Taryono Taryono - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Taryono Taryono
Caraka Tani: Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 2018
Sesame is recognized as healthy potential oil crops because can be used to control several diseas... more Sesame is recognized as healthy potential oil crops because can be used to control several diseases. Sesame can grow properly in light soil structure such as sandy coastal soil, however sandy soil is considered as unfertile one and therefore environmental friendly fertilizer application based on dung manure must be studied. The research toinvestigate the influence of application times of mixed fertilizer on the growth sesame in quality growth in coastal sandy soil both at rainy and dry seasons, therefore the experiment directly to the sandy field at the sandy coastal area of Keburuhan, Purworejo, Central Java. From the first stage, it could be said that the application of mixed fertilizer between chicken manure and inorganic fertilizer increasing tochlorophyll content, net assimilation rate, root volume sesame both in rainy and dry seasons.
Biota : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Hayati, 2011
To explore the effect of genotype, environment and genotype x environment interaction on Fe conte... more To explore the effect of genotype, environment and genotype x environment interaction on Fe content in rice grain, Fe concentrations of 10 genotypes were analyzed across eight paddy field environments using the GGE-biplot method. Experiments were conducted from 2007 to 2008 using a randomized completely block design with three replications at each environment. Results indicated that environment (E), genotype (G) and genotype x environment interaction (GE) significantly gave effect on Fe rice concentration. Environment explained 74.43% of total (G + E + GE) variation, whereas G and GE captured 5.60% and 19.67%, respectively. The first two principal components (PC1 and PC2) were used to create a two-dimensional GGE-biplot and explained 70.40% and 15.36% of GGE sum of squares. Genotype Barumun was desirable in terms of its highest Fe rice concentration ability and stability. In Cilongok, wet season was the best representative of the overall environments and the most powerful to discrim...
Agrotechnology Innovation (Agrinova)
Cucumber is regarded as main vegetable in Indonesian, however its production cannot match the dem... more Cucumber is regarded as main vegetable in Indonesian, however its production cannot match the demand and to increase production can be done by increasing diversity and productivity through plant breeding. The estimation of genetic parameters plays an important role in breeding work, therefore the objectives of this study were to obtain the estimated value of the genetic parameters of some cucumber yield components, to determine the important characteristics of cucumber yield components, and to identify cucumber accessions with high potential yield. The study was conducted at AIC UGM, Berbah, Sleman, Yogyakarta. The accessions used were 23 numbers from the AIC UGM collections and 4 controls. The study used a completely randomized design and analyzed with ANOVA. The results showed that the days to first harvest, fruit length, fruit weight, fruit diameter, and flesh thickness give high heritability. The number of fruits and potential yield per hectare gives moderate heritability, and see...
Wijen ( Sesamum indicum L.) merupakan salah satu komoditas yang mempunyai nilai ekonomi sangat t... more Wijen ( Sesamum indicum L.) merupakan salah satu komoditas yang mempunyai nilai ekonomi sangat tinggi, namun produksi wijen dalam negeri masih rendah. Pengembangan budidaya wijen dapat dilakukan pada lahan-lahan kritis yang salah satunya adalah lahan pasir pantai. Sifat lahan pasir pantai yang miskin hara dapat diatasi dengan penambahan bahan organik dalam bentuk pupuk kandang sapi. Selain itu untuk mengawali pembentukan minyak pada biji wijen dibutuhkan kandungan sulfur yang cukup dan kebutuhan sulfur ini dapat dipenuhi dengan pemberian magnesium sulfat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk 1) mengetahui pengaruh takaran pupuk kandang sapi dan magnesium sulfat (MgSO 4 .7H 2 O) terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil wijen dan 2) mendapatkan takaran optimal kombinasi pupuk kandang sapi dan magnesium sulfat pada penanaman wijen di lahan pasir pantai. Percobaan dilakukan dengan memberikan dua perlakuan yaitu takaran pupuk kandang sapi (0; 10; 20; dan 30 ton/ha), dan takaran magnesium sulfat (0; 70;...
Indonesian Journal of Biotechnology, 2012
Tea plant has been categorized as self-incompatible crop. This is the reason behind the high gene... more Tea plant has been categorized as self-incompatible crop. This is the reason behind the high genetic diversity. Natural pollination is possible to occur and the male parent is usually unknown, therefore, there is a need of method to identify male parent of hybrids through paternity analysis. Isozyme markers have been successfully used for paternity analysis due to their co-dominant polymorphism. This research aimed to predict male parents of hybrids by figuring out the mating system through isozyme banding patterns. In this experiment, seven enzyme systems were evaluated, of which only two of the enzyme systems i.e. esterase and shikimate dehydrogenase showing clear band pattern of Est-1, Est-2, and Shd-1 loci. The mating system of tea could be categorized as a mixed mating model, with high estimated out-crossing rate of 98.6 %. The pollen contributors were not always originated from the vicinity of the female parents. Key words: isozyme markers, paternity analysis, tea
Ilmu Pertanian (Agricultural Science), Feb 13, 2019
Progeny identification is the important step that should be done after hybridization. However, po... more Progeny identification is the important step that should be done after hybridization. However, polyploidy, aneuploidy and the high chromosome segregation in sugarcane which results various phenotypic characteristics variation and environmental effects become limiting factors to identify the progenies based on morphological characteristic. Microsatellite as one of molecular marker which has codominance inheritance, multiallelic, abundant in the genome and does not influenced by environmental factor is the best tool to asses the crossing fidelity accurately. This research aimed to identify the possibility of genetic marker of Saccharum spp. and Erianthus sp. on their hybrid using microsatellite molecular marker. This study was carried out in Molecular Genetic laboratory, Indonesian Sweetener and Fiber Crops Research Institute (ISFCRI) Malang, from August 2016 to July 2017. Eighty-six (86) F1 intraspecific and interspecific progeny, three commercial sugarcane varieties (PSJT941, PS881 and VMC7616) and two wild types (S. spontaneum dan Erianthus sp.) were assessed genetically by three microsatellite markers. Identification of microsatellite genetic markers was conducted by comparing the visualization band results from electrophoresis of each male and female parent through their progenies. All primers could identify Saccharum spp. and Erianthus sp. genetic markers. There were one to eleven Saccharum spp. and Erianthus sp. genetic markers could be identified such as 2-11 PS881-specific alleles; 2-3 VMC7616-specific alleles; 1-5 PSJT941-specific alleles; two S. spontaneum-specific alleles and 1-2 Erianthus-specific alleles. These findings could be used as the advance genetic marker of microsatellite in sugarcane breeding to asses the cross fidelity.
Vegetalika, 2018
Mikoriza merupakan salah satu upaya untuk mengatasi kurangnya kesuburan di lahan marjinal. Peneli... more Mikoriza merupakan salah satu upaya untuk mengatasi kurangnya kesuburan di lahan marjinal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan peran mikoriza pada masa pembibitan, pertumbuhan, dan perkembangan kacang hijau serta merekomendasikan cara enkapsulasi yang tepat untuk pemberian mikoriza pada benih kacang hijau. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei-Oktober 2017 di Rumah Vegetalika, Ruang Mallika dan Ruang Mendel Laboratorium Pemuliaan Tanaman, Departemen Budidaya Pertanian, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 2 faktor. Variabel yang diamati meliputi mutu benih, infeksi mikoriza, sifat komponen bibit, pertumbuhan tanaman, dan komponen hasil. Keseluruhan data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan Analisis Varian sesuai Rancangan Acak Lengkap dan dilakukan pembandingan dengan Scott-Knott pada taraf kepercayaan 95%. Hasil penelitian memberikan informasi bahwa enkapsulasi montmorill...
Pelita Perkebunan (a Coffee and Cocoa Research Journal), 2017
Breeding for cocoa resistance to VSD is the main goal in breeding program in Indonesia. Research ... more Breeding for cocoa resistance to VSD is the main goal in breeding program in Indonesia. Research for selection criteria on cocoa (Theobroma cacaoL.) resistance to vascular-streak dieback (VSD) has being carried out by exploring leaf stomatal characteristics corresponding to VSD damages. This research had objectives to select best crosses by observing the estimated value of heterosis and heterobeltiosis on F1 hybrid populations based on leaf stomata characteristics related to VSD resistance. Trial was established at Kaliwining Experimental Station of Indonesian Coffee and Cocoa Research Institute (ICCRI) in a VSD endemic area. Treatments consisted of 5 F1 hybrid populations generated by biparental crosses of TSH 858(S) x Sulawesi 1 (R), TSH 858 (S) x KEE 2 (R), TSH 858 (S) x Sulawesi 3 (R), Sca 6 (R) x KW 264 (S) and KW 617 (R) x KW 264 (S). Each cross consisted of 100-300 genotypes planted in high planting density of 0.5 m x 0.5 m. Theresistance was evaluated by scoring the plant da...
Jurnal Teknik Industri, 2012
The development of plantation agro-industry should refer to primary commodity approach. Until now... more The development of plantation agro-industry should refer to primary commodity approach. Until now there is no accurate reference for government Kolaka. The diversifications of products and by-product have not developed yet. The objectives of this research were to formulate development strategy of regional potential of the prime plantation agro industry. The object of this research is six primary commodities of plantation; those are cacao, clover, pepper, cashew, coconut, and coffee in Kolaka Regency with Delphi and SWOT methods. The research results showed that the development strategy of regional potential of the prime plantation agro industry there are at quadrant I or that strategy was created by using all the power to take advantage of opportunities that an aggressive strategy by doing independence improvement of the farmers through development and counseling, partnership development on agro-industry activities in the effort of giving additional value of production.
Berkala Penelitian Hayati, 2007
Research of the structure and development pattern of somatic embryos from callus of leaf explants... more Research of the structure and development pattern of somatic embryos from callus of leaf explants moon orchid Phalaenopsis amabilis (L) Bl had been done. One year old of plantlets were used as explants sources. Basal leaf of these explants were cultured in Somatic Embryo Induction Medium (SEIM) e.i.: NP(New Phalaenopsis) medium added with 2 mg/L NAA, 1 mg/L BA, 10 g/L sucrose, and 2 g/L gellan gum. Then somatic embryos were transferred to EMM (Embryo Maturation Medium) e.i. NP medium added with 1 mg/L NAA, 1 mg/L BA, 10 g/L sucrose, and 2 g/L gellan gum. Finally, mature somatic embryo were transferred to NP medium without plant growth regulator as Embryo Germination Medium (EGM). The origin of somatic embryos initially from single cell at the pheriphery of embryogenic callus. These cells then devided in mitotic repeatedly formed globular proembryo, elongation embryo, and completed embryo. The structure and development pattern of somatic embryos as the same as with zygotic embryo.
Buletin Tanaman Tembakau, Serat & Minyak Industri, 2018
Sesame is an producing seed whose oil is commercially needed. Breeding attempts to improve the pr... more Sesame is an producing seed whose oil is commercially needed. Breeding attempts to improve the productivity of sesame and yield components are induction of gamma ray irradiation mutations (Co-60). This study was aimed to identify effects of induced mutation by gamma rays irradiation in quantitative characteristics and yield of sesame in M4 generation originated from local cultivars. Two types of sesame (black and white) are irradiated with eight doses (100-800 Gy) of Co-60. The result showed a high variation in almost all morphological characters and modified the character of stem height from base to first branch, number of capsules per plant, biomass yield per plant, and seed yield per plant. Sesame irradiated with 600 Gy Co-60 doses has a beneficial effect on the number of capsules (black:120.23; white: 255.23, respectively) and the weight of 1000 seeds (black:3.63 g; white: 4.55 g, respectively). Genotypic Coefficient of Variation in M4 generation were recorded for high value for characters number of primary branches (30.16%), stem height from base to the first branch (30.96%), stem height from base to first capsule (14.82%), number of secondary branches (53.64%), number of nodes to first flower (72.66%), number of capsules/plant (44.90%), biomass yield/plant (28.37%), and seed yield/plant (36.68%). Genetic variability of plant population is very important for plant breeding program and to sustain level of high productivity.
Sustainability, 2021
The purpose of rice breeding is to create varieties that are well adapted, highly productive, and... more The purpose of rice breeding is to create varieties that are well adapted, highly productive, and acceptable to farmers. However, rice productivity is limited as a result of combined biotic stresses (pests/diseases). This study combines assessment by farmers with the evaluation by breeders with respect to promising rice lines within a range of environments. The aim is to investigate farmers’ preferences and to characterize the yield of promising rice lines, as well as their resistance to pests/diseases by consulting 120 farmers and breeders. This study used an oversite design replicated three times with thirteen promising lines and two varieties, which were all evaluated at farmers’ fields between December 2019 and May 2020. The Importance Performance Analysis was used to compare line performance and farmers’ expectations. Lines Gamapadi-2 and Gamapadi-4 had the highest acceptability scores based on the farmers’ preferences. The yield performances were evaluated using the Finlay–Wil...
Yardlong bean is one of the commodities with very high economic value. To obtain good quality pod... more Yardlong bean is one of the commodities with very high economic value. To obtain good quality pods, it requires the right cultivating techniques such as the use of stake model and the use of superior varieties. The objectives of this study were to investigate the effect of stake model and varieties on the quality of yardlong bean pods. This research was conducted on the Agrotechnology Innovation Center of Universitas Gadjah Mada at March-June 2019. This research was arranged in factorial treatment design with Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) using three blocks as replication. The irst factor is the stake model i.e. single, double, and triangle. The second factor is varieties included Parade Tavi, Pujangga, Katrina, Wulung, and Kaloka. The observed quantitative data were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA), followed by Scott-Knott with the level of credibility at 5 %. The results showed that the use of the stake models on different varieties does not indicated a signii...
Beras hitam merupakan sumber antosianin yang tinggi dan murah dibandingkan dengan sumber antosian... more Beras hitam merupakan sumber antosianin yang tinggi dan murah dibandingkan dengan sumber antosianin lain seperti bluberi dan anggur. Antosianin merupakan senyawa organik golongan flavonoid dengan struktur utama tiga gugus aromatik. Sebagai antioksidan, antosianin bermanfaat bagi kesehatan, di antaranya untuk mencegah penuaan dini, melindungi lambung dari kerusakan, menghambat sel tumor, sebagai senyawa antiinflamasi dan antikanker, melindungi otak dari kerusakan, mencegah obesitas dan diabetes, meningkatkan kemampuan memori otak, mencegah penyakit neurologis, dan menangkal radikal bebas dalam tubuh. Beras hitam juga mengan-dung protein, vitamin, dan mineral yang lebih tinggi daripada beras putih. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, diperlukan penjelasan tentang struktur kimia antosianin, sifat antosianin dan manfaatnya bagi kesehatan dan aplikasi industri, beras hitam sebagai sumber antosianin, distribusi dan sintesis antosianin, manfaat antosianin bagi tanaman, dan prospek pengembangan beras...
Agrivita : Journal of Agricultural Science, 2015
There are abundant maize populations in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, which can be used as source o... more There are abundant maize populations in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, which can be used as source of gene to develop either a hybrid variety or an open pollinated variety. Genetic parameters of a population, such as additive genetic variance and variance due to dominance which can be estimated using North Carolina Design I, were used to decide a breeding method to be applied. The objectives of this research were to estimate the genetic variance component of important quantitative traits in an equilibrium corn population and to decide the best method to develop the population. The research was conducted at Agricultural Station of Agriculture Faculty, Gadjah Mada University, in 2012 which was carried out in two steps: to develop half-sib and full-sib families and to evaluate both families in randomized complete block design with three replications. The data was subjected to analysis of variance, and was followed by estimation of genetic variances. The additive variance of ear length an...
Produksi teh menempati peringkat kedua pada sektor pertanian untuk nilai ekspor non migas sehingg... more Produksi teh menempati peringkat kedua pada sektor pertanian untuk nilai ekspor non migas sehingga teh memiliki peranan cukup penting bagi perekonomian negara. Salah satu faktor penting dalam budidaya teh adalah mutu bibit teh. Pembibitan teh dengan metode stek banyak digunakan karena dapat menghasilkan bibit dalam jumlah besar dengan mutu baik. Pembibitan teh banyak menggunakan media yang terdiri dari topsoil dan subsoil. Penggunaan topsoil dan subsoil berlebihan akan menyebabkan ketersediaannya terbatas sehingga menyebabkan kerusakan lingkungan. Cocopeat dan limbah media jamur (baglog) merupakan bahan yang dapat digunakan sebagai campuran media pembibitan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji penggunaan cocopeat dan baglog sebagai campuran media pembibitan teh dan mengenali komposisi yang optimal untuk media pembibitan. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan perlakuan Faktorial 3 x3 yang disusun dalam Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 4 ulangan. Faktor pertama berupa macam klon yaitu...
Sugar productivity of sugarcane is dependent on stalk yield and sucrose content which both influe... more Sugar productivity of sugarcane is dependent on stalk yield and sucrose content which both influenced by planting material. Due to the important of planting material, this study is intended to examine the influence of planting materials i.e. cutting as a control, bud set and bud chip, toward seed quality and the early growth of cane plant in the field. This study was arranged in completly randomized design, with two factors, which are six clones of sugarcane and three types of seedling materials. The results showed that there was an interactions between both factors on germination rate, vigor index, leaf numbers, internode numbers, tiller numbers, leaf area, root volume, root fresh weight, root dry weight, shoot fresh weight, and shoot dry weight. The early growth of seedling was dependent on the clone. According to shoot fresh weight, cutting was suitable for PS 881 and Bululawang. Bud set for PS 864 clone, whereas bud chip for PSJT 941 and Kidang Kencana. Three seedling materials...
Jurnal Penelitian Saintek, 2020
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan zat antikanker dan uji sitotoksitasnya pada T47D deng... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan zat antikanker dan uji sitotoksitasnya pada T47D dengan menggunakan metode pemupukan dan induksi pada tanaman Curcuma mangga Val. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Greenhouse milik Pusat Inovasi Agroteknologi Terpadu (PIAT) Universitas Gadjah Mada di Kalitirto, Kecamatan Berbah, Sleman, Yogyakarta. Waktu pelaksanaan awal Januari-Oktober 2019. Pelaksanaan penelitian dibagi menjadi 3 tahap. Tahap pertama penanaman dan pemupukan C. mangga Val. Pemupukan dilakukan menggunakan nitrogren (N) organik dari kompos daun-daun legume, fosfor (P) organik dari pupuk SP36, Kalium (K) dari KCl, dan kombinasi pupuk NPK. Tahap kedua adalah ekstraksi dan penetapan kandungan zat aktif menggunakan alat vaccum-rotavapor dan densitometer. Tahap ketigaadalah Uji sitotoksisitas (MTT Assay) menggunakan bahan Sel T47D, media RPMI, MTT, PBS, SDS, dan bahan-bahan disposable, serta ELISA reader. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pemupukan N organik pada C. mangga Val. mampu m...
Vegetalika, 2017
Bud chip has relatively short storage longevity. Its seed germination decreases after 2 days of s... more Bud chip has relatively short storage longevity. Its seed germination decreases after 2 days of storage without any treatment. Therefore, appropriate storage method is needed to lengthen bud chip's storage longevity, so the quality can be maintained on the plantation. This research was aimed to find out the best storage media and sugarcane clone to maintain bud chip quality. There was 3 x 4 + 1 factorials treatment design which arranged in completely randomized design (CRD). The first factor was storage media which rice husk ash with moisture 0, 20, 40 and 60% whereas the second factor was sugarcane clone. The sugarcane clones consisted of Kidang Kencana, Bululawang and VMC clone. Observations were done at 0, 4, 8 and 12 day after storage. The results showed that the interaction between clone and storage media gives real effects on moldy bud chip, dead bud chip, seed germination, and bud chips vigor index. There was no real interaction effect on the other variables.
Caraka Tani: Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 2018
Sesame is recognized as healthy potential oil crops because can be used to control several diseas... more Sesame is recognized as healthy potential oil crops because can be used to control several diseases. Sesame can grow properly in light soil structure such as sandy coastal soil, however sandy soil is considered as unfertile one and therefore environmental friendly fertilizer application based on dung manure must be studied. The research toinvestigate the influence of application times of mixed fertilizer on the growth sesame in quality growth in coastal sandy soil both at rainy and dry seasons, therefore the experiment directly to the sandy field at the sandy coastal area of Keburuhan, Purworejo, Central Java. From the first stage, it could be said that the application of mixed fertilizer between chicken manure and inorganic fertilizer increasing tochlorophyll content, net assimilation rate, root volume sesame both in rainy and dry seasons.
Biota : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Hayati, 2011
To explore the effect of genotype, environment and genotype x environment interaction on Fe conte... more To explore the effect of genotype, environment and genotype x environment interaction on Fe content in rice grain, Fe concentrations of 10 genotypes were analyzed across eight paddy field environments using the GGE-biplot method. Experiments were conducted from 2007 to 2008 using a randomized completely block design with three replications at each environment. Results indicated that environment (E), genotype (G) and genotype x environment interaction (GE) significantly gave effect on Fe rice concentration. Environment explained 74.43% of total (G + E + GE) variation, whereas G and GE captured 5.60% and 19.67%, respectively. The first two principal components (PC1 and PC2) were used to create a two-dimensional GGE-biplot and explained 70.40% and 15.36% of GGE sum of squares. Genotype Barumun was desirable in terms of its highest Fe rice concentration ability and stability. In Cilongok, wet season was the best representative of the overall environments and the most powerful to discrim...
Agrotechnology Innovation (Agrinova)
Cucumber is regarded as main vegetable in Indonesian, however its production cannot match the dem... more Cucumber is regarded as main vegetable in Indonesian, however its production cannot match the demand and to increase production can be done by increasing diversity and productivity through plant breeding. The estimation of genetic parameters plays an important role in breeding work, therefore the objectives of this study were to obtain the estimated value of the genetic parameters of some cucumber yield components, to determine the important characteristics of cucumber yield components, and to identify cucumber accessions with high potential yield. The study was conducted at AIC UGM, Berbah, Sleman, Yogyakarta. The accessions used were 23 numbers from the AIC UGM collections and 4 controls. The study used a completely randomized design and analyzed with ANOVA. The results showed that the days to first harvest, fruit length, fruit weight, fruit diameter, and flesh thickness give high heritability. The number of fruits and potential yield per hectare gives moderate heritability, and see...
Wijen ( Sesamum indicum L.) merupakan salah satu komoditas yang mempunyai nilai ekonomi sangat t... more Wijen ( Sesamum indicum L.) merupakan salah satu komoditas yang mempunyai nilai ekonomi sangat tinggi, namun produksi wijen dalam negeri masih rendah. Pengembangan budidaya wijen dapat dilakukan pada lahan-lahan kritis yang salah satunya adalah lahan pasir pantai. Sifat lahan pasir pantai yang miskin hara dapat diatasi dengan penambahan bahan organik dalam bentuk pupuk kandang sapi. Selain itu untuk mengawali pembentukan minyak pada biji wijen dibutuhkan kandungan sulfur yang cukup dan kebutuhan sulfur ini dapat dipenuhi dengan pemberian magnesium sulfat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk 1) mengetahui pengaruh takaran pupuk kandang sapi dan magnesium sulfat (MgSO 4 .7H 2 O) terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil wijen dan 2) mendapatkan takaran optimal kombinasi pupuk kandang sapi dan magnesium sulfat pada penanaman wijen di lahan pasir pantai. Percobaan dilakukan dengan memberikan dua perlakuan yaitu takaran pupuk kandang sapi (0; 10; 20; dan 30 ton/ha), dan takaran magnesium sulfat (0; 70;...
Indonesian Journal of Biotechnology, 2012
Tea plant has been categorized as self-incompatible crop. This is the reason behind the high gene... more Tea plant has been categorized as self-incompatible crop. This is the reason behind the high genetic diversity. Natural pollination is possible to occur and the male parent is usually unknown, therefore, there is a need of method to identify male parent of hybrids through paternity analysis. Isozyme markers have been successfully used for paternity analysis due to their co-dominant polymorphism. This research aimed to predict male parents of hybrids by figuring out the mating system through isozyme banding patterns. In this experiment, seven enzyme systems were evaluated, of which only two of the enzyme systems i.e. esterase and shikimate dehydrogenase showing clear band pattern of Est-1, Est-2, and Shd-1 loci. The mating system of tea could be categorized as a mixed mating model, with high estimated out-crossing rate of 98.6 %. The pollen contributors were not always originated from the vicinity of the female parents. Key words: isozyme markers, paternity analysis, tea
Ilmu Pertanian (Agricultural Science), Feb 13, 2019
Progeny identification is the important step that should be done after hybridization. However, po... more Progeny identification is the important step that should be done after hybridization. However, polyploidy, aneuploidy and the high chromosome segregation in sugarcane which results various phenotypic characteristics variation and environmental effects become limiting factors to identify the progenies based on morphological characteristic. Microsatellite as one of molecular marker which has codominance inheritance, multiallelic, abundant in the genome and does not influenced by environmental factor is the best tool to asses the crossing fidelity accurately. This research aimed to identify the possibility of genetic marker of Saccharum spp. and Erianthus sp. on their hybrid using microsatellite molecular marker. This study was carried out in Molecular Genetic laboratory, Indonesian Sweetener and Fiber Crops Research Institute (ISFCRI) Malang, from August 2016 to July 2017. Eighty-six (86) F1 intraspecific and interspecific progeny, three commercial sugarcane varieties (PSJT941, PS881 and VMC7616) and two wild types (S. spontaneum dan Erianthus sp.) were assessed genetically by three microsatellite markers. Identification of microsatellite genetic markers was conducted by comparing the visualization band results from electrophoresis of each male and female parent through their progenies. All primers could identify Saccharum spp. and Erianthus sp. genetic markers. There were one to eleven Saccharum spp. and Erianthus sp. genetic markers could be identified such as 2-11 PS881-specific alleles; 2-3 VMC7616-specific alleles; 1-5 PSJT941-specific alleles; two S. spontaneum-specific alleles and 1-2 Erianthus-specific alleles. These findings could be used as the advance genetic marker of microsatellite in sugarcane breeding to asses the cross fidelity.
Vegetalika, 2018
Mikoriza merupakan salah satu upaya untuk mengatasi kurangnya kesuburan di lahan marjinal. Peneli... more Mikoriza merupakan salah satu upaya untuk mengatasi kurangnya kesuburan di lahan marjinal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan peran mikoriza pada masa pembibitan, pertumbuhan, dan perkembangan kacang hijau serta merekomendasikan cara enkapsulasi yang tepat untuk pemberian mikoriza pada benih kacang hijau. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei-Oktober 2017 di Rumah Vegetalika, Ruang Mallika dan Ruang Mendel Laboratorium Pemuliaan Tanaman, Departemen Budidaya Pertanian, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 2 faktor. Variabel yang diamati meliputi mutu benih, infeksi mikoriza, sifat komponen bibit, pertumbuhan tanaman, dan komponen hasil. Keseluruhan data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan Analisis Varian sesuai Rancangan Acak Lengkap dan dilakukan pembandingan dengan Scott-Knott pada taraf kepercayaan 95%. Hasil penelitian memberikan informasi bahwa enkapsulasi montmorill...
Pelita Perkebunan (a Coffee and Cocoa Research Journal), 2017
Breeding for cocoa resistance to VSD is the main goal in breeding program in Indonesia. Research ... more Breeding for cocoa resistance to VSD is the main goal in breeding program in Indonesia. Research for selection criteria on cocoa (Theobroma cacaoL.) resistance to vascular-streak dieback (VSD) has being carried out by exploring leaf stomatal characteristics corresponding to VSD damages. This research had objectives to select best crosses by observing the estimated value of heterosis and heterobeltiosis on F1 hybrid populations based on leaf stomata characteristics related to VSD resistance. Trial was established at Kaliwining Experimental Station of Indonesian Coffee and Cocoa Research Institute (ICCRI) in a VSD endemic area. Treatments consisted of 5 F1 hybrid populations generated by biparental crosses of TSH 858(S) x Sulawesi 1 (R), TSH 858 (S) x KEE 2 (R), TSH 858 (S) x Sulawesi 3 (R), Sca 6 (R) x KW 264 (S) and KW 617 (R) x KW 264 (S). Each cross consisted of 100-300 genotypes planted in high planting density of 0.5 m x 0.5 m. Theresistance was evaluated by scoring the plant da...
Jurnal Teknik Industri, 2012
The development of plantation agro-industry should refer to primary commodity approach. Until now... more The development of plantation agro-industry should refer to primary commodity approach. Until now there is no accurate reference for government Kolaka. The diversifications of products and by-product have not developed yet. The objectives of this research were to formulate development strategy of regional potential of the prime plantation agro industry. The object of this research is six primary commodities of plantation; those are cacao, clover, pepper, cashew, coconut, and coffee in Kolaka Regency with Delphi and SWOT methods. The research results showed that the development strategy of regional potential of the prime plantation agro industry there are at quadrant I or that strategy was created by using all the power to take advantage of opportunities that an aggressive strategy by doing independence improvement of the farmers through development and counseling, partnership development on agro-industry activities in the effort of giving additional value of production.
Berkala Penelitian Hayati, 2007
Research of the structure and development pattern of somatic embryos from callus of leaf explants... more Research of the structure and development pattern of somatic embryos from callus of leaf explants moon orchid Phalaenopsis amabilis (L) Bl had been done. One year old of plantlets were used as explants sources. Basal leaf of these explants were cultured in Somatic Embryo Induction Medium (SEIM) e.i.: NP(New Phalaenopsis) medium added with 2 mg/L NAA, 1 mg/L BA, 10 g/L sucrose, and 2 g/L gellan gum. Then somatic embryos were transferred to EMM (Embryo Maturation Medium) e.i. NP medium added with 1 mg/L NAA, 1 mg/L BA, 10 g/L sucrose, and 2 g/L gellan gum. Finally, mature somatic embryo were transferred to NP medium without plant growth regulator as Embryo Germination Medium (EGM). The origin of somatic embryos initially from single cell at the pheriphery of embryogenic callus. These cells then devided in mitotic repeatedly formed globular proembryo, elongation embryo, and completed embryo. The structure and development pattern of somatic embryos as the same as with zygotic embryo.
Buletin Tanaman Tembakau, Serat & Minyak Industri, 2018
Sesame is an producing seed whose oil is commercially needed. Breeding attempts to improve the pr... more Sesame is an producing seed whose oil is commercially needed. Breeding attempts to improve the productivity of sesame and yield components are induction of gamma ray irradiation mutations (Co-60). This study was aimed to identify effects of induced mutation by gamma rays irradiation in quantitative characteristics and yield of sesame in M4 generation originated from local cultivars. Two types of sesame (black and white) are irradiated with eight doses (100-800 Gy) of Co-60. The result showed a high variation in almost all morphological characters and modified the character of stem height from base to first branch, number of capsules per plant, biomass yield per plant, and seed yield per plant. Sesame irradiated with 600 Gy Co-60 doses has a beneficial effect on the number of capsules (black:120.23; white: 255.23, respectively) and the weight of 1000 seeds (black:3.63 g; white: 4.55 g, respectively). Genotypic Coefficient of Variation in M4 generation were recorded for high value for characters number of primary branches (30.16%), stem height from base to the first branch (30.96%), stem height from base to first capsule (14.82%), number of secondary branches (53.64%), number of nodes to first flower (72.66%), number of capsules/plant (44.90%), biomass yield/plant (28.37%), and seed yield/plant (36.68%). Genetic variability of plant population is very important for plant breeding program and to sustain level of high productivity.
Sustainability, 2021
The purpose of rice breeding is to create varieties that are well adapted, highly productive, and... more The purpose of rice breeding is to create varieties that are well adapted, highly productive, and acceptable to farmers. However, rice productivity is limited as a result of combined biotic stresses (pests/diseases). This study combines assessment by farmers with the evaluation by breeders with respect to promising rice lines within a range of environments. The aim is to investigate farmers’ preferences and to characterize the yield of promising rice lines, as well as their resistance to pests/diseases by consulting 120 farmers and breeders. This study used an oversite design replicated three times with thirteen promising lines and two varieties, which were all evaluated at farmers’ fields between December 2019 and May 2020. The Importance Performance Analysis was used to compare line performance and farmers’ expectations. Lines Gamapadi-2 and Gamapadi-4 had the highest acceptability scores based on the farmers’ preferences. The yield performances were evaluated using the Finlay–Wil...
Yardlong bean is one of the commodities with very high economic value. To obtain good quality pod... more Yardlong bean is one of the commodities with very high economic value. To obtain good quality pods, it requires the right cultivating techniques such as the use of stake model and the use of superior varieties. The objectives of this study were to investigate the effect of stake model and varieties on the quality of yardlong bean pods. This research was conducted on the Agrotechnology Innovation Center of Universitas Gadjah Mada at March-June 2019. This research was arranged in factorial treatment design with Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) using three blocks as replication. The irst factor is the stake model i.e. single, double, and triangle. The second factor is varieties included Parade Tavi, Pujangga, Katrina, Wulung, and Kaloka. The observed quantitative data were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA), followed by Scott-Knott with the level of credibility at 5 %. The results showed that the use of the stake models on different varieties does not indicated a signii...
Beras hitam merupakan sumber antosianin yang tinggi dan murah dibandingkan dengan sumber antosian... more Beras hitam merupakan sumber antosianin yang tinggi dan murah dibandingkan dengan sumber antosianin lain seperti bluberi dan anggur. Antosianin merupakan senyawa organik golongan flavonoid dengan struktur utama tiga gugus aromatik. Sebagai antioksidan, antosianin bermanfaat bagi kesehatan, di antaranya untuk mencegah penuaan dini, melindungi lambung dari kerusakan, menghambat sel tumor, sebagai senyawa antiinflamasi dan antikanker, melindungi otak dari kerusakan, mencegah obesitas dan diabetes, meningkatkan kemampuan memori otak, mencegah penyakit neurologis, dan menangkal radikal bebas dalam tubuh. Beras hitam juga mengan-dung protein, vitamin, dan mineral yang lebih tinggi daripada beras putih. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, diperlukan penjelasan tentang struktur kimia antosianin, sifat antosianin dan manfaatnya bagi kesehatan dan aplikasi industri, beras hitam sebagai sumber antosianin, distribusi dan sintesis antosianin, manfaat antosianin bagi tanaman, dan prospek pengembangan beras...
Agrivita : Journal of Agricultural Science, 2015
There are abundant maize populations in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, which can be used as source o... more There are abundant maize populations in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, which can be used as source of gene to develop either a hybrid variety or an open pollinated variety. Genetic parameters of a population, such as additive genetic variance and variance due to dominance which can be estimated using North Carolina Design I, were used to decide a breeding method to be applied. The objectives of this research were to estimate the genetic variance component of important quantitative traits in an equilibrium corn population and to decide the best method to develop the population. The research was conducted at Agricultural Station of Agriculture Faculty, Gadjah Mada University, in 2012 which was carried out in two steps: to develop half-sib and full-sib families and to evaluate both families in randomized complete block design with three replications. The data was subjected to analysis of variance, and was followed by estimation of genetic variances. The additive variance of ear length an...
Produksi teh menempati peringkat kedua pada sektor pertanian untuk nilai ekspor non migas sehingg... more Produksi teh menempati peringkat kedua pada sektor pertanian untuk nilai ekspor non migas sehingga teh memiliki peranan cukup penting bagi perekonomian negara. Salah satu faktor penting dalam budidaya teh adalah mutu bibit teh. Pembibitan teh dengan metode stek banyak digunakan karena dapat menghasilkan bibit dalam jumlah besar dengan mutu baik. Pembibitan teh banyak menggunakan media yang terdiri dari topsoil dan subsoil. Penggunaan topsoil dan subsoil berlebihan akan menyebabkan ketersediaannya terbatas sehingga menyebabkan kerusakan lingkungan. Cocopeat dan limbah media jamur (baglog) merupakan bahan yang dapat digunakan sebagai campuran media pembibitan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji penggunaan cocopeat dan baglog sebagai campuran media pembibitan teh dan mengenali komposisi yang optimal untuk media pembibitan. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan perlakuan Faktorial 3 x3 yang disusun dalam Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 4 ulangan. Faktor pertama berupa macam klon yaitu...
Sugar productivity of sugarcane is dependent on stalk yield and sucrose content which both influe... more Sugar productivity of sugarcane is dependent on stalk yield and sucrose content which both influenced by planting material. Due to the important of planting material, this study is intended to examine the influence of planting materials i.e. cutting as a control, bud set and bud chip, toward seed quality and the early growth of cane plant in the field. This study was arranged in completly randomized design, with two factors, which are six clones of sugarcane and three types of seedling materials. The results showed that there was an interactions between both factors on germination rate, vigor index, leaf numbers, internode numbers, tiller numbers, leaf area, root volume, root fresh weight, root dry weight, shoot fresh weight, and shoot dry weight. The early growth of seedling was dependent on the clone. According to shoot fresh weight, cutting was suitable for PS 881 and Bululawang. Bud set for PS 864 clone, whereas bud chip for PSJT 941 and Kidang Kencana. Three seedling materials...
Jurnal Penelitian Saintek, 2020
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan zat antikanker dan uji sitotoksitasnya pada T47D deng... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan zat antikanker dan uji sitotoksitasnya pada T47D dengan menggunakan metode pemupukan dan induksi pada tanaman Curcuma mangga Val. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Greenhouse milik Pusat Inovasi Agroteknologi Terpadu (PIAT) Universitas Gadjah Mada di Kalitirto, Kecamatan Berbah, Sleman, Yogyakarta. Waktu pelaksanaan awal Januari-Oktober 2019. Pelaksanaan penelitian dibagi menjadi 3 tahap. Tahap pertama penanaman dan pemupukan C. mangga Val. Pemupukan dilakukan menggunakan nitrogren (N) organik dari kompos daun-daun legume, fosfor (P) organik dari pupuk SP36, Kalium (K) dari KCl, dan kombinasi pupuk NPK. Tahap kedua adalah ekstraksi dan penetapan kandungan zat aktif menggunakan alat vaccum-rotavapor dan densitometer. Tahap ketigaadalah Uji sitotoksisitas (MTT Assay) menggunakan bahan Sel T47D, media RPMI, MTT, PBS, SDS, dan bahan-bahan disposable, serta ELISA reader. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pemupukan N organik pada C. mangga Val. mampu m...
Vegetalika, 2017
Bud chip has relatively short storage longevity. Its seed germination decreases after 2 days of s... more Bud chip has relatively short storage longevity. Its seed germination decreases after 2 days of storage without any treatment. Therefore, appropriate storage method is needed to lengthen bud chip's storage longevity, so the quality can be maintained on the plantation. This research was aimed to find out the best storage media and sugarcane clone to maintain bud chip quality. There was 3 x 4 + 1 factorials treatment design which arranged in completely randomized design (CRD). The first factor was storage media which rice husk ash with moisture 0, 20, 40 and 60% whereas the second factor was sugarcane clone. The sugarcane clones consisted of Kidang Kencana, Bululawang and VMC clone. Observations were done at 0, 4, 8 and 12 day after storage. The results showed that the interaction between clone and storage media gives real effects on moldy bud chip, dead bud chip, seed germination, and bud chips vigor index. There was no real interaction effect on the other variables.