Tormod Briseid - (original) (raw)
Papers by Tormod Briseid
The effect of nutrient addition on bioventing of fuel oil pollution in an artificially polluted s... more The effect of nutrient addition on bioventing of fuel oil pollution in an artificially polluted sandy soil has been studied at different experimental scales to assess the predictive value of laboratory treatability studies. The results of batch studies (5-g samples), laboratory column studies (6-kg samples), and pilot-scale field tests (10 tons of soil) were compared. The qualitative response to nutrient addition was comparable in all experiments. Without nutrient addition, a minimal respiration rate was observed. With nutrient addition, respiration rates increased almost instantaneously. The highest rates were observed in the batch studies. The column study and pilot-scale field test indicated similar respiration rates, at approximately one sixth the respiration rates in the batch study. Respiration rates in the pilot-scale field study decreased during the winter season. Analysis of the residual oil composition in soil samples showed a relation between the degree of weathering, mea...
FEMS Microbiology Letters, 1983
Chemosphere, 2002
A new method for reductive dechlorination of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and remedi... more A new method for reductive dechlorination of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and remediation of contaminated soils is described that uses zerovalent iron as the dechlorination agent and subcritical water as reaction medium and extractive solvent. It is found that the zerovalent iron can be applied for stepwise dechlorination of octachlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin (OCDD) on various matrixes in subcritical water. By using iron powder as matrix higher chlorinated congeners were practically completely reduced to less than tetra-substituted homologues. A significant part of residual OCDD, when it was spiked in to soils, and formed less chlorinated congeners are extracted with water in the given conditions. The solubility of OCDD was increased by a 4-6 orders over its solubility at ambient conditions. The new method of contentious-flow extraction is described.
Tek, Østfoldforskning, NORSØK og NMBU (Fakultet for realfag og teknologi). Dette er det andre del... more Tek, Østfoldforskning, NORSØK og NMBU (Fakultet for realfag og teknologi). Dette er det andre delprosjektet i følgeforskningsprogrammet som er finansierte av Innovasjon Norge. Målinger og beregninger for masse-og energibalanser er utført av NORSØK. Østfoldforskning har utført økonomiberegninger samt klimanytteberegninger. NIBIO har utført de analysene som ikke kunne utføres av VestfoldLAB. REALTEK har hatt prosjektledelsen av prosjektet.
Biogassanlegget til Sondre Skoglund, levert og driftet av Waterment AS, er under uttesting for be... more Biogassanlegget til Sondre Skoglund, levert og driftet av Waterment AS, er under uttesting for behandling av om lag 1000 m3 blautgjødsel fra gris årlig. Selve biogassreaktoren er en granulbasert kompakt ABR-reaktor med kort hydraulisk oppholdstid. Anleggets metanproduksjon, massebalanse og energiforbruk skulle dokumenteres slik det ble driftet en periode høsten 2017. Det må nevnes at driften ikke var fullt ut optimalisert, men at reaktoren fungerte stabilt i testperioden...…
Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from agriculture could be reduced by producing biogas from animal ... more Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from agriculture could be reduced by producing biogas from animal manure. Biogas production would reduce methane emissions from stored manure and provide climate-neutral methane gas, which could be used for energy purposes, improving the GHG balance. One problem for farmers could be the investment costs for biogas plants, which are currently high. This study compared energy production in two dairy manure-based, farm-scale biogas plants in Norway and the energy consumption in producing this energy. The results for the plants, which had no heat exchanger and minimal insulation on the biogas reactor, clearly demonstrated the necessity of using a co-substrate with dairy manure. Using only manure during January at the Åna plant, SW Norway, resulted in only 10% net energy production. The best result obtained when using co-substrate was 73% (fish ensilage; October). Maximum biogas yield of 0.355 m3 CH4/kg VS was recorded by having 31% of total VS provided by ...
Østfoldforskning, NORSØK og NMBU (Fakultet for realfag og teknologi). Dette er det første delpros... more Østfoldforskning, NORSØK og NMBU (Fakultet for realfag og teknologi). Dette er det første delprosjektet i følgeforskningsprogrammet som er finansierte av Innovasjon Norge. Målinger og beregninger for masse-og energibalanser er utført av Tel-Tek. Østfoldforskning har utført økonomiberegninger samt klimanytteberegninger. NIBIO har utført de analysene som ikke kunne utføres av VestfoldLAB. REALTEK har hatt ledelsen av prosjektet. Ås 15.12.17 John Morken Side 3 Sammendrag Rapporten beskriver resultatene fra følgeforskningsprosjektet knyttet til GRENLAND VESTFOLD BIOGASS AS (Greve Biogass). Dette var et prosjekt som var finansiert av Innovasjon Norge som et underprosjekt i følgeforskningsprogrammet. Rapporten baserer seg på to delrapporteren fra Tel-Tek og en fra Østfoldforskning som til sammen omhandler anleggets netto energiutbytte og klimanytte evalueres, i tillegg til anleggets økonomi. Anleggets energiutbytte baserer seg på beregning av massebalanser i periode over 120 dagerfebruar til og med maii 2017. I denne perioden ble mengder av råstoff inn i anlegget registrert. Samtidig ble prøver tatt ut til analyser av innhold av tørrstoff, organisk tørrstoff (beregnet som flyktig tørrstoff (VS) og kjemisk oksidasjonsforbruk (COD)). Mengde og sammensetning av biogass ble også registrert, samtidig med at utslipp av metan og ble estimert. I denne perioden ble 39 475 tonn behandlet. Dette var en blanding av bløtgjødsel fra svin og storfe, matavfall, industriavfall, naeringsavfall og vaskevann. Det gjennomsnittlige tørrstoffinnholdet var 10 %. Den hydrauliske oppholdstiden i anlegget var på 36,5 døgn. Den organiske belastningen på reaktorene var 2,5 kg VS/m 3 *døgn. Det ble målt et metanutslipp i anlegget på 2,9 % av produsert biogass. Strømforbruket i anlegget tilsvarte 12 % av energi i produsert metan, og det var varmegjenvinning med varmepumpe som tilsvarte 37 % av elektrisk energi som ble brukt. Produksjonen av metan til drivstoff tilsvarte levert energi på 16,2 GWh. Estimert for hele året blir dette 49,3 GWh. Rapporten fra Tel-Tek viste at gjennomsnittlig metanutbytte var 453 Nm 3 CH4/tonn VS ved en nedbrytningsprosent på ca. 57 % av VS. For driftsåret 2016 var metanutbytte noe lavere med 431 Nm 3 CH4/tonn VS ved en nedbrytningsprosent på 79% av VS. Siden målingene som er foretatt bare er for fire måneder, vil det vaere usikkerhet ved ekstrapolering til et helt års produksjon. Beregninger av økonomi er av samme grunn også beheftet med usikkerhet, men beregningene av klimanytten for Den Magiske Fabrikken i 2017 ble beregnet til ca. 11 750 CO2-ekv. Når dette ses i sammenheng med investeringsøkonomi og driftsøkonomi (inkl. offentlig støtte), ble det beregnet en negativ klimakostnad på ca. 150 NOK/tonn CO2-ekv.
The anaerobic digestion process is a fermentation process, which takes place in a closed airtight... more The anaerobic digestion process is a fermentation process, which takes place in a closed airtight digester where organic raw materials such as manure, food waste, sewage sludge and organic industrial waste are converted into biogas and digestate as products. The produced biogas is a mixture of 50-70% methane and 30-50% carbon dioxide and smaller amounts of water vapor, hydrogen sulphide and other minor components and trace elements. The wet digestate results from anaerobic digestion of the substrates, which are pumped out of the digester tank, after the extraction of biogas. The digestate consists of slow degradable, stable organic components such as lignin, nitrogen and phosphorous in various forms, inorganic salts containing phosphate, ammonium, potassium, and other minerals.
Biomass and Bioenergy, 2019
This study investigated the effect of five different pre-treatment methods (ammonia (NH3), causti... more This study investigated the effect of five different pre-treatment methods (ammonia (NH3), caustic soda (NaOH), dry milling, hot water and steam explosion) for straw for biogas production. The methods were 2 selected based on their suitability for implementation in farm-scale biogas plants. The pre-treatment methods were applied to four different types of straw. Batch anaerobic digestion tests were carried out in bottles at mesophilic temperature (37 ± 1 °C). The straw was analysed for lignin, hemicellulose and cellulose. The results showed large variations in methane production following the different pretreatment methods. There were also large variations between the pre-treatment methods in their effect on the different types of straw. Pre-treatment with NaOH on barley straw was particularly effective. The results also showed that the shorter the retention time in the reactor, the more important the choice of pre-treatment method. Different pre-treatment methods were found to be optimal, to some extent, for different retention times.
Agricultural Water Management, 2019
The awareness of sediment and nutrient loss from non-point sources are of increasing environmenta... more The awareness of sediment and nutrient loss from non-point sources are of increasing environmental concern as measures to reduce point source inputs to surface waters have been introduced. Mitigation efforts to reduce loss of particles and nutrients from agriculture in Norway and other countries have mainly focused on surface runoff, whereas sub-surface drainage has received little attention. However, research has shown that the sub-surface field drains are transporting both sediment and nutrients rapidly to the watercourses. Despite these established facts there has been little development of measures to reduce these losses. This article describes how Lightweight Aggregates (LWA), Leca®, can mitigate some of the environmental challenges connected to sub-surface field drains. A field experimental project was performed to assess the effects on drainage water quality hydrological performance and functionality of drainage systems based on Lightweight Aggregates compared to traditional pipe drains. Registrations of the performance of the systems were done in two separate periods, 1992-1993 and 1999-2000. After 2000 no measurement programme has run. The functionality of the drainage systems was registered in connection to ordinary farming activity. In 1999-2000 LWA drains showed particularly good performance with regard to reducing the content of Phosphorus, 40-90 % reduction in Total-P. The drainage water from the LWA drains contained less than half the amount of suspended solids compared to traditional pipe drains. The results from 1993 showed no significant difference between LWA drains and pipe drains with respect to Nitrogen. The results from 1999/2000 showed higher loss of Nitrogen through pipe drains with no envelope compared to all other systems. LWA drains may be particularly useful in reducing particles and nutrient loads from cultivated flat drained areas adjacent to environmentally sensitive and ecologically important water ecosystems. Further investigations are recommended to optimise the design of LWA drains.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 2015
The effect of nutrient addition on bioventing of fuel oil pollution in an artificially polluted s... more The effect of nutrient addition on bioventing of fuel oil pollution in an artificially polluted sandy soil has been studied at different experimental scales to assess the predictive value of laboratory treatability studies. The results of batch studies (5-g samples), laboratory column studies (6-kg samples), and pilot-scale field tests (10 tons of soil) were compared. The qualitative response to nutrient addition was comparable in all experiments. Without nutrient addition, a minimal respiration rate was observed. With nutrient addition, respiration rates increased almost instantaneously. The highest rates were observed in the batch studies. The column study and pilot-scale field test indicated similar respiration rates, at approximately one sixth the respiration rates in the batch study. Respiration rates in the pilot-scale field study decreased during the winter season. Analysis of the residual oil composition in soil samples showed a relation between the degree of weathering, mea...
FEMS Microbiology Letters, 1983
Chemosphere, 2002
A new method for reductive dechlorination of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and remedi... more A new method for reductive dechlorination of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and remediation of contaminated soils is described that uses zerovalent iron as the dechlorination agent and subcritical water as reaction medium and extractive solvent. It is found that the zerovalent iron can be applied for stepwise dechlorination of octachlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin (OCDD) on various matrixes in subcritical water. By using iron powder as matrix higher chlorinated congeners were practically completely reduced to less than tetra-substituted homologues. A significant part of residual OCDD, when it was spiked in to soils, and formed less chlorinated congeners are extracted with water in the given conditions. The solubility of OCDD was increased by a 4-6 orders over its solubility at ambient conditions. The new method of contentious-flow extraction is described.
Tek, Østfoldforskning, NORSØK og NMBU (Fakultet for realfag og teknologi). Dette er det andre del... more Tek, Østfoldforskning, NORSØK og NMBU (Fakultet for realfag og teknologi). Dette er det andre delprosjektet i følgeforskningsprogrammet som er finansierte av Innovasjon Norge. Målinger og beregninger for masse-og energibalanser er utført av NORSØK. Østfoldforskning har utført økonomiberegninger samt klimanytteberegninger. NIBIO har utført de analysene som ikke kunne utføres av VestfoldLAB. REALTEK har hatt prosjektledelsen av prosjektet.
Biogassanlegget til Sondre Skoglund, levert og driftet av Waterment AS, er under uttesting for be... more Biogassanlegget til Sondre Skoglund, levert og driftet av Waterment AS, er under uttesting for behandling av om lag 1000 m3 blautgjødsel fra gris årlig. Selve biogassreaktoren er en granulbasert kompakt ABR-reaktor med kort hydraulisk oppholdstid. Anleggets metanproduksjon, massebalanse og energiforbruk skulle dokumenteres slik det ble driftet en periode høsten 2017. Det må nevnes at driften ikke var fullt ut optimalisert, men at reaktoren fungerte stabilt i testperioden...…
Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from agriculture could be reduced by producing biogas from animal ... more Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from agriculture could be reduced by producing biogas from animal manure. Biogas production would reduce methane emissions from stored manure and provide climate-neutral methane gas, which could be used for energy purposes, improving the GHG balance. One problem for farmers could be the investment costs for biogas plants, which are currently high. This study compared energy production in two dairy manure-based, farm-scale biogas plants in Norway and the energy consumption in producing this energy. The results for the plants, which had no heat exchanger and minimal insulation on the biogas reactor, clearly demonstrated the necessity of using a co-substrate with dairy manure. Using only manure during January at the Åna plant, SW Norway, resulted in only 10% net energy production. The best result obtained when using co-substrate was 73% (fish ensilage; October). Maximum biogas yield of 0.355 m3 CH4/kg VS was recorded by having 31% of total VS provided by ...
Østfoldforskning, NORSØK og NMBU (Fakultet for realfag og teknologi). Dette er det første delpros... more Østfoldforskning, NORSØK og NMBU (Fakultet for realfag og teknologi). Dette er det første delprosjektet i følgeforskningsprogrammet som er finansierte av Innovasjon Norge. Målinger og beregninger for masse-og energibalanser er utført av Tel-Tek. Østfoldforskning har utført økonomiberegninger samt klimanytteberegninger. NIBIO har utført de analysene som ikke kunne utføres av VestfoldLAB. REALTEK har hatt ledelsen av prosjektet. Ås 15.12.17 John Morken Side 3 Sammendrag Rapporten beskriver resultatene fra følgeforskningsprosjektet knyttet til GRENLAND VESTFOLD BIOGASS AS (Greve Biogass). Dette var et prosjekt som var finansiert av Innovasjon Norge som et underprosjekt i følgeforskningsprogrammet. Rapporten baserer seg på to delrapporteren fra Tel-Tek og en fra Østfoldforskning som til sammen omhandler anleggets netto energiutbytte og klimanytte evalueres, i tillegg til anleggets økonomi. Anleggets energiutbytte baserer seg på beregning av massebalanser i periode over 120 dagerfebruar til og med maii 2017. I denne perioden ble mengder av råstoff inn i anlegget registrert. Samtidig ble prøver tatt ut til analyser av innhold av tørrstoff, organisk tørrstoff (beregnet som flyktig tørrstoff (VS) og kjemisk oksidasjonsforbruk (COD)). Mengde og sammensetning av biogass ble også registrert, samtidig med at utslipp av metan og ble estimert. I denne perioden ble 39 475 tonn behandlet. Dette var en blanding av bløtgjødsel fra svin og storfe, matavfall, industriavfall, naeringsavfall og vaskevann. Det gjennomsnittlige tørrstoffinnholdet var 10 %. Den hydrauliske oppholdstiden i anlegget var på 36,5 døgn. Den organiske belastningen på reaktorene var 2,5 kg VS/m 3 *døgn. Det ble målt et metanutslipp i anlegget på 2,9 % av produsert biogass. Strømforbruket i anlegget tilsvarte 12 % av energi i produsert metan, og det var varmegjenvinning med varmepumpe som tilsvarte 37 % av elektrisk energi som ble brukt. Produksjonen av metan til drivstoff tilsvarte levert energi på 16,2 GWh. Estimert for hele året blir dette 49,3 GWh. Rapporten fra Tel-Tek viste at gjennomsnittlig metanutbytte var 453 Nm 3 CH4/tonn VS ved en nedbrytningsprosent på ca. 57 % av VS. For driftsåret 2016 var metanutbytte noe lavere med 431 Nm 3 CH4/tonn VS ved en nedbrytningsprosent på 79% av VS. Siden målingene som er foretatt bare er for fire måneder, vil det vaere usikkerhet ved ekstrapolering til et helt års produksjon. Beregninger av økonomi er av samme grunn også beheftet med usikkerhet, men beregningene av klimanytten for Den Magiske Fabrikken i 2017 ble beregnet til ca. 11 750 CO2-ekv. Når dette ses i sammenheng med investeringsøkonomi og driftsøkonomi (inkl. offentlig støtte), ble det beregnet en negativ klimakostnad på ca. 150 NOK/tonn CO2-ekv.
The anaerobic digestion process is a fermentation process, which takes place in a closed airtight... more The anaerobic digestion process is a fermentation process, which takes place in a closed airtight digester where organic raw materials such as manure, food waste, sewage sludge and organic industrial waste are converted into biogas and digestate as products. The produced biogas is a mixture of 50-70% methane and 30-50% carbon dioxide and smaller amounts of water vapor, hydrogen sulphide and other minor components and trace elements. The wet digestate results from anaerobic digestion of the substrates, which are pumped out of the digester tank, after the extraction of biogas. The digestate consists of slow degradable, stable organic components such as lignin, nitrogen and phosphorous in various forms, inorganic salts containing phosphate, ammonium, potassium, and other minerals.
Biomass and Bioenergy, 2019
This study investigated the effect of five different pre-treatment methods (ammonia (NH3), causti... more This study investigated the effect of five different pre-treatment methods (ammonia (NH3), caustic soda (NaOH), dry milling, hot water and steam explosion) for straw for biogas production. The methods were 2 selected based on their suitability for implementation in farm-scale biogas plants. The pre-treatment methods were applied to four different types of straw. Batch anaerobic digestion tests were carried out in bottles at mesophilic temperature (37 ± 1 °C). The straw was analysed for lignin, hemicellulose and cellulose. The results showed large variations in methane production following the different pretreatment methods. There were also large variations between the pre-treatment methods in their effect on the different types of straw. Pre-treatment with NaOH on barley straw was particularly effective. The results also showed that the shorter the retention time in the reactor, the more important the choice of pre-treatment method. Different pre-treatment methods were found to be optimal, to some extent, for different retention times.
Agricultural Water Management, 2019
The awareness of sediment and nutrient loss from non-point sources are of increasing environmenta... more The awareness of sediment and nutrient loss from non-point sources are of increasing environmental concern as measures to reduce point source inputs to surface waters have been introduced. Mitigation efforts to reduce loss of particles and nutrients from agriculture in Norway and other countries have mainly focused on surface runoff, whereas sub-surface drainage has received little attention. However, research has shown that the sub-surface field drains are transporting both sediment and nutrients rapidly to the watercourses. Despite these established facts there has been little development of measures to reduce these losses. This article describes how Lightweight Aggregates (LWA), Leca®, can mitigate some of the environmental challenges connected to sub-surface field drains. A field experimental project was performed to assess the effects on drainage water quality hydrological performance and functionality of drainage systems based on Lightweight Aggregates compared to traditional pipe drains. Registrations of the performance of the systems were done in two separate periods, 1992-1993 and 1999-2000. After 2000 no measurement programme has run. The functionality of the drainage systems was registered in connection to ordinary farming activity. In 1999-2000 LWA drains showed particularly good performance with regard to reducing the content of Phosphorus, 40-90 % reduction in Total-P. The drainage water from the LWA drains contained less than half the amount of suspended solids compared to traditional pipe drains. The results from 1993 showed no significant difference between LWA drains and pipe drains with respect to Nitrogen. The results from 1999/2000 showed higher loss of Nitrogen through pipe drains with no envelope compared to all other systems. LWA drains may be particularly useful in reducing particles and nutrient loads from cultivated flat drained areas adjacent to environmentally sensitive and ecologically important water ecosystems. Further investigations are recommended to optimise the design of LWA drains.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 2015