Susanti Agustina - (original) (raw)
Papers by Susanti Agustina
Proceedings of the Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Multidisciplinary and Its Applications, WMA-3 2019, 11-14 December 2019, Medan, Indonesia, 2020
Jurnal Pendidikan Islam
This study aims to examine the effect of using interactive compensatory model (ICM)-based integra... more This study aims to examine the effect of using interactive compensatory model (ICM)-based integrated thematic learning tools to improve students’ reading comprehension of information text comprehension for fifth grade elementary school. This research was conducted in three stages. The first phase of the preliminary study included a literature study, field surveys and expert-validated initial product preparation. The second stage of development included limited trials and extensive trials through experimental methods. The third stage was product testing and socialization of the results to try out its efficacy. Data were obtained through observation, interviews, questionnaires and test (pre-test and post-test). This study used a sample of 504 grade fifth students in 12 elementary schools in Bandung Regency. The results of this study indicate that the use of ICM-based integrated thematic learning tools has a significant effect on students’ improvement for reading comprehension on infor...
Journal of Sustainable Development Education and Research
The topic of this Phenomenology Research Topics is the Extensification of environment education w... more The topic of this Phenomenology Research Topics is the Extensification of environment education with respect to ESD over nonformal education systems. The title of this paper Eco Camp Educational Tourism Phenomenon in Indonesia. This research will reveal the reality of the expansion of non-formal education system in the form of a visit to an environmentally friendly area in northern Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. The research will answer questions about the phenomenon of eco camp educational tourism in Indonesia, the people who are specifically linked to eco camp educational tourism, how eco camp educational tourism affect the learning behavior of children and parents involved, changes that the parents and the children feel after participating in eco camp educational tourism, how eco camp educational tourism affect others around them, their feelings when participating in eco camp educational tourism, their opinion about eco camp educational tourism, and changes and circumstances that...
This research was based on the fact that the frequency of library visitation was still qualified ... more This research was based on the fact that the frequency of library visitation was still qualified as low due to the weary feeling of the staff to come to library during the break time. The general issue being examined in this study was whether or not the special library has fulfilled the recreationalfunction according to the user's need of information, along with the specific issues which covered the followings: 1) has the library of PT. Trisula Textile Industries implemented the recreationa function of the library?; 2) has the library of PT. Trisula Textile Industries fulfilled the information need of the PT Trisula Textile Industries' staff?. This research describes whether the library of PT. Trisula Textile Industries can be considered as fulfilling the recreational function of the library according to the user's need of information The population of this research was the staff of PT. Trisula Textile Industries, with the total of samples were 88 people which counted ba...
Functional position is applied for librarians who work in the library of government agency or lib... more Functional position is applied for librarians who work in the library of government agency or librarian of Civil State Apparatus. The implementation of functional position is the effort to assign and measure the performance of librarian through the assessment system of work implementation with credit numbers. Librarian as profession and functional position is demanded to have good performance in doing his/her task and function. Librarians perform professional performance in the field of library based on Permenpan Reformasi Birokrasi No. 9 tahun 2014 (Regulation of the Minister of the State Apparatus Utilization and Bureaucratic Reform Number 9 Year 2014). How is the perception of librarian in that regulation? Does this perception influence the implementation of performance standard in library? Both questions are studied by using descriptive quantitative method and the research sample is purposive sampling, which use 14 librarians in central library of Indonesia University of Educati...
Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh perlunya promosi perpustakaan berbasis emosi yang ditandai ... more Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh perlunya promosi perpustakaan berbasis emosi yang ditandai dengan munculnya konsep perpustakaan kolaborasi kafe atau book shoop di Indonesia. Konsep perpustakaan perlu dikemas secara kreatif maupun inovatif untuk menghilangkan citra kaku dan meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat mengenai perpustakaan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memberikan gambaran bagi perpustakaan lain mengenai konsep EB sebagai salah satu strategi promosi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi eksploratif melalui teknik pengumpulan data berdasarkan wawancara, observasi dan studi dokumentasi dengan penentuan sampel berdasarkan insidental sampling. Hasil temuan mengungkapkan bahwa Perpustakaan Kineruku mengusung konsep homey. Konsep ini didesain menyerupai rumah, di mana pemustaka dapat memanfaatkan layanan perpustakaan, layanan kafetaria serta layanan toko. Pengalaman emosional pemustaka dapat diperoleh dari pengalaman pancaindra (visual, raba, aroma, bunyi dan ras...
Jurnal Kajian Informasi dan Perpustakaan
Learning libraries as the implementation of user education program. Elementary school, school to ... more Learning libraries as the implementation of user education program. Elementary school, school to school instead of work. because the students will continue their education , it must have good learning power. Before the entrance pupil at the level of information literacy, it is important fundamental implanted student interest and reading culture from an early age into the system .The school library should be made good. Furthermore , to establish a good reading can be through learning program library named "Kenal Pustaka". The goal, the first technically skilled students know the information sorting and selecting information in the library , secondly, to keep the asset library; Third, to condition the students accustomed to reading and reading. Inserting values into the learning library local curriculum includes a written assessment on student report, school book fair in the library every week, the award for academicians who borrowed the most books each month, tells the story by hanging , it all makes students love to read. At the Elementary school level which would be built there are three, the first culture of learning, secondly learning skills, and the third basic skills that can be achieved through the Habits Forming.
Edulib, 2016
Abstrak. Proses transfer ide dalam bentuk tulisan yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa jurusan ilmu perp... more Abstrak. Proses transfer ide dalam bentuk tulisan yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa jurusan ilmu perpustakaan dan informasi sebagai mahasiswa jurusan non Bahasa Inggris (SNED) yang mempelajari Bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing (EFL) perlu diinvestigasi. Ketidakmampuan untuk menjembatani kesenjangan antara ide dalam bahasa ibu (Bahasa Inggris) dengan ide dalam bahasa pembaca (Bahasa Inggris) menghambat pemahaman pembaca, khususnya pembaca yang merupakan penutur asli Bahasa Inggris. Paragraf yang ditulis oleh mahasiswa SNED sebagai pembelajar Bahasa Inggris tidak dapat dipahami karena hambatan linguistik dan budaya. Sejumlah kecil mahasiswa yang membuat tulisan Bahasa Inggris dalam ujian tengah semester memperlihatkan gambaran ketidaktepatan dalam hal menyusun kalimat sehingga Bahasa Inggris mereka pada tingkatan tertentu terdengar seperti Bahasa Indonesia. Dalam hal ini kemampuan mereka untuk menggunakan Bahasa Inggris seperti layaknya bahasa Indonesia terbukti sangat rendah sehingga s...
Edulib, 2014
ABSTRAKBiblioterapi salah satu metode terapi menggunakan media buku untuk rehabilitasi bagi klien... more ABSTRAKBiblioterapi salah satu metode terapi menggunakan media buku untuk rehabilitasi bagi klien panti sosial. Biblioterapi merupakan salah satu pengembangan pelayanan perpustakaan sebagai wahana terapi bagi masyarakat dengan berbagai latar belakang sosial budaya tanpa memandang keterbatasan fisik dan mental. Perpustakaan di lingkungan pendidikan menerapkan layanan biblioterapi yang ramah disabilitas bertujuan mendukung misi pendidikan untuk semua. Layanan biblioterapi di Indonesia masih menjadi hal baru, untuk itu kajian ini bermaksud membangun pemahaman yang menyeluruh tentang apa dan bagaimana biblioterapi, serta siapa yang melakukan biblioterapi di perpustakaan lingkungan pendidikan. Para tenaga perpustakaan maupun pustakawan di lingkungan pendidikan diharapkan mampu mengembangkan dan mengimplementasikan layanan biblioterapi bagi masyarakat. Terdapat enam tahapan implementasi biblioterapi yang ramah disabilitas di perpustakaan, pertama terkait pengembangan tata gedung perpustak...
Instructional design of hypnosis-based reading interest guidance is the development of guidance m... more Instructional design of hypnosis-based reading interest guidance is the development of guidance material of reading interest that previously has been created by Perpustakaan Nasional Indonesia (National Library of Indonesia) for the training of Calon Pustakawan Tenaga Ahli (CPTA) or Expert Librarian Candidate. The development of learning design that combines theory and practice is absolutely needed. Moreover, the result of class survey signifies that only 10% of CPTA training participants are interested in reading. This instructional design employs MINERVA model since it aims to result instructional system directing to the formation of CPTA employability skill. The skill in bibliotherapy for CPTA in a college to guide reading interest is required, especially to boost the motivation and learning capacity of civitas academica, specifically librarian who experience stress symptom due to final project. The skill in bibliotherapy requires provision in effective reading capacity and effic...
Proceedings of the Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Multidisciplinary and Its Applications, WMA-3 2019, 11-14 December 2019, Medan, Indonesia, 2020
Jurnal Pendidikan Islam
This study aims to examine the effect of using interactive compensatory model (ICM)-based integra... more This study aims to examine the effect of using interactive compensatory model (ICM)-based integrated thematic learning tools to improve students’ reading comprehension of information text comprehension for fifth grade elementary school. This research was conducted in three stages. The first phase of the preliminary study included a literature study, field surveys and expert-validated initial product preparation. The second stage of development included limited trials and extensive trials through experimental methods. The third stage was product testing and socialization of the results to try out its efficacy. Data were obtained through observation, interviews, questionnaires and test (pre-test and post-test). This study used a sample of 504 grade fifth students in 12 elementary schools in Bandung Regency. The results of this study indicate that the use of ICM-based integrated thematic learning tools has a significant effect on students’ improvement for reading comprehension on infor...
Journal of Sustainable Development Education and Research
The topic of this Phenomenology Research Topics is the Extensification of environment education w... more The topic of this Phenomenology Research Topics is the Extensification of environment education with respect to ESD over nonformal education systems. The title of this paper Eco Camp Educational Tourism Phenomenon in Indonesia. This research will reveal the reality of the expansion of non-formal education system in the form of a visit to an environmentally friendly area in northern Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. The research will answer questions about the phenomenon of eco camp educational tourism in Indonesia, the people who are specifically linked to eco camp educational tourism, how eco camp educational tourism affect the learning behavior of children and parents involved, changes that the parents and the children feel after participating in eco camp educational tourism, how eco camp educational tourism affect others around them, their feelings when participating in eco camp educational tourism, their opinion about eco camp educational tourism, and changes and circumstances that...
This research was based on the fact that the frequency of library visitation was still qualified ... more This research was based on the fact that the frequency of library visitation was still qualified as low due to the weary feeling of the staff to come to library during the break time. The general issue being examined in this study was whether or not the special library has fulfilled the recreationalfunction according to the user's need of information, along with the specific issues which covered the followings: 1) has the library of PT. Trisula Textile Industries implemented the recreationa function of the library?; 2) has the library of PT. Trisula Textile Industries fulfilled the information need of the PT Trisula Textile Industries' staff?. This research describes whether the library of PT. Trisula Textile Industries can be considered as fulfilling the recreational function of the library according to the user's need of information The population of this research was the staff of PT. Trisula Textile Industries, with the total of samples were 88 people which counted ba...
Functional position is applied for librarians who work in the library of government agency or lib... more Functional position is applied for librarians who work in the library of government agency or librarian of Civil State Apparatus. The implementation of functional position is the effort to assign and measure the performance of librarian through the assessment system of work implementation with credit numbers. Librarian as profession and functional position is demanded to have good performance in doing his/her task and function. Librarians perform professional performance in the field of library based on Permenpan Reformasi Birokrasi No. 9 tahun 2014 (Regulation of the Minister of the State Apparatus Utilization and Bureaucratic Reform Number 9 Year 2014). How is the perception of librarian in that regulation? Does this perception influence the implementation of performance standard in library? Both questions are studied by using descriptive quantitative method and the research sample is purposive sampling, which use 14 librarians in central library of Indonesia University of Educati...
Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh perlunya promosi perpustakaan berbasis emosi yang ditandai ... more Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh perlunya promosi perpustakaan berbasis emosi yang ditandai dengan munculnya konsep perpustakaan kolaborasi kafe atau book shoop di Indonesia. Konsep perpustakaan perlu dikemas secara kreatif maupun inovatif untuk menghilangkan citra kaku dan meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat mengenai perpustakaan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memberikan gambaran bagi perpustakaan lain mengenai konsep EB sebagai salah satu strategi promosi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi eksploratif melalui teknik pengumpulan data berdasarkan wawancara, observasi dan studi dokumentasi dengan penentuan sampel berdasarkan insidental sampling. Hasil temuan mengungkapkan bahwa Perpustakaan Kineruku mengusung konsep homey. Konsep ini didesain menyerupai rumah, di mana pemustaka dapat memanfaatkan layanan perpustakaan, layanan kafetaria serta layanan toko. Pengalaman emosional pemustaka dapat diperoleh dari pengalaman pancaindra (visual, raba, aroma, bunyi dan ras...
Jurnal Kajian Informasi dan Perpustakaan
Learning libraries as the implementation of user education program. Elementary school, school to ... more Learning libraries as the implementation of user education program. Elementary school, school to school instead of work. because the students will continue their education , it must have good learning power. Before the entrance pupil at the level of information literacy, it is important fundamental implanted student interest and reading culture from an early age into the system .The school library should be made good. Furthermore , to establish a good reading can be through learning program library named "Kenal Pustaka". The goal, the first technically skilled students know the information sorting and selecting information in the library , secondly, to keep the asset library; Third, to condition the students accustomed to reading and reading. Inserting values into the learning library local curriculum includes a written assessment on student report, school book fair in the library every week, the award for academicians who borrowed the most books each month, tells the story by hanging , it all makes students love to read. At the Elementary school level which would be built there are three, the first culture of learning, secondly learning skills, and the third basic skills that can be achieved through the Habits Forming.
Edulib, 2016
Abstrak. Proses transfer ide dalam bentuk tulisan yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa jurusan ilmu perp... more Abstrak. Proses transfer ide dalam bentuk tulisan yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa jurusan ilmu perpustakaan dan informasi sebagai mahasiswa jurusan non Bahasa Inggris (SNED) yang mempelajari Bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing (EFL) perlu diinvestigasi. Ketidakmampuan untuk menjembatani kesenjangan antara ide dalam bahasa ibu (Bahasa Inggris) dengan ide dalam bahasa pembaca (Bahasa Inggris) menghambat pemahaman pembaca, khususnya pembaca yang merupakan penutur asli Bahasa Inggris. Paragraf yang ditulis oleh mahasiswa SNED sebagai pembelajar Bahasa Inggris tidak dapat dipahami karena hambatan linguistik dan budaya. Sejumlah kecil mahasiswa yang membuat tulisan Bahasa Inggris dalam ujian tengah semester memperlihatkan gambaran ketidaktepatan dalam hal menyusun kalimat sehingga Bahasa Inggris mereka pada tingkatan tertentu terdengar seperti Bahasa Indonesia. Dalam hal ini kemampuan mereka untuk menggunakan Bahasa Inggris seperti layaknya bahasa Indonesia terbukti sangat rendah sehingga s...
Edulib, 2014
ABSTRAKBiblioterapi salah satu metode terapi menggunakan media buku untuk rehabilitasi bagi klien... more ABSTRAKBiblioterapi salah satu metode terapi menggunakan media buku untuk rehabilitasi bagi klien panti sosial. Biblioterapi merupakan salah satu pengembangan pelayanan perpustakaan sebagai wahana terapi bagi masyarakat dengan berbagai latar belakang sosial budaya tanpa memandang keterbatasan fisik dan mental. Perpustakaan di lingkungan pendidikan menerapkan layanan biblioterapi yang ramah disabilitas bertujuan mendukung misi pendidikan untuk semua. Layanan biblioterapi di Indonesia masih menjadi hal baru, untuk itu kajian ini bermaksud membangun pemahaman yang menyeluruh tentang apa dan bagaimana biblioterapi, serta siapa yang melakukan biblioterapi di perpustakaan lingkungan pendidikan. Para tenaga perpustakaan maupun pustakawan di lingkungan pendidikan diharapkan mampu mengembangkan dan mengimplementasikan layanan biblioterapi bagi masyarakat. Terdapat enam tahapan implementasi biblioterapi yang ramah disabilitas di perpustakaan, pertama terkait pengembangan tata gedung perpustak...
Instructional design of hypnosis-based reading interest guidance is the development of guidance m... more Instructional design of hypnosis-based reading interest guidance is the development of guidance material of reading interest that previously has been created by Perpustakaan Nasional Indonesia (National Library of Indonesia) for the training of Calon Pustakawan Tenaga Ahli (CPTA) or Expert Librarian Candidate. The development of learning design that combines theory and practice is absolutely needed. Moreover, the result of class survey signifies that only 10% of CPTA training participants are interested in reading. This instructional design employs MINERVA model since it aims to result instructional system directing to the formation of CPTA employability skill. The skill in bibliotherapy for CPTA in a college to guide reading interest is required, especially to boost the motivation and learning capacity of civitas academica, specifically librarian who experience stress symptom due to final project. The skill in bibliotherapy requires provision in effective reading capacity and effic...