly discouraged by the culture and other members of the group, resulting in members suppressing doubts a...

Research paper thumbnail of The significance of the use of ganja as a religious ritual in the Rastafari movement

Verbum et Ecclesia, 2006

In 2000, the South African Constitutional Court ruled that religious freedom, including the exerc... more In 2000, the South African Constitutional Court ruled that religious freedom, including the exercise of religious rituals, may not contradict the laws of the country. This ruling came as a result of the Western Cape Law Society�s refusal to admit a Rastafarian as lawyer because of his habit of smoking marijuana. He appealed to the Constitutional Court and claimed that the ruling infringed upon his right to religious freedom. The Constitutional Court upheld the decision that no exception may be made for one religion.�

Research paper thumbnail of Is ‘divine healing’ in the ‘Faith Movement’ founded on the principles of healing in the Bible or based on the power of the mind?

HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies, 2009

Many people plagued with incurable diseases or diseases that seem to be resistant to medical trea... more Many people plagued with incurable diseases or diseases that seem to be resistant to medical treatment, in desperation turn to preachers who claim to administer divine healing. These divine healers make certain claims, based on their interpretation of the Scriptures and a so-called revelation of God’s will. They furthermore preach that healing and health are included in atonement and that nobody should be sick. Illness is an indication of a lack of faith on the part of the believer. It could also be attributed to an attack from the devil. In order to obtain healing, a process of ignoring the symptoms, followed by an unyielding and repeated confession of the healing needed, based on selected verses from the Scriptures, is proposed.This article is based on the contention that the healing practised by these divine healers is nothing more than a ‘mind-over-matter’ approach, leading people into confessing over and over that they have been healed. These practices are reminiscent of the ut...

Research paper thumbnail of The diverted spirituality of "False Christ cults"

Journal of Christian Scholarship, 2024

Spirituality is a general term used to refer to one's belief system and lived expression. It is a... more Spirituality is a general term used to refer to one's belief system and lived expression. It is a broad term and has been used to formulate different forms of spiritual expression. In the Christian context spirituality is defined as a life based on biblical faith that originates from a trust in and personal relationship with Christ. Pseudo-Christian groups especially False Christ cults presume, based on the claim of the leader being "Christ", that they are Christian and therefore their spirituality is also Christian. This study investigates the spirituality of False Christ cults compared to Christian spirituality to find the resemblances and differences and found them lacking since the presence of the persona of a so-called "Christ" inevitably changes the essential faith aspect of Christian spirituality namely faith in the redemptive work of Christ. Salvation through Christ is replaced with some manmade religious system of the "modern-day Christ".

Research paper thumbnail of The 'love' that religious cults offer and its effects on members

It seems evident that, despite developments in the postmodern world, human beings still need lovi... more It seems evident that, despite developments in the postmodern world, human beings still need loving care and a place where they believe their need for spiritual well-being will be met. When dealing with people, much can be achieved by following the correct approach. One way to obtain results is by showing love, attention, appreciation and a sense of belonging, in other words, by 'love bombing' a person. The love bombing technique is also employed by cults to lure and eventually retain members. Love bombing is nothing more than a means to an end - a charade to enlist new members. Even after leaving the group, cult members remain challenged by the after effects of this technique and consequences thereof. This article points at how a strong emotional attachment between cult members and a cult develops. This emotional attachment is set to control a former cult member's behaviour, long after they leave the group. The negative impact of this emotional control on the person&#39...

Research paper thumbnail of Establishing mutual ground that enables counselling of religious cult victims

Verskillende modelle van berading vir verskillende tipes mishandeling word in literatuur aangedui... more Verskillende modelle van berading vir verskillende tipes mishandeling word in literatuur aangedui. 'n Model vir slagoffers van geestelike mishandeling aan die hand van godsdienstige kultes is egter nog in gebreke. Alvorens hierdie slagoffers berading kan ontvang moet 'n gemeenskaplike grond gevestig word. In hierdie artikel word eerstens gepoog om aan te dui hoe godsdienstige kultes 'n ander wereld vir hulle volgelinge skep, deur die bestaande stelsel van beinvloeding te vervang met 'n kultestelsel en sodoende 'n verandering in die identiteit en persoonlikheid van die volgeling teweeg te bring. Met die tot- standkoming van 'n ander identiteit en persoonlikheid word gedrags- verandering bewerkstellig. In die proses word volgelinge emosioneel afhanklik van die groep en antagonisties teenoor die buitewereld. Hierdie gedrag kompliseer die beradingsproses. In hierdie artikel word aangevoer aan dat een metode om hierdie slagoffers te bereik is deur hulle na 'n ...

Research paper thumbnail of Family alienation is presented as a requirement for total commitment in some new religious groups

Jong gelowiges in sommige alternatiewe godsdienstige groepe word subtiel deur die aanhaal van sek... more Jong gelowiges in sommige alternatiewe godsdienstige groepe word subtiel deur die aanhaal van sekere skrifgedeeltes oortuig dat vervreemding van hulle familie 'n bewys is van hulle heelhartige toewyding aan God. Gaandeweg word lede meer betrek by die aktiwiteite van hierdie godsdiensgroepe wat daartoe lei dat die eens gesonde sterk verhoudings met hulle ouers en vriende skade ly en later selfs verbreek word. Ouers en vriende word onverwags deur hierdie verandering betrap. Verder is hulle nie bekend met die dinamiek en werkswyse van hierdie groepe nie en weet dus nie hoe om hierdie situasie te hanteer nie. Hierdie vervreemding tussen geliefdes sorg vir hartseer en verslaenheid veral wanneer Skrifgedeeltes aangehaal word om hulle gedrag te regverdig. Die artikel argumenteer dat die rede vir die vervreemding tussen jongmense en hulle ouers en familie te wyte is aan die misbruik van sekere Bybelse gedeeltes deur hierdie groepe. Die aangehaalde skrifgedeeltes word nie gebruik om die ...

Research paper thumbnail of The Toronto Blessing and the Kundalini Experience : a comparative perspective

Hedendaags word die korrekte benadering jeens ander godsdienste gepropageer as die van verdraagsa... more Hedendaags word die korrekte benadering jeens ander godsdienste gepropageer as die van verdraagsaamheid. Daarmee word gepoog om aan elke godsdiens bestaansreg te verleen. Verder word gepoog om elke godsdiens in eie reg te verstaan, dus sonder vooroordele. Die benadering het egter 'n ander moontlik onverwagte aspek na die voorgrond gebring, naamlik dat daar ook ooreenkomste tussen verskillende godsdienste bestaan. Wat die saak meer interessant maak is dat van hierdie ooreenkomste sake is wat vroeer as eksklusief behorende tot die Christendom beskou is. Een so 'n interessante ooreenkoms word aangetref wanneer die sogenaamde geestelike ervarings wat gepaard gaan met die 'Toronto Blessing' in die Charismatiese beweging vergelyk word met die gepaardgaande ervarings van die 'Kundalini Awakening' in Hinduisme. Hierdie ooreenkoms bring onvermydelik 'n skaduwee oor die aanspraak van sommige van die Charismate dat die ervarings van die 'Toronto Blessing' ve...

Research paper thumbnail of Opposing abuse in religious high-demand groups in South Africa: the case study of the “prophet” of Hertzogville

Verbum et Ecclesia, 2007

Since the new Constitution came into force, there has been an increase in the number of high-dema... more Since the new Constitution came into force, there has been an increase in the number of high-demand religious groups. The more accommodating and tolerant approach towards religions brought about by the Constitution has created a fertile environment for the development of alternative religious groups. In certain cases, unfortunately, this has resulted in the violation of other basic human rights within the confines of these groups. There is very little monitoring of the various religions in South Africa and these violations seem to be on the increase. A need arose to oppose the infringement of human rights in high-demand religious groups. The organisation RIGH (Rights of Individuals Grant Honour To) was established to address this need. This article aims, first, to point out how the exercising of one basic human right, in this particular case the right to freedom of religion as exercised in Hertzogville, led to the violation of other basic human rights. Secondly, it suggests ways of ...

Research paper thumbnail of Framework of communication needed to protect against human rights violations of individuals who exercise their right to religious freedom in minority religions

Verbum et Ecclesia, 2012

The right to religious freedom is generally believed to be the solution to religious intolerance ... more The right to religious freedom is generally believed to be the solution to religious intolerance and discrimination and to ensure world peace amongst world citizens. On an international level, the United Nations, through the appointment of a special rapporteur for freedom of religion and belief, has introduced a tool to monitor violations of this right. This tool is known as �the framework of communications� and is focused mainly on the relationship between governments and religions. Unfortunately, religion is not excluded from the violation of human rights within its own ranks. This article pointed out that however pure the intention of freedom of religion, no real measures are in place to address violations of human rights in minority religions. Therefore, a tool is needed to investigate and address alleged violations within minority religions.

Research paper thumbnail of The contribution of usability to the self-help enrolment system at Unisa

This article focuses on the effectiveness of the self-help enrolment facility at the University o... more This article focuses on the effectiveness of the self-help enrolment facility at the University of South Africa (Unisa) that forms an important part of the open and distance learning (ODL) model. Unisa officially introduced the self-help enrolment model in December 2008. The goal of the self-help enrolment system is to speed up personal enrolment and at the same time to create an environment that will be more accessible to the students - thus turning enrolment into a pleasant experience. This shift aimed to achieve the self-management of enrolment and administration. Feedback on the effectiveness and overall experience of the self-help system gathered from students and staff over a period of time has, however, indicated some weak areas. These results emphasised the need for a scientific usability evaluation of the self-help enrolment system, which was conducted in October 2009. As will be indicated in the article, the results obtained from the usability and eye tracking evaluation n...

Research paper thumbnail of Word volgelinge van sommige hedendaagse �profete� mislei en van hulle regte ontneem onder die dekmantel van profesie?

Verbum et Ecclesia, 2005

Prophets and their prophecies seem to form an integral part of the spirituality of some believers... more Prophets and their prophecies seem to form an integral part of the spirituality of some believers.� A small group of believers in Hertzogville are clinging wholeheartedly to the prediction uttered by their �prophet�, a certain David Francis. According to Francis, God gave him a message on 1 July 2004 that the deceased, Paul Meintjies, should not be buried because he would rise from the dead. Francis gave no specific date for the resurrection � God will speak to him when the time is right.� Although Francis could give no specific date, rumours amongst the people in Hertzogville had it that the resurrection would take place on 29 July 2004. This date was later changed to 5 and then to 8 August 2004. Nothing happened on any of these dates. In spite of everything, the followers of Francis still believe that Meintjies will rise from the dead. � In this article the claim of modern day �prophet�� and their so-called godly messages are evaluated.� This is done in light of the Biblical proph...

Research paper thumbnail of Mind control: The secret weapon utilised by religious cults to control their followers

Koers - Bulletin for Christian Scholarship, 2004

Mind control: The secret weapon utilised by religious cults to control their followers The aim of... more Mind control: The secret weapon utilised by religious cults to control their followers The aim of this article is to create awareness of the dangers of religious cults. The process utilised by these cults to recruit members and to control their lives is so subtle that members are led to believe that they joined out of their own free will. A brief discussion of what religious cults are as well as how they function is followed by an explanation of mind control and how it is utilised by cults. This article maintains that mind control is the secret weapon with which leaders of cults lure their followers under false pretences to mislead, control and make them dependent on the cult. Opsomming Psigiese beheer: die geheime wapen wat deur godsdienstige kultes aangewend word om hulle volgelinge te beheer Die doel van hierdie artikel is om 'n bewustheid vir die gevare van godsdienstige kultes te kweek. Die proses wat deur hierdie kultes aangewend word om lede te werf en uiteindelik te beheer is so subtiel dat dit die oortuiging by die lede laat dat hulle uit vrye wil betrokke is. 'n Oorsigtelike bespreking van wat godsdienstige kultes is asook hoe hulle funksioneer word gevolg deur 'n uiteensetting van "mind control" en die wyse waarop dit deur die kultes aangewend word. Hierdie artikel handhaaf die beskouing dat "mind control" die geheime wapen is waarmee die leiers van kultes hulle volgelinge onder valse voorwensels lok, mislei, beheer en uiteindelik afhanklik maak van die kulte.

Research paper thumbnail of The concept “salvation” in the Church of Scientology

HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies, 2006

In one of its publications the Church of Scientology (COSI), a well-established religious movemen... more In one of its publications the Church of Scientology (COSI), a well-established religious movement in South Africa, claims to be not only the fastest growing religious movement, but also to be an active force for positive change in the world. The Church of Scientology’s utilization of familiar terms such as “church” and “religion” can be misleading. It can create the understanding with some that Scientology might be related to, or even be an extension of the Christian tradition. This understanding is further enhanced by their assurance to Christians that joining the church will not distance them from, but instead, strengthen their own faith. This article, however, concludes that closer investigation of the philosophy of Scientology indicates that there is a distinct difference between the salvations offered by Scientology and that of the Christian tradition.

Research paper thumbnail of Spiritual abuse under the banner of the right to freedom of religion in religious cults can be addressed

Research paper thumbnail of Correspondence to

How to cite this article: Pretorius, S.P., 2014, ‘The effect of misapplied religious practices in... more How to cite this article: Pretorius, S.P., 2014, ‘The effect of misapplied religious practices in some alternative religious groups’, HTS Teologiese Studies/ Theological Studies 70(3),

Research paper thumbnail of Is 'divine healing' in the 'faith movement' founded on the principles of healing in the Bible or based on the power of the mind? : original research

Hts Teologiese Studies-theological Studies, 2009

Many people plagued with incurable diseases or diseases that seem to be resistant to medical trea... more Many people plagued with incurable diseases or diseases that seem to be resistant to medical treatment, in desperation turn to preachers who claim to administer divine healing. These divine healers make certain claims, based on their interpretation of the Scriptures and a so-called revelation of God's will. They furthermore preach that healing and health are included in atonement and that nobody should be sick. Illness is an indication of a lack of faith on the part of the believer. It could also be attributed to an attack from the devil. In order to obtain healing, a process of ignoring the symptoms, followed by an unyielding and repeated confession of the healing needed, based on selected verses from the Scriptures, is proposed. This article is based on the contention that the healing practised by these divine healers is nothing more than a 'mind-over-matter' approach, leading people into confessing over and over that they have been healed. These practices are reminiscent of the utilisation of affi rmations that lead to positive thinking, which will evidently result in a change of behaviour on the part of the confessor. No indication of Godly intervention seems to be evident in this healing ministry, and neither is any submission to the will and purpose of God.

Research paper thumbnail of The risk of overestimating and underestimating “religious cults” in South Africa

In South Africa on a number of occasions the media and other groups have referred to some religio... more In South Africa on a number of occasions the media and other groups have referred to some religious groups as “cults”. The word “cult” is a loaded term which has positive, negative and neutral connotations. Unfortunately, the term has often been used not to describe a phenomenon but to classify groups that are not in line with the standards of society. This has lead to tension between such groups and churches, and members of society. This article reveals that the study of cults is a complex one and one to be pursued with caution. Measures are proposed for the studying of cults in order to provide a balanced overview. In order to provide balanced information on new religions and cults an Information centre associated with an academic institution needs to be established.

Research paper thumbnail of Coercion in new religious movements

The South African Constitution, in line with international standards, upholds the condition that ... more The South African Constitution, in line with international standards, upholds the condition that participation in any religious practice must be free and voluntary. The belief in other countries that some religious groups (generally referred to as "new religious movements") are in violation of this condition seems to have been accepted in South Africa. This view became evident through the number of media reports over the past few years indicating that some alternative religious groups utilise unethical coercion methods to proselytise and maintain members. A means to address this issue is through a legal approach relying on the condition of religious freedom that no coercion may be used in religion. Other means such as dialogue with and information about these groups are proposed in order to resolve this issue. An ideal platform has been created for this by the South African Charter for Religious Rights and Freedoms.

Research paper thumbnail of Best practice for society in dealing with cults

Nederduitse Gereformeerde Teologiese Tydskrif, Dec 19, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of The effect of misapplied religious practices in some alternative religious groups

HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies, 2014

The positive impact that religion generally has on human beings has been suggested by different s... more The positive impact that religion generally has on human beings has been suggested by different studies. However, it cannot be assumed that religion always contributes to the well-being of believers. Religious systems can be misused, resulting in people being spiritually and even physically hurt and harmed. This study investigates certain aspects of some alternative religious group in order to determine the impact it has on the well-being of the members of these groups. It was found that people are drawn to these groups because of the challenges they present, the display of true love amongst members and the ‘message’ of an authoritative charismatic leader that resonates with them and convinces them to become part. As time pass, members were challenged with questionable aspects that appear in the activities and teaching of these groups. Obtaining clarity on these concerns was strongly discouraged by the culture and other members of the group, resulting in members suppressing doubts a...

Research paper thumbnail of The significance of the use of ganja as a religious ritual in the Rastafari movement

Verbum et Ecclesia, 2006

In 2000, the South African Constitutional Court ruled that religious freedom, including the exerc... more In 2000, the South African Constitutional Court ruled that religious freedom, including the exercise of religious rituals, may not contradict the laws of the country. This ruling came as a result of the Western Cape Law Society�s refusal to admit a Rastafarian as lawyer because of his habit of smoking marijuana. He appealed to the Constitutional Court and claimed that the ruling infringed upon his right to religious freedom. The Constitutional Court upheld the decision that no exception may be made for one religion.�

Research paper thumbnail of Is ‘divine healing’ in the ‘Faith Movement’ founded on the principles of healing in the Bible or based on the power of the mind?

HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies, 2009

Many people plagued with incurable diseases or diseases that seem to be resistant to medical trea... more Many people plagued with incurable diseases or diseases that seem to be resistant to medical treatment, in desperation turn to preachers who claim to administer divine healing. These divine healers make certain claims, based on their interpretation of the Scriptures and a so-called revelation of God’s will. They furthermore preach that healing and health are included in atonement and that nobody should be sick. Illness is an indication of a lack of faith on the part of the believer. It could also be attributed to an attack from the devil. In order to obtain healing, a process of ignoring the symptoms, followed by an unyielding and repeated confession of the healing needed, based on selected verses from the Scriptures, is proposed.This article is based on the contention that the healing practised by these divine healers is nothing more than a ‘mind-over-matter’ approach, leading people into confessing over and over that they have been healed. These practices are reminiscent of the ut...