Sunčana Tuksar - (original) (raw)
Papers by Sunčana Tuksar
Dok se Lottovi suvremenici, puritanci, zabavljaju pišući o tabuima iz nekog prošlog vremena, kao ... more Dok se Lottovi suvremenici, puritanci, zabavljaju pišući o tabuima iz nekog prošlog vremena, kao što su seks ili droga, Lott u svojemu izvrsnom romanu predstavlja jedan novi-stupanje u brak U buržoaskom životu postoji neodoljiva potreba za laganjem i prikrivanjem stvari… Kod duboke povezanosti najvažnije je imati tajne i odavati ih. S druge strane, nikad se ne preporučuje u potpunosti govoriti istinu.-Harold Brodkey, navedeno u Tim Lott, Blue iz White Cityja Roman Breta Eastona Ellisa s kraja osamdesetih Manje od nule prijeteća je priča o drogi, seksu, statusnim simbolima, beznađu, prezasićenosti materijalnim dobrima, ili, ukratko, o laži. Taj je roman prozvan generacijskom knjigom o novoj američkoj izgubljenoj generaciji. Karakterizacijski meridijani ovog romana pružaju se dalje od postvijetnamski obojene kulture kalifornijskih avenija i njihovih pripadajućih protagonista-ulazeći duboko u devedesete londonskih ulica. Međutim, urbana slika londonske priče deset godina poslije mijenja se: izgubljene generacije dobile su pivske trbuščiće, popularnost droga post-rejverski se izlizala, a što se seksa tiče, malo tko se sjeća da je ikada bio tabu. Sumirajući ideje Irvina Welsha, Williama S. Burroughsa, Tame Janovitz i ostalih whitelinersa, dolazimo do zaključka da se jedino laž uspjela održati kao generacijsko naslijeđe tijekom žanrovskih promjena uličnih kadrova gradova i kultura.
Hrvatski Filmski Ljetopis, 2020
Palimpsest, 2021
All papers are peer-reviewed. СОДРЖИНА / TABLE OF CONTENTS СЕЌАВАЊЕ: проф. д-р Виолета Димова, пр... more All papers are peer-reviewed. СОДРЖИНА / TABLE OF CONTENTS СЕЌАВАЊЕ: проф. д-р Виолета Димова, прв декан на Филолошкиот факултет во Штип IN MEMORIAM: prof. Violeta Dimova, the first Dean of the Faculty of Philology in Stip ПРЕДГОВОР (ОД "ПАЛИМПСЕСТ" БР. 1) Проф. д-р Виолета Димова, прв декан на Филолошкиот факултет во Штип FOREWORD (FROM "PALIMPSEST" NO 1) Prof. Violeta Dimova, the first Dean of the Faculty of Philology in Stip
Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry, Jul 1, 2021
There are two significant books on public relations written by Edward Bernays: Crystallizing Publ... more There are two significant books on public relations written by Edward Bernays: Crystallizing Public Opinion, and Propaganda. The author draws from Freud’s discussions about human psyche, which are accompanied by Lipmann and Le Bon’s theories of group psychology and herd instincts. Accordingly, within the context of interdisciplinary correlations, the aim of this paper is to explore the following question: How did Bernays build the public relations field according to the analysis of psychology of the masses? This paper generates three theses: (1) The principle mechanisms for the influence on public opinion are the group and the herd, (2) Dogmas and stereotypes work within the concept of psychology of masses, upon which methods for modifying group opinion are built, (3) Motivation mediates between public opinion, public relations and media. Instead of a conclusion, the ethics of the public relations will be tackled. The perspective of this scientific filed will depend on its due respe...
Metodički obzori/Methodological Horizons, 2015
The aim of this study is to draw attention to the change of EL usage from a global lingua franca ... more The aim of this study is to draw attention to the change of EL usage from a global lingua franca which has been removing the language barriers to a new cultural phenomenon that is used to enforce the penetration of different cultures and to ensure their promotion. Thus, it is a necessity to tackle the subject of up-to-date and diverse cultural contents brought to Europe via the internet and its implications on the language. The example of Asian pop-cultural phenomenon will be provided. It has been viewed and examined via the survey conveyed among the students of Juraj Dobrila University of Pula whose obligatory foreign language is English. They were subjected to a Personal Questionnaire created by this author in order to tackle the following questions: Do you think English will spread without end? Will countries outside the Anglophone group continue to learn English? What changes of English could we expect due to economic and social changes? The first two questions were answered positively by 61.6% and 64.6% of students. 64.6% of them believe there will be more changes of the English language as such due to dynamic changes that have been influencing it. In the end, students gave different reasons and opinions for their claims which have been further elaborated in this paper.
The topic of the doctoral thesis is transmedia (semiotics and narratology) cultural-identity stra... more The topic of the doctoral thesis is transmedia (semiotics and narratology) cultural-identity strategies of film representations. Drawing conclusions from the foundation of film discourse perceived as a symbolic-material practice, which reflects culture and is a symptom of society, the thesis encompasses the analysis of the metalanguage employed as a marking system of the chosen films: Night on Earth (1991) by Jim Jarmusch, The Joy Luck Club (1993) by Wayne Wang, Lost in Translation (2003) by Sofia Coppola, Adam and Paul (2004) by Lenny Abrahamson, The Visitor (2007) by Tom McCarthy, Blue Jasmine (2013) by Woody Allen, and I, Daniel Blake (2016) by Ken Loach. Bearing in mind the shift from structural narratology to the postclassical narratology the analysis perceives film representations as multimodal ways of identity formation through the narrative, i.e. the film discourse. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of the doctoral thesis, methodologically and theoretically it comprises of transmedial narratology as one of the postclassical narratology directions. As such, it combines narratology and social semiotics together with the subjetive and anti- essentialist theories of identity. Accordingly, the analysis of the research focuses on exploring the ideological functions of film representations; Thus deals with questioning the ways and strategies which assist in constructing the meanings of film representations in the realm of relevant theories and concepts. Therefore, the analytical approach relies on the basic hypotheses as follows: Film is a hybrid art form packed with semiotic connotations; Transmediality is the inseparable trait of film as a medium; Narrative organization of the film is a matter of social semiotics and the discursive modes and their relationships - they are a constitutive part of a critical multimodal visual literacy of the 21st century. As such, it reflects the awareness of a constructive nature of film representations, as well as the knowledge about social, cultural and political context in which such film representations are produced. Along with already mentioned transmedia narratology, some other comparative film research approaches have been employed in relation to multimodal social semiotics methodological research analysis.
How moving image and multimodality could contribute to the image? How to get engaged into telling... more How moving image and multimodality could contribute to the image? How to get engaged into telling the kinds of mode of the narrative rather than standing back having a kind of a media studies approach to film? The aim of this paper is to raise the question of how meaning is made via the multimodal approach which implies that film is a form which is built on other cultural forms (Burn, 2003: 16). It looks into the process of documenting cinematic facts, thinking about the functions of the modes and by breaking the modes down and single them out. The film semiotic approach of how film makes meaning by Christian Metz (in: Burn, 2003: 3) is the starting point of looking into the digital era where all the modes are fed into the moving image. It is necessary to be sure not to miss an aspect that could be really important and to still keep the role of education clear.
Višejezičnost i višekulturalnost kao izazov u obrazovanju danas i sutra, 2017
Mediji i medijska kultura – europski realiteti, 2018
Blood, 2010
A 54-year-old man was admitted to the Medical Intermediate Care Unit of Azienda Ospedaliero-Unive... more A 54-year-old man was admitted to the Medical Intermediate Care Unit of Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Careggi in Florence, Tuscany, for a severe septic syndrome. He was healthy since 5 months prior when he underwent elective right hemicolectomy for ascending colon cancer (T2N0M0) at another hospital. The course was complicated by septic shock and diffuse peritonitis due to dehiscence of the surgical suture, requiring multiple surgical interventions and debridement. At that time empirical antibiotic treatment with piperacillin/tazobactam (18 g per day) plus ciprofloxacin (1500 mg per day) was initiated. The course was then complicated by severe shock and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome requiring advanced treatment, and on day 32 he was admitted to our tertiary care hospital for continuing care. During clinical stabilization with respiratory, hemodynamic and renal replacement support, a bladder-cutaneous urinary fistula was documented. Therefore, bilateral percutaneous nephrostomies were set in place on day 62. The course was complicated by critical illness, polyneuromyopathy, and urinary tract infections, sustained by multidrug-resistant (MDR) A. baumannii, E. faecalis, K. pneumoniae and C. albicans. He was treated with several antibacterial lines, including carbapenems, fluoroquinolones, tigecycline, linezolid and colistin, and antifungal therapy including micafungin and fluconazole. The result of the rectal swab was positive for carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae. After clinical and laboratory improvement, with normalization of muscle strength and laboratory parameters, on day 83 from initial surgical intervention, the clinical course was complicated by recurrence of fever, hypotension and severe weakness. Laboratory tests showed marked neutrophilic leukocytosis (34,100 WBC/mm 3 ; neutrophilic count 27,200 cell/mm 3), acute renal failure (blood creatinine 2.63 mg/dl) and signs of infection supported by procalcitonin and C-reactive protein increase (7.49 and 235 mg/l, respectively). On examination, the temperature was 39.5°C, the blood pressure 95/55 mmHg, the pulse 88 beats per minute, the respiratory rate 14 breaths per minute, and the oxygen saturation 98% while the patient was breathing ambient air. The heart sounds were regular, without audible murmurs, and lung auscultation was normal. Chest X-ray revealed no consolidation. A contrast enhanced computed tomography (CT) of the abdomen and pelvis did not show abscesses, confirmed the well known urinary bladder fistula, and a trans-thoracic echocardiography excluded valvular vegetations. Considering the very high risk of MDR bacteria and previous cultural isolates, empirical antibiotic treatment with high dose meropenem (6 g/die), tigecycline (200 mg/
Zarez, 2002
Dok se Lottovi suvremenici, puritanci, zabavljaju pišući o tabuima iz nekog prošlog vremena, kao ... more Dok se Lottovi suvremenici, puritanci, zabavljaju pišući o tabuima iz nekog prošlog vremena, kao što su seks ili droga, Lott u svojemu izvrsnom romanu predstavlja jedan novi-stupanje u brak U buržoaskom životu postoji neodoljiva potreba za laganjem i prikrivanjem stvari… Kod duboke povezanosti najvažnije je imati tajne i odavati ih. S druge strane, nikad se ne preporučuje u potpunosti govoriti istinu.-Harold Brodkey, navedeno u Tim Lott, Blue iz White Cityja Roman Breta Eastona Ellisa s kraja osamdesetih Manje od nule prijeteća je priča o drogi, seksu, statusnim simbolima, beznađu, prezasićenosti materijalnim dobrima, ili, ukratko, o laži. Taj je roman prozvan generacijskom knjigom o novoj američkoj izgubljenoj generaciji. Karakterizacijski meridijani ovog romana pružaju se dalje od postvijetnamski obojene kulture kalifornijskih avenija i njihovih pripadajućih protagonista-ulazeći duboko u devedesete londonskih ulica. Međutim, urbana slika londonske priče deset godina poslije mijenja se: izgubljene generacije dobile su pivske trbuščiće, popularnost droga post-rejverski se izlizala, a što se seksa tiče, malo tko se sjeća da je ikada bio tabu. Sumirajući ideje Irvina Welsha, Williama S. Burroughsa, Tame Janovitz i ostalih whitelinersa, dolazimo do zaključka da se jedino laž uspjela održati kao generacijsko naslijeđe tijekom žanrovskih promjena uličnih kadrova gradova i kultura.
Nova prisutnost
Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati odnose između varijabli doživljaja imidža fakulteta (DIF), zado... more Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati odnose između varijabli doživljaja imidža fakulteta (DIF), zadovoljstva studijem (ZSS), radne angažiranosti studenata (RAS) i njihovih poželjnih (POPS) i nepoželjnih organizacijskih ponašanja (NOPS) da bi se provjerila njihova kružna djelovanja u akademskom okruženju radi mogućnosti postizanja (samo)održivosti visokoškolskih ustanova s obzirom na sve značajniju konkurenciju. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da je doživljaj dobrog imidža fakulteta značajan prediktor zadovoljstva, angažiranosti i poželjnih ponašanja studenata. Utvrđeno je da zadovoljstvo u okviru postavljenog modela direktno značajno ne doprinosi poželjnim ponašanjima, ali kad se promatra direktan odnos tih dviju varijabli, učinak je pozitivan. Također, rezultati pokazuju da radna angažiranost značajno učvršćuje vezu između zadovoljstva i poželjnih ponašanja, odnosno posreduje njihov odnos. Zadovoljstvo studijem se pokazalo kao značajan prediktor radne angažiranosti, a uz to je potv...
Dok se Lottovi suvremenici, puritanci, zabavljaju pišući o tabuima iz nekog prošlog vremena, kao ... more Dok se Lottovi suvremenici, puritanci, zabavljaju pišući o tabuima iz nekog prošlog vremena, kao što su seks ili droga, Lott u svojemu izvrsnom romanu predstavlja jedan novi-stupanje u brak U buržoaskom životu postoji neodoljiva potreba za laganjem i prikrivanjem stvari… Kod duboke povezanosti najvažnije je imati tajne i odavati ih. S druge strane, nikad se ne preporučuje u potpunosti govoriti istinu.-Harold Brodkey, navedeno u Tim Lott, Blue iz White Cityja Roman Breta Eastona Ellisa s kraja osamdesetih Manje od nule prijeteća je priča o drogi, seksu, statusnim simbolima, beznađu, prezasićenosti materijalnim dobrima, ili, ukratko, o laži. Taj je roman prozvan generacijskom knjigom o novoj američkoj izgubljenoj generaciji. Karakterizacijski meridijani ovog romana pružaju se dalje od postvijetnamski obojene kulture kalifornijskih avenija i njihovih pripadajućih protagonista-ulazeći duboko u devedesete londonskih ulica. Međutim, urbana slika londonske priče deset godina poslije mijenja se: izgubljene generacije dobile su pivske trbuščiće, popularnost droga post-rejverski se izlizala, a što se seksa tiče, malo tko se sjeća da je ikada bio tabu. Sumirajući ideje Irvina Welsha, Williama S. Burroughsa, Tame Janovitz i ostalih whitelinersa, dolazimo do zaključka da se jedino laž uspjela održati kao generacijsko naslijeđe tijekom žanrovskih promjena uličnih kadrova gradova i kultura.
Hrvatski Filmski Ljetopis, 2020
Palimpsest, 2021
All papers are peer-reviewed. СОДРЖИНА / TABLE OF CONTENTS СЕЌАВАЊЕ: проф. д-р Виолета Димова, пр... more All papers are peer-reviewed. СОДРЖИНА / TABLE OF CONTENTS СЕЌАВАЊЕ: проф. д-р Виолета Димова, прв декан на Филолошкиот факултет во Штип IN MEMORIAM: prof. Violeta Dimova, the first Dean of the Faculty of Philology in Stip ПРЕДГОВОР (ОД "ПАЛИМПСЕСТ" БР. 1) Проф. д-р Виолета Димова, прв декан на Филолошкиот факултет во Штип FOREWORD (FROM "PALIMPSEST" NO 1) Prof. Violeta Dimova, the first Dean of the Faculty of Philology in Stip
Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry, Jul 1, 2021
There are two significant books on public relations written by Edward Bernays: Crystallizing Publ... more There are two significant books on public relations written by Edward Bernays: Crystallizing Public Opinion, and Propaganda. The author draws from Freud’s discussions about human psyche, which are accompanied by Lipmann and Le Bon’s theories of group psychology and herd instincts. Accordingly, within the context of interdisciplinary correlations, the aim of this paper is to explore the following question: How did Bernays build the public relations field according to the analysis of psychology of the masses? This paper generates three theses: (1) The principle mechanisms for the influence on public opinion are the group and the herd, (2) Dogmas and stereotypes work within the concept of psychology of masses, upon which methods for modifying group opinion are built, (3) Motivation mediates between public opinion, public relations and media. Instead of a conclusion, the ethics of the public relations will be tackled. The perspective of this scientific filed will depend on its due respe...
Metodički obzori/Methodological Horizons, 2015
The aim of this study is to draw attention to the change of EL usage from a global lingua franca ... more The aim of this study is to draw attention to the change of EL usage from a global lingua franca which has been removing the language barriers to a new cultural phenomenon that is used to enforce the penetration of different cultures and to ensure their promotion. Thus, it is a necessity to tackle the subject of up-to-date and diverse cultural contents brought to Europe via the internet and its implications on the language. The example of Asian pop-cultural phenomenon will be provided. It has been viewed and examined via the survey conveyed among the students of Juraj Dobrila University of Pula whose obligatory foreign language is English. They were subjected to a Personal Questionnaire created by this author in order to tackle the following questions: Do you think English will spread without end? Will countries outside the Anglophone group continue to learn English? What changes of English could we expect due to economic and social changes? The first two questions were answered positively by 61.6% and 64.6% of students. 64.6% of them believe there will be more changes of the English language as such due to dynamic changes that have been influencing it. In the end, students gave different reasons and opinions for their claims which have been further elaborated in this paper.
The topic of the doctoral thesis is transmedia (semiotics and narratology) cultural-identity stra... more The topic of the doctoral thesis is transmedia (semiotics and narratology) cultural-identity strategies of film representations. Drawing conclusions from the foundation of film discourse perceived as a symbolic-material practice, which reflects culture and is a symptom of society, the thesis encompasses the analysis of the metalanguage employed as a marking system of the chosen films: Night on Earth (1991) by Jim Jarmusch, The Joy Luck Club (1993) by Wayne Wang, Lost in Translation (2003) by Sofia Coppola, Adam and Paul (2004) by Lenny Abrahamson, The Visitor (2007) by Tom McCarthy, Blue Jasmine (2013) by Woody Allen, and I, Daniel Blake (2016) by Ken Loach. Bearing in mind the shift from structural narratology to the postclassical narratology the analysis perceives film representations as multimodal ways of identity formation through the narrative, i.e. the film discourse. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of the doctoral thesis, methodologically and theoretically it comprises of transmedial narratology as one of the postclassical narratology directions. As such, it combines narratology and social semiotics together with the subjetive and anti- essentialist theories of identity. Accordingly, the analysis of the research focuses on exploring the ideological functions of film representations; Thus deals with questioning the ways and strategies which assist in constructing the meanings of film representations in the realm of relevant theories and concepts. Therefore, the analytical approach relies on the basic hypotheses as follows: Film is a hybrid art form packed with semiotic connotations; Transmediality is the inseparable trait of film as a medium; Narrative organization of the film is a matter of social semiotics and the discursive modes and their relationships - they are a constitutive part of a critical multimodal visual literacy of the 21st century. As such, it reflects the awareness of a constructive nature of film representations, as well as the knowledge about social, cultural and political context in which such film representations are produced. Along with already mentioned transmedia narratology, some other comparative film research approaches have been employed in relation to multimodal social semiotics methodological research analysis.
How moving image and multimodality could contribute to the image? How to get engaged into telling... more How moving image and multimodality could contribute to the image? How to get engaged into telling the kinds of mode of the narrative rather than standing back having a kind of a media studies approach to film? The aim of this paper is to raise the question of how meaning is made via the multimodal approach which implies that film is a form which is built on other cultural forms (Burn, 2003: 16). It looks into the process of documenting cinematic facts, thinking about the functions of the modes and by breaking the modes down and single them out. The film semiotic approach of how film makes meaning by Christian Metz (in: Burn, 2003: 3) is the starting point of looking into the digital era where all the modes are fed into the moving image. It is necessary to be sure not to miss an aspect that could be really important and to still keep the role of education clear.
Višejezičnost i višekulturalnost kao izazov u obrazovanju danas i sutra, 2017
Mediji i medijska kultura – europski realiteti, 2018
Blood, 2010
A 54-year-old man was admitted to the Medical Intermediate Care Unit of Azienda Ospedaliero-Unive... more A 54-year-old man was admitted to the Medical Intermediate Care Unit of Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Careggi in Florence, Tuscany, for a severe septic syndrome. He was healthy since 5 months prior when he underwent elective right hemicolectomy for ascending colon cancer (T2N0M0) at another hospital. The course was complicated by septic shock and diffuse peritonitis due to dehiscence of the surgical suture, requiring multiple surgical interventions and debridement. At that time empirical antibiotic treatment with piperacillin/tazobactam (18 g per day) plus ciprofloxacin (1500 mg per day) was initiated. The course was then complicated by severe shock and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome requiring advanced treatment, and on day 32 he was admitted to our tertiary care hospital for continuing care. During clinical stabilization with respiratory, hemodynamic and renal replacement support, a bladder-cutaneous urinary fistula was documented. Therefore, bilateral percutaneous nephrostomies were set in place on day 62. The course was complicated by critical illness, polyneuromyopathy, and urinary tract infections, sustained by multidrug-resistant (MDR) A. baumannii, E. faecalis, K. pneumoniae and C. albicans. He was treated with several antibacterial lines, including carbapenems, fluoroquinolones, tigecycline, linezolid and colistin, and antifungal therapy including micafungin and fluconazole. The result of the rectal swab was positive for carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae. After clinical and laboratory improvement, with normalization of muscle strength and laboratory parameters, on day 83 from initial surgical intervention, the clinical course was complicated by recurrence of fever, hypotension and severe weakness. Laboratory tests showed marked neutrophilic leukocytosis (34,100 WBC/mm 3 ; neutrophilic count 27,200 cell/mm 3), acute renal failure (blood creatinine 2.63 mg/dl) and signs of infection supported by procalcitonin and C-reactive protein increase (7.49 and 235 mg/l, respectively). On examination, the temperature was 39.5°C, the blood pressure 95/55 mmHg, the pulse 88 beats per minute, the respiratory rate 14 breaths per minute, and the oxygen saturation 98% while the patient was breathing ambient air. The heart sounds were regular, without audible murmurs, and lung auscultation was normal. Chest X-ray revealed no consolidation. A contrast enhanced computed tomography (CT) of the abdomen and pelvis did not show abscesses, confirmed the well known urinary bladder fistula, and a trans-thoracic echocardiography excluded valvular vegetations. Considering the very high risk of MDR bacteria and previous cultural isolates, empirical antibiotic treatment with high dose meropenem (6 g/die), tigecycline (200 mg/
Zarez, 2002
Dok se Lottovi suvremenici, puritanci, zabavljaju pišući o tabuima iz nekog prošlog vremena, kao ... more Dok se Lottovi suvremenici, puritanci, zabavljaju pišući o tabuima iz nekog prošlog vremena, kao što su seks ili droga, Lott u svojemu izvrsnom romanu predstavlja jedan novi-stupanje u brak U buržoaskom životu postoji neodoljiva potreba za laganjem i prikrivanjem stvari… Kod duboke povezanosti najvažnije je imati tajne i odavati ih. S druge strane, nikad se ne preporučuje u potpunosti govoriti istinu.-Harold Brodkey, navedeno u Tim Lott, Blue iz White Cityja Roman Breta Eastona Ellisa s kraja osamdesetih Manje od nule prijeteća je priča o drogi, seksu, statusnim simbolima, beznađu, prezasićenosti materijalnim dobrima, ili, ukratko, o laži. Taj je roman prozvan generacijskom knjigom o novoj američkoj izgubljenoj generaciji. Karakterizacijski meridijani ovog romana pružaju se dalje od postvijetnamski obojene kulture kalifornijskih avenija i njihovih pripadajućih protagonista-ulazeći duboko u devedesete londonskih ulica. Međutim, urbana slika londonske priče deset godina poslije mijenja se: izgubljene generacije dobile su pivske trbuščiće, popularnost droga post-rejverski se izlizala, a što se seksa tiče, malo tko se sjeća da je ikada bio tabu. Sumirajući ideje Irvina Welsha, Williama S. Burroughsa, Tame Janovitz i ostalih whitelinersa, dolazimo do zaključka da se jedino laž uspjela održati kao generacijsko naslijeđe tijekom žanrovskih promjena uličnih kadrova gradova i kultura.
Nova prisutnost
Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati odnose između varijabli doživljaja imidža fakulteta (DIF), zado... more Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati odnose između varijabli doživljaja imidža fakulteta (DIF), zadovoljstva studijem (ZSS), radne angažiranosti studenata (RAS) i njihovih poželjnih (POPS) i nepoželjnih organizacijskih ponašanja (NOPS) da bi se provjerila njihova kružna djelovanja u akademskom okruženju radi mogućnosti postizanja (samo)održivosti visokoškolskih ustanova s obzirom na sve značajniju konkurenciju. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da je doživljaj dobrog imidža fakulteta značajan prediktor zadovoljstva, angažiranosti i poželjnih ponašanja studenata. Utvrđeno je da zadovoljstvo u okviru postavljenog modela direktno značajno ne doprinosi poželjnim ponašanjima, ali kad se promatra direktan odnos tih dviju varijabli, učinak je pozitivan. Također, rezultati pokazuju da radna angažiranost značajno učvršćuje vezu između zadovoljstva i poželjnih ponašanja, odnosno posreduje njihov odnos. Zadovoljstvo studijem se pokazalo kao značajan prediktor radne angažiranosti, a uz to je potv...