Tóth Boglárka Márta - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Tóth Boglárka Márta

Research paper thumbnail of Hidden dates. Dendrochronological research on medieval churches in Transylvania

CaieteARA Arhitectură Restaurare Arheologie, Dec 31, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Medieval Roofs of the Csík Seat (Harghita County, Romania)

CaieteARA Arhitectură Restaurare Arheologie, Dec 31, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of A segesvári domonkos templom tetőszerkezeteinek dendrokronológiai kutatása

Transsylvania Nostra, 2022

Jelen tanulmány részletesen leírja a segesvári középkori domonkos templom tetőszerkezeteit és bem... more Jelen tanulmány részletesen leírja a segesvári középkori domonkos templom tetőszerkezeteit és bemutatja az ezeken elvégzett dendrokronológiai vizsgálatok eredményeit, továbbá megpróbálja elhelyezni a tárgyalt tetőszerkezeteket az erdélyi történeti tetőszerkezetek eddig megismert emlékanyagában. Az évgyűrűvizsgálat eredménye átírta a tetőszerkezetek építéstörténetére vonatkozó korábbi elképzelést, ugyanis rávilágított arra, hogy a hajó és szentély feletti, eltérő típusú tetőszerkezetek egy időben, méghozzá az 1676-os segesvári nagy tűzvész utáni újjáépítés során épültek. A dendrokronológiai kutatással párhuzamosan végzett levéltári kutatás konkrét adatokkal, nevekkel egészítette ki az eddigi ismereteket, és kiderült, hogy, hogy a helyi mesterek mellett külföldi ácsok is dolgoztak a kolostortemplomon, vélhetőleg meghonosítva egy addig Erdélyben ismeretlen tetőszerkezet-típust.

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Research paper thumbnail of Dendrochronological Analysis on the Roof Structures of the Dominican Monastery Church in Sighișoara

Transsylvania Nostra , 2022

The present study offers a description of the roof structures over the Dominican Monastery Church... more The present study offers a description of the roof structures over the Dominican Monastery Church in Sighișoara and presents the results of the dendrochronological analysis carried out on them. It also
aims to define the significance of these roof structures within the heritage of known Transylvanian historic roof structures. The result of the tree-ring dating altered the previous assumptions regarding the building history
of the roof structures above the choir and the nave, as the dendrochronological analysis revealed that the two roofs of different
types were built at the same time, namely during the reconstruction works following the Sighișoara fire of 1676. The archival research carried out in parallel contributed with concrete data and names to the existing
knowledge, and it turned out that besides local craftsmen, foreign carpenters also worked on the Monastery Church, quite possibly
introducing a new type of roof structure unknown in Transylvania until then.

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Research paper thumbnail of Medieval roofs of the Csík Seat (Harghita County, Romania)

CAIETE ARA. Arhitectura, Restaurare, Arheologie., 2022

The paper presents the results of a dendrochronological research focused on the medieval churches... more The paper presents the results of a dendrochronological research focused on the medieval churches of the Ciuc Basin (East Carpathians, Harghita County). More of these churches preserved the medieval chancels
although the exact building dates were unknown and only indirect data, such as altar and bell inscriptions, give a more precise dating.
Earlier dendrochronological sampling remained unsuccessful because of the timber species used: Norway spruce for which we had no
valid local chronology. After a campaign dedicated to a new chronology, sampling was repeated and more roof structures were successfully
The dendrochronological data (Mihăileni 1491 chancel, 1492 nave, Cârța 1505, Cozmeni 1506, Armășeni 1532 chancel and 1533 nave, Ciucsângeorgiu 1533) assures narrow limits for the chronology of the Late Gothic constructions, and also provides important knowledge regarding environment reconstruction, historical carpentry etc.

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Research paper thumbnail of Ötszáz éves templom-tetőszerkezetek a Csíki-medencében

In Situ, 2021

The paper presents the results of a recent (2020) dendrochronological research in Csík seat (East... more The paper presents the results of a recent (2020) dendrochronological research in Csík seat (East Transylvania, Harghita County, Romania), that led to the identification of more, earlier unknown roof structures from the Middle Ages. While above four churches the historical roof are still in function (Mihăileni 1491 chancel/1492 nave, Cozmeni 1506, Armășeni 1532 chancel and 1533 nave, Ciucsângeorgiu 1533), in Cârța the late 18th century structure preserved more elements of the earlier chancel roof (1505). All of them were made of Norway Spruce. The dendrochronological data gives a precise ante quem dating for the Late Gothic constructions of these churches, and also provides important knowledge regarding environment reconstruction, historical carpentry etc.

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SZENT MIHÁLY oltalma alatt Emlékkönyv a felújított műemléktemplom ünnepélyes megáldására, 2021

The recent dendrochronological research sucsesfully identified and dated a late Medieval (1492 AD... more The recent dendrochronological research sucsesfully identified and dated a late Medieval (1492 AD) roof above the nave of the church and at the same time the dendro analysis brought a sharp building date for the west bell tower (1714 AD).

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The present paper discusses the research carried out at the Black Church in Brașov where a consis... more The present paper discusses the research carried out at the Black Church in Brașov where a
consistent effort to accurately date the wooden structures and the framework of the roof was recently
undertaken. A total of 141 samples were taken from the wooden structure of the building and were
examined using dendrochronological analysis in order to date the relevant elements, identify the
original structure as well as and later additions, and to determine the tree species. We have studied
55 samples extracted from the nave’s roof framework, 31 from the choir, 35 from the tower’s roof
frame and its interior wooden structure, 15 from pine shingles and 5 from above the pipe organ. The
analysis performed at the Miercurea Ciuc dendrochronology laboratory (Anno Domini Dendrolab)
indicated that the aforementioned Brasov roof framework was built between 1689 and 1694 and
can be identified as the earliest known structure of its kind in Transylvania consolidated through the
liegender Stuhl system.

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Research paper thumbnail of A csíkszentimrei plébániatemplom harangtornyának „felfedezése”

PATINA, 2020

The paper presents the dendrochronological research and medieval dating of a "unknown" bell tower... more The paper presents the dendrochronological research and medieval dating of a "unknown" bell tower in East-Transylvania (Sântimbru, Harghita-county, Romania).

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Research paper thumbnail of The Mediaeval Roof Structures of the Lutheran Parish Church in Sibiu DENDROCHRONOLOGY, BUILDING HISTORY, TYPOLOGY

Transsylvania Nostra, 2018

The roof structure above the Lutheran Parish Church in Sibiu consists of several units. Based on ... more The roof structure above the Lutheran
Parish Church in Sibiu consists of several
units. Based on the dendrochronological
studies conducted between 2012 and 2016, the
building and repair of the 14th-16th century roof
structures can be dated accurately to a year,
and at the same time the church’s building
history, which was previously uncertain, can
be easily traced. The roof structures in Sibiu
are the earliest still standing roof structures in
Transylvania, thus they deserve special attention,
especially as they allow us to observe the
development of mediaeval carpentry and roof

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Research paper thumbnail of A nagyszebeni evangélikus plébániatemplom középkori tetőszerkezetei DENDROKRONOLÓGIA, ÉPÍTÉSTÖRTÉNET, TIPOLÓGIA

Transsylvania Nostra, 2018

Abstract: The roof structure above the Lutheran Parish Church in Sibiu consists of several units.... more Abstract: The roof structure above the Lutheran Parish Church in Sibiu consists of several units. Based on the dendrochronological studies conducted between 2012 and 2016, the building and repair of the 14 th-16 th century roof structures can be dated accurately to a year, and at the same time the church's building history, which was previously uncertain, can be easily traced. The roof structures in Sibiu are the earliest still standing roof structures in Romania, thus they deserve special attention , especially as they allow us to observe the development of mediaeval carpentry and roof structures.

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Research paper thumbnail of A gyergyószentmiklósi római katolikus plébániatemplom tornyának és tetőszerkezetének dendrokronológiai vizsgálata

Dendrochronology is a dating method which uses tree ring-width measurements and analysis of recen... more Dendrochronology is a dating method which uses tree ring-width measurements and
analysis of recent and historical wood to specify the procurement date of historical beams, with
the aim to date building phases of monuments. The dendrochronological research of the bell
tower and roof of the Gheorgheni Catholic church was done in several phases between 2013
and 2015. The goal of the research was to date the construction year of the tower and of later
interventions. We collected oak, spruce and elm samples from of the original floor-beams of
the tower, and from the beams above the arrow slits. The dendro-data prove that the five floors
of the medieval tower were built in the summer of 1498 (in concordance with the inscription
above the tower-door), but during the works earlier wood elements from the ’70s of the same
century were also used. In 1675, the tower was heightened with one level, while the present
form was achieved using spruce timber, procured sometime after 1752, probably during the
great Baroque reconstructions.
The roof structure of the church was build from spruce, cut during the winters of
1753/1754 and 1754/1755. Some decades later a strange intervention occurred: the original
tie-beam/rafter joints were dismounted and new elements were placed among them. These
elements come from spruces which were cut down in the winter of 1793/1794.

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Gheorgheni in the light of archaeological research

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Research paper thumbnail of Florin Mărginean, Zsolt Csók, Keve László, Victor Sava: Unveiling History. Archaeological Excavations in the Fortress of Ineu (Arad County)

ZSA 31, 2017

The reasons behind elaborating this article are related to the results of the preliminary archaeo... more The reasons behind elaborating this article are related to the results of the preliminary archaeological excavations performed in Ineu in 2016. We believe and especially hope that this stage represents a significant first step in the rediscovery of the early phases of use of the fortress in Ineu, an initiative that is also extremely important for the restoration process initiated by the local authorities. The history of the settlement of Ineu is tied to that of the castle and the medieval fortress now located in the central part of the town. Considering these aspects, we deemed necessary to complement the presentation of the results of the first archaeological excavations with a brief presentation of the most significant moments that have marked the history of the fortress and settlement of Ineu from the Middle Ages until today. Despite the fact that our investigations were limited, the results thus obtained are promising in relation to the development in time from the so-called castellum to the 17th century bastionary fortification and the modifications of the 19th century. The opened trenches have touched parts of the northern, western, southern, and central parts that only represent one percent (1%) of the total surface that measures 4500 m2, of what is today a castle, with a plan acquired in the second half of the nineteenth century. As for the entire complex, it is increasingly difficult to identify parts of the planimetry of the old noble residence, but also of the bastionary fortification due, on the one hand, to the town planning development that has largely overlapped the intra and extra muros areas, and on the other hand due to the chaotic edilitary “momentum” of the last few decades. The various maps, ground plans, conscriptions and inventories, vedute, sketches, or photographic images are thus of real help. They can at least aid in the reconstruction of the general planimetries, but sometimes also in reaching certain detail issues.

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Research paper thumbnail of Hidden dates. Dendrochronological research on medieval churches in Transylvania

Caiete ARA , 2015

Dendrochronology is a dating method which uses tree ring data of living trees and tree ring serie... more Dendrochronology is a dating method which uses tree ring data of living trees and tree ring series measured on
historical and archaeological wood. In optimal circumstances dendrochronology can produce absolute dating with a half-year accuracy.
Due to research carried out by our team, initiated in 2003, we can use now two master chronologies to date oak and fi r structures in
Transylvania for the period between the 13th and 19th centuries, a couple of absolutely dated series for the 12th to 14th centuries, and
also some fl oating series for the late migration period (7th ‒ 8th centuries) and Roman period. Th e article presents a few case studies of
dendrochronological research on medieval churches from this region (Dârjiu, Târgu Mureş, Cetatea de Baltă, Bistriţa, Sibiu). During
these campaigns of fi eldwork and following analyses we successfully dated more medieval roofs and later renovation phases. So far the
earliest dated roof is the structure above the Evangelic church in Sibiu, where the timber material comes from trees felled at the middle
of the 14th century. Th e method is also used to date art objects (altar panels) and wood installations (painted ceilings, furniture).
To extend the validity of the present chronologies, both in time and space (in Moldova and the Romanian Plain), stronger
archaeological involvement will be needed.

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Research paper thumbnail of http://www.dendrolab.ro/


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This paper presents some results of dendrochronological researches carried out on historical woo... more This paper presents some results of dendrochronological researches carried out on historical
wooden installations and furniture by the Transylvanian Dendrochronological Laboratory in the
past few years. The main tools for dating these ecclesiastical objects (Gothic painted panels, Baroque
altars, historical doors, painted ceilings, breastwork of galleries) are two local chronologies for oak
(Quercus sp.) and fir (Abies Alba) which cover the period between the 13th and 19th centuries.
Naturally, in the case of art objects, the dendrochronological data is obtained without real sampling,
only with non-destructive methods such as surface measurement and macro-digital photography.
Beside exact dating, the main achievements are the proof of local fabrication of a supposed
„import” altarpiece, the connection with art history, written sources and dendro data, and comparison
of fir and pine data from contemporary artifacts.
The successes achieved on different types of objects and installations investigated from various
periods has shown again the usefulness and importance of the dendrochronological method for art
historical studies.

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Research paper thumbnail of A sepsikilyéni unitárius templom tetőszerkezeteinek kormeghatározása

GENIUS LOCI. Laszlovszky 60, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Az almakeréki szárnyasoltár dendrokronológiai kormeghatározása

Művészettörténeti Értesítő, 2017

The archaeologist author has been involved in dendrochronological
research in Transylvania for some fifteen
years. In the summer of 2015 she and István Botár got the
possibility within the frame of a five-year OTKA research
project to examine the altarpiece in the Lutheran church
of Almakerék (Mălâncrav, Malmkrog, Szeben county, Romania).
It was the first time they had carried out dedrochronological
growth ring dating on a work of art in
functional use. The material of the altarpiece is presumably
fir (Abies alba MILL.). The series of growth rings were
measured on the reverse longitudinal surface of all the
twelve painted panels and the top board of the predella.
The examined panels derived from very old, at least
160-170-year-old fir trees. The researchers managed to
determine the year of felling (winter of 1459/60), which is
a useful clue for art history to date the making of the altarpiece.
If the altarpiece was made in the lifetime of the
head of the family that held the advowson Mihály Apafi
(whose wife was mentioned a widow in 1469), then the
wood was left to season for fewer than 9 years.

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Research paper thumbnail of Hidden dates. Dendrochronological research on medieval churches in Transylvania

CaieteARA Arhitectură Restaurare Arheologie, Dec 31, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Medieval Roofs of the Csík Seat (Harghita County, Romania)

CaieteARA Arhitectură Restaurare Arheologie, Dec 31, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of A segesvári domonkos templom tetőszerkezeteinek dendrokronológiai kutatása

Transsylvania Nostra, 2022

Jelen tanulmány részletesen leírja a segesvári középkori domonkos templom tetőszerkezeteit és bem... more Jelen tanulmány részletesen leírja a segesvári középkori domonkos templom tetőszerkezeteit és bemutatja az ezeken elvégzett dendrokronológiai vizsgálatok eredményeit, továbbá megpróbálja elhelyezni a tárgyalt tetőszerkezeteket az erdélyi történeti tetőszerkezetek eddig megismert emlékanyagában. Az évgyűrűvizsgálat eredménye átírta a tetőszerkezetek építéstörténetére vonatkozó korábbi elképzelést, ugyanis rávilágított arra, hogy a hajó és szentély feletti, eltérő típusú tetőszerkezetek egy időben, méghozzá az 1676-os segesvári nagy tűzvész utáni újjáépítés során épültek. A dendrokronológiai kutatással párhuzamosan végzett levéltári kutatás konkrét adatokkal, nevekkel egészítette ki az eddigi ismereteket, és kiderült, hogy, hogy a helyi mesterek mellett külföldi ácsok is dolgoztak a kolostortemplomon, vélhetőleg meghonosítva egy addig Erdélyben ismeretlen tetőszerkezet-típust.

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Research paper thumbnail of Dendrochronological Analysis on the Roof Structures of the Dominican Monastery Church in Sighișoara

Transsylvania Nostra , 2022

The present study offers a description of the roof structures over the Dominican Monastery Church... more The present study offers a description of the roof structures over the Dominican Monastery Church in Sighișoara and presents the results of the dendrochronological analysis carried out on them. It also
aims to define the significance of these roof structures within the heritage of known Transylvanian historic roof structures. The result of the tree-ring dating altered the previous assumptions regarding the building history
of the roof structures above the choir and the nave, as the dendrochronological analysis revealed that the two roofs of different
types were built at the same time, namely during the reconstruction works following the Sighișoara fire of 1676. The archival research carried out in parallel contributed with concrete data and names to the existing
knowledge, and it turned out that besides local craftsmen, foreign carpenters also worked on the Monastery Church, quite possibly
introducing a new type of roof structure unknown in Transylvania until then.

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Research paper thumbnail of Medieval roofs of the Csík Seat (Harghita County, Romania)

CAIETE ARA. Arhitectura, Restaurare, Arheologie., 2022

The paper presents the results of a dendrochronological research focused on the medieval churches... more The paper presents the results of a dendrochronological research focused on the medieval churches of the Ciuc Basin (East Carpathians, Harghita County). More of these churches preserved the medieval chancels
although the exact building dates were unknown and only indirect data, such as altar and bell inscriptions, give a more precise dating.
Earlier dendrochronological sampling remained unsuccessful because of the timber species used: Norway spruce for which we had no
valid local chronology. After a campaign dedicated to a new chronology, sampling was repeated and more roof structures were successfully
The dendrochronological data (Mihăileni 1491 chancel, 1492 nave, Cârța 1505, Cozmeni 1506, Armășeni 1532 chancel and 1533 nave, Ciucsângeorgiu 1533) assures narrow limits for the chronology of the Late Gothic constructions, and also provides important knowledge regarding environment reconstruction, historical carpentry etc.

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Research paper thumbnail of Ötszáz éves templom-tetőszerkezetek a Csíki-medencében

In Situ, 2021

The paper presents the results of a recent (2020) dendrochronological research in Csík seat (East... more The paper presents the results of a recent (2020) dendrochronological research in Csík seat (East Transylvania, Harghita County, Romania), that led to the identification of more, earlier unknown roof structures from the Middle Ages. While above four churches the historical roof are still in function (Mihăileni 1491 chancel/1492 nave, Cozmeni 1506, Armășeni 1532 chancel and 1533 nave, Ciucsângeorgiu 1533), in Cârța the late 18th century structure preserved more elements of the earlier chancel roof (1505). All of them were made of Norway Spruce. The dendrochronological data gives a precise ante quem dating for the Late Gothic constructions of these churches, and also provides important knowledge regarding environment reconstruction, historical carpentry etc.

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SZENT MIHÁLY oltalma alatt Emlékkönyv a felújított műemléktemplom ünnepélyes megáldására, 2021

The recent dendrochronological research sucsesfully identified and dated a late Medieval (1492 AD... more The recent dendrochronological research sucsesfully identified and dated a late Medieval (1492 AD) roof above the nave of the church and at the same time the dendro analysis brought a sharp building date for the west bell tower (1714 AD).

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The present paper discusses the research carried out at the Black Church in Brașov where a consis... more The present paper discusses the research carried out at the Black Church in Brașov where a
consistent effort to accurately date the wooden structures and the framework of the roof was recently
undertaken. A total of 141 samples were taken from the wooden structure of the building and were
examined using dendrochronological analysis in order to date the relevant elements, identify the
original structure as well as and later additions, and to determine the tree species. We have studied
55 samples extracted from the nave’s roof framework, 31 from the choir, 35 from the tower’s roof
frame and its interior wooden structure, 15 from pine shingles and 5 from above the pipe organ. The
analysis performed at the Miercurea Ciuc dendrochronology laboratory (Anno Domini Dendrolab)
indicated that the aforementioned Brasov roof framework was built between 1689 and 1694 and
can be identified as the earliest known structure of its kind in Transylvania consolidated through the
liegender Stuhl system.

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Research paper thumbnail of A csíkszentimrei plébániatemplom harangtornyának „felfedezése”

PATINA, 2020

The paper presents the dendrochronological research and medieval dating of a "unknown" bell tower... more The paper presents the dendrochronological research and medieval dating of a "unknown" bell tower in East-Transylvania (Sântimbru, Harghita-county, Romania).

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Research paper thumbnail of The Mediaeval Roof Structures of the Lutheran Parish Church in Sibiu DENDROCHRONOLOGY, BUILDING HISTORY, TYPOLOGY

Transsylvania Nostra, 2018

The roof structure above the Lutheran Parish Church in Sibiu consists of several units. Based on ... more The roof structure above the Lutheran
Parish Church in Sibiu consists of several
units. Based on the dendrochronological
studies conducted between 2012 and 2016, the
building and repair of the 14th-16th century roof
structures can be dated accurately to a year,
and at the same time the church’s building
history, which was previously uncertain, can
be easily traced. The roof structures in Sibiu
are the earliest still standing roof structures in
Transylvania, thus they deserve special attention,
especially as they allow us to observe the
development of mediaeval carpentry and roof

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Research paper thumbnail of A nagyszebeni evangélikus plébániatemplom középkori tetőszerkezetei DENDROKRONOLÓGIA, ÉPÍTÉSTÖRTÉNET, TIPOLÓGIA

Transsylvania Nostra, 2018

Abstract: The roof structure above the Lutheran Parish Church in Sibiu consists of several units.... more Abstract: The roof structure above the Lutheran Parish Church in Sibiu consists of several units. Based on the dendrochronological studies conducted between 2012 and 2016, the building and repair of the 14 th-16 th century roof structures can be dated accurately to a year, and at the same time the church's building history, which was previously uncertain, can be easily traced. The roof structures in Sibiu are the earliest still standing roof structures in Romania, thus they deserve special attention , especially as they allow us to observe the development of mediaeval carpentry and roof structures.

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Research paper thumbnail of A gyergyószentmiklósi római katolikus plébániatemplom tornyának és tetőszerkezetének dendrokronológiai vizsgálata

Dendrochronology is a dating method which uses tree ring-width measurements and analysis of recen... more Dendrochronology is a dating method which uses tree ring-width measurements and
analysis of recent and historical wood to specify the procurement date of historical beams, with
the aim to date building phases of monuments. The dendrochronological research of the bell
tower and roof of the Gheorgheni Catholic church was done in several phases between 2013
and 2015. The goal of the research was to date the construction year of the tower and of later
interventions. We collected oak, spruce and elm samples from of the original floor-beams of
the tower, and from the beams above the arrow slits. The dendro-data prove that the five floors
of the medieval tower were built in the summer of 1498 (in concordance with the inscription
above the tower-door), but during the works earlier wood elements from the ’70s of the same
century were also used. In 1675, the tower was heightened with one level, while the present
form was achieved using spruce timber, procured sometime after 1752, probably during the
great Baroque reconstructions.
The roof structure of the church was build from spruce, cut during the winters of
1753/1754 and 1754/1755. Some decades later a strange intervention occurred: the original
tie-beam/rafter joints were dismounted and new elements were placed among them. These
elements come from spruces which were cut down in the winter of 1793/1794.

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Gheorgheni in the light of archaeological research

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Research paper thumbnail of Florin Mărginean, Zsolt Csók, Keve László, Victor Sava: Unveiling History. Archaeological Excavations in the Fortress of Ineu (Arad County)

ZSA 31, 2017

The reasons behind elaborating this article are related to the results of the preliminary archaeo... more The reasons behind elaborating this article are related to the results of the preliminary archaeological excavations performed in Ineu in 2016. We believe and especially hope that this stage represents a significant first step in the rediscovery of the early phases of use of the fortress in Ineu, an initiative that is also extremely important for the restoration process initiated by the local authorities. The history of the settlement of Ineu is tied to that of the castle and the medieval fortress now located in the central part of the town. Considering these aspects, we deemed necessary to complement the presentation of the results of the first archaeological excavations with a brief presentation of the most significant moments that have marked the history of the fortress and settlement of Ineu from the Middle Ages until today. Despite the fact that our investigations were limited, the results thus obtained are promising in relation to the development in time from the so-called castellum to the 17th century bastionary fortification and the modifications of the 19th century. The opened trenches have touched parts of the northern, western, southern, and central parts that only represent one percent (1%) of the total surface that measures 4500 m2, of what is today a castle, with a plan acquired in the second half of the nineteenth century. As for the entire complex, it is increasingly difficult to identify parts of the planimetry of the old noble residence, but also of the bastionary fortification due, on the one hand, to the town planning development that has largely overlapped the intra and extra muros areas, and on the other hand due to the chaotic edilitary “momentum” of the last few decades. The various maps, ground plans, conscriptions and inventories, vedute, sketches, or photographic images are thus of real help. They can at least aid in the reconstruction of the general planimetries, but sometimes also in reaching certain detail issues.

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Research paper thumbnail of Hidden dates. Dendrochronological research on medieval churches in Transylvania

Caiete ARA , 2015

Dendrochronology is a dating method which uses tree ring data of living trees and tree ring serie... more Dendrochronology is a dating method which uses tree ring data of living trees and tree ring series measured on
historical and archaeological wood. In optimal circumstances dendrochronology can produce absolute dating with a half-year accuracy.
Due to research carried out by our team, initiated in 2003, we can use now two master chronologies to date oak and fi r structures in
Transylvania for the period between the 13th and 19th centuries, a couple of absolutely dated series for the 12th to 14th centuries, and
also some fl oating series for the late migration period (7th ‒ 8th centuries) and Roman period. Th e article presents a few case studies of
dendrochronological research on medieval churches from this region (Dârjiu, Târgu Mureş, Cetatea de Baltă, Bistriţa, Sibiu). During
these campaigns of fi eldwork and following analyses we successfully dated more medieval roofs and later renovation phases. So far the
earliest dated roof is the structure above the Evangelic church in Sibiu, where the timber material comes from trees felled at the middle
of the 14th century. Th e method is also used to date art objects (altar panels) and wood installations (painted ceilings, furniture).
To extend the validity of the present chronologies, both in time and space (in Moldova and the Romanian Plain), stronger
archaeological involvement will be needed.

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Research paper thumbnail of http://www.dendrolab.ro/


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This paper presents some results of dendrochronological researches carried out on historical woo... more This paper presents some results of dendrochronological researches carried out on historical
wooden installations and furniture by the Transylvanian Dendrochronological Laboratory in the
past few years. The main tools for dating these ecclesiastical objects (Gothic painted panels, Baroque
altars, historical doors, painted ceilings, breastwork of galleries) are two local chronologies for oak
(Quercus sp.) and fir (Abies Alba) which cover the period between the 13th and 19th centuries.
Naturally, in the case of art objects, the dendrochronological data is obtained without real sampling,
only with non-destructive methods such as surface measurement and macro-digital photography.
Beside exact dating, the main achievements are the proof of local fabrication of a supposed
„import” altarpiece, the connection with art history, written sources and dendro data, and comparison
of fir and pine data from contemporary artifacts.
The successes achieved on different types of objects and installations investigated from various
periods has shown again the usefulness and importance of the dendrochronological method for art
historical studies.

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Research paper thumbnail of A sepsikilyéni unitárius templom tetőszerkezeteinek kormeghatározása

GENIUS LOCI. Laszlovszky 60, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Az almakeréki szárnyasoltár dendrokronológiai kormeghatározása

Művészettörténeti Értesítő, 2017

The archaeologist author has been involved in dendrochronological
research in Transylvania for some fifteen
years. In the summer of 2015 she and István Botár got the
possibility within the frame of a five-year OTKA research
project to examine the altarpiece in the Lutheran church
of Almakerék (Mălâncrav, Malmkrog, Szeben county, Romania).
It was the first time they had carried out dedrochronological
growth ring dating on a work of art in
functional use. The material of the altarpiece is presumably
fir (Abies alba MILL.). The series of growth rings were
measured on the reverse longitudinal surface of all the
twelve painted panels and the top board of the predella.
The examined panels derived from very old, at least
160-170-year-old fir trees. The researchers managed to
determine the year of felling (winter of 1459/60), which is
a useful clue for art history to date the making of the altarpiece.
If the altarpiece was made in the lifetime of the
head of the family that held the advowson Mihály Apafi
(whose wife was mentioned a widow in 1469), then the
wood was left to season for fewer than 9 years.

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