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Videos by Taras Plakhtiy

Відео-презентація включає аналіз існуючих типів структур політичних партій та процесів їхнього ви... more Відео-презентація включає аналіз існуючих типів структур політичних партій та процесів їхнього виродження із точки зору системного підходу, а також обгрунтовує необхідність та засади вибору організаційної моделі сучасної політичної партії
PDF презентації: https://tarasplakhtiy.files.wordpress.com/2021/11/struktura-mini.pdf

Papers by Taras Plakhtiy

Research paper thumbnail of Формування єдиної теорії політичних організацій: міждисциплінарний підхід до аналізу, проєктування та вдосконалення політичних партій нового покоління

Сучасні політичні партії стикаються з новими викликами в умовах складного та мінливого світу. У с... more Сучасні політичні партії стикаються з новими викликами в умовах складного та мінливого світу. У статті розглядається, як за допомогою міждисциплінарного підходу можна не лише аналізувати, але й проєктувати партії нового покоління. Запропоновано ідею партій як "промислового виробництва", орієнтованого на здійснення керівних впливів на суспільство на різних рівнях управління. Розроблена змінна організаційна структура-динамічна мережа-дозволяє політичним організаціям безперервно адаптуватися до швидкозмінних умов постмодерного інформаційного суспільства, зберігаючи власну цілісність, стабільність і ефективність. Дослідження пропонує практичні інструменти, які допоможуть партіям стати більш організованими та стійкими до викликів сучасності.

Research paper thumbnail of The Formation of a Unified Theory of Political Organizations: An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Analysis, Design, and Improvement of Political Parties

The article examines political parties as complex, multidimensional collective agents that requir... more The article examines political parties as complex, multidimensional collective agents that require an interdisciplinary approach to their analysis, design, and improvement. It presents the main scientific approaches to the study of political organizations: political, legal, social, organizational, and systemic. The necessity of forming a unified theory of political organizations that integrates concepts from various disciplines based on the organizational approach is emphasized. Four fundamental components of building political parties of the next generation are identified: the type of ideology, the type of organizational agent, the methodology of activity, and the method of collective activity. An approach to political parties as an industrial production aimed at producing governing influences at various levels of management in informational and physical spaces is substantiated. A method of collective activity in a dynamic network of members of different-level subdivisions of political parties is proposed, which adapts their organizational structure to the conditions of the modern postmodern information society. This, in turn, will ensure the stability, coherence, efficiency, and effectiveness of political organizations of the next generation.


The article presents an interdisciplinary model of behavioural choice developed by the author. Th... more The article presents an interdisciplinary model of behavioural choice developed by the author. This model serves as a framework for analyzing the mechanisms of behavioural choice, based on which the conclusion is made that the archetypal approach makes it possible to use and bring together
socio-psychological and biological approaches when examining the influence of various fac-tors of the external environment on an individual’s behavioural choice. In particular, the mechanisms of the emergence and spread of individuals’ delinquent behaviour in a crisis are discussed. It is assumed that the social psyche, which is inert in normal conditions and resistant to changes, becomes more plastic in critical conditions with high uncertainty. This facilitates the adaptation of the social system to new conditions due to the normalization of individuals' new – successful behaviour, which is formed based on new – operatively changed social atti-tudes, values, beliefs, and norms. Thus, manifestations of delinquency in wartime and after wars might be seen as a by-product of the social system’s natural desire for stability in the new exter-nal conditions. Hence, the prevention of delinquency serves to normalize the behaviour of indi-viduals to return to pre-crisis conditions, and at the same time as
contributes to promoting adaptation to new conditions of life. The conclusion is that to over-come the destructive consequences of war, the social structure should be improved and renewed to produce a new social environment that could harmoniously change the behaviour of indi-viduals per the acquired social attitudes, values, beliefs, and norms that determine it. Based on the results of the analysis of the developed model and the identified mechanisms of influencing behavioural choices, approaches to the selection of practical tools for the prevention of delin-quency in post-war times are suggested (i.e.,
collective events involving representatives of the target audience) and methods of organizing their
collective activities is proposed. It is assumed that further research can be aimed at verifying the
effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed measures in real-life conditions to improve the methodology
of their use and develop criteria and methods for evaluating the obtained results.


The publication is devoted to the establishment of a strategy for ensuring long-term post-war pea... more The publication is devoted to the establishment of a strategy for ensuring long-term post-war peace and security in the postmodern world and the search for ways to implement it within the framework of the archetypal approach. The main property of humanity at the current stage of historical development - uneven development of its parts - is taken as a starting point. It is shown that the organizational and structural aspect of this unevenness is, in a sense, the root cause of potential interstate cold and hot conflicts.
The article analyzes authoritarian and democratic countries in the context of the organizational and structural approach. It is shown that the organizational and structural aspect of the uneven development of certain parts of humanity includes a fundamental difference in the organizational structure of the central authorities of democratic and authoritarian countries, as well as a fundamental difference in the organizational structure of parliaments, political parties and corporations within democratic countries. This implies a different location of all these organizations on a continuum of power concentration that changes over time.
The analysis made it possible to identify the factors that impede the maintenance of long-term post-war peace and security in the modern postmodern world: (1) the fundamental difference between the organizational structures of central governing bodies – parliaments and other organizations, primarily political parties and corporations in democratic countries; (2) the organizational and structural similarity of political parties and corporations existing in democratic countries with the central governing bodies of authoritarian countries; (3) the possibility of corporations' influence, due to their greater organizational complexity, on political parties that form the parliaments of democratic countries; (4) a sharp weakening of the potential of democratic countries as a result of an “unexpected” change in the type of external environment after an open manifestation of aggression by authoritarian countries.
The identification of these factors allowed us to develop a strategy for overcoming their influence, which consists in making political parties more complex in such a way that the rate of their complexity becomes higher than the rate of the entire social system in general and the rate of complexity of organizational business entities – corporations in particular.
It is concluded that in order to build more complex political parties with appropriate external – emergent properties, it is necessary to modify (i.e., to complicate) their organizational structure, which, in fact, determines the emergence and maintenance of these properties over time. The article presents the stages of analysis of internal processes in political parties within the framework of the archetypal approach, which made it possible to develop a corresponding variable organizational structure of the new generation of polystructural political parties.
It is assumed that the emergence of such parties will lead to a continuous shift of the central governing bodies of democratic countries – their parliaments – towards strengthening democracy, ensuring more effective redistribution of power among more citizens, and will offset the influence of corporations on these parliaments, synchronizing the main purpose of the former with the main purpose of the latter to ensure long-term peace and security in the world.

Research paper thumbnail of Концепція здійснення соціальних змін (Concept of Effecting Social Change)

Концепція здійснення соціальних змін (Concept of Effecting Social Change), 2022

The report elaborates on the concept of effecting social change. It describes four stages and six... more The report elaborates on the concept of effecting social change. It describes four stages and six levels of change. For each level, the publication identifies the agent that introduces change, the object that changes, the mechanism for producing changes, the change brought about by this mechanism, and the expected result of the change effected.

У публікації представлено концепцію здійснення соціальних змін. Виділено чотири етапи і шість рівнів змін. На кожному рівні визначено суб’єкт, який запроваджує зміни, об’єкт, що змінюється, механізм реалізації змін, зміни, які цей механізм безпосередньо спричинить, та очікуваний результат їхнього запровадження.

Research paper thumbnail of Проєкт Віртуального Офісу Політичної Партії Зі Змінною Структурою – Динамічною Мережею (Virtual Office Design for a Political Party with a Variable Structure (Dynamic Network))

The paper presents a design of a virtual office of a political party with a variable structure (d... more The paper presents a design of a virtual office of a political party with a variable structure (dynamic network) that we constructed. It covers the principles of the functioning of this office and provides a detailed description of the way to streamline the activities of the participants of real and distributed collective agents of different-level units within such an organization.
The design contains layouts of 70 key pages of the virtual office with a specification of all the relevant links, buttons and fields, definition of their functions, indication of inter-page links within the design, as well as the permissions set for different types of users.
The virtual office design presented in the paper can serve as terms of reference for the development of relevant software, and the solutions presented herein can be used to develop and expand the functionality of the online resources of active political parties.

У роботі представлено проєкт віртуального офісу сконструйованої нами політичної партії зі змінною структурою – динамічною мережею, який включає засади функціонування цього офісу та детальний опис способу впорядкування у його рамках діяльності учасників реального і розподіленого колективних суб’єктів різнорівневих підрозділів такої організації.
Проєкт містить макети 70 ключових сторінок віртуального офісу, до кожного з яких додано специфікацію усіх представлених у ньому посилань, кнопок і полів із визначенням їхніх функцій, із вказаними взаємозв’язками з іншими сторінками проєкту, а також із встановленими дозволами для користувачів різних типів.
Представлений у роботі проєкт віртуального офісу можна розглядати як технічне завдання на розробку відповідного програмного забезпечення, а представлені у ньому рішення можуть бути використані для розробки та розширення функціоналу інтернет-ресурсів діючих політичних партій.


The book presents the results of interdisciplinary research in the field of constructing new gene... more The book presents the results of interdisciplinary research in the field of constructing new generation political parties-i.e., parties with a variable structure (a dynamic network). It elaborates on the theoretical and technological principles of their activity and describes the procedure for their creation and deployment. The author developed organizational and technological tools that make up the basis of the variable organizational structure (dynamic network) and tested them in practice at more than 170 different events in various environments consisting of Ukrainian politicians, civic activists and businessmen in large groups of different sizes (10 to 200 participants).

Research paper thumbnail of Зовнішнє середовище політичних партій (External Environment of Political Parties)

The key to fulfilling the natural desire of political parties to turn into the governing subsyste... more The key to fulfilling the natural desire of political parties to turn into the governing subsystem for the entire social system is sufficient adequacy of perception and analysis of the external environment by their initiators or their leaders, which would allow the latter to select appropriate organizational and operational characteristics and make sure that their organizations develop such attributes. These characteristics, in turn, will become the key factors increasing the likelihood of political parties’ success and, hence, ensure that they achieve their aspirations.
Analysis of the external environment – i.e. one’s own society and the world – is the focus of an entire array of research disciplines, and to summarize its results, however concisely, we would have to write numerous volumes, the study of which would not leave time and strength for practical party building.
The huge amount of loosely connected and often contradictory information about the results of researching the external environment – i.e. society and the world – conducted within different research disciplines using different methods and different grounds, makes it necessary to single out the system-forming part of these results. It should, on the one hand, identify, explain, and complement as much as possible all other theories, hypotheses, and results of practical research, and on the other hand, manifest the points for application of force in order to make significant changes in external and internal environments and establish a set of specific actions that over time could lead to their fulfilment.
The article describes the system-forming part that we have singled out based on the entire array of the results of research into political parties’ internal and external environments within the framework of various research disciplines.
It involves a study of modern society in the context of the philosophical approach concepts that represent the change of historical epochs – modern into postmodern and the transition from the former to the latter; a comprehensive analysis of the “tragedy of the commons” and ways to overcome it; evolution of ideas about organization and management; organizational and structural analysis of the external environment and its components in the process of their development; principles of choosing organizational structures; global design as a tool for humanity to shift to a new level of development.
The results of our research have made it possible for us to come up with an interconnected set of underlying assumptions that serve as the basis for our construction of new-generation political organizations – poly-structural political parties or parties with a variable structure – dynamic network.

Research paper thumbnail of Мотивація членів політичних партій (Motivation of Political Party Members)

By comparing political parties with business and production organizations based on the methodolog... more By comparing political parties with business and production organizations based on the methodology developed by I. Adizes, it has been established that the key difference between them is the fact that leaders of the former lack the main source of the managerial energy that business CEOs have at their disposal – i.e. the power to reward and punish employees by changing the amount of payments. This made it possible to articulate the key task faced by initiators of new parties and leaders who initiate reorganization of existing political parties: i.e. what source of managerial energy they should resort to and learn to use to make up for the lack of the key source of managerial energy available for business CEOs?
Two political party energy models have been examined. By analyzing the group as a social energy generator, we have come up with the conclusion that the influence of the initial structure-generating ideas that captured the minds of its leaders and members is enough only to start their interaction. As a result of this interaction, group members generate a much larger amount of social energy, most of which burns out in internal interpersonal and intergroup conflicts, and the rest is emitted externally as a range of modifications of the initial structural ideas and actions for their implementation. The processes of intragroup ranking (manifesting itself in internal conflicts) determine the hierarchical structuring of the group by stimulating the activity of its leaders and passivating the majority of members. In order to activate this majority, preserve the integrity and increase the effectiveness of their hierarchically structured group, leaders have to radicalize the initial structure-generating ideas, choosing aggressive strategies for interaction with similar groups at the intergroup level. Moreover, this choice seems natural and rational to them, although it obviously accounts for the destruction of the field of trust among national elite groups, the continuous fragmentation of their political organizations, and, as a consequence, for the weakening and degradation of society as a whole.
The suggested model of the group as a social energy generator allows us to shift to the model of a political party as a car with an internal combustion engine and clarify the problem to be solved by initiators of new parties or leaders who intend to reorganize existing political parties in Ukraine by introducing the following questions:
What “fuel” (combination of types of motivation) should be poured into the “tank” to start the party “car”? Who, in what way, and for what purpose will “fill” the “tank” with this “fuel”? What can ensure that the “battery” always remains charged (a constant level of the initial structure-generating ideas’ influence on party members) during the “movement” of the party “car”?
The report elaborates on the main approaches to analyzing motivations in business and production organizations. By transferring them onto the realm of political organizations, we have come up with the suggestion that in political parties with a variable structure – a dynamic network the set of all measures designed to motivate their members is dependent on the procedure of operation of different levels of such organizations aimed to implement strategic management based on the methodology of collective activity within a dynamic network as a set of integrated organizational and technological tools that prevent the escalation of internal interpersonal and intergroup conflicts.
We have come up with the conclusion that this procedure is a universal comprehensive motivation tool, which consists of a set of measures (tools of motivation) designed to motivate members of such parties with a relevant combination of different types of motivation, encouraging them to resort to certain predetermined patterns of behavior.
The report specifies and discusses types of motivation which, in our opinion, play a key role in activating members of various political party units of different levels: leadership, ideological, financial, administrative, authoritative, personal, target, competitive, motivation based on strokes and recognition, based on belonging, facilitative, and retrospective.
The report elaborates on the basic combinations of the types of motivation of members of leadership-type ideological parties, investment political party projects, and a political party with a variable structure – dynamic network at different stages of their existence. By analyzing these combinations, we have drawn the following conclusions:
In the course of deployment in the contemporary postmodern information society, the impact of key ideological motivation in terms of forming and imposing the image of a real or imaginary enemy in leadership-type ideological parties is constantly decreasing due to passivation of the rank-and-file party members as a result of Michels’ law of oligarchy, which also results in the drawdown of their multilevel party units; as well as due to the distraction of these members by increasing exterior flows of unstructured information and information structured is certain ways, making it impossible to constantly focus on the image of the enemy.
In the process of deployment of investment-type political party projects, the impact of financial motivation, which is key to them, is limited by the amount of available financial resources, which keeps their organizational potential at a fixed level and leads to deliberate curtailment of party activities between elections. As a result, parties of this type end up imitating party activities, which makes them incapable of solving problems and overcoming the challenges faced by such organizations after winning elections and, consequently, after their representatives get into different levels of national government and local self-government.
In hybrid parties combining these two types that emerge after they shift to the operational mode, a combination of ideological and financial motivations comes to the fore. However, despite the increased viability of such organizations, they are unable to properly perform their managerial functions in a complex and turbulent external environment such as modern society and the world. This is due to the concentration of development, discussion, and making of decisions in the hands of the governing bodies of their multilevel units as represented by small groups in the conditions of curtailment of the activities of the members of large group of these units due to Michels’ law of oligarchy. Concentration of power by governing bodies and / or leaders of multilevel party units, on the one hand, leads to advancing the interests of members of these bodies and their investors at the expense of party members and society; and on the other hand, it prevents a wide range of party members and non-party members (experts, politicians, businessmen and public activists) from monitoring changes in the external environment and, consequently, from making, discussing, coordinating and taking party decisions, which undermines their adequacy and professionalism.
In a political party with a variable structure – dynamic network, its inherent combination of basic motivations begins to develop at the second stage of its operation (as the number of members of the initiative group increases) and ends at the third stage – after transition of the central party unit to the operational mode. The key components of this combination – competitive and stroke-and-recognition-based motivations that meet the needs of the basic biological level of Maslow’s pyramid, are not limited – all that is required for them to develop is only a comprehensive motivation tool, i.e. the procedure for collective activity of members of multilevel party units based on the methodology of collective action in a dynamic network, and the determination to adhere to it. In this case, the influence of both competitive and stroke-and-recognition-based motivation is practically not subject to reflection – it occurs at the level of the unconscious and is not identified by members of the initiative group and, later, the party itself as external influence, unless, of course, they are informed of that. Therefore, to successfully introduce this motivation tool in the initiative group, and later at multilevel units of a political party with a variable structure – dynamic network, it is necessary for all members to be aware of the nature of its impact on their unconscious and, consequently, on their activity and behavior, as well as the consent of these members to its controlled use for their self-activation in the process of the party’s operation.
Thus, the source of managerial energy that initiators of a political party with a variable structure – a dynamic network should resort to and learn to use or, in other words, the main motivation tool available to them is the operational procedure of members of such an organization within its multilevel units. This tool is based on the methodology of collective activity in a dynamic network. This methodology, in turn, includes four organizational and technological tools integrated into one unity, which together can prevent the escalation of interpersonal and intergroup conflicts in multilevel party units.
An auxiliary tool of motivation at the stage of expansion of the initiative group that intends to build such a party will be the procedure of collective activity of its members, which includes a number of relevant organizational and technological tools, the combined action of which will also stop the escalation of interpersonal and intergroup conflicts in this group.

Research paper thumbnail of Діяльність ініціативної групи із побудови партії (Spearhead group’s party construction activities)

The article elaborates on the four stages of the spearhead group’s activities aimed at creating a... more The article elaborates on the four stages of the spearhead group’s activities aimed at creating an organization based on the organizational principles that we have developed and presented in order to construct a political party with a variable structure – a dynamic network. And the beginning of each subsequent stage is accompanied by organizational and structural metamorphoses of the spearhead group that completely or partially change its organizational structure, operating procedures, coordination mechanisms, target audience, members, etc.
For each of the stages of activity of the spearhead group, measurable indicators of their effectiveness and efficiency are proposed, which, if measured and constantly monitored, will allow group members (and later members of the central party unit and the entire party) to rate the capacity of these organizational entities and, hence, the level of their own activity within these entities.
We have developed and described the procedure of work of the spearhead group at the second stage (the most difficult in terms of realization and critically important for the successful construction of a party) aiming at its transformation from a small group into a big one by gradually increasing the number of its members from 3-5 to 20-30 persons.
It is concluded that the extent of compliance with the presented procedure by the spearhead group at the second stage of its work determines what the result of party construction will be – a party with a variable structure – a dynamic network with its corresponding organizational culture based on the organizational principles described in this report and ensuring the emergence of new external qualities of the organization, or a typical clone of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union with all the implications.
У публікації, на основі розроблених і представлених нами організаційних принципів побудови політичної партії зі змінною структурою – динамічною мережею, розглянуто чотири етапи діяльності ініціативної групи із створення такої організації. При цьому початок кожного наступного етапу супроводжується організаційно-структурним метаморфозом ініціативної групи, у рамках якого повністю або частково змінюється її організаційна структура, порядок діяльності, механізми координації, цільова аудиторія, особовий склад учасників, тощо.
Для кожного з етапів діяльності ініціативної групи запропоновано вимірні показники їхньої результативності та ефективності, визначення та постійний контроль яких дозволить учасникам групи, а пізніше – членам центрального партійного підрозділу і цілої партії, судити про дієздатність цих організаційних утворень і, відповідно, про рівень власної активності у їхньому складі.
Розроблено і детально розглянуто порядок діяльності ініціативної групи на другому – найбільш складному у сенсі реалізації і критично важливому для успішної побудови партії етапі, метою якого є її перетворення із малої групи у велику шляхом поступового збільшення кількості її членів із 3-5 до 20-30 осіб.
Зроблено висновок про те, що ступінь дотримання представленого порядку роботи ініціативної групи на другому етапі її діяльності визначить, що саме стане результатом партійного будівництва – партія зі змінною структурою – динамічною мережею із відповідною їй організаційною культурою, яка ґрунтується на представлених у цій публікації організаційних засадах і яка забезпечує виникнення нових зовнішніх якостей організації, чи типовий клон КПРС зі всіма його особливостями.

Research paper thumbnail of Динамічна мережа у системі конфігурацій Г. Мінцберґа (Dynamic Network in H. Mintzberg’s Configurations)

The article examines a polystructural party or a party with a variable structure – a dynamic netw... more The article examines a polystructural party or a party with a variable structure – a dynamic network within Henry Mintzberg’s framework of structural configurations, and a unit of such an organization as high-variety intermittent-flow production of governing effects from an unstructured flow of information coming from a complex and dynamic environment.
The problems of contemporary political parties have been identified, which cannot be solved within Mintzberg’s framework of structural configurations. To be solved, these problems require a new relevant configuration.
We have shown that this structural configuration can be a variable structure of political parties developed by us – i.e. a dynamic network. It has been suggested that it should be placed above the hexagon of configurations proposed by H. Mintzberg – at the top of an irregular hexagonal pyramid, with this hexagon at the base. This arrangement is due to the fact that the dynamic network cannot turn a basic hexagon into a heptagon by becoming its new vertex, because it does not have its own unique coordination mechanism and at the same time uses all the existing ones. Also, it does not include a new (seventh) dominant part of the organization, instead, it integrates all its other components in the operating core.
We also demonstrated why the dynamic network cannot be placed inside the hexagon, considering it as a hybrid of the configurations proposed by H. Mintzberg. The reason for this is that the dynamic network does not just use all the coordination mechanisms existing within the hexagon. It bundles them up into a single integrated coordination mechanism, designed to coordinate the work of the only part of the organization that is of a type other than all other parts of the structural framework of the organization – i.e. of the dynamic type.
Thus, the only part of an organization with a variable structure – a dynamic network will be its dynamic operating core with a semi-permeable boundary with the external environment in the form of a set of sectoral networks that will perform the functions of all other parts of the organization and that, to perform these functions, can at any time fully or partially restructure itself into any organizational structures – those that will ensure the emergence of the appropriate qualities needed to solve problems in external subenvironments of certain types at certain times.
It has been shown that the suggested coordination mechanism of a variable structure – a dynamic network is based on mutual coordination, harmonized and reinforced due to standardization of labor, qualification, output and standards, as well as direct control.
We have provided a rationale for the emergence of a set of new qualities in political parties as a result of the introduction in their multilevel units of a variable structure – a dynamic network. The first such quality involves selective acquisition and retention for the required time by the organization’s dynamic operational core of some of the useful qualities of all configurations covered by the hexagon while avoiding most of their key shortcomings. Another important quality will be the ability of political organizations with a variable structure – a dynamic network to nurture a set of motivations in their members that can compensate for the lack of financial incentives that are used to manage staff behavior in business and industry. Another new quality of political parties will develop due to the fact that the most bureaucratic coordination mechanism i.e. the standardization of mechanistic bureaucracy processes, after partially streamlining the processes of mutual coordination in many adhocratic groups, will prevent their further bureaucratization, which will strengthen the positive qualities of both configurations and weaken the negative ones.
We have also considered the coordination mechanisms used to organize the work of each of the structural units of the party with a variable structure – a dynamic network.
We have shown that, on the one hand, power in multilevel party units belongs to experts and professionals by virtue of their expertise in the sectors that are top priority for the party, and on the other hand, all members and invited non-members of the extended meeting of the governing body of any level are already or will soon become experts and professionals in these sectors. It has been suggested that such an approach should become the basis of the personnel policy of political parties with a variable structure – a dynamic network.
We examined the place of multilevel units of political parties within the system of state power, the competition between them for the right to occupy it and the consequences of parties of different structural types coming to power.
It was shown that party production can be viewed as high-variety intermittent-flow production of unique, albeit standardized by type, products – i.e. governing effects in the framework of strategic management of the external environment and strategic self-management of the unit itself.
We examined the parameters of design of a variable structure - dynamic network: specialization in performance of working tasks; formalization of behavior; training and indoctrination; grouping; sizes of organizational units; planning and control systems; interaction tools; decentralization. It was concluded that in political parties conflict-free activity can be ensured only by standardization of work processes – a coordination mechanism of the mechanistic bureaucracy where none of the members or leaders of the party unit tells another member what to do, because instead it is done by the impersonal operating procedure in the dynamic network that is recognized by all.
The conditions of functioning of a dynamic network have been considered. We have arrived at the conclusion that the external environment of contemporary Ukrainian political parties according to H. Mintzberg’s classification is dynamic and complex. Their "political markets" are diversified due to a wide range of clientele (from citizens to organizations and communities of different types), products and services (governing effects of different types in different spheres of public life at different levels), and geographical regions of product distribution (nationwide, regions, settlements, districts, communities). In this case, the external environment of these organizations has uneven and heterogeneous structure. However, it varies from favorable to hostile.
We suggested that the variable structure we developed – a dynamic network with mutual coordination as the main coordination mechanism complemented, streamlined and strengthened by all other coordination mechanisms – will be the optimal structure for political parties operating in a complex and dynamic external environment – i.e. modern society.
The shortcomings of adhocracy as a configuration closest to a dynamic network have been considered, in particular the inherent uncertainty, propensity towards conflicts and reactions of people forced to act in such conditions, its inefficiency and its tendency to unduly transform into other configurations. It has been shown that a dynamic network can eliminate all these shortcomings by using a complex coordination mechanism that stabilizes the processes of mutual coordination in the primary adhocratic groups, streamlining and strengthening them due to standardization of labor, qualification, output and standards, as well as direct control.


In the process of considering the construction of the new generation of political parties in the ... more In the process of considering the construction of the new generation of political parties in the context of transactional analysis, it is established that the latter defines stroking and recognition as basic and biologically determined human needs at the level of food needs, breathing or reproduction, the implementation of which can lead to the release of significant amounts of social energy.
It is shown that if the leaders of an existing (or initiators of the creation of a new) political party choose the method of collective work of members of party divisions in a dynamic network, defined by its algorithms, the system exchange of stroking will become an effective means of social self-control, which can guarantee the consolidation of a qualitatively different state of the political party as a social system that was created as a result of the radical structural transformation of the traditional party.
The research conducted gives grounds to assume the existence of a relationship between the manifested Ego-states in each specific situation of interaction and the archetypes of the unconscious activated by the same situations and, at the same time, the values actualized by these archetypes. Thus, the change in the situation of interaction and its contexts can be considered a trigger for activating the archetypes of the unconscious psyche of participants and at the same time a trigger for switching their Ego-states and, accordingly, a trigger for mutual changes in roles, which allows us to consider the main motivations of members of a new generation of political parties (competitive motivation and recognition motivation) in their relationship.
It is established that overcoming the economy of stroking due to the continuous and algorithmically conditioned exchange of them at the system level by members of different levels of the new generation of political parties with a variable structure: a dynamic network will ensure that these members develop and maintain a stable motivation to participate in the work of party divisions, formed by the basic need to satisfy incentive and structural hunger.
A promising direction for further research has been identified: it should be the consideration of scenarios for the development of political parties in the framework of transactional analysis in the context of the impact on them of the law of ‘oligarchization’ by Robert Michels.

Research paper thumbnail of Модель поліструктурної партії у класифікації груп Еріка Берна (Poly-Structural Party Model within Eric Berne's Classification of Groups)

Модель поліструктурної партії у класифікації груп Еріка Берна (Poly-Structural Party Model within Eric Berne's Classification of Groups), 2021

Abstract The report elaborates on a poly-structural model of a unit of the political party (that ... more Abstract
The report elaborates on a poly-structural model of a unit of the political party (that we constructed) with a variable structure – dynamic network that is able to purposefully and orderly change its organizational structure in order to interact with each new fragment of the environment at any time in a form that makes it possible to attain its program goals in the most effective and efficient way. In this case, for the structural analysis of a poly-structural political party, due to the fractal properties of its structure, it is necessary and sufficient to consider the organizational structure of only one of its units, which is identical to each of the multiple party units of different levels.
The proposed model includes differently structured bodies and groups of a poly-structural party unit located in parallel structural planes, which are "stitched" together within the individual structure. The trajectories of movement of the unit members between these planes are represented as lines that intersect them all at points that indicate the positions of the members in the organizational structures that correspond to these planes.
Based on the analysis of the model, it is shown that the introduction of additional structural planes in the poly-structural political party unit will significantly increase the degree of its organization and, accordingly, its effectiveness by increasing the number of roles within it. At the same time, an extended meeting of the governing body of the poly-structural party unit will have the highest degree of organization among all its other structural units, which will help the meeting to acquire real agency within the political party, the ability to make, discuss, agree on and take decisions, as well as organize their implementation and control its performance. If need be, the extended meeting can be transformed at any time into the highest statutory governing body of the first structural plane – a congress, conference or general meeting (depending on the level of the unit) and in this form make any decisions under the statute.
It has been established that for the survival of poly-structural political parties it is not their private variable structure or individual structure that should be preserved but the impersonal (i.e., its format does not depend on anyone's will) order of change of the internal organizational structure of the horizontal poly-structural extended meeting of their governing bodies of different levels. If it remains viable, the extended meeting will be able to restore and ensure the orderly functioning of the entire party unit, and, after multiplication, of the entire party within an array of multilevel units with the necessary set of their bodies and groups of different structures. The most reliably impersonal procedure for changing the internal structure of a horizontal poly-structural extended meeting will be maintained when it is fixed as customary due to sufficiently long effective and efficient practice.
It is shown that a poly-structural party unit merges with its external and internal group mechanisms into a single multi-minded social model organism, the dynamic integrity of which will be ensured by way of restructuring its members into internal bodies and groups of different types and functions based on the method of conflict-free collective work of large groups in a dynamic network. Long-term conflict-free collective activity within a poly-structural party unit will generate a set of non-material motivations in its members, which will help maintain the long-term viability and competitiveness of the unit in a rapidly changing, complex, uncertain and turbulent environment.
It is suggested that an important factor that will contribute to the cohesion of a poly-structural party unit is the decomposition of its sphere of activity into separate sectors and distribution of its members and supporters based on their competence in the relevant sectoral groups and networks. In such circumstances, a sense of the integrity of the organization can be achieved only when all members interact together and make up an integral collective multi-minded entity competent simultaneously in all sectors of social life that it intends to cover. It can be assumed that this will lead to the emergence of a sufficiently powerful centripetal force, which will attract members of such a party unit to each other and which can be viewed as one of the manifestations of cohesion.
It is concluded that in the second structural plane of the extended meeting of the governing body of the poly-structural party unit will involve diversification of leadership, i.e., its distribution among different individuals, both by sectors and by types of leadership. This will lead to the emergence and maintenance of true poly-leadership or distributed leadership within the extended meeting involving a large group, each member of which, like everyone else, will always have real mechanisms to influence the processes of making, discussing, agreeing on, taking, implementing and monitoring the implementation of decisions.
It is shown that the main production process, as an unwritten part of the constitution of the group canon defines, regulates, organizes the real group activities and establishes relationships and transitions between structural planes, i.e., determines the order and sequence of restructuring it into organizational structures of different structural planes. At the initial stage of the creation and deployment of a poly-structural political party, the unwritten component of the group canon constitution can be introduced only by willful efforts of the existing leaders or initiators of new parties after choosing the appropriate invariant components of party building.
It is concluded that the reorganization of traditional political parties into poly-structural organizations can be made possible by leaders who will purposefully choose the invariant components of party building that we recommend and willfully introduce them in the party unit in order to establish a new tradition of behavior, dissimilar to the one that members of existing parties are used to.

Research paper thumbnail of Побудова центрального підрозділу партії зі змінною структурою  (Building Central Units of Parties with Variable Structure)

The article focuses on the procedure of forming statutory, executive and advisory bodies of the c... more The article focuses on the procedure of forming statutory, executive and advisory bodies of the central units of new generation political parties with a variable structure – a dynamic network, which represents a complex multi-smart system of a social model – a set of interconnected permanent bodies and temporary groups with different deliberately chosen organizational structures, which makes it possible for them to perform the functions assigned to them in different local and global external environments as efficiently and effectively as possible.
A timetable and sequence of creation of collective bodies of the central party unit and start of their activity have been developed.
The report elaborates on the processes of activity of statutory, executive and advisory collective bodies in the case of a regular extended meeting of the governing body of the party unit and its virtual extended meeting, as well as in the case of a virtual extended emergency meeting.
The main functions of all collective bodies of the central party unit are described and illustrated by a Gantt chart and the processes of their realization are presented. The areas of further specification of the processes of activity of all these bodies are identified.

Представлено порядок формування статутних, виконавчих і дорадчих органів центрального підрозділу політичної партії нового покоління зі змінною структурою – динамічною мережею, що є складною мультирозумною системою соціальної моделі - сукупністю взаємозв'язаних постійних органів і тимчасових груп із різною - цілеспрямовано обраною організаційною структурою, яка дозволить їм максимально ефективно та результативно виконувати закріплені за ними функції у локальних і глобальних зовнішніх середовищах різного типу.
Сформовано календарний план і черговість створення колективних органів центрального партійного підрозділу та запуску їхньої діяльності.
Представлено процеси діяльності статутних, виконавчих і дорадчих колективних органів у випадку чергового розширеного засідання керівного органу партійного підрозділу та його віртуального розширеного засідання, а також у випадку його екстреного віртуального розширеним засідання.
Описано і проілюстровано діаграмою Ґанта основні функції усіх колективних органів центрального партійного підрозділу та представлено процеси їхньої реалізації. Визначено напрямки подальшої деталізації процесів діяльності усіх цих органів.

Research paper thumbnail of Конструювання політичних партій нового покоління (Constructing New-Generation Political Parties)

The contemporary era of transition from modernity to post-modernity has led to the loss by existi... more The contemporary era of transition from modernity to post-modernity has led to the loss by existing elite groups’ political organizations of their governing function with regard to their own society and, even more so, with regard to the world. This brought to the foreground the task of designing and creating new political institutions – i.e. political parties of the new generation with an organizational structure fit for the turbulent external environment, which, on the one hand, will contribute to development of the necessary emergent qualities of these organizations for their successful operation in this environment, and, on the other hand, will form the type of party members’ behaviour that is necessary for the emergence of these qualities by performing the function of social control.
Constructing and creating new-generation political parties is a complicated, complex and interdisciplinary task, and to resolve it we have taken the following sequence of steps.
First of all, we developed a functional model of a political organization and established interconnections among all its constituents (Section I). Next, we created an open conceptual network as a system of interconnected thirty-two aspects of twelve different scientific approaches that define a political organization and its components at the macro-, meso- and micro-levels (Section II). In the same section, we established the interconnections between the various aspects of the conceptual network and the functional model components, and within each aspect designed the basis for constructing new-generation political parties, taking into account the established interrelations. Based on analysis of the interconnected conceptual network and the functional model within this systems approach, we determined the leverage point and its essence (Section III). Thereafter, we developed the Terms of Reference for constructing new-generation political parties, adopting the principles for constructing such organizations and the established “leverage” as the reference point (Section IV). The following two sections provide reference information. Section V provides references to our publications concerning each component of the functional model, outlining the relevant results of constructing new-generation political parties. Section VI elaborates on the modern principles of political leadership and provides references to our publications focusing on the developed procedure for creating and deploying such parties.
By analysing the conceptual network and the functional model of the political organization in their interconnection we determined that the “leverage point” in the context of the systems approach is the emergence and escalation of conflicts within the group dynamics in units of political parties at the stage of determining the leaders in the process of biologically conditioned ranking of candidates for leadership. At the same time, the “leverage” itself is the methodology of collective activity of members of party units chosen by the leaders or initiators of political parties that streamlines the process of making, discussing, taking and fulfilling decisions by members of the organization in a way that prevents escalation of interpersonal and inter-group conflicts between them. By choosing and implementing this methodology, it is possible to ensure emergence of only low-intensity conflicts in party units and, accordingly, continuous neurohumoral activation of party members in the conditions of non-complete ranking, which is an inexhaustible source of social energy. This energy, when accumulated and redirected to achieve party targets, will make it possible for new-generation parties to be effective and efficient for a long time.
The conducted analysis defines approaches to designing the “leverage” itself, which allowed us to develop a methodology of conflict-free collective activity of large groups of people in a dynamic network, which consists of brainstorming, the methodology of cross-groups, and project management integrated into a unity. This methodology will help ensure systematic management of situations and contexts of competitive interaction, periodically reproduced in units of political parties, in order to automatically activate the cultural archetype of cooperation by activating the archetype of competition in the unconscious of interaction participants and to prevent activation of the cultural archetype of confrontation.
Repeated reproduction of this technique in the process of implementation of the chosen methodology of operation in the organization will determine the variable organizational structure of units of new-generation political parties. Unification of geographically dispersed and thus structured units into an integral political organization based on the fractal principle will lead to emergence of functional synergism, which will ensure the ability of this organization to survive, reproduce itself, as well as to act effectively and efficiently in a turbulent external environment.


The article formulates the key task for activists and politicians at the nation state level: to d... more The article formulates the key task for activists and politicians at the nation state level: to design and create legal constitutional political organizations – i.e. managing subsystems of sufficient complexity aimed to govern the state as a system and neutralize external influences. It is important that the complexity of such managing subsystems should grow faster than the complexity of other subsystems within this system, the system itself and external systems. It demonstrates that a successful (effective and efficient) modern political organization should be able to distinguish external influences and generate its own managing influences simultaneously at all four levels of management: organizational, structural, conceptual, informational and directive.

The paper provides insights into the technological process of political parties as a set of operations that involve processing of “raw material” (information) into semi-finished products to produce “finished products” (managing influences) of a given complexity and intensity. This technological process must properly bring together the “work processes” of political party members during regular meetings and in the intervals between them with the natural processes of group dynamics, which cannot be subject to deliberate manual regulation by “workers” and the management (members of the party and its leaders).

It is shown that the methodology of political party activity and the methods of team work in large groups of its members are two independent factors available for the initiators of new or leaders of already existing political organizations who are intent on introducing changes.

Two criteria for making a good choice are formulated. First of all, it is the conformity of the chosen methodology and methods of activity with the type of the organizational structure of political parties as recommended by the theory of organizations for the given conditions of the environment. The second criterion is the ability to cope with the increasing complexity in the process of the political organization’s quantitative growth without losing the predetermined set of emergent qualities.

The paper demonstrates that only the political parties that will be able to generate internal ethics can have a future in Ukraine. This can be achieved only in large groups, where interaction is arranged by means of technologies that bring together the processes of teamwork of political party members and the natural processes of group dynamics within the framework of a well-chosen methodology of activity and methods of teamwork in large groups.


Based on our archetypal model of interaction of political party members, we have provided a ratio... more Based on our archetypal model of interaction of political party members, we have provided a rationale for and developed a strategy for their activation, involving a willful and conscious choice and introduction by leaders of an integrated set of organizational instruments for streamlining the activity of party units that can ensure direct management of recurrent situations and contexts of competitive interaction in order to prevent initiation and maintenance of interpersonal and intergroup conflicts within such units.
Implementation of this strategy is based on launching and using a natural, biologically determined source of activation of political party members, supported by neurohumoral reactions in their brain aimed to carry out the ranking process in competitive interaction situations that coherently occur and transform into situations of cooperation within the framework of an integrated set of organizational tools introduced by leaders.
Analysis of the main components of the proposed version of such a set (namely, our method of conflictless teamwork of large groups of people in a dynamic network in combination with strategic planning as a well-known methodology of activity) based on the three basic principles of social psychology attests to its potential to activate party members in the process of their collective activity in the framework of party units.
In our opinion, by opting for the recommended integrated set of organizational tools, politicians will help political parties to generate their internal moral code and to spread it outward in the absence or weakening of an external moral code, similarly to the Protestant one, for instance, which to a large extent governed the making of the modern Western world.
By creating the initial “crystal” of a new social construction based on the proposed variant of such a set politicians will be able to establish a new generation of political parties through its multiplication, self-propagation and self-dissemination among elite groups, and subsequently to restructure the majority of other organizations following this model in order to overcome the growing social complexity, which over time will lead to realignment of the political space at both national and global levels.

Research paper thumbnail of Technology of Activity of New Generation Political Parties

The article elaborates on the technological process of the activity of units of new generation po... more The article elaborates on the technological process of the activity of units of new generation political parties in the framework of the proposed integrated set of organizational tools, combining a methodology of activity (i.e. strategic planning) and our method for conflictless teamwork of large groups of people in a dynamic network.
The operating principle behind this method is described in detail, as well as the technology of strategic planning for development of settlements, regions, and countries in large groups of members of the relevant political party units in the dynamic network.
The paper provides a definition of the basic “production process” in new generation political parties, its “raw material”, “semi-finished product” and the main “product” produced by the political party.
A unified structure of the results of strategic planning by party units of all levels is proposed.
The article describes mechanisms that ensure interconnection and interdependence of the “products” produced by party units of all levels within the framework of the presented technological process.
The basic scheme of activity of the city organization of a new generation political party is presented.
The interconnection between the program documents of such a party and the results of strategic planning of the activity of its units is described.
A process approach to the construction of a political party with a variable structure (dynamic network) and the procedure of its optimal deployment based on Adizes’ methodology is presented.

Відео-презентація включає аналіз існуючих типів структур політичних партій та процесів їхнього ви... more Відео-презентація включає аналіз існуючих типів структур політичних партій та процесів їхнього виродження із точки зору системного підходу, а також обгрунтовує необхідність та засади вибору організаційної моделі сучасної політичної партії
PDF презентації: https://tarasplakhtiy.files.wordpress.com/2021/11/struktura-mini.pdf

Research paper thumbnail of Формування єдиної теорії політичних організацій: міждисциплінарний підхід до аналізу, проєктування та вдосконалення політичних партій нового покоління

Сучасні політичні партії стикаються з новими викликами в умовах складного та мінливого світу. У с... more Сучасні політичні партії стикаються з новими викликами в умовах складного та мінливого світу. У статті розглядається, як за допомогою міждисциплінарного підходу можна не лише аналізувати, але й проєктувати партії нового покоління. Запропоновано ідею партій як "промислового виробництва", орієнтованого на здійснення керівних впливів на суспільство на різних рівнях управління. Розроблена змінна організаційна структура-динамічна мережа-дозволяє політичним організаціям безперервно адаптуватися до швидкозмінних умов постмодерного інформаційного суспільства, зберігаючи власну цілісність, стабільність і ефективність. Дослідження пропонує практичні інструменти, які допоможуть партіям стати більш організованими та стійкими до викликів сучасності.

Research paper thumbnail of The Formation of a Unified Theory of Political Organizations: An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Analysis, Design, and Improvement of Political Parties

The article examines political parties as complex, multidimensional collective agents that requir... more The article examines political parties as complex, multidimensional collective agents that require an interdisciplinary approach to their analysis, design, and improvement. It presents the main scientific approaches to the study of political organizations: political, legal, social, organizational, and systemic. The necessity of forming a unified theory of political organizations that integrates concepts from various disciplines based on the organizational approach is emphasized. Four fundamental components of building political parties of the next generation are identified: the type of ideology, the type of organizational agent, the methodology of activity, and the method of collective activity. An approach to political parties as an industrial production aimed at producing governing influences at various levels of management in informational and physical spaces is substantiated. A method of collective activity in a dynamic network of members of different-level subdivisions of political parties is proposed, which adapts their organizational structure to the conditions of the modern postmodern information society. This, in turn, will ensure the stability, coherence, efficiency, and effectiveness of political organizations of the next generation.


The article presents an interdisciplinary model of behavioural choice developed by the author. Th... more The article presents an interdisciplinary model of behavioural choice developed by the author. This model serves as a framework for analyzing the mechanisms of behavioural choice, based on which the conclusion is made that the archetypal approach makes it possible to use and bring together
socio-psychological and biological approaches when examining the influence of various fac-tors of the external environment on an individual’s behavioural choice. In particular, the mechanisms of the emergence and spread of individuals’ delinquent behaviour in a crisis are discussed. It is assumed that the social psyche, which is inert in normal conditions and resistant to changes, becomes more plastic in critical conditions with high uncertainty. This facilitates the adaptation of the social system to new conditions due to the normalization of individuals' new – successful behaviour, which is formed based on new – operatively changed social atti-tudes, values, beliefs, and norms. Thus, manifestations of delinquency in wartime and after wars might be seen as a by-product of the social system’s natural desire for stability in the new exter-nal conditions. Hence, the prevention of delinquency serves to normalize the behaviour of indi-viduals to return to pre-crisis conditions, and at the same time as
contributes to promoting adaptation to new conditions of life. The conclusion is that to over-come the destructive consequences of war, the social structure should be improved and renewed to produce a new social environment that could harmoniously change the behaviour of indi-viduals per the acquired social attitudes, values, beliefs, and norms that determine it. Based on the results of the analysis of the developed model and the identified mechanisms of influencing behavioural choices, approaches to the selection of practical tools for the prevention of delin-quency in post-war times are suggested (i.e.,
collective events involving representatives of the target audience) and methods of organizing their
collective activities is proposed. It is assumed that further research can be aimed at verifying the
effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed measures in real-life conditions to improve the methodology
of their use and develop criteria and methods for evaluating the obtained results.


The publication is devoted to the establishment of a strategy for ensuring long-term post-war pea... more The publication is devoted to the establishment of a strategy for ensuring long-term post-war peace and security in the postmodern world and the search for ways to implement it within the framework of the archetypal approach. The main property of humanity at the current stage of historical development - uneven development of its parts - is taken as a starting point. It is shown that the organizational and structural aspect of this unevenness is, in a sense, the root cause of potential interstate cold and hot conflicts.
The article analyzes authoritarian and democratic countries in the context of the organizational and structural approach. It is shown that the organizational and structural aspect of the uneven development of certain parts of humanity includes a fundamental difference in the organizational structure of the central authorities of democratic and authoritarian countries, as well as a fundamental difference in the organizational structure of parliaments, political parties and corporations within democratic countries. This implies a different location of all these organizations on a continuum of power concentration that changes over time.
The analysis made it possible to identify the factors that impede the maintenance of long-term post-war peace and security in the modern postmodern world: (1) the fundamental difference between the organizational structures of central governing bodies – parliaments and other organizations, primarily political parties and corporations in democratic countries; (2) the organizational and structural similarity of political parties and corporations existing in democratic countries with the central governing bodies of authoritarian countries; (3) the possibility of corporations' influence, due to their greater organizational complexity, on political parties that form the parliaments of democratic countries; (4) a sharp weakening of the potential of democratic countries as a result of an “unexpected” change in the type of external environment after an open manifestation of aggression by authoritarian countries.
The identification of these factors allowed us to develop a strategy for overcoming their influence, which consists in making political parties more complex in such a way that the rate of their complexity becomes higher than the rate of the entire social system in general and the rate of complexity of organizational business entities – corporations in particular.
It is concluded that in order to build more complex political parties with appropriate external – emergent properties, it is necessary to modify (i.e., to complicate) their organizational structure, which, in fact, determines the emergence and maintenance of these properties over time. The article presents the stages of analysis of internal processes in political parties within the framework of the archetypal approach, which made it possible to develop a corresponding variable organizational structure of the new generation of polystructural political parties.
It is assumed that the emergence of such parties will lead to a continuous shift of the central governing bodies of democratic countries – their parliaments – towards strengthening democracy, ensuring more effective redistribution of power among more citizens, and will offset the influence of corporations on these parliaments, synchronizing the main purpose of the former with the main purpose of the latter to ensure long-term peace and security in the world.

Research paper thumbnail of Концепція здійснення соціальних змін (Concept of Effecting Social Change)

Концепція здійснення соціальних змін (Concept of Effecting Social Change), 2022

The report elaborates on the concept of effecting social change. It describes four stages and six... more The report elaborates on the concept of effecting social change. It describes four stages and six levels of change. For each level, the publication identifies the agent that introduces change, the object that changes, the mechanism for producing changes, the change brought about by this mechanism, and the expected result of the change effected.

У публікації представлено концепцію здійснення соціальних змін. Виділено чотири етапи і шість рівнів змін. На кожному рівні визначено суб’єкт, який запроваджує зміни, об’єкт, що змінюється, механізм реалізації змін, зміни, які цей механізм безпосередньо спричинить, та очікуваний результат їхнього запровадження.

Research paper thumbnail of Проєкт Віртуального Офісу Політичної Партії Зі Змінною Структурою – Динамічною Мережею (Virtual Office Design for a Political Party with a Variable Structure (Dynamic Network))

The paper presents a design of a virtual office of a political party with a variable structure (d... more The paper presents a design of a virtual office of a political party with a variable structure (dynamic network) that we constructed. It covers the principles of the functioning of this office and provides a detailed description of the way to streamline the activities of the participants of real and distributed collective agents of different-level units within such an organization.
The design contains layouts of 70 key pages of the virtual office with a specification of all the relevant links, buttons and fields, definition of their functions, indication of inter-page links within the design, as well as the permissions set for different types of users.
The virtual office design presented in the paper can serve as terms of reference for the development of relevant software, and the solutions presented herein can be used to develop and expand the functionality of the online resources of active political parties.

У роботі представлено проєкт віртуального офісу сконструйованої нами політичної партії зі змінною структурою – динамічною мережею, який включає засади функціонування цього офісу та детальний опис способу впорядкування у його рамках діяльності учасників реального і розподіленого колективних суб’єктів різнорівневих підрозділів такої організації.
Проєкт містить макети 70 ключових сторінок віртуального офісу, до кожного з яких додано специфікацію усіх представлених у ньому посилань, кнопок і полів із визначенням їхніх функцій, із вказаними взаємозв’язками з іншими сторінками проєкту, а також із встановленими дозволами для користувачів різних типів.
Представлений у роботі проєкт віртуального офісу можна розглядати як технічне завдання на розробку відповідного програмного забезпечення, а представлені у ньому рішення можуть бути використані для розробки та розширення функціоналу інтернет-ресурсів діючих політичних партій.


The book presents the results of interdisciplinary research in the field of constructing new gene... more The book presents the results of interdisciplinary research in the field of constructing new generation political parties-i.e., parties with a variable structure (a dynamic network). It elaborates on the theoretical and technological principles of their activity and describes the procedure for their creation and deployment. The author developed organizational and technological tools that make up the basis of the variable organizational structure (dynamic network) and tested them in practice at more than 170 different events in various environments consisting of Ukrainian politicians, civic activists and businessmen in large groups of different sizes (10 to 200 participants).

Research paper thumbnail of Зовнішнє середовище політичних партій (External Environment of Political Parties)

The key to fulfilling the natural desire of political parties to turn into the governing subsyste... more The key to fulfilling the natural desire of political parties to turn into the governing subsystem for the entire social system is sufficient adequacy of perception and analysis of the external environment by their initiators or their leaders, which would allow the latter to select appropriate organizational and operational characteristics and make sure that their organizations develop such attributes. These characteristics, in turn, will become the key factors increasing the likelihood of political parties’ success and, hence, ensure that they achieve their aspirations.
Analysis of the external environment – i.e. one’s own society and the world – is the focus of an entire array of research disciplines, and to summarize its results, however concisely, we would have to write numerous volumes, the study of which would not leave time and strength for practical party building.
The huge amount of loosely connected and often contradictory information about the results of researching the external environment – i.e. society and the world – conducted within different research disciplines using different methods and different grounds, makes it necessary to single out the system-forming part of these results. It should, on the one hand, identify, explain, and complement as much as possible all other theories, hypotheses, and results of practical research, and on the other hand, manifest the points for application of force in order to make significant changes in external and internal environments and establish a set of specific actions that over time could lead to their fulfilment.
The article describes the system-forming part that we have singled out based on the entire array of the results of research into political parties’ internal and external environments within the framework of various research disciplines.
It involves a study of modern society in the context of the philosophical approach concepts that represent the change of historical epochs – modern into postmodern and the transition from the former to the latter; a comprehensive analysis of the “tragedy of the commons” and ways to overcome it; evolution of ideas about organization and management; organizational and structural analysis of the external environment and its components in the process of their development; principles of choosing organizational structures; global design as a tool for humanity to shift to a new level of development.
The results of our research have made it possible for us to come up with an interconnected set of underlying assumptions that serve as the basis for our construction of new-generation political organizations – poly-structural political parties or parties with a variable structure – dynamic network.

Research paper thumbnail of Мотивація членів політичних партій (Motivation of Political Party Members)

By comparing political parties with business and production organizations based on the methodolog... more By comparing political parties with business and production organizations based on the methodology developed by I. Adizes, it has been established that the key difference between them is the fact that leaders of the former lack the main source of the managerial energy that business CEOs have at their disposal – i.e. the power to reward and punish employees by changing the amount of payments. This made it possible to articulate the key task faced by initiators of new parties and leaders who initiate reorganization of existing political parties: i.e. what source of managerial energy they should resort to and learn to use to make up for the lack of the key source of managerial energy available for business CEOs?
Two political party energy models have been examined. By analyzing the group as a social energy generator, we have come up with the conclusion that the influence of the initial structure-generating ideas that captured the minds of its leaders and members is enough only to start their interaction. As a result of this interaction, group members generate a much larger amount of social energy, most of which burns out in internal interpersonal and intergroup conflicts, and the rest is emitted externally as a range of modifications of the initial structural ideas and actions for their implementation. The processes of intragroup ranking (manifesting itself in internal conflicts) determine the hierarchical structuring of the group by stimulating the activity of its leaders and passivating the majority of members. In order to activate this majority, preserve the integrity and increase the effectiveness of their hierarchically structured group, leaders have to radicalize the initial structure-generating ideas, choosing aggressive strategies for interaction with similar groups at the intergroup level. Moreover, this choice seems natural and rational to them, although it obviously accounts for the destruction of the field of trust among national elite groups, the continuous fragmentation of their political organizations, and, as a consequence, for the weakening and degradation of society as a whole.
The suggested model of the group as a social energy generator allows us to shift to the model of a political party as a car with an internal combustion engine and clarify the problem to be solved by initiators of new parties or leaders who intend to reorganize existing political parties in Ukraine by introducing the following questions:
What “fuel” (combination of types of motivation) should be poured into the “tank” to start the party “car”? Who, in what way, and for what purpose will “fill” the “tank” with this “fuel”? What can ensure that the “battery” always remains charged (a constant level of the initial structure-generating ideas’ influence on party members) during the “movement” of the party “car”?
The report elaborates on the main approaches to analyzing motivations in business and production organizations. By transferring them onto the realm of political organizations, we have come up with the suggestion that in political parties with a variable structure – a dynamic network the set of all measures designed to motivate their members is dependent on the procedure of operation of different levels of such organizations aimed to implement strategic management based on the methodology of collective activity within a dynamic network as a set of integrated organizational and technological tools that prevent the escalation of internal interpersonal and intergroup conflicts.
We have come up with the conclusion that this procedure is a universal comprehensive motivation tool, which consists of a set of measures (tools of motivation) designed to motivate members of such parties with a relevant combination of different types of motivation, encouraging them to resort to certain predetermined patterns of behavior.
The report specifies and discusses types of motivation which, in our opinion, play a key role in activating members of various political party units of different levels: leadership, ideological, financial, administrative, authoritative, personal, target, competitive, motivation based on strokes and recognition, based on belonging, facilitative, and retrospective.
The report elaborates on the basic combinations of the types of motivation of members of leadership-type ideological parties, investment political party projects, and a political party with a variable structure – dynamic network at different stages of their existence. By analyzing these combinations, we have drawn the following conclusions:
In the course of deployment in the contemporary postmodern information society, the impact of key ideological motivation in terms of forming and imposing the image of a real or imaginary enemy in leadership-type ideological parties is constantly decreasing due to passivation of the rank-and-file party members as a result of Michels’ law of oligarchy, which also results in the drawdown of their multilevel party units; as well as due to the distraction of these members by increasing exterior flows of unstructured information and information structured is certain ways, making it impossible to constantly focus on the image of the enemy.
In the process of deployment of investment-type political party projects, the impact of financial motivation, which is key to them, is limited by the amount of available financial resources, which keeps their organizational potential at a fixed level and leads to deliberate curtailment of party activities between elections. As a result, parties of this type end up imitating party activities, which makes them incapable of solving problems and overcoming the challenges faced by such organizations after winning elections and, consequently, after their representatives get into different levels of national government and local self-government.
In hybrid parties combining these two types that emerge after they shift to the operational mode, a combination of ideological and financial motivations comes to the fore. However, despite the increased viability of such organizations, they are unable to properly perform their managerial functions in a complex and turbulent external environment such as modern society and the world. This is due to the concentration of development, discussion, and making of decisions in the hands of the governing bodies of their multilevel units as represented by small groups in the conditions of curtailment of the activities of the members of large group of these units due to Michels’ law of oligarchy. Concentration of power by governing bodies and / or leaders of multilevel party units, on the one hand, leads to advancing the interests of members of these bodies and their investors at the expense of party members and society; and on the other hand, it prevents a wide range of party members and non-party members (experts, politicians, businessmen and public activists) from monitoring changes in the external environment and, consequently, from making, discussing, coordinating and taking party decisions, which undermines their adequacy and professionalism.
In a political party with a variable structure – dynamic network, its inherent combination of basic motivations begins to develop at the second stage of its operation (as the number of members of the initiative group increases) and ends at the third stage – after transition of the central party unit to the operational mode. The key components of this combination – competitive and stroke-and-recognition-based motivations that meet the needs of the basic biological level of Maslow’s pyramid, are not limited – all that is required for them to develop is only a comprehensive motivation tool, i.e. the procedure for collective activity of members of multilevel party units based on the methodology of collective action in a dynamic network, and the determination to adhere to it. In this case, the influence of both competitive and stroke-and-recognition-based motivation is practically not subject to reflection – it occurs at the level of the unconscious and is not identified by members of the initiative group and, later, the party itself as external influence, unless, of course, they are informed of that. Therefore, to successfully introduce this motivation tool in the initiative group, and later at multilevel units of a political party with a variable structure – dynamic network, it is necessary for all members to be aware of the nature of its impact on their unconscious and, consequently, on their activity and behavior, as well as the consent of these members to its controlled use for their self-activation in the process of the party’s operation.
Thus, the source of managerial energy that initiators of a political party with a variable structure – a dynamic network should resort to and learn to use or, in other words, the main motivation tool available to them is the operational procedure of members of such an organization within its multilevel units. This tool is based on the methodology of collective activity in a dynamic network. This methodology, in turn, includes four organizational and technological tools integrated into one unity, which together can prevent the escalation of interpersonal and intergroup conflicts in multilevel party units.
An auxiliary tool of motivation at the stage of expansion of the initiative group that intends to build such a party will be the procedure of collective activity of its members, which includes a number of relevant organizational and technological tools, the combined action of which will also stop the escalation of interpersonal and intergroup conflicts in this group.

Research paper thumbnail of Діяльність ініціативної групи із побудови партії (Spearhead group’s party construction activities)

The article elaborates on the four stages of the spearhead group’s activities aimed at creating a... more The article elaborates on the four stages of the spearhead group’s activities aimed at creating an organization based on the organizational principles that we have developed and presented in order to construct a political party with a variable structure – a dynamic network. And the beginning of each subsequent stage is accompanied by organizational and structural metamorphoses of the spearhead group that completely or partially change its organizational structure, operating procedures, coordination mechanisms, target audience, members, etc.
For each of the stages of activity of the spearhead group, measurable indicators of their effectiveness and efficiency are proposed, which, if measured and constantly monitored, will allow group members (and later members of the central party unit and the entire party) to rate the capacity of these organizational entities and, hence, the level of their own activity within these entities.
We have developed and described the procedure of work of the spearhead group at the second stage (the most difficult in terms of realization and critically important for the successful construction of a party) aiming at its transformation from a small group into a big one by gradually increasing the number of its members from 3-5 to 20-30 persons.
It is concluded that the extent of compliance with the presented procedure by the spearhead group at the second stage of its work determines what the result of party construction will be – a party with a variable structure – a dynamic network with its corresponding organizational culture based on the organizational principles described in this report and ensuring the emergence of new external qualities of the organization, or a typical clone of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union with all the implications.
У публікації, на основі розроблених і представлених нами організаційних принципів побудови політичної партії зі змінною структурою – динамічною мережею, розглянуто чотири етапи діяльності ініціативної групи із створення такої організації. При цьому початок кожного наступного етапу супроводжується організаційно-структурним метаморфозом ініціативної групи, у рамках якого повністю або частково змінюється її організаційна структура, порядок діяльності, механізми координації, цільова аудиторія, особовий склад учасників, тощо.
Для кожного з етапів діяльності ініціативної групи запропоновано вимірні показники їхньої результативності та ефективності, визначення та постійний контроль яких дозволить учасникам групи, а пізніше – членам центрального партійного підрозділу і цілої партії, судити про дієздатність цих організаційних утворень і, відповідно, про рівень власної активності у їхньому складі.
Розроблено і детально розглянуто порядок діяльності ініціативної групи на другому – найбільш складному у сенсі реалізації і критично важливому для успішної побудови партії етапі, метою якого є її перетворення із малої групи у велику шляхом поступового збільшення кількості її членів із 3-5 до 20-30 осіб.
Зроблено висновок про те, що ступінь дотримання представленого порядку роботи ініціативної групи на другому етапі її діяльності визначить, що саме стане результатом партійного будівництва – партія зі змінною структурою – динамічною мережею із відповідною їй організаційною культурою, яка ґрунтується на представлених у цій публікації організаційних засадах і яка забезпечує виникнення нових зовнішніх якостей організації, чи типовий клон КПРС зі всіма його особливостями.

Research paper thumbnail of Динамічна мережа у системі конфігурацій Г. Мінцберґа (Dynamic Network in H. Mintzberg’s Configurations)

The article examines a polystructural party or a party with a variable structure – a dynamic netw... more The article examines a polystructural party or a party with a variable structure – a dynamic network within Henry Mintzberg’s framework of structural configurations, and a unit of such an organization as high-variety intermittent-flow production of governing effects from an unstructured flow of information coming from a complex and dynamic environment.
The problems of contemporary political parties have been identified, which cannot be solved within Mintzberg’s framework of structural configurations. To be solved, these problems require a new relevant configuration.
We have shown that this structural configuration can be a variable structure of political parties developed by us – i.e. a dynamic network. It has been suggested that it should be placed above the hexagon of configurations proposed by H. Mintzberg – at the top of an irregular hexagonal pyramid, with this hexagon at the base. This arrangement is due to the fact that the dynamic network cannot turn a basic hexagon into a heptagon by becoming its new vertex, because it does not have its own unique coordination mechanism and at the same time uses all the existing ones. Also, it does not include a new (seventh) dominant part of the organization, instead, it integrates all its other components in the operating core.
We also demonstrated why the dynamic network cannot be placed inside the hexagon, considering it as a hybrid of the configurations proposed by H. Mintzberg. The reason for this is that the dynamic network does not just use all the coordination mechanisms existing within the hexagon. It bundles them up into a single integrated coordination mechanism, designed to coordinate the work of the only part of the organization that is of a type other than all other parts of the structural framework of the organization – i.e. of the dynamic type.
Thus, the only part of an organization with a variable structure – a dynamic network will be its dynamic operating core with a semi-permeable boundary with the external environment in the form of a set of sectoral networks that will perform the functions of all other parts of the organization and that, to perform these functions, can at any time fully or partially restructure itself into any organizational structures – those that will ensure the emergence of the appropriate qualities needed to solve problems in external subenvironments of certain types at certain times.
It has been shown that the suggested coordination mechanism of a variable structure – a dynamic network is based on mutual coordination, harmonized and reinforced due to standardization of labor, qualification, output and standards, as well as direct control.
We have provided a rationale for the emergence of a set of new qualities in political parties as a result of the introduction in their multilevel units of a variable structure – a dynamic network. The first such quality involves selective acquisition and retention for the required time by the organization’s dynamic operational core of some of the useful qualities of all configurations covered by the hexagon while avoiding most of their key shortcomings. Another important quality will be the ability of political organizations with a variable structure – a dynamic network to nurture a set of motivations in their members that can compensate for the lack of financial incentives that are used to manage staff behavior in business and industry. Another new quality of political parties will develop due to the fact that the most bureaucratic coordination mechanism i.e. the standardization of mechanistic bureaucracy processes, after partially streamlining the processes of mutual coordination in many adhocratic groups, will prevent their further bureaucratization, which will strengthen the positive qualities of both configurations and weaken the negative ones.
We have also considered the coordination mechanisms used to organize the work of each of the structural units of the party with a variable structure – a dynamic network.
We have shown that, on the one hand, power in multilevel party units belongs to experts and professionals by virtue of their expertise in the sectors that are top priority for the party, and on the other hand, all members and invited non-members of the extended meeting of the governing body of any level are already or will soon become experts and professionals in these sectors. It has been suggested that such an approach should become the basis of the personnel policy of political parties with a variable structure – a dynamic network.
We examined the place of multilevel units of political parties within the system of state power, the competition between them for the right to occupy it and the consequences of parties of different structural types coming to power.
It was shown that party production can be viewed as high-variety intermittent-flow production of unique, albeit standardized by type, products – i.e. governing effects in the framework of strategic management of the external environment and strategic self-management of the unit itself.
We examined the parameters of design of a variable structure - dynamic network: specialization in performance of working tasks; formalization of behavior; training and indoctrination; grouping; sizes of organizational units; planning and control systems; interaction tools; decentralization. It was concluded that in political parties conflict-free activity can be ensured only by standardization of work processes – a coordination mechanism of the mechanistic bureaucracy where none of the members or leaders of the party unit tells another member what to do, because instead it is done by the impersonal operating procedure in the dynamic network that is recognized by all.
The conditions of functioning of a dynamic network have been considered. We have arrived at the conclusion that the external environment of contemporary Ukrainian political parties according to H. Mintzberg’s classification is dynamic and complex. Their "political markets" are diversified due to a wide range of clientele (from citizens to organizations and communities of different types), products and services (governing effects of different types in different spheres of public life at different levels), and geographical regions of product distribution (nationwide, regions, settlements, districts, communities). In this case, the external environment of these organizations has uneven and heterogeneous structure. However, it varies from favorable to hostile.
We suggested that the variable structure we developed – a dynamic network with mutual coordination as the main coordination mechanism complemented, streamlined and strengthened by all other coordination mechanisms – will be the optimal structure for political parties operating in a complex and dynamic external environment – i.e. modern society.
The shortcomings of adhocracy as a configuration closest to a dynamic network have been considered, in particular the inherent uncertainty, propensity towards conflicts and reactions of people forced to act in such conditions, its inefficiency and its tendency to unduly transform into other configurations. It has been shown that a dynamic network can eliminate all these shortcomings by using a complex coordination mechanism that stabilizes the processes of mutual coordination in the primary adhocratic groups, streamlining and strengthening them due to standardization of labor, qualification, output and standards, as well as direct control.


In the process of considering the construction of the new generation of political parties in the ... more In the process of considering the construction of the new generation of political parties in the context of transactional analysis, it is established that the latter defines stroking and recognition as basic and biologically determined human needs at the level of food needs, breathing or reproduction, the implementation of which can lead to the release of significant amounts of social energy.
It is shown that if the leaders of an existing (or initiators of the creation of a new) political party choose the method of collective work of members of party divisions in a dynamic network, defined by its algorithms, the system exchange of stroking will become an effective means of social self-control, which can guarantee the consolidation of a qualitatively different state of the political party as a social system that was created as a result of the radical structural transformation of the traditional party.
The research conducted gives grounds to assume the existence of a relationship between the manifested Ego-states in each specific situation of interaction and the archetypes of the unconscious activated by the same situations and, at the same time, the values actualized by these archetypes. Thus, the change in the situation of interaction and its contexts can be considered a trigger for activating the archetypes of the unconscious psyche of participants and at the same time a trigger for switching their Ego-states and, accordingly, a trigger for mutual changes in roles, which allows us to consider the main motivations of members of a new generation of political parties (competitive motivation and recognition motivation) in their relationship.
It is established that overcoming the economy of stroking due to the continuous and algorithmically conditioned exchange of them at the system level by members of different levels of the new generation of political parties with a variable structure: a dynamic network will ensure that these members develop and maintain a stable motivation to participate in the work of party divisions, formed by the basic need to satisfy incentive and structural hunger.
A promising direction for further research has been identified: it should be the consideration of scenarios for the development of political parties in the framework of transactional analysis in the context of the impact on them of the law of ‘oligarchization’ by Robert Michels.

Research paper thumbnail of Модель поліструктурної партії у класифікації груп Еріка Берна (Poly-Structural Party Model within Eric Berne's Classification of Groups)

Модель поліструктурної партії у класифікації груп Еріка Берна (Poly-Structural Party Model within Eric Berne's Classification of Groups), 2021

Abstract The report elaborates on a poly-structural model of a unit of the political party (that ... more Abstract
The report elaborates on a poly-structural model of a unit of the political party (that we constructed) with a variable structure – dynamic network that is able to purposefully and orderly change its organizational structure in order to interact with each new fragment of the environment at any time in a form that makes it possible to attain its program goals in the most effective and efficient way. In this case, for the structural analysis of a poly-structural political party, due to the fractal properties of its structure, it is necessary and sufficient to consider the organizational structure of only one of its units, which is identical to each of the multiple party units of different levels.
The proposed model includes differently structured bodies and groups of a poly-structural party unit located in parallel structural planes, which are "stitched" together within the individual structure. The trajectories of movement of the unit members between these planes are represented as lines that intersect them all at points that indicate the positions of the members in the organizational structures that correspond to these planes.
Based on the analysis of the model, it is shown that the introduction of additional structural planes in the poly-structural political party unit will significantly increase the degree of its organization and, accordingly, its effectiveness by increasing the number of roles within it. At the same time, an extended meeting of the governing body of the poly-structural party unit will have the highest degree of organization among all its other structural units, which will help the meeting to acquire real agency within the political party, the ability to make, discuss, agree on and take decisions, as well as organize their implementation and control its performance. If need be, the extended meeting can be transformed at any time into the highest statutory governing body of the first structural plane – a congress, conference or general meeting (depending on the level of the unit) and in this form make any decisions under the statute.
It has been established that for the survival of poly-structural political parties it is not their private variable structure or individual structure that should be preserved but the impersonal (i.e., its format does not depend on anyone's will) order of change of the internal organizational structure of the horizontal poly-structural extended meeting of their governing bodies of different levels. If it remains viable, the extended meeting will be able to restore and ensure the orderly functioning of the entire party unit, and, after multiplication, of the entire party within an array of multilevel units with the necessary set of their bodies and groups of different structures. The most reliably impersonal procedure for changing the internal structure of a horizontal poly-structural extended meeting will be maintained when it is fixed as customary due to sufficiently long effective and efficient practice.
It is shown that a poly-structural party unit merges with its external and internal group mechanisms into a single multi-minded social model organism, the dynamic integrity of which will be ensured by way of restructuring its members into internal bodies and groups of different types and functions based on the method of conflict-free collective work of large groups in a dynamic network. Long-term conflict-free collective activity within a poly-structural party unit will generate a set of non-material motivations in its members, which will help maintain the long-term viability and competitiveness of the unit in a rapidly changing, complex, uncertain and turbulent environment.
It is suggested that an important factor that will contribute to the cohesion of a poly-structural party unit is the decomposition of its sphere of activity into separate sectors and distribution of its members and supporters based on their competence in the relevant sectoral groups and networks. In such circumstances, a sense of the integrity of the organization can be achieved only when all members interact together and make up an integral collective multi-minded entity competent simultaneously in all sectors of social life that it intends to cover. It can be assumed that this will lead to the emergence of a sufficiently powerful centripetal force, which will attract members of such a party unit to each other and which can be viewed as one of the manifestations of cohesion.
It is concluded that in the second structural plane of the extended meeting of the governing body of the poly-structural party unit will involve diversification of leadership, i.e., its distribution among different individuals, both by sectors and by types of leadership. This will lead to the emergence and maintenance of true poly-leadership or distributed leadership within the extended meeting involving a large group, each member of which, like everyone else, will always have real mechanisms to influence the processes of making, discussing, agreeing on, taking, implementing and monitoring the implementation of decisions.
It is shown that the main production process, as an unwritten part of the constitution of the group canon defines, regulates, organizes the real group activities and establishes relationships and transitions between structural planes, i.e., determines the order and sequence of restructuring it into organizational structures of different structural planes. At the initial stage of the creation and deployment of a poly-structural political party, the unwritten component of the group canon constitution can be introduced only by willful efforts of the existing leaders or initiators of new parties after choosing the appropriate invariant components of party building.
It is concluded that the reorganization of traditional political parties into poly-structural organizations can be made possible by leaders who will purposefully choose the invariant components of party building that we recommend and willfully introduce them in the party unit in order to establish a new tradition of behavior, dissimilar to the one that members of existing parties are used to.

Research paper thumbnail of Побудова центрального підрозділу партії зі змінною структурою  (Building Central Units of Parties with Variable Structure)

The article focuses on the procedure of forming statutory, executive and advisory bodies of the c... more The article focuses on the procedure of forming statutory, executive and advisory bodies of the central units of new generation political parties with a variable structure – a dynamic network, which represents a complex multi-smart system of a social model – a set of interconnected permanent bodies and temporary groups with different deliberately chosen organizational structures, which makes it possible for them to perform the functions assigned to them in different local and global external environments as efficiently and effectively as possible.
A timetable and sequence of creation of collective bodies of the central party unit and start of their activity have been developed.
The report elaborates on the processes of activity of statutory, executive and advisory collective bodies in the case of a regular extended meeting of the governing body of the party unit and its virtual extended meeting, as well as in the case of a virtual extended emergency meeting.
The main functions of all collective bodies of the central party unit are described and illustrated by a Gantt chart and the processes of their realization are presented. The areas of further specification of the processes of activity of all these bodies are identified.

Представлено порядок формування статутних, виконавчих і дорадчих органів центрального підрозділу політичної партії нового покоління зі змінною структурою – динамічною мережею, що є складною мультирозумною системою соціальної моделі - сукупністю взаємозв'язаних постійних органів і тимчасових груп із різною - цілеспрямовано обраною організаційною структурою, яка дозволить їм максимально ефективно та результативно виконувати закріплені за ними функції у локальних і глобальних зовнішніх середовищах різного типу.
Сформовано календарний план і черговість створення колективних органів центрального партійного підрозділу та запуску їхньої діяльності.
Представлено процеси діяльності статутних, виконавчих і дорадчих колективних органів у випадку чергового розширеного засідання керівного органу партійного підрозділу та його віртуального розширеного засідання, а також у випадку його екстреного віртуального розширеним засідання.
Описано і проілюстровано діаграмою Ґанта основні функції усіх колективних органів центрального партійного підрозділу та представлено процеси їхньої реалізації. Визначено напрямки подальшої деталізації процесів діяльності усіх цих органів.

Research paper thumbnail of Конструювання політичних партій нового покоління (Constructing New-Generation Political Parties)

The contemporary era of transition from modernity to post-modernity has led to the loss by existi... more The contemporary era of transition from modernity to post-modernity has led to the loss by existing elite groups’ political organizations of their governing function with regard to their own society and, even more so, with regard to the world. This brought to the foreground the task of designing and creating new political institutions – i.e. political parties of the new generation with an organizational structure fit for the turbulent external environment, which, on the one hand, will contribute to development of the necessary emergent qualities of these organizations for their successful operation in this environment, and, on the other hand, will form the type of party members’ behaviour that is necessary for the emergence of these qualities by performing the function of social control.
Constructing and creating new-generation political parties is a complicated, complex and interdisciplinary task, and to resolve it we have taken the following sequence of steps.
First of all, we developed a functional model of a political organization and established interconnections among all its constituents (Section I). Next, we created an open conceptual network as a system of interconnected thirty-two aspects of twelve different scientific approaches that define a political organization and its components at the macro-, meso- and micro-levels (Section II). In the same section, we established the interconnections between the various aspects of the conceptual network and the functional model components, and within each aspect designed the basis for constructing new-generation political parties, taking into account the established interrelations. Based on analysis of the interconnected conceptual network and the functional model within this systems approach, we determined the leverage point and its essence (Section III). Thereafter, we developed the Terms of Reference for constructing new-generation political parties, adopting the principles for constructing such organizations and the established “leverage” as the reference point (Section IV). The following two sections provide reference information. Section V provides references to our publications concerning each component of the functional model, outlining the relevant results of constructing new-generation political parties. Section VI elaborates on the modern principles of political leadership and provides references to our publications focusing on the developed procedure for creating and deploying such parties.
By analysing the conceptual network and the functional model of the political organization in their interconnection we determined that the “leverage point” in the context of the systems approach is the emergence and escalation of conflicts within the group dynamics in units of political parties at the stage of determining the leaders in the process of biologically conditioned ranking of candidates for leadership. At the same time, the “leverage” itself is the methodology of collective activity of members of party units chosen by the leaders or initiators of political parties that streamlines the process of making, discussing, taking and fulfilling decisions by members of the organization in a way that prevents escalation of interpersonal and inter-group conflicts between them. By choosing and implementing this methodology, it is possible to ensure emergence of only low-intensity conflicts in party units and, accordingly, continuous neurohumoral activation of party members in the conditions of non-complete ranking, which is an inexhaustible source of social energy. This energy, when accumulated and redirected to achieve party targets, will make it possible for new-generation parties to be effective and efficient for a long time.
The conducted analysis defines approaches to designing the “leverage” itself, which allowed us to develop a methodology of conflict-free collective activity of large groups of people in a dynamic network, which consists of brainstorming, the methodology of cross-groups, and project management integrated into a unity. This methodology will help ensure systematic management of situations and contexts of competitive interaction, periodically reproduced in units of political parties, in order to automatically activate the cultural archetype of cooperation by activating the archetype of competition in the unconscious of interaction participants and to prevent activation of the cultural archetype of confrontation.
Repeated reproduction of this technique in the process of implementation of the chosen methodology of operation in the organization will determine the variable organizational structure of units of new-generation political parties. Unification of geographically dispersed and thus structured units into an integral political organization based on the fractal principle will lead to emergence of functional synergism, which will ensure the ability of this organization to survive, reproduce itself, as well as to act effectively and efficiently in a turbulent external environment.


The article formulates the key task for activists and politicians at the nation state level: to d... more The article formulates the key task for activists and politicians at the nation state level: to design and create legal constitutional political organizations – i.e. managing subsystems of sufficient complexity aimed to govern the state as a system and neutralize external influences. It is important that the complexity of such managing subsystems should grow faster than the complexity of other subsystems within this system, the system itself and external systems. It demonstrates that a successful (effective and efficient) modern political organization should be able to distinguish external influences and generate its own managing influences simultaneously at all four levels of management: organizational, structural, conceptual, informational and directive.

The paper provides insights into the technological process of political parties as a set of operations that involve processing of “raw material” (information) into semi-finished products to produce “finished products” (managing influences) of a given complexity and intensity. This technological process must properly bring together the “work processes” of political party members during regular meetings and in the intervals between them with the natural processes of group dynamics, which cannot be subject to deliberate manual regulation by “workers” and the management (members of the party and its leaders).

It is shown that the methodology of political party activity and the methods of team work in large groups of its members are two independent factors available for the initiators of new or leaders of already existing political organizations who are intent on introducing changes.

Two criteria for making a good choice are formulated. First of all, it is the conformity of the chosen methodology and methods of activity with the type of the organizational structure of political parties as recommended by the theory of organizations for the given conditions of the environment. The second criterion is the ability to cope with the increasing complexity in the process of the political organization’s quantitative growth without losing the predetermined set of emergent qualities.

The paper demonstrates that only the political parties that will be able to generate internal ethics can have a future in Ukraine. This can be achieved only in large groups, where interaction is arranged by means of technologies that bring together the processes of teamwork of political party members and the natural processes of group dynamics within the framework of a well-chosen methodology of activity and methods of teamwork in large groups.


Based on our archetypal model of interaction of political party members, we have provided a ratio... more Based on our archetypal model of interaction of political party members, we have provided a rationale for and developed a strategy for their activation, involving a willful and conscious choice and introduction by leaders of an integrated set of organizational instruments for streamlining the activity of party units that can ensure direct management of recurrent situations and contexts of competitive interaction in order to prevent initiation and maintenance of interpersonal and intergroup conflicts within such units.
Implementation of this strategy is based on launching and using a natural, biologically determined source of activation of political party members, supported by neurohumoral reactions in their brain aimed to carry out the ranking process in competitive interaction situations that coherently occur and transform into situations of cooperation within the framework of an integrated set of organizational tools introduced by leaders.
Analysis of the main components of the proposed version of such a set (namely, our method of conflictless teamwork of large groups of people in a dynamic network in combination with strategic planning as a well-known methodology of activity) based on the three basic principles of social psychology attests to its potential to activate party members in the process of their collective activity in the framework of party units.
In our opinion, by opting for the recommended integrated set of organizational tools, politicians will help political parties to generate their internal moral code and to spread it outward in the absence or weakening of an external moral code, similarly to the Protestant one, for instance, which to a large extent governed the making of the modern Western world.
By creating the initial “crystal” of a new social construction based on the proposed variant of such a set politicians will be able to establish a new generation of political parties through its multiplication, self-propagation and self-dissemination among elite groups, and subsequently to restructure the majority of other organizations following this model in order to overcome the growing social complexity, which over time will lead to realignment of the political space at both national and global levels.

Research paper thumbnail of Technology of Activity of New Generation Political Parties

The article elaborates on the technological process of the activity of units of new generation po... more The article elaborates on the technological process of the activity of units of new generation political parties in the framework of the proposed integrated set of organizational tools, combining a methodology of activity (i.e. strategic planning) and our method for conflictless teamwork of large groups of people in a dynamic network.
The operating principle behind this method is described in detail, as well as the technology of strategic planning for development of settlements, regions, and countries in large groups of members of the relevant political party units in the dynamic network.
The paper provides a definition of the basic “production process” in new generation political parties, its “raw material”, “semi-finished product” and the main “product” produced by the political party.
A unified structure of the results of strategic planning by party units of all levels is proposed.
The article describes mechanisms that ensure interconnection and interdependence of the “products” produced by party units of all levels within the framework of the presented technological process.
The basic scheme of activity of the city organization of a new generation political party is presented.
The interconnection between the program documents of such a party and the results of strategic planning of the activity of its units is described.
A process approach to the construction of a political party with a variable structure (dynamic network) and the procedure of its optimal deployment based on Adizes’ methodology is presented.


The article presents the archetypal model of emergence, escalation and resolution of social confl... more The article presents the archetypal model of emergence, escalation and resolution of social conflicts created to determine the conditions for stopping the destructive process of fragmentation of the political organisations of Ukrainian elite groups. Within the established model, the archetypal mechanisms of conflict development were revealed, the factors that make the participants of competitive interaction clash in confrontation were identified, and the conditions of its transformation into cooperation were outlined. The role of the biological mechanisms of activation of conflict participants was demonstrated.
When analysing the developed model, the connection between the fragmentation of Ukrainian elite groups and imbalance of the differentiating and integrating functions in internal organisational conflicts was revealed. This made it possible to suggest that this imbalance is due to contradictions between habitual (network) and current (hierarchical) components inherent in the organisational culture of Ukrainian society. The habitual component, due to activation of the corresponding groups of archetypes of the unconscious, blocks the process of sacralisation of leaders as part of realisation of the current component, which makes it impossible for them to perform the integrating function in political organisations under conditions where the differentiating function of internal organisational conflicts is realised without hindrance. This causes the continuous fragmentation of the political organisations of Ukrainian elite groups, which leads to their degradation, atomisation and, as a result, their failure to exercise its power functions.
It is concluded that the destructive fragmentation process of the political organisations of Ukrainian elite groups as a result of the unbalanced differentiating function of internal organisational conflicts can be stopped only after their restructuring into a multi-intelligent social model system. It can be implemented through appropriate algorithms of interaction among members and units of political organisations, which together will constitute a variable organisational structure that will provide a synergistic effect due to the simultaneous mutually reinforcing reproduction of the habitual and current components inherent in the organisational culture of Ukrainian society.

Research paper thumbnail of The Concept of Activity of Contemporary Political Movements in Ukraine

The article presents our own concept of operation for the newly formed Ukrainian political moveme... more The article presents our own concept of operation for the newly formed Ukrainian political movements, which, in our opinion, can offer comprehensive solutions to their basic problems and will become a precondition for establishing their systemic cooperation. The concept we developed includes the following components: the main tasks of the movement, requirements for its activities, structured field of activity, organisational structure of the movement, methodology of its operations, and the technological operation process of the movement.

Research paper thumbnail of Political Parties of the Next Generation: Theoretical and Technological Principles of Their Activity, Procedure for Their Establishment and Deployment

The book presents the results of interdisciplinary research in the field of developing the organi... more The book presents the results of interdisciplinary research in the field of developing the organizational framework and design of political parties of the next generation – parties with a variable structure – the dynamic networks. It explores the theoretical and technological principles of their activities and describes the process of their establishment and deployment. The organizational and technological tools developed by the author, which form the basis of a variable organizational structure – the dynamic network, have been tested through over 170 different events in various environments involving Ukrainian politicians, scientists, experts, public activists, and businessmen, consisting of large groups ranging from 10 to 200 participants. The book will be useful to anyone interested in research, practical construction, and organization of the internal life of political parties.


У книзі представлено результати міждисциплінарних досліджень у сфері конструювання політичних пар... more У книзі представлено результати міждисциплінарних досліджень у сфері конструювання політичних партій нового покоління – партій зі змінною структурою – динамічною мережею. Розглянуто теоретичні і технологічні засади їхньої діяльності, описано порядок їхнього створення і розгортання. Розроблені автором організаційно-технологічні інструменти, що складають основу змінної організаційної структури – динамічної мережі, були випробувані на практиці під час проведення понад 170 різних заходів у різних середовищах українських політиків, громадських активістів та бізнесменів у складі великих груп різної чисельності (від10 до 200 учасників).
Книга містить перекладений на англійську мову вступ, що включає передісторію написання книги і короткий опис кожного з десяти її розділів.
The book presents the results of interdisciplinary research in the field of constructing new generation political parties – i.e., parties with a variable structure (a dynamic network). It elaborates on the theoretical and technological principles of their activity and describes the procedure for their creation and deployment. The author developed organizational and technological tools that make up the basis of the variable organizational structure (dynamic network) and tested them in practice at more than 170 different events in various environments consisting of Ukrainian politicians, civic activists and businessmen in large groups of different sizes (10 to 200 participants).
The book contains an English-language translation of the introduction that describes how the book was conceived and contains a brief description of each of its ten chapters.