The Free School - (original) (raw)

Papers by The Free School

Research paper thumbnail of Living on the freezing streets for 3 days in NYC - A real story

Download this book free at: This chronicle-narrative aims to build... more Download this book free at:

This chronicle-narrative aims to build a discussion about an obvious activity that I term
‘experiential journalism’. According to Google Scholar, the noun ‘experiential journalism’ is about
college curricula that exposes journalists to reality. Google offers one listing for the noun
‘experiential journalism’ on its first page in response to a search using this two-words string.
Jeanti St Clair (2015) is welcome to claim original ownership of this noun. My discussion of this
noun focuses on working journalists who embed themselves in real-life settings – as opposed to
students. In the spirit of this paper, discussion centers on the streets and not academia.

This paper has four distinct sections. The next, ‘Heavell’ objectively examines pros and cons of
living on the streets as a homeless person. The next three parts chronicle this writer’s experiences
living on the street for three days and three nights. I then offer a coherent conclusion of this
mildly traumatic encounter. The next segment offers practical advice about street life. Additional
annotated pictures from my plastic ethnography appear in the final header titled (bad) ‘Humor’.
This writer suspects that he almost died from acute hypothermia at 3:30 am on March 2nd, 2021.

Homeless homelessness homeless person street streets sleeping rough

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Research paper thumbnail of HIV and Cancers - Are Cheap Cures Available?

This text calls for readers to send this writer information, in confidence, about alternative pre... more This text calls for readers to send this writer information, in confidence, about alternative preventions and cures for labmade biowarfare diseases such as HIV, cancer and COVID19. This document contains two main sections. The first segment provides historical context for humanity’s war against the mass murder money making crime rackets of the Western Toxic Fake Pharma Industrial Complex (WtFPIC). The second part outlines five healthcare prevention and treatment categories. These classes in order are Potions, Herbs, Antibodies, Rituals and Marijuana. This document merely lists examples of interventions that certain agents allege are bona fide preventions and treatments for two chronic medical conditions: HIV/AIDS and cancers. It does not endorse medical examples cited. The final section talks about online privacy. It also offers a list of references for images shown in this modest booklet.
This offering is the precursor to an open-access handbook.
This forthcoming directory shall list alternative treatments and cures for cancer and HIV/AIDS that are not recognized by the Western Toxic Fake Pharma Industrial Complex.
medical industrial complex, modern medicine, complementary and alternative medicine, health sociology, fake medicine, hiv, aids, acquired immune deficiency syndrome, cancer, cancers, cure, cures, traditional medicine, acupuncture, herbal medicine, profits, therapies, TGA, FDA, food and drug administration

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Research paper thumbnail of Washington DC National Guard Troops - January Inauguration - On the Ground Download this file free at the link above Citizen Journalist accou... more
Download this file free at the link above

Citizen Journalist account of Washington DC at January 18, 2021 about mass National Guard and US Army Presence.

Please ignore fake news and consult citizens journalists.

DC, Washington DC, national guard, army, guards, trump, donald trump, president donald trump, inauguration, biden, joe biden, virtual inauguration, military, martial law, insurrenction act, insurrection, martial, police

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Research paper thumbnail of DC Pro Trump Rally January, 2021 - Fake Fox New Reporting Download this PDF free at Donald Trump, Washington DC, rally, prot... more
Download this PDF free at

Donald Trump, Washington DC, rally, protest, protestors, protestor, Biden, Joe Biden, Trump, Capitol Hill, riot, riots, Republicans, MAGA, Make America Great Again, Election, steal, police, national guard

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Research paper thumbnail of Pfizer Coronavirus Fake Eugenics Vaccine

Free book available at Search coronavirus, coronaviruses, covid19,... more Free book available at

coronavirus, coronaviruses, covid19, covid19, vaccine, pandemic, america, vaccines, new normal, social distancing, medical, cure, mark of the beast, 666, book of revelation, bible, biblical, microchip, nanochip, beijing virus, china virus, wuhan virus

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Research paper thumbnail of K2 Spice Synthetic Cannabis ethnography

Download direct at: This paper is a brief account of this author’s... more Download direct at:

This paper is a brief account of this author’s first-hand experience as a witness to a synthetic drug
known by two street names: K2 and Spice. Government sources equate this drug with other
proper nouns such as ‘synthetic cannabis’ and ‘cathinones’ (e.g. DoJ, 2020).
This writer’s concern about K2 centers on the cheapness and easy availability of this all-powerful
psychedelic drug. First-time users may experience a lucid hallucinogenic ‘trip’ for about thirty
cents (USD). This initial euphoria lasts about 30 minutes. The ‘come down’ (minor euphoria) may
last several hours. I question whether this low-cost, destructive illicit drug is subsidized by
powerful entities who aim to socially engineer chaos – i.e., corrode America’s social fabric from
within. These may include the usual anti-America apex mobsters such as the Nazi House of
Windsor, Venetian Mafia, Beijing, and rogue operatives in certain agencies (e.g. Jericho, 2020).

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Research paper thumbnail of Sugar and Spice: An accidental ethnography

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Research paper thumbnail of Child Exploitation in Cyber Spaces - Raising Public Awareness

Re: Raising awareness of child exploitation-Sexualization of children in public spaces Greetings ... more Re: Raising awareness of child exploitation-Sexualization of children in public spaces Greetings global community, The search engine instructions shown on page 3 of this public memo were forwarded to this writer by an anonymous concerned member of the public. This person claims that I am the only known recipient of this information. With their consent, I have since forwarded their email (minus their email identification and pseudonym) to this email address: The instructions below the line return two sets of images. The first response shows mildly sexualized images of white female children aged less than 11 years-average age circa 6 years. The second shows partly clad images of boys and girls aged under 11-in compromising poses. I do not encourage people to visit these sites via the search instructions provided unless they have a bona fide reason. Journalists, child exploitation (protection) researchers and law enforcement officers may be legitimate examples of those with lawful interest in this content.

CAUTION – Please read and/or act on this public notice at your own risk

This writer explicitly makes the point that the bulk of these files strongly resemble lawful images of part clad children that we see in public spaces such as children’s’ clothing catalogues (retailers) and Google responses to a search string such as “children’s swimwear”. Furthermore, all, or virtually all images are probably lawful to capture and disseminate in most nations.

There is no obvious/reasonable explanation why these specific search strings return images that overwhelmingly show images of children mostly aged under 9 years, wearing skimpy summer/beachy style clothing. This strange anomaly is the public interest issue.

Please act on this memo according to laws that regulate your jurisdictions (physical and online) and your own conscience.

Dr Jyonah Jericho

Public support (USA)
CAUTION – Please read and/or act on this public notice at your own risk

Quoting XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX [Email identify removed]

> Dear Jay,
> OK I will write more later but for now here is some evidence.
> Here is one code
> I think this code stands for images satanic ritual children angels
> could be a shout out to LEs Wes Victoria Secrets and la la could be
> the HQ for this los angeles known as LALA land
> "imgsrc"angelslala
> type that into the russian search engine yandex use the quotes/ no spaces
> first you
> google yandex
> go to yandex site
> type in the code above- then hit images
> you will see all the children
> do this now as it is still up- i just checked
> I took about 500 screen shots already from here - got as much as I
> could but then felt sick
> When I found out about this from Hanx I googled that on yandex srcusa
> and got a bunch of children but it was changed 24 hours later...i did
> NOT get screen shots from that
> so since they scrubbed srcusa.....
> i tried typng in srcamerica on yandex and there the children are again
> i just checked
> type in srcamerica no quotes no spaces now try it now
> still up
> /////////////

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Research paper thumbnail of Escape the MATRIX : Free Book Free book for download at this web page. This book is inspired by ... more
Free book for download at this web page.

This book is inspired by the Hollywood Movie the Matrix. If offers contemporary ideas about how people may aim to escape the global network of slavery control - if such as matrix exists.

Key words:
Neo, Trilogy, Morpheus, The Matrix, Matrix, Matrix Reloaded, The Matrix Reloaded, Artificial Intelligence, Rabbit Hole, Red pill, blue pill

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Research paper thumbnail of World Sports : 101 Magic & Tragic Moments

Book available for download at: Numerous sports texts feature the ... more Book available for download at:

Numerous sports texts feature the triumphs and tragedies of famed moments in
modern history. These near-indistinguishable, brilliant books feature the usual suspects – legends recognizable by one name: Maradona, Magic, Martina, Muhamad, Nadia, Babe et al.

This book aims to be a bit different. It examines sports milestones via a social lens. This may enable us to identify why some millisecond magical moments, and others, captivate our collective imaginations and inspire the masses decades after the event transpired. In the true spirit of sport, this book also strives to be fun. It takes
time out to present simple sports images that may convey meaning no deeper than the chance to choke on our chuckles.

This modest coffee table book strives to guide readers to freely assign their own interpretations to elite sports immortalities. May you be your own judge, jury and adjudicator. All ways, always.

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Research paper thumbnail of QAnon Phenomenon : Deep State War (Free book) Free book available for download at this link This book is about th... more
Free book available for download at this link
This book is about the Q Anon phenomenon also known as Q.

Key words
Q QAnon Q decode Q Clock Crumb Crumbs WWG1WGA
JFK JFK Junior Anon Anons President Donald J Trump
4 Chan 8 Chan Military Intelligence 8
Q drops great awakening
You have more than you know
Pepe Deep State FISA FISA gate
Declassification White Hat

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Research paper thumbnail of USA-China Trade War Article (Supplement to the Book)

USA China Trade War This news article supplements the free book titled "8 Reasons why C... more
This news article supplements the free book titled "8 Reasons why China Cannot Dominate the 21st Century". This free book is available at this web site.

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Research paper thumbnail of Civilization Resets : Free Book

Civilization Resets, 2019 Free book available for download at this home page. This book anal... more
Free book available for download at this home page.

This book analyzes the notion of civilization resets.
This includes an analysis of planned civilization resets and cataclysmic resets. The Tartarian Empire is a featured case study.
Discussions about civilization resets are introductory.

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Shoe fashion design template, 2019 This single page shoe fashion design check list is suitable for fas... more
This single page shoe fashion design check list is suitable for fashion design students and student fashion designers. It is available for download in PDF format direct at the web page above.

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Research paper thumbnail of 21 Religion Text Analysis Tools

This original diagram and inventory synthesizes and classifies 21 popular content analysis tools ... more This original diagram and inventory synthesizes and classifies 21 popular content analysis tools used by scholars of religious texts. This includes religions such as Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Buddhism. This classification carefully extracts 21 content analysis tools that may be mutually exclusive in certain contexts. This is not an exhaustive list. Tools that I have excluded from this list include: deconstruction and criticism.

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Research paper thumbnail of Freely interpreting Judeo-Christian teachings : Free book This book is about the Jewish Old Testament and the Christian Bib... more

This book is about the Jewish Old Testament and the Christian Bible. This book aims to offer an introduction to the ways that applied linguistics methods and other analysis tools may be usedto freely interpret Judeo-Christian content such as oral teachings, sacred texts and historic relics.

This book analyzes mainstream and fringe religious denominations and sects. Deep analysis is limited to English language sources. Discussion aims to adopt a universal, culture-neutral perspective. May readers constantly assess these claims and others in this book and freely form
their own observations based on factors such as their life experiences and independent research.

This book explores 21 interpretation methods including philology, exegesis, narrative analysis, rhetoric, ideology and metaphor analysis.

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Research paper thumbnail of Flight MH370 17 Fascinating Facts

This public consultation draft invites feedback from the public about the fate of Malaysia Airlin... more This public consultation draft invites feedback from the public about the fate of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370.

Key words : Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 Boeing 777 Malaysia China South Indian Ocean Flight MH17 Aviation

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Research paper thumbnail of Military Tribunals (USA): Citizen Journalists' Handbook

This book offers an introduction to American Law and American Military Law for Citizen Journalist... more This book offers an introduction to American Law and American Military Law for Citizen Journalists covering Military Tribunals in America's sovereign jurisdictions.

Key words : Military Tribunals , Uniform Code of Military Justice , GITMO , Guantanamo Bay , United States of America , Donald Trump , POTUSA , Military , Justice , Law of War , Enemy combatants , Justice Brett Kavanaugh , Senator Lindsey Graham

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Research paper thumbnail of Deep State Playbook 101 - 101 Ways that Globalists Depopulate and Enslave Humanity

Deep State Playbook 101 Download free at this link. This publication is about the Deep Sta... more
Download free at this link.

This publication is about the Deep State and pursues four core objectives.

This book:

• Defines the notion of the so-called ‘Deep State’;
• Outlines 101 tools that the Deep State uses to achieve short-term objectives;
• Analyzes the mechanisms that the Deep State uses to pursue its arch objective;
• Synthesizes an original diagram that summarizes the Deep State’s modus operandi.

This book is written for those with zero to little knowledge of the ‘Deep State’. It analyzes credible sources that claim a Deep State apparatus exists. Much discussion is cutting-edge. The Deep State’s existence has not mainstreamed in public knowledge during pre- or recorded history.

This book synthesizes the consensus that appears in various public sources. Examples include mainstream and alternative media reports, scholarly publications and institutional documents. Discussions are Western-centric. They focus on power structures in Europe, the Near East (e.g. Israel) and the United States of America (USA). These are the core locations of Deep State bases.

This book aims to arm readers with the tools required to form their own opinions. Much language in this book unambiguously informs the audience of the author’s informed opinions. May critical readers conduct their own independent research and always draw their own conclusions.

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Research paper thumbnail of Understanding Cryptocurrencies : Geopolitical Perspectives

This introductory book outlines the emergence of cryptocurrencies from a geopolitical perspective... more This introductory book outlines the emergence of cryptocurrencies from a geopolitical perspective. Analysis centres on the United States of America and BRICS members: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South America.

The dominant cryptocurrencies are examined. These are Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, Ripple and Litecoin.

Discussion explores fringe themes such as scams, religious literature and the notion of the so-called deep state.

Key words : Bitcoin Ethereum Litecoin Ripple Bitcoin cash Ripple Cryptocurrency Crypto Cryptocurrencies blockchain wallet mining virtual currency digital currency

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Research paper thumbnail of Living on the freezing streets for 3 days in NYC - A real story

Download this book free at: This chronicle-narrative aims to build... more Download this book free at:

This chronicle-narrative aims to build a discussion about an obvious activity that I term
‘experiential journalism’. According to Google Scholar, the noun ‘experiential journalism’ is about
college curricula that exposes journalists to reality. Google offers one listing for the noun
‘experiential journalism’ on its first page in response to a search using this two-words string.
Jeanti St Clair (2015) is welcome to claim original ownership of this noun. My discussion of this
noun focuses on working journalists who embed themselves in real-life settings – as opposed to
students. In the spirit of this paper, discussion centers on the streets and not academia.

This paper has four distinct sections. The next, ‘Heavell’ objectively examines pros and cons of
living on the streets as a homeless person. The next three parts chronicle this writer’s experiences
living on the street for three days and three nights. I then offer a coherent conclusion of this
mildly traumatic encounter. The next segment offers practical advice about street life. Additional
annotated pictures from my plastic ethnography appear in the final header titled (bad) ‘Humor’.
This writer suspects that he almost died from acute hypothermia at 3:30 am on March 2nd, 2021.

Homeless homelessness homeless person street streets sleeping rough

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Research paper thumbnail of HIV and Cancers - Are Cheap Cures Available?

This text calls for readers to send this writer information, in confidence, about alternative pre... more This text calls for readers to send this writer information, in confidence, about alternative preventions and cures for labmade biowarfare diseases such as HIV, cancer and COVID19. This document contains two main sections. The first segment provides historical context for humanity’s war against the mass murder money making crime rackets of the Western Toxic Fake Pharma Industrial Complex (WtFPIC). The second part outlines five healthcare prevention and treatment categories. These classes in order are Potions, Herbs, Antibodies, Rituals and Marijuana. This document merely lists examples of interventions that certain agents allege are bona fide preventions and treatments for two chronic medical conditions: HIV/AIDS and cancers. It does not endorse medical examples cited. The final section talks about online privacy. It also offers a list of references for images shown in this modest booklet.
This offering is the precursor to an open-access handbook.
This forthcoming directory shall list alternative treatments and cures for cancer and HIV/AIDS that are not recognized by the Western Toxic Fake Pharma Industrial Complex.
medical industrial complex, modern medicine, complementary and alternative medicine, health sociology, fake medicine, hiv, aids, acquired immune deficiency syndrome, cancer, cancers, cure, cures, traditional medicine, acupuncture, herbal medicine, profits, therapies, TGA, FDA, food and drug administration

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Research paper thumbnail of Washington DC National Guard Troops - January Inauguration - On the Ground Download this file free at the link above Citizen Journalist accou... more
Download this file free at the link above

Citizen Journalist account of Washington DC at January 18, 2021 about mass National Guard and US Army Presence.

Please ignore fake news and consult citizens journalists.

DC, Washington DC, national guard, army, guards, trump, donald trump, president donald trump, inauguration, biden, joe biden, virtual inauguration, military, martial law, insurrenction act, insurrection, martial, police

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Research paper thumbnail of DC Pro Trump Rally January, 2021 - Fake Fox New Reporting Download this PDF free at Donald Trump, Washington DC, rally, prot... more
Download this PDF free at

Donald Trump, Washington DC, rally, protest, protestors, protestor, Biden, Joe Biden, Trump, Capitol Hill, riot, riots, Republicans, MAGA, Make America Great Again, Election, steal, police, national guard

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Research paper thumbnail of Pfizer Coronavirus Fake Eugenics Vaccine

Free book available at Search coronavirus, coronaviruses, covid19,... more Free book available at

coronavirus, coronaviruses, covid19, covid19, vaccine, pandemic, america, vaccines, new normal, social distancing, medical, cure, mark of the beast, 666, book of revelation, bible, biblical, microchip, nanochip, beijing virus, china virus, wuhan virus

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Research paper thumbnail of K2 Spice Synthetic Cannabis ethnography

Download direct at: This paper is a brief account of this author’s... more Download direct at:

This paper is a brief account of this author’s first-hand experience as a witness to a synthetic drug
known by two street names: K2 and Spice. Government sources equate this drug with other
proper nouns such as ‘synthetic cannabis’ and ‘cathinones’ (e.g. DoJ, 2020).
This writer’s concern about K2 centers on the cheapness and easy availability of this all-powerful
psychedelic drug. First-time users may experience a lucid hallucinogenic ‘trip’ for about thirty
cents (USD). This initial euphoria lasts about 30 minutes. The ‘come down’ (minor euphoria) may
last several hours. I question whether this low-cost, destructive illicit drug is subsidized by
powerful entities who aim to socially engineer chaos – i.e., corrode America’s social fabric from
within. These may include the usual anti-America apex mobsters such as the Nazi House of
Windsor, Venetian Mafia, Beijing, and rogue operatives in certain agencies (e.g. Jericho, 2020).

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Research paper thumbnail of Sugar and Spice: An accidental ethnography

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Research paper thumbnail of Child Exploitation in Cyber Spaces - Raising Public Awareness

Re: Raising awareness of child exploitation-Sexualization of children in public spaces Greetings ... more Re: Raising awareness of child exploitation-Sexualization of children in public spaces Greetings global community, The search engine instructions shown on page 3 of this public memo were forwarded to this writer by an anonymous concerned member of the public. This person claims that I am the only known recipient of this information. With their consent, I have since forwarded their email (minus their email identification and pseudonym) to this email address: The instructions below the line return two sets of images. The first response shows mildly sexualized images of white female children aged less than 11 years-average age circa 6 years. The second shows partly clad images of boys and girls aged under 11-in compromising poses. I do not encourage people to visit these sites via the search instructions provided unless they have a bona fide reason. Journalists, child exploitation (protection) researchers and law enforcement officers may be legitimate examples of those with lawful interest in this content.

CAUTION – Please read and/or act on this public notice at your own risk

This writer explicitly makes the point that the bulk of these files strongly resemble lawful images of part clad children that we see in public spaces such as children’s’ clothing catalogues (retailers) and Google responses to a search string such as “children’s swimwear”. Furthermore, all, or virtually all images are probably lawful to capture and disseminate in most nations.

There is no obvious/reasonable explanation why these specific search strings return images that overwhelmingly show images of children mostly aged under 9 years, wearing skimpy summer/beachy style clothing. This strange anomaly is the public interest issue.

Please act on this memo according to laws that regulate your jurisdictions (physical and online) and your own conscience.

Dr Jyonah Jericho

Public support (USA)
CAUTION – Please read and/or act on this public notice at your own risk

Quoting XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX [Email identify removed]

> Dear Jay,
> OK I will write more later but for now here is some evidence.
> Here is one code
> I think this code stands for images satanic ritual children angels
> could be a shout out to LEs Wes Victoria Secrets and la la could be
> the HQ for this los angeles known as LALA land
> "imgsrc"angelslala
> type that into the russian search engine yandex use the quotes/ no spaces
> first you
> google yandex
> go to yandex site
> type in the code above- then hit images
> you will see all the children
> do this now as it is still up- i just checked
> I took about 500 screen shots already from here - got as much as I
> could but then felt sick
> When I found out about this from Hanx I googled that on yandex srcusa
> and got a bunch of children but it was changed 24 hours later...i did
> NOT get screen shots from that
> so since they scrubbed srcusa.....
> i tried typng in srcamerica on yandex and there the children are again
> i just checked
> type in srcamerica no quotes no spaces now try it now
> still up
> /////////////

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Research paper thumbnail of Escape the MATRIX : Free Book Free book for download at this web page. This book is inspired by ... more
Free book for download at this web page.

This book is inspired by the Hollywood Movie the Matrix. If offers contemporary ideas about how people may aim to escape the global network of slavery control - if such as matrix exists.

Key words:
Neo, Trilogy, Morpheus, The Matrix, Matrix, Matrix Reloaded, The Matrix Reloaded, Artificial Intelligence, Rabbit Hole, Red pill, blue pill

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Research paper thumbnail of World Sports : 101 Magic & Tragic Moments

Book available for download at: Numerous sports texts feature the ... more Book available for download at:

Numerous sports texts feature the triumphs and tragedies of famed moments in
modern history. These near-indistinguishable, brilliant books feature the usual suspects – legends recognizable by one name: Maradona, Magic, Martina, Muhamad, Nadia, Babe et al.

This book aims to be a bit different. It examines sports milestones via a social lens. This may enable us to identify why some millisecond magical moments, and others, captivate our collective imaginations and inspire the masses decades after the event transpired. In the true spirit of sport, this book also strives to be fun. It takes
time out to present simple sports images that may convey meaning no deeper than the chance to choke on our chuckles.

This modest coffee table book strives to guide readers to freely assign their own interpretations to elite sports immortalities. May you be your own judge, jury and adjudicator. All ways, always.

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Research paper thumbnail of QAnon Phenomenon : Deep State War (Free book) Free book available for download at this link This book is about th... more
Free book available for download at this link
This book is about the Q Anon phenomenon also known as Q.

Key words
Q QAnon Q decode Q Clock Crumb Crumbs WWG1WGA
JFK JFK Junior Anon Anons President Donald J Trump
4 Chan 8 Chan Military Intelligence 8
Q drops great awakening
You have more than you know
Pepe Deep State FISA FISA gate
Declassification White Hat

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Research paper thumbnail of USA-China Trade War Article (Supplement to the Book)

USA China Trade War This news article supplements the free book titled "8 Reasons why C... more
This news article supplements the free book titled "8 Reasons why China Cannot Dominate the 21st Century". This free book is available at this web site.

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Research paper thumbnail of Civilization Resets : Free Book

Civilization Resets, 2019 Free book available for download at this home page. This book anal... more
Free book available for download at this home page.

This book analyzes the notion of civilization resets.
This includes an analysis of planned civilization resets and cataclysmic resets. The Tartarian Empire is a featured case study.
Discussions about civilization resets are introductory.

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Shoe fashion design template, 2019 This single page shoe fashion design check list is suitable for fas... more
This single page shoe fashion design check list is suitable for fashion design students and student fashion designers. It is available for download in PDF format direct at the web page above.

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Research paper thumbnail of 21 Religion Text Analysis Tools

This original diagram and inventory synthesizes and classifies 21 popular content analysis tools ... more This original diagram and inventory synthesizes and classifies 21 popular content analysis tools used by scholars of religious texts. This includes religions such as Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Buddhism. This classification carefully extracts 21 content analysis tools that may be mutually exclusive in certain contexts. This is not an exhaustive list. Tools that I have excluded from this list include: deconstruction and criticism.

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Research paper thumbnail of Freely interpreting Judeo-Christian teachings : Free book This book is about the Jewish Old Testament and the Christian Bib... more

This book is about the Jewish Old Testament and the Christian Bible. This book aims to offer an introduction to the ways that applied linguistics methods and other analysis tools may be usedto freely interpret Judeo-Christian content such as oral teachings, sacred texts and historic relics.

This book analyzes mainstream and fringe religious denominations and sects. Deep analysis is limited to English language sources. Discussion aims to adopt a universal, culture-neutral perspective. May readers constantly assess these claims and others in this book and freely form
their own observations based on factors such as their life experiences and independent research.

This book explores 21 interpretation methods including philology, exegesis, narrative analysis, rhetoric, ideology and metaphor analysis.

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Research paper thumbnail of Flight MH370 17 Fascinating Facts

This public consultation draft invites feedback from the public about the fate of Malaysia Airlin... more This public consultation draft invites feedback from the public about the fate of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370.

Key words : Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 Boeing 777 Malaysia China South Indian Ocean Flight MH17 Aviation

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Research paper thumbnail of Military Tribunals (USA): Citizen Journalists' Handbook

This book offers an introduction to American Law and American Military Law for Citizen Journalist... more This book offers an introduction to American Law and American Military Law for Citizen Journalists covering Military Tribunals in America's sovereign jurisdictions.

Key words : Military Tribunals , Uniform Code of Military Justice , GITMO , Guantanamo Bay , United States of America , Donald Trump , POTUSA , Military , Justice , Law of War , Enemy combatants , Justice Brett Kavanaugh , Senator Lindsey Graham

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Research paper thumbnail of Deep State Playbook 101 - 101 Ways that Globalists Depopulate and Enslave Humanity

Deep State Playbook 101 Download free at this link. This publication is about the Deep Sta... more
Download free at this link.

This publication is about the Deep State and pursues four core objectives.

This book:

• Defines the notion of the so-called ‘Deep State’;
• Outlines 101 tools that the Deep State uses to achieve short-term objectives;
• Analyzes the mechanisms that the Deep State uses to pursue its arch objective;
• Synthesizes an original diagram that summarizes the Deep State’s modus operandi.

This book is written for those with zero to little knowledge of the ‘Deep State’. It analyzes credible sources that claim a Deep State apparatus exists. Much discussion is cutting-edge. The Deep State’s existence has not mainstreamed in public knowledge during pre- or recorded history.

This book synthesizes the consensus that appears in various public sources. Examples include mainstream and alternative media reports, scholarly publications and institutional documents. Discussions are Western-centric. They focus on power structures in Europe, the Near East (e.g. Israel) and the United States of America (USA). These are the core locations of Deep State bases.

This book aims to arm readers with the tools required to form their own opinions. Much language in this book unambiguously informs the audience of the author’s informed opinions. May critical readers conduct their own independent research and always draw their own conclusions.

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Research paper thumbnail of Understanding Cryptocurrencies : Geopolitical Perspectives

This introductory book outlines the emergence of cryptocurrencies from a geopolitical perspective... more This introductory book outlines the emergence of cryptocurrencies from a geopolitical perspective. Analysis centres on the United States of America and BRICS members: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South America.

The dominant cryptocurrencies are examined. These are Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, Ripple and Litecoin.

Discussion explores fringe themes such as scams, religious literature and the notion of the so-called deep state.

Key words : Bitcoin Ethereum Litecoin Ripple Bitcoin cash Ripple Cryptocurrency Crypto Cryptocurrencies blockchain wallet mining virtual currency digital currency

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Research paper thumbnail of Cyber Privacy is a Fantasy. Spiritually Sick Undercover Agents.

Cyber Security Cyber Privacy Handbook

Download free direct at: This text offers readers introductory lev... more Download free direct at:

This text offers readers introductory level advice that may
aid them to maximize their invisibility and privacy when they
conduct their lawful affairs in online and offline situations.
It contains three main sections. The first provides context.
Discussion identifies the types of agents who covertly
monitor others’ affairs. The data types they seek appears in
the subsection titled ‘Information’. It also outlines the rights
and remedies available for those who seek to retain privacy.
The second part outlines how software and hardware are
deployed and infiltrated to secretly collect private data.
The conclusion reiterates the core argument that the notion
of privacy for the individual in online domains is a myth. The
practical 11-point checklist in this chapter may aid readers
to outfox amateur and mediocre hackers and online spies.
The final subsection ‘Examination’ illustrates seven online
search strategies that may verify an online identity.

This handbook offers elementary advice for those who seek to maximize their privacy when they engage in online and offline domains. Case studies center on the online realm for journalists and related careers such as investigative researchers.

Privacy, cyberspace, cyber privacy, online privacy, private, private browser, internet security, IT security, AI, artificial intelligence, spies, spying, law enforcement

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Research paper thumbnail of Joe Biden - Celebrating his fabulous, mysterious first week on the job Download this free book here Joe Biden, Joe, biden, USA, America, ... more
Download this free book here

Joe Biden, Joe, biden, USA, America, president, presidency, donald trump, president donald trump, q, qanon, inauguration, Washington, DC, Washington DC, military, national guard

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Research paper thumbnail of Comet Ping Pong Pizzagate - Unproven Folk Lore Free to download at this link This book is about the unproven Come... more
Free to download at this link

This book is about the unproven Comet Ping Pong Pizzagate folk lore legend that persists in social media. This book argues that this theme is a classic case of trial by social media. At January 2021, Pizzagate exists in the realm of unofficial websites such as Wikileaks.

Wikileaks, podesta, anthony podesta, john podesta, pizza, comet ping pong, comet, Washington DC, DC, pedophilia, court, arrests, charges, Liz Crokin, Washington, child trafficking

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Research paper thumbnail of USA Election 2020 Electoral Litigation Directory of Cases

File available for download at This dossier provides an online poi... more File available for download at

This dossier provides an online point of reference for all known official court documents that relate to legal challenges against Electoral College results from America’s 2020 Federal Election.
Web links point to reputable official databases such as a court .gov website or a recognized law authority such as Justia. All documents obtained from sources have been cross referenced for accuracy. Some privately issued official court documents are not yet available via .gov sites. Reduction in staffing for the festive season
Shutdown and COVID19 may explain this. This directory has three main parts. Part A lists cases that were filed prior to the Federal Election
on November 3, 2020. Part B lists cases that were filed after the Federal Election on November 3, 2020. Both sections list these cases by state jurisdiction, in A-to-Z alphabetical order. Part C annexes a page of the website titled ‘Democracy Docket’. This directory lists cases that relate to Federal Election challenges that predate 2019. Most of these cases are not listed in Parts A or B. This booklet guides readers to consult official documents at the source to freely draw informed
conclusions. Corrupt, phony entities such as Wikipedia and mainstream corporate fake news such as CNN and The New York Times are biased. They selectively cite and omit developments. This dossier is correct as of December 29, 2020. Any omissions or errors are honest oversights.

Key words : Sidney Powell, Donald Trump, Rudolph Giuliani, Democrats, Republican, US Supreme Court, Dominion, Voting Machines, foreign interference, ballots, covid 19, covid-19, coronavirus, supreme court

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Research paper thumbnail of Creative Writing Handbook - Becoming a Complete Writer in all Genres

This book is for and about amazing you. It contains three main parts beyond this section. The nex... more This book is for and about amazing you. It contains three main parts beyond this section. The next, ‘Creatives’ and ‘Control’ explores each notion separately. Part three examines the all-important G-forces: Grail and Grails. Discussions in this chapter underpin the thematic title and core pursuit of this book – aiding writers to identify and tightly define
the core goal or goals that they desire to realize from their textual quests and conquests.

Part four explores 17 popular writing genres and provides an original example of each. Four of these illustrations are first-time attempts by this writer to compose a script in a foreign discipline that is outside his comfort zone and areas of interest. May these modest,
raw offerings embolden you to likewise experiment at becoming a complete writer. The penultimate chapter, Part five, explores six topics that may aid writers to answer the holy grail writer’s question, as defined by this author. These topics in order are: Spelling, scripts, styles, solo writing, champions (i.e., role models) and circulation.
This book does not aim to teach readers how to develop most technical skills required of
competent writers. Open-access and commercial literature available on these topics are
mature. Engaging these topics are best served by a medley of resources such as
handbooks, video presentations, college curricula and years of dedicated writing practice.
Part I Publishers’ edition © Jericho 15
The concluding part of most sections and each chapter is titled ‘Further reading’. These
parts offer one or two open-access resources that explore material discussed in that
section/chapter in further detail. The principal pursuit of this book aims to help you to
identify the core goal/s that may motivate you to be the best writer possible in your
chosen fields. There is a dearth of literature that unravels this all-important journey.
This book is suitable for informal educational settings and structured teaching
environments. It may support writers of all skill levels who thrive from learning solo, in
groups or a mixture thereof. It may also guide Creative Writing Professors who teach
applied education courses at all levels – from certificate to Graduate-level coursework.

Creative writing author authors authorship publication publishing self-publishing self-publication writing creativity Creative Writing 101

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Research paper thumbnail of Australia Mandatory COVID19 Coronavirus Vaccine.

This booklet is about Australia’s rapid slide towards a dark, dystopian authoritarian Orwellian s... more This booklet is about Australia’s rapid slide towards a dark, dystopian authoritarian Orwellian state. It explains how Australia’s International English Language Testing System (IELTS) global human trafficking crime racket is root cause of this phenomenon. Topics in this booklet are discussed in abstract form. This author has published several
open-access (free) books since 2018 that explain these key issues in full detail. You may access these texts via the references section of this book. Key documents include: ‘University of Sydney – Human Trafficking Criminal’ (317 pages, 2018). ‘Consanguineous Chrome Clan’ [House of Windsor Crime Family] (117 pages, 2019).
‘Coronavirus Handbook: He Said, She Said’ [COVID19 vaccine scam] (132 pages, 2020). I welcome direct contact from readers who have questions about these books. Priority in responding will be afforded to those who are willing to act lawfully to neutralize highranking
transnational human trafficking criminals who harbor inside Australia’s
jurisdictions. These include mobsters such as Scott Morrison and Andrew Barkla. In 2018, more than 500,000 Australians received a copy of the University of Sydney book.
We conveniently ignored our mass human trafficking crimes which earn us billions of dollars in easy, sleazy cash. COVID19 payback time has arrived. Our freedom is gone.

coronavirus, coronaviruses, covid19, covid-19, coronavirus covid19, coronavirus covid19, wuhan virus, china virus, ccp virus, vaccine, vaccines, bill gates, mark of the beast, revelation, book of revelation, pandemic, united nations world health organization

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Research paper thumbnail of C o r o n a v i r u s  C O V I D 1 9   Fa k e  V a c c i n e  S c a m

Download this book direct free at this link

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Research paper thumbnail of Budding Writers - Holy Grail Question. Can you answer it? Free book available for download at Class Act The Glass Castle by... more
Free book available for download at

Class Act

The Glass Castle by Jeanette Walls (2005) is set in the late 1950s to the 1980s. It is reminiscent of a torturous marriage of The Grapes of Wrath and To Kill a Mockingbird. Wall’s text is half as heartening as these classics. Yup – it’s a good one.

This novel is a diplomatically adapted chronicle of the life of Jeanette Walls. It’s recounted through her wise voice from age three, a child prodigy, to a twenty something twice married self-made Manhattan-based elite journalist. This memoir’s magic may appeal to those who romanticize nomadic clan lifestyles.

This gifted storyteller spins tales of the ten plus townships that eschew and spew the misfit Walls wagon – mom, dad and their four siblings, as they drift semi-aimlessly around America’s Western desert states. Unbeknown to Jeannette the minor, her eccentric mother was secretly and knowingly a landowning millionaire for the bulk of her impoverished, dirt-faced, famished childhood.

The lion’s share of this work centers around Wall’s life in Welch County. It is debatable whether Jeanette replicates or renounces stereotypes about so-called Appalachian hillbilly communities of West Virginia and Southern states. Most likely to latter. Compassion, logic, and insight are staples throughout her rocky road adventure.

The bond between Jeannette, daddy’s favorite, and her father, is the dominant relationship that Walls deploys to deconstruct a rich narrative of life’s lessons: fortitude, fortune, and failure. Jeanette is most tolerant of the patriarch’s incessant drunkenness, walkout walkabouts, violence, self-destructive, self-entitled ways. She forgives him almost immediately for renting her 13-years old body to a mature-aged would-be rapist, who pins her down while two pals cheerlead from the sidelines. Daddy Rex callously ignores her cries of attempted rape as he lounges like a lizard in a dive bar downstairs (pp. 212-213).

This plot’s subtext covertly promotes unconditional understanding and forbearance that glues many, maybe most dysfunctional families from cradle to grave. This mini masterpiece may force readers to assess where they truly stand on one of the most complex hypotheticals that torments those from broken families, long after their folks’ funerals.

If mom and dad were just our nasty neighbors, would we give them the time of day?

Jeanette Walls is a commanding protagonist in more ways than ten. According to her scripture, divorce of family aren’t options.

You may feel profound loss when the last lines are speed read. Like mourning a mentor. And a buck-toothed best buddy.

ISBN-10: 9780743247542
ISBN-13: 978-0743247542

Nina Simone’s brazen biography begs a prickly question that muso critics galore ponder decades after her death. How can music historians rate the standing of top selling ‘artists’ who forge their name belting out covers and first edition numbers composed by others? A divisive debate indeed.

Artists who have shifted millions of units singing other’s tunes are a penny a pound. Britney, Elton, and Celine are first name members of this long-listed lucrative clique.

Some of Simon’s trademark tunes are from bygone eras. I Put A Spell on You (Simone, 1965) was composed by Jay Hawkins a decade prior. Nina’s immortal interpretation of Feeling Good released in 1965 showcases her ability to own a tune that few realize was first sung by another artist. Cy Grant’s debut version is excruciatingly cheesy. A subjective assessment, of course.

Simone (1965) is credited as the original singer of the classic Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood penned by Benjamin, Cauldwell & Marcus. Covers by acts such as The Animals and Elvis Costello are generally regarded as reinterpretations of Simone’s vocals.
Nina’s iconic fame may stem from her image, intellect, and intimacy. Few Motown mommas’ wardrobes are worthy of comparison to the trend-setting Jackson Five posse. Simone is a lifelong member of this super-elite club. Her bouffant afros, chic head scarves, kitsch accessories and low-cut crocheted frocks epitomize feminine images of Motown’s heyday.

Nina’s candid, camera loving interviews showcase a deep-thinking, smarty arty soul. She openly criticizes social injustices such as racism, sexism and classism and fear-based self-censorship. ‘Me’, ‘myself’ and ‘I’ feature prominently in these rants that may relegate her art as secondary.

Nina’s ability to command the undivided attention of savvy close-up crowds in swanky piano bars may crystallize her musical legacy. Her husky, somber baritone velvety vocals are unmistakably signature-style. Simone’s analog originals are worthy of Smithsonian archival.

Nina’s tortured incarnation may ultimately define her narrative. Showbusiness in her prime was a treacherous cesspit for self-made wannabes from the hood. Being a single, black female was a handicap that she triumphed with legendary grace.

According to folklore, Simone confronted music executives at gunpoint and demanded payment of a stack of swindled royalties. To be a fly on the wall. I wonder what the Queen of Gorgeous lipped to these married white daddies?

Perhaps this sanguine songbird borrowed from Bessie’s depression days ditty.
“I need a little sugar in my bowl” © Williams et al. (1931)

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Research paper thumbnail of Body Doubles? Circus Tricks. Pop Corn Munching Stuff. Free book available for download at The cover page features Prince... more
Free book available for download at

The cover page features Princess Harry? I think?

doppelganger, doppelgangers, doppelgänger, doppelgängers, bodydouble, bodydoubles, body doubles, disguise, disguises, camouflage, green screen, plastic surgery, wigs, holograms, cgi, computer generated imagery, hologram, deep fake, deepfake, deep fakes, deepfakes, clone, clones, computer generated images, photoshop, airbrush, airbrushed, fake, fake news, wig, kgb, cia, mi6, spy, spies, House of Windsor Crime Family, digital, tricks, special effect, special effects, make up

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Research paper thumbnail of George Floyd False Flag Murder. Book of Questions. {Free Book} Download this book free at this link. This book is ab... more
Download this book free at this link.

This book is about what this author neutrally terms the
‘George Floyd Event’. It contains two distinct parts.
This introductory segment contains seven discussion
sections that establishes this text’s objective and scope. It
outlines tools available to critical thinkers and researchers
that may enable us to draw better conclusions than the lies
propagated by fake news such as CNN and Snopes. The final
section tables dozens of critical questions in context.
Annex 1 bullet points seven questions that may arouse the
curiosity of independent researchers. The core objective of
this document seeks to guide novice media researchers
towards the basic skills and primary evidence that leads
humanity to draw well-informed, free-willed conclusions.
Analysis centers around the theme of numbers. Numerical
inquiry allows us to objectively measure facts and fiction.
Quantifiable information may be the key that unlocks the
many enigmas that underpin the tragic George Floyd even

george floyd, george perry floyd jr, derek chauvin, thomas lane, j alexander kueng, tou thao, minnesota, minneapolis, riots, black lives matter, minnesota police department, murder, race, racism, hennepin, hennepin county, donald trump, democrats, trial, court, neck, false flag, fake news, darnella frazier, george, floyd, ben crump, coronavirus, coroner, autopsy

This book is about the death of George Floyd Jr from North Carolina. It looks at his lasting legacy in terms of Black Lives Matter and the end of institutional racism in America's constabulary.

George Floyd, Derek Chauvin, Minneapolis, Minnesota Police Department, Black Lives Matter

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Research paper thumbnail of George Floyd Murder Trial. Official .Gov Evidence Handbook. Free PDF. Free book available at this link. Re: George Floyd, George Perry F... more
Free book available at this link.

Re: George Floyd, George Perry Floyd Jr, Derek Michael Chauvin.

This book is about what this author neutrally terms the
‘George Floyd event’. A tragedy. It contains four parts.
Section One is an inventory of official state and federal
government agencies such as County Sheriff websites. Part
Two provides a listing of privately owned databases. The
segment on page 2 offers a list of official databases that will
publicize new material about the George Floyd murder trials
in forthcoming weeks, months, and years. A handful other
additional databases are listed in this book’s body.
It is possible that some, most or all official evidence are
partially or entirely flawed. Please take nothing for granted.
This book urges readers to mostly consult official original
evidence sources direct in their full unedited format. Fake
news crime agencies such as CNN and The New York Times
may exclude, edit, sequence, and fabricate ‘evidence’ to suit
their transparent Order out of Chaos toxic R Card agenda.

This book provides a link to official evidence that concerns the George Floyd murder trials. This inventory may aid novice researchers to avoid analyzing corrupt fake ‘factcheck ‘ sites such as Snopes.

george perry floyd jr, george floyd, tou thao, thomas kiernan lane, alexander kueng, minnesota, Minneapolis, police, arrest, choke, neck, murder, manslaughter, second degree murder, black, white, race, racism, riots, civil liberties, FBI, president donald trump, black lives matter, derek chauvin, derek michael chauvin, darnelle frazier, 17, seventeen, coroner, medical report, corona virus, Ben crump law, national guard, martial law, coronavirus, autopsy, minnesota police department, attorney general, civil rights, hennepin county, plea deal, plea bargain, trial

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Research paper thumbnail of George Floyd Death in Custody - What Really Happened? (Free Book)

Free book available at this link This book is about what this author neutrally terms the ‘George... more Free book available at this link

This book is about what this author neutrally terms the
‘George Floyd event’. A tragedy. It contains three parts
beyond this page that celebrates George’s life and legacy.
The next segment, Red Flags, analyzes thematic issues that
arouse suspicion concerning official narratives.
Part Three examines critical matters that surrounds the two
main eyewitness types on the ground – Emergency Services
Personnel and members of the public.
Part Four lists the six types of evidence that may arouse
researchers. The concluding case study explores how the
television smash hit series Roseanne provides a lens to
comprehend the connection between MK Ultra fake news
and irrational social problems that persist in America.
This book minimizes showing photo images of George and
discussing facts about his private life. Mr Floyd never made
it to trial. George is innocent of all accusations re May 25th.
He is not the person facing trial for a senseless murder.

This book analyzes themes about the arrest and death of George Floyd via a compassionate Deep State perspective.

George Floyd, Derek Michael Chauvin, Thomas Lane, Tou Thao, Alexander Kueng, Darnelle Frazier, Minnesota, Minnesota Police Department, Choke strangulation neck suffocation death murder,
manslaughter, riots, civil liberties, racism, black, white, police officers,
George Perry Floyd Jr, false flag, murder, Minneapolis

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Research paper thumbnail of Coronavirus COVID-19 Vaccine : Mass Murder Eugenics? (Free Book) Free book download at this link above This book is about a future ... more
Free book download at this link above

This book is about a future COVID-19 vaccine. It
contains three parts beyond this section, ‘Vials’.
The next segment contains seven sections. It centers on the
powers in the shadows who promote and fight phenomena
such as “Bill Gates and his vaccine agenda” (e.g. Air, 2020).
Part Three examines impotent puppets and sycophants who
shill these dubious vaccine agenda on the frontlines. These
include so-called ‘educators’ and naïve healthcare workers.
‘Vermicelli’ looks at the two dominant agents who push and
resist universal vaccine agenda. The Conservative Christian
collective and its allies spearhead this resistance movement.
The RO Club, Plus One are their arch opposition.
The final body section, ‘Venom’, theorizes that the
termination of the House of Windsor Crime Family is the
trending endgame. The COVID-19 diagnosis of England’s
Germanic King Charles is the adrenochrome colored flag.


Bill Gates, Microsoft, Vaccine, Eugenics, Genocide, COVID-19, Coronavirus, Malthus, Gates, Deborah Birx, Anthony Fauci, Wuhan Virus, China Virus, CCP Virus, America, President Donald Trump, Xi Jinping, China, Social distancing, virus, covid-19 vaccine, coronavirus vaccine, 666, mark of the beast, revelation, book of revelation, end times, tribulation, microchip, surveillance, tracking, contact tracing

Publication Number

House of Windsor Crime Family

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Research paper thumbnail of NESARA : Global Financial Reset - Part 2 (2020). Free Book. Download this book at the link above. NESARA National Econo... more
Download this book at the link above.

NESARA National Economic Security and Reformation Act
National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act
National Economic Security and Recovery Act
NESSA National Economic Security Strategy Act (2018) (Unenacted Bill)
GESARA May substitute the word ‘National’ for ‘Global’ in NESARA acronyms above.

This book is about the enigmatic NESARA. It contains four
parts beyond this summary page.
The next segment, the largest, contains six sub-sections.
Discussion centers on post June 2019 political and economic
developments as publicly reported by a range of sources.
Part Three examines alternative news sources that outline
information that is implicitly and explicitly relevant to the
essence of the fabled NESARA global economic reset model.
The penultimate chapter places NESARA in the Coronavirus
COVID-19 false flag, black swan ‘plannedemic’ context.
The conclusion centers on policy and financial developments
that are unfolding in real-time that are relevant to the
possible implementation of a stealth version of NESARA.
Discussion centers around America’s place in a local financial
reset. Any version of NESARA that involves America is bound
to have profound transnational implications.

This book supplements NESARA: Part I published by this
writer in June 2019. Readers may access a free digital
copy of this 201 pages document c/- the references
section of this text (Jericho, 2019).
The offering in this text, Part II, contains minimum
repetition from the Part 1 volume. I encourage readers
to peruse the first version prior to reading Part II.
There is confusion in public sources about the meaning of the NESARA acronym.

NESARA, GESARA, Globlal Financial Reset, Quantum Computing, Recession, Depression, Economic Collapse, Digital Currency, Bitcoin, One world currency, Donald Trump, China, America

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Research paper thumbnail of Boycott Beijing Bureau: Free Handbook (2020) - COVID-19 Response Free book available at this link This book explores the fast-growi... more
Free book available at this link

This book explores the fast-growing ‘boycott China’ movement. Subscribers to this project claim that China is the architect of the mass destructive COVID-19 Pandemic. This text’s title refers to Beijing and not China. Claims and sentiments in this book are directed towards China’s
Communist Party (CCP) and not its champion people.
The first section explores context. It outlines the most
prominent Crimes against Humanity that accusers claim is
perpetrated by the CCP within China’s borders and beyond.
The next part places Beijing’s alleged crimes in a world
context. It identifies its global business partners. This global
deep state crime cartel may be dissolving in real-time.
The penultimate section explores global reach industries
that Beijing controls. It concludes by reiterating Crimes
against Humanity that have been perpetrated against
Chinese nationals by Europe’s inbred Royal Crime Families.

This book is aimed at those who have a strong interest in boycotting bloodthirsty Beijing. May we find ways to do this without hurting many innocents such as Chinese nationals and ethnic Chinese. May we see
them as our beloved family.

Beijing CCP Chinese communist party CCP Wuhan Virus CCP Virus China Virus Trade War China Australia Beijing boycott COVID19 NESARA South China Sea Trade BRICS Xi Jinping Donald Trump NESARA
Intellectual Property Theft War India Australia

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Research paper thumbnail of Coronavirus Handbook: Patent 060606 Human Digital Chip Implant (Free Book) Free book available at Coronavirus COVID-19: Bill Gates Vaccine Cr... more
Free book available at

Coronavirus COVID-19: Bill Gates Vaccine Cryptocurrency Chip Patent Registration 060606 (Free Handbook).

Free book available at

This revised book updates to Microsoft Human Cryptocurrency Implant Chip, Patent Registration 060606 registered by Bill Gates / Microsoft. Covid-19 Coronavirus researchers link this development to the so-called End Times and the Mark of the Beast, as supposedly prophecized in the Book of Revelation.

Key terms Coronavirus COVID-19 COVID19 Wuhan Virus China Virus CCP Virus Coronavirus Economic Recession Depression Economic Collapse Bill Gates Microsoft Dr Anthony Fauci China America Donald Trump Mark of the Beast Book of Revelation
Revelation 13:16-17 Virus Pandemic WHO World Health Organization
NESARA 666 Mark of the Beast 666 Digital Currency Cryptocurrency
Coronavirus COVID-19

This book is about the Coronavirus COVID-19 ‘event’. It is an
inventory of dominant news themes. Researchers may draw
on these topics to conduct free inquiries into COVID-19.
This text contains six major sections beyond its global
perspective introduction. The next part critically examines
COVID-19 healthcare coding and treatment practices.
The third segment outlines critical thinking research skills
that may aid free-willed COVID-19 news reporters.
Part Four examines geo-political undercurrents for the six
main players: China, Italy, Iran, Korea, the UK, and Spain.

The penultimate component explores the alleged epicenter
of the economic and human impact of COVID-19: America.
This book’s summary explores four popular theories about
the core who, what, when, where, why, and how riddles that
torment those why try to decrypt the COVID-19 scam.

Digital Chip Implant Mark of the Beast 666 Bill Gates Microsoft
Tribulation Revelation End Times

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Research paper thumbnail of Coronavirus: Economic Depression Survival 101 - A to Z Budget Tips (Free Book) Free book available at This text offers practical finance survival... more
Free book available at

This text offers practical finance survival tips. It responds to the Coronavirus COVID-19 ‘event’. This economic lock down is shrinking personal income and stretching budgets.

The first part looks at ways that people can cease inefficient spending habits and get value-for-money from purchases.

The next section explores how people can realize new income sources in the unfolding new economic world order.

Concluding discussion tries to make sense of this new economic order which seems to be in an early reset phase.

Each financial tip offers a realistic example that has near-universal applications. Discussion is Western centric. It focuses on amazing America in about half of all illustrations.

There is no agenda to change people’s attitudes towards their economy and society. This author merely aims to offer guidance to those who are struggling to make-ends-meet.

Social Distancing China America Masks
The National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act
National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act
Depression recession debt student loans credit credit cards

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Research paper thumbnail of Coronavirus COVID19 - Handbook (Free Book) Download this handbook free at the link above. This free book is a... more
Download this handbook free at the link above.

This free book is about Coronavirus COVID19. This free book is a comprehensive list of media and medical themes that surround this false flag fake news pandemic. It invites readers to adopt a critical reflective approach to reviewing information about Coronavirus COVID-19.

Coronavirus, COVID-19, COVID19, Coronavirus COVID-19, virus, sars, sudden acute respiratory syndrome, CDC, Center for Disease Control and Prevention, WHO, World Heath Organization, European Center for Disease Control, Social distancing, Donald Trump, Hydroxychloroquine, Wuhan, China, Anthony Fauci, Deborah Birx, Tedros Adhanom, Bill Gates, Vaccine, Vaccines, global financial reset, NESARA, Pandemic

This book is about the Coronavirus COVID-19 ‘event’. It is an
inventory of dominant news themes. Researchers may draw
on these topics to conduct free inquiries into COVID-19.
This text contains six major sections beyond its global
perspective introduction. The next part critically examines
COVID-19 healthcare coding and treatment practices.
The third segment outlines critical thinking research skills
that may aid free-willed COVID-19 news reporters.
Part Four examines geo-political undercurrents for the six
main players: China, Italy, Iran, Korea, the UK, and Spain.

The penultimate component explores the alleged epicenter
of the economic and human impact of COVID-19: America.
This book’s summary explores four popular theories about
the core who, what, when, where, why, and how riddles that
torment those why try to decrypt the COVID-19 scam.

The World Health Organization has apparently explained the origin of the name COVID-19 which it awarded to this newly recognized strain of the Coronavirus family.

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Research paper thumbnail of Coronavirus COVID19, Economic Reset: Mirror, Mirror on the Wall (Free Book) Free book available at this link This book places the Coronavirus ... more
Free book available at this link

This book places the Coronavirus COV19 fake news false flag economic reset and Deep State round up in context of Project Looking Glass.

Coronavirus COVID19 Corona Virus Covid-19 Economic Reset Global Financial Reset NESARA Economic Depression Project Looking Glass

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Research paper thumbnail of Print Press Prospects: Journalism's Future (Free Book, 2020) Free book available at this link This book is about the future of ... more
Free book available at this link

This book is about the future of journalism - print journalism in particular. It explores ethical, disclosure and justification issues that will shape this profession. It looks at the imperative of creating a local, regional and global accreditation such as a Certified Journalism Professional (CPJ) Graduate Level designation.

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This document overviews the Writing Task 1 graph and table analysis component of the Internationa... more This document overviews the Writing Task 1 graph and table analysis component of the International English Language Testing System (IELT
S) Academic version of this exam. This document is suitable for scholars who are able to write at the intermediate, upper-
intermediate and advanced levels. It is also suitable for qualified IELTS instructors and trainee IELTS tutors. The first document in this se
ries is available at the link below:

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Research paper thumbnail of How to write a successful motivation letter

Objective: This booklet aims to offer information that may aid college, employment and scholarshi... more Objective: This booklet aims to offer information that may aid college, employment and scholarship applicants to write a motivation letter that maximizes their chance of success. The guidelines for this motivation statement are generic. Applicants should consult the guidelines for the motivation letter as stated in the official guidelines.

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Research paper thumbnail of How to write an A+ High Distinction academic essay

This presentation aims to: ● Define the term “essay” and explore six different popular essay type... more This presentation aims to:
● Define the term “essay” and explore six different popular essay types;
● Discuss the core attributes that most essays are expected to contain;
● Discuss advanced writer tips that distinguish High Distinction (Grade
A+) essays from other essays which score a lower grade;
● Offer examples of each principle that are discussed.
This presentation is most suitable for students who plan to write extended, analytical discussion style essays primarily in the following disciplines: Arts, humanities, social sciences, health sciences, law and business. The advice offered may also be useful for scholars who study other disciplines such as: architecture, music and fine arts.

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Research paper thumbnail of SAT exam : 450 free official exam preparation resources

This document provides an inventory of around 450 free official test preparation resources and ex... more This document provides an inventory of around 450 free official test preparation resources and exam practice materials that aim to assist instructors and those who plan to sit the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) examination. All resources have been published by The College Board who administers/develops the SAT exam, or their official business partner, Khan Academy.

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Research paper thumbnail of 550 free official Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) exam preparation resources

550 free official Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) exam preparation resources. All resou... more 550 free official Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) exam preparation resources. All resources are authored or endorsed by the Graduate Management Admission Council who designs and administers the GMAT.

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Research paper thumbnail of 400 free official IELTS exam preparation resources

IELTS Review Project Please visit the IELTS Fraud Scam Review ... more

Please visit the IELTS Fraud Scam Review Project at the link above

IELTS is a global human trafficking fraud crime racket that awards millions of fake scores of 6.5 fail for writing. This scam makes sure that most people cannot qualify for migration to Canada and must purchase more fake tests, that they will never pass.

This presentation lists more than 400 official resources for IELTS instructors and for those who plan to take the International English Language Testing Exam in the future.
Those people who want to refer to the free 400 resources may access the link below. In no way do I recommend that any person waste their time and money paying money to IELTS, which is nothing more than a fraudulent human trafficking mafia cartel.

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Research paper thumbnail of Harvard, Chicago, APA and MLA Academic Referencing Style Guides Simplified

This presentation provides an overview of the key features of four popular academic referencing s... more This presentation provides an overview of the key features of four popular academic referencing style guides listed on Google Scholar: Harvard, Chicago, APA and MLA. This presentation summarizes the six major scenarios that require an academic reference and explains the rationale for each situation. Discussion aims to simplify the common
elements found in detailed style guides published by post-secondary educational institutions.

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Research paper thumbnail of Theorizing the civil-military education gap in the Huntingtonian tradition

The Soldier and the State offers a framework that assists scholars to identify the multiplicity o... more The Soldier and the State offers a framework that assists scholars to identify the multiplicity of reasons why the teaching practices and training regimes that exist in civilian institutions diverge to at least some degree when compared to those of the armed forces, including its
military academies (Huntington, 1957, pp. 83–85 & 311–312). The insular culture of the military institution and its preoccupation with teaching science disciplines are defining features of the armed force’s education and training regimes. Building on the notion of the
Huntingtonian “civil–military gap” ( e.g. Morgan 2001, pp. 108), I term these differences between civilian and military training and education regimes the ‘civil–military education gap’.

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Research paper thumbnail of IELTS Global Lawsuit : USD$100 billion compensation Greetings IELTS stakeholders, Thi... more

Greetings IELTS stakeholders,

This global class action lawsuit against the IELTS consortium invites former IELTS clients to register for this lawsuit via the contact details shown below. These contact details also appear on the document attached.

Litigators, attorneys, law scholars, former IELTS test takers and others may contact Dr Jericho in confidence.

This lawsuit covers former clients of: IDP Education, IELTS, IELTS Canada, the British Council and Cambridge Assessment Group.


Dr J Jericho
Volunteer Coordinator
IELTS Refunds & Compensation Global Class Action Lawsuit
Tel. + 61 2 888 00 300

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